Competitions for organizations. Competitions for teachers from the Ministry of Education Rules for awarding prizes to the best teachers for achievements in teaching and ensuring the procedure for their payment

This article is intended to summarize and structure the information published on the website of the Ministry of Education on competitions for teachers for 2019-2020.Here we consider not only the structure of events approved by the Ministry of Education, but also the procedures for preparing documents, the procedure for participation and awards. We will also partially touch upon the issues of training participants in professional skills competitions.

Competitions for teachers 2019-2020 of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

So, for 2019-2020, by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, as well as the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the rules for holding a competition for teachers and educators to receive monetary incentives have been approved. The competition is held in order to stimulate the teaching and educational activities of teachers, to develop their creative and professional potential. According to the results of the competition, 1 thousand cash incentives are paid in the amount of 200 thousand rubles each. The competition is held by the Ministry of Education on the basis of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation N 324 "On monetary incentives for the best teachers."

Teachers with a teaching experience of at least three years, whose main place of work are educational organizations that implement educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education, are eligible to participate in the competition. A teacher who has received a monetary incentive has the right to re-participate in the competition no earlier than five years later.

The rules for holding a tender are established in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. The number of cash incentives for each constituent entity of the Russian Federation is determined annually by the Ministry of Education.

To conduct a tender in each constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a tender commission is created by an executive authority.

Participation in the competition for teachers from the Ministry of Education

The nomination of a teacher for participation in the competition is carried out with his consent by the collegial governing body of the educational institution in which the teacher works. After that, the competition commission shall register the participants of the competition on the basis of:

Copies of the decision of the collegial management body of the educational institution on the nomination of the teacher;

A copy of the document on the corresponding level of professional education;

Extract from the work book;

Information about the professional achievements of the teacher;

Information about the presentation of the results of pedagogical activity.

The selection of the winners of the competition for teachers held by the Ministry of Education is carried out according to the following criteria:

Availability of our own methodological development on the subject being taught, which has a positive conclusion based on the results of approbation in the professional community;

High results of educational achievements of students with their positive dynamics over the past three years;

High results of extracurricular activities of students in the academic subject;

Creation of conditions by the teacher for the acquisition of positive social experience by students, the formation of a civic position;

Creation of conditions by the teacher for targeted work with various categories of students (gifted children, children from socially disadvantaged families, children in difficult life situations, children from migrant families, orphans and children left without parental care, children with disabilities and children with disabilities, children with deviant (socially dangerous) behavior);

Ensuring the high quality of the organization of the educational process based on the effective use of various educational technologies, including distance educational technologies or e-learning;

Continuity of teacher professional development.

The competition commission sets out a certain number of points for each of the above criteria and forms the rating of the participants. After that, the list is sent for consideration to the executive body of education of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. On the basis of the submitted lists, the Ministry of Education issues an order approving the winners of the competition.

Questions of preparing participants for the competition from the Ministry of Education.

Winning a competition for teachers is not so difficult - you need to set a goal in advance. To determine the time to prepare for the competition held by the Ministry of Education, we look at the "Protocol of the results of the examination by selection criteria": the conduct of circles and sections is considered in three years, the dissemination of pedagogical experience - in five years, the activity of participation in professional competitions - in three years, etc. it does not make sense to list everything here.

However, the list of requirements is not endless and is divided into six categories. If you competently organize your activities according to these criteria and not be scattered about everything, then in 3 years it is quite possible for any teacher to collect an excellent portfolio to receive a grant and show a decent result based on the results of participation in the competition of the Ministry of Education.

For example, do not get carried away by the number of mass events held on the subject. Only positive dynamics for 3 years is enough, as required by the Criteria. With these little tricks, you can optimize your preparation process for winning the Ministry of Education competition.

By submitting an application to participate in our professional events, your organization will raise its image and professional rating among colleagues and regulatory organizations. All participants will receive award documents and participant certificates. Take part in our all-Russian competitions of educational organizations.

Start: 27.05.2019 The ending: 29.08.2019 Outcomes: 03.09.2019

We invite you to take part in the II International Competition of Electronic Portfolios "Path to Success"! Preschool educational institutions, secondary educational institutions, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, correctional educational institutions, institutions of additional education for children located in Russia, near and far abroad can take part in the competition.

Start: 13.03.2019 The ending: 31.05.2019 Outcomes: 03.06.2019

We invite you to take part in the II All-Russian open competition "Research and design activities of an educational organization."

Start: 13.03.2019 The ending: 17.05.2019 Outcomes: 21.05.2019

We invite you to take part in the II All-Russian competition among educational organizations "Military-patriotic education of youth". The competition is held among state and non-state educational organizations located in the territory of the Russian Federation in order to implement programs aimed at fostering a sense of patriotism, an active civic position, and interest in the heroic past of Russia in children and youth.

