World of tank secrets and tricks of the game. What secrets are there in word of tanks

Hello fellow tankers! This issue of the "secrets of the game" series is dedicated to shooting in World of Tanks. If you are new to the game and you are not interested in the intricacies of its mechanics, then you can immediately go to its last section, which is called “How to shoot correctly.” You will find a link to it below; the rest, most of the video, may seem boring and uninteresting to you. And the rest of us will figure out what a shot is in the world of tanks.

How does a shot happen in World of Tanks?

Sitting at your computer, you find a target, go to sniper mode, take aim with the hope of inflicting good damage, press the mouse button and at that moment, your computer transmits a command to the game server, the shot is fired, and the results are returned. The server has an accurate picture at any moment of the battle, it knows where you are, what projectile is loaded in your tank, the exact location and tilt of your gun, and, having received a command to fire, it builds a parabola of the projectile’s flight, taking into account gravity. By the way, for artillery, in order to ensure interesting gameplay and its unique role, the attraction coefficient is taken much higher than the real one. Otherwise, it would shoot like the KV-2, there would be no talk about any mounted shooting, and there would be no talk about this class of equipment. To make the game more interesting and for greater realism, each weapon has its own dispersion coefficient. The trajectory of the projectile does not begin strictly along the axis of the barrel, but within a small cone, the dimensions of which depend on the accuracy of the gun. This ensures a small spread of hits.

In addition to accuracy, each weapon has two more quite important, but not documented characteristics:

1. Maximum projectile range

2. Projectile speed.

If the first indicator is of interest and affects the game only in low-level battles, then the speed of the projectile, and therefore the lead that must be taken before firing, you will have to independently evaluate for each type of projectile, for each gun and each of your tanks. Remember, the speed of a tank's high-explosive shells is often lower, while sub-caliber shells are always faster than armor-piercing shells.

After the shot trajectory, time and place of its end are calculated, the shooter is given its coordinates and a short result of the hit. Shot, missed, rebound, critical situation or missed. Then, using this data, the game client addresses the corresponding visual effect, and sometimes, due to poor communication quality, the result of the shot does not always reach the player from the server or arrives very late. In this case, you may not see the transfer; one of the rather rare cases of a missing shell will occur. Now let's move on to the basic principles Shooting World Of Tanks.

Scatter circle

As already mentioned, shells in the game do not fly exactly into the crosshairs of the sight, but within a scatter circle, the size of which depends on the specific weapon. Moreover, the chance that a projectile will hit any point of this circle is not equal, but is subordinated to the Gauss distribution. This means that the probability of hitting closer to the center of the sight is much higher than in the center of the aiming circle. Moreover, this distribution depends on the initial size of the aiming circle and does not depend on the weapon used, not on the class of equipment, not on the payment for a premium account, not on the time of day or phase of the moon.

By the way, the displayed scatter circle may differ from the one in at the moment calculated on the game server. Usually, this is due to poor Internet quality; enabling the server crosshair checkbox in the game settings can help you here. However, it should not be used in other cases. The client sight, as a rule, is quite consistent with the server one, but slows down significantly less.

Firing accuracy

The size of the scatter circle, and therefore the shooting accuracy of World Of Tanks, depends on:
1. Basic accuracy of the gun.
2. Skill in mastering the main specialty - tank gunner (it is additionally influenced by the commander skill, which is given to crew members, one percent of the skill, for every 10 percent of their command skill).
3. Combat brotherhood and ventilation.
4. Extra rations, box of cola and similar disposable, approximate consumables.
5. Temporary increase in gun spread caused by tank movement.

Try to hit the center of the target offhand at the shooting range; it’s not an easy task. Isn't it true? In order to accurately hit the target, you need to freeze, exhale, hold your breath and smoothly pull the trigger. Although shooting from a tank gun is much more difficult, in the game we only need to point the cursor at the target and wait a little while the virtual tank driver does virtual aiming. At this time, the visible scatter circle gradually decreases, when the convergence is completed and the circle has reached the minimum value for your tank, you can shoot, the chance of hitting will be the highest.

