What does cauterization mean in medicine? Korean Traditional Medicine: Three Main Treatment Methods

Cauterization is application with therapeutic purpose chemical, thermal, electrical and radiation burns.

Cauterization is used to destroy small skin tumors, excessive granulations, moles, warts, calluses, growths of the mucous membrane, etc. The chemical method consists of lubricating the lesion with an alcohol solution of iodine, concentrated solutions of nitrate, carbolic, lactic or nitric acid, etc. When cauterization is strong Acids require caution: the acid is applied with a glass rod, the surrounding healthy tissue is protected with a sterile cloth or lubricated with lanolin, petroleum jelly, zinc paste. Instead of a solution of silver nitrate or carbolic acid, you can use a stick of crystalline preparation.

Thermal cauterization with hot metal is carried out with a Paklen thermal cautery or galvanocauter. Moxibustion combined with acupuncture is one of the widespread methods of Chinese traditional medicine.

For cauterization with electricity, a high-frequency current is used, which, through special tips, causes limited tissue destruction (see). This method is used to remove small superficial tumors of the skin, mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, bladder, as well as to stop bleeding from small vessels (see).

Cauterization with the application of first-degree radiation burns in the form of quartz is used as a distracting agent for inflammatory diseases (see).

Cauterization (cauterisatio) is the application of burns for therapeutic purposes - thermal, chemical, electrical or radiation. Cauterization is used to destroy small pathological formations - hypertrophied mucous membrane, warts, excessive granulations, etc. In these cases, in addition to diathermocoagulation (see) and cauterization with hot metal - the tip of the Pakelen apparatus or a galvanocauter loop (see Thermocautery), it is sometimes possible use and chemicals- silver nitrate, copper sulfate, fuming nitric acid etc.

Through diathermocoagulation, tissue dissection is also performed instead of cutting it with a knife (see Electrosurgical methods of treatment).

The application of extensive first-degree burns is widely used as a reflexotherapeutic event and a means of distraction: chemical, with the help of mustard plasters or radiation - quartz erythema (see Ultraviolet radiation). Distractive cauterization with second-degree burns is one of the most common means of Eastern (Chinese, Japanese) medicine (see Acupuncture).

The history of one of the methods of reflexology - moxibustion - goes back centuries. Its meaning is to irritate certain areas of the skin with heat. In ancient times they said: “Irritation from without is an effect within.” Medical books of that time indicated that moxibustion was effective even when acupuncture and medications were powerless.

In eastern countries, where this method is widely used, smoldering moxa, a dry plant mass in the form of grains or cigars, is used as a cauterizing agent. Usually it is wormwood, sometimes with the addition of other medicinal herbs. Not used beneficial properties wormwood, and its ability, after special processing, to give the optimal temperature at the moment of smoldering. It's about about temperatures in the range of 60-70˚С. Burn cauterization, i.e. the use of cauterization with the formation of a bubble still persists in eastern countries. In European countries, only thermal cauterization, or heating, is currently used.

What is the benefit of cauterization? It has been proven that moxibustion has an antispasmodic, sedative effect on the body and can even stop physiological aging. This method is especially effective in the treatment of many chronic diseases, gynecological disorders, inflammatory processes, rheumatism, arthritis, insomnia, diseases gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs, genitourinary system, as well as colds and flu.

Cauterization will quickly relieve pain of various origins; will help a hot-tempered and irritable person calm down; eliminates cramps, “revitalizes” the nerves, and copes with insomnia. Moxibustion can and should be used for cerebral palsy and after strokes during the rehabilitation period. Pmowing significantly improves blood circulation and thus eliminates the various consequences of impaired blood flow. Moxibustion regulates the production of hormones and enzymes. Thus, in people with chronic stomach diseases, cauterization optimizes the production of gastric juice and normalizes acidity. The same thing happens with the salivary glands and the production of bile by the liver.Moxibustion improves the internal secretion of the adrenal glands, testes and ovaries, thyroid and pancreas, as a result, many women's problems are solved.

Cauterization increases the absorption and resorption capacity of tissues. For example, by improving the absorption capacity of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, the nutrition of the entire body and, accordingly, the functions of all internal organs improves. Thanks tonormal disposalmetabolic products are quickly eliminated from the body of harmful substances and liquids. Resorption of bruises, subcutaneous bruises, and internal hemorrhages is accelerated.

Normalization of metabolism leads to tissue rejuvenation. For example, a person with gray hair When certain points are cauterized, hair of its natural color may appear. With a long course of cauterization, the pressure normalizes. After cauterization for more than 60 days, the number of red blood cells increases by 20%. The amount of hemoglobin also increases. Immunity is strengthened. The clotting properties of the blood are restored, which is especially important during bleeding. The result is noticeable within 30 minutes.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis with moxa moxibustion according to the method of Japanese healers

In Tibetan, Chinese and Japanese medicine, treatment with the so-called moxa moxibustion of longevity points, which are located three fingers below the knees, is very popular (Fig. 1).

Moxa is wormwood (dry and crushed, rolled into a cigarette). It is lit, and the flame is either brought closer to the biological points, or removed, that is, a piercing cauterization is performed.

There is the following legend about this in Japan.

So, in 1845, the peasant Mampe, who at that time was 242 years old, was invited to the ruler of Japan, his wife was 221 years old, his son was 201, his son’s wife was 193, his grandson was 153, and his grandson’s wife was 138.

Mampe explained his secret of longevity by the fact that his family every month from the 1st to the 8th, throughout their adult life, do moxa-cauterization of the above-mentioned longevity points.

The moxa cauterization method has survived to this day and is used to treat various diseases, including prostate diseases. However, in any case, it is advisable to stimulate (do acupressure) or cauterize the longevity point, simultaneously with targeted treatment of a specific organ.

Moxa-cauterization of biologically active points for inflammation of the prostate gland

Recipe for making wormwood cigarettes: collect wormwood grass during the flowering period - leaves along with flowers (without stem). Dry everything in the shade, then chop.

