Scenario open lesson for Teacher's Day. Scenarios for Teacher's Day

I want to congratulate all teachers on their professional holiday. I endlessly appreciate your service to the country, your concern and responsibility. With all my heart I wish you health, a lot of strength and a lot of creative energy. And I really hope that the state will treat its real heroes more reverently every year.

Each school has its own traditions, so my ideas can be added to your annual gala meetings with awards for the best, skit parties with remade songs, children's concerts and final tea parties.

1. Costume greetings from students on Teacher’s Day

This is the idea. From each class (more precisely, from each parallel) you need to select 2-3 students who will congratulate the teachers at the very beginning of the holiday. One congratulation from first-graders, one from second-graders, etc. Let all classes with the letter “A” try their best this year. Next year - "B". Participate in the preparation of the short number class teacher and parents.

Each speech should last no more than two minutes, then 11 congratulations will take half an hour, taking into account hitches.

We select images for speakers taking into account the literature program. I don’t remember very well in which class they read what, I’ll sketch out a rough list. You need to choose costumes for children. This important point, since costumes will save the day, even if the text is not entirely successful.

1st class— Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka
2nd grade— Three girls (who are under the window) from Pushkin’s fairy tale
3rd grade- heroes of Krylov's Fables (you can have the Dragonfly and the Ant or the Crow and the Fox)
4th grade— Three Bogatyrs
5th grade- handsome hussar (Borodino)
6th grade— Tom Sawyer, Gogol’s characters from “Evenings on the Farm...”, Young Peasant Lady
7th grade— Inspector
8th grade— Vasily Terkin
9th grade— Onegin and Tatiana
10th grade— Oblomov
11th grade— Pierre Bezukhov and Natasha Rostova

Children should say beautiful congratulatory words in the images of their heroes. It’s good if it turns out artistic, with a twist, using phrases from works, rhymes, where appropriate.

It’s convenient that one teacher only needs to prepare one congratulation, and he won’t even know about the rest. I remind you that you need to keep it to 2 minutes, otherwise 11 performances will result in a “Chinese concert”. A costume greeting looks very impressive, don’t forget to take pictures.

In this case, the gift itself is the congratulation, but just in case.

2. Video “In a nutshell”

This technique is often used on TV. You need to edit the video so that the maximum number of students read one beautiful congratulation. It can be prose, it can be poetry. Gather the brightest representatives of each class and ask them to read 2-3 words from the board (it’s better not to tear up phrases).

For example:

1st student: Dear teachers!
2nd student: Today is your holiday!
3rd student: I would like to wish you
4th student: peace, goodness, happiness!
5th student: May every day bring joy!
6th student: We want to surprise you with our successes,
7th student: we dream that in many years you can be proud of us... etc.

It turns out a beautiful congratulatory video from students from grades 1 to 11.

3. Mannequin challenge

This works great even when shooting on a mobile phone. Children and teachers should freeze while acting out funny school scenes. Naturally, you need to think through the scenario and clearly define the operator’s path. There is no need for editing here - the whole point is in the continuous filming of motionless schoolchildren and teachers. Don't forget the cafeteria, security guards, and the director's office!

At the end, the cameraman turns sharply to a joyful crowd of children who “come to life” and shout “Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!”

4. Congratulations from students in the recording (“View from below”)

These are small funny videos, pre-recorded dialogues with children of different ages(Urgant does this masterfully). Come up with one question that the children need to answer quickly. It is the thoughtless answers that are always the funniest. You can shoot with a smartphone in good lighting, then edit everything into one congratulatory clip.

For example, ask which teacher is the most important at school. How many years of study do you need to become a teacher? Why are there many women and few men working at school? What will teachers be like in 100 years?

You need to watch the video in the hall on the big screen.

I found something similar here:

5. Photo competition - the best selfie during recess

This is also one big one greeting card, which teachers watch on the screen. We ask each teacher to take a funny selfie with the children. Here you need to show your imagination so that the photographs turn out to be different in character. Students can dress up or be asked to portray the same emotions. Give someone letter cards that will form the word “Congratulations”, give them balloons, flowers, come up with a funny background.

We combine all the frames into one presentation. Let a beautiful energetic melody sound in the background.

Examples from the Internet:

6. Small entertaining tournament “Question and answer”

Option 1. Team tournament (10-15 minutes).
I already have an entertaining selection of questions for a small intellectual game. Let there be 2 teams of 6 people and spectators. A bell on each table, the sound of which symbolizes the team's readiness to respond. .

