1019 1054 events in Rus'. Unified State Examination in History

Methodological development“Historical essay on a given period of reign”

Explanatory note.
In 2016, the Unified State Examination in history, as we know, underwent dramatic changes: the previous tasks were complicated, new tasks were added. Particular difficulty for students is caused by tasks of high complexity with their own detailed argumentation, including an essay on a given period in the history of the Russian state. Teachers and students wondered: how to write an essay? It’s always difficult in the first year until there are any “intelligible” developments or hints. I developed an essay writing algorithm based on the evaluation criteria from the demo version. In addition, you can borrow ideas from a previous assignment - an essay about a historical figure. Below is the algorithm for an essay and a sample essay on the period of the reign of Yaroslav the Wise.

Algorithm for writing the assignment “Historical essay by period”

Evaluation criteria

K1. Events, phenomena, processes are indicated - 2 points
K2. Two historical figures and their role in events - 2 points
K3. Cause-and-effect relationships between events - 2 points
K4. Historical assessment of the period – 1 point
K5. Historical terms, concepts – 1 point
K6. Factual errors – 2 points
K7. Form, style of presentation – 1 point
K1 + K4 = must have at least 4 points for K6 and K7 to be assessed! (total – 11 points.)

This period belongs to the era...
During this period, important processes and phenomena took place (the formation of the Old Russian state, feudal fragmentation, the unification and gathering of Russian lands, the Rebellious Age, Palace coups...).
During this period, the great (outstanding, remarkable) ruler in the Russian state was ... (1st historical figure).
During this period, the great (outstanding, remarkable) statesman (politician, scientist-researcher) in the Russian state was ... (2nd historical figure).
The ruler (prince, emperor) managed to carry out many transformations that seriously influenced the life of the Russian state and society.
Due to the process/appearance, the ruler undertakes:

In domestic policy:

1. reforms of government bodies, state. and local government,
2. peasant reform,
3. education reform, encouragement scientific research, book publishing,
4. active lawmaking, codification of laws,
5. reform and reorganization of the army,
6. socio-economic transformations, tax reform...

In foreign policy:

1. diplomacy, cultural, trade, economic relations with foreign states,
2. dynastic marriages,
3. expansion of territorial borders,
4. military campaigns, wars, repelling external aggression, foreign intervention.
The role of this ruler/figure is huge, great, indelible (ambiguous).

Activity results:

1. thanks to reforms in the field of management, a more advanced state was created. apparatus of power, reforms contributed to the strengthening and centralization of the state. authorities.
2. there was growth, economic development, grew economic indicators, specialization of regions, development of trade, commodity-money relations developed.
3. a strong impetus to the development of science, art, culture, education, the opening of new educational and educational institutions.
4. Russia's international authority has increased, Russia has become one of the leading European powers.
5. The territory of the Russian state expanded significantly, new lands were acquired...

K3. Cause-and-effect relationships between events, processes, phenomena

The causes of the process (baptism, fragmentation, uprising, defeat-victory in war, revolution...) were... .
Because of... a war was started with.... The result, the consequence of the war, was...
Due to... and urgent need, the following reforms were implemented... . As a result of this, ... happened.

K4. Historical assessment of the period based on historical facts and opinions of historians

This period is important, turning point, significant in the history of the Russian state...
Famous historians (such as Solovyov, Klyuchevsky, Lomonosov, Tatishchev...) assess this reign as a complex, ambiguous period that influenced further events and the entire subsequent history of the country. On the one hand, it strengthened/weakened the state, but on the other hand...