A useful fact, as we have already said, in addition to the basic aiming coefficient of the gun, only the basic skill of the gunner affects the shooting accuracy with full aiming, and this influence is very noticeable. A good gunner will shoot better from a bad gun than an untrained gunner from an accurate one. To demonstrate this, we will conduct several tests. In the left top corner depicts the results of firing from the Z-6-7 gun with the crew seated behind the tank for free. Thus, the gunner should have 55 percent proficiency in the profession. Next is the same gun, but the crew is 100 percent trained. In the next window, the crew of the same tank received maximum level mastery of a profession, ventilation, military brotherhood and more. ration. And finally, for comparison, in the fourth window, the results of firing from a tank with one of the precision guns in the game STUK 72 M-70 with a gunner with 75 percent proficiency in the specialty.

Yes, it’s hard in training, easy in battle. A skilled crew can easily compensate for the lack of accuracy of any gun.

Mixing time

Modern tanks are able to stabilize the gun and automatically track the target chosen by the gunner, but the tanks of the beginning and middle of the last century presented in the game did not yet have such capabilities and shooting on the move for most of them was not accurate or completely impossible. To simulate the movement of a real tank, in our game, when moving, when turning the turret, even when firing, the scatter circle increases sharply and you have to wait until it narrows to a minimum value. Moreover, the higher the speed and rotation of the tower, the more the circle increases. The increase also depends on the chassis installed on the tank, which has its own undocumented dispersion coefficients when moving and turning. Detailed data on these coefficients can be found on the website of our information partner wot-news in the section extended information about tanks. Please note that the characteristic of convergence time is mistakenly called convergence speed, which causes some confusion.

Let's take for example the American tank T-34. At the same aiming speed, the time indicated in the gun characteristics of three and four seconds will be required for aiming if a tank with a 100% gunner accelerated at a certain reference speed and, stopping abruptly, began to aim. And if you drive very slowly in first gear, the spread circle will increase much less. Mixing after stopping will naturally end much earlier.

So, the mixing time does not depend on the following characteristics:
1. The corresponding characteristics of the weapon.
2. On proficiency in the gunner's specialty, which, as we remember, depends on proficiency in the commander's skill, combat fraternity, ventilation and approximate consumables.
3. Additional: gunner and driver skills (main entrance and turret rotation), from reinforced aiming drives and vertical aiming stabilizer.

Let's take a closer look at the last point. In the theory of amplified drive, pickups and stabilizers differ quite significantly. The first increases the speed of mixing and beneficial properties shooting from a place, and the second reduces the circle of dispersion and is suitable for shooting while moving. However, in practice their functions partially overlap.

The stabilizer, as follows from the description, is perfect for those tanks on which you shoot straight away. It significantly reduces the range of spread when driving. And for tanks from which you are accustomed to shooting from short dashes, but with full aiming, there is practically no difference between the drive and the stabilizer. Under equal conditions, from a smaller circle, the gun can be brought down in the same time as from a larger circle with a reinforced drive. Moreover, when shooting from a standstill, the stabilizer reduces the circle of dispersion after a shot, which is also a type of movement. And in this case, alignment with the stabilizer takes less time than with drives.

So if your tank is equipped with a vertical aiming stabilizer, then its use is more profitable than reinforced aiming drives. According to one of the game developers, better known as Vader, this rule is generally correct, excluding weapons with very slow aiming.

How to shoot correctly

Now let's give some tips on how to shoot better. Let’s say right away that in this series, we are not considering any artillery techniques. This is an independent and very large topic that will have to be devoted to a separate program, or even more than one.

So, first of all, get down. Of course, shooting without aiming is sometimes necessary, but there are very few reasons for such shooting. This is useful on some light and medium, literally several heavy tanks with a good rate of fire and gun stabilization. Shells that, even at maximum speed, in most cases fall into the crosshairs of the sight, but if you are not confident in the gun of your tank, especially if you know that they are not intended for firing on the move, it is better to stop in a more or less safe place and wait for complete alignment and cause damage.