Option 2. Individual championship
Read the questions out loud and print the answers on pieces of paper. Has it been a while since teachers took the tests themselves? And here's a festive joke test for them! We summarize the results like this: we collect pieces of paper, read out the correct answers, and name the most successful one and reward you at the end of the holiday, when you sum up the results.

You can also open identical tests on tablets and invite teams to figure out where is fiction and where is the truth (this series of tests is called “True or False”). It’s convenient that the results are summed up instantly, and the test itself is filled out online:

Or offer to guess the object from the pictures (a fragment of macro photography - a strong magnification of familiar objects). Here are also ready-made selections:

7. Reading aloud a work of art in different images

The number is humorous, but the passage needs to be taken seriously. Let there be Pushkin's prose, for example. For this number, it is better to take an artistic teacher who is ready to clearly show emotions and amuse his colleagues. It’s also fun to read plays this way, try it!

The text can be displayed on a large screen or given in a regular book. In the first case, an inscription with a new condition will appear on the screen; in the second, we show the volunteer a sign. Every 2-3 sentences are read with a different intonation: “that’s how a first-grader reads,” “go to rap,” “you’re chewing a big hamburger while reading,” “you’re running away from a maniac while reading,” “you’re a robot,” “you’re falling asleep.” , “you are trying to captivate the class with your expressive reading”, “after each word you need to clear your throat”, “every line of the work makes you laugh”, “with this passage you are entering a theater studio, add emotions”, etc.

It’s funnier if the audience also sees these signs and waits to see how their colleague will get out. You shouldn't repeat it more than once, then it won't be as fun.

8. Game “Crocodile” (school words)

Everything here is standard, but fun - one presenter tries to convey to his colleagues the meaning of a hidden school word with gestures. We prepare signs in advance with the words: Unified State Examination, electronic magazine, interactive whiteboard, lesson plan, test work, open lesson, parent meeting, teacher council, call to class, last call, graduation, vacation, etc.

9. Master classes

We conduct master classes for office employees and always admire how the bustle gradually recedes, and everything that happens turns into meditation. A beautiful creative holiday that teachers also really need.

Among the presenters of such master classes there are always many former teachers, so I have no doubt that in any team there will be craftswomen who will teach their colleagues how to effectively tie a scarf, how to do... Surely there are specialists in modern makeup or those who can teach you how to make jewelry from natural ornamental stones.

Turn on beautiful music, share funny stories, congratulate each other. Master classes are a wonderful break from the difficult teaching routine.

Any ideas?

“Holiday Again” is a collection holiday ideas, in which I collect all the most simple and fun things for different events. I'm always happy to hear additions in the comments. Share positivity with your colleagues!

Are there any interesting traditions for Teacher’s Day at your school?

