What can you do professionally? Examples of professional skills and abilities in a resume

Professional skills and personal qualities are a mandatory point when filling out an application or for any vacancy. In this section, you have the opportunity to express yourself by telling a potential employer about all your advantages. Some applicants are sure that the professional skills section is considered key. But they are not entirely right. Recruiters pay the same attention to it as they do to personal qualities. And often their inconsistency with a certain vacancy can cause a candidate to be rejected.

Professional skills and personal qualities: what should be avoided?

When filling out these items, follow one simple rule: be sincere. There is no need to invent something that does not exist. The deception will be revealed, and then the employer

will be extremely disappointed. Don’t write that you can, for example, work with Photoshop, although in fact you’ve only opened it a couple of times. Very often, recruiters give test task the candidate you like to determine the level of his knowledge, and here you risk getting into trouble. There is also no need to write in the “personal qualities” column, for example, that you are very sociable, sociable and quickly connect with other people common language person if this is not true. Another piece of advice: do not write too much or, conversely, too little about yourself in these paragraphs, keep it in moderation.

Professional skills and personal qualities: what should you write?

When listing your professional skills, list only those that are essential and relevant. For example, if you are writing a resume for a programmer position, then you will not need to indicate that you are good at computers, since this is already implied.


  • knowledge of PHP, JavaScript, C++, OOP;
  • with MySQL;
  • ability to optimize queries and tune databases;
  • working with the Zend framework.

Indicate everything you consider necessary. You can also open the requirements for the vacancy (if possible) and add from there everything that applies to you.

The employer is not fully interested in the personal qualities of the candidate. We are talking about what may be required of an employee. For example, there is no need to write that you are a kind and warm-hearted person, since this does not apply to work. Here is a list of what you can include in your resume:

  • diligence;
  • ambition (if we're talking about about leadership positions, vacancies requiring a creative and creative approach);
  • organization (this refers to both self-organization and the ability to organize the work of a team);
  • punctuality;
  • responsibility;
  • sociability (implies several concepts: the ability to quickly establish contact with other people, sociability, talkativeness);
  • initiative (the ability to take the situation into one’s own hands and develop new ideas and proposals);
  • good learning ability (the ability to quickly absorb new knowledge);
  • stress resistance (ability to work under stressful conditions).

Professional skills and personal qualities are two very important points, so treat them extremely carefully and do not try to deceive a potential employer.

Professional qualities for a resume

Professional qualities - this is how the totality can be characterized personal qualities, as well as all the skills that a person managed to acquire throughout his professional activities. They can help you improve in the future and bring tangible benefits to your company.

Sometimes there are qualities that can be called professional only conditionally. For example, if an applicant classifies a “developed sense of humor” as one of them, they are unlikely to attract the recruiter’s attention. Unless a person is looking for a job as a party host - then the sense of humor can still be called professional.

Strong professional qualities for a resume

  • desire for professional growth;
  • ability to persuade;
  • increased performance;
  • analytical thinking.

All this will allow the recruiter to navigate and understand how to communicate with you and what qualities of yours to try to better reveal during the interview.

For example, the same lack of experience can be complemented by such qualities as result orientation and quick learning. Thus, the employer, realizing that one cannot expect instant results from a new employee, still gets the opportunity to create from him exactly the kind of specialist that is required. If your future employer thinks ahead, you have a good chance.

Examples of professional qualities in a resume

It must be remembered that when listing any of the professional qualities, you need to coordinate this list with the requirements for the position. For example, accuracy can hardly be considered a professional quality and defining criteria for a candidate applying for a top manager position. But it can turn out to be a very tangible advantage for the position of secretary. Therefore, when choosing professional qualities for your resume, consider how relevant one or another of them will be for you in a future position.

Here are a few situations related to certain professions that require certain specific qualities.

Example of professional qualities for a manager's resume

  • responsibility;
  • performance;
  • ability to negotiate;
  • enterprise;
  • ability to make quick decisions.

Example of professional qualities for an accountant resume

  • diligence;
  • accuracy;
  • punctuality;
  • organization.

Example of professional qualities for a sales manager resume

  • the ability to find a common language with people;
  • public speaking skills;
  • ability to quickly navigate a situation;
  • creativity.

As you can see, the difference in professional qualities is obvious. It all depends on what vacancy you intend to apply for. But do not forget that the list of qualities should not be too long. If it contains about 10 points (or even more), then there is a high probability that your resume will be put aside: after all, the recruiter will get the feeling that you are simply praising yourself. Show moderation and the recruiter will appreciate your professional qualities in your resume.

You can interest an employer if you immediately write in your resume about what you can do. This will help him determine how quickly you can adapt and understand the nuances of the work. To understand how to write about your skills correctly, you can look at an example of professional skills in a resume. Just be sure to make allowances for your personal experience, employer requirements and specifics of the future position.

