Women's love horoscope for the year.

A special period is expected for Aries this year, when the need for romance and care will appear. Married couples will discover a new side of each other, but whether it’s good or not is another question. But the movement of the planets promises to bring only positive changes. However, even if you have discovered something about your partner that you don’t like, don’t be in a hurry to act out of the blue. After all, your spouse may take this to heart. Be also sensitive to your partner. If you suddenly want to have a second honeymoon or a romantic dinner, know that this is good idea. Your other half will just love it.

But for those whose relationships have just begun, a different period will begin. At this time, you may be carried away by everyday difficulties. Show wisdom and prudence, do not give in to first impulses. At some point, it may seem to you that the feelings that were there before have faded away and the mutual understanding between you has disappeared somewhere. Small disagreements may break out, so rise above it all. Your feelings have not faded, you are only being tested. If you complete them with dignity, there will be a reward at the end of the path.

But lonely Aries will begin a special period. 2018 of the Yellow Earth Dog will bring many meetings and acquaintances. Perhaps someone will appear in whom you show special interest, and most likely it will be mutual. But don’t rush things, because it may turn out that you will quickly become disappointed in your partner. But you don’t need to be too uptight, or, on the contrary, try to immediately ask your new acquaintance everything that interests you. It's scary, it's best to be yourself on romantic dates.

In mid-autumn, each of the representatives of this zodiac sign may feel a little lonely. There is no need to give in to this impulse. This is just the autumn blues and nothing more. And to cope with it, do something that really captivates you and brings you joy - arrange a movie night at home with popcorn and pizza, or visit a shopping center for shopping, and if the weather permits, go for mushrooms in the forest. There are plenty of ways to get rid of the autumn blues, find yours.

Love horoscope for Taurus

At the beginning of the year, all Taurus will have a special passion that they will bestow on their partners. At times it will seem to you that your feelings are overwhelming you and it will be difficult for you to cope with them. And it’s not necessary, because sensuality in front of your partner is also important, show that you love your companion. Arrange romantic meetings, give pleasant little things and say words of love. And never allow yourself to think that romance is only for teenagers. It is important at any age, because this is what brings us closer to our partner.

Next will be a measured life - calm, filled with small joint victories. This is exactly what many people dream about, isn’t it? But sometimes dilute it with interesting events. Go see your favorite movie at the cinema or cook a romantic dinner together. Be creative and very soon you will see the fruits of your labors.

But single Taurus will have to wait a little. This year there will be new meetings and even some representatives of the opposite sex will arouse your mutual sympathy. But such a romance will not last long. You will part by mutual consent without scandals and in the end you will remain good friends.

Those who have just found their mate can survive minor quarrels. Don’t worry - everything will pass, you are now in the period of grinding in your characters. You will get to know each other from a different side and sometimes you will not like it. But you understand that there are no ideal people, and you will need to put up with some traits. The main thing is not to allow yourself to doubt your partner. This will only bring discord to your union, and subsequently their breakup.

Love horoscope for Gemini

Married couples will be completely immersed in everyday life. It is during this period that Gemini may feel that something is missing in the relationship. However, you and your partner will not immediately come to an understanding. Do not rush him and under no circumstances allow quarrels. Approach this issue wisely, because your spouse may feel unworthy of you and, even worse, his self-esteem may be greatly reduced.

Single Geminis will not have new acquaintances for a long time and, at some point, you may feel that something is wrong with you. This is not true, do not allow such thoughts! After all, it is this approach that makes us failures. To prevent this, watch motivational films, listen to similar music and wear what you feel confident in. In mid-2018, Gemini will meet a person you like. But this relationship will not last long, and soon you will be disappointed in your new acquaintance. The stars advise you to pay attention to those you already know this year. This is the person who can bring you happiness.

For Geminis who have recently entered into a relationship, a new person may appear on the horizon. He may seem more interesting than your current partner. At some point, you will even want to break off the relationship and start a new one. But don’t rush to make such decisions, as soon you will be disappointed in this new person, and you will be inflamed with new feelings for your ex-partner. strong feelings. However, the past will not be returned, so before making such a decision, it is better to remember how it all began, why you fell in love with this person so much and would you like to lose him.

Love horoscope for Cancer

For representatives of this sign, 2018 will be successful in the field of love. You will charm, produce a special effect, people will pay attention to you and give you compliments. Agree, such signs of attention increase self-esteem and inspire self-confidence. But be careful, because you can become arrogant, and this is very bad. Remember the immutable truth - beauty is not only external charm, but also wisdom, kindness, spirituality. Don't forget about this balance and then you can achieve success with the opposite sex.

You can guess that in family relationships such popularity sometimes does not pass without a trace. Your spouse will be jealous of you and it will be difficult to maintain the idyll. Not only will you be interested, but some new acquaintances will also attract your sympathy. Be careful, because you can get so carried away by a stranger that you completely forget about your family. Your marital relationship may not be as emotional and romantic as before, but this does not mean that love has completely gone away. You, one might say, have reached a new level, trust in each other has grown, you have become closer. And if you really want to remember the candy-bouquet period, then it’s better to do it with your partner, and not start an affair on the side.

