How a ring is removed in the emergency room. How to remove a ring from your finger if your finger is swollen

You have a favorite ring that you never part with for a minute. You leave it on when you go to bed or do household chores, such as washing dishes or cooking dinner. And then one fine day something happens that you never expected - the finger on which your favorite jewelry is located is swollen, and the ring cannot be removed.

If the finger does not acquire a blue tint, it means that this is not a critical situation and there is no reason to panic. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly, this will help you calm down. Only when you have completely calmed down can you remove the tight ring from your swollen finger.

Why can't I take it off?

Why do situations occur when it is impossible to easily remove a ring from your finger? Most often, women find themselves in such situations, since ladies like to wear jewelry constantly, without taking it off even while sleeping. But there are situations when men cannot remove a tight ring from a swollen finger.

So, people are at risk for the following reasons:

  • Initially, the ring was small in size. It was placed tightly on the finger and could compress the soft tissues, as a result of which blood circulated poorly and began to accumulate in the cyst. Because of this, swelling appeared.
  • You have recently experienced serious stress, due to which your muscles have begun to contract and a lot of muscle tone has appeared. In this regard, the finger could become thicker and the ring tighter.
  • Very often, swelling of the arms and legs appears in women latest dates pregnancy due to poor diet or drinking too much fluid. It is better to consult about this with the doctor with whom you are registered.
  • Swelling of the hands can also be caused by hot weather and drinking too much liquid.

  • If you ate a large amount of salty foods in the evening, your fingers may be swollen in the morning. You need to wait a little while for the swelling to subside naturally. You can speed up this process by raising your hands up.
  • Swelling may be a manifestation of an allergic reaction, for example, an insect bite, interaction with household chemicals, allergy to certain products nutrition. If you take anti-allergy medications, the swelling may go away and you can easily remove the ring.
  • The cause of swelling can also be considered to be interruptions in the functioning of the kidneys. In this case, you must consult a doctor for advice.
  • A swollen finger can be the result of an injury - a severe bruise or cut.

How to remove?

I would like to immediately note that folk remedies there is a lot of help in removing a small ring from a swollen or swollen finger. So, using one or more methods in combination, you can cope with an unpleasant situation.

Traditional methods for removing a tight ring from a swollen or swollen finger:

  • Slowly scroll your ring towards the end of your finger. Under no circumstances should you do this abruptly or forcefully pull the ring. This will make the situation even worse, because you can injure the skin and your finger will swell even more.
  • You can reduce friction by treating your finger in the ring area with oil (olive or sunflower), or you can rub your finger with soap, shampoo or Vaseline. Any product you have on hand will do, as long as it helps your skin become smoother and more elastic. Take any rag and, holding it by the ring, scroll your jewelry towards the end of your finger. Without the fabric, the ring will slide off and you won't be able to get a good grip on it to remove it.

  • Ice will help relieve swelling. Apply it to the swollen finger for 10 or 15 minutes. Do not put ice on the ring, since the metal tends to shrink when the temperature drops. Therefore, your already tight ring may become very small. For the same reason, it is not recommended to put your finger under running cold water. As soon as you see that the swelling has subsided a little, try to remove the ring using rotational movements.
  • A solution of table salt helps remove swelling from your finger. Pour cool water into a glass or other dish, preferably no more than 15 degrees, add table salt and hold your finger in the water for a short time, only so that the water does not touch the ring. After 5 to 10 minutes, the swelling should decrease and you can try to remove the ring.
  • You can raise your hands up and hold them in this position for 10 - 15 minutes, the outflow of blood from the extremities will help to reduce the swelling a little, and you will try to remove the tight ring from your finger.

  • Removing a ring from a swollen finger using a thread is one of the most difficult methods. You will need about a meter of silk or other thread. Thread the needle. Very carefully insert the needle and thread under the ring from the inside of your palm towards your hand. Pull out the needle. The long end of the thread needs to be wound around the finger from the ring to the end of the finger. The threads should fit tightly to each other, leaving no patches of skin. This way you mechanically reduce the size of your finger. You need to slowly pull the other end of the thread until the ring begins to come off.
  • Instead of thread you can use cling film, using it to wrap the finger around the ring. By using the film, you will also reduce the swelling of your finger and the ring should come off easily.
  • If the folds on your finger prevent you from removing the jewelry, ask your friends or acquaintances for help. They will help pull the skin down so you can remove the ring from your finger.