A little non-standard, but very interesting scenario for Teacher's Day. A good tip for anyone who is looking for a script for Teacher’s Day and has already looked through a lot of options; the script is written simply and with soul. (if anyone doesn't know when is teacher's day : World Teachers' Day is October 5, and if the holiday falls on a weekend, they start celebrating a little earlier or later :)) (Song “Wonderful School Years.” 2 presenters appear.) B1. We all learned a little something and somehow. And everyone chose the road And everyone chose their own path. And those who were next to us, Who taught and mentored us, Today we honor you and I. Thank you, teachers! B2. We hasten to congratulate everyone gathered in this hall on a wonderful holiday - Teacher's Day. Our dear teachers, on this day we have prepared the warmest words of congratulations and wishes for you. B1. May the important work you do every day bring you only joy. We wish you good health and new successes in your hard work. B2. And we, your students, in turn, will try to please you with our achievements as often as possible and, even after leaving the school walls, never forget those people who helped us explore the world and come back here again and again. B1.B2. Happy Teacher's Day! (B1 goes backstage. B2 sings (motif “those eyes opposite”)): These eyes opposite Look at us seriously. These eyes opposite will not make you laugh until you cry. These eyes opposite give us grades. These eyes opposite are unlikely to drive you crazy. The look of these eyes is sometimes stern, but still familiar. Time is opposite These eyes are opposite That's what fate brought us together That's because fate brought us together That's because fate brought us together! Just don’t let me down Just don’t let me down Just don’t take my eyes off!!! (B1 returns to the stage towards the end of the song.) B2. And today your students have prepared wonderful congratulations for you, touching and funny. We hope that they will delight you on this autumn day and that you will remember them for a long time. B1. Well, the first to go on this stage is...... (Performance 1) (B1. B2. return to the stage with a bouquet of flowers) B1. And now we would like to invite here the head of our friendly team of teachers - the school director..... (Address from the director) Q2. We thank you on behalf of everyone present, and, of course, we have not forgotten that this is your holiday too. (give flowers). We sincerely congratulate you on this occasion and wish you, no matter what, to continue to proudly bear the high title of Teacher. B1. Once again, it's time to evaluate your students' creativity. Meet: …… (Speech 2) B1. If a boy loves work and points his finger at a book, the teachers say: “What a nice boy!” B2. For first-graders, loud laughter is the best reward! The kids will be very happy to congratulate you. (Speech 3 - junior grades) B1. (You can sing to the tune of “Good Doctor Aibolit” from the cartoon) He is not Doctor Aibolit, He is sitting in the teacher’s lounge. Come and study with him, And Koroviev, and Volchitsyn, And Zhuchkov, and Pauchkov. He will explain all sciences, and forgive those who do not understand. B2. Tenth-grader Motylkov came running after all six lessons and bells. “Oh, teacher, something bad has happened! I will never understand this topic!” He took a book, took a notebook, He took a book, took a notebook, He took a book, took a notebook, One, two, three - and everything is in order, One, two, three - and everything is in order, One, two, three - and Everything is fine. B1. Dear teachers, the time has come to hear congratulations from those for whom this year at school will be the last. In just a year, when you meet your former students, you will be proud of their successes, worry about them and rejoice at their victories as if they were your own. In the meantime, welcome. (Speech 4 – senior classes) B2. Today those who entrusted their children to you also came to thank you. A word to the parents of your students. (Several parents congratulate on stage) Q1. At the end of our evening, I would like to add: we really hope that on this holiday you will be pleased not only by our performances, but also by the congratulations of graduates of different years, who, of course, remember their teachers, and the smiles and attention of your loved ones, who know what what you are doing is important. Thank you!!! (Q1. Q2. (and all the participants can sing in chorus) sing a song to the tune of “Fortune Hunters” by the Time Machine) We taught such lessons, No matter what you immediately understand. And more than once we went to the board, despite the trembling of our knees. And now we sing this song to those who have always been with us. Congratulations, congratulations, dear teachers! Congratulations, congratulations, dear teachers! (Everyone clap, bow, leave the stage)

In our school, the best in the world, That the teacher is a star, And throughout Russia you will never find a better one! They understand our souls, They are not afraid to love us, They do not suppress their kindness, They can give us a heart! The teachers are all wonderful, each one is good in some way! Only better than mom our Don't try - you won't find it! The bell rings confidently, persistently, measuredly, teacher chemistry It's on for the first hour, so as not to be malicious, which has been verified a thousand times, to introduce us to the periodic table again! Declensions, conjugations, And all pronouns, And punctuation marks, bow low! We're tired of using consoles, why do they need them? in grammar To our misfortune, they gathered so densely?! How much suffering do these functions bring us? How much do these games and X's cost? Why do scientists like this one? mathematics Called without a doubt the Queen of all sciences? We are always swimming somewhere: either the Azores Islands, or the Kuril Islands, where else could we swim? Both poles are open and Atlantis has disappeared... We should not be Magellans, Columbus not to be! Languages foreign Quite strange - You cram, cram the transcription, And... nothing in your brain! But we don’t need the maximum, We only need the minimum, To read all the blotches on imported pants... The eras are mixed up... There are red ones, there are white ones... There are so many newspapers that you can’t read them all! What a story happened with history? Looks like we need to start the story from the beginning! We say a sincere, filial “thank you” to all teachers. Be young and happy, Peace, long life, health to you! We value you very much and love you, we won’t give you away to anyone! You bring joy to people! We want to be like that! Our best friend is our teacher, we know this for sure. We wish the best to all teachers! Children are grateful to those who teach us now. To those who teach first class, And the second, and the third. Those who work leads us, Accept our bow, All who proudly bear the Title - TEACHER!


1 presenter. Friends! We are glad to see you

And our concert will begin now.

Just a reminder for the viewer:

Today is Teacher's Day.

2 presenter They are the source of glorious deeds!