Essay on the period 1019-1054.
This period of reign refers to the heyday of the Old Russian state. The ruler of the state during these years was the outstanding Prince Yaroslav the Wise, who made a huge contribution to the development and prosperity of the Russian state. He actively carried out transformative reform activities that seriously influenced the life of the state and society.
The prince's rise to power was not easy. The civil strife between the sons and heirs of Prince Vladimir lasted for many years. In the struggle for the Kyiv throne, the main rival Prince of Novgorod Yaroslav had a brother, Svyatopolk, nicknamed the Damned for the cruel reprisal against his brothers - Boris and Gleb. Yaroslav emerged victorious from this feud and began to rule wisely for many years.
Thus, under his leadership, the 1st set of laws was created for the first time - “Russian Truth” in 1051. The reason for the creation of the code was the need to streamline, systematize the numerous pre-existing customs and rules (some of them were quite barbaric, for example, the custom of blood feud, which was replaced with a more humane one - a fine).
In order to strengthen power, a reform of government bodies was carried out: the positions of mayor and governor were introduced. In foreign policy, Prince Yaroslav tried to expand international relations between Rus' and foreign countries, which was greatly facilitated by dynastic marriages of relatives with Western rulers. So, he married his daughters to the kings of Norway and France, and, as you know, he himself took the daughter of the king of Sweden, Ingegerda, as his wife. Thus, the international authority of Rus' increased, and ties and contacts with Western powers expanded. The prince did not forget about protecting his borders, and actively repelled the military threat in the form of raids by the steppe nomads, the Pechenegs. Under his leadership, the Pechenegs were completely defeated.
The growing power and authority of Rus' allowed Yaroslav to appoint the first Russian metropolitan for the first time. In 1051, the outstanding writer and activist Hilarion became Metropolitan of Kyiv. He is the author of the religious-journalistic “Tale of the Law and Grace of God.” The role of this statesman and religious figure is great. He contributed to strengthening the position of the Russian Church, spreading literacy and education in humane customs.
Yaroslav, nicknamed the Wise, was indeed an educated, versatile personality of his time. He patronized culture and education, under him Christianity spread, literacy, book publishing, and libraries grew. Beautiful churches were erected - St. Sophia Cathedrals in Kyiv and Novgorod (1037, 1045), the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. New cities were built - Yaroslavl, Yuryev.
The role of this ruler in the history of the Old Russian state is great. Thanks to his reforms, Rus' increased its authority in the international arena. Power reforms contributed to centralization and its strengthening. This ruler gave a strong impetus to the development of culture, art, chronicle writing, and education. The foundations of Russian legislation were laid.
Many historians, such as Klyuchevsky, Soloviev, evaluate this period as a significant era in the history of our state. These years saw the heyday and power of the Old Russian state. During these years, Rus' grew stronger, acquired a reserve of spirit, perseverance, wisdom and was able to reserve strength to meet the era of fragmentation and new trials.

Historical essay is one of the most difficult tasks, especially in the Unified State Exam. For such an assignment, it is possible to get a fairly high score, which will have a positive impact upon admission, so those who will take the unified state exam According to history, you need to learn how to perform it correctly.


First of all, requirements and criteria must be taken into account, which are given in the Unified State Examination.

  1. Indicate at least 2 important events, processes or phenomena relating to a certain period (this could be: war, revolution, battle, political actions, the adoption of a law, the collapse or formation of a state, etc.).
  2. Name and describe the activities of at least two historical figures in the specified phenomena, events or processes, based on historical facts (in this case it is necessary to specify the actions of these individuals, which significantly influenced the course of events in the history of the specified period: the implementation of a policy, the adoption of a law, the annexation of territory, etc. .).
  3. Indicate two or more cause-and-effect relationships characterizing the reasons due to which events, processes or phenomena occurred that occurred in a certain period (for example, the revolution began due to unresolved national conflicts, etc.). In this case, it is proposed to use the following or similar constructions in the text:
    • The situation was due to a number of reasons...
    • led to this...
    • this event was greatly influenced by...
    • The reasons for the event are as follows...
    • As a result of this process, changes occurred in...
    • this event was the beginning...
  4. Assess the impact of phenomena, events or processes using historical facts, the opinions of historians and historical context (for example: “ as a result of the Mongol invasion of Russian lands, part of the territory of Russia fell into economic and political dependence on the Golden Horde, which lasted for more than two hundred years and, according to historian Karamzin, had a significant influence on Russian power.”).

Also an important criterion when writing a historical essay is the text itself. It must contain a coherent and consistent presentation and represent a complete work.

Historical essay example

Let's consider an example of a historical essay according to all the requirements and criteria given in the Unified State Exam, in an essay on history during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise, based on historical facts collected from various verified sources.

Essay on History 1019-1054

1019-1054 called the period of the Old Russian state. The main processes of this time should be noted:

  • 1) the policy of further education and Christianization, which was started by Father Yaroslav;
  • 2) the beginning of the creation on Russian territory of “Russian Truth” - the very first written set of laws Ancient Rus'.

These processes are closely connected with the activities of the great Kyiv prince Yaroslav the Wise and Metropolitan Hilarion.

Yaroslav the Wise made a great contribution to the development of Kievan Rus. In 1036, he defeated the Pechenegs, as a result of which peace in the state and tranquility of the people were ensured, the church was formalized in accordance with all state laws and a tax was established in its favor - tithe; Episcopal sees were created in Chernigov, Novgorod, Polotsk and Pereyaslavl.