But for those who have not yet decided to legalize their marriage, this year will pass completely differently. You will be so passionate about your lover or beloved that you will not notice others. Well, don't waste the moment, enjoy each other, enjoy life and create your own love story. But you shouldn’t forget about other areas of life either.

For single Cancers, 2018 is an opportunity to find their true destiny. As you are ready for a serious relationship, so will the person you like. This sympathy will be mutual, because you remember that representatives of this sign in the year of the Dog will be especially loving and charming. But be careful, don’t spread yourself thin, otherwise you’ll miss your chance. The stars also warn that when meeting or at the very beginning of a relationship, a slight embarrassment or misunderstanding may occur. Don't take it to heart, because years later you will remember it with a smile.

Love horoscope for Leo

Those preparing for a wedding may be overwhelmed by doubts and fears. What if your partner is unhappy, what if your feelings dry up, what if you get bogged down in everyday problems, and so on. All these questions and many others will torment you. Don’t worry, almost everyone has asked such questions, it’s natural, because you are radically changing your lifestyle. Very little time will pass, and you will still laugh at your thoughts, and your doubts will dissipate. Family life will not be perfect, but you will be happy and every new day spent with this person will bring a lot of joy.

Family life in 2018 will bring many bright moments that will become pleasant memories for a lifetime. You will enjoy each other, and a new period will begin with the children - a period of warm and trusting relationships. But such harmony will not come just like that; it will be the result of painstaking work. What exactly needs to be done? First, start admiring your partner, praise him (but don’t overdo it), say words of love, compliments. But words must also be supported by actions. Don't forget about romance and caring for your spouse. Sometimes a delicious dinner or a warm blanket brought on time says more than the most eloquent words of love.

This year you may also become more demanding of your partner. Naturally, this will lead to new quarrels and disagreements, resentment and discontent. But if you think about it, then no one is perfect, you will agree. Is it worth breaking the idyll for the sake of something that tomorrow you may not remember? Think about this every time you decide to express your dissatisfaction with your lover or lover, whether it’s worth doing it at all.

For single Leos, a chance to meet a person who can become your faithful ally for life. However, you may scare away your happiness. The reason for this may again be the same increased demands. Lower your standards, learn to find compromises.

Love horoscope for Virgos

Married Virgos will have peace and quiet in this area. Life will go on as usual, nothing will break your way of life and rules, except maybe not you yourself. Some Virgos may have doubts: “Is my partner cheating on me?” “Is he sincere? Or is he deceiving? But paranoia and jealousy have never brought anyone any good. Moreover, your spouse senses your distrust, and this greatly offends them. Agree, there are no grounds for such accusations, and therefore forget all your doubts and enjoy your family life. How nice it is to have a person who understands you and accepts you for who you are. Not everyone is given such happiness, appreciate it and treasure this treasure.

Lonely Virgos, although they will get to know the opposite sex a lot, will not be able to find a person who will arouse their sympathy. But there is no need to worry about this, since your destiny is already on its way to you. And this means that you need to prepare for her meeting. You can go to the gym or delve into self-knowledge. After all, the opposite sex is attracted to already established individuals who know exactly what they want from life. Therefore, this time is worth spending on yourself.

For those Virgos who have been in a relationship for a long time, it may seem this year that you have reached a dead end and your meetings have become less warm. But, most likely, you are just fooling yourself. After all, there will not always be storm and emotion in a relationship; basically, it is everyday life and bustle. And if you really lack a spark, try to rekindle it. How? For example, go on a trip, or just write a love letter. Improvise and fantasize, everything is in your hands!

Love horoscope for Libra

Lonely Libra will still be lonely for a long time in the coming year. Despite the courtship and attention of the opposite sex, your relationship will not work out. This is good, because in this way the Yellow Dog is trying to protect you from bad people or errors. But by the end of the year you may find yourself between two fires, namely, two people will like you at once, and they will also arouse your sympathy. It will be difficult for you to decide and it is quite possible that this triangle will carry over into next year. Don't let this happen, solve the problem immediately and immediately. And if it’s so hard for you to choose, then maybe you shouldn’t throw in your fate with them at all? Therefore, if you haven’t made a decision in a short period of time, then you shouldn’t start any relationship. Everything is still ahead of you.

But both families and those in relationships may begin to conflict. It’s all due to the same desire to be in charge. Remember that such tugging of the blanket leads to tearing, which is always painful. But there is no need to firmly defend your position, do not aggravate relations. Be more cunning and wiser, especially since, as we have already mentioned, this is inherent in you by nature. In each situation, take an individual approach and carefully analyze it, and then make a decision at a family council.

Astrologers also say that a person from the past may appear in your environment, for whom you will again be inflamed with special feelings. Well, this passion may have a future, but only if the heart of each of you is completely freed from past relationships and so that it does not turn out that you are trying to forget about love through new relationships. Such relationships are initially doomed to failure and sooner or later one of you will return to your lover.

