Corvalol before or after meals. Corvalol effects of long-term use

Corvalol is a sedative that is especially popular with the elderly. The composition of the penny drug includes phenobarbital (another name is luminal) - a powerful synthetic drug from the group of barbiturates. Let's try to figure out whether Corvalol is really used by drug addicts and whether the drug can cause pathological dependence.

Can addiction occur?

Corvalol, Valocordin are not included in the official list of narcotic drugs, but phenobarbital - the main active ingredient of the drug - belongs to psychotropic substances. This is due to the interest in the drug on the part of drug addicts. The circulation of pure barbiturates is limited, a prescription is required to purchase them. Corvalol is sold freely and costs a penny.

In addition to phenobarbital, the sedative drug contains bromisovaleric acid and alcohol - this is an explosive mixture, which, in combination with alcohol, allows you to get an effect similar to a narcotic one. Barbiturate in the composition of Corvalol inhibits the transmission of nerve impulses to the brain: there is a feeling of drowsiness, apathy, the reaction rate decreases.

Drug dependence on barbiturates develops gradually: with regular use (0.5–1 bottle daily), Corvalol is addictive after a month. To achieve the effect, you have to increase the dose. Barbiturates accumulate in the blood, which increases the risk of overdose in drug addiction.

Phenobarbital in the composition of the drug does not give a powerful “high”, like, for example, opiates, but the exit from an artificially inhibited consciousness is accompanied by unpleasant sensations:

  • Anxiety, a state of nervous overexcitation appear.
  • Sleep is disturbed.
  • Vision deteriorates.
  • The heartbeat quickens.
  • There may be hallucinations (similar to those that occur with delirium tremens), convulsions.

According to statistics, 55-60% of Corvalol lovers are addicted.

This is how physical addiction to the drug is formed. According to statistics, 55-60% of Corvalol lovers are affected by it.

Why drug addicts use the drug

Addiction to Corvalol can be unconscious - in the case of older people who unknowingly use the medicine too often . But drug addicts use the drug for a specific purpose - to plunge into a state of pleasant lethargy, illusory euphoria. A similar effect occurs due to the presence of phenobarbital.

AT pure form this substance from the barbiturate group is a dangerous drug, which is a white crystalline powder. It is odorless, poorly soluble in water, bitter in taste. The barbiturate salt is obtained by evaporating corvalol at high temperature. Some do this: they pour Corvalol into a flat dish, the liquid gradually evaporates, and the resulting precipitate is phenobarbital. The maximum narcotic effect is achieved 1-1.5 hours after the use of barbiturates:

  • There is a feeling of slowness.
  • Apathy develops, a sense of detachment from the whole world, anxiety and anxiety disappear.
  • There is a feeling of superiority over others.
  • The hypnotic effect of the substance is manifested - the addict feels severe drowsiness.

Corvalol in combination with alcohol can act on the human body in the same way as, for example, marijuana or opiates.

A similar narcotic effect can be achieved when taking Corvalol in combination with alcohol or other psychoactive substances, such as marijuana or opiates. Corvalol addicts drink at first 2-3 bottles of medicine daily, but then, as they get used to it, the dosage has to be increased.

Dependence on Corvalol (also called barbiturate substance abuse) leads to serious consequences: respiratory depression, heart rhythm disturbances, and the nervous system suffers. The desire to increase the amount of the drug often leads to an overdose, as a result of which death can occur without timely treatment.

What will the tests say?

Since Corvalol contains a substance from the barbiturate group, a blood test will definitely show their presence if you regularly use the drug. A drug test will be positive even if a person often takes a sedative for pain in the heart, with increased anxiety, etc. Barbiturates are removed from the blood for a long time - this will take at least 3-4 weeks.

Corvalol addict can be recognized by external signs: he is characterized by increased drowsiness, apathy, a state of detachment, indifference to everything. The main symptom is the obvious smell of Corvalol from clothes and skin. It is difficult to kill him even with large doses of alcohol. An addicted person constantly carries several vials of the drug with him, and if it is impossible to use the next dose, he becomes aggressive, irritable, his hands shake, and tachycardia appears.

