Alpha and omega guys. Alpha and omega, hierarchy in the human flock

Scientists have long been able to prove that all men are divided into alpha, beta and gamma males. Based on how the guy behaves, you can understand what to expect from him, what goals of acquaintance he pursues, what he prefers and how your relationship can end. To understand all the nuances and features, we propose to study the basic habits characteristic of a particular type of male.

Alpha male: you will recognize him out of a thousand...

Characteristics of an alpha male catch the eye from the first minute of acquaintance. They are born leaders, the soul of the company, handsome, humorous, witty, leaders. In fact, there are not very many such guys, and therefore there will be a huge contrast with other males. The history of their leadership begins in early childhood, when they were the first to start fights, come up with meanness to teachers and stand out with their special temper.

Having matured, such guys prefer to surround themselves with inconspicuous, but smart friends. In such a company, two problems are solved at once: the alpha male seems smart because he is friends with educated intellectuals, and he seems incredibly handsome against the background of frail erudite people with glasses.

Interestingly, alpha males are not always irresistible. Of course, they are very enterprising, behave moderately brazenly, have an instant reaction and always indicate their unquestioned authority. I must say that it is these guys who often look for kept women on dating sites, as this further increases their authority and makes them even more in demand and desirable.

Narcissism is a hallmark of any alpha male. He will look like a needle, prefers to pump up breathtaking muscles, regularly admires his reflection in mirrors, glasses, windows ... A completely optional attribute is a business suit and tie. On the contrary, such a guy prefers modern clothing styles and considers the preppy style to be especially good, which many girls adore.

Another striking feature of these guys is excessive love and desire to conquer. They have a hypnotic effect on girls, use them for a night or two, and then go further in search of satisfaction of their irrepressible lust. I must say that at the same time they are very mediocre lovers and do not always shine with impressive dignity. She immediately takes the girls impudently and on the very first evening offers to take a walk in a dark doorway or in a secluded corner for easy, laid-back sex. If you refuse him, he leaves with a proudly raised head and begins to spud other girls.

One thing is guaranteed: with such a friend you will definitely not be bored!

Beta males: smart averages with mediocre abilities

These guys are much less conspicuous. If alpha male - male defiant, the beta male prefers to remain courteous, compassionate. He will help and advise, but at the same time he will not press, and demand retribution with sex or a sweet kiss. They are more educated and smarter than alpha males, but they are somewhat less purposeful, do not strive for leadership and are in no hurry to replenish their male track record with a passionate night with another beauty.

In relations with women, such men behave like gallant gentlemen. The beta male will comfort and support you when the creepy alpha male gets away from you. He will treat you to something tasty, give you a bouquet, but will not impose his company. Beta males take a long time to make an informed decision about marriage, and then remain faithful to their spouse throughout their lives. They make wonderful caring fathers. True, if some unpleasant or extreme situation happens, the beta male will turn out to be a completely unsuitable tool for resolving it.

Gamma males: when there are not enough male hormones

This is the weakest of all types of men. They are not self-confident, they are not suitable to get acquainted, they are not ready to communicate, they do not know how to hunt at all and almost always spend their weekends at home. In sexual terms, they are also rather weak, since it is obvious that they lack male hormones. Thin hair on the face and body, frail muscles, excessive fullness or thinness betray them at the mere sight of them. In most cases, you can be sure that the gamma male is a typical sissy, accustomed to guardianship and care.

Such individuals marry (they can be called males with a huge stretch) on portly ladies who are much older than them in the hope that they will groom and cherish them. A young girl of such a boy is unlikely to be interested. And if it happens that gamma males marry the same age, they are forced to divorce rather quickly. They are unsuitable for family life.

Almost all signs of a male male are absent in such comrades.

You are unlikely to meet such a guy on a dating site or in in social networks. But in "tanks" or other shooting games of this type it's full!

By studying animals that live in groups, such as wolves, monkeys, and even chickens, scientists have found dominance hierarchies among them. The strong are always in a more privileged position over the weak. Such a system allows minimizing the harm that individuals can cause to each other in the struggle for rights. Scientists have designated the hierarchy with the letters of the Greek alphabet.

