The situation of using innovative marketing. The concept of innovative marketing, its types and trends

Marketing innovation plays an important role in the development of entrepreneurial activity. Launching a market or product category allows you to make your business more successful. The use of modern methods of conducting research and attracting clients will ensure an increase in new clients and increase the competitiveness of the enterprise.

Innovative marketing is a marketing concept based on the desire of an enterprise to continuously improve the quality of goods, services and methods of attracting customers.

Business development is always accompanied by an increase in sales turnover and an expansion of the assortment. This cannot be done without competent development of new products or services.

Without presenting market innovations and without improving the system for attracting the target audience, you can reduce profits, since competitors are constantly moving forward, developing new products to reach the top positions in various ratings and to attract more buyers and consumers of services.

Innovative marketing is not only a change in products, but also in methods of attracting target audiences to them. It creates demand, its main task is to satisfy the desires and needs of current and future customers.

Such marketing is based on the use of creative ideas in relation to the creation of goods, services and technological developments.

This type of marketing is considered from two perspectives:

  1. As a philosophy of entrepreneurial activity. Marketing offers a business ideology, the purpose of which is to orient the company to achieve superiority over competitors in the application of innovation.
  2. Like an analytical process. Marketing involves conducting various types of research aimed at studying the market, the concepts of competitors, identifying consumer preferences, predicting surges in demand for innovative goods and services. Marketing solves problems associated with bringing innovation to the market.

Marketing innovation is a set of processes directly related to the introduction or unity of knowledge of a given activity, the introduction of new products and services. Through marketing innovations, the competitiveness of an enterprise is increased.

The interweaving of marketing and innovation activities is presupposed by the concept of innovation marketing, the purpose of which is to identify poorly satisfied or latent consumer needs, develop and market new products that satisfy these needs more fully and effectively than competitors' products.

Types of innovative marketing

Marketing innovations are divided into three types:

  • New ways of doing business;
  • Creation of innovative products or services;
  • Search for a new target audience.

There are two types of innovation marketing:

  1. Strategic. In this case, marketers analyze the market situation, organize demand, and predict customer behavior. In addition to market analysis and external factors influencer marketing builds an audience of potential clients. By creating representative samples, conducting telephone surveys and questionnaires, respondents’ preferences are summarized and their desires are identified. The business owner must monitor the client’s behavior, changes in his tastes, his social environment and identify little-recognized possible needs.
  2. Operational. This type of marketing involves the development of certain forms of implementation of the concepts of strategic marketing of innovations. It is directly related to the stages of the innovation life cycle in the market. Of particular importance is the definition of its beginning.

Modern marketing can be differentiated based on the use of digital marketing techniques:

  • Using BigData;
  • Increased conversion;
  • Ad impressions (retargeting on social networks);
  • Contextual advertising;
  • PR on the Internet;
  • Crm - marketing;

Innovative marketing in Russia

Marketing faces some problems: lack of government support for innovative marketing organizations.

There are also a number of problems in Russia regarding human resources:

  • Lack of creative people focused on development in this area;
  • Lack of specialists who know how to promote innovation in marketing;
  • Low awareness of technology businessmen regarding the development of creative projects;
  • Lack of a favorable innovative environment for the development of such products.

According to experts, it is support from the state that will help businessmen pay attention to the field of innovative marketing. As a result, healthy competition will appear, large enterprises will have to set up innovative communication channels for sales in order to occupy a leading position. However, on at the moment Many large Russian companies already use BigData, retargeting on social networks, online PR and other techniques for promoting products and services to work with clients and attract them.

10 marketing innovations of 2018

2018 has already been marked by the emergence of marketing innovations. These include:

  1. Usage artificial intelligence. The usual messages on the website are being replaced by chatbots, which are distinguished by their personalization. Marketers are starting to implement online consultants such as Intercom and Drift to better serve their clients.
  2. Personalization of messages. Thanks to Account-Based Marketing (ABM), it is possible to create messages for each person individually, taking into account his interests. Using platforms like Adobe and Optimizely, marketers customize social media ads for a client in the form of a specific piece of content.
  3. Using blockchain. Thanks to the use of the adChain platform, it will be possible to place advertisements on sites that do not use fraudulent schemes.
  4. Integration of marketing activities into the human life cycle. The goal is to create a guided contact or communications strategy using personalized messages and retargeting to support future and current customers in their purchasing journey.
  5. Using the messenger as a communication channel. For example, PizzaHut uses an application to reserve seats in restaurants in this way, IKEA uses instant messengers to study its target audience.
  6. Development of content for augmented reality by marketers. With the introduction of the iPhone 8 and iPhone X, augmented reality capabilities have begun to be actively explored. Marketers are starting to work with sponsored and branded AR content.
  7. Promotional videos inside a self-driving car is a new channel of interaction with the client. Car owners will now be able to consume content and view advertising in the car while traveling.
  8. Application of predictive analytics. A tool like Infer "crawls" web pages with just the address email, and determines readiness to purchase.
  9. Using BigData to determine customer wants and needs.
  10. Drones are a new marketing communication channel. The new concept of dronevertising should be understood as advertising floating in the air.

2018 is likely to see specific marketing breakthroughs that will produce results as technology and consumer desires change rapidly.

The formation of innovation marketing is inextricably linked with the development of management activities and the place of the consumer in the process of social reproduction. Currently, the issue of maintaining competitiveness in the market is particularly acute, and here the role of systemic marketing cannot be underestimated. The competitiveness of enterprises depends on many factors, which means that modern management requires not only the effective use and redistribution of resources, but also taking into account market conditions and existing proportions in the market. It was the increased competition that became one of the factors in the emergence and development of innovation marketing.

At the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries, the world economy entered an era characterized by globalization, unprecedented fierce competition, the rapid obsolescence of technology, as well as the penetration of the Internet into all spheres of the economy. The ongoing shifts lead to a qualitative change in the socio-technological structure, which is reflected in such a concept as a new economy. Structurally, the new economy includes industries with a high share of intangible human capital, such as information and communication technologies, education, science and intellectual services (consulting).

In the conditions of the new economy, the main vector of economic policy of the leading countries of the world is to increase the competitiveness of products and ensure leading positions in international markets for high-tech products. This is possible, as an analysis of world experience shows, provided the economy transitions to the path of innovative development.

Russia is increasingly involved in the processes of the world economy, and the task of transferring the Russian economy to an innovative path of development is considered strategically important, despite the fact that the Russian innovation market is currently in its infancy. According to D.A. Medvedev, “over the coming decades, Russia should become a country whose prosperity is ensured not so much by raw materials as by intellectual resources: a “smart” economy that creates unique knowledge, exports of the latest technologies and products of innovation.”

The transition of the economy to an innovative path of development is associated with the increasing role of innovation as a key factor in modern social economic development and technological modernization of production. Innovation is an effective means of increasing competitiveness, as it leads to the creation of new products and the development of new markets, an influx of investment and the reduction of all types of risks. The speed and efficiency of the spread of innovations is becoming today an increasingly important tool for increasing labor productivity, economic growth rates and the level of well-being of the territory.

Innovation leads to the emergence of new products, processes and services that reduce production costs, open access to new markets and allow the creation of new ways (technologies) of activity. As noted in the European Commission report, “in many areas of business, enterprises that fall behind in creating new or modernizing existing products, or in introducing more advanced methods of production, distribution and marketing of products, are putting their future at risk.”

In addition, the innovative activity of individual companies, along with direct benefits for their own development, also contributes to the growth of social productivity, the development of other companies, the creation of new firms and employment growth. In addition to the positive impact on the results of operation and the level of competitiveness of the economy, innovative business activities can create new, socially useful products, technologies and services, as well as generate inventions that facilitate the solution of important social, cultural and environmental problems.

The development of an organization's innovativeness occurs under the influence of internal and external factors environment. Internal factors:

the need for reliable functioning of the organization, reducing costs, distributing risk, loading production capacity and providing staff with work.

External factors: the development of technology and technology, the development of the market for productive forces and the sales market, changes in consumer attitudes towards the product, constant changes in competition and competitive relations. The evolution of the development of management science predetermined the application of marketing principles in innovation: Stage 1 (1940-60) - the global economy places emphasis on the development of R&D. This period is characterized by a high share of costs for scientific research and active government support for science. At this time, science becomes divorced from practice, which predetermined a number of problems: - ideas proposed by scientists do not find practical application;

Most of the costs are not covered.