Despite the fact that Corvalol is not officially a drug, the use of this drug in large doses leads to pathological dependence. Corvalol addicts take the drug for the same purpose as heroin addicts, marijuana addicts or cocaine addicts. The result of addiction is the same - addiction and an increased risk of death from an overdose. Therefore, it is necessary to treat addiction only in narcology.

Corvalol is a sedative popular in the countries of the former USSR, but banned in Poland, Germany, the USA, Norway, and Lithuania. Prohibitive measures were taken due to the presence of the psychoactive compound phenobarbital in the composition of Corvalol, as well as the toxic bromine-containing component.

What makes the drug popular with Russians who drink an average of 40 railway tanks of medicine a year? And today we will talk in more detail about the indications and instructions for the use of Corvalol drops and tablets, its price, reviews, composition, analogues.

Features of the drug

The combined drug Corvalol exhibits a sedative, vasodilating effect, is used against insomnia, as a sedative for stress, emotional stress. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation recognized Corvalol as a drug with a low content of a psychoactive substance, allowed it to be sold without a prescription, and plans to refuse to prescribe this drug to patients in the future, replacing it with more modern drugs.

When using Corvalol, it must be remembered that this remedy does not cure diseases of the heart, nervous system, but only eliminates the manifestations of the disease.

This video will tell about the dangers and benefits of Corvalol:

Composition of Corvalol

The active ingredients of the drug Corvalol:

  1. ethyl ester of alpha-bromovaleric acid (ethyl bromoisovalerianate);
  2. phenobarbital;
  3. peppermint leaf oil.

Auxiliary substances of Corvalol in drops are:

  • ethanol;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • purified water.

Auxiliary components in tablets - betadex, lactose, potato starch, magnesium salts.

Dosage forms

Corvalol is produced in alcohol drops, tablets for resorption sublingually (under the tongue). Tablets are packed in blisters of 10, 30 and 50 pieces.

Alcohol drops are packaged in dark glass bottles with a capacity of 15 ml, 25 ml, 50 ml. Alcohol tincture has a strong specific aroma. The average price of Corvalol tincture is:

  • for a container of 15 ml - 16 rubles;
  • 25 ml - 23 rubles;
  • 50 ml - 33 rubles.

Prices for Corvalol can vary between 9 - 120 rubles. The cost of 10 Corvalol tablets is 18 rubles.

pharmachologic effect

Corvalol belongs to the group of sedatives, is a combination drug that exhibits a calming, antispasmodic, vasodilating effect, contributing to the normalization of sleep.

The video below will talk about both the composition and the properties of Corvalol:


The properties of Corvalol are determined by the total effect of its active components.

  • The main active ingredient is ethyl bromisovalerianate. This compound eliminates the spasm of the smooth muscles of the internal organs, calms, relaxes the nervous system.
  • Phenobarbital has the ability to act on the central nervous system, directly removing the excitation of the nerve centers of the brain. The sedative effect of phenobarbital is less pronounced.
  • Peppermint oil, irritating the "cold" sensitive nerve endings of the oral cavity, selectively expands the vessels of the brain, coronary vessels that feed the heart muscle. The oil exhibits choleretic, antiseptic activity, helps to eliminate flatulence.


The action of the drug in tablets begins in the oral cavity. The positive effect of the drug on the patient's well-being when the tablet is resorbed under the tongue appears almost instantly.

The effect of Corvalol when taken in the form of drops is noticeable after 10-30 minutes. The duration of action of the drug when taken in tablets and drops is 6 hours.

Of the active ingredients of Corvalol, the pharmacokinetics of phenobarbital has been most studied. This compound is well absorbed, has the ability to accumulate in the body. The half-life of phenobarbital is 2-4 days. The compound is decomposed into simple components in the liver, excreted by the kidneys in the form of a glucuronide, partially (25%) unchanged.

In old age, with impaired liver function, the half-life of the drug from the body is lengthened. This requires correction of the dosage of the drug in the direction of decreasing, increasing the intervals between doses of the medication.

What helps Corvalol, how to take it, we will tell further.


  • Functional disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • sleep disorders;
  • neurosis-like states;
  • , spasms of the vessels of the heart;
  • spasms of the intestines.