Except for cases of shooting on the move or shooting at enemies who have gotten used to your tank from the side and are moving back and forth, making it difficult to aim, it is better to use a sniper scope. With a sniper scope, you'll be able to pinpoint enemy weaknesses and have a better chance of dealing damage, but you pay for it with a very narrow field of view. An enemy who literally appears a couple of meters from your target can go unnoticed and, as a result, be confident in the safety of shooting at you. Therefore, immediately after the shot, go to normal arcade mode with the left shift button. This will allow you to assess the situation on the battlefield and change your position, etc. Make such a switch a habit and the benefits from it will not take long to arrive.

By the way, in order to increase the rate of fire, aim shortly before reloading ends, so that by the time the tank is ready for the next shot, you have time and completed aiming at the target.

I repeat once again, on some light, medium and even heavy tanks, on the move, especially in close combat, on the contrary, it is not worth using a sniper scope. Instead of targeting a weak point, you may miss where your opponent is aiming or where you are going. At the same time, you should have some experience of shooting while moving, and it is better to shoot at the side or karma of the enemy. Because even tanks with poorly armored fronts can ricochet many hits. You must understand that on the move the best guns can give way, in such a situation you should not expect to fire a shot that will destroy the enemy. Hope for the best and expect the worst. By the way, when you are designed in motion, you can shoot with an auto sight. This will prevent the enemy coming after you from getting bored, will not allow you to concentrate on shooting at you, and you will get an extra chance to cause damage.

Remember the penetration zones of all tanks. Consider the angles of the armor and the performance of the ammunition used. This point in World of Tanks is perhaps the most difficult. There are hundreds of tanks in the game and for most of them, at least at the levels at which you play, first of all, you need to know the maximum number of characteristics. Roughly speaking, knowing even just where to break through any opponents you may encounter will increase the number of your victories by 5-10 percent. Moreover, the more you know about the enemy, the easier it is to fight him. For example, knowing the reload time of your enemy will allow you to make an extra shot at him, the speed of turn - to spin him, the viewing range - to choose a safe distance for shooting, and so on. They will help you with this useful mods– armor panel with enemy reload time and penetration zone tanks World of tanks.

If you have to shoot through opaque vegetation at the silhouette of an enemy, before making a shot, feel for its accessible part. As you move your sight over the enemy tank, you will see that the border on it appears and disappears. It disappears when the cursor moves from the target to the obstacle covering it. This way, you can assess which part of the enemy is available to shoot, and not waste a projectile by hitting the ground, or even an ally standing next to him.

There are exceptions to this rule. When you shoot through the gaps of another tank, including a destroyed one, the enemy’s outline does not appear, but the projectile can still hit the target. And although shooting like this is a little unusual, it is often very useful.

When shooting at moving targets, take into account the speed of the projectile and take the appropriate lead. The speed is individual for each weapon and for each type of ammunition. And the necessary calculations will be made by your own hands automatically as your experience grows, but this experience must be gained. To get it, you just need to remember that you need to shoot at moving targets with a slight advance. Not into the tank itself, but to where it will be in a second.

When shooting at long distances, if the tank disappears from sight or when shooting at lead positions, a well-measured shot may miss. Why is this happening? At the beginning, we said that projectiles in the game fly like in reality in a parabola. If you are aiming at an enemy tank, then the arc is calculated in such a way that the end is exactly at the point of the enemy at whom you are aiming. But when you try to hit an enemy that is moving or has disappeared due to the light, your line may rest on a surface located far behind him. The trajectory in this case will be calculated based on the target of this distant point, which is shown by the sight. And the projectile will go higher than the enemy. It is very difficult to give simple and universal advice on how to shoot in this case. Therefore, if you see that the aiming point is far behind your target, and you cannot change it, wait until the enemy lights up again so as not to waste your shot and time.