Love horoscope for Scorpios

This year, representatives of this sign will have many romantic adventures. But will married couples be able to withstand the test of fidelity? Well, the main thing is to understand what is more important to you - a strong family or a light affair on the side. And even if your new relationship lasts a long time, will it survive the test of routine? But free Scorpios should take a closer look at new acquaintances of the opposite sex. Some of you will get along well and strong relationships, but others will disappoint you. The only question is, can you guess who is who?

However, the stars also say that the relationships of some Scorpios can quickly break down. But don’t worry about them, this means that soon you will meet your person. And when meeting new people, try to be yourself, show your best strengths and be confident. You deserve real feelings and romance.

For family Scorpios, the year will start calmly; moreover, you will be pleased with such stability. But, starting from the second half of the year, you will suddenly want to exchange this tranquility for romantic adventures. Well, follow your heart, you could use a little shake-up. The main thing is not to overdo it and choose what you both like. Otherwise, it may turn out that the date went with a bang, but your significant other will think completely differently.

Couples in love will also be caught up in this romantic mood. You will want to surprise your partner in a special way. Well, it’s a good idea, everything will go with a bang. The main thing is to feel your partner. But you don’t need to arrange adventures and surprises for your soulmate constantly and continuously. Sometimes you need to enjoy peace, tranquility and harmony.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius

Sagittarius, who have been in a relationship for a long time, will be expected to take a serious step - from women to agree to the wedding, and from men to propose. However, the horoscope says that if you are not yet confident in yourself and think that you are not yet ready for such a serious step, then it is better not to rush. Talk about this with your partner, because you need to start family life when both partners are ready for it.

At the beginning of the year, there may be minor conflicts over who is boss in the house, especially among young families. There is no need to go into conflict and pull the blanket over yourself. Remember that a family is, first of all, a team and your task is to go together all the way to the end, making each other and yourself happy. Therefore, first, clearly distribute responsibilities, and make important decisions together at the family council.

At the very beginning of the year, lonely Sagittarius will most likely still be lonely. Although this is a sign that is comfortable with itself and this will not cause them any particular difficulties. But in the second half of the year you may have several fans, but do not rush to start a relationship with them, since during this period you will meet an old friend whom you will discover from a completely new side, and, quite possibly, you will not have time to look back how your relationship will begin to develop rapidly.

Love horoscope for Capricorns

Family representatives of this sign are expected to be completely calm in this area, which cannot but please such practical Capricorns. After work, a reliable rear will be waiting for you, which will provide great support in difficult times. Don't lose this happiness and try to take care of it.

But those Capricorns who are in relationships are in for a change. You suddenly decide to move to a new level, and this will happen suddenly, when no one expects it from you. This is not typical for Capricorns, but this fact will even somehow provoke you in 2018. If there are people who are somehow against your relationship and such a serious step, then do not pay any attention to it. After all, this is your life and such decisions are made depending on your preferences and desires. And those around you will always find something to judge you for.

Even single Capricorns will not go unnoticed by Cupid this year. His arrows will hit you especially hard. A person who suddenly appears in your life will not only change your destiny, but also you. The main thing is that these changes are not destructive for you, but you are a flint and are able to immediately understand that you are not changing for the better and immediately stop it. However, according to all forecasts, this will be a relationship that will only bring bright colors to your life.

Love horoscope for Aquarius

For those who have been in a relationship for a long time and would like to take it to a new level, but a little later you will realize that your partner is not at all ready for this. In this case, you don’t need to rush him into a decision; you suggest to him that it’s time to change the status from free/available to a stamp. And he, in turn, let him decide whether he is ready for this or not. But in any case, if you give an ultimatum and ask for a wedding, you will only make things worse. After all, a person who is not ready for such a serious step will always think that he missed something and regret the lost time. Do you need it? Wait until he is ready for this.

For family Aquarius, special harmony, happiness and mutual understanding will reign on the love front. You will feel a special closeness with your partner, and those who were in a quarrel will finally make peace and understand their mistakes. If possible, spend this time together, because you have so much to catch up on, right? But if there are any unresolved problems or issues, then try to solve them before the end of this year, because celebrating this bright holiday in a quarrel is a bad idea. Moreover, it is during this period that any misunderstandings and problems are perceived less acutely, and therefore do not waste time and talk about the most sensitive topics.

Lonely Aquarians are in great demand this year - the opposite sex will every now and then try to make acquaintance with you. You will have to work hard to find your soul mate, and, most likely, in the end it will turn out to be a person whom you have known for a long time, but do not notice. Also beware of office romances with new colleagues. After all, in the end, everything can come to the point that only one will remain in the workplace.

Love horoscope for Pisces

Family representatives of this sign may encounter the fact that the opposite sex will begin to actively flirt with you. For some, this will be extremely embarrassing and make them blush. Well, if you do not respond in kind and do not provoke, then there is no need to blame yourself in vain. You are attractive, smart and kind, and therefore it is quite natural that people will show interest in you, even though you are married. Be persistent and don’t pay attention, especially since, you will agree, this flatters you and increases your self-esteem. What else is needed for happiness?