Instructions for use

  • For adults, Corvalol tablets are prescribed 1 tablet for an attack of tachycardia, spasms of blood vessels. If necessary, the dosage of the drug can be increased to 3 tablets.
  • Alcohol tincture of Corvalol is taken with water, 10-30 drops or on a piece of sugar. The maximum single intake of tincture should not exceed 50 drops.

The treatment regimen is chosen by the doctor individually. The drug is taken no more than 3 times a day, the duration of the course of treatment depends on the patient's condition, the dynamics of the disease.

According to the instructions, Corvalol is not allowed to be used for treatment earlier than 18 years. In acute situations, the doctor may prescribe the child to take the drug at the rate of 1 drop for each year of age.

You can give medicine to children no more than once a day, in the amount of 3-15 drops. Treatment should be supervised by a doctor due to the lack of data on the effect of Corvalol on the children's body.


  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • heart disease;
  • renal, liver failure.

Corvalol is not allowed during pregnancy due to the ability of its phenobarbital component to penetrate the placental barrier and have a teratogenic effect on the fetus. Taking medication during pregnancy can provoke the appearance of congenital anatomical deformities, a violation of the formation of internal organs.

Side effects

The most dangerous side effect of Corvalol is psychological addiction to phenobarbital. And, if the physical dependence on phenobarbital is weakly expressed, then the mental dependence is formed quickly.

Mental dependence makes you take the treasured vial with you everywhere, in all difficult situations, resort to its magical calming effect, simultaneously increasing the concentration of bromine contained in ethyl bromisovalerianate in the body.

Signs of bromine poisoning are:

  • inhibition of the functions of the central nervous system;
  • tendency to depression;
  • confusion;
  • lack of coordination.

Taking Corvalol can cause side effects from:

  • nervous system - inability to concentrate,;
  • of cardio-vascular system - ;
  • digestive system - nausea, vomiting, stomach pain.

special instructions

The drug, mainly due to the presence of phenobarbital in its composition. This component is destroyed in the liver, like alcohol, which leads to an increased load on it.

Phenobarbital, which is part of Corvalol, has the property of enhancing the effect of sedatives. Corvalol is combined with caution with sleeping pills, analgesic drugs, it is not recommended to drink the drug with drugs that metabolize in the liver - hormonal drugs, antibiotics, contraceptives.


Exceeding the dose of Corvalol is accompanied by dizziness, inhibition of brain activity. If the symptoms of an overdose of Corvalol do not disappear after discontinuation of the drug, the patient is washed with a stomach, cause " ambulance».

In severe conditions, it is possible:

  • neuromuscular violation of the coordination of muscle work -;
  • , increased heart rate;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • , coma.

Prolonged use of the drug can cause dependence, and if treatment with Corvalol is canceled, it can cause a withdrawal syndrome.

Corvalol is a drug that has a sedative and hypnotic effect. Indications for its use are:

  • intestinal spasms;
  • initial stages of hypertension;
  • insomnia;
  • tachycardia;
  • angina pectoris (in combination with nitrates);
  • neuroses with increased irritability.


Corvalol helps to remove nervous tension, eliminate the effects of stress, improve sleep. That is why it is often taken by many people, and often without a doctor's prescription. But the composition of this drug includes phenobarbital and long-term uncontrolled treatment with it leads to the formation of drug dependence, causes a rather life-threatening overdose. Therefore, in the EU and the USA, this remedy is sold in pharmacies only by prescription. Unfortunately, in Russia and the CIS countries Corvalol can be purchased by anyone and therefore cases of overdose are quite common.

For adults, Corvalol is usually prescribed 15-20 drops three times a day. And only in case of severe tachycardia, up to 40 drops can be taken once.

Over time, patients develop addiction to Corvalol and the usual doses of the drug cease to have the desired effect. As a result of this, they begin to take it in large dosages and much more often. If you take 10 ml of Corvalol, which corresponds to half a bottle, within a short time period, this will lead to overdose symptoms.

An overdose of Corvalol can also develop when taking low doses of the drug. This is observed when it is combined with alcohol, tranquilizers, antidepressants or sedatives, as they potentiate, that is, increase the inhibitory effect of the drug on the central nervous system.

Long-term treatment with Corvalol can cause not only the formation of drug dependence, but also a chronic overdose of the body with ethyl bromisovalerianate, which also leads to a number of pathological changes.