Let's summarize.
1. Get together!
2. Use a sniper scope.
3. But know how to shoot from arcade mode.
4. Remember the penetration locations and characteristics of all tanks.
5. Use the silhouette of the enemy tank to find its accessible parts.
6. Shoot at moving targets with anticipation.
7. Enemies missing from the light, sometimes it’s better to wait...

So, in this program we figured out how shooting happens in World Of Tanks, we learned how to increase accuracy and reduce aiming time, and how best to shoot at the enemy. In the next episodes we will see what happens when a hit occurs in armor-piercing, sub-caliber, high-explosive and commutative shells.

It is believed that gamers who have not reached the coveted 50 percent are not among the excellent players. Of course, users who have already participated in battles have a question: “How to achieve such an indicator?” To do this, you need to master some tactics and features of the game.

Stock technology is contraindicated

Buying a new, freshly upgraded tank is a joyful event. But there is one “but”. Its combat and technical characteristics leave much to be desired. The engine is the weakest, the gun is useless. The low carrying capacity of the chassis will not allow the installation of a lot of additional equipment. Going into battle in a tank without “pumping up” will obviously spoil your statistics. The only way out of this situation is to upgrade for free experience. And go into battle with improved technology.

Tanker apprentices

Close attention needs to be paid to the crews of armored vehicles. Inept, inexperienced warriors are unlikely to perform well during a fight. The driver will get confused in the gears, and the loader will rush around the tank and remember where the cumulative shells are located. Victory with such soldiers will be perceived as a favor from the FBR. Therefore, before the battle, in the hangar, you need to spend money and conduct training.

Play what you like best

It takes players a little time to understand that they like this tank, but fighting with it is pure torture. And this must be remembered. A lot depends on your mood. Your favorite technique will not let you down in battle, it will help you out in the most difficult situation, which means another victory, which will be reflected in your account statistics.

Hello, sandbox or back to the beginning

As sad as it may be, you will have to return to the initial levels of World of Tanks. It goes without saying that such a maneuver will seem strange. But the cherished goal requires non-standard solutions. The peculiarity of the reversal will be that the equipment, be it any tank of level 1, it must be completely “pumped up” and improved with additional equipment. And the crew must be 100 percent trained. Ideally, have several “perks”. As a result, victory in the battle will be guaranteed - after all, most of the “recruits” are still just learning the basics of the World of Tanks game and cannot be serious opponents.

The game is serious business

The player himself will have to do some self-preparation. Of course, there are no special benefits. But there are sites and video channels on the Internet where “extras” players willingly share their experience, suggesting where and how best to fight, which tanks to attack with, and which equipment to use for defense. Reviews technical characteristics armored forces will allow you to find out the strengths and weaknesses each combat unit. And this knowledge will be very useful!

"Serebrogold" and fashion

To successfully conduct combat operations, you need to use all capabilities. Additional rations for the crew, improved fuel, enhanced ammunition. This will require spending in-game currency. But it will affect combat performance.
It is worth paying attention to all sorts of modifications that complement the gameplay with improved sights, information panels and all kinds of indicators. As a rule, they increase the chances of winning.

“A friend won’t leave you in trouble”

The World of Tanks game is positioned as a team game. Even in a random battle, you can participate in a platoon of three people. You need to take advantage of this. A serious combat unit as part of a team. Coordination and tactical planning, support capability. Three tanks can easily break through a flank and get behind enemy lines. Or take an advantageous strategic position and hold off the enemy for a long time.

I have already fought more than 500 battles, which means that now I have at least some right to give advice to beginners on the game World of Tanks. This week I finally took the Master badge. That is, I earned as much experience for the battle on this tank as 99% of players did not receive over the past 7 days.

The very first piece of advice I want to give to any aspiring tanker is to find yourself a mentor. Comrade DerBunge, who brought me to the World of Tanks, accelerated my learning process several times, fighting next to me and constantly correcting my actions.