Lonely Pisces and those who have been in relationships for a long time may experience such a paradox. The first ones will not feel lonely and oppressed; on the contrary, they will feel freedom, the opportunity to realize themselves without distractions. They finally realize what it means to live in harmony with themselves. But the latter, on the contrary, will feel a little lonely. It will seem to you that your partner does not understand you at all and does not want to understand that a wall has suddenly grown between you, which prevents you from feeling intimacy. But, fortunately, these are only your feelings, which are in no way connected with reality. Understand that your relationship reaches a new level when emotions dull a little and gray everyday life begins. And if you are so lacking in bright colors, then what prevents you from diluting everyday life with new impressions.

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Changes in your personal life or just light flirting? What do the stars promise you in love affairs in 2018? We invite you to study the love horoscope for all zodiac signs for 2018.

Perhaps the stars have prepared unexpected surprises just for you, or will help you establish stability in your existing relationship or meet new love.

Love horoscope for 2018: Aries (21.03 - 20.04)

From the very beginning of the year, Aries will have a busy period. You will be surprised, but in the first half of the year you will experience unforgettable experiences that will lead most representatives of the fire sign to strong and stable relationships.

Love horoscope for 2018: Aries

In 2018, Aries will experience unforgettable emotions, but the stars warn that in a state of euphoria, Aries can get carried away and go astray. Control your emotions and even in the most dizzying situations, think several times before taking a certain step.

Married couples will have a difficult time in their relationship, but if they work together on themselves, eventually everything will fall into place.

Love horoscope for 2018: Taurus (21.04 - 20.05)

In 2018, most representatives of this sign will experience love at first sight. If you didn’t believe it before, in the new year you will be stunned by new impressions. Despite the fact that you are a little stubborn, strong emotions can overcome you and melt your heart.

Love horoscope for 2018: Taurus

The time will come when you will be able to fully enjoy the time and events that will happen around you.

Taurus who are in a relationship will go through a period of rebooting their existing relationships, which will lead to a new and more acceptable stage in life.

Love horoscope for 2018: Gemini (21.05 - 21.06)

For Gemini, the beginning of the year promises to be a time of love, interesting acquaintances and new discoveries. The state of selfless amorousness will work wonders. You will meet a new person who will give you new sensations and will make you look at the world in a new way. In any unforeseen situation, you can always rely on
the shoulder of loved ones and take advice from them.

Love horoscope for 2018: Gemini

Long journeys and holiday romances await you, which will drag on for a long time. Everything is in your hands, the main thing is not to be afraid and do what your soul requires.

Geminis who are in a relationship don't have to worry about anything. Be yourself and everything will go as if on a well-worn road.

Love horoscope for 2018: Cancer (22.06 - 22.07)

After a long winter hibernation, a special period awaits you. Cancer needs to appear more in public places, meet people and look closely at everyone. Your lover is walking somewhere nearby.

Expand your horizons and communication. Go on more dates and while you are alone with a man, try to open up to him as much as possible.

Love horoscope for 2018: Cancer

Cancer is often influenced by others. This factor can negatively affect your relationship with your partner. Don’t listen to anyone and always remember that in any situation you can calmly talk to your lover and solve all problems without outside help.

Love horoscope for 2018: Leo (23.07 - 22.08)

Sentimentality will overcome you in 2018. You will often fall in love, be disappointed, enjoy the moments you spend with your next fan, but all this will be a fleeting hobby. Single Leos will have to work a little harder in terms of relationships.

Love horoscope for 2018: Leo

In order not to be disappointed in the strong half of humanity, first decide what you want to have in the end. If the relationship is on a long-term basis, do not demand stars from the sky from your partner. If you want fleeting romances, then take everything from life.

Leos. Those who have a stable and long-term relationship will have to go through small tests, which will be caused by distrust of their partner. Don’t mess things up, but before making a decision, think about what this man means to you.

Love horoscope for 2018: Virgo (23.08 - 23.09)

At the beginning of 2018, unforgettable experiences await you, new acquaintances that will lead to romance. A lot of flirting and new hobbies can lead to complete independence. It's hard to resist when practically the whole world is at your feet and you begin to demand even more. If you strive to get everything from life, this year is for you!

Love horoscope for 2018: Virgo

Virgos should stop a little in the cycle of events and decide that if you want a stable long-term relationship, it is better to lower the heat a little and pay attention to a specific partner.

For Virgos who are in a long-term relationship, the love horoscope foretells many trials that will determine their future joint destiny.

Love horoscope for 2018: Libra (24.09 - 23.10)

This year, the love horoscope for Libra promises stability. If last year you suffered ups and downs, then this year you are guaranteed a state of balance. The zodiac sign itself is very often at the crossroads between “bad” and “good”. No critical or difficult situations are expected in 2018. You will decide on your desires, and finally understand what you need.

Love horoscope for 2018: Libra

A feeling of peace, home, tranquility - that's all that awaits you in 2018. Fans - yes! They will, but you can do it right choice and not make the mistakes that happened last year. You'll be surprised, but 2018 will be your year new era, a new stage in life.

For married couples in 2018, the love horoscope promises to be stable. The main thing is not to compare yours past life with the coming, as a new stage will come that will undoubtedly surprise you.