Signs of an overdose

An acute overdose of Corvalol occurs when a person accidentally or intentionally takes a very high dose of the drug, significantly exceeding the therapeutic one, for a short period of time.

Acute overdose of mild Corvalol usually manifests itself:

  • drowsiness;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • decreased concentration and performance;
  • movement coordination disorders.

For an overdose of Corvalol of moderate severity, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • deep sleep, in which it is possible to wake a person with great difficulty;
  • rapid heart rate (tachycardia).

With a severe overdose of Corvalol, the condition of patients worsens significantly. They are observed:

  • violations of the correct rhythm of the heart;
  • rapid shallow breathing;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • muscle twitching, turning into generalized convulsive seizures.


Pronounced hypotension becomes the cause of the development of a collaptoid state in the patient, which later, against the background of increasing hypoxia of organs and tissues, passes into a coma. If the patient is not provided with urgent medical care, then a fatal outcome may occur.

Chronic overdose of Corvalol, or rather ethyl bromisovaleriant, which is part of it, manifests itself:

  • indifference to the surrounding reality;
  • depressive state;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • the appearance of acne.

Long-term treatment with Corvalol leads to the formation of drug dependence, which is associated with the phenobarbital contained in the drug. Its presence can be assumed on the basis of the following signs:

  • depressed mood;
  • tired look;
  • self-doubt;
  • impaired concentration;
  • inadequate reaction to loved ones.

The intensity of the severity of these signs significantly weakens after taking the next dose of Corvalol.

First aid for overdose

In case of acute overdose of Corvalol, it is necessary first of all to perform a gastric lavage. The patient is offered to drink about one liter of pure water, and then, by pressing the fingers of the hand on the root of the tongue, they cause him to vomit. This simple procedure should be performed at least 3-4 times in order to thoroughly cleanse the stomach of the remnants of the taken Corvalol.

After gastric lavage, the patient is allowed to take one of the sorbent preparations. It can be Smecta, Enterogel, Filtrum STI or Activated carbon. They absorb Corvalol contained in the digestive tract and retain it, preventing it from being absorbed and entering the bloodstream.

In case of an overdose of Corvalol, it is necessary to try to maintain contact with the patient, preventing him from falling asleep. If there is no severe vomiting, then it is often necessary to water the poisoned person, as this will increase the amount of urine separated and thereby accelerate the removal of Corvalol from the body.

With a chronic overdose of Corvalol or the development of drug dependence, the first first aid is to stop further use of this drug.


There is no specific antidote for corvalol.

When is medical attention needed?

Even with mild degrees of overdose of Corvalol, it is imperative to seek medical help, since at any time the condition of the victim may suddenly and dramatically worsen. Moreover, a visit to a doctor is necessary in case of an overdose of moderate and severe Corvalol.

In a hospital, patients with an overdose of Corvalol undergo gastric lavage using a gastric tube and begin symptomatic therapy aimed at preventing the development or restoring existing dysfunctions. cardiovascular system and respiratory failure.

For the speedy removal of Corvalol from the body, forced diuresis is performed with alkalization of the blood with sodium bicarbonate solution, hemosorption and / or extracorporeal hemodialysis.

In case of severe respiratory failure, tracheal intubation is performed and the patient is transferred to artificial lung ventilation.

For the treatment of chronic overdose of Corvalol, abundant salted drinking and the use of diuretics (Lasix, Veroshpiron, Hypothiazid) are indicated.

Therapy of drug dependence on Corvalol requires long-term therapy, which is carried out jointly by toxicologists, narcologists and psychotherapists.

Possible Complications

Severe degrees of overdose with Corvalol are quite dangerous. They can be fatal, even if timely medical attention is provided.

An overdose of Corvalol is often complicated by pneumonia, impaired renal function. In the long term, neurological disorders (depression, staggering gait) can be observed, which are caused by toxic and hypoxic encephalopathy.

In the elderly, chronic overdose can cause:

  • reducing the reaction rate;
  • memory impairment;
  • difficult thinking;
  • impaired coordination of movements.

All of the above often leads to falls in older people, which can lead to fractures.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Orvalol is a drug based on a derivative of bromine and phenobarbital, which has a sedative (sedative), antispasmodic (vasodilating) and mild hypotensive (lowering blood pressure) an effect that is prescribed for neurotic conditions, insomnia, sinus tachycardia and heart pain of neurogenic origin.