Store in bags (such as tobacco pouches) made of natural fabrics. Make a tight roll-your-own cigarette as needed. Before treatment, light it or simply set it on fire to create a stable flame.

Never touch the wormwood cigarette to the skin, but only pour it and bring it very close to it.

Hold the cigarette over each point for several seconds (until you feel very strong warmth, heat) (Fig. 2, 3, 4, 5).

Treatment with a moxa cigarette can also be carried out in another way, which is called “iron cauterization”.

It consists of moving a moxa cigarette very slowly along the line of biologically active points, or on both sides of them.

Cauterize your asthma

Ancient Chinese and Tibetan medicine left humanity with the most valuable heritage, which is gradually being mastered by the entire modern civilization - Zhenjiu therapy. Or, in other words, acupuncture and cauterization of biologically active points. It has not yet been possible to reveal the mechanism of this therapy, which, however, does not prevent it from being used successfully.
One of the places in Moscow where you can undergo treatment with needles and wormwood cigars is the Naran Tibetan medicine clinic. We talk with his chief physician, Svetlana Galsanovna Choyzhinimaeva, about jujube therapy - moxibustion. Zhen therapy, which is better known and popular, will remain outside the scope of our conversation, since hitting a biologically active point with a needle with an accuracy of a fraction of a millimeter is a high art, which is specially taught to doctors, and these skills, of course, cannot be conveyed through a newspaper. Cauterization does not require such precision: the heat from a burning cigar spreads over a fairly large area of ​​skin; a shift of a few millimeters to the side does not reduce the effect. Therefore, those who wish can independently master this ancient Eastern method of treatment.

First, about cigars. The standard wormwood cigar produced in China looks like a small firecracker, its length is 20 cm, diameter is 2 cm, one such cigar is enough for several sessions. Of course, you won’t find Chinese stores everywhere in Russia, but those who want to get involved in this method can make their own cigars for burning.

Before winter covers the ground with a blanket of snow, try to have time to pick wormwood or collect fallen poplar leaves (they successfully replace wormwood). At home, the collected “fuel” for cigars should be dried and then ground to obtain fine “tobacco” dust. You can also use wormwood that is sold in pharmacies. Having these raw materials, you can begin making a cigar. To do this, take a sheet of cigarette paper, or if you don’t have one, take a sheet of newspaper paper with a format of 20x6.5 cm (the first number can be varied - the cigar will be longer or shorter; the second number, which determines the diameter, it is advisable to keep exactly). It must be glued with raw egg white, rolled into a tube, sealing one end, and then filled with wormwood or poplar dust through the open hole, trying to compact it tightly. The binder for “tobacco” will be the same egg white, which will keep the dust from spilling out when the cigar burns. To make the procedure easier, you can use a plastic case for a regular mercury thermometer (sold at the pharmacy). Having filled the tube to the edge, its second end must also be sealed.

A huge number of diseases are treated with the help of cauterization. Today, taking into account the approaching winter, the associated colds and chronic diseases that worsen during the season, I asked Svetlana Galsanovna to give an algorithm for ju-treatment of these particular diseases.

Chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, as well as a wide range of headaches are treated by cauterization of several biologically active points distributed over the surface of the body.

The first of them - he-gu - is located in the geometric center of the triangular skin membrane connecting the thumb and index fingers. It is necessary to cauterize both of these points on both hands one by one.

The next point is called bulan - “the gate of the lungs”; heating it promotes the separation of mucus and the removal of sputum. This point is located 1 cm below the middle of the collarbone - on the line of the nipple. Two symmetrical points of the “port of the lungs” should be cauterized.

Next, find the jugular notch - this is the triangle where the neck meets the chest. At the apex of the jugular notch there is another necessary point.

Finally, the last key link to victory over bronchitis and asthma is the seventh cervical vertebra.

How to carry out cauterization. The cigar is set on fire and the smoldering end is brought to the desired point at a distance of 1.5-2 cm. The criterion for the correctness of the chosen distance from the surface of the body will be the pleasant warmth spreading from the biologically active point throughout the body. There should be no burning sensation. If it is too hot, the cigar should be moved a little away from the surface of the body.

Each point is cauterized for 2-3 minutes, maximum 5 minutes. If the cigar is made correctly, one burning session (six points) will shorten the cigar by approximately one centimeter.

Prevention of colds requires 3-5 sessions (in Tibetan medicine the number of sessions is always odd), treatment of an already existing cold - 7-9 sessions (however, with a quickly achieved effect, you can limit yourself to three or five sessions). Preventive cauterizations can be done every other day; it is better to treat an acute illness with daily sessions.

Before starting cauterization of the next point, it is good to pre-lubricate the Ju-therapy area with the Vietnamese “Asterisk” or the Chinese “Loan” balm, or any available essential oil, preferably with eucalyptus or pine extract, and do a light massage. In this case, the cauterization effect will increase.

Instead of holding the cigar motionless over the point, you can slowly make circles over the surrounding area. It is good to accompany cauterization of the seventh cervical vertebra by moving the cigar along the spine to the level of the shoulder blades.

Cauterization increases blood flow to vital points, and through them to the lungs and bronchi. In addition, inhaling the vapors of burning wormwood is healing for the respiratory tract and also promotes the removal of phlegm.

If you have cured bronchitis or achieved remission of asthma, after two to three weeks, repeat, but shorten, the course of treatment. After the end of the session, it is necessary to properly extinguish the cigar. There is no need to wet the smoldering end with water - then it will be difficult to set it on fire again. Pressing a cigar to an ashtray like a tobacco bull will not extinguish it. Therefore the most effective way extinguishing - lower the smoldering end of the cigar into a vessel with a narrow neck, for example, into a beer bottle. Deprived of oxygen, the cigar will quickly go out.

Cauterization also treats such a difficult chronic disease as sinusitis. In this case, you should cauterize not only the places of the maxillary sinuses (in the upper part of the cheeks, under the eyes) - cheng qi, but also several more points on the body: again both he gu points, two symmetrical ones, the so-called 11th points of the large intestine meridian . You can find these points on the body like this. Bend your arm at the elbow. Look at the elbow crease facing the face. Where this fold ends (near the elbow joint), the desired point is located.