If during your attempts to remove the ring, you injure your finger. Be sure to treat it with antibacterial agents so that the wound does not get infected and the situation does not get worse. Regular alcohol or hydrogen peroxide is suitable for this.

Medicines to relieve swelling

In addition to traditional methods that help reduce swelling or swelling of the finger, there are also medications:

  • Solution with procaine. Apply it as a compress. This drug will help relieve pain, reduce sensitivity and, as a result, reduce swelling.
  • Troxevasin ointment can also help relieve swelling and swelling of the finger.
  • You can take anti-inflammatory drugs, such as diclofenac or naproxen. The only thing is that they have a significant drawback: you will have to wait a while for the drugs to work. The result of their action may also be slightly lower than that of external medications.

What to do if these methods do not help?

If you are unable to remove a tight or small piece of jewelry and you see that the situation is getting worse, for example, your finger has begun to take on a blue tint, the swelling or edema has increased, and you feel pain, do not experiment with your health, contact a specialist.

You can contact a jewelry maker who will carefully cut the ring. To avoid damaging your finger, he will insert a small piece of foil between your finger and the ring and use a special tool to saw the ring. In this case, the jewelry must be repaired. The same master will restore the original appearance of your jewelry.

Under no circumstances should you try to cut the ring yourself. You risk damaging your finger or losing it altogether.

If the jeweler was unable to remove the jewelry, then contact a medical facility: a hospital or emergency room.

Doctors will give you an anti-inflammatory injection and apply a tourniquet to your arm. The ring will have to be sawed or cut. Unfortunately, most likely, after such manipulation, your jewelry can no longer be restored. But don't be upset about it. In any case, remember - no piece of jewelry is worth risking your health for.

By the way, there are rings that cannot be cut or sawn. These are jewelry made from tungsten. Your finger will be placed in a vice and the ring will be squeezed until it bursts. Don't be afraid, your finger is in no danger, since tungsten cannot be deformed. The ring will crack and you will free your long-suffering finger.

How to avoid problems?

To avoid a repetition of this situation in the future, use these simple rules:

  1. Remove jewelry when sleeping.
  2. If you find out that you will soon be a mother, it is better to remove the rings or buy jewelry a size larger.
  3. Do not wear rings when doing household chores, washing dishes or floors, doing laundry, or preparing food.
  4. If for some reason your ring has become difficult to put on and take off, then contact a jeweler to increase its size or simply buy yourself a new accessory.
  5. Do not purchase very small jewelry that squeezes your finger.

Hello, my dear, my precious, my beloved regular readers! Dear guests, hello to you too! If you want the same warm greeting, just subscribe to the blog and make friends on social networks. And you can take the next kind words personally.

Each article that has already been written and the topics that I plan to consider are filled with very deep meaning and are not just entertaining in nature, but also educational, practical, and sometimes very useful. But this article will be a lifesaver for some.

Some may want to save some points so as never to lose them, others will re-read them several times and remember the most useful points. You are probably already all in anticipation, what will we talk about? Then I dare not keep you in the dark any longer. Today I will tell you how to remove a wedding ring from a swollen finger.

Relevance of the selected topic

It seems to me that not everyone understands the full depth of this issue the first time. It would seem that there is nothing easier than removing the ring. Why wait until the finger gets so big that it becomes a problem. Is it really like that? Not so!

In fact, there are moments in life when this situation is the result of a truly good reason. And there are an incredible variety of such situations:

  1. For example, pregnancy. Not all girls think about the fact that limbs often swell during pregnancy. Sometimes a sweet girl can’t even imagine that her belly is not yet visible, but her fingers and toes are increasing in width so much that they in some way resemble sausages rather than fingers. Or nothing foreshadowed trouble, and expectant mother She wears her wedding ring until she gives birth. But before giving birth, he decides to leave the jewelry at home (just in case), but he can’t take it off.
  2. And cases that are related to a person’s well-being. There are ailments that cause tumors and edema.
  3. An option that everyone can face is a bruise or a fracture, may the Higher powers save us all from this.
  4. A very common cause is an allergic reaction. It can be for food and hygiene products, as well as for clothing, medicines, etc.
  5. Excess fluid in the body due to eating highly salty foods or drinking too much drinks.