Their weapon is white chalk,

A pointer, a rag and a board, -

Goodbye boredom and melancholy!

3 presenter Even though we sometimes scold them,

But we always run to them in trouble,

And so that it would be pleasant for them,

We will dedicate our concert to them

1 Presenter

Today is a wonderful school holiday.

2 Presenter

It's called Teacher's Day. And we have gathered in this hall to congratulate our dear teachers on their holiday.

3 Presenter

And the youngest students of our school will be the first to congratulate you...

  1. Get ready! Let's begin!
  2. What?..
  1. Read poetry!
  2. About what?..
  1. How about what? Didn't you know

Who filled this hall?

Look at these faces!

After all, goodness flows from them!

  1. And in the eyes there is a cheerful light!

And there’s no belt in your hands!

Yes, these are teachers!

They cannot be confused with anyone else!

  1. Teacher's Day today!

The most popular holiday!

This is the best holiday in the world

Those who give us wings!

From the truth - “twice two is four”

We are starting to fly!

  1. We can become anyone -

Be it a banker or a poet!

And teachers today

We thank you for this!

  1. Like the warmest stove -

In the teacher's soul,

Straightening my shoulders at my desk,

Little ones warm their souls.

  1. They expect a miracle from the school!

Where do you get a miracle at school from? -

From the hearts of teachers!

Every teacher is a creator!

  1. And when children grow up -

Move to third grade

More important than any mark -

Approval from your eyes!

  1. And when they get really old -

Move to tenth grade

They know and are able to do it brilliantly

Everything you once gave

  1. They get it again and again

Your wise love!

Thank you - for everything - thank you!

For your patience! For work!

And for being beautiful!

For both the carrot and the stick!

  1. Thank you - again and again -

From all of us - students!

Let's exclaim together - three or four:

“Long live the teacher!!!”

1 Presenter:

School years... They are truly the happiest, most cheerful and wonderful. About my school life students 5A will now lead the conversation

There are guys on stage who don’t know what to do. Someone is spinning a hula hoop, someone is playing hopscotch, someone is just talking...

5th grade

  1. It was in the evening

The children have nothing to do.

Someone was jumping and jumping

Someone was dozing in the noise.

2. And today I have a “5”. What about you?

3. And I have a “2” in physical education – nonsense!

4. And today in our class it was fun again:

Ivanov managed to chew all the crayons during recess.

Mary Ivanovna - for chalk, Ivanov turned white.

5. And we have a parrot! What about you?

6. And a hippopotamus stomped towards us! Here!

2. We wanted to have an aquarium in our class,

So that the fish can save us from stress and overload.

7. In order to keep your aquarium longer,

You need to increase your security staff, that's for sure!

3. We played computers for probably a whole hour!

After that, they forgot what Seryoga and I were called.

5. And our briefcase has disappeared, that’s it!

Lost phone, that's two!

And fourthly, the boy Roma forgot all this at home!

2. And we have darkness of objects! What about you?

6. And we have even more. We have no time to be lazy:

There is a subject “learn to learn”!

4. I do sambo, I go to an iso-circle,

I am interested in jazz ensembles and value theater.

7. I have a swimming pool, English, piano and wushu.

I have time to do everything everywhere, I won’t miss anything.

2. And our teacher is cool,

Strict, smart and funny.

3. Very kind and diligent.

4. Exemplary.

5. The teacher is wonderful.

6. Patient and attentive.

7. There is a very competent director,

2. The head teacher is experienced and talented.

3. We have a school, friends.

4. We are all a friendly family.

  1. It was in the evening

There was no point in arguing.

2 Presenter:

For all the wonderful, talented and exemplary teachers of our school.....(dance, etc.)

1st presenter.

My friends! Friends of my friends!

There is no holiday more worthy and beautiful!

We honor our teachers

Whom our school knows and loves!

2nd presenter.

We love you for your rigor, simplicity,

For knowledge, for humor, for skill,

For human kindness

For your selfless burning!

3rd presenter.

Congratulations! Bow to you!

All good songs are sung to you.

And together with you, as if in unison,

The boys' hearts beat so selflessly!

1st presenter.

Our dear teachers, for you... (song)

1 presenter May your path be strewn with roses,

And the sun illuminates it,

And the stars protect your sleep at night,

And the birds awaken him.

2 presenter Let the morning give you warmth,

And the evening will beckon with magic,

And there will be more in your life

Another happy day!

