Project “My Hometown” for primary schoolchildren. Project “Hometown (village) Project on the surrounding world 2 hometown

Yulia Solovyova
Project in the second junior group “My Hometown”

1. Project name: “My hometown”

2. Project participants: teachers, children of the second junior group, parents

3. Type of project: educational and informational, group.

4. Duration: short-term – 1 week

5. Justification of the relevance of the project problem:

Love for the Fatherland begins with love for one’s small homeland - the place where a person was born.

It is possible to lay love for the Motherland, for the native city, for the native nature only in younger age. Then changing the worldview, changing a person’s ideas and views on the environment is extremely difficult.

6. Project goal: Systematization of the child’s knowledge about his hometown.

7. Project objectives:

Enrich children's knowledge about the city in which we live.

Develop the ability to convey your impressions of your hometown.

Inspire in children a feeling of love for their city.

Increase knowledge about types of transport, traffic rules and pedestrian rules.

8. Expected results:

Increasing the level of children's knowledge about their city.

Stages of work

Stage 1 preparatory

Working with family.

Place visual material in the parent corner on the topic: “Memo for parents

"Lessons on children's behavior on the street."

Conduct individual conversations with parents: draw or select photographs about your hometown, select and learn a poem.

Forms of working with children.

Selection of illustrative material and literature on the topic.

Objectives: To introduce children to fiction and educational literature.

Enrichment of the subject-spatial development environment printed games, objects according to the rules traffic(traffic light, rod, cars)

Stage 2.

Working with family.

Individual conversations with parents about how to teach children to behave correctly on the street.

Offer to take the children for a walk around the city, take a photo and bring the photo to kindergarten for the design of the photo exhibition “Walk through your favorite city.”

Forms of working with children.

Conversations on works.

Works by V. Miryasova “Car”, “Truck”, “Ambulance”, “Fire Truck”, B. Zakhoder “I am a driver” (examine, talk about the content, memorize).

Illustrations from the series, “Transport” (examine, discuss by content, classify into cargo and passenger).

Subject picture “City Streets”

Objectives: Introduce children to special cars, they rush to help people, " ambulance" - to the sick, fire engine- put out the fire.

Introduce children to traffic lights and their purpose.

Reading and memorizing poems about the city, transport, traffic lights

Objectives: develop children’s speech, activate their vocabulary with new expressions and words.

Conversation based on photographs and design of the photo exhibition “I love walking around the city.”

Objectives: To create a desire to learn as much as possible about the city;

Improve grammatical correctness of speech.

Collective application

"My city"

Goal: Use knowledge and ideas about the features of the city (multi-story houses, a lot of cars, people)

D/i "Fourth wheel"

Goal: to consolidate previously acquired knowledge about transport to develop auditory attention, memory, logical thinking

D/i “Find identical cars”

Outdoor games: “Colored cars”, “Tram”, “Sparrows and a car”

Objectives: To contribute to the realization of children’s needs for physical activity, to develop physical qualities.

Stage 3 is final.

Working with family.

Reinforce traffic rules with your children while walking around the city.

Offer to make a model of the house “The House Where I Live” for further production of a model of the city.

Forms of working with children.

Maria Gumirova
Project “My Hometown”

Relevance of the topic

One of the leading conditions for the patriotic education of children is their familiarization with history. native land . The need to develop the interests of preschoolers in this area is associated with the social demand of society.

In this huge world, everyone has their own small homeland, and we carry a piece of it in our hearts throughout life. To instill patriotic feelings in a child means to cultivate affection and love for his small Motherland. And if we want our children to love their country, we need to do a lot to make them love the place where they were born and live.

To generate interest in hometown, it is necessary to select material that would be accessible to the child’s perception and leave vivid impressions. These can be images of nature, social events, traditions, the work of loved ones. Knowledge gained about hometown will contribute to the development in preschoolers of such feelings as affection, love for native land.


Children don't think about it city, in which they live is their small homeland. They don’t know anything about its history or attractions. Without sufficient knowledge, it is difficult to form a respectful attitude towards the small Motherland.