Possible professional skills

It is worth understanding that in this section of the resume you need to indicate your main skills. If you do not yet have work experience, you can enter the results of your pre-graduation internship. Almost all resumes can include the following skills:

  • working with a PC;
  • knowledge of foreign languages ​​(indicating your level) - this can be fluency, the ability to perceive written information and translate it with a dictionary;
  • ability to analyze documents;
  • planning work and organizing the labor process;
  • ability to make quick decisions.

But they should be used in cases where you do not have practical experience and any achievements.

Skills for Communication Careers

When sending your resume to an emerging vacancy as a sales consultant, you must describe your experience and indicate what you can do. The seller's professional skills may include the following:

  • experience in communication and direct sales;
  • ability to adapt and find an approach to the client;
  • ability to work in stressful situations, under pressure;
  • willingness to communicate politely, without imposing one’s own position;
  • the ability to step back, but at the same time fulfill your responsibilities;
  • ability to solve problems without involving administration.

You need to convince the employer that you can communicate with people and sell products.

But for a psychologist there will be different requirements. You can tell him what he has worked with and what he can do best. He may have the following professional skills:

  • diagnostics of personality and relationships;
  • solving problems in the team and family;
  • conducting tests and interpreting their results;
  • conducting trainings;
  • solutions to personal growth problems;
  • listening, empathy, reassurance;
  • finding approaches to each client;
  • implementation of psychological rehabilitation measures;
  • working with phobias, shocks, stress.

Skills of specialized specialists

The selection of candidates begins with resume assessment. If you want to get an interview, then indicate your main skills, without hoping that a couple of general phrases will be enough. You can look at an example of professional knowledge for a system administrator resume to understand what to include. The following skills can be distinguished:

  • practical experience in installing and diagnosing networks;
  • providing technical support and working with clients;
  • diagnostics of failures and problems;
  • experience working with servers, installing them and configuring them for specific tasks;
  • monitoring the operation of systems;
  • risk planning and development of IT structure restoration schemes;
  • ability to work with Windows programs;
  • knowledge of technical English;
  • installation of equipment, adjustment of its operation;
  • control of the appropriate level of information security;
  • working with technical documents.

Don't overdo the listing! Too many declared programs may raise doubts about your level of proficiency in each of them. After all, real competence is not acquired even in one month.

But professional skills in an accountant’s resume may look like this:

  • maintaining tax and accounting records;
  • knowledge of relevant legislation;
  • ability to work with accounting entries;
  • inventory skills;
  • ability to manage primary documents;
  • knowledge of the principles of calculating sick leave, accrual wages;
  • skills in writing and submitting reports;
  • knowledge of the Client-Bank system and specialized accounting programs;
  • ability to carry out mutual settlements, reconciliation acts.

You should not write about skills that you do not possess. After all, this can be revealed at an interview or on the first day of work.

To be an employee or head of a legal department, you must be able to work with documents and search for the necessary information.

As a lawyer, the following professional skills are generally expected:

  • ability to draw up and analyze submitted contracts;
  • negotiations;
  • representation in courts;
  • carrying out claim activities;
  • drafting legal documents;
  • support of the company's activities;
  • legal support for the organization’s work;
  • representation of the company in government agencies and various authorities;
  • ability to work with legal documents and legislative bases presented in electronic form.

Having indicated such skills, be prepared to confirm them at the interview. The employer may ask for specific examples or give you a practical task that will require these skills.


To get a job, a person must present himself correctly. A resume must be prepared that includes short biography applicant and lists the professional skills that he possesses. To a certain extent, the correct execution of this document determines whether a person will get a job or not.

Basic professional skills

Main signs good resume– presentable and concise.

It should list those professional skills that correspond to the vacancy. There is a list of basic characteristics that every modern applicant must have. They are divided into 4 groups. In the first category communicative:

  • negotiations;
  • competent written and oral speech;
  • resolution of conflicts and controversial situations;
  • ability to persuade;
  • working with objections and claims;
  • ability to speak in public.
  • time management;
  • budgeting;
  • project management;
  • strategic planning;
  • multitasking;
  • processing large amounts of information.
  • personnel management;
  • motivation;
  • idea generation;
  • analytics.

The fourth group is applied skills necessary for a particular profession. Scroll:

  • PC ownership;
  • "blind dialing";
  • handling office equipment;
  • knowledge of the MS Office software package;
  • knowledge of GOSTs, SNIPs;
  • conducting business correspondence;
  • ability to work with legal frameworks, knowledge of legislation;
  • office work;
  • knowledge of foreign languages;
  • personnel production.