Stage 2 (1950-70) emphasis on traditional marketing (taking into account requests, studying needs, R&D - in the background). The traditional marketing concept proposes a set of activities within the framework of the marketing mix model (4P) during the implementation of innovative activities. This complex, which includes pricing, product policies, distribution and product distribution policies, is focused on actively influencing the external environment in order to sell innovative products. With this approach, marketing is perceived as a separate function of innovation management, a necessary toolkit for solving tactical problems. Taking into account global trends, it is proposed to highlight the following factors that determine the activation of the modern sphere of innovation activity:

The need for new knowledge and constant updating of capacity; - synchronization of the activities of organizations throughout the cycle of creation and dissemination of innovations;

Establishing and developing relationships that provide the organization with the advanced knowledge and resources necessary to maintain sustainable competitive advantage; - pooling of capital and intellectual resources of companies from different fields of activity, especially in those areas where development is prohibitively expensive. Modern marketing approaches are more strategic in nature, and therefore the concepts of “innovation marketing” and “marketing of innovations” should be distinguished.

Marketing of innovations is the activity of an enterprise to create products of market novelty that make it possible to ensure high-quality satisfaction of needs (including emerging ones).

Innovative marketing is distinguished by greater strategic focus. It is associated not only with the promotion of ready-made innovations to the market, but also with managing the process of their creation, taking into account market requirements. This concept is a little broader and includes the development of strategy and tactics for carrying out innovative processes using the marketing mix.

Innovation marketing represents a set of marketing technologies for identifying goods and (or) technologies that have significantly new properties and are aimed at creating, expanding and maintaining markets for new goods and services with sustainable competitive advantages.

The level of novelty of an innovation determines the level of competitive advantages, and in the marketing of innovations, the degree of innovative potential. The core competency of innovation marketing is product matching to market demands. The objects of innovation marketing are intellectual property, investments, new products, new materials and components, new ways of promoting goods and services, as well as means of labor and employment.

There is a definition by the famous modern economist Peter Drucker, who believes that business has only two main functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results, everything else is costs. Marketing is a separate area of ​​work that includes a number of specific activities. But first of all, this is the most important component of business. This is business from the point of view of the final result, that is, from the point of view of the client. Marketing asks the question: “What does the customer want to buy?” It doesn't say, "This is what our product or service does."

Innovation marketing makes it possible to capture the market or create a new niche by changing product priorities from “functional” to “innovative”, while achieving greater satisfaction of consumer needs.

The strengthening of the role of marketing is also facilitated by the processes occurring in the organization and management of the modern innovation process, among which we can highlight:

    increasing the speed of spread of innovations and the ability to copy them due to the development of information technologies and the emergence of additional technical capabilities, which reduces the importance of patents as a means of protecting intellectual property and stimulates the search for new means;

    the need to involve a significant number of participants in the innovation process, including from different fields of activity and industries, due to its greater intellectual component and technological complexity, which makes it important to coordinate activities and harmonize the interests of participants;

    a decrease in the importance of product innovations for consumers due to (1) limited perception of them when there are too many of them and too often, (2) the problem of recycling old products;

    influence on the process of creation and adoption of innovations by government agencies and public organizations, which can significantly contribute to or hinder its successful implementation;

    active formation and development of markets for intangible products (services, information, knowledge), which leads to the use of new methods of their promotion and sales.

Therefore, innovation marketing plays a key role in the latest generation of innovation processes.

The creation and release of a new product is carried out with the help of marketing tools used throughout the entire process of product creation from initial research to after-sales service. The main goal of innovation marketing is to develop a strategy for innovation to penetrate the market. Therefore, an integral part of innovation marketing will be strategic innovation marketing, the elements of which are analysis of market conditions, subsequent development of its segments, organization and formation of demand, modeling of buyer behavior.

The following distinctive features of innovative marketing can be identified: 1) strategic focus on finding and satisfying new needs suggests that innovative marketing is used not only at the “output”, but also at the “input” of innovation management; 2) the organization and management of an enterprise’s innovative activities is carried out through the prism of interaction with the market, which involves the use of network theory and the study of modern forms of relations in the innovation market;

3) the subject of research and the product on the market is not a finished product, but an idea, which determines the use of methods for using and evaluating intellectual property. Thus, we can define the goal of innovative marketing as the formation and implementation of an innovative strategy for the organization, which involves increasing its competitiveness. The objectives of innovative marketing are:

    determination of criteria for choosing areas of innovation activity;

2) search for promising areas of innovative activity and preparation for placing a new product on the market; 3) analysis internal potential and the external environment of the organization in the formation of an innovation strategy;

4) optimization of costs for the development and introduction into production of a new product;

5) planning and forecasting of innovative activities; 6) organization, management and control over the implementation of the innovation strategy. The modern concept of marketing in managing innovation processes is designed to solve the following functions (Table 1.1).