Love horoscope for 2018: Scorpio (24.10 - 22.11)

In 2018, Scorpio, like some other zodiac signs, will experience big changes in love. The representative of this zodiac sign is distinguished by his energy, magnetism and sexuality, so the year of the Yellow Earth Dog will not deprive this representative of the zodiac sign of male attention.

Expect a contrast of intense emotions. If the beginning of the year is calmer and more favorable for making plans and tasks for the year, then April-May will awaken Scorpio’s sleeping heart and make it beat faster. During this period, new acquaintances are possible, where you have to make a choice.

Love horoscope for 2018: Scorpio

Representatives of the sign who are in a strong relationship will be able to allocate more free time, which will be completely devoted to relationships.

In 2018, Scorpios will be luckier than ever in love, so follow your intuition and follow your heart. It will not let you down and will help you make the right choice.

Love horoscope for 2018: Sagittarius (11/23 – 12/21)

In 2018, just like Scorpios, Sagittarius will experience big changes. But these changes will look different for everyone. It all depends on the current situation. Family Sagittarius will be able to improve relationships, plan family relationships, move to another house, or purchase an additional area, for example, a summer house.

Some Sagittarius will have to change their place of residence, which will entail changes in their personal lives. Sagittarians often take risks, so changing their place of residence and restoring old connections will be beneficial.

Love horoscope for 2018: Sagittarius

But you should be as careful as possible, old acquaintances can help you take certain risks, improve relationships with former partners, but before you take such steps, think about whether this banquet is worth such a candle.

Sagittarius will have a pointed question: go forward and build new life, or look back and plunge into the old swamp. If you decide to return your ex-love, do an analysis, weigh the pros and cons. Sagittarians love to take risks, but the adventure does not always lead to the expected results. The stars are on your side, but they warn you that the results may be disappointing if you take the wrong step.

Love horoscope for 2018: Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

A year of great opportunities, intrigue, romance and unpredictable situations. In 2018, be prepared for unforeseen situations that you can easily cope with if you assess the situation as soberly as possible.

Love horoscope for 2018: Capricorn

In 2018, the love horoscope for Capricorns promises to be as colorful, memorable and emotional as possible. Especially in summer period, a bright and eventful life awaits you, which will lead to a new romance. But be on guard, because in 2018 you will have enough first impressions to fall in love, but not every one of your chosen ones will be able to live up to your expectations. The stars recommend taking a closer look at your partners and being more careful so as not to get burned.

For married couples in 2018, the stars foretell new experiences that can bring the married couple even closer. Don't refuse new experiences. If you are lucky enough to go on a long trip with your family, don’t refuse. This will be the right step to once again get closer to the person you love most.

Love horoscope for 2018: Aquarius (22.01 - 19.02)

Couples who are already in a long-term relationship will have to undergo a strength test in 2018. Women should be softer, use their imagination and even bend in some situations. But this should not affect Aquarius; on the contrary, the representative of this sign will need to experience times that have not happened before. The stars promise to penetrate more into the situation and seek a compromise.

Love horoscope for 2018: Aquarius

As for single Aquarius, expect that there will be a lot of envious people, since you will have many fans who will not let your enemies sleep peacefully. Ignore judgment and follow the path that fate gives you. In 2018, fate will present you with many new sensations and tests that you will pass with ease.

Love horoscope for 2018: Pisces (20.02 - 20.03)

Pisces will have to sweat a little in 2018. If last year was more or less stable for you, then in the coming year the stars promise you a little worry and sleepless nights. Doubts and uncertainty in relationships will leave you in limbo, but this will only last for the first half of the year. With the arrival of warmth, you will breathe air into your lungs and begin to make new plans for the future, where changes await you at the end of summer.

Love horoscope for 2018: Pisces

True love will suddenly knock on your door and change your life. You will feel a surge of energy, your heart will begin to beat faster. In complete confusion you will plunge into a new relationship.

Couples who are in long relationship, the new year 2018 promises to be in complete harmony and stability. To strengthen your relationship, take more risks, experiment and add more bright and thrilling sensations.

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The patroness of 2018 is the Dog – a family animal, infinitely kind, loving warm relationships, affection and tenderness. That is why many will find their love this year, and peace and romance will reign in families. Presented to your attention love horoscope for 2018 for all zodiac signs.

Thanks to the influence, people will become more tolerant of each other day by day, and this gives hope that even irreconcilable parties and those with conflicting, quarrelsome characters will be able to find compromises, and all issues will be resolved in a civilized and peaceful manner.

Unfortunately, even such a “family” year in every sense will not protect some couples from divorce and break-ups. One of the spouses may be drawn to search for a more attractive partner. And the Dog is a faithful and honest sign that will not tolerate betrayal in any form.

The Mistress of 2018 will fully reward the offender just what he deserves, and will do this in any way - problems at work, difficulties with finances or the collapse of a friendship, not counting other more intricate troubles.

But the Yellow Earth Dog will favor couples in love and take care of the fate of the relationship - make it pure and harmonious, fill it with healthy passion and uncontrollable romance.

Love horoscope for 2018 for Aries

All representatives of the sign will have to stop waiting for their soulmate, and actively take on their personal lives. You shouldn’t look for a true prince or a real princess - there are no ideal ones, because you yourself also have many shortcomings.