During the reign of Tsar Yaroslav, Kyiv was the largest center of the Christian world, there were four hundred churches in the city, and the beginning of the construction of the Church of Hagia Sophia, which was later called the temple in Constantinople, reflected its state equality with Byzantium.

The church was assigned an educational role, various monasteries and temples were centers for the establishment and development of writing; The first library in Rus' was founded. Yaroslav insisted that the metropolitan be a Slav, and in 1051 Hilarion became him.

During the reign of Yaroslav the Wise A set of laws of Ancient Rus' began to form - “Russian Truth”, according to which state affairs were regulated: property rights appeared, fines were introduced, etc. 17 articles of this code were written by Yaroslav himself.

Also, a large role of this period in history is given to the priest from the village of Berestova near Kiev, Saint Hilarion. He was also the prince’s spiritual mentor, and defended the independence of the church, in particular from Constantinople, and was a strong church leader and writer. His works “The Word of Law and Grace” and the church “Charter” were the ideological concept of Rus' and influenced the development of the system of church jurisdiction. According to historians, the decision to build the Kyiv Sophia Cathedral was made jointly by Hilarion and Prince Yaroslav.

Let's consider the cause-and-effect relationships between the two processes. The process of enlightenment and Christianization, the adoption of the “Russian Truth” and the “Charter” had common reasons. These include: the need to organize both the church and legal life of the society of the Old Russian state, the creation harmonious system and strengthening the power of Prince Yaroslav, as well as the subsequent cultural and economic development and strengthening relations of an international nature, requiring further development literacy and writing.

The consequence of the first process can be considered strengthening the power of Yaroslav the Wise and the international position of the Old Russian state (as evidenced by the words of St. Hilarion: that the Russian land is heard and known at the four ends of the earth). The consequence of the second process is the legal foundations that were laid under Tsar Yaroslav and which existed until 1497 - the Code of Law of Ivan the Third.

During the reign of Yaroslav the Wise, ancient Rus' flourished. For example, from the 11th century, rich families began to teach writing and literacy to their children, including girls; During this period, the chronicle appears and schools are opened.

The assessment of the activities of the historical period of the Old Russian state is ambiguous. Many historians believe that Yaroslav the Wise contributed to the strengthening of the state and call his time "golden age" of Kievan Rus. And the historian Karamzin believed that he wanted to make a “new Constantinople” out of Kyiv.

Period from 1019-1054 relate to the history of the Old Russian state. Among the many processes and phenomena, it should be noted such as: firstly, the policy of further Christianization, begun by Yaroslav’s father, and enlightenment; secondly, the beginning of the creation in Rus' of “Russian Truth” - the first written set of laws of the Old Russian state.

All these processes are associated with the activities of such individuals as the Grand Duke of Kiev Yaroslav the Wise (1019-1054 reign) and Metropolitan Hilarion.

Yaroslav the Wise made a huge contribution to the flourishing of Kievan Rus: in 1036 he defeated the Pechenegs, which ensured peace and tranquility, the church was formed, a tax was established in favor of the church - tithe. Episcopal sees were created in Novgorod, Chernigov, Pereyaslavl, and Polotsk. Under Yaroslavl, Kyiv was the largest center of the Christian world. There were 400 churches in Kyiv. By laying the foundation of the Church of Hagia Sophia, which was named like the temple in Constantinople, Yaroslav showed his state equality with Byzantium. The church played an educational role: monasteries and churches were centers for the development and establishment of writing. Yaroslav is the founder of the first library in Rus'. It was he who insisted that the metropolitan be a Slav. In 1051 Hilarion became the leader. Under Yaroslav the Wise, the first set of laws of the Old Russian state, “Russian Truth,” began to be formed, according to which relations in the state were regulated: property rights were protected, a fine was introduced, etc. Yaroslav personally wrote 17 articles in this collection.

Undoubtedly, Saint Hilarion, the priest of the village of Berestov near Kiev, played a major role in this period in history. He was the spiritual mentor of Prince Yaroslav. Hilarion defended the independence of the church from Constantinople. He was not only a prominent church figure, but also a writer, whose work “The Word of Law and Grace” was the ideological concept of Rus'. This ecclesiastical and political treatise preached Christian virtues and emphasized the high international status of Rus' and its independence. Historians suggest that Yaroslav and Hilarion decided to build the Kyiv Sophia Cathedral. The name of this metropolitan is associated with the first church “Charter” of Yaroslav - a system of church jurisdiction.