Table 1.1.

Functions of innovative marketing

Innovative marketing involves the use of creative approaches in all areas of the enterprise's activities, focuses on the constant search for ideas, their implementation in order to improve the enterprise's technologies and create competitive products. Modern researchers highlight possible directions of innovative marketing within the framework of traditional thinking and non-standard (combinatorial thinking).

If the first is aimed at searching for ideas and creating products within the framework of the goals, target markets and opportunities defined by the enterprise, then the second assumes unlimited processes of searching for innovative ideas and their primacy over the goals of enterprises. The second direction determines the separation of innovative units in large enterprises and the emergence of venture capital firms aimed at implementing risky projects and the emergence of fundamentally new products and technologies.

F. Kotler and F. Trias de Bez, based on the type of thinking, proposed to distinguish the concepts of vertical and lateral marketing in the innovation process (Table 1.2.) Vertical marketing is based on the logic and consistency of thinking. The concept of lateral thinking was introduced by Edward de Bono and defined it as “a set of processes designed to use information in a way that generates creative ideas through the insightful restructuring of concepts stored in memory.”

Table 1.2.

Differences between vertical and lateral marketing

Table 1.3.

Situations in which you should use vertical and lateral marketing

State educational institution

higher professional education

Russian State Trade and Economic Committee


Omsk Institute (branch)

Department of Management and Marketing


in the discipline "Innovation Management"

"Innovative marketing and its features"

Work completed:

5th year student ZMO

Record book number M – 06 - 70

Zalamaeva Elena Anatolyevna

I checked the work:

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Kulikova Oksana Mikhailovna

Omsk – 2011


Chapter 1. Innovative marketing as a tool for increasing the competitiveness of a product……………………………………………………………..5

1.1. The concept of innovative marketing…………………………………...5

1.2. Stages of innovative marketing……………………………………….11

1.3. Life cycle of a new product…………………………………….….16

1.4. Definition and indicators of competitiveness………………….21

1.5. Factors influencing increased competitiveness…….….24

Chapter 2. Assessment of product sales in the stores of the First Jeans Company…………………………………………………………………………………..34

2.1. Characteristics of the “First Jeans Company”…………………..34

2.2. Sales of the new collection in denim stores…………..……43

“First Jeans Company”……………………………………………......52

3.1. Formation of competitiveness of denim products……..52

3.2. Increase in the number of buyers…………………………………..55

3.3. Increasing the profit of the First Jeans Company…………..…..57

Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………….64Appendices……………………………………………………… ………………...66



Innovative marketing is an activity in the innovation market aimed at creating or identifying demand in order to maximally satisfy requests and needs, which is based on the use of new ideas regarding goods, services and technologies that in the best possible way contribute to the achievement of the goals of the organization and individual performers.

The basic principles of innovation marketing include: focus on achieving the final practical result of innovation, focus on capturing a certain part of the innovation market in accordance with the long-term goal set for the innovation project; orientation to the long term, which requires conducting marketing research, obtaining ideas on innovations based on them that ensure highly efficient business activities.

To achieve commercial success, business structures need to create products that can attract the attention of consumers, despite the existence of many analogues on the market. This is especially important for small and medium-sized businesses that cannot compete with large companies in the field of costs and pricing policy, but thanks to product innovation, that is, the introduction to the market of a new product that can satisfy consumer needs better than existing products, they can increase their business income.

The relevance of the topic for writing a term paper is dictated by the difficult economic situation that has developed in the retail chain of Mustang stores.

The subject of the study is the Mustang store. The object of the study is the innovative activity of the Mustang store.

The goal of the work is to increase sales using a new method of selling denim products by studying the external and internal market environment. To achieve this goal, the author of the work envisages solving the following tasks:

1) study of scientific and theoretical approaches, essence, features and principles of innovative methodology (research of the external and internal market environment) of the introduction and sale of a new denim collection;

2) the impact of innovative methodology on the competitiveness of the collection (using the analysis of the collection’s implementation);

3) increasing the efficiency of the innovative methodology and the competitiveness of the collection (by strengthening the work of the marketing department in the direction of making a profit).