You can’t sit in one place, waiting for happiness to fall on you from heaven. In order to find your love, you need to at least appear somewhere, not to mention the fact that Aries must be open to dating.

A dog will help Aries communicate more, giving him a lot of opportunities for this. If you have already found a soul mate and have been in a couple for a long time, try to create your own together with your partner. ideal world, full of magic, where you can become each other's prince and princess.

Love horoscope for 2018 for Taurus

This year, Taurus needs to abandon their favorite tactics - to go straight to the goal, regardless of those around them, sweeping away everything in their path. A similar approach to family relations Not only will it not bring you the desired happiness, but it will also completely alienate your loved ones.

It is better to replace the usual aggressiveness and independence in solving family affairs with a constructive discussion with your significant other. This way you will come to an agreement more quickly, and the Dog will be satisfied with you.

Analyze all conflicting moments in advance and determine for yourself those places where you could make concessions and those where doing exactly this and not otherwise is a true necessity.

Love horoscope for 2018 for Gemini

Family representatives of the sign suddenly have an unbearable desire for romance and passion. Surprises at every turn, gifts for no apparent reason, long walks under the moon, testing each other’s feelings, etc. The Gemini partner will certainly be sincerely happy about the rekindling of the flame of love and, in turn, will also take the initiative.

Geminis who are still single will certainly find their soul mate in 2018. The dog will help in this matter and, guided by its instincts, will tell you how to make the right choice. Relationships can begin as early as late summer or early autumn.

Warm, romantic weather will make dating easier. Take your time, take a closer look at the object of your adoration. Enjoy your ever-growing affection and sympathy for as long as possible.

Love horoscope for 2018 for Cancer

Cancer is an incorrigible pragmatist. It is difficult to find a representative of this sign who would live as his heart tells him. Many people approach the issue of marriage and having children as a goal, and rely on a strict plan in these matters. But life is not a collection of problems that must be solved. The dog recommends using your heart in love affairs and listening to it more.

The patroness of the year expects that all relationships will be sincere and family values ​​will be unshakable. Hypocrisy, cold calculation and outright cynicism will be severely punished. Be conscientious and truly love your partner.

Love horoscope for 2018 for Leo

Leo is a passionate and addicted person. Having been in a couple for quite a long time, rather tired of the routine, representatives of the sign, without realizing it, will begin to look around, in search of the attention of the opposite sex. Carefully! In the Year of the Dog, loyalty, integrity and other family virtues are highly valued.

Take special care of yourself so that passing fancy didn't turn out to be the biggest mistake of my life. Secret dates will not bring pleasure, moreover, such an affair will definitely jeopardize the relationship with a reliable and loving soul mate.

Love horoscope for 2018 for Virgo

Virgos are by nature prone to pessimism and often mope. Representatives of the sign often choose as a partner a person who is completely opposite in character. Virgo's life partner is patient and cheerful. But difficulties also lurk here: misunderstandings and disappointments inevitably arise from such a discrepancy between the soulmate.

This can and even needs to be fought. The dog is a family totem for a reason; it will help Virgo to open up to her happiness. Accept the flow of life, let your boat of family well-being set sail freely, let it moor to the right shore.

Love horoscope for 2018 for Libra

The beginning of the year will be marked by a certain coldness, which Libra will be surprised to discover from their significant other. And the blame for everything is their own ascension of themselves to a pedestal. And feelings, especially love ones, desperately need to be fueled by romance. With a little effort, you will be able to fan the fire of love again.

Show more attention to your partner. Men need to be praised more often, their sense of dignity enhanced, and pampered with delicious dishes. But give the ladies compliments, trips to the restaurant and gifts. Who, if not you, knows your soulmate best? A little more zeal - and your loved one will not escape you.

Love horoscope for 2018 for Scorpio

Until the spring of 2018, Scorpio will be busy with everything, but not with his personal life. Representatives of the sign, who have not yet managed to find a couple, will experience the pain of loneliness closer to summer, which will incite Scorpios to immediately begin searching for the love of their life.

If the long-awaited meeting does not happen soon, do not despair. “Your” person will definitely find you closer to mid-autumn.

Those who are in a relationship will have to be disappointed in their partner. Summer, with its scorching sun, from which it is not so easy to hide, will show who is who. Don't despair, your destiny is not far off.

Love horoscope for 2018 for Sagittarius

Take a closer look at your soul mate - is your loved one treating you in a consumerist way? If this is the case, feel free to break off the relationship and, in an amicable way, it wouldn’t hurt to turn to psychological motivation to become happy and raise your self-esteem. Even if these sad events happen, the Year of the Dog will still be happy for Sagittarius.

Turn your gaze to your immediate surroundings, try to look at your friends from the other side. Perhaps among your comrades there is a little man who has long had the most tender feelings for you. Or maybe one of your friends will introduce you to your future wife or future spouse.

Love horoscope for 2018 for Capricorn

The Year of the Dog will bring diversity to all representatives of the sign. Harmony and tranquility await family Capricorns. Of course, there will be conflicts and disputes on everyday grounds, but they will not be able to overshadow the idyll that you and your significant other have been creating for years.