  • You should write in the chat only for business purposes (point to enemy concentration areas, warn artillery about the enemy’s approach, etc.). This point clearly demonstrates the consciousness of tankers. Many newcomers start insulting other players or discussing topics unrelated to combat.
  • It is convenient to track enemy locations using tracers (smoke trails left behind by shells). After all, you can kill a tank without even seeing it.
  • Your primary target is enemy artillery. By destroying it, you will tip the scales in favor of your team. Just don't blindly chase after her. Sometimes it is more profitable to capture the flag or defend your base, depending on the situation.
  • If you play as an anti-tank self-propelled gun (as I do), choose good cover. It is advisable to look for several shelters nearby. Then, if detected, you can quickly hide and fire at the enemy again. If you want to fight in the open field and constantly attack, choose medium or heavy tanks.
  • On some maps it is more profitable to defend and wait (Westfield, Sand River, El Halluf). This is largely due to the fact that the defenders occupy heights and use a stereo scope to shoot ahead.
  • Don't be afraid of heavy tanks. Without support, they can become easy prey, especially for high-speed vehicles.
  • From the first battles, get used to aiming without auto-aim. In the future, this will allow you to fire with greater accuracy.
  • When driving a light tank, try to constantly maneuver. This will increase your survivability.
  • Most tanks have weakly armored weak points: commander's cupolas, gas tanks, hatches...
  • The main task of a light tank is to quickly detect the enemy and not die in the process.
  • If you can't penetrate the armor of an enemy tank with a regular shell, try a land mine.
  • Constantly move away from enemy fire. Otherwise, you will become easy prey for artillery.
  • Light tanks and artillery can be destroyed by ramming.
  • The bushes stop camouflaging you after the first shot. Therefore, you need to constantly change shelters.
  • To stop an enemy tank, knock down its track. This is especially true against light and heavy tanks.
  • The lower the tank, the harder it is to notice.
  • A stationary tank is harder to spot.
  • Do not break trees or buildings under any circumstances. Enemy artillery immediately notices such changes. Especially on more high levels. You won't even see the one who will kill you.
  • Initially, destroy those tanks that your allies highlight on the map. Concentrating fire on one tank is the key to victory.
  • At the very beginning of the game, try to destroy all enemy light tanks. Otherwise, they will get to yours with lightning speed. starting location and destroy the artillery.
  • The more tanks there are in the capture circle, the faster the capture occurs.
  • A draw is tantamount to defeat.
  • While reloading, hide behind buildings, rocks, and damaged tanks.
  • For shooting at teammates, a fine or even a ban is issued.
  • If you are kicked out of the game, reconnect. You have exactly 2 minutes to do this.
  • Capturing the flag is equivalent to destroying the entire enemy team.
  • Don't chase frags, think about the good of the team!
  • Upgrade your tank to the maximum. Sometimes only 10% superiority plays a decisive role.
  • Everything is important in a gun: caliber, rate of fire, armor penetration.
  • Artillery is a dangerous enemy even in close combat.
  • If you have a curse filter, instead of obscene language in the chat you will see asterisks.
  • While the tank is moving, shooting accuracy decreases.
  • The greater the angle of the armor, the higher the chance of ricochet.
  • The odds decide the outcome of the battle.

Video tutorials for beginner tankers

Cheat codes

The most common myth Games World of Tanks - cheats. Many sites offer to download various programs to increase the amount of experience gained, money, or, for example, to become invulnerable. But by downloading such files, people simply open their computers to malicious attacks and receive nothing in return. Rumors about cheat codes began to spread since the official launch of the game.

How it happened in practice:

  • A gamer came who successfully used cheats in some other game.
  • Without enough experience in tactical simulators, the gamer lost a lot of battles.
  • As a result, he concluded that his opponents use cheat codes, which is why he is killed so often.