According to profile studies, this is a drug with highly questionable clinical efficacy. At least if we consider it from the standpoint of the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Therefore, the limits of its use are small, which does not negate the fact that neither patients nor even doctors are aware of its inferiority as a drug.

There are three main components. Considering each one individually:

  • Bromine derivative. The ester of bromoisovaleric acid. This substance is obtained from the essential oil of valerian. Used as a sedative compound, has a sedative effect, normalizes vascular tone as much as possible.

However, the clinically significant effect is minimal and practically does not depend on the dosage. But with illiterate use, a provocation of complications and severe side effects is possible.

  • Peppermint oil. It is used as an additional component that enhances the action. Reflexively dilates blood vessels, relieves their spasm. Because it irritates the receptors on the mucous membranes.

The boundaries of the beneficial effect significantly depend on the individual characteristics of the patient's body. This is a highly unreliable result.

  • Phenobarbital. Serious psychotropic component. It has a pronounced sedative (sedative) effect, but is presented in such an insignificant amount in the composition of Corvalol that it is not of great clinical significance.

Also, the substance is able to normalize sleep, which makes the drug an assistant for restoring circadian rhythms. But only in mild cases, when there are no organic changes in the central nervous system.

The release form is liquid. There is also Corvalol in tablets that helps as a means of urgent action (the tablet can be put under the tongue, thus bypassing the digestive tract to get the fastest effect). More often, a solution is used, which is used drip, in a diluted form.

The concentrated type provokes burns of the oral cavity due to the presence essential oils, can cause bronchospasm and reflex respiratory arrest. Which is a big danger.

Based on the composition, we can assume the main pharmacological characteristics of the drug, the scope of its use.

Indications for use

If you believe the generalized list of reasons for prescribing the named remedy, it will look like this:

  • . Coronary insufficiency with narrowing of the arteries of the same name that feed the heart. The intensity of discomfort in this case is great. Doctors prescribe Validol, Valocordin and others, including Corvalol. Only the second of the presented list has a pronounced effect. Others are of no clinical relevance and would be a waste of time to use.

  • Instability of behavior, mood. Against the background of mild disorders of the central nervous system. Severe organic lesions of the central nervous system negate the beneficial effect of the drug.
  • Neurosis of varying severity. Including hypochondria, when the patient looks for and finds diseases, deadly conditions in himself.

anxiety disorders. In the absence of a clinically significant effect, tranquilizers and antidepressants are resorted to. Try Corvalol as a sedative is worth it, because the situation may not be as difficult as it seems.

  • Disorders of circadian rhythms. Corvalol for insomnia can provide invaluable assistance due to the presence of phenobarbital, which depresses the central nervous system and provokes drowsiness. Previously, it was this substance that was used in the drugs of the same name, but due to the high risk of side effects, wide availability and popularity among suicides, the release was stopped.
  • psychogenic nature. Simply put, pain in the heart that is not of organic origin. Against the background of complete well-being. In this case, the agent is taken as a condition corrector in the event of another episode of discomfort.

It must be said that the intensity of such sensations can be extremely high. It makes sense to call an ambulance. Treatment is based on the situation. Only with pain in the heart of psychogenic origin, Corvalol will help without risks and complications.

  • . Not always. You need to look for the reason for this. If the problem is in violation of the exchange of ions, specific substances, there will be little or no meaning from the drug at all.

  • Condition preceding arterial hypertension. With tonometer levels of 140 x 90 mmHg. In such a situation, Corvalol will help slow down the development of the pathological process. But you shouldn't delay visiting a doctor. He will give recommendations on lifestyle and recovery measures. Possible to prevent.

There is also evidence of the effectiveness of Corvalol in spasm of the intestines, ureters, and uterus. The drug was originally produced as an analogue, because they have almost identical properties.

Dosing regimen

The drug is taken orally, before meals, previously dissolved in a small amount (30-50 ml) of water.

Adults- 15-30 drops 2-3 times / day. A single dose, if necessary (for example, with a high pulse), can be increased to 40-50 drops.

children- 3-15 drops / day (depending on age and clinical picture of the disease).