The structure and content of the work are determined by the purpose and tasks solved in the research process. It consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources used and appendices.

The methodological basis of the study was made up of three groups of sources: the works of such scientists as Meskon M., Albert M., Khedouri F., Fatkhutdinov R.A., scientific articles in periodical journals on the issues under study (Vinogorov G.G., Lobastova O.V., Rodionova L.N., Kantor O.G., Khakimova Yu.R.).

The first chapter of this work reveals the concept and essence of the term “innovative marketing”; classifications of marketing strategies are revealed; competitiveness indicators are considered. The second chapter provides characteristics of the enterprise, its organizational and economic activities, and also analyzes methods for introducing a new methodology for selling denim products, which was not previously used in the work of the First Jeans Company and has become necessary in conditions of economic survival. And in the third chapter, recommendations are developed to increase the company's profits.

Chapter 1 Innovative marketing as a tool for increasing product competitiveness

1.1. Concept of innovative marketing

Innovative marketing is the formation of new markets and new needs among customers.

IN recent years An increasing number of industrial companies are considering marketing activity as a tool to improve competitiveness. The enterprise's innovation policy is aimed, first of all, at increasing the competitiveness of its products.

The competitiveness of a product is the degree to which it actually or potentially (in the case of strategic planning or forecasting) satisfies a specific need in comparison with similar products presented on a given market. The competitiveness of a product determines its ability to withstand competition with similar competing products, which expresses its competitive advantages in a given market. The competitive advantages of a product are achieved through the introduction, first of all, of a new product in demand by the market, or by ensuring relatively low prices and high quality of a product that is in demand in the market, compares favorably with similar competing products in terms of service level, and satisfies the specific needs of the buyer and provides the trading enterprise with stability in making a profit. Based on the above, competitiveness consists of the following indicators: quality, price, service.

Among the indicators of a product's competitiveness, the most important is the ratio of the product's price and its quality.

Modern marketing theories are primarily focused on the innovation mechanism, therefore the key to the viability and successful functioning of an enterprise in a market economy is the philosophy of new management, which highlights the need to analyze and focus on market demands and consumer demands:

Preparation and implementation of a plan that is associated with the delivery of goods to consumers;

Marketing policy in the field of innovation activity consists in close and effective interaction between the following components of the innovation process in a trade organization: goods (new collections); technologies (eg new fabric treatments); materials (for example, purchasing insulated jeans).

Modern marketing theories are primarily focused not on pricing mechanisms, but on the innovation mechanism, therefore, the key to the viability and successful functioning of an enterprise in a market economy is the philosophy of new management, which highlights the need to analyze and focus on market demands and consumer demands:

Identification of market needs that are consistent with the goals of the organization and can be satisfied taking into account available material, technological and other resources;

Development of a product or service designed to satisfy identified consumer needs;

Preparation and implementation of a plan that is associated with the development of a new product in production and its delivery to consumers;

Analyze results and make adjustments to achieve your goals.

Marketing functions also include analyzing the dynamics of product sales in order to identify the boundaries of the sustainability stage and avoid a period of decline in the product life cycle.

Marketing of a new product is based, first of all, on understanding the needs of the target market and is therefore a basic element of strategic management.

Marketing is the main element of strategic management, since its fundamental idea is to focus on the needs of the target market and satisfy them more in an efficient way than competitors do.

1. The essence of innovative marketing

Innovation (eng. “innovation” - innovation, novelty, innovation) refers to the use of innovations in the form of new technologies, types of products and services, new forms of organization of production and labor, service and management. The concepts of “novelty”, “innovation”, “innovation” are often identified, although there are differences between them.

Innovation means new order, new method, invention, new phenomenon. The phrase “innovation” literally means the process of using an innovation. From the moment it is accepted for distribution, an innovation acquires a new quality and becomes an innovation (innovation). The period of time between the emergence of an innovation and its implementation into an innovation (innovation) is called the innovation lag.