Participants project:

Pupils of the senior group;


Group teachers;

Social partners.

Social partners:

Children's library;

Museums cities;

Sightseeing tour cities.

Target project:

Form the primary ideas of older children preschool age O hometown.


Training tasks:

To form in children of senior preschool age ideas about their city;

Expand children's knowledge about the historical past hometown;

Introduce children to the sights city ​​of Asbest;

Introduce children to symbolism (flag, coat of arms, anthem) cities;

Introduce industry cities.

2. Developmental tasks:

Expand and enrich the vocabulary;

Develop the ability to conduct dialogue between the teacher and the child, between children;

Arouse in children a cognitive interest, a desire to learn new things about where they were born and live;

3. Educational tasks:

Foster in children a sense of attachment to their hometown;

Instill in students a sense of pride in their city;

To promote the active involvement of parents in joint activities with the child in family and kindergarten settings;

Planned result.

1. Children’s enriched and systematized knowledge of history cities;

2. A steady interest in studying this topic has been formed;

3. Increasing parental competence on the presented problem;

4. Participation of families of pupils in the educational process;

Implementation plan project

Stages Activities

children parents teachers

1. Organizational Conversations on topic:

- "Streets cities» ;

- "Attractions";

- "Symbolism cities»

View presentations. Informing parents about project: discussion of the topic project, solutions, opportunities for implementation Definition of the topic project.

Formulation of goals and objectives. Drawing up a plan for the main stage project.

Survey of children.

Selection of tools.

2. Activity planning Independent and creative activity Conversations with parents about the need for their participation in project. Carrying out joint activities according to plan.


Surveying children on the topic of knowledge gained during implementation project. Creative work with children Sports relay race "My city»

2. Implementation plan project(main stage)

Deadlines/date Joint activity Independent/free creative activity of children Joint work of parents with children

Educational activities during sensitive moments Direct educational activities

07.11 Drawing: "Houses on our street". Conversation "My little homeland" S/i "Family".

Proverbs, sayings about city.

Listening to and learning the hymn

Board game « City» , lotto "Professions"

Game "Say the word", collect a picture

Di "What do you need for work"

Drawing at the request of children. Learning poems.

Reading works about city

Design and presentation of the mini projects about the name of the street where the children live

Album art "The streets of our cities»

Sports event "My city»

08.11 Conversation "My city» Construction "House"

09.11 Reading a story "Our Fatherland" Ushinsky K. D. Application "Houses on our street"

10.11 Viewing the presentation "story cities from Kudelka to Asbest" Drawing "Fairytale House"

11.11. Themed walk through the streets Beseda city"The streets of our cities»

14.11. View the presentation "The nature of our cities» Conversation "Attractions cities»

15.11. Getting to know the symbolism of our city ​​drawing"Night city»

16.11. Drawing "Professions" Conversation on the topic "The professions of our cities»

17.11. Visit to a cultural center, work on project"My city» Construction "High-rise building"

18.11. Reading "My homeland" Prishvin M. M. Conversation « Hometown»

3. Results project:

18.11. – there will be a sporting event "My city» .

Publications on the topic:

“My beloved city, my native city.” Fun for the senior group“My beloved city, my native city” Entertainment in senior group. Compiled by: Natalia Leonidovna Podorozhkina, music director.

Project on the topic: “Our Motherland is Russia. My hometown is Sertolovo.” compensatory group “Flowers” ​​No. 9” Problem field:.

NOD “Sudak is my hometown!” Summary of GCD for children preparatory group“Pike-perch - hometown” Purpose: To generalize knowledge about Sudak, to introduce children to the sights.

Educational project for children of the preparatory school group “My hometown Gulkevichi” PROJECT “My hometown Gulkevichi” Relevance of the problem. “A person cannot live without his homeland, just as he cannot live without a heart” K. Paustovsky.

A brief outline of my introduction, a presentation of my city - Krasnoyarsk.