Alpha- the main, leaders, as a rule, the largest and strongest individuals in the pack. They usually get all the females and the best pieces from the table. They are charged with the responsibility of managing the pack and maintaining the hierarchy.

Beta- these guys are more modest, they are on the "secondary roles", as a rule, younger and more inexperienced. Might get some from the females if the alpha can't see. In case the alpha weakens, they can take his place.

Omega- are at the very bottom of the hierarchical ladder. The weakest ones, there are no chances to stir up with a female, the last leftovers get. They cannot become alpha in principle. They do not show initiative, they are active only in the "extras".

Note: I'm deliberately simplifying the hierarchy to three types, in fact there is a gradient of the Greek alphabet between alpha and omega, all sorts of epsilons and scales are included in these three subclasses.

In homo sapiens, the same mechanisms work, although of course, in a much more complicated and veiled form. Somehow it turns out that some are always trying to dominate others. Surprisingly, if you gather unfamiliar children, still alien to social prejudices, together, they will very quickly establish a hierarchy, their leaders and their outcasts will appear, each child will very quickly understand his place in this mini-community. In the world of adults, the division into classes with different degrees of privilege becomes more official. Here the main thing is the position, although, in my opinion, the social and biological hierarchies are only partially interconnected.

Let's compare two groups - one consists of five alphas, the second - from one alpha and four betas. Among them, the second one will be more effective - since in the first group the alphas will fight among themselves, in the struggle for power and refuse to listen to each other, but in a group where there is already a division into leaders and subordinates, teamwork can be easily established. Paradoxically, the possession of leadership qualities will be a disadvantage in the first group. In the beta group, everything will be quite simple - someone will turn into alpha and we will get the option already discussed above. In a group with only omega, there will be no leader, and it will fail, like a group of alphas.

Given the above, it is logical to assume that it is beneficial for individuals to occupy a "floating" position, to change their role depending on the circumstances. That is, the picture is not static, the picture is constantly changing. Some drift from omega to beta, others from alpha to beta, and so on. It seems to me very important to understand where you stand in the hierarchy, are you motionless or moving, and if you are moving, in which direction?

It is equally important to learn to distinguish between alpha and omega around you, since the benefits of interaction depend very much on this. Alpha and omega have completely different ways of thinking, different views on the world, different values. Alpha values ​​strength, victory, he loves to stand out, be unique, independent, compete and win, he is not afraid to take responsibility, he loves to do and is proud of what he has done. Omega has a motto - "do not stick out", standing out from the team is a senseless show off, he always avoids responsibility, is passive, waits for instructions, considers himself a victim of circumstances or specific people, is not proud of himself and generally considers that pride is harmful, the initiative for him is connected with danger.

Omegas also substitute concepts, adding unscrupulousness and immorality to strength and power. I strongly disagree with this change. I don’t know about others, but my experience shows me that among strong people there are many good and decent people, and among the weak there are many evil and vile people. Strength and morality are just different things, don't mix them up.

If an omega teaches life to an alpha or vice versa, nothing will work, they simply will not understand each other. The reasoning of omegas about alpha is of no use, because they do not understand how the latter think. Alpha and beta should focus on alpha or beta, but in no case not on omega. Here I would like to note that I do not want to focus on omega as some kind of bad people. I don’t want to escalate the negative, in my opinion the question here is in the banal practicality, the return on communication.

Morality: When listening to a person who gives you important advice about life, first think about who he is - alpha, beta or omega? Who are you? What do you want to become? Do you want to be in a similar position? The answers to these questions will determine whether it is worth listening to his opinion or not.

A long time ago, zoologist David L. Meh came up with his theory about the human dominance hierarchy, and then invalidated it. But homo sapiens still like to divide men into alpha, beta and omega males. At the same time, women remember, dreamily rolling their eyes: “I had one alpha male,” and men beat their chests with their fists, proving that each of them is worthy of this honorary title.