The tablet form is prescribed for 1-2 pcs. 2 times a day. With a rapid heartbeat, a single dose can be increased to 3 pieces, while you can drink more than 6 pieces per day.

The tablet is placed under the tongue (for faster action), or washed down with water.

The duration of the drug is set by the doctor individually.

How Corvalol helps with various conditions

Neurotic disorders

Represented by a wide group of deviations. Anxious forms, obsessive-compulsive types, hypochondria.

The basis of the pharmacological effect in this case is phenobarbital and a derivative of bromine. Both have a mild sedative effect.

However, precisely because of its low efficiency, Corvalol is not widely used either in the practice of neurologists or in the framework of the activities of psychotherapists.

Preference is given to drug-free methods or products with proven high pharmaceutical activity.


It has a huge number of reasons for development. It is difficult to say unequivocally about the factors of formation without examination.

Moreover, doctors almost never resort to prescribing Corvalol, because there is little point in this.

As a sleeping pill, it can be used only in case of a temporary, situational deviation. For example, when changing time zones and similar disorders.

Psychogenic cardialgia

The ability of Corvalol to reduce the excitability of the central nervous system is used.

The exact mechanism for the development of discomfort is not known. It is assumed that the problem is in the excessive generation of electrical signals by the brain, which are transmitted to the myocardium.

Due to the presence of phenobarbital and a derivative of bromine in the composition, it turns out to reduce the intensity of movement and the production of such. Therefore, in the described case, Corvalol is considered an effective drug.

Sinus tachycardia

The effectiveness is debatable. If there is a neurogenic origin, then there is again a reason for the excessive excitability of the central nervous system.

Often, increased heart rate is a functional disorder that has no anatomical basis.

There will be no action at all from the use of Corvalol in tachycardia, if organic lesions are present, it is not worth wasting time.

Extracardiac events, muscle spasms

The presence of peppermint in the composition allows the use of medication for cupping pain syndrome against the background of abnormal contraction of the smooth muscles of the organs. Uterus, intestines with colitis, biliary tract disorders.

The action of Corvalol is reflex, but it is impossible to call the drug a full-fledged antispasmodic. How not to use it in isolation. Only as a help to others, for example, Drotaverin, No-shpe and other names.

Angina pectoris (angina pectoris)

Due to the presence of the same essential compound of peppermint, it is assumed that Corvalol helps with angina, which is far from the truth.

The narrowing of the arteries that feed the heart is too pronounced, because it is provoked by non-neurogenic factors. So neither mint nor phenobarbital will have any effect.


There are not many reasons for refusing medication. In the vast majority of cases, it is possible to use Corvalol without significant restrictions.

Among those present:

  • Severe renal dysfunction. The question is debatable what to consider as such. Usually the problem is identified through laboratory research, based on the subjective understanding of the treating specialist.
  • Liver failure. Same. It is worth determining the indicators of creatitin, bilirubin and others through a biochemical study of venous blood. The levels of specific substances make it possible to identify the pathological process. Both contraindications are relative, everything is decided at the discretion of the treating specialist.
  • Intolerance to the components of the drug. Mostly allergic reactions. Mint, a bromine derivative from valerian, both of these substances have a high potential, the ability to induce an immune response.

Severe allergic reactions are detected even if you just drop the solution on clean skin. There is redness, itching, burning. In such a situation, you can not use Corvalol at all.

  • Current acute myocardial infarction.
  • Cerebellar dysfunction.
  • Diabetes mellitus in the phase of decompensation.
  • Tendency to addictions to psychoactive substances. The presence of alcoholism, drug addiction in history.

Doctors also point out the need for careful use in a polyvalent immune response. This is a rare but possible situation.

The bottom line is a multiple allergic reaction, which is provoked by drugs from several groups at once. It is impossible to say in advance how the body will react to Corvalol.

Side effects

According to profile studies, the drug provokes a lot of undesirable phenomena. Especially when used in high doses. Just in "horse" concentrations it is usually used.

Over the course of several days, Valocordin causes impaired memory, thought processes, a drop in libido and erectile ability (potency) in the stronger sex. Probably the development of hallucinatory disorders, especially at night.

All these phenomena are associated with the presence of phenobarbital in the composition.

Barbiturates have a psychotropic effect, therefore, it is not without reason that narcologists recognize Corvalol as a dangerous drug with minimal activity in a useful way, and with an extremely high position of adverse events.