3rd presenter. May God give you so much happiness and warmth.

Straight roads and friendship of your loved ones,

May life always be wonderful,

So that hardships and troubles do not loom!

4th presenter. And long years to you, and good winters,

And good Russian health,

And so that everyone who we love with our souls

I answered you with the same love!

For you…

Final exit

  1. What student is without mistakes?

Without a deuce? - Well, what can I say?

But still your smiles

We remember and will appreciate.

  1. And every kind word

Will remain in our hearts

And we are ready to bow

In deed, not in words

  1. To a smart, persistent teacher,

For those who have chosen a difficult route...

We swear by the last twos,

That we respect your work.

  1. We ourselves and our parents

Now we understand more clearly

How difficult it is for a teacher today

Cope with your task.

  1. Teacher - it’s as if it’s not fashionable.

Other professions honor...

Thank you for your noble

And selfless work!

  1. It doesn’t get any harder than your work,

Reform will not make it easier,

Life itself forces us

Spare nothing for the children.

  1. In aviation it is strictly believed that

How many hours did the pilot fly?

No one will know about my studies

How long did he stand at the board?

  1. How many notebooks did I check at night?

How many life plans have I written?

How many times have you believed a person?

And I punished myself for it.

  1. We have known your name since we were in diapers,

Both adults and small children know you,

No - you are not a hero, not an artist, not a ruler,

You are a beloved resident of our hearts.

Our humble and beloved teacher.

  1. Let the bluebird today, now

It will become a bird of happiness for you.

Music plays, children hand blue birds (origami) to teachers

Developing a script for Teacher's Day

Prepared by:

English teacher

Kostyuchenko Alevtina Aleksandrovna

Teacher: This house is amazing - a school. Everything is mixed up here: childhood and adulthood, science and art, dreams and reality. The school lives its own special life, and people who once came here at the call of their hearts will never leave this house teeming with passions.

There are two central figures in school: the teacher and the student. And let the children in this house scream only for joy, and let the wrinkles on the teachers’ faces be traces of smiles. This evening is dedicated to you, dear teachers.

Something very usual we started the holiday: teachers congratulate teachers. What about our students? After all, we work and live for them and for their sake. Over to them! (A presentation is shown during the holiday)

(Three presenters come out)

1- The beginning is dynamic!

2- Enchanting!

3- Fabulous!

1- This is because there are three of us!

2- So what?

3- I don’t see the connection...

1- Do you remember how it was with Alexander Sergeevich? "Three girls under the window..."

2- You propose to weave canvases, throw a feast for the whole baptized world and...

1- No, no! Well, girls... I suggest you just dream... If only you and I were now in a fairy tale...

2- Why do we need a fairy tale? What is the logic in fairy tales?

1- Which one?

1.3- Well?

1.3- Ah-ah!

1- It’s a holiday, the teachers are dressed up, they came to relax... Do you want to offer them a hut on chicken legs?

2- And not a hut... Why just a hut?

3- Are there other options?

2- Yes! For example, a room... And “... the king enters the room, and the sovereign of that side.”

3- So, now there’s also a king! The Tsar, why did you drag him in?

2- It's not me. This is Pushkin...

1- Yeah. We Russians have one excuse: whatever, Pushkin right away...

3-Where do we get it?

2- Who? Pushkin?

3- King!


1-Won’t the director come over?

2- Exactly! Our school. Our fairy tale. We do what we want!

3- Come on directors!

1- Who is our director today?

(Congratulations to the “director” - the student acting as the director)

If in your class... (“Harmful tips for Teacher’s Day”)

  1. If you hear snoring in your lesson,

Still, you shouldn’t be indignant; it’s better for you to lower your voice.

Suddenly, in a dream, like Mendeleev, the student will discover the law,

And science will advance for decades.

  1. If the student accurately reproduces your painting,

Puts it in diaries, tests, tests, report cards,

Don’t disgrace, don’t scold, so that you don’t die by accident

There is talent in this young restorer.

  1. If there are a lot of very bad kids in your class,

They all scream, fight, don’t swear, it’s useless.

Better take a pen with red and greasy paste

Put five on the sheet.

Explain that only you deserve this rating.

  1. If the children in your class like to text each other

And notes fly across desks like flocks of birds,

There is no need to stop this very important activity,

After all, speech is developing in constant correspondence,

And perhaps they will become Pushkin or Tolstoy.

1- I think the premise is successful.