The theory of David L. Fur was based on the hierarchy of males in a wolf pack. At the head of the pack is always the leader - the strongest, most agile and enduring male. They call him the alpha male. Further down in the hierarchy are the beta males. Omega males are the weakest and most unviable males, who are more often outcasts. In the human world, things are much more complicated.

Not all those alphas with muscles

Individuals from the Neanderthal tribe did not go far in development from the tribe of monkeys, therefore the hierarchy was distributed there more or less purely, as nature intended. At the top of the hierarchy - the most hardy, strong, dexterous, courageous and, of course, the most arrogant and aggressive. The stronger all the listed qualities are expressed in the male, the more mammoths he will get, the warmer the cave will win back for his offspring. Therefore, females chose just such males for the birth of children. Now imagine such a Neanderthal in our time, when the house is warmer and more skins are not, but more cunning, smart, dodgy. Because nature is nature, and you cannot go far from socio-cultural attitudes. Therefore, it turns out that only with the help of strength, dexterity and impudence of success in modern world it will not be possible to achieve, therefore, to break through to the leading positions - too. Moreover, an impudent and aggressive male, entering into an open conflict with other males for power, can achieve the position of an alpha male only in certain circles, for example, criminal or boy-yard ones. Otherwise, he will either have to deal with law enforcement agencies, or due to constant conflicts he will not be able to stay at any job, which will negatively affect his financial situation.

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Modern Alphas, Betas and Omegas

Despite the layering of cultural and social requirements, there is an opinion that the modern alpha male is undoubtedly a dominant and polygamous man. These are its two main characteristics. And they are due to the natural characteristics of this man. Like Neanderthal ancestors, by nature, such men have physical strength, endurance, willpower, the ability to adapt to environmental conditions, stress resistance and conflict resistance, the ability to go to the goal, high testosterone levels and excellent health. Nature endowed men with such qualities not in vain. The task of alpha males is the transfer of viable genes and the extension of the genus. And since we must not only reproduce, but also preserve as healthy genes as possible, then in order to fertilize us, unreasonable ones, such men are given to us - dominant, assertive, taking by the power of their charisma.

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However, not all arrogant, brave and confident men are actually alpha males. Showy arrogance and self-confidence are often acquired qualities of bets, who either hide their complexes in this way, or try to compete with alpha males for a leading position in the hierarchy. In fact, beta males have a softer character, less stubborn disposition, but at the same time cunning and intelligence. These are the qualities that help them move up the career ladder and even “move” masculine alpha males on it, who have not been able to adapt to modern realities. Beta males are also successful in family life. There is even such a common belief that women become pregnant from unfaithful alpha males, and caring beta males raise their children. Although this is also a controversial statement, since modern alpha males can also be family men. Some alphas are just the stronghold of the outgoing traditional patriarchal family, headed by a man - strong, strong-willed, albeit authoritarian, but capable of making strong-willed decisions and being responsible for their loved ones. There are alpha men who have two such families, as well as lovers, for whom they are also capable of being responsible. And there are those who, by virtue of educated moral convictions, are quite capable of being faithful to their wives, and they, in turn, give birth to 3-5 children each (which, again, is now very rare).

The last in the human hierarchy, just like in the animal kingdom, are the omega males. These are losers, old virgins, sluggish and uninitiated beer drinkers, inhabitants of the world of the sofa and TV. For a place in the hierarchy, as a rule, such individuals do not fight, but on the contrary, their lifestyle of outsiders is often elevated to a cult.

Who do women choose

The consumer society imposes its standards on us, but our natural instincts are indestructible. Therefore, even now, as many millions of years ago, human females choose alpha males in order to give birth to healthy offspring. Only some do it wisely and choose alpha men who are the most adapted to life in modern realities, and some rush to external tinsel, giving themselves to "bad guys" who "marry and leave." Still, alpha males are few and far between. Therefore, the vast majority of women choose permanent and reliable beta males. Betas will help with them and with children, and they will pay attention. Powerful women, prone to dominant behavior, can choose an omega, and then nag him all his life because he is not capable of anything and complain that there are no real men left.