That’s why I want to tell you what to do in a situation where the wedding ring (although they are also suitable for other finger jewelry) cannot be removed.

Options for getting out of the situation

I am sure that the stronger half does not see any problems. After all, every real man has a box with tools that can easily and simply solve the situation. No finger, no problem. No, then there are even more problems: bandages, screams, clean the whole apartment. I'm kidding.

Simply with the help of special tools and male power You can remove any ring from any finger, even a very fat one. Well, as a last resort, you can contact a jewelry workshop or rescuers. But this is in the most critical case. It’s better not to let things get to that point.

The easiest ways

And I want to offer you the most effective methods.

You can combine the above methods. This will reduce swelling and reduce resistance.

  • If the cause is an allergic reaction of the body, then it is possible to use medications that will “shackle” it, and after a certain time you will be able to free yourself from the “shackles of love.”

One interesting and logical method from the point of view of physics: you need to cool the finger, but the ring should not be cooled. This can be done using luda cubes or a compress. Once your finger is cold enough, it will fall off and you can easily remove the ring from it. I apologize for the humor.

Of course, there is no time for humor in such a situation, but I am sure that I will help solve the problem quickly and correctly.

If you know other ways to relieve swelling, do not be shy and write your comments. If you can support your idea with a photo or video, that would be great. Just try to ensure that your method does not repeat the already proposed options.

A little more complicated

Now a little instruction so that you can easily and simply solve your problem.

  1. One end of the thread must be inserted under the ring from the finger side (towards the base).
  2. Leave about 15 cm of thread to the ring.
  3. Wind the thread tightly around your finger.
  4. Once the entire joint is wrapped, start pulling on the end of the thread that is left under the ring.

I found a good video that shows how to proceed. However, it seems to me that it is better to start by inserting one end, which is then used to tighten the jewelry shackles. Although it is clear here that this method really works and brings results.

I may not have given you 15 methods or even 10, but I am confident that using the information I have provided you, you will be able to remove the ring from your swollen finger.

Do not forget that there are medicinal ways to remove swelling (various diuretics and other medications aimed at eliminating the causes of swelling). But I will not advise you such a decision, because I do not have a medical education. And in this issue An unprofessional approach should not be allowed, because after solving one problem, another can be created.


I want to draw your attention and strongly insist that if you notice the following manifestations:

  • painful sensations;
  • finger numbness;
  • weakening of the finger during extension;
  • blueness or redness of the phalanx.

Remove the ring from your finger immediately, even if this means cutting the jewelry. I repeat, if you cannot do this on your own, seek help from jewelry makers, rescuers, or ambulance.

Dear my readers! I ask you to pay attention to this section. If you read it carefully and follow these rules, you will never find yourself in a situation the way out of which is written in this article.

  1. Do not wear jewelry if it is too small.
  2. Be especially careful when choosing your ring size when purchasing it.
  3. If you see that your fingers are swollen (from heat, excess moisture, after playing sports), then it is better not to try on jewelry.
  4. If the ring does get stuck on your finger, there is no need to panic, tug or pull. This will not help, but may lead to either injury or additional swelling of the joint.
  5. Choose your method. The main thing is to act quickly. Every minute can count.


After the “operation” is completed, first aid should be provided to one of the ten brothers.


It seems to me that I have collected as much information as possible and useful tips, which I shared with you! Don’t forget to leave your comments about which method worked best for you, and share your examples. Tell us how you got rid of the captivity of your jewelry.

If you are interested in finding out the answers to the questions: they are worn at weddings and these symbols of family happiness, then be sure to read other articles on the site.

I really hope that you liked my article and found it useful or simply informative. If so, then share it on social networks, offer friendship. Don't forget to subscribe to my blog.

I wish you never regret that you put on or did not have time to take off your wedding ring. I wish that the symbol of your love brings you only positive emotions and never causes painful or unpleasant sensations. Warmth, kindness and affection to you, dear friends! Bye, my dears!

Not only women, but also many men love to wear jewelry on their hands. Rare people manage to wear one ring throughout their life. Fingers get fat or thin along with the whole body, their diameter changes depending on a number of external conditions. from a swollen finger if it suddenly becomes small?

How to wear rings correctly?