Many people are prompted to think like this by the (in their opinion) unreasonable artillery hits at the very beginning of the game. People don’t even realize that shooting is being carried out at the most frequent places accumulations of enemy tanks “blindly”. Another factor generating rumors is the carelessness of the players. Using primitive passwords and setting dubious software, they themselves give account passwords into the hands of attackers and lose their accounts.

But you can still get a certain advantage over other users of the World of Tanks game. There are two solutions here.

Official cheats

Or, in other words, paid services. By buying gold for real money (via SMS or electronic wallets), you get an advantage in the form of more powerful shells (gold), premium tanks, consumables, as well as an increased amount of experience and game money.

Although, according to many gaming industry experts, so far in World of Tanks the influence of real money is felt much weaker compared to most online games. A striking example here is a strategy that is entirely based on real money.

Unofficial cheats

Throughout the history of WoT, young and not-so-young craftsmen have constantly come up with ways to make the game easier. In another way they are also called mods. To avoid running into viruses and other crap, I recommend looking at the corresponding section of the game’s official forum, which is called Mods and Software. Among other things, the most commonly used are the following:

  1. Sniper sights for tanks and self-propelled guns.
  2. Deer meter (deer meter, XVM, calculator).
  3. Skins with marked penetration zones.
  4. Modifiers for the minimap.
  5. Damage panel modifiers.
  6. Icons of shells, modules, tanks.
  7. Sound mods.
  8. Hangar modifiers.
  9. And others...

I myself am indifferent to these “cheats”. I have never used it, and I don’t plan to use it. In pursuit of beautiful numbers and achievements, many forget the essence of any computer game– enjoying the process itself. And if you worry about every lost game, then the game turns into endless nervous stress.

That's all for today. I hope I’ll write more than one post on tanks. Stay tuned for more news.

Losing over and over again, many World of Tanks “recruits” want to understand the reason for their losses. The actions of the Allies are partly to blame for this. But a lot depends on the player’s initiative and behavior on the battlefield. Let's try to figure out how to fight.