The official Russian terms in the field of innovation are the terms used in the “Concept of Innovation Policy Russian Federation for 1998-2000”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 24, 1998 No. 832. In particular, this document defines innovation as follows:

“Innovation (innovation) is the final result of innovative activity, realized in the form of a new or improved product sold on the market, a new or improved technological process used in practical activities.”

An idea can be innovative or, more precisely, potentially innovative, Whenthere is a firm belief that, having passed through the stages of the scientific, technical and innovation cycles, it will materialize into innovation, i.e. product. At the same time, it is possible that in some cases the idea itself may already be an innovation.

The concept of “innovation” as an economic category was introduced into scientific circulation by the Austrian economist I. Schumpeter. He first considered the issues of new combinations of production factors and identified five changes in development, i.e. innovation issues:

· usage new technology, technological processes or new market support for production;

· introduction of products with new properties;

· use of new raw materials;

· changes in the organization of production and its logistics;

· emergence of new markets.

Innovative marketing is a marketing concept according to which an organization must continuously improve products and marketing methods.

The logic of business development requires increasing the profitability of production and expanding the range. Both or one of these goals can be achieved by developing new products. Of course, this is not the only tool for achieving these goals, but it is a very important one. As a result of the successful introduction of a new product to the market, a company usually either expands its product line or establishes a new product category. The most common, of course, is the first option: it is simpler and less risky. But if a completely new product is introduced to the market, you can get much greater profits and take a strategically advantageous position as a leader in a new product category.

Innovative marketing can be different and include:

1.Introducing a completely new product or improving the quality of an existing product.

2.Introduction of a new production method, also new way processing goods on a commercial basis.

.Conquering a new source of supply of raw materials or goods, regardless of whether this source already exists or needs to be created, capturing new markets.

.Increase the competitiveness of your new or improved products, improve your image and increase your credibility in the market.

.Reducing the resource intensity of the product and increasing the amount of cash flow.

.And, of course, how to create competitive advantages for an innovative product.

Innovative activity is carried out by subjects of innovative activity as the main or as one of the types of activity and includes:

research, applied and experimental work necessary to create innovations;

work related to the creation of prototypes and serial samples of new products and technologies;

work related to production preparation and industrial testing;

work related to certification and standardization of innovative products;

work related to conducting marketing research and organizing sales markets for innovative products;

all types of intermediary activities and other types of work, interconnected into a single process with the aim of creating and disseminating innovations.

Subjects of innovative marketing are:

physical and legal entities, creating and implementing innovations;

organizing infrastructure for innovation activities;

government bodies involved in regulating innovation activities;

public associations representing and protecting the interests of producers and consumers of innovations.

Objectsinnovative marketing are:

results of intellectual creative activity;

innovative projects and programs;

technologies, equipment and processes, products.

Innovation marketing can have subjectnot only the promotion to the market of new products or additional quantities of the previous product, which can be produced using more productive technologies, but also the promotion to the market of new technologies themselves, meaning primarily the sale of licenses for inventions and know-how embedded in new product or into the technological process, as well as into the equipment for its manufacture.

The concept of innovation marketing underlies market research, as well as the search for competitive strategy. Innovative marketing in its entirety includes strategy development, market analysis, and operational marketing. Consists of seven stages: consumer analysis, analysis of possible threats and risks in innovation, consideration of strengths and weaknesses in competitiveness, choice of strategy, control of the marketing plan.

The basic principles of innovation marketing include: focus on achieving the final practical result of innovation; focus on capturing a certain part of the innovation market in accordance with the long-term goal set for the innovation project; integration of research, production and marketing activities into the enterprise management system; orientation to the long term, which requires conducting marketing research, obtaining ideas on innovations based on them that ensure highly efficient business activities; the application of interdependent and mutually agreed strategies and practices of actively adapting to the requirements of potential consumers of innovation while simultaneously purposefully addressing their interests.

The concept of marketing innovation is the basis for the work of the entire marketing service, market research and the search for a competitive strategy for an enterprise. The primary task of marketing departments at the initial stage of searching for innovation is market research: the level of demand and competition, buyer behavior and the dynamics of its preferences, the presence of competing products and the possibility of securing a new product on the market. Marketing strategy, market analysis and operational marketing consist of six fundamental stages:

) general economic market analysis;

) analysis of economic conditions;

) special market research;

) developing a strategy for innovation penetration;

) operational marketing activities;

) estimates of costs and income from marketing.