Let us consider what cause-and-effect relationships exist between these processes and phenomena. Firstly, the process of Christianization and enlightenment, the adoption of the “Russian Truth”, the “Charter” of Yaroslav the Wise had common reasons: the need to create a coherent system, organize not only the church, but also the legal life of the society of a single Old Russian state; strengthening power Prince of Kyiv. Secondly, further economic, cultural development and strengthening of international relations, which required the further development of writing and literacy.

The consequence was the strengthening of the power of the Kyiv prince and the international position of Rus', as evidenced by the words of Hilarion in the Church of Hagia Sophia: that the Russian land is known and heard at the four ends of the earth. Secondly, the legal foundations laid down under Yaroslav existed until 1497 - the code of law of Ivan 3. Under Yaroslav the Wise, the flourishing of the Old Russian state was observed, for example, from the 11th century, in rich families they began to teach literacy not only to boys, but also to girls. During this period, chronicles appeared, schools were opened...

In general, we can say that Yaroslav the Wise continued the successful policies of Vladimir, and during his reign Kievan Rus reached its greatest prosperity: Kyiv became one of the largest European cities, and its international prestige at that time became extremely high. The Christian religion spread to all Russian lands and the independence of the Russian Orthodox Church strengthened.

The historian Karamzin believed that Yaroslav sought to turn Kyiv into a “new Constantinople.” Most historians believe that the prince contributed to the strengthening of the entire state, and his time is called the “golden age” of Kievan Rus.

Option 2. Essay on the period 1019-1054.

This period of reign refers to the heyday of the Old Russian state. The ruler of the state during these years was the outstanding Prince Yaroslav the Wise, who made a huge contribution to the development and prosperity of the Russian state. He actively carried out transformative reform activities that seriously influenced the life of the state and society.

The prince's rise to power was not easy. The civil strife between the sons and heirs of Prince Vladimir lasted for many years. In the struggle for the Kiev throne, the main rival of the Novgorod prince Yaroslav was his brother Svyatopolk, nicknamed the Accursed for his brutal reprisal against his brothers Boris and Gleb. Yaroslav emerged victorious from this feud and began to rule wisely for many years.

Thus, under his leadership, the first set of laws was created for the first time - “Russian Truth” in 1051. The reason for the creation of the code was the need to streamline, systematize the numerous pre-existing customs and rules (some of them were quite barbaric, for example, the custom of blood feud, which was replaced with a more humane one - a fine).

In order to strengthen power, a reform of government bodies was carried out: the positions of mayor and governor were introduced. In foreign policy, Prince Yaroslav tried to expand international relations between Rus' and foreign countries, which was greatly facilitated by dynastic marriages of relatives with Western rulers. So, he married his daughters to the kings of Norway and France, and, as you know, he himself took the daughter of the king of Sweden, Ingegerda, as his wife. Thus, the international authority of Rus' increased, and ties and contacts with Western powers expanded. The prince did not forget about protecting his borders and actively repelled the military threat in the form of raids by the steppe nomads, the Pechenegs. Under his leadership, the Pechenegs were completely defeated.

The growing power and authority of Rus' allowed Yaroslav to appoint the first Russian metropolitan for the first time. In 1051, the outstanding writer and activist Hilarion became Metropolitan of Kyiv. He is the author of the religious-journalistic “Tale of the Law and Grace of God.” The role of this statesman and religious figure is great. He contributed to strengthening the position of the Russian Church, spreading literacy and education in humane customs.

Yaroslav, nicknamed the Wise, was indeed an educated, versatile personality of his time. He patronized culture and education, under him Christianity spread, literacy, book publishing, and libraries grew. Beautiful churches were erected - St. Sophia Cathedrals in Kyiv and Novgorod (1037, 1045), the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. New cities were built - Yaroslavl, Yuryev.

The role of this ruler in the history of the Old Russian state is great. Thanks to his reforms, Rus' increased its authority in the international arena. Power reforms contributed to centralization and its strengthening. This ruler gave a strong impetus to the development of culture, art, chronicle writing, and education. The foundations of Russian legislation were laid.

Many historians, such as Klyuchevsky, Soloviev, evaluate this period as a significant era in the history of our state. These years saw the heyday and power of the Old Russian state. During these years, Rus' grew stronger, acquired a reserve of spirit, perseverance, wisdom and was able to reserve strength to meet the era of fragmentation and new trials.