Start: 23.12.2018 The ending: 01.03.2019 Outcomes: 05.03.2019

We invite you to take part in the II All-Russian competition among educational organizations "The best school methodological service". Methodological services (methodical council, scientific and methodological council, methodological association) of state and non-state educational organizations located on the territory of the Russian Federation can take part in the competition.

Start: 01.10.2018 The ending: 11.12.2018 Outcomes: 24.12.2018

We invite you to take part in the III International open competition of sites "The best educational site". Information resources operating during the period of the Competition can take part in the competition: websites, blogs, portals of state and non-state educational organizations and cultural and educational institutions located on the territory of Russia and the CIS countries.

Start: 16.04.2018 The ending: 01.06.2018 Outcomes: 05.06.2018

We invite you to take part in the International competition of electronic portfolios "Path to Success"!
Preschool educational institutions, secondary educational institutions, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, correctional educational institutions, institutions of additional education for children located in Russia, near and far abroad can take part in the competition.

Start: 13.04.2018 The ending: 08.06.2018 Outcomes: 13.06.2018

We invite you to take part in the All-Russian open competition "Research and design activities of an educational organization."
State and non-state educational organizations located on the territory of Russia can take part in the competition, including: preschool educational institutions, secondary educational institutions, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, correctional educational institutions, institutions of additional education for children.

Start: 12.02.2018 The ending: 26.04.2018 Outcomes: 30.04.2018

We invite you to take part in the All-Russian competition among educational organizations "Military-patriotic education of youth". The competition is held in order to implement programs aimed at fostering a sense of patriotism in children and youth, an active civic position, and interest in the heroic past of Russia.

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation on the formation of the rating of teachers, managers and educational institutions (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) determines the procedure and criteria for the formation of the rating of teachers, managers and educational institutions on the International portal of teachers, pedagogical communities and associations "Quality of Education" in 2019. Rating assessment is one of the mechanisms for stimulating the effectiveness, quality and efficiency of the activities of teachers, managers and educational institutions.

1.2. Obtaining the results of the rating assessment will allow each teacher (teacher, teacher, educator), head and educational institution to objectively evaluate their work in the past year, identify shortcomings in the directions of their activities and correctly plan their work for the next academic year.

1.3. The rating in this Regulation means a numerical indicator of the assessment of teachers' performance in points, based on self-assessment and external assessment of performance by teachers and the administration of the portal and presented on the International portal of teachers, pedagogical communities and associations "Quality of Education" in the "Ratings" section in the form of a rating list tables of 100 assessed who scored the highest score.

Increasing the motivation of teachers, managers and teams of educational institutions to increase their qualifications and professionalism, develop skills for self-assessment and analysis of their work;

Development of creative initiative, research, methodological, organizational and pedagogical activities;

Differentiation of the assessment of the activities of the teaching staff, in order to support the effectively working part of the team;

Improving the quality of the educational process in educational institutions.

3.3. Educators (teachers, teachers, educators), leaders and educational institutions of the year provide materials that summarize their most outstanding achievements in the current year.

3.4. Examination of materials of teachers, leaders and educational institutions for the formation of a rating, and an external assessment of the activities of teachers is carried out by the rating expert commission of the International Portal of Teachers, Pedagogical Communities and Associations "Quality of Education".

3.5. The results of the rating formation are communicated to all participants on the International Portal of Educators, Pedagogical Communities and Associations "Quality of Education" in the "Ratings" section in the form of a rating list table of 100 assessed ones who received the highest score (rating winners) in each of the directions.

4 encouragement of winners

4.1. Teachers (teachers, teachers, educators) included in the rating, as well as managers and educational institutions in one of the directions will be sent a digital certificate on behalf of the portal to their e-mail, indicating the name of the rating of the International Portal of Teachers, Pedagogical Communities and Associations "Quality of Education ".

4.2. Information on the results of the formation of the rating of teachers, leaders and educational institutions is brought to the notice of the public and participants on the International portal of teachers, pedagogical communities and associations "Quality of Education" in the "Ratings" section


5.1. The materials received from teachers and managers are considered by an expert commission within 2 days. After that, electronic certificates are sent to the winners (teachers, managers and educational institutions included in the rating) to their email addresses.

6. Order of participation

6.1. Send an application for participation in the competition in a free form to the email address of the expert commission:

6.2. Form a letter for the competition marked "Rating", in the text of the letter indicate the name of the rating, the name of the participant or the name of the institution.

6.3 Attach to the letter:

Free-form application for participation in the competition;

Archive with presentation of achievements.

The rating expert commission does not enter into correspondence with the participants, but contacts them only if necessary (for example, there is not enough information, files, the archive with work cannot be opened, etc.)

6.4. Requirements for materials

Materials are accepted in electronic form in Russian.

The material must contain: title, nomination, name of the author, position, name of the educational institution.

Materials are prepared in MS WORD format

For sending by e-mail, it is advisable to archive the competition material. The maximum size of the archive with the entry is 5 MB.

Email: [email protected]

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