Preference should be given to products made from But even they should not be worn constantly. It is recommended to remove all jewelry from your hands while doing dirty work, prolonged contact with water, and before going to bed. Remember that rings get dirty too. Wash them regularly in soapy water and use special solutions to remove plaque. If you notice that the ring is becoming too small for you, it's time to replace it with another one. Also, many jewelry shops offer resizing services. When purchasing new jewelry, choose ones that fit snugly enough without being too tight. In this case, you don't have to think about how to remove the ring from your finger. In hot weather, at elevated body temperatures, and during pregnancy, women are advised not to wear this type of jewelry or choose ones that are too large.

The main thing is to relieve swelling

Before you think about how to remove a ring from a swollen finger, try to understand why you fell into this trap? If the jewelry is the right size and there were no problems with it before, we are dealing with banal swelling from an excess of fluid in the tissues of the body. Focus on your condition. If the skin is of normal color and there is no pain, then you can wait a few hours until the swelling subsides on its own. To enhance the effect, take a diuretic or eat a product that speeds up the removal of fluid from the body. You can significantly speed up the process. To do this, place in a cool solution of table salt. Keep your hand in this bath for about ten minutes. Once the swelling subsides, try removing the ring.

Determining the appropriate temperature regime

In hot weather, your hands swell more. It is useless to try to remove a ring from a swollen finger when the air temperature is very high. But if you have nowhere to hide in the cool, try using ice. Metals expand in the cold, so only the skin above the ring needs to be cooled. Try not to touch the ice cube to the jewelry. You can place your finger under cold water. But this method will not help with severe swelling, as the ring will increase in size. If your finger is not swollen too much and the temperature conditions are normal, try lubricating the jewelry. Vaseline, oil and other compositions with a similar texture are suitable. The ring needs to be moved smoothly; it is better to spin it several times rather than try to jerk it off.

Most popular method

Today even in school they teach how to remove a ring from a swollen finger using a thread. You will need a thin needle and silk thread. Pass the thread under the ring towards the tip of your finger. Next, wrap your finger tightly around the ring. Using a thread, you should swaddle it, while reducing the diameter. Try removing the ring by sliding it across the bandage. You can wind the thread, leaving its initial end free below the decoration. Next, you just need to pull it, and the ring will begin to move. If you can’t pick up a piece of jewelry with a needle, try using medications. The most affordable option for homemade products is a napkin soaked in procaine. external use. After a compress with this drug, the swelling will subside a little, and you can try to remove the ring from the swollen finger yourself.

What to do if nothing works out?

Have you tried several methods, but the jewelry still sits firmly on your hand? Just don't panic. You can contact a specialized workshop. There the ring will be removed and sawed or cut with wire cutters. It is not recommended to perform such manipulations at home; you may damage your hand. There is no need to worry about the fate of the jewelry; cut rings can almost always be restored. If you managed to free your finger, but there were some wounds, try to rationally assess your condition. Normally, swelling should completely disappear after 5-6 hours. If it persists the next day, you should immediately go to the hospital even if there are no external injuries. If there are open wounds, they are all treated with a suitable antiseptic solution. Remember, doctors will always answer the question of how to remove a ring from a swollen finger. In a medical facility, you can get rid of jewelry without even damaging it. Perhaps a local injection with a drug that relieves swelling will be enough, or if, after trying to get rid of the ring on your own, the finger changes color, loses sensitivity, or, conversely, begins to hurt badly, you need to call an ambulance. If you continue treatment at home, it won't take long to lead to amputation. This is the case when you cannot refuse to go to the hospital.

A regular ring can cause discomfort if it gets stuck on your finger. This happens if it swells, increases in size and hurts. Before going to the doctor, try to cope with the situation yourself. It is important not to get confused, take your time and apply your knowledge to business. We will tell you how to remove a ring from a swollen finger.

Swelling leads to the impossibility of removing jewelry. The reasons for their appearance may be different, but the consequences are often similar: the ring cannot be removed from the finger, and it is unknown how to remove it.