The session should be completed by cauterizing the longevity points. This point - tzu san-li - is located on the front side of the leg, below the kneecap. Place three long fingers (second, third and fourth) under the knee - you will find the horizontal level of the longevity point. Now set the width of the big toe on the right foot to the right of the central meridian of the bone, on the left foot to the left. These will be the points of longevity.

Treatment of sinusitis requires 11-13 warming sessions with a daily treatment regimen.



We have already noted that moxibustion treatment is associated with acupuncture, both in modern literature and in extant sources, and that both methods are often combined and used simultaneously. This explains why the clinical trials we looked at in the previous chapter also included moxibustion treatment.

The moxibustion treatment process is also known by the older name moxibation. The word comes from the Japanese plant mogusa (latinized moxa), similar to artemisia vulgaris, a type of wormwood, and the Latin word yoke (to burn or scorch).

As the origin of the word suggests, acupuncture points used to be simply cauterized with “cauterization herb,” that is, a medicinal herb. Currently, the affected points are simply heated, although the term moxibustion is still widely used. In my opinion, the term moxotherapy is more appropriate in this case.

According to Professor Yuara, this method of treatment most likely has an earlier origin than pricking with stone needles, although the opposite point of view is found in modern Chinese publications. Traditionally, therapeutic moxibustion developed mainly in the northern regions of China. Based on this, Yuar concludes that Stone Age man used cauterization to relieve rheumatic pain, which more often occurred in the damp cave that served as his home and in a colder climate.

Of course, the healing power of warming fire has been known from very early times. And in the oldest collection of medical knowledge, “The Yellow Emperor’s Canon on Internal Medicine,” we find references to the cauterization method as a perfectly developed procedure.

In addition, any method of treatment with heating requires knowledge of the points of influence on the human and animal body. Some points are excluded from moxibustion treatment; they can only be used for acupuncture and vice versa. Both ancient and modern works provide a list of these “forbidden” points.

In the old days, points chosen for therapeutic effects were also cauterized with red-hot iron rods. Today this procedure is used only in veterinary surgery. In addition to iron rods, other means of cauterization were used, usually from the rolled leaves of medicinal plants (mulberry, ginger, aconite, wormwood, etc.). Points of irritation were either cauterized or heated with smoldering leaves twisted into stick shapes.

Nowadays, various warming procedures are practiced. For example, a medicinal plant is crushed and wrapped in special paper, set on fire and held over the point that needs to be heated. The dried and powdered medicinal plant can also be shaped into a ball or cone and then placed directly on the treatment point. Then such a cone is set on fire, and it remains at a given point on the body surface until there is a danger of burns or overheating; as soon as such a moment comes, the cone is removed.

In certain cases, a cone or ball of a medicinal plant is placed on a special base; this will be discussed later.

In modern Chinese clinics, Chernobyl leaves are most often used, usually in the form of 10-12 cm sticks or cones or bean-sized balls. The purpose of the procedure is to warm up, causing a pleasant sensation, not a burn.

For cauterization treatment, the Japanese have developed a special device consisting of small tubes equipped with a handle. The medicinal plant in powder form is burned in them. Similar devices can be found everywhere in China.

Top left: The cauterization cone will be placed directly on the skin. Top right: warming with a moxibustion stick. Bottom left: Cauterization cone on stand. Bottom right: Applying cauterization cone on stand

The following details regarding therapeutic moxibustion are taken from contemporary Chinese publications.

1. One session requires three to five wormwood cones or balls; they can be set on fire and applied simultaneously to different points on the surface of the body, or set on fire and applied one after another to the same point. In cases of chronic diseases, the dosage may be increased.

2. The stick burns for 4-5 minutes. If you want to get the effect of sedation, the stick is held above the corresponding point on the body surface. This procedure can be used, for example, to develop protective inhibition in the cerebral cortex. To achieve a tonic effect, the surface of the skin is lightly tapped with a smoldering stick, preventing overheating of the point on which the therapeutic effect is applied. This is the so-called “pecking method”.

3. In the case of moxibustion treatment with a ginger cone, a ginger leaf is first placed on the treatment point, and then the cone is placed on top of it. If the ginger leaf dries out, it should be replaced with a fresh one. Generally speaking, this method is used for abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting and for rheumatic pain in the limbs.

4. In the case of cauterization treatment through garlic, a clove of fresh garlic is placed on the points undergoing therapeutic irritation. A small hole is made in the garlic clove and the cone is placed on top. Generally speaking, this method is used as an anesthetic and in certain cases to treat pulmonary diseases (asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis).

5. When treating with salt cauterization, the point of application of the therapeutic effect is covered with table salt, and the cone is placed on top. If the salt overheats, it is replaced. This method is usually used for abdominal pain, nausea and diseases caused by organic hypofunction. The purpose of the procedure is to compensate for the “lack of energy” in the affected organ.

Cauterization with cones and sticks should be dosed, it depends on the part of the body that is being treated. For example, in the case of irritated points on the head, the usual dose is based on heating for 3-5 minutes using only sticks and not cones. Other recommended dosages are as follows: on the chest - 3-5 minutes of constant heating with cones or 3-10 minutes with sticks; on the body - 5-20 minutes of constant warming with cones or the same amount of time with sticks; on the back - 3-10 minutes of constant warming with cones or the same amount of time with sticks.

When performing moxibustion, the correct position of the patient’s body is important to provide optimal impact on points on the body surface. Modern publications warn against burning the patient's skin, and thus the old, scarring method is now abandoned, as is cauterization with sulfur. Care must be taken to ensure that no sparks fly during the treatment session; Windows should also be opened to prevent smoke from accumulating when lighting the cone or stick. The fact that smoke sometimes appears is the only drawback of this method of therapy.

Once the session is completed, any visible marks that may remain on the surface of the skin, in the worst case a slight redness, soon disappear. Even if a blister appears, it is pierced with a sterile needle and lubricated with medicinal ointment.

The former method of direct cauterization left ugly scars on the skin, traces of which can still be seen today among older generations in China and especially in Korea.