2- We continue to develop the fairy tale plot.

3- Wait, but these same fairy-tale heroes are needed!

1- Which ones specifically?

3- Which... Traditionally... positive!

2- Most often, the positive hero in Russian fairy tales is a good fellow or a beautiful maiden.

1- I agree.

2- With what?

1- I agree to be a red girl.

3- Oh, really? Why not Vasilisa the Wise right away?

1- If only because I am Alina the Beautiful!

2- Girls, don’t quarrel. Alina, you understand, we are here in a slightly different capacity.

1-Which one?

3- And note: they are all extremely positive!

1- Kind

2- Fair

3- Selfless! For the disciples through fire and water...

1- And even into copper pipes!

2- And go there, I don’t know where, and get something, I don’t know what? This is not a problem for them at all!

3- And so beautiful that you can’t retell them in any lesson, or describe them with any ballpoint pen!

1- Therefore, I propose to show them all a beautiful room.

2- At your suggestion, at our command...


3- Okay, where will we look for the antipodes?

1- What?

3- I’ll explain it popularly: in any decent fairy tale, the positive hero is always opposed by an evil force: Baba Yaga, Leshy, some kind of Kikimora, devils...

2- Devils? Are they so small, cunning, nimble, constantly screaming and causing mischief?

3- Yes...

1- Does this description remind you of anyone?

2- Is this really...

1,2,3- Children!!!

1- So we have these devils, i.e. These children are a complete fairy tale, i.e. full school!

2- Let them show themselves! It’s useful for them, and it’s nice for the teachers!

3- There are some damn talented kids on stage.

(Ditties 3rd grade)

I'm not lazy at our school
Exercise every day.
For an A in work
I'll come on Sunday!

“We all love diaries,”
The students say
But in class, as always,
The student does not have a diary.

I really wanted to go to school
Went to bed very early
So I wouldn't be late
Yes, my alarm clock slept through

Mothers used to read to us
About the rabbits and the fox
Now let's read it ourselves
About love and about the moon.

Please, please explain,
Where is the north, where is the south,
Otherwise we’ll go to Africa -
We'll all be happy there.

Teach to distinguish
Suffixes with prefixes,
Mom will give me
Yoghurts with additives.

Tolik, greedy, didn’t give

Crunch some nuts!

I'll give him for it

Flash drive with viruses.

Nowadays the technology is what we need,

No need for fairy tales!

On my mobile phone now

Sends the whole class hints.

We hurry teachers
Congratulations on the holiday!
Maybe someone would like
Put “five” in your diary!

Fashion designers from 4th grade came to our party. Look what they offer us.

And listen to how your youngest students want you to be:

If I were a teacher... (childhood dreams)

If I were a teacher,

I wouldn't be very strict!

I would cancel it like a load

Mathematics and Russian!

I would take you to lessons

Five minutes only!

And then we would have fun:

Change - two weeks!

If I were a teacher,

That would help many people in life!

I would correct the deuces for everyone,

And I gave myself sixes!

I would introduce a lesson in fun,

Fun Day, Idle Day!

And I would hand them over in order

Chocolate for the answers!

But the teacher is probably

It is very difficult to become in life!

They say: there is no harm in dreaming!

It’s harmful not to dream in life!

1-Yes, that’s for sure: dreaming is not harmful.

2-Sometimes it’s harmful. Especially if you dream about school.

1-Why is this?

2-Yes, I know a dreamer here... See for yourself.

Sketch for Teacher’s Day “Wide-profile specialist”

To the sounds of the song “School Country”, the Head in a raincoat appears from behind a screen with a sign “Head of the Education Department” and is about to leave. Suddenly there is a knock.

Boss. Come in!

(A young specialist appears with a suitcase)

Young specialist: Hello!

Boss. Hello! What issue are you talking about?

Young specialist:(worrying) I would really like to get a job as a teacher in any of the schools in rural areas, that is, in any school in the Vyselkovsky district...

Boss. (joyfully) So, after graduating from the pedagogical institute, you are a young specialist? I'm very glad!

Young specialist:Yes, right after pedagogical institute. So I have a diploma. (hands the diploma to the Chief)

Boss. (reading) Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics... Why come to us, in the countryside?

Young specialist:Of course, I am a city person, but I want romance. The village is such a romance, such a romance...

Boss. How old are you?

Young specialist: 22

Boss. Were you in the army?