But a recent union, a very young relationship, will collapse. And it won’t be Capricorn’s fault. Try not to get discouraged and cope with this love loss with dignity.

Devote yourself to a hobby. At the end of the year, just a like-minded person in your favorite business may turn out to be “that” person you have been looking for for so long.

Love horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius

One of the most loyal, honest and good-natured animals in the horoscope is the Dog. It is she who will stand at the helm of the new 2018. The dog belongs to the Earth element, which means you can count on intellectual development and peaceful events in life. The love horoscope for 2018 predicts strengthening of personal relationships, family traditions and sensitivity in communicating with loved ones. The dog will help you make peace with those with whom you were in a quarrel in the previous year.

One should expect from the Dog not only peacefulness and forbearance, but also perseverance in achieving goals. She fights for happiness in her personal and family life without fear or reproach, showing fidelity.

Starting in July, there will be a surge of colossal energy that will help neutralize conflicts and misunderstandings in relationships. The priority should be tenderness, care and mutual understanding. If you show your sincere feelings, then in December the Dog will reward you what you deserve and will not leave you alone.

The Year of the Dog is ideal for procreation and the birth of a baby. Even if you are in a “civil” marriage, this will only strengthen the relationship, taking it to a new level. A child will be born into a happy family if the desire to have one comes from both.

The dog is opposed to divorce, so in 2018, under no circumstances decide to take such radical measures in your relationship. Patience, sensitivity and mutual understanding are what will allow loving hearts strengthen relationships. Well, if you are both determined to break up, then this can be done next year, when the Pig will rule. An intelligent and devoted animal will become the patron of 2018, which will definitely help you in any difficult situations. Don't be reckless, but follow the traditions that have been established for centuries. Learn to be the first to make concessions and reconciliation, forgive and accept your loved one for who he is.

And now the forecast for the zodiac signs.


The Year of the Dog does not advise Aries to talk about your romance with a person with whom you were previously just friends. Your relationship will move to another stage and become more sensual. If you want to keep them, then become more gentle and attentive to your chosen one. The emotional and temperamental Aries should be restrained so as not to get into conflict situations with those who are truly dear to him.

In the year of the Dog, Aries may have problems on the personal front due to the fact that their partner will seem too childish and cold in their relationship. First try to understand why he behaves this way, and then draw the appropriate conclusions. The love horoscope for 2018 recommends Aries to be more proactive and be the first to make concessions.

Anyone who is single will meet a loved one in the Year of the Dog, with whom they will marry or get married in December.


Taurus in the year of the Dog will be bathed in love in the full sense of the word, so loneliness will definitely not threaten him. A lot of confessions, courtship and marriage proposals are expected. The main thing is that Taurus does not spray his feelings on everyone. First get to know the person, and then confess your feelings to him. Otherwise, fate will test Taurus by sending him selfish and flattering individuals. Turn to your intuition more often. She definitely won’t let you down and will give good advice.

2018 promises Taurus a community of interests and a joint business with a person for whom he will experience deep feelings. You can even open your own business if you both want it and think through everything to the smallest detail. The dog will definitely help in any way he can. Taurus and his chosen one will have the opportunity to strengthen their financial situation. An office romance is possible in the middle of the year. But keep in mind that the Dog does not like those who flirt on the side while married.


Gemini in the year of the Dog will fly on the wings of love, which will give them a lot of emotions and vivid impressions. Of course, not all romantic encounters will develop into something more and serious, but there is still a chance to meet “your” person. The love horoscope for 2018 promises Gemini a fateful acquaintance, but here you yourself need to keep your eyes open. It is possible to resume old relationships, although this is unlikely to lead to a good result.

Forecast for 2018 recommends family Geminis to independently solve problems that arise in relationships with their spouse. You don’t even need to tell your relatives about what doesn’t suit you or outrages you. Yes and envious people there are a lot around. In the Year of the Dog, try to avoid all gossip and not spread rumors yourself. As for an affair on the side, Gemini should not even think about it.

Of course, the mistress of 2018, the yellow Dog, will help you arrange your personal life, but the bulk of the worries and troubles in this regard will fall on your shoulders. Do not refuse new meetings, communication with friends and parties. Be as proactive as possible. Then Cancer can count not only on a fateful acquaintance, but also on the Mendelssohn march at the end of December.

The love horoscope for 2018 for Cancer predicts a change of residence. You will go for your loved one anywhere just to be together. The main thing is that you think about everything in advance so that you don’t regret your action later. After all, such sacrifices must be justified.

Family Cancer can expect pleasant surprises from fate in the year of the Dog. You will go on a long-awaited trip, have a great rest and learn a lot of interesting things about another country. The horoscope recommends that Cancer and his spouse open their own business, which will only improve your relationship.

It is impossible to imagine Leo without love, but the Dog recommends being careful. Either you will deceive someone, or you will be betrayed. The astrological forecast for love for 2018 advises Leo to take less risks with feelings, otherwise you can live the whole year in worries or breakups. If you already have a loved one, then devote more time and attention to him.