Being brave is harmful
At the beginning of a battle, the following picture is often observed. Most players choose one direction. But a couple of daredevils move differently, breaking away from the rest. Why they do this is unclear. But in most cases, these loners encounter superior enemy forces. And as a result, they “merge” safely. No credits earned, no experience. It costs you more to support such allies. Don't want such a fate? This means you need to follow the majority. The advantage of this tactic is obvious. A large group will easily deal with single enemies. And it will break through to his base faster. And here you need to act according to the circumstances. Either stand up for capture, or engage in further destruction of the enemy. If it happens that two powerful factions meet, then the result will be a wonderful battle in which you can shine, earning experience and World of Tanks silver.
How to behave in a fight?
In any battle, you should position your tank so that it is constantly under the cover of your allies. So that your team's players cover the flanks and rear. To do this, you can use the game chat to ask your comrades for help. Or constantly maneuver and move so that an ally is between you and the enemy.
Fight in a platoon
During the battle it is not always possible to find common language with allies, but fighting alone is very difficult. To solve this problem, you can create a platoon and invite other World of Tanks players to join it. The benefit is obvious. At the beginning of the battle, you can decide together what you will do. Press the flank on the “heavy” lines, make a flanking maneuver on the ST, or guard the flank on the “peteshkas”.
What are landmines used for?
Sometimes a base is captured by a tank whose armor your gun is unable to penetrate. The siren sounds, the capture indicator slowly approaches 100 percent, and nothing can be done. It remains to recklessly go for the ram. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to carry high-explosive shells in ammunition. When fired, they will cause minor damage. But this is enough to break the grip. And this is the most important thing.
Rely on the light bulb, but don’t make a mistake yourself
The sixth sense is considered a very useful skill in the World of Tanks game. Even without seeing the enemy, the player receives a signal that he has been spotted by the enemy. But you shouldn’t completely rely on the “light bulb”. The fact is that it lights up when the enemy sees your vehicle for 2-3 seconds. This means that when the alarm goes off, a “suitcase” from the “art” may already be flying in your direction.
Repair kit is our everything
Some players prefer to go into battle without a repair kit, first aid kit, or fire extinguisher. And they do it completely in vain. A tank knocked out in battle becomes easy prey for the enemy; the enemy tries to quickly destroy the faulty vehicle. And if you fight without fire extinguishing means, the equipment will simply burn out. And a wounded tanker fights much worse than a healthy one. Any of these options will negatively affect the outcome of the fight. To prevent this from happening, it is simply necessary to take this equipment with you.
Additional equipment and equipment in WoT
Having selected a tank in the hangar, you will notice 6 free slots on the sides of the shells. What are they for and what to put there? On the left are 3 slots for additional equipment, and on the right are 3 slots for equipment. Many novice players make the mistake of not loading these slots, which help them survive in battle and also improve the characteristics of the tank. Additional equipment in WoT If you get lost in the wide variety of additional equipment, you can make a lot of mistakes. Let's look at several kits for different types of tanks.
  • Coated optics.
  • Gun rammer.
This is the standard kit for a medium tank of any level in WoT. However, at low levels the stabilizer is not available; it can be replaced by reinforced aiming drives. Why is a stabilizer better than drives? The stabilizer will reduce dispersion on the move and when turning the turret, which is very useful for a medium tank. And reinforced aiming drives increase the aiming speed only after the tank has come to a complete stop. Optics are needed to increase visibility. It is strongly not recommended to install a stereo tube, since medium tank must move, not stand still. The optics work while moving, but the stereo tube only works 3 seconds after stopping.
  • Improved ventilation.
  • Vertical stabilizer.
  • Reinforced aiming drives.
Many will be surprised why this kit does not include a gun rammer. Everything is very simple - this is a kit for a tank with a loading drum. For this type of equipment it is not possible to install a rammer. The included ventilation can be replaced with optics if you play on a fast cassette player. But ventilation helps with mixing; it significantly reduces the reloading speed of the drum.
  • Vertical stabilizer.
  • Reinforced drives.
  • Gun rammer.
Standard kit for a heavy tank. Do not install anti-fragmentation lining, it is not effective on most tanks in the game. Its use is justified only on a mouse or E100. In this kit, the drives can be replaced with ventilation if you have the “Combat Brotherhood” skill. These are the basic kits for tanks in WoT, combine different equipment. However, remember that the examples given here are optimal for various types equipment, other modules will not provide such an increase in the overall efficiency of the tank. Equipment Having dealt with the additional equipment, let's move on to the equipment. Everything is much simpler here. The main set of equipment for almost any tank is a fire extinguisher, a small repair kit and a small first aid kit. It is recommended to install an automatic fire extinguisher. It reduces the likelihood of a fire and instantly extinguishes a fire. Since you won't have to burn in every battle, it won't be very expensive. However, if you do not have problems with loans, install an additional ration or a second gold repair kit. For tanks with low mobility, gasoline can be supplied. U Soviet tanks It is possible to install a twisted speed controller, which you buy once. It is not consumed for each battle, unlike additional rations and gasoline.
How to play in a platoon in WoT
Playing alone sometimes gets boring, you want adequate help from at least 1-2 allies. This is where friends and platoon mode in WoT come to the rescue. In this article we will talk about how to properly create a platoon, choose equipment and how to act in battle. If this is your first time entering platoon mode, then you have a lot of questions, namely:
  • Which technique is better to choose?
  • How will it be balanced in battle?
  • What should two or three people do in battle?
  • What actions from platoon members are mandatory?
Selecting vehicles for a platoon in WoT You can take any equipment into a platoon, but it is worth remembering that the most difficult and practically unsuitable for platoon play are light tanks and artillery. The easiest way to play in a platoon is on TT or CT. Choose tanks with approximately the same speed. If you are on the same machines, it will be best. Platoon balancing As we know, each vehicle in WoT has 2 indicators for balancing it in battle. The first is balance weight. It may differ between tanks at the same level, even if they have the same class. The second is the level of fighting. If the equipment level does not change in the platoon, then 20% is added to the balance weight due to the platoon. This means that vehicles in the platoon will be dropped to the bottom of the list more often. Take tanks of the same level, but remember that the game has vehicles with a preferential level of battles, such as E25, IS-6, FCM 50t, KV-5 and several others. These vehicles have a reduced level of combat, so to play with them in a platoon you should take either a preferential vehicle or a pumped one, but one level lower, since regular tanks fall two levels higher, and preferential ones only one. Platoon behavior in battle Always take positions next to each other so that if necessary, you can help your platoon commander. Keep up and stay close to each other, except at times when you may have to split up at the end of the fight. Try to attack the enemy together, so he will have half as much time to attack. Combine additional equipment, for example, if your platoon commander has coated optics, then you can take ventilation, etc. So one will highlight, and the other will cause damage. Basic techniques for playing in a platoon There are several simple rules rules that must be observed to effectively play in a platoon in WoT: Do not back up your platoon members, do not interfere with each other’s shooting.
  • Tell your platoon members about the enemy's location, for example, if the enemy fired at you without being spotted, then it is worth telling his approximate location.
  • Count the shells of cluster tanks together, talk about reloading them to each other. It is also worth voicing the reloading of artillery. Especially in cases where you are far from each other.
  • Shoot at one target while picking up the barrel. This tactic is always more effective than rapid fire.
  • Distribute life points. If one of the platoon has a small supply of strength points, cover him, take the damage if you have strength points. Remember the importance of his fire support. It’s better for the three of us to stay shot, but survive, than to merge one by one.