Young specialist:Why? I’m, you know, going to the village, to the village...

Boss. For romance?

Young specialist: Yes!

Boss. This is good. We have a shortage of personnel, especially in very remote villages, in small schools.

Young specialist:(uncertain) Sorry, but why to a remote village? Maybe somewhere near the city. A village is a village everywhere...

Boss. No way! Romance is so romantic! Previously, we went to explore virgin lands. Romance too! Choose: to a small school or to the army?

Young specialist: Certainly , to teach mathematics in a small school.

Boss. There is already a mathematician with work experience there. And his results are quite good in mathematics olympiads... But don’t be upset. I believe in my youth, I will find you a watch, I will even give you a bet, but in the aggregate.

Young specialist: How is that?

Boss. And it’s something like this: write down: 0.25 – music lessons...

Young specialist:But I don't know how to play musical instruments!

Boss. Nothing! If you need to, learn! Write further: 0.25 – chemistry, 0.25 – Russian language and 0.25 – primary classes.

Young specialist:What are primary classes for?

Boss. And this is instead of military service. There you will master all the necessary skills and abilities - from washing floors to holding holidays. Is everything clear?

Young specialist: All.

Boss. Have a nice trip! Good luck to you. Yes, unfortunately, there is no central heating there. In winter you will have to heat the stove with wood. So I’ll give you 0.25 times the rate of labor lessons, you’ll prepare firewood with the kids. Combine a labor lesson and natural history. Still, it’s better in nature than in a classroom... That’s probably all. Goodbye! Go to the HR department.

The boss is walking. The young specialist sighs and slowly wanders with his suitcase.

3- Whether we walked for a long time or for a short time, we came to the climax.

2- The climax in fairy tales, as a rule, is accompanied by fantastic, mysterious phenomena of a paranormal nature.

1- Can you say it simpler?

2- I can. We need a miracle. A simple, ordinary miracle.

1- I would have said so right away, otherwise “paranormal phenomena”...

3- Can you do a miracle?

1- Oh, she probably learned history for tomorrow’s lesson, that’s the miracle.

2- Nothing funny. I’ll learn history... maybe... But miracles really happen in our school.

3- Come on?

1- I doubt something.

2- How do you doubt?

1- Like a knight at a crossroads! If I go left, I’ll get to class. I’ll go to the right and I’ll get to the head teacher. I'll go straight to the director! No matter how you turn around, there is only pedagogy all around! And you say miracles...

3- And pedagogy is a real miracle science! Well, who else besides teachers can turn Ivan the Fool into Ivan Tsarevich, and raise Marya the Artisan from Lenivitsa? And in general, teachers’ salaries are low?

1- Small.

3- Large.

2- They should cry

1- Yeah.

2- And they smile! Isn't this a miracle?

3- And they do it right! After all, when teachers smile, students immediately want to

1- Raise your hand and go to the board?

3- No, they want to sing!

2- Dear teachers, this song is for you!

Song to the tune of “Our Neighbor”

  1. Dear teachers, let’s start singing songs,

It’s not always just everyday life, you have to have holidays.

Sad and despondent people do little good in their work,

If you don’t know how to have fun, that means you’re not a teacher!

  1. Never forget what Makarenko said:

“I wouldn’t let gloomy teachers close to children!

What kind of teacher is this, he can’t sing songs,

Without a smile, without fun, we can all die.

Chorus: there-there-tara-ra-ra-there-there

  1. If you repeat one science to us all century,

You are a teaching robot, a very boring person.

Yes, and in this training you can also suffer,

We can run away from such a machine gun.

Chorus: there-there-tara-ra-ra-there-there

  1. Such is your lot - you must live in a new spirit,

If “rap” is in fashion today, you need to learn “rap”.

And don’t complain about the years, our glorious friends,

You are 18 today, you can’t be older.

Chorus: there-there-tara-ra-ra-there-there

Leading: On holidays we always remember something kind, cheerful and funny. So we remembered a funny school rhyme about 11 verbs - exceptions. Sometimes, repeating it to ourselves, it’s as if we are returning to our childhood, to our home class, to our favorite teachers. I would like to wish all of you that in your everyday life there were more such joyful exceptions!