A lonely Leo can meet a “soul mate” if he himself begins to take his personal life more seriously. No flirting or dubious intimate relationships, then the year of the Dog will give you a meeting that will become your destiny. Better save your energy and feelings for the person who really deserves it. After all, Leo’s charm and pride make everyone around him go crazy.


In the year of the Dog, Virgo will have a little bit of everything - from true love to a banal office romance. To add romance and sensuality to her personal life, Virgo needs to not close herself off within four walls. It’s better to communicate more often with old and new friends and attend events. To charm the one you like, you just need to take the initiative. Listen to your heart, and don’t be suspicious or think that you are not loved or appreciated.

The love horoscope for 2018 recommends that Virgo reconsider her views on her external image. How long has it been since you went to the store and bought something stylish clothes? Well, in order to find peace of mind, Virgo doesn’t mind doing yoga and meditation. If you normalize your internal state, your personal life will change for the better. A lonely Virgo can meet a loved one in the autumn. This will happen at an unexpected moment that will be remembered for a lifetime.


Libra in the year of the Dog needs to learn one thing - planning a fateful meeting is pointless. Anything can happen, like in a wonderful fairy tale, so look around often. Lonely Libras can make acquaintances that will leave an unpleasant aftertaste in their souls. The chosen one will turn out to be a selfish and mercantile person.

The love horoscope for 2018 promises a good financial situation for Libra, so quarrels with your spouse based on money are definitely not expected. There are no problems on a daily basis either, but it doesn’t hurt to add romance to the relationship. Libra should be generous with gifts or travel. And don’t even think about having affairs on the side, otherwise you will lead to a divorce.


Scorpio will definitely be lucky in love in the year of the Dog, but what to do with the irrepressible temperament? The love forecast for 2018 advises Scorpio to pacify jealousy and leadership habits, and to be more courteous and gentle in relations with the chosen one. Keep your emotions in check so as not to ruin your personal life. Some Scorpios will change their place of residence, some will part with their lover, and for others fate will give them a new wonderful meeting. The main thing is, don’t look back at the past and don’t blame people for things they didn’t do. It doesn't hurt to work on yourself!

The love horoscope for 2018 for Scorpio predicts unforgettable romantic dates. Well, if you were born in November, then an official marriage or wedding awaits you. It is possible that you will again exchange rings with someone with whom you were already legally married. And don't be afraid of anything! Sometimes you can enter the same river twice. Especially if you truly love a person and don’t believe in prejudices.


In the year of the Dog, Sagittarius is expected to experience a surge of strength, energy and feelings, so he can safely count on everything related to love dates and adventures. The love horoscope for 2018 advises you to figure out in advance who you are on the same path with, and who it is better to forget altogether. If you don’t want to part with your loved one, then pacify your jealousy. This especially applies to men. Stop suspecting your chosen one of everything you can imagine. Yes, you have a rich imagination, but not to the same extent. Serious relationships are built only on trust.

The love forecast for 2018 for Sagittarius predicts the resumption of a long-standing romance. True, in the summer, many will fall in love and forget about past affections. Autumn will be a sad time for many Sagittarius. Separations and divorces are possible.


In the year of the Dog, one can say one thing about Capricorn - happy and completely in love. The love horoscope for 2018 predicts an interesting meeting for lonely Capricorn, which may change his destiny. The new chosen one will be for you not only a lover, but also a reliable friend. This combination is rare to find, but you are lucky. But try to get to know your chosen one better so as not to fall into the clutches of a mercantile and deceitful person.

The love horoscope for 2018 advises showing your chosen one your best qualities. Moreover, Capricorn, who honors family traditions, almost no flaws. He is too good as a spouse - faithful and thorough. The dog already loves him.

At the beginning of the year, Capricorn does not bother to engage in external transformation and monitor the state of physical health. If you want to attract the attention of the opposite sex, then try to change for the better - tighten your figure, dress fashionably and get a new haircut.


The love horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius predicts a feeling that only Mexican TV series film about. You will fall in love at first sight and already on the second date you will start talking to your chosen one about the wedding. The dog does not advise you to make hasty conclusions, otherwise there will be a lot of mistakes and disappointments. It is possible that a person communicates with you only because of your high status in society or because of money. Well, or did he like your pretty face?

Family Aquarius needs to do everything possible to diversify the relationship with their spouse and add a kind of “zest” to them. If you love each other as before, then nothing prevents you from creating something new, building a cottage, having a child and, in the end, having another “honeymoon” in the Canaries.


Lonely Pisces will splash around in love like in a warm ocean. There are unexpected meetings, beautiful courtships and a sea of ​​confessions. But you shouldn’t rush into making decisions. You can find out a lot of unpleasant things about your chosen one. But, if you don’t delve into his past, then everything will remain as it is - stable and sincere. One of the Pisces will return to a former lover with whom he broke off relations in 2017.

But family Pisces in the year of the Dog will be on the verge of divorce. And all this is due to the fact that life is not organized, there is not enough finance, and the passion has faded. Maybe there is a chance to revive everything? Then try to do this at the beginning of 2018. Try to start a common business, or plan the birth of a child.