The period of the reign of Grand Duke Yaroslav Vladimirovich by historians, for example N.M. Karamzin, is assessed as successful: thanks to the outstanding political, diplomatic and military abilities of Yaroslav, the unity of Kievan Rus was preserved and legally formalized; Large territories were annexed to Kievan Rus. Yaroslav managed to eliminate the danger of Pecheneg raids on Rus'. Under Yaroslav, the authority of Rus' in the international arena was very great, which is emphasized by the numerous dynastic marriages of Yaroslav's children with the rulers of European states. Yaroslav actively contributed to the spread of Orthodoxy in Rus', for which the Russian Orthodox Church in 2005, she established a day of memory of the blessed prince Yaroslav.

Option 3. 1019 – 1054

This period refers to the history of Ancient Rus', covering the years of the reign of the Grand Duke of Kyiv Yaroslav the Wise

Among the most important events and processes of this period are the following:

Protecting the population of Ancient Rus' from external aggression, protecting and expanding the borders of the state;

Creation of a written code of laws;

Cultural flourishing of the Old Russian state.

Let's take a closer look at the last two areas.

Long before this period, customary law existed in Ancient Rus'. During the reign of Yaroslav the Wise, by his order, legal customs were collected and recorded in the form of a written code - “Russian Truth”. By creating a written set of laws, Yaroslav set out to give the entire population of his state, regardless of place of residence, identical and fair (from the point of view of that era) laws, thereby uniting his subjects into a single people. Another task of “Russian Pravda” was to protect the noble, wealthy segments of the population from attacks on their lives and property. “Russian Truth” limited the use of blood feud and approved a fine (vira) for a number of crimes. “Russian Pravda” contains articles that can be considered articles of criminal, civil, and procedural law. “Russian Truth” became an important basis of the Ancient Russian state, contributed to the safety of the population, the flourishing of various aspects of the life of Ancient Rus', incl. development of culture.

The years of the reign of Yaroslav the Wise were the heyday of ancient Russian culture. Under the patronage of the prince, schools, monasteries, temples were created, chroniclers, theologians, and craftsmen were supported. Among the most important achievements in this direction, it should be noted the construction of the most important temple in national history- St. Sophia of Kyiv. A stone temple, richly decorated with frescoes and mosaics, erected to commemorate the victory over the Pechenegs. During the reign of Yaroslav, another important architectural monument of Ancient Rus' was founded - Sophia of Novgorod. It is to this period that the activities of a major church and cultural figure in our history, Metropolitan Hilarion, date back. The first Kyiv metropolitan of Russian origin, was proclaimed metropolitan with the assistance of Prince Yaroslav. Hilarion is known as the author of “The Sermon on Law and Grace” - one of the oldest works of Russian literature. It is related to another important event in the cultural life of Russian history that occurred at that time - the founding of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. Among its founders were such saints as Theodosius of Pechersk and Anthony of Pechersk.

Assessing this period in our history, we should note its exceptional significance as the heyday of the Old Russian state. This is a period of economic and political stability, foreign policy security, and a time of cultural flourishing. The creation of a single written set of laws strengthened the power of the prince, ensured the safety of the population, and protected the social structure of society. All this contributed to stability and prosperity.

The culture of Ancient Rus' reached unprecedented heights. Architectural masterpieces and other works of material culture were created. Spiritual culture also reached unprecedented heights in its development - chronicle writing, literature, literacy developed, and monasteries flourished.

Option 4

1019 - 1054 is the period of the reign of Yaroslav the Wise from the Rurik dynasty. This prince carried out many reforms, strengthening the unity of Ancient Rus', developing education and culture, and also ending princely civil strife. I will name the most important of them.

In 1019, the first known set of laws of Russian law was compiled, which went down in history under the name “Russian Truth”. We find the first mention of “Yaroslav’s Truth” in the works of the 18th century historian Tatishchev. This document contains norms of criminal, inheritance, commercial and procedural legislation. The social class structure of society was fixed here. The upper class consisted of: nobility, clergy and privileged servants (tiuns, firemen), and the lower class included smerds, purchases, ordinary people and serfs. The right and privilege are also reflected. For example, a double vira (fine) was introduced for the murder of high-ranking servants. In addition, the result of compiling the collection is the elimination of blood feuds.

Yaroslav Vladimirovich himself took part in the preparation of the Brief Edition. Subsequently, “The Truth of the Yaroslavichs” was published, compiled by the sons of Yaroslav - Izyaslav, Vsevolod and Svyatoslav. This document undated, but many historians lean toward 1072. Here individual ownership of land was introduced. This innovation led to the division of Rus'. Already in the 12th century, Vladimir Monomakh compiled a lengthy edition of the collection.