We wish you:

Drive away from sad thoughts, bad mood and boredom;

Breathe in the new academic year with full breasts;

Hold control yourself even in the most extreme situations;

Depend only from one’s own principles, and not from the opinions of others;

See everything is only in its true light;

Hear only approval from superiors and gratitude from students;

Don't offend by word or deed of people close to you, and also

Tolerate adversity if it befalls you;

twirl fate in the direction you need;

Hate laziness, ignorance and hypocrisy not only in others, but also in oneself and

Look in the mirror with pleasure.

Song "We wish you happiness"

  1. In a school where crazy people are running,

A round dance is spinning in my head.

And the teacher will enter the class,

To start the lesson.

You work here all day after day,

School is your second home,

You connected your soul with her

Many years to come as a knot.

Chorus: We wish you happiness

Happiness in this big world,

Like the sun in the morning

Let it come into the house.

We wish you happiness

And it should be like this

When you're happy yourself

  1. We want to congratulate you without any fuss

Our dear teachers

And all the best

To wish in life.

You always have no peace at school.

Here you have sunset and here you have dawn.

Every day America

We need to open it.

What is this? Why such a sad melody?

This is the denouement.


Well, this thing doesn’t get done quickly, but the fairy tale tells itself quickly!

But it turned out to be a good fairy tale, right?

Good. And although a fairy tale is a lie, it must definitely contain...

Hint! Good fellows...

-...yes to the red girls...

- … lesson!

What is the lesson in our fairy tale?

Simple: our dear, dear teachers! Take all your sorrows, problems, worries and failures

Seal them in a barrel, tar it and...

And you will live like in a fairy tale...

Happily ever after!!!

So autumn has come. And with it came a new one academic year. Only a month will pass, and already the first important holiday is Teacher's Day! And this event cannot be missed. Therefore, we need to come up with an interesting scenario for Teacher’s Day at school that teachers and students will like. The script should include competitions, games and other entertaining game blocks. Look below at our sample scenario for your holiday. Perhaps you will take something useful and new from it for yourself.

Good evening dear teachers!
Today is a wonderful day - Teacher's Day. This is a holiday celebrated by hundreds of thousands of teachers across the country. In this hall we will sing and dance for you, play competitions and have fun. So relax - you can do anything today!
And first we offer you a musical number.

Musical number.
A school musical group performs a remake of a song based on the song - wait for the locomotive, don’t knock the wheels...
To make it even more effective, you can come up with a small scene based on the song.

And now I will ask the following teachers to take the stage (lists teachers).
Do you know why they were called? No, not because students have the most complaints about them. But because these teachers worked in our school for more than ten years! And now we will see how they remember school. So to speak, let's check what they know.

Competition with teachers.
In the competition, the host asks the teachers a question, and they answer. Questions about school and humorous ones. You don't need to know the answer. The main thing here is the subtle humor of the presenter. So this competition should be held by a person who can cheerfully comment on the teachers' question and answer.
- what color is the door inside the director’s office?
- how many stairs are there in the school? How many steps are there on all the stairs?
- how many times has it changed front door at school?
- Tell us in words how to get through the school to get from the physics room to the teacher’s room, and then to the history room? (you can come up with your own route).

Let's move on, and now I will ask elementary school teachers to take the stage.
Tell me, do you ask riddles to young schoolchildren? And how do they cope? Are you coping? of course, because you know the answer. Now we'll see how you actually solve riddles!

Game block - decoy riddles for children and teachers.
Here the presenter asks riddles, and the teachers answer them. Remember, riddles are tricky, so the answer suggests itself in rhyme, but in reality you need to think about it.


And now the dance number.

The dance group shows their number.

We all know that feeling when you expect something, when there is hope and that’s all you think about, but in reality everything is different...
Yes, expectations and reality very often do not coincide. Now we will show you a skit about teachers' expectations. And the reality of school life.

You can come up with your own skit, or you can stage it the same way as the 11th grade students in the video below:

You know, we conducted a survey among teachers and found out one interesting detail. 75% of teachers told us that if they had not become teachers, they would have worked in television! That's how!
We thought this idea was interesting, so we decided this. Imagine that you are approached from television. You have been given the task of coming up with a television program about your school subject. But first you need to come up with a name for your program, and the name should be interesting and about your subject. So think about it.

Assignment for teachers.
You give pens and pieces of paper to all the teachers, and they come up with and write down names for television program on your subject. Then the sheets are taken away and the presenter reads the names from the stage. Viewers choose the best title, and its author receives a prize.

Tired of sitting? Then it's time to stretch your legs! We thank you for your attention and invite you to the disco!