Causes of edema:

  • Hot weather. When on the street high temperature air, doctors advise drinking more water to prevent fluid from accumulating in the body. Otherwise, your legs, arms, etc. will swell.
  • Pregnancy. When a woman is expecting a baby, she often drinks a lot of liquid, resulting in swelling. This is a fairly common but normal occurrence; the expectant mother just needs to limit her fluid intake and consult her doctor.
  • Allergic reactions due to insect bites or consumption of allergenic foods.
  • Mechanical damage. Swelling can form from a simple splinter.
  • Interaction with chemicals during work in production. In accordance with technical requirements, employees are required to wear protective clothing and gloves. Failure to follow safety rules leads to burns, swelling, and illness.
  • Body shape changes with age. Over the years, people often get fatter, their fingers get bigger, and if you don’t remove your jewelry periodically, one day it will become impossible to remove them.
  • Diseases. Swelling indicates that the body is not healthy, then you need to go to the doctor, get tested, undergo research.

To avoid such situations, it is better to remove the rings on hot days, before physical work, or going to bed, so that your hands can rest. It is also recommended to clean jewelry periodically.

When swelling first appears, try to solve the problem yourself. But if your finger is very swollen or blue, go to the doctor immediately.

How to remove a wedding ring from a swollen finger

Engagement gold ring stuck on a finger, it is valuable not only as decoration - it is a symbol of high relationships, and it is advisable to remove it unharmed.

If it is a classic engagement ring with a smooth sliding surface, it will be difficult to handle. Usually you have to see a doctor, use medications, and undergo treatment. In some cases, surgery is even indicated. Therefore, the question of how to remove a stuck ring from a finger often worries family people and, in particular, women 25-55 years old. They are ready to try all available methods so as not to damage the “relic”.

There are many proven folk methods, because our ancestors also wore jewelry and wondered how to remove a ring from a swollen finger at home. If a problem occurs, there is no need to go to the hospital; try the old popular methods of removing the ring.

The best ways to remove a ring from your finger:

  1. If the ring is not stuck on your finger too much, it can be easily and simply removed with soap; other slippery compounds will also work. Cover the swelling generously with oil, fat, cream, grab the ring with a hard cloth (so that your hand does not slip) and twist it towards the phalanx.
  2. Cool your hand in cold water, then lift it up (above your heart) and stand there for a while to limit the flow of blood to your hand.
  3. Apply ice, a frozen piece of meat, or whatever is in the refrigerator to the swollen area. You need to hold it for no more than 15-20 minutes to avoid frostbite. Such a compress should not fall on the jewelry, but on the swelling, since some metals shrink from the cold.
  4. Wet the swollen area with water or saliva, and then rotate the jewelry in the desired direction, slowly removing it. This method is very common and works if the swelling is small.
  5. Remove salt from your diet, it retains moisture in the body, and in a few days the swelling will subside on its own - from the arms and legs.
  6. Dilute salt or soda in water (two tablespoons per 1 liter) and dip your hand into the solution every 15 minutes. The swelling should go down.
  7. If the swelling is very painful, it is recommended to apply troxevasin, diclofenac, heparin ointment, leoton.
  8. Apply compresses. Cabbage, plantain, and wormwood are suitable for them. You need to cut the leaves, apply them to the sore spot and bandage them. Change every half hour.
  9. Cut an aloe or Kalanchoe leaf, squeeze out the pulp, apply it to the bruise and fix it. Grated potatoes are used in a similar way (they are squeezed out and applied through cheesecloth). Aloe juice has bactericidal properties, relieves muscle tension and skin irritation. Potatoes – relieves inflammation.
  10. The thread method is considered especially effective, but it must be used with skill. WITH detailed information can be found below.

How to remove a ring from a finger using thread

Thread a strong thread into the eye of the needle and, with the eye first, carefully pass the needle between your finger and the ring. The short end of the thread should be at the base of the finger on the outside.

Wrap the long end around your finger until the end. After this, pull the short end, and the thread will unwind itself, moving the ring down.

If one method does not bring results, you can combine several. For example, apply ice to the swelling, then apply Vaseline or cream and try to remove the jewelry.

Use of medications

A frequent question from patients: “I can’t take the ring off my finger, but it hurts more and more. How to relieve the pain?

First, it is advisable to treat the skin with antibacterial substances - antitumor ointment, aloe juice. Apply painkillers (for example, novocaine ointment) to the site of swelling. Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as diclofenac or naproxen, also help, but not immediately, but after a few hours (as they act on the body).

Signs of the need to go to the hospital will be: severe redness or cyanosis of the swelling site; unbearable throbbing pain; inability to flex the joint.