Thus, “Russian Truth”, on the one hand, contributed to the formation of the legal system of the Old Russian state, and on the other hand, led to feudal fragmentation.

Another event of the reign of Yaroslav the Wise is the defeat of the Pechenegs, which is reflected in Nestor’s chronicle “The Tale of Bygone Years.” The Khan of the Pechenegs in 972 killed Svyatoslav Igorevich (Yaroslav’s grandfather) and made a cup from his skull as a sign of respect. Yaroslav's elder brother, Mstislav, could not avenge his ancestors, and Rus' was subject to raids by these nomads for many years. Only in 1036 Yaroslav Vladimirovich’s squad was able to expel the Pechenegs from Kyiv. In honor of this liberation, Yaroslav began construction of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, which ended with the death of the prince in 1054. From the beginning, the cathedral was a Byzantine-style temple, but at the end of the 17th century it was rebuilt in the Ukrainian Baroque style and still retains an ensemble of original mosaics and frescoes. This historical and cultural monument is included in the list World Heritage UNESCO.

Thus, the siege of Kyiv became the last Pecheneg invasion of Rus', after which a temporary “border silence” was established.

Let's consider what cause and effect connections exist between these events during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise.

Both events - the creation of "Russian Truth" and the final defeat of the Pechenegs - were dictated by common reasons: the aggravation of social contradictions in the country and the weakening of princely power. Let us remember the arrival of Yaroslav to the Kyiv throne. He managed to eliminate his brother Svyatopolk the Accursed, who killed his own young brothers Boris and Gleb in 1015, and only in 1019 he became the head of the Kiev principality.

The result of these events was the strengthening of the power of the prince, raising the authority of Ancient Rus' in the international arena, and the development of culture and education.

Yaroslav the Wise ruled for a long time - 35 years. His reign cannot be assessed unambiguously.

On the one hand, uniform written laws were introduced in the country, education developed, libraries were opened, architectural monuments were built, which contributed to the establishment of Russian culture on the same level as Byzantine culture.

On the other hand, the consolidation of legal norms contributed to the formalization of social inequality, which led to the division of Rus' into many small fiefs.

The era of Yaroslav the Wise is a period of strengthening the borders of Rus', creating the preconditions for feudal fragmentation, which began at the end of the reign of Vladimir Monomakh, and the formation of legal law. But the main achievement of this period is the development of culture, writing and Orthodoxy of the Old Russian state.

1019-1054 - the period of reign in Kievan Rus of the Grand Duke Yaroslav Vladimirovich, known as Yaroslav the Wise.

Yaroslav Vladimirovich ascended the Kyiv throne as a result of an internecine war with his brother Svyatopolk. Yaroslav's domestic policy was aimed at preserving the unity of Rus'. To this end, Yaroslav took both forceful and reformist actions. So, in 1020 he defeated the army of his nephew, Bryachislav of Polotsk, who ravaged Novgorod. Having suffered defeat in an internecine war with his brother Mstislav of Tmutarakan in 1024, Yaroslav chose to divide government and thereby protect Rus' from new strife. The lands along the left bank of the Dnieper went to Mstislav, and the right bank remained with Yaroslav. Like his father, Yaroslav sent his sons to the most important regions of Rus' as governors. In an effort to ensure a unified order, Yaroslav introduced the first written set of laws in Kievan Rus - the Russian Truth. Under Yaroslav, the Church of St. Sophia was built in Kyiv and the first metropolitan of Kievan Rus of Russian origin, Hilarion, was elected.

Yaroslav conducted an active foreign policy. In the north-west, Yaroslav sought to establish friendly relations with Sweden and Norway through dynastic marriages: Yaroslav himself was married to the daughter of the Swedish king, and Yaroslav’s youngest daughter Elizabeth was married to the king of Norway. Also in the northwest, Yaroslav sought to annex territories in the Baltic states. In 1030, Yaroslav's troops made a campaign against Chud, in 1038 - against the Yatvingians, in 1040 - in Lithuania. In the west, Yaroslav sought to establish profitable relations with France, for which he married his daughter Anna to the French king Henry I. Also in the west, Rus' in 1031-1036. successfully fought with Poland for the Cherven lands. In the east, Yaroslav continued to build fortresses on the border with the steppe, and in 1036 he defeated the Pechenegs near Kiev, after which their raids on Rus' ceased. In the south after long peace in 1043-1046 There was a war with Byzantium due to the murder of Russian merchants in Constantinople. After peace was concluded, as a sign of renewed friendly ties between the two countries, a dynastic marriage was arranged: Yaroslav's son Vsevolod married the daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine Monomakh.