Additional skills

There are professional skills, the presence of which is encouraged, although not considered mandatory. What additional skills can be listed on a resume:

  • attention to detail;
  • analytical skills;
  • flexibility;
  • communication skills;
  • punctuality;
  • management abilities.

Examples of professional skills in a resume

Sometimes it is very difficult to understand which skills are basic, which are additional, and which are better to be transferred to the “About Me” section or not mentioned. Below are examples of professional skills that can be included in a resume for vacancies:

  • manager;
  • manager;
  • economist;
  • engineer;
  • teacher;
  • bank employee;
  • accountant.

Manager skills

This position has many ramifications, which affects the list of skills you need to have when holding it. There are vacancies for a sales manager, purchasing manager, personnel training, personnel selection, etc. There are a number of general qualities that are important for performing job duties. You can include the following skills in your resume for a manager position:

  • handling objections;
  • conflict resolution;
  • PC knowledge;
  • processing large amounts of information;
  • sales experience;
  • office work;
  • working with office equipment and communications equipment;
  • communication in accordance with the rules of etiquette;
  • negotiations;
  • knowledge of the relevant market;
  • building stable relationships with clients, suppliers, and personnel.


All actions of a person holding this position should be aimed at establishing the effective operation of the enterprise.

An applicant for a managerial position can include the following specialized skills in his resume:

  • ability to persuade and motivate;
  • knowledge of foreign languages ​​(with listing and level of proficiency);
  • selection, training, control of personnel at all stages of the work process;
  • level of personal computer proficiency (be sure to list which programs you can use);
  • strategic thinking;
  • negotiations;
  • critical thinking;
  • ability to resolve conflicts;
  • delegation of authority;
  • management of temporary and labor resources;
  • forecasting, strategic planning;
  • search for non-standard management solutions;
  • organizational skills.


A person holding such a position must have higher education and analytical mind. In a resume for an economist position, you can indicate the following professional skills and knowledge:

  • PC proficiency (with a list of mastered programs, especially specialized ones);
  • accounting of company performance indicators;
  • maintaining bank accounts of individuals and legal entities;
  • knowledge of foreign languages ​​(listed, level);
  • economic analysis;
  • planning, maintaining and accounting of payments;
  • work with electronic reporting, translations;
  • management, conclusion of contracts;
  • documentation operations;
  • maintaining and submitting reports in accordance with rules and deadlines.


To hold this position, you need to have a variety of skills. What can be included in a resume:

  • PC skills and specialized programs (Compass, AutoCAD);
  • organization of construction and repair processes, management at all stages;
  • knowledge of regulatory documentation, laws and acts in the field of engineering design;
  • verification of design documentation;
  • Conducting daily quality control, recording the volume of work performed;
  • processing tender documentation;
  • development of engineering projects;
  • drawing up contracts, additional agreements;
  • maintaining technical documentation;
  • work with suppliers;
  • reading and drawing up drawings;
  • knowledge of the specifics of mechanisms of varying complexity.


Teachers and educators are special professions that require great dedication. For applicants for these vacancies, both specialized skills and personal qualities are equally important. When writing a resume for the position of teacher, you can list those of these characteristics that you possess:

  • mastery of modern teaching technologies;
  • motivation;
  • tutoring experience, individual lessons;
  • initiative;
  • broad outlook;
  • energy;
  • erudition;
  • effective communication skills;
  • flexibility, tolerance in communication;
  • decision making;
  • organization, planning;
  • critical thinking.

Bank employee

The position, as a rule, involves constant communication with people. To obtain it you may need the following professional knowledge:

  • sales experience;
  • tact, tolerance;
  • time management;
  • effective communication– the ability to listen to the interlocutor and give competent advice;
  • competent speech;
  • learning ability, easy assimilation of new information;
  • ability to motivate and persuade;
  • working with objections, searching for compromises.


The list of skills that a person holding this position must have is very large and may vary depending on the narrow specialization.

Professional knowledge that can be listed in a resume for an accountant vacancy:

  • conducting mutual settlements, reconciliation acts;
  • knowledge of relevant legislation;
  • maintaining accounting and tax accounting;
  • knowledge of the Client-Bank system and specialized programs;
  • accounting entries;
  • analytical thinking;
  • preparation and submission of reports;
  • planning;
  • carrying out inventory;
  • attentiveness;
  • payroll;
  • knowledge of the principles of calculating vacation pay and sick leave;
  • working with primary documents.

Professional skills on a resume without experience

If you have not yet had time to work anywhere, this does not mean at all that you do not have any skills. What knowledge can be reflected in a resume for people who have no professional experience:

  • PC ownership, computer programs;
  • theoretical and practical knowledge in the field mathematical modeling, marketing analysis, sociology (any field in which you received your education or did an internship);
  • experience in conducting sociological research(can be obtained during study);
  • knowledge of foreign languages ​​(English, Spanish, etc.);
  • skills acquired in certain part-time jobs (optional);
  • availability thesis with an "excellent" rating.