Modern medical science considers therapeutic cauterization as a method of stimulating the skin as a result of its heating and, probably, exposure chemical compounds contained in medicinal plants (garlic, ginger, etc.). This opinion is shared by many old-school doctors, including Wang Xiaotai, who was trained in both traditional and modern healing methods.

We already know that the internal organs respond to the vasodilatory effect of stimulating the skin. This is explained by the close relationship between these organs and special areas of the skin: any disease of the internal organs causes pain in the latter. On the contrary, any stimulation of certain areas and points on the surface of the skin excites the muscles and blood vessels and affects the corresponding internal organs. This functional relationship explains the effectiveness of moxibustion from a therapeutic point of view. The only slight difficulty is to reconcile traditional moxibustion points with the theories of modern medicine and combine them into one general system.

Wormwood cigar, or moxa, has been used in Chinese medicine for a long time. It is used to treat a variety of diseases. The moxibustion procedure is one of the most effective in China and is called ju therapy. This treatment method is based on the knowledge of oriental doctors about biologically active points and the unique properties of wormwood.

What are wormwood cigars?

The wormwood cigar is made from wormwood. This herb for ju-therapy was not chosen by chance, because the leaves of the plant create temperature regime, necessary to influence biologically active points of a person. It does not create a spark, which eliminates the possibility of burns. In addition to heat, moxa produces smoke, which has antibacterial properties and has a beneficial effect on the body. This procedure is carried out strictly according to indications, and it can be done by contacting any Chinese medicine center.

More about Ju-therapy

IN oriental medicine There are several types of thermal effects on acupuncture points, including distant thermopuncture, which is carried out with a wormwood cigar. Here, the heat emitted by moxa is aimed at stimulating the bioactive points of the body. With this effect, the skin area heats up to 43-45 ° C, without causing a burn. Today, any Chinese medicine center is able to offer several types of moxotherapy.

Cauterization with a cigar is divided into contact and non-contact. In the first case, the smoldering end of the cigar interacts with the patient's skin. The procedure here is carried out both with and without scar formation. In the scarless method, smoldering moxa is placed on the surface of the dermis. If there is a slight burning sensation, the burning cigar is replaced with a new one. If cauterization is performed with the formation of a scar, then the moxa on the body burns completely, and after it local hyperemia remains. Upon completion of the procedure, the remaining ash is removed from the body, and the epidermis is lubricated butter mixed with salt.

With the non-contact cauterization method, a slice of garlic or ginger is placed on the patient’s skin (in some cases, salt is added), and a smoldering cigar is placed on it. The gasket material is selected depending on the disease.

Moxibustion with moxa can also be carried out at a certain distance (3-5 cm) from the human body. Here, the active points are affected not only by pleasant heat, but also by combustion products. This treatment has a positive effect on the skin and muscle tissue.

Using the above methods, not only the “longevity point”, which can be found under the kneecap of both legs, is cauterized, but also other biologically active areas of the body. Acupuncture points are determined by a doctor using palpation. They feel the most intense pulsation and pain. They are located on the surface of the entire body (on the head, limbs, torso) and are responsible for the functioning of one or another organ.

Ancient Chinese medicine assumes that every disease is caused by a series of events, therefore, with this method of treatment, the cause of the disease is affected. First of all, immunity increases and the full functioning of all organs is restored.

Indications for the procedure

Wormwood cigar is used for diseases of “cold” and “deficiency”. Moxa is used for colds and to relieve pain in the abdomen, stomach and joints. They also treat ailments in the back and lower back. Thermopuncture helps relieve pain during menstruation, and is also useful in cases of inadequate functioning of the “qi” of the spleen and blood.

Cauterization with moxa is indicated for skin diseases and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Wormwood cigar is prescribed by Chinese doctors for the gag reflex, diarrhea and arthritis. Ju therapy helps with tuberculosis and the presence of pulmonary nodes. Sometimes cauterization is carried out after sunstroke, especially if it is accompanied by loss of consciousness.

There are many indications for performing this measure, and only a specialist can decide whether the procedure should be performed, based on the condition of the body, the degree of development of the disease and the presence of contraindications.

Burning with wormwood cigars: contraindications

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to resort to distant thermopuncture. Thus, the patient’s fever and fever are contraindications to the procedure. In this situation, the urine turns a deep yellow color and the stool becomes excessively dry. There is a rapid pulse, and the tongue becomes bright red with a yellow coating. The procedure is not performed in the presence of acute inflammation and poisoning.

Do not burn with wormwood cigarettes on the head, in the area of ​​the nose and eyes, in places where fresh wounds, scars and other injuries appear. Do not use moxa in the area of ​​lymph nodes and on sunmiga points. The procedure is prohibited for people with high blood pressure and pregnant women in the abdominal area. Cauterization is contraindicated for persons with blood and vascular diseases, or with hot bile. This technique cannot be used if the functioning of the sensory organs is impaired.

If the event is carried out using a wick, then it is positioned in such a way that it does not roll off and burn the patient. When using ginger or garlic, the wick should not burn for long to avoid causing a blister on the body.

When performing juju therapy, specialists look at the weather. Moxibustion with moxa is not done in wind, snow or rain. The ban on this event also applies to the 1st, 15th, 18th and 18th calendars. In addition, active points located on the right ribs are not cauterized in the fall, while on the left - in the spring. In summer, acupuncture points in the navel area should not be touched, and in winter, the lumbar region should not be treated.

If the cause of a person’s illness has not been established, then a trial session of juju therapy is performed. If your health worsens, no further procedures are performed.

Biologically active points

Moxibustion with wormwood cigars is carried out on two types of acupuncture points:

  • Areas that directly affect the disease. Painful sensations when pressed are observed in this area. They are located in the area of ​​arthritic lymph swirls on the bone tissue. This includes areas near wounds, malignant formations, swelling and various types of growths.
  • Biologically active points, the location of which only a doctor knows. As a rule, they are located in areas of circulation of the bile ducts, lymph, wind, blood and mucus.