The period of the reign of Grand Duke Yaroslav Vladimirovich is assessed by historians, for example N.M. Karamzin, as successful: thanks to the outstanding political, diplomatic and military abilities of Yaroslav, the unity of Kievan Rus was preserved and legally formalized; Large territories were annexed to Kievan Rus. Yaroslav managed to eliminate the danger of Pecheneg raids on Rus'. Under Yaroslav, the authority of Rus' in the international arena was very great, which is emphasized by the numerous dynastic marriages of Yaroslav's children with the rulers of European states. Yaroslav actively contributed to the spread of Orthodoxy in Rus', for which the Russian Orthodox Church in 2005 established a day of memory of the blessed Prince Yaroslav.

For the historical period 1019-1054. marks the reign of Prince Yaroslav the Wise in Kyiv.

During the reign of Yaroslav the Wise, a number of important historical events took place. Firstly, Yaroslav’s accession to the throne occurred during an internecine struggle with his brothers, which did not end in 1019. Yaroslav the Wise continued the struggle with Mstislav of Tmutarakan until 1026, when an agreement was concluded between them on the division of lands along the Dnieper. Only after the death of Mstislav in 1036 did Yaroslav the Wise manage to restore power over all Russian lands. To prevent future princely strife, Yaroslav the Wise approved the so-called “Yaroslav’s Row”. A ladder system of succession to the throne is emerging.

Victory in the internecine struggle contributed to the strengthening of the power of the Kyiv prince and made it possible to carry out reforms within the country and strengthen the position of the Old Russian state in the international arena.

Secondly, the process of strengthening the Old Russian state is developing. The strengthening of the power of the Kyiv prince is evidenced by the following facts. Yaroslav the Wise accepts the “Russian Truth” - the oldest code of laws of the Old Russian state that has come down to us, the effect of which extended to all Russian lands.

In 1051, without agreement with the Patriarch of Constantinople, Yaroslav the Wise installed Hilarion at the head of the Kyiv Metropolis.

Evidence of the effectiveness of Yaroslav the Wise was the conclusion of dynastic marriages with the ruling dynasties of European states. Thus, Yaroslav’s daughter Anna was married to the King of France.

The historical period 1019-1054 is assessed by historians as the heyday of the Old Russian state. The unity of the ancient Russian state, divided during the princely strife, was restored. Yaroslav managed to strengthen the unity of the state by adopting an all-Russian law - “Russian Truth”. The strengthening of the political system and successes in protecting the borders of Russian lands (for example, the defeat of the Pechenegs near Kiev in 1036) contributed to the growth of authority in the international arena, which is confirmed by the conclusion of dynastic marriages between the Rurikovichs and representatives of the ruling dynasties of European states.

Yaroslav the Wise failed to eliminate the causes of civil strife - “Yaroslav’s row” could not prevent the struggle between the heirs for the Kiev throne.

The scheme is the second strife in Rus'

Reasons and background

There are several main reasons that pushed the heirs of Vladimir the Baptist to civil strife:

  • Polygamy of Prince Vladimir - many of his sons were born from different women, which increased their hostility towards each other. (Svyatopolk was born from a concubine, ex-wife Yaropolk, who was killed on the orders of Vladimir).
  • Polish connections of Svyatopolk - some researchers suggest that Prince Svyatopolk came under the influence of his wife, the daughter of the Polish prince Boleslav, and her confessor Reyenbern. The young prince was promised help from Poland if he agreed to turn Kievan Rus from Christianity to Catholicism
  • The common tendency for large feudal states to break up into personal principalities headed by the children of a recently deceased supreme ruler (prince, king, emperor), followed by a struggle for power between them.

Murder of princes Boris, Gleb and Svyatoslav

After the death of Prince Vladimir July 15, 1015, Svyatopolk, with the help of the Vyshgorod boyars loyal to him, established himself in Kyiv and declared himself the new Kyiv prince. Boris, who led the princely squad, despite the persuasion of his comrades, refused to confront his brother. His father's warriors left him and he remained with his closest people.

According to official history, Svyatopolk, notifying Boris about the death of his father and offering to live with him in peace, simultaneously sent hired killers to his brother. On the night of July 30, Prince Boris was killed along with a servant who tried to protect the owner.