Common mistakes

You need to approach writing your resume very responsibly, because your career and future depend on it. When preparing a document, avoid the following mistakes:

  1. The optimal number of points is from 6 to 9. If you write too few skills, then the HR manager or company leader may get the impression that you do not have enough qualifications to fill the position. If there are too many of them, the document will raise doubts. The specialist may think that you have listed knowledge that you do not possess.
  2. Do not write professional skills that are not relevant to a specific job, even if you are very proud of them.
  3. Do not include personal qualities or character traits in the “Professional skills” paragraph. There is a separate section for them.
  4. Write about each professional skill not in an abstract way, but specifically, for example, “Work experience in wholesale sales - 5 years.” Operate with the words “I own”, “I know”, “I have experience”.
  5. Don't forget the principle of relevance. Write key skills first, additional ones later.
  6. Avoid template phrases and cliches.


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They are also a very important section that HR specialists pay attention to. Here you can highlight your additional professional skills and experience, which are your advantage among other applicants. Neither experience nor education will tell a potential employer about your skills. And it is very important, in combination with your achievements and professional knowledge, to create a clear, clear and beautiful picture for the employer. And among the variety of options presented, you need to understand what skills to write. Let's take a closer look.

First of all, it is worth indicating those skills that are relevant to the position being sought and do not conflict with the required competencies.

Examples of common key skills on a resume:

    Analytical thinking

    Ability to plan

    Developed oral and interpersonal communication skills

    Organizational skills

    Ability to prioritize

    Precision and care

Such skills are especially suitable for applicants without work experience, such as university students or graduates. When describing your skills, it is worth indicating everything that, one way or another, is related to the future position. This could be victories at Olympiads, competitions, or the organization of student events. Also, more and more employers require knowledge foreign language and computer skills. So you shouldn’t forget about this either. If you have already chosen the company where you are going to send your resume, you can use the requirements in the vacancy as a template to supplement the information about yourself.

Where should the skills section be located?

Typically, a “Key Skills” section is placed after the “Work Experience” section, summarizing your competencies, explaining what knowledge and other useful competencies you possess.

However, there is another option for building your resume by listing key skills immediately after your personal details and desired position. And then in the “work experience” column, explain exactly where and when you acquired these skills.

Professional skills in a resume - a sample example for university graduates without work experience

Vacancy: Marketing Analyst

Key skills:

Knowledge of sociology and marketing analysis;
Experience in conducting sociological research during study;
Diploma on the topic “Research of the marketing activities of a company”;
Excellent command of Russian and English languages;
Experience in writing articles for the university website;
Experience as a sales consultant, which contributed to the development of communication skills;
PC fluency, knowledge of Word, Excel, Power Point at the advanced user level.

Key skills in resume examples for different professions

First of all, when writing a resume for a specific vacancy, you need to carefully read the employer’s requirements. Often, this is where you can find tips on what exactly to include in the key skills section.

Below, we will give examples of various areas of employment and what is most often indicated in correctly composed resumes.

    experience in concluding commercial transactions;

    skills business communication, negotiations;

    experience working at exhibitions, product presentations;

    maintaining and expanding the client base;

    drawing up and concluding contracts;

    Maintaining primary accounting;

    control of shipment and delivery of goods;

    Experienced PC user, knowledge of 1C, Word, Excel;

For the position of head of the sales department, you should also add:

    Experience of replacing a department head;

    Personnel training;

    Coordinating the work of subordinates;

    Employee motivation.

Key skills in a resume example for a position

Usually programmers indicate knowledge of certain technologies and programming languages:

    knowledge of technologies and languages: J2SE, J2EE, JPA, JAXB architecture, Hibernate;

    Programming languages: Java, C++, PHP‚ JavaScript, Phyton; XML‚ HTML; SQL, JPQL;

    management software: SVN, Maven, Archiva, CruiseControl;

    administration of Unix OS: Linux Fedora/Ubuntu/Slackware/OpenSUSE‚ FreeBSD;

    databases: MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL

Key skills in a resume example for a position

    analytical thinking;


    accuracy and attention to detail;


    ability to solve problems effectively;

    knowledge: taxes, GAAP reporting, ACCA Dip IFR certificate, auditor certificate;

    knowledge of programs: 1C, BEST, SUN, CMS, Consultant, Garant, MS Office;

For the position of chief accountant, you should also add:

    More than 5 years of experience as a chief accountant;

    successful experience in managing an accounting department (up to 10 people);

    English language colloquial.