A positive result directly depends on the point chosen for the procedure. A correctly chosen place has a beneficial effect on the movement of blood and wind, helps eliminate and relieve tension, pain, helps strengthen memory, and improves mental functioning. Saturates the stomach, kidneys and the entire body as a whole with warmth. A positive effect is also observed in dead tissue.

According to Eastern science, the first vertebra, if you look at the European scheme, it will be the seventh, is the point of the wind. If the wind is in the channel of life, then the patient may be bothered by headaches, rapid heartbeat, and arrhythmia. Confusion of thoughts, hysteria, trembling in the body, tinnitus, deafness, muteness and sleep disturbance are observed. The most beneficial effect is observed when this point is stimulated in old age.

The second vertebra, also called the bile point, is used in the treatment of jaundice. This area helps stabilize blood pressure, reduce the formation of bile and blood. Cauterizing this place is useful in the presence of a goiter.

The third vertebra is considered the mucus point. Its work is stimulated to treat diseases of the pulmonary system and heart. Cauterization of this area is indicated in case of poor mucus production, if nausea occurs and there is a malfunction of the stomach. Stimulate this point for nasal congestion and swelling.

Affects the functioning of the anterior lobes of the pulmonary apparatus. Activation of the point has a beneficial effect on “heavy” breathing, wet cough, and asthma. Stimulation of the point eliminates swelling that occurs due to unstable functioning of the pulmonary system.

The fifth vertebra affects the pathology of the posterior lobes of the pulmonary system, and the sixth is called the “vessel of life.” Stimulation of the seventh vertebra improves cardiovascular activity vascular system. Next, in a certain sequence, are the points of the diaphragm, liver organ and spleen, as well as the active stomach, renal system, intestines, organs both dense and hollow, bladder, menstruation and sperm.

Cauterization technique

Moxibustion therapy has been curing many diseases for many centuries. Wormwood cigars do not always consist of 100% wormwood; sometimes other medicinal plants are added to their composition. The basis of wormwood cigar therapy is the infrared rays emitted by the smoking end of the moxa. Their wavelength ranges from 1-5.5 microns, and the burning temperature of wormwood cigars fluctuates around 825 °C.

The first step is to prepare the wick or wormwood cigars for moxotherapy. Wormwood leaves are thoroughly dried and dust is removed from them. The remaining parts of the plant are rolled into the shape of cigars with a diameter of 2 cm and a length of 20 cm. If the treatment is carried out with a wormwood wick, then the dry grass is rolled into a small ball. What to choose for treatment - a wick or a cigar - is decided by the doctor, based on the patient’s health condition.

The “zu san li” point and other active zones are usually cauterized with moxa at a distance of 3-5 cm. At this time, the patient feels warm. If the procedure is performed with a wick, then it is placed directly on the skin and wait until the patient does not feel pain. One point is affected by only one wick or cigar. A layer of ginger (garlic or salt) is placed under them.

Cauterization with a wick has a greater therapeutic effect than the procedure performed with cigars.

Methods of remote moxibustion with moxa

Wormwood cigars have found their application in the treatment of many diseases. This procedure is aimed at stimulating thermoreceptors, which are located in a particularly sensitive area skin.

Moxibustion is carried out using three methods. These are heat, pecking and ironing.

In turn, thermal cauterization can be carried out in several ways, these are:

  1. The wormwood cigar is located at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from the skin, where it is aged for 5 to 30 minutes. In this way, neuralgia, diseases of the dermis and pathologies of the digestive system are treated.
  2. A small hole is made in a piece of ginger 0.5 cm thick, the diameter of which is 0.5 cm. This plate is placed on the active point. The cigar is set on fire and removed at a distance of 1.5 cm from the ginger slice. If a burning sensation occurs, the moxa is removed from the body for about thirty seconds, and then the therapy continues. The signal for the end of the session is red and moist skin. This therapy treats diarrhea, arthritis, and vomiting.
  3. Cut a plate from a clove of garlic and place the smoldering cigar at a distance of 1.5 cm from it. The session is carried out until the skin becomes slightly red. This is how tuberculosis is treated.
  4. Fill the navel with table salt to the surface of the abdomen. Place a slice of ginger root on top. Perform a cauterization ritual over it at a distance of 1.5 cm. It is recommended for coma, diarrhea, strong gag reflex, sunstroke.

Ironing cauterization with a wormwood cigar is carried out directly above the diseased area of ​​the skin, at a distance of one centimeter from it. Session duration is up to 15 minutes. This method is safe and does not injure the skin. Prescribed for paralysis and diseases of the dermis.

Before performing pecking ju therapy, the patient must give a sign if they feel a tingling or burning sensation. When such symptoms appear, lift the cigar upward with the burning end for a couple of seconds, and then continue the procedure. The pug moves up and down during the session. The duration of the procedure is 2-5 minutes. With this method of cauterization, you can act on two points alternately, transferring the wormwood cigar from one active area to another.

About the benefits of using wormwood cigars

Moxibustion therapy has the most beneficial effects on human body. During the session, the patient feels a slight pleasant warmth. As a result, blood circulation improves and lymph flow increases.

During the procedure, each bioactive point (including the longevity point) is purposefully stimulated, which has a positive effect on the vital channels. Energy and strength are activated. The functioning of internal organs is restored.

In addition, wormwood, when exposed to the body, emits not only heat, but also smoke, which has antiseptic properties, which is very useful for diseases of the skin and diseases of muscle tissue.

This procedure helps cure many diseases. These are pathologies nervous system, mental disorders, tumors, epilepsy, various wounds, as well as spinal impingement. Moxa is also effective in the treatment of gynecological diseases, as well as in cases of reproductive dysfunction.


Moscow has become widespread. The cost of cauterization with a wormwood cigarette in clinics:

  • "TAO" - 1200 rubles.
  • “Yellow Emperor” - 1600 rubles.
  • "ABC-medicine" - 540 rubles.
  • “Stolichnaya” - 1200 rubles.
  • “Amrita” - 500 rubles.
  • "BISS" -1200 rubles.
  • "Euromedservice" -1150 rubles.