From the concept of marketing it follows that innovative marketing in the modern sense is a unity of strategies, business philosophy, management functions and procedures and a methodological framework.

Innovative marketing for countries with economies in transition is essentially an innovation.

In industrialized countries, the marketing concept of company development has occupied a place of honor for decades. It should be noted that the formation of innovative marketing as a scientific discipline occurred only in last decades.

Innovation marketing is marketing that includes an organization's mission, philosophy of thinking, area of ​​scientific research, management style and behavior. This is organic rather than forced innovation, a special type of relationship and full risk taking.

Innovative marketing has a social orientation, followers. Its most important types are the strategic and operational components.

Unlike conventional marketing, which may involve repeating existing ideas, an innovative idea can be defined as a real-life opportunity to produce an original product, product, service or their improved versions (modifications), as well as new brands.

Marketing is the management of the production and sales activities of an organization, which is based on constant comprehensive analysis of the market.

And innovative marketing is the constant improvement of your products and goods. The main feature of innovative marketing, in contrast to traditional marketing, is that innovative marketing works not with a real product, but with an idea, an innovation. The challenge is to determine whether the idea or innovation will generate enough profit to offset the cost of supporting the innovation. Also, the features of innovative marketing include the following: firstly, the need to take into account the intersectoral nature of the result scientific and technical development.

Commercial Marketing. Marketing activities are aimed at maximizing the business results of the organization. The word “commercial” emphasizes the commercial objectives of such marketing. The commercial result can be income from sales of products, the amount of profit. Business objectives are a reflection of the intentions, or market conditions, of an organization. For example, for a private enterprise, both the conditions and goals of the activity cannot but be commercial - the founders of the enterprise must receive income.

Thus, commercial marketing aims to make a profit, while innovative marketing aims to improve products and goods. Innovative marketing works with a new idea, a new product, a product of the future. And marketing directly works with an existing product for which there is demand.

Business objectives are a reflection of the intentions, or market conditions, of an organization. For example, for a private enterprise, both the conditions and goals of the activity cannot but be commercial - the founders of the enterprise must receive income.

2. Types of innovative marketing

Strategic Marketing

Strategic marketing research is based on an analysis of market conditions with the subsequent development of market segments, organization and formation of demand, and modeling of buyer behavior.

An entrepreneurial company should initially be aimed at conquering the market, expanding and deepening segmentation, and creating its own consumer. In addition to analyzing markets and environmental factors, modern marketing not only studies today’s consumers, but also shapes potential ones.

Strategic marketing is focused on close contact between employees of the enterprise’s marketing and sociological services and the consumer (questionnaires, telephone surveys, representative samples, etc.).

Since few small and medium-sized companies can afford to have a marketing department, specialist consultations, visiting exhibitions, studying catalogs, and direct contact with the buyer should be more widely used. The most successful method of reducing risk may be an integrated type of marketing (“marketing mix”), based on constant feedback between producer and consumer. An entrepreneur must see the consumer in all the diversity of his environment, behavior, desires, and unconscious potential needs.

It is necessary not only to produce a diverse range of products, but at the same time to concentrate efforts on creating tactics for premature local aging of their own products in order to quickly promote modifications that replace and displace innovations. It is with this kind of marketing that leadership in the market is ensured.

General economic analysis allows us to examine macroeconomic factors related to the demand for innovations, including population, its growth rate, per capita income and consumption, consumer price index; “consumer basket”, inflation rates, etc. In addition, this includes the study of legal and institutional conditions, as well as legislative practices related to the import and export of such products, quotas, restrictions on standards, obligations, taxes, subsidies, etc. In this case, it is necessary to analyze the existing level of national production of such products, the presence or possibility of imports, the existing level of exports, data on the production of import-substituting products and complementary innovations.

Analysis of economic conditions is associated primarily with general market trends and with the study of market-forming factors (COFs).

The economic situation is a form of manifestation on the market of factors and conditions of reproduction in their relationship with the external and internal environment. Based on this, COFs are the driving force that determines the dynamics of changes in the market situation, its direction and pace of development. These factors include both macro-impacts and a specific area of ​​impact. Thus, important macro factors include cyclical economic processes, elements of state policy in the field of privatization, taxes, budget, social security, depreciation system, science, engineering and technology.