  1. The city in which I live.
  2. Why I like my city.
  3. Attractions and interesting places my city.

The city where I live

My hometown is Krasnoyarsk. I love my city very much because I was born here, went to kindergarten, then to school. Many important events happened here for me, and the main thing is that my relatives and friends live here, and I am always surrounded by a good and friendly atmosphere. Every year the city grows and develops, more and more new things appear that you can be proud of.

Why I like my city

I love my city because here you can find entertainment for every taste and at any time of the year. So, I like to walk in the central park, because it is very beautiful, quiet and cozy here, especially in the summer. I really love the railway that you can ride around the park. I also like that we have a cable car in our city; it’s not possible to find such entertainment everywhere. I ride there with my parents every summer, I’m very pleased, because it’s really interesting to climb to the top of the mountains and look at everything from above. But most of all I love the Roev Ruchey Zoo, the only bad thing is that it’s very far to get to it, but last summer we were there, I liked it. The monkeys and penguins are especially funny there.

Sights and interesting places in my city

There are many different attractions in my city. For those who would come to our city, I want to show the embankment in front of the Yenisei River, it is very beautiful here, but if you cross the bridge, you find yourself on a holiday island, there is a lot of entertainment, a whole children's playground, as well as beautiful and quiet alleys. There is also a circus in our city, I have been there several times, I really like the performances that were shown there. You can also go to the Luch cinema, which is near the park, to see some interesting film. In the evening I like the square near the opera house, there are beautiful musical fountains. In a word, there is a lot of interesting things in our city.

Working on this project was not easy, but it was nice to write about my city, because I want to tell as best as possible about what I like about my hometown.

On these pages, present the main materials on the project (photos, background information, etc.). Make and record a plan for speaking at the project presentation. Evaluate your work on the project. Express gratitude to those who helped you or participated in the work with you.

Plan of my speech at the presentation.

1) The city where I live
2) History of my city: year of foundation, development
3) Sights of my city
4) How does my city live now?
5) I love my city

Presentation “The city where I live”

The city where I live is called Moscow. This is a very large, very beautiful and world famous city. Moscow is the capital of Russia. It is even called the heart of Russia and this is true: the President of the country and the Government work in Moscow, all the main government structures are located and the most famous people countries.

My city was first mentioned in chronicles in 1147. This means that Moscow is almost 900 years old! At first, Moscow was a small town, lost among the forests, then it became the capital of an appanage principality, and in 1389 Moscow became the capital of the Russian state.

What Moscow has not seen over these centuries: wars and sieges, fires and revolutions, foreign invaders and the crowning of new kings. The streets of Moscow have been rebuilt more than once, but still my city has always been revived and grown, becoming more beautiful and richer.

The whole world admires the sights of Moscow: the Bolshoi Theater, Red Square, St. Basil's Cathedral, the Kremlin, Gorky Park and VDNH, the Museum fine arts named after A.S. Pushkin and the Tretyakov Gallery.

Now more than 12 million people live in Moscow. This is a huge city, attracting more and more new residents, because living in Moscow is not only comfortable, but also interesting. We often host fairs and festivals, the most famous artists come, bike rides, parades and fireworks are held.

And recently a grandiose event took place in Moscow - the World Cup. Guests from all over the world came to our city. It was a real holiday, very bright and memorable.

I love my city. He is the best on the whole planet!

How do I evaluate my work on the project (was the work interesting, easy or difficult, was it completely independent or did it require the help of adults, how did the collaboration with classmates develop, was the work successful).

I really enjoyed working on the project. I learned a lot of new things interesting facts about my city and discovered many places where I would like to go myself.
The whole family helped me in my work. Dad found information on the Internet, mother helped prepare the presentation, grandmother looked for photographs, and grandfather shared his memories.

Thanks for your help and cooperation.

Thank you very much to my mom, dad, grandparents for their help! I also want to thank my friends Kolya and Misha. You helped me correct the mistakes in time. And special thanks to my dog ​​Zhula. Without you, my walks around the city would not be so fun.