Chinese medicine in Moscow is the cheapest in the clinical hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; here, one cauterization procedure will cost the patient 330 rubles.

Zhen-jiu(acupuncture, acupuncture, reflexology) is a healing method of traditional Chinese medicine that has proven its effectiveness over centuries of practice. Currently, it is successfully used to treat and prevent a wide variety of diseases. The Yunost Medical Center uses all currently known reflexology techniques. The procedures are performed by a candidate of medical sciences, a reflexologist of the highest qualification category, who completed a one-year specialization at Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Harbin, China).

Acupuncture (Zhen) This is the treatment and prevention of diseases with the help of needles, and gold, silver and steel needles are used. To obtain a therapeutic effect, injections are made at special points on the human body, taking into account the nature of the disease and its pathological manifestations in the patient, climatic and geographical factors, gender, age and constitution of the patient. The acupuncture procedure lasts 20-40 minutes. When the needle is inserted, patients experience a feeling of heaviness and fullness that lasts 2-4 seconds. To stimulate damaged nerves and relieve pain, methods of electrical stimulation of nerves through inserted needles are used.

Warming up (tszyu)- a painless treatment method in which the points are heated with wormwood cigars and cones. It is used to treat joint diseases, osteochondrosis of the spine, chronic inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs, allergic skin lesions, and bronchitis. Contact cauterization is used in the treatment of long-term, persistent pain syndromes.

Moxibustion with wormwood

On Chinese the reflexology method is called “zhen jiu”, zhen - needle, jiu - cauterization. Having heard this term, many people imagine a very painful method of treatment, leading to burns on the skin. Apparently that's why it's so effective method It is not very common in our country, and even few acupuncturists use it.

Of all the numerous types of cauterization, only one is associated with the application of pinpoint (up to 5 mm) burns on the surface of the skin, while the rest are easily tolerated even by children and are accompanied by a comfortable feeling of deeply penetrating heat. So, there are the following cauterization methods:

  • warming acupuncture points with wormwood cigars;
  • warming up points with wormwood cones;
  • heating the points through a needle - “hot needles”;
  • cauterization of points with small cones to form burns.

Indications for cauterization are diseases caused by “invasion of the body by pathogenic energy of cold and moisture.” These are almost all diseases of the joints, osteochondrosis of the spine, chronic inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs in women and men, allergic skin lesions, bronchitis.

Warming the points with a wormwood cigar when treating children allows you to do without acupuncture, good effect obtained in the treatment of persistent diathesis and dyspepsia that are not amenable to other types of treatment.

Contact cauterization with the formation of burns is used to treat long-term pain syndromes in spinal osteochondrosis. Along with a strong analgesic effect, it has a pronounced preventive effect.

Vacuum magnetic puncture- a method of reflexology, which consists of influencing human organs by local reduction of pressure and magnetic field. At the same time, capillary vessels under the skin expand, blood circulation is stimulated, and intracellular nutrition is enhanced. The therapeutic effect is based on the activation of metabolism, increased blood flow, while the level of calcium in the blood increases, the functioning of the nervous system is regulated, pain is eliminated, and digestion is activated. There are a variety of methods for placing cups. After treatment, pigmentation may occur on the surface of the skin, which is directly related to the severity of congestion. The method has a deep warming effect.

When treating with reflexology methods, you should remember that:

  • in chronic diseases, between the 3rd and 5th sessions, an exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease usually occurs, which is a good prognostic sign indicating the mobilization of the body’s defenses, although it is unpleasant for the patient. This exacerbation resolves during treatment;
  • the effect of reflexology continues to develop for another 3 months after the end of treatment;
  • procedures should not be carried out on an empty stomach;
  • After warming up or cauterization, hypothermia must be avoided; in case of combination with water procedures, hydrotherapy is carried out first;
  • treatment is not recommended to be combined with physical procedures such as UHF, electrophoresis, amplipulse, ultrasound; the break after such procedures should be at least 2 hours;
  • After treatment, it is advisable to rest for 40-60 minutes;
  • Women receiving treatment should notify their doctor about the onset of menstruation.


  • oncological diseases;
  • terminal stages of diseases;
  • old age (after 75 years the issue is resolved individually).

Indications for reflexology:

  • spinal osteochondrosis;
  • glenohumeral periarthrosis;
  • trigeminal neuralgia;
  • facial paralysis;
  • consequences of stroke;
  • autonomic vascular dystonia;
  • headache;
  • migraine;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • neuroses;
  • enuresis, encopresis;
  • impotence, chronic prostatitis;
  • infertility in women and men;
  • tics and obsessive movements;
  • stuttering;
  • cardialgia, simple heart rhythm disturbances;
  • chronic bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • chronic gastritis, stomach ulcer;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • chronic constipation;
  • vasomotor rhinitis, sinusitis;
  • vertebral artery syndrome;
  • dizziness, Meniere's disease;
  • acoustic neuritis;
  • eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • hr. endometritis, menstrual irregularities;
  • consequences of birth injuries;
  • epilepsy;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • overweight;
  • tobacco addiction.

Warming and cauterization

A widespread disease, the cause of which is most often atherosclerosis of the vessel wall. In the structure of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the extremities, vascular disease of the legs (obliterating atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities) predominates; according to statistics, vascular diseases occur in 2-3% of the population, and after 50 years - in 5 - 7 people out of 100. This is not just a lot. This is a big social problem, because among the patients a significant part are people of working age, in recent years the number of patients is growing steadily.

What is obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities?

Obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities (OALS), or, as it is also historically called, obliterating endarteritis of the vessels of the lower extremities, is a disease of the arteries of the legs, in which partial or complete cessation of blood flow occurs due to blockage of the vessels by atherosclerotic plaques or blood clots.

How does obliterating atherosclerosis develop?