What to do if these methods do not help

What to do if the ring still does not come off? Don't panic, just see a doctor. At the clinic they will give you an anti-inflammatory injection, the swelling will go away, and the ring will be removed.

Rings are the most common type of jewelry and are worn by both women and men. of various ages. Sometimes it happens that for some reason it becomes difficult or even impossible to remove the ring. Most often this happens due to swelling of the extremities during heat, during pregnancy and after weight gain. The finger swells, the ring “bites” into the skin and brings a lot of unpleasant sensations.

Trying to remove a ring from a swollen finger can be painful and result in bruising. As a result of strong compression, the capillaries burst, and the blood spreads under the skin, forming a bruise.

Shulepin Ivan Vladimirovich, traumatologist-orthopedist, highest qualification category

Total work experience over 25 years. In 1994 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Medical and Social Rehabilitation, in 1997 he completed a residency in the specialty “Traumatology and Orthopedics” at the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after. N.N. Prifova.

If for some reason you were unable to remove the ring, do not panic and continue tugging at the jewelry, injuring your finger. There are many in various ways painless “getting rid of the ring:

  1. The most popular and simplest method is to remove the ring after lubricating your finger Vaseline, cream, oil, soap solution, that is, any “slippery” composition. The other hand is wrapped in cloth so that it does not slip, and they begin to scroll the ring towards the fingertip clockwise or counterclockwise.
  2. You can remove the ring from a swollen finger using a thread. The thread is pulled under the ring; this can be done using a regular thin needle. The long end of the thread is wound tightly around the finger, and the short end is pulled. The thread, unwinding, will gradually pull the ring up.

Advice! It is best to use silk thread.

  1. If your fingers are swollen due to the heat, a little hold your hands in cold water or attach to skin ice around the ring, and then lift the swollen limbs up for a few seconds to reduce blood flow. Cold helps to constrict blood vessels, thereby reducing swelling.

Important! When exposed to low temperatures, metal tends to “shrink”.

Therefore, the ring should not be allowed to come into direct contact with the ice.

  1. You can relieve swelling from your fingers by immersing your hands in a saline solution. Pour a few tablespoons of salt into a container with cold water and dip your swollen fingers in there for 10-15 minutes. You can steam your hands in a salt bath. A tablespoon of salt is poured into a glass of hot water. Keep your hands in the liquid for at least 15 minutes. This procedure effectively combats swelling of the limbs.
  2. Compress from potatoes or cabbage leaves helps relieve swelling after a bruise. The raw material is applied to the injured finger, bandaged and left overnight.

Sometimes the ring is difficult to remove due to excess fluid in the body, for example due to a recent feast with salty food and alcohol. In this case, it is enough to reduce your fluid intake, and after a few days the ring can be removed without much effort.


After unsuccessful attempts to remove the ring using traditional methods, many people panic. You shouldn’t do this, as there are several other ways to get rid of jewelry.

  1. A compress is applied to the swollen finger novocaine or procaine, or any anti-inflammatory ointment. Anesthetic included medicine relieves swelling, reduces sensitivity and pain.

Advice! Troxevasin ointment effectively fights edema.

  1. Can be applied to finger ointment for insect bites, which relieves swelling.

When to Seek Medical Help

Some people, in vain attempts to remove the ring, cut the jewelry themselves to free the finger.

If the ring cannot be removed, and the finger does not bend, is very swollen or turns blue, you should immediately go to the emergency room.

Specialists will carefully remove the jewelry by squeezing it in a vice or sawing it. In some cases, doctors give anti-inflammatory injections into the finger to relieve swelling.

Important! A blue finger indicates a disruption in normal blood circulation. Cutting off the blood supply to a limb can lead to amputation.

Cautions and methods of prevention

To prevent this situation from occurring, it is important to follow simple tips:

  • choose the right ring size;
  • periodically remove the jewelry in order to notice in time when it becomes too small;
  • be sure to remove rings before sports training, housework, etc.;
  • do not wear rings in hot weather;
  • remove rings before festive feasts;
  • Avoid metal jewelry during pregnancy;
  • remove the ring at the slightest feeling of discomfort.

If the ring is “stuck” and cannot be removed, you need to calmly assess the situation in order to understand possible reason what happened. If traditional methods turned out to be useless, it is better to immediately seek help from specialists. Health is more important than any jewelry.

The simplest and effective way remove a ring from a swollen finger