In addition to the already mentioned, the drug often provokes allergic reactions, from simple urticaria and skin rashes to severe problems like Quincke's edema, an attack of bronchial asthma, anaphylactic shock (rarely).

Let's summarize

Indications for the use of Corvalol are minimal and vague, therefore, the profile community, cardiologists and psychotherapists do not recommend its use.

In the vast majority of cases, this is unsafe, and also useless. The meaning of the reception is completely lost.

For this reason, the list of situations when the medicine can be used is determined by the doctor; it cannot be taken without consultation.

Not everyone knows how to drink Corvalol with maximum health benefits. This tool is in every home first aid kit. Despite the fact that drops have a wide range of applications, there are certain contraindications. An overdose of corvalol can lead to serious negative consequences.

Corvalol is a familiar stranger

Corvalol or its analogue Valocordin are considered something like the usual Valerian. However, this is not the case. Corvalol is a complex vasodilator medicine with a calming effect. First of all, it is assigned to chronic insomnia, neurotic and hypochondriacal syndrome, at an early stage of hypertension. As an antispasmodic, Valocordin or Corvalol is used to get rid of gastric and intestinal colic, relieve symptoms of functional disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Corvalol contains synthetic and herbal ingredients:

  1. Ethyl bromoisovalerianate. It acts mainly on the nerve receptors of the oral cavity and pharynx. The substance has an inhibitory effect on the activity of the cortex and subcortex of the brain, effectively relieves spasms, has a relaxing and calming effect on the entire body as a whole.
  2. Phenobarbital- a potent psychotropic substance. It has a sedative effect, quickly and well inhibits the transmission of excitatory impulses to the cerebral cortex and subcortical nerve centers. Due to this, Corvalol exhibits a mild hypnotic and sedative effect. There may be a slight hypotensive effect, but most often it is short-lived.
  3. Peppermint Oil- a plant component, has an antispasmodic and antiseptic effect, has a calming effect on the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. Often used to eliminate dyspeptic phenomena in the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Ethyl alcohol 95% makes up about 80% of the composition of the drug. This is one of the reasons why Corvalol is rarely prescribed to children and pregnant women, as well as to people suffering from alcoholism.

Indications for use

Corvalol does not apply to drugs that treat any specific disease. The drug can only alleviate the patient's condition in a certain situation that requires quick help. It is prescribed for:

  • chronic insomnia (at night, until the normal rhythm of sleep normalizes);
  • situational neurosis-like state, anxiety, emotional outburst;
  • nervous strain, prolonged stress;
  • tachycardia as a situational aid that does not replace treatment with basic antiarrhythmic drugs;
  • nervous spasms of the stomach and intestines.

Release form and application

The drug is produced in 2 dosage forms - drops and tablets. If necessary, the tablet can be put under the tongue and wait for complete resorption. It is believed that since sublingual tablets do not contain alcohol in their composition, they can be taken by alcoholics. The statement is only partly true, because The composition contains phenobarbital, which alcohol-dependent people still should not use. The daily dose of tablets is determined by the doctor.

More popular is Corvalol in drops. They are drunk by dissolving in a small amount of water (usually 1 tablespoon) before meals. Doctors advise: before swallowing the medicine, you should hold it in your mouth for a while, let parts of the drug be absorbed. That way it will work faster. The dosage is determined by a specialist.

For patients with normal blood glucose levels, Corvalol can be taken by dropping it on a piece of sugar, which should be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved, swallowing the syrup with the medicine. For diabetics, this method is contraindicated.

Reception Corvalol

In case of severe tachycardia, the usual dose can be increased, but this is an extreme measure. You shouldn't use it too often. If this dose does not help, the patient should remember that it is better to consult a doctor than to continue experimenting on his own health.

When taken correctly, the effect of the drug occurs in 15-20 minutes. It is not recommended to use the drug more than 3 times a day.

Corvalol and alcohol

Many are interested in how Corvalol and alcohol are combined with each other. Based on numerous studies, experts do not recommend using them together. One of the contraindications for taking Corvalol is chronic alcoholism. Valocordin and alcohol, drunk at the same time, can cause irreparable harm to health.

Phenobarbital, which is part of the product, has zero compatibility with alcohol. This is a psychotropic substance. Experts compare the side effects of its excessive use with alcoholic delirium (delirious tremens) with all the unpleasant consequences, including painful body aches, impaired brain function, coma, increased hangover. The lethal dose has not yet been determined.

Alcohol several times increases the toxicity of Phenobarbital. Take Corvalol with alcohol - deal a heavy blow to the liver, where alcohol accumulates. Both substances significantly reduce the rate of the body's reaction to external stimuli. This means that after their joint reception, coordination of movement may be disturbed, spatial disorientation occurs. All this is fraught with injuries, falls, especially on the street and in public places.

Take Corvalol with alcohol - deal a heavy blow to the liver

Experienced people often claim that Corvalol with a hangover helps to quickly bounce back. But this is a very controversial method of treating such a condition. The drug is prohibited for use by persons suffering from severe hepatic and renal insufficiency, it is these diseases that occur in those who abuse alcohol.

If, nevertheless, it becomes necessary to remove tachycardia, anxiety, neurotic manifestations, hand tremors after drinking, you can drink Valocordin or Corvalol with a hangover. However, this should be done no earlier than 8 hours after the last intake of alcohol, when the concentration of alcohol in the blood drops significantly. The dose of Corvalol should not exceed 50 drops (with a strong heartbeat), it is optimal to take 30 drops per 50 ml of water. It is best not to leave the house after this, but to go to bed.

You can not take valocordin and corvalol for those who are coded from alcoholism, because. These medicines contain 95% alcohol.

With a hangover syndrome, taking Corvalol and Valocordin is prohibited. It is better to choose other medicines.

Contraindications for use

Due to its composition, Corvalol is widely used to eliminate a number of painful symptoms. However, due to the same components, it cannot be used in a number of cases:

  1. Pregnancy. The components of the drug penetrate the placenta and adversely affect the formation of the fetus. They reduce blood clotting, contribute to the appearance of leg cramps in the newborn. A baby in the first weeks of life may be very excitable, suffer from sleep disorders. It is necessary to stop taking this medicine and its analogues for early dates pregnancy. The attending physician will help choose a less toxic medicine for the expectant mother.
  2. Lactation.
  3. Severe liver and kidney failure.
  4. Chronic alcoholism.
  5. Age up to 18 years.
  6. Epilepsy and traumatic brain injury.

Side effects

The main reasons for the occurrence negative consequences is an overdose of Corvalol and long-term use of the drug.

Side effect - depression

The patient has:

  • periodic causeless dizziness;
  • constant sleepiness during the day and wakefulness at night;
  • deterioration in attention, inability to concentrate;
  • depression and amnesia;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • incoherent speech;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • symptoms of bromine poisoning.

If an overdose of Corvalol has led to such consequences, you should immediately stop using it and replace it with another safer drug. A lethal dose of the drug at home is rarely achieved, even if you drink the drug along with alcohol.

A very long-term use of the drug sooner or later becomes addictive. This is especially true for the elderly, who often do not think to spend a day without a dose of Corvalol. Having become accustomed to the medicine, it is already difficult for them to get rid of the addiction. The accumulation of bromine in the senile body can increase the course of chronic diseases. Therefore, it is important to explain that it is better to abandon Corvalol or Valocordin in favor of other modern, safe and effective drugs. In extreme cases, you need to reduce the daily dose.

You can not use Corvalol for those who drive a car. After taking the drug, doctors strongly do not recommend driving, because alcohol is included in the composition of the drug. For drivers, taking this medicine is possible only in the evening or at night. Morning intake is contraindicated.


Corvalol, Valocordin and other sedatives have been popular in medicine since the middle of the last century. Now they can be bought in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and some Asian countries. In Europe and America, these drugs are prohibited for consumption and import. They have long abandoned these drugs in favor of more modern ones.

With improper treatment with Corvalol, the consequences can be very serious. Considering that it cannot be used by drivers, zero compatibility with alcohol, the effect of accumulation in the body, we can conclude that this penny medicine is not so necessary in a home first aid kit. With a wide choice of modern sedatives, it is quite possible to choose an effective and safe drug to replace the outdated Corvalol. But it is best to consult a doctor who will help you make the right choice.