With atherosclerosis, the smooth and even inner wall of the artery becomes uneven and thickened due to cholesterol deposits (cholesterol plaques). At further development The disease causes narrowing or complete blockage of the arteries, which leads to a significant decrease in blood flow to the legs. As a result, when walking, pain occurs in the calf muscles (intermittent claudication), numbness and chilliness of the feet. Subsequently, the connection appears pain syndrome in the lower extremities at night, in the late stage of the disease - the appearance of trophic ulcers and necrosis in the foot area. At the onset of the disease, the patient begins to limp, explaining the condition by a feeling of “fatigue” or “discomfort” that appears in the lower leg muscles during long walking. As the pathology progresses, pain in the legs may also appear at rest. Patients find relief from pain by putting their leg out of bed or taking strong analgesics. Unfortunately, if no therapeutic measures are taken, the next stage of the disease may be gangrene (death) of the limb.

Who most often suffers from obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities?

Most often, smoking men of the older age group (over 50 years old) are susceptible to obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, although the disease can also occur in younger people and women. Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities is characterized by the same risk factors as other arterial diseases, for example, coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular insufficiency.

The most significant risk factors include:

  • Smoking
  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • High blood cholesterol
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Burdened heredity
  • Sedentary lifestyle.

If frequent symptoms of the disease appear and there are 2-3 risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis, a mandatory consultation with a vascular surgeon is required, who will decide what examination methods are necessary in each specific case and determine treatment tactics.

What treatment is possible for this vascular disease?

Treatment of obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities depends on the stage of the disease and its prevalence. At initial stages Eliminating risk factors for the disease may be sufficient:

  • Following a diet low in cholesterol and animal fats
  • Weight correction for obesity
  • Refusal bad habits(primarily smoking)
  • Control blood pressure with its maintenance at the recommended level
  • Regular physical activity
  • Control and correction of blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes mellitus
  • Reducing blood cholesterol levels to doctor-recommended levels

More information about smoking. Complete abstinence from any form of tobacco is necessary. Smoking even 1 cigarette per day of the lightest type is an unfavorable risk factor that causes the progression of obliterating atherosclerosis and the development of its severe complications.


A method of reflexology that has been successfully used for many thousands of years in Eastern medicine along with acupuncture. There is an ancient fair saying: “what cannot be cured with a needle, treat with heating and cauterization.” The effect of a smoldering cigar on active acupuncture points gives a quick and stable therapeutic effect in atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, especially at the beginning of the disease, and provides a stable reduction in pain and inflammation in its late stage. If it is difficult to carry out the procedure on the points of the corporal meridians of the legs (decreased sensitivity and the possibility of burns), Su Jok heating and cauterization is used when the treatment is carried out in the correspondence systems on the hands.

How does thermoreflexotherapy work?

The main active physical factor is infrared radiation released during the smoldering of wormwood, herbal or charcoal cigars, which penetrates deeply into the underlying tissue (to the depth of the acupuncture point). The work of the healing points of the meridians is stimulated and vital energy is increased both in them and in the surrounding tissues. As a result, the overall resource of patients increases, peripheral vessels expand, blood flow and, accordingly, tissue nutrition improves, the risk of trophic ulcers and gangrene decreases, and concomitant pain in the legs ceases to bother them. Experienced doctors at our center select a method according to the patient’s constitution; during the treatment process, the functioning of the liver, pancreas, kidneys, heart, and brain - the organs most susceptible to pathology in widespread atherosclerosis - improves.

In cases where conservative treatment is ineffective, there are signs of disease progression, and also in advanced stages of the disease, surgical treatment is used. Among the most common types surgical treatment- bypass surgery, prosthetics, stenting, balloon angioplasty, etc. In case of damage to large and medium-sized vessels, these methods can be decisive, however, if the process of atherosclerosis has gone far enough, re-narrowing of the vessels or any prostheses due to their thrombosis is possible. In this state of affairs, concomitant conservative treatment is necessary; the method of thermoreflexotherapy will help improve the condition of blood vessels of any caliber, save a limb, improve the prognosis of the disease, and restore normal quality of life in this disease.

Memory memory improvement memory treatment therapeutic acupressure prevention acupuncture leeches cauterization shiatsu warming hirudotherapy anterograde disorder retrograde retention hypermnesia hypomnesia amnesia paramnesia pseudoreminiscence confabulation disorder of the sense of familiarity memory training atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels garlic meadowsweet astragalus woolly periwinkle small speedwell yarrow shepherd's purse om ate horsetail thyme Dubrovnik black myrtle clover marjoram parsley wormwood rosemary noosphere primrose mustard beets

A person’s memory is a tool of his creativity and one of the main distinguishing features of “Homo sapiens.” Among authoritative scientific and “not very authoritative” sources, there are opinions that memory (in its entirety), in general, given to Man from above. And the opportunity to use it in its entirety opens up to a person only if when a person receives the right upbringing, develops correctly and leads the right lifestyle. For some people (supposedly by chance), individual manifestations of memory are given to a person in the form of insight or inspiration, or in the form of a scientific discovery (only if the individual has matured in his development and is “able” to record such a fact). Facts are known from history when at the same time different people ideas with the same content came to mind in different parts of the world. This fact is explained as a memory obtained from "memory of the Earth". Academician Vernadsky called this memory of the Earth - NOOSPHERE.

Prevention, training and memory development. It is clear that each of us receives at the moment of his birth "a bouquet of qualities to inherit". which depends mainly on his parents and a little on cosmic factors (horoscope). And then begins the process (and for some, their own WORK!) for the formation and development of PERSON. Of course, it is very important that this process be conscious and regular (more precisely, constant). In general, the quality of memory is not difficult to assess for yourself “as life goes on,” as one of the characters in the famous children’s cartoon says. But professionals use special tests to assess memory. There are a huge number of tests to assess memory quality. This can be very useful for self-control. We bring to your attention one of these tests.