They are classified: according to their belonging to various aspects of the market process (factors of demand, supply, price), by origin (economic, social, political, scientific and technical, etc.), as well as by controllability, predictability and direction of impact.

Market-forming factors can be long-term (up to 10 years), medium-term (3-5 years) and short-term, as well as cyclical, non-cyclical, seasonal. Particular attention should be paid to the situation on the commodity market. Thus, macroeconomic factors most influence production in mechanical engineering and construction, seasonal factors - in the food market, raw materials, tourism services, and social security and income policies - on consumer goods markets and housing construction. The state's innovation policy and the development of fundamental sciences determine the most important factors of the situation in the field of innovation.

According to the provisions of innovative marketing, the process of perceiving a new product is a process consisting of the following stages: primary awareness, recognition of the product, identification of a new product, assessment of the possibilities of using the innovation, approbation of the innovation by the consumer, decision-making based on the test results on purchasing or investing in the creation of an innovation.

Primary awareness. The consumer learns about the innovation but does not have sufficient information.

Product recognition. The consumer already has some information and shows interest in the new product; You can search for additional information about the new product (advertising, brochures, directories).

Identification of a new product. The consumer compares the new product with his needs.

Assessing the possibilities of using an innovation. The consumer decides to test the innovation.

Testing of an innovation by a consumer in order to obtain information about the innovation and the possibility of acquisition.

Making a decision based on the test results about purchasing or investing in the creation of an innovation.

Operational innovative marketing

Innovative type of economic development- this is the logic of the development of an innovative company, which leads to a shift in the center of gravity from operational tactical planning and management to the strategic level, to the level of the formation of a new type of management - innovative marketing. With high activity of the external environment with its social and political conflicts and shocks, information and technological transformations, the behavior of the economic system and its structure-forming elements begins to become increasingly probabilistic and unpredictable. In these conditions, the survival of enterprises is directly dependent on the abilities of managers and their ability to navigate unexpected situations and anticipate risks. It retains various pieces of traditional principles, but applies them to situation analysis. This allows you to optimize the company's activities in a continuous search for innovations, sources of capital and new markets. In such circumstances, the situation as a whole is determined by the interactions of internal and external environmental conditions.

Operational Marketing- this is marketing, in which specific forms of implementing the concepts of strategic innovative marketing are developed, and which is closely related to the stages of the life cycle of innovation in the market. It is especially important to determine the starting point of the innovation life cycle.

At the first stage of the life cycle of the presence of innovations on the market, special measures are required to emphasize and diffuse the innovation. Thus, it is necessary to create adequate sales channels, including the creation of new channels, modification and adaptation of existing old ones. Here, the effectiveness of marketing depends on a number of factors: the activity of information advertising, the optimal moment for the innovation to enter the market, the choice of behavior of the innovation in the context of existing products, the forecast of the behavior of possible competitors, as well as the extent to which the market structure corresponds to the new product. Marketing in these conditions must ensure not only the positioning of the innovation in the market, but also technological market adaptation, and overcome functional competition between the new product and generations of other products.

During the growth stage, marketing approaches change. Innovative marketing loses its creative character and acquires stimulating value. The nature of advertising is changing, it becomes aggressive, emphasizing the advantages of a given company and a given product. A network of sales channels modified for the new product is used. The competitive advantages of the manufacturing company continue to play a leading role here.

At the product maturity stage, it is no longer possible to avoid direct competition with other market participants, and, as a result, a change in the competitive strategy is possible. Here the role of the cost leadership strategy increases, and the price of innovation falls. It is at this stage that the innovator enterprise is already preparing a new modification or a fundamentally new product to enter the market.

Innovative marketing at this stage pursues two goals: promptly maintaining the sales volume of a mature product and creating a strategy for promoting a new one that is replacing it.

This strategy is characterized by a focus on demand. The main point is to determine exactly what needs the company needs to satisfy.

Innovation marketing management is not only about expanding sales, but also about providing supplies and after-sales services. Often, success in the market depends precisely on the performance of the product and the organization of its after-sales service. Uneven technological development, an unstructured market and inflation in Russia lead to the fact that price competition is expressed in varying degrees rising prices for similar products. This creates ample opportunities for market pathology to flourish.

To manage sales of a new product and conquer the market, it is advisable to use mathematical modeling, planning taking into account uncertainty, and situational analysis. The most widely used