Shooting at enemies while on top of a hill is very dangerous, as you expose your most vulnerable spots (lower armor plates) to the enemy. However, you can seriously injure an enemy by shooting at a weakly armored roof.

Try to attack the enemy from the flank or rear. The fact is that the forehead of most tanks is much better protected than the sides and rear, so it is much easier to penetrate them. For this reason, a mobile and maneuverable medium tank (medium tank) can easily “swirl” any heavy tank and destroy it.

When playing on a TT (heavy tank), on the contrary, you need to keep the enemy away from your most vulnerable spots. To do this, you need to constantly turn your forehead towards the enemy, this way you will force him to make more and more sweeping turns, which will make it much easier for you to hit him.

When facing multiple enemies, try to stand in front of the most dangerous one, and at the same time constantly move back so that both enemies are in front of you. This way you can not only hold off a high-level enemy, but also prevent the second one from driving into your rear.

If you were unable to penetrate the armor of a heavy tank, then try to damage his track. In open areas, a stationary beam will immediately become a tasty morsel for allied artillery. This trick can also be performed on a narrow street (for example, on a “banana” - Himmelsdorf map) - damage the TT caterpillar when it comes out from behind cover, and then watch a colorful show in which several of your comrades will “disassemble” it piece by piece. clumsy onlooker.

Don't forget to use a battering ram! However, you should not ram whoever you miss - if the mass of the enemy tank is greater than yours, then in this case you will receive the damage, not him. To immobilize an enemy, it is necessary to hit its guides and drive wheels with the frontal part of the body. With a normal impact on the enemy’s side, you will immobilize not only him, but also yourself, so there is no need to rush headlong towards the enemy, hoping to damage his especially important modules with a ram.

Never attack a tank destroyer head-on. Most of these anti-tank vehicles have a strong front armor plate, which is also located at an excellent angle of inclination. It is best to try to attack them from the flank or rear. This way you can cuddle up to one of the sides of the tank and fire at it with impunity. You can also try to knock down her “harp” and shoot Pteshka from a safe position.

Attack enemies as a group. Remember that you cannot win a war alone. Try to fire at enemies in a coordinated manner, always work on one target (that is, “disassemble” one enemy first, and then move on to another). However, you should not have all the tanks crowded into one big pile - it is better to divide into several teams.