We will repeat once again that “..that good memory largely depends on the general state of human health..” , including: from good vascular tone, high strength, elasticity and unclogging of brain vessels, from good tone and activity of areas of the brain responsible for memory. At least it is possible to judge such painful conditions with, for example, hypotension- in this case, lethargy, apathy, weakness, headache are observed and, clearly, often seriously memory deteriorates. For epilepsy- temporary loss of attention, muscle tone, memory loss and deterioration. During menopause in men palpitations, increased blood pressure, dizziness, memory impairment, insomnia. Performance decreases sharply. In addition, let us recall that constant maintenance of health in good condition indirectly helps to maintain memory in good condition. In folk medicine there is a simple rule: “for everything you need skill. hardening, training. “That is, any organ or quality in a person without regular use and training weakens and, in the end, degenerates due to uselessness. Hence, a number of general recommendations have emerged:

Useful for training and memory development consciously force yourself to memorize that information that is constantly or quite often necessary. for example: addresses, full name. your employees, colleagues, friends, also the theses of your upcoming conversation with someone (perhaps a report or speech), even the detailed content of funny tales or anecdotes. From the same point of view, good at memorizing your favorite poems and then be sure to read them as a reminder to your friends or family at home. It is especially useful to memorize (your choice) prayers or psalms, or other biblical texts.

For preventive purposes: useful periodically conduct both short and more complete courses of fasting one of each existing methods fasting. Using different types of hardening, it is good to increase the elasticity and tone of the vascular system. Many herbal medicine recipes stimulate brain function well, cleanse small and large vessels, thin and increase blood fluidity - these are the best tools for increasing the tone of the cerebral cortex. Many healers, especially from Eastern medicine, recommend different types of massage of BAP (biologically active points) and areas of the brain. To improve blood flow and cerebral blood supply, it is also recommended placement of leeches (hirudotherapy). In folk medicine, unopened dried flowers are used, better known as spice "cloves". They are useful for people with cardiovascular diseases, and in our case with memory loss. The energetic properties of medicinal rosemary are good - it gives clarity of mind, revitalizes a person’s own energy and improves memory. Cucumber juice promotes the removal of cholesterol and helps with periodontal disease, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and improves memory. When you lose strength coffee is an effective tonic. The caffeine it contains helps relieve drowsiness and mental fatigue, creates a feeling of vigor, and activates thinking, memory, and emotional perception.

From the history of traditional medicine it is known , including: in Great Britain in Lincolnshire decoction of primrose leaves treated people suffering from memory loss. In ancient times, herbalists of the 16th century stated that rosemary strengthens memory. helps maintain youth. A rosemary oil- an effective stimulant. It is used for various disorders of the nervous system, including sensory disorders. In addition, it strengthens memory and activates mental activity, which is reflected in a number of ancient beliefs: rosemary has long been used as part of magical potions. Rosemary has a positive effect ( mixed with lavender) on patients who have had a stroke, since improves cerebral circulation. Calamus root has always been used in Eastern medicine to improve memory. and also as a tonic for impotence, to improve hearing and vision. People have long known that Mustard not only stimulates the appetite, but also significantly increases the secretion of gastric juice, and also Pythagoras believed that mustard enhances memory. In the old days in Lithuanian villages lemon balm infusion with marjoram used to improve memory.

Traditional medicine recipes:

No. 5. Recipe (one of the most popular): it is useful to take half a glass of fresh beet juice, diluting 1 teaspoon of honey in it. Drink 3 times a day.

No. 6. In case of memory loss: it is very useful to drink tea from the collection more often - myrtle (leaves), rosemary (leaves, oil), fragrant violet (flowers). The mixture must be finely crushed to a powder, mixed in equal parts and brewed in a teaspoon per 250 ml of boiling water.

No. 7. For progressive atherosclerosis and memory impairment: the following collection of myrtle (leaves) is often used - 5 parts; red clover (leaves) 5 parts; marjoram (herb) - 2 parts; parsley (fruit) - 1 part; wormwood (leaves) - 0.5 parts. Pour 3 tablespoons of this mixture into 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 1 hour and filter. Take 50 ml up to 6 times a day.

No. 8. Fragrant violet: it helps well with weakened memory in the form of a water infusion from violet flowers. In addition, it is used as a sedative. For cramps, it is recommended to rub sore spots violet flower oil. Violet calms heartbeat and nervous agitation; it is used for headaches, hysteria, insomnia and epilepsy. For convulsions, tinnitus, dizziness.

No. 9. With memory deterioration after a concussion, severe head injuries. You need to take this composition in the following proportions:

Yarrow (flowers) - 40g;

Shepherd's purse (gritsiki) - 40g;

Mistletoe - 40g;

Horsetail - 20g;

Thyme - 20g;

Dubrovnik black - 20g.

Grind this mixture well and mix. Take two tablespoons per liter of boiling water, cook for 5 minutes, strain. Take several sips orally evenly throughout the day.

No. 10. To improve memory. Prepare the following mixture of ingredients in equal volumes: woolly astragalus, small periwinkle, speedwell. Grind the mixture and mix. Pour 3 tablespoons of 1 liter of boiling water, leave in a warm place for 3-4 hours, strain. Drink half a glass 10 minutes before meals up to 4 times a day. This decoction is good for dizziness, headaches, and hand tremors.

No. 11. To improve memory. Prepare vodka tincture of meadowsweet seeds. Need to take two teaspoons of the seeds of this plant, crush in a mortar, pour in 250 ml of good vodka or moonshine, leave for two weeks in a dark place, strain. Take before meals half a teaspoon three times a day. This the tincture also prevents development of atherosclerosis, helps cope with the consequences of heart attack and stroke, also reduces epilepsy attacks and strengthens the nerves. It can also be taken for insomnia and to strengthen the nerves.

No. 12. When memory deteriorates. It is useful to take garlic tincture with wine. They prepare it like this: you need to clean it 200g garlic, grind into pulp, pour in 1l red wine (Cahors type). leave for 10 days in a cool, dark place, shaking daily. After this, strain, squeeze, store in a cool place. Take 50 ml before bed. This recipe also works well for insomnia, it reduces or even completely eliminates cramps. Contraindicated for use in children.

Warnings and contraindications: children should be treated for helminthiasis in a timely and efficient manner, since children with helminthiasis often experience developmental delays, especially memory disorder, as well as delayed growth and sexual development, etc. It should be noted that the lack of Vitamin PP in the body(nicotinic acid) is accompanied by memory impairment.