How to become an alpha male

The creator himself renounced the theory, but not the creators of the trainings on the topic "How to become an alpha male." As a rule, this is either with their leadership trainings, which make leaders and financially successful people out of outsiders, or pick-up artists with their trainings to seduce women. Both those and others call for the development of certain qualities of an alpha male:

physical strength, health and high level serotonin and testosterone. This is developed through sports and dietary adjustments;

strength of will;


resistance to conflicts;

arrogance that does not go beyond socially acceptable behavior;

the ability to take responsibility for one's words and actions;

purposefulness. The alpha goes all the way to the end. And with girls, and with employers, and with clients;

courage. The alpha male has nothing to fear, he is already a winner;

the ability to take responsibility for one's environment. Whether the head of the family or the head of the company, the alpha is able to take responsibility for the people entrusted to him;

the ability to show your alpha maleness in deeds, not in words.

Avdotya Razgulyaeva

The term "alpha male" was coined in the 70s of the last century by the famous zoologist David Meh. According to this scientist, all males can be divided into the so-called alpha, beta and gamma males, in terms of their behavior and biological characteristics.

By the way, Fur later abandoned his own theory, but still it remained popular.

If you believe the theory of Fur (by the way, who conducted his research not on people, but on wolves), then alpha males began to manifest themselves at the dawn of evolution. They were the leaders of the monkey packs, and when the monkeys, according to Darwin, evolved into people, they became the leaders of the tribes or won a different high status for themselves. They gained access not only to power, but also to the best food and other benefits, including the most beautiful and popular women of the tribe.

What are the characteristics of an alpha male? Some sources claim that this is primarily brazen and aggressive behavior. But the fact is that a real leader does not need to show arrogance and aggression at all. Both in the animal pack and in primitive society, the strongest, dexterous and enduring male always became the leader, since he could get more food. Accordingly, he was granted various privileges, and the females clung to him, because they understood that such a partner would be able to take care of the survival of the offspring.

Sometimes alpha males really had to assert their power through force and aggression. But that was in the distant past. Now social success, skill, professionalism, the ability to earn money are more valued, and an aggressive fighter will simply not be accepted in a decent society.

So, the modern alpha male is usually well built and physically attractive. He often plays sports seriously. He literally exudes self-confidence and willpower, he is cold-blooded, courageous and purposeful. He is ready to fight for his goals, but at the same time he tries not to go beyond the boundaries of acceptable behavior in society. He rarely uses violent methods to maintain his leadership status. But he is generally feared and respected by those around him, as he can provide what they need, as well as protection and security. Or maybe take it all away.

Most often, the social and financial position of alpha males is above average: they own large businesses, hold high public positions, and have power.

Alpha males are usually popular with women who are attracted to their masculine charm, strength and self-confidence. They are ready to take responsibility for their woman and their family. It is about them that they say: "A real man." At the same time, alpha males demand complete submission to themselves and are far from always faithful to their halves, as too many women strive to win their attention. That is why such men have the reputation of "womanizer".

As for the beta males, they are smart, reliable and often successful. They make good performers and specialists. In the zoological hierarchy, these are ordinary members of the pack. They are decent, have a gentle character, and with such a partner a woman often feels more comfortable than with an alpha male. But the problem is that in an extreme situation, the beta male can fold, it is not easy for him to make a responsible decision.

Gamma males are "defective" specimens. In nature, they are ballast for the pack, as they are not able to hunt and generally bring some practical benefit. In human society, a gamma male is a man who does not show his masculinity in any way. He may be an alcoholic, unemployed, and most often lives off other people - his wife or relatives. Many gamma males are also impotent.

But why do some men become alpha males, others become beta males, and still others become completely flawed “gammas”? More recently, it was believed that the main male hormone testosterone is “to blame” for everything. The more a man has it, the more brutal he looks and behaves.

However, experiments have shown that when testosterone is artificially administered, for example, to male chimpanzees who do not have leader status, their level of aggression increases, but that's all. But it turned out that in some cases, men who were specifically stimulated to produce serotonin began to feel more confident and they developed leadership qualities ... However, there are no clear results so far.