After this, near Smolensk, the hired killers overtook Prince Gleb, and the Drevlyan prince Svyatoslav, who tried to escape to the Carpathians, along with his seven sons, died in a battle against a large detachment sent in pursuit of him.

The death of Svyatoslav and the struggle for power between the sons of Vladimir Svyatoslavich deprived the Carpathian Croats of their last ally, and the Borzhava and Latoritsa valleys were annexed by the Hungarians.

The official version of Svyatopolk’s guilt in fratricide was later challenged on the basis of the surviving and translated Norwegian sagas (about Eymund). Considering the fact that, according to the chronicles, Yaroslav, Bryachislav and Mstislav refused to recognize Svyatopolk as the legitimate prince in Kyiv, and only two brothers - Boris and Gleb - declared their allegiance to the new Kyiv prince and pledged to “honor him as their father”, for Svyatopolk it is very strange would be to kill their allies. But Yaroslav, whose descendants had the opportunity to influence the writing of chronicles, was very interested in eliminating competitors on the path to the Kyiv throne.

The struggle between Yaroslav and Svyatopolk for the Kyiv throne

1016 - Battle of Lyubech

In 1016 Yaroslav, at the head of a 3,000-strong Novgorod army and mercenary Varangian troops, moved against Svyatopolk, who called the Pechenegs for help. The two troops met on the Dnieper near Lyubech and for three months, until late autumn, neither side risked crossing the river. Finally, the Novgorodians did it, and they got the victory. The Pechenegs were cut off from Svyatopolk's troops by the lake and were unable to come to his aid.

1017 - siege of Kyiv

Next year 1017 (6525) The Pechenegs, at the instigation of Buritsleif (here the opinions of historians differ, some consider Buritsleif to be Svyatopolk, others - Boleslav) undertook a campaign against Kyiv. The Pechenegs launched an attack with significant forces, while Yaroslav could only rely on the remnants of the Varangian squad under the leadership of King Eymund, the Novgorodians and a small Kiev detachment. According to the Scandinavian saga, Yaroslav was wounded in the leg in this battle. The Pechenegs managed to break into the city, but a powerful counterattack by a selected squad after a heavy, bloody battle put the Pechenegs to flight. In addition, large “wolf pits” near the walls of Kyiv, dug and camouflaged by order of Yaroslav, played a positive role in the defense of Kyiv. The besieged undertook a sortie and during the pursuit captured the banner of Svyatopolk.

1018 - Battle of the Bug River
Svyatopolk and Boleslav the Brave capture Kyiv

In 1018 Svyatopolk, married to the daughter of the Polish king Boleslav the Brave, enlisted the support of his father-in-law and again gathered troops to fight Yaroslav. Boleslav's army, in addition to the Poles, included 300 Germans, 500 Hungarians and 1000 Pechenegs. Yaroslav, having gathered his squad, moved towards him and as a result of the battle on the Western Bug, the army of the Kyiv prince was defeated. Yaroslav fled to Novgorod, and the road to Kyiv was open.

August 14, 1018 Boleslav and Svyatopolk entered Kyiv. The circumstances of Boleslav's return from the campaign are vague. The Tale of Bygone Years speaks of the expulsion of the Poles as a result of the Kiev uprising, but Thietmar of Merseburg and Gallus Anonymus write the following:

Boleslav the Brave and Svyatopolk at the Golden Gate of Kyiv

“Boleslav put in his place in Kyiv one Russian who became related to him, and he himself began to gather for Poland with the remaining treasures.”

Boleslav received, as a reward for his help, the Cherven cities (an important trading hub on the way from Poland to Kyiv) the Kyiv treasury and many prisoners, and also, according to the Chronicle of Thietmar of Merseburg, Predslava Vladimirovna, Yaroslav’s beloved sister, whom he took as a concubine.

And Yaroslav prepared to flee “over the sea.” But the Novgorodians chopped up his boats and convinced the prince to continue the fight with Svyatopolk. They collected money, concluded a new treaty with the Varangians of King Eymund and armed themselves.

1019 - Battle of the Alta River

In the spring of 1019 Svyatopolk fought with Yaroslav in a decisive battle on the Alta River. The chronicle did not preserve the exact location and details of the battle. It is only known that the battle lasted all day and was extremely fierce. Svyatopolk fled through Berestye and Poland to the Czech Republic. On the way, suffering from illness, he died.