Crossword puzzle "basics of ecology". Crossword “Basics of ecology Crossword on ecology 10 questions


Horizontal: 1. Method for studying relationships in ecosystems. 2. Abiotic factor. 3. A state of long-term rest in animals. 6. The reaction of organisms to the length of the day. 11. A complex of small organisms suspended in water. 12. Forest floor. 14. Fish. 15. Microorganism is a destroyer of organic residues. 16. Physiological process arrest of development caused by low temperature. 17. A species of heron listed in the Red Book.

20. Organism that synthesizes organic matter from inorganic compounds. 22. Biogeocenosis. 23. A set of measures aimed at preserving a particular species. 26. Selection based on any characteristics. 27. A set of plants and animals that has formed in the process of evolutionary development, inhabiting the same territory and mutually influencing each other. 28. Destruction of the surface layer. 29. Environmental factor that forms the atmosphere. 30. Mineral fertilizer for plants. 31. Factors causing changes in the genotype.


Horizontal: 1. Experiment. 2. Water. 3. Hibernation. 6. Photoperiodism. 11. Plankton. 12. Tier. 14. Ide. 15. Reducer. 16. Peace. 17. Ibis. 20. Autotroph. 22. Dubrava. 23. Security. 26. Selection. 27. Biocenosis. 28. Erosion. 29. Air. 30. Nitrogen. 31. Mutagens.

Vertical: 1. Ecology. 3. Light. 4. Rhythm. 5. Tolerance. 7. Catching. 8. Reserve. 9. Saprophage. 10. Humus. 13. Phenologist. 18. Biomass. 19. Shooting. 21. Circulation. 23. Cleaning. 24. Anabiosis. 25. Area.

Crossword on ecology. 9th grade

Conducted by: Kuzmina S.A.

Topic: ecology

Lesson objectives:

Developmental: developing interest and curiosity, nurturing a love of nature.

Educational: formation of a holistic scientific picture of the world.

4. Systematized legislative act establishing responsibility, including in the field of security environment and environmental management (abbr.).

6. Release of polluting waste.

8. Message, report on your actions.

9. Materials used in production, leftover materials suitable for further use (plural).

10. Contribution of money, for example, for negative impact on the environment.

12. The gaseous shell surrounding the Earth and the unit for measuring pressure.

13. Ecology as a knowledge system.

15. Smallest solid particles floating in the air or settled (units).

16. Animal world.

18. Gas, a layer of which protects the Earth from solar radiation.

19. Neither forests nor seas can compare with this treeless plain.

20. Established mandatory payment collected from citizens and legal entities.

21. Preliminary deposit of funds towards future payments, for example, for payments for negative impact on the environment.

24. Carefully neutralized present (Arkady and Boris Strugatsky).

25. Everything that exists on earth that is not created by human activity.

27. A carcass, usually with standing water and unsteady surface.

28. Animals and plants are classified into families, orders, classes and... (units).

1. A thick veil of smoke, soot and exhaust gases over the city.

2. Systematic observation, monitoring, for example, of the state of the environment.

3. Failure to pay for the negative impact on the environment in essence.

5. Area of ​​distribution of a species.

6. The environment... - the natural and man-made material world.

7. This includes payment for negative impact on the environment.

11. Income or value of assets on the basis of which taxes are calculated.

14. Regulatory act regulating the legal status, for example, of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources.

15. An environmental inspector visits business sites for this purpose.

16. Flora in general.

17. An orderly system for collecting, recording and summarizing information about assets and liabilities.

20. Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear... (form of control).

22. Runoff of rain, melt and groundwater into reservoirs and lowering of the relief.

23. Exact calendar time, for example, of paying a fee for negative impact on the environment.

26. All living organisms need this “tasteless, colorless, odorless” liquid.

Answers to the crossword puzzle “Ecological”

4. Administrative Code. 6. Reset. 8. Report. 9. Waste. 10. Fee. 12. Atmosphere. 13. Science. 15. Dust. 16. Fauna. 18. Ozone. 19. Field. 20. Tax. 21. Advance. 24. Future. 25. Nature. 27. Swamp. 28. View.

1. Smog. 2. Control. 3. Non-payment. 5. Habitat. 6. Wednesday. 7. Budget. 11. Base. 14. Position. 15. Check. 16. Flora. 17. Accounting. 20. Supervision. 22. Stock. 23. Date. 26. Water.

For the question: crossword puzzles on ecology? given by the author Grandmaster the best answer is Crossword "Ecological"

4. Systematized legislative act establishing responsibility, including in the field of environmental protection and natural resource management (abbr.). 6. Release of polluting waste. 8. Message, report on your actions. 9. Materials used in production, leftover materials suitable for further use (plural parts). 10. Contribution of money, for example, for negative impact on the environment. 12. The gaseous shell surrounding the Earth and the unit for measuring pressure. 13. Ecology as a knowledge system. 15. Smallest solid particles floating in the air or settled (units). 16. Animal world. 18. Gas, a layer of which protects the Earth from solar radiation. 19. Neither forests nor seas can compare with this treeless plain. 20. Established mandatory payment collected from citizens and legal entities. 21. Preliminary deposit of funds towards future payments, for example, for payments for negative impact on the environment. 24. Carefully neutralized present (Arkady and Boris Strugatsky). 25. Everything that exists on earth that is not created by human activity. 27. A swampy place, usually with standing water and an unstable surface. 28. Animals and plants are classified into families, orders, classes and... (units).
1. A thick veil of smoke, soot and exhaust gases over the city. 2. Systematic observation, monitoring, for example, of the state of the environment. 3. Failure to pay for the negative impact on the environment in essence. 5. Area of ​​distribution of a species. 6. The environment... – the natural and man-made material world. 7. This includes payment for negative impact on the environment. 11. Income or value of assets on the basis of which taxes are calculated. 14. A normative act regulating the legal status, for example, of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources. 15. An environmental inspector visits business sites for this purpose. 16. Flora in general. 17. An orderly system for collecting, recording and summarizing information about assets and liabilities. 20. Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear...(form of control). 22. Runoff of rain, melt and groundwater into reservoirs and lowering of the relief. 23. Exact calendar time, for example, of paying a fee for negative impact on the environment. 26. All living organisms need this “tasteless, colorless, odorless” liquid.
Answers to the crossword puzzle “Ecological”
4. Administrative Code. 6. Reset. 8. Report. 9. Waste. 10. Fee. 12. Atmosphere. 13. Science. 15. Dust. 16. Fauna. 18. Ozone. 19. Field. 20. Tax. 21. Advance. 24. Future. 25. Nature. 27. Swamp. 28. View.
1. Smog. 2. Control. 3. Non-payment. 5. Habitat. 6. Wednesday. 7. Budget. 11. Base. 14. Position. 15. Check. 16. Flora. 17. Accounting. 20. Supervision. 22. Stock. 23. Date. 26. Water.

Crossword puzzle on the subject "Ecology" on the topic "General"


12. A direction of development that does not destroy the biosphere and ensures the progress of the human race, i.e. the possibility of joint development of society and nature.

13. Organisms that are not capable of synthesizing organic substances from inorganic ones through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis

14. Organisms capable of synthesizing organic substances from inorganic ones

16. The emergence or exacerbation of diseases under the influence of unfavorable climatic influences due to disruption of the body’s adaptation processes to changed meteorological conditions
19. Reuse of any resource after it has been processed to make it suitable for such use
22. The ability of organisms to survive under the influence of unfavorable factors (drought, cold, any form of pollution - physical, chemical, etc.).


1. Substances, the impact of which on the body leads to anomalies in its development, the occurrence of deformities

2. A person’s ability for appropriate purposeful activity, determined by previous upbringing and education
3. A type of biotic relationship in which cohabiting organisms (or species) do not influence each other. In nature, true neutralism is extremely rare, since indirect relationships are possible between all species
4. The degree of resistance of living beings to environmental changes.
5. Similarity of organs or their parts of the same origin, but capable of performing different functions
6. An organism unable to tolerate significant fluctuations in environmental factors, or with a narrow environmental valence
7. A set of co-living organisms and the conditions of their existence that are in a natural relationship with each other and form a system of interdependent biological and abiotic phenomena and processes.
8. The water shell of the earth, including oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, groundwater, glaciers
9. Virus that infects microorganisms
10. Development of the ecosystem as a whole, i.e. systemic change (including results) of both subject (central member) and object (environment)
11. Distribution of fruits (and seeds) of plants using water.
15. Energy based on the use of biofuels
16. The emergence of similar external characteristics in species and biotic communities of different origins as a result of a similar lifestyle and adaptation to similar environmental conditions
17. Enterprises, organizations, and citizens Russian Federation, foreign legal entities and citizens, stateless persons carrying out any type of activity on the territory of the Russian Federation related to environmental management
18. The body’s ability to tolerate the adverse effects of one or another environmental factor
19. The process of extracting valuable substances involved in the technological process and usually ending up in waste, and returning them in their original form for reuse
20. Destruction of rodents (primarily rats) in premises or in any areas
21. A set of animals that live (usually free-floating) in the water column of sea and freshwater bodies of water and are able to withstand transport by currents
23. Diversity of characters and properties in individuals and groups of individuals of any degree of relationship

1. The totality of all forms of human impact on the natural environment, including its development, transformation and protection
2. Collective name for a group of living organisms that are too small to be visible to the naked eye
3. an area of ​​the seabed adjacent to territorial waters, including its subsoil, of a certain width, in which the coastal state exercises certain sovereign rights
4. “basic unit” of water use in accordance with the Water Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan - ... plot
6. use of water bodies to meet the needs of the population, industry, and agriculture
8. What type of environmental control is not mentioned in the Law on Environmental Protection, but this does not deny its existence
9. Protection of individual natural objects, rational use natural resources etc. are…. environmental activities
11. This activity is the sum of various activities aimed at improving the natural environment and reducing the negative impact of human activities on nature.
14. Construction of the crime under Art. 247 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
16. The function of nature in relation to man, thanks to which man uses his natural environment as a place of life
18. A place where any activity that disturbs natural complexes or threatens their safety is prohibited
19. Ecological... - a way of influencing people’s feelings, their consciousness, views and ideas
21. Multilateral international treaties, the parties to which are states of a certain geographical area
22. Environmental law is.... legal norms regulating public environmental relations in the sphere of interaction between society and nature in the field of environmental protection and the use of natural resources.
23. A document that is a statement about the use of forests in accordance with the forest development project
24. Author of the Neosphere Concept
1. Protection of individual natural objects, rational use of natural resources, etc. are the directions... activities
5. The principle that obliges states to cooperate in order to develop additional international legal norms
7. The ability of a citizen, through his actions, to acquire and exercise environmental rights, to create environmental responsibilities for himself and to fulfill them is environmental...
10. In which city was a declaration adopted at the UN Conference in 1992, which declared the goal of establishing a fair partnership by creating new levels of cooperation between states
12. What object is created by man to meet his social needs and does not have the properties of natural objects?
13. ... law is an independent branch of Russian law, which is a system of legal norms governing relations in environmental protection, relations in the field of environmental management, implementation and protection of environmental rights
15. Citizens have the right to create public...and other non-profit organizations carrying out activities in the field of environmental protection
17. Any community of living beings and their habitat, united into a single functional whole, arising on the basis of interdependence and cause-and-effect relationships existing between individual environmental components
20. Consistent implementation of the ideas of nature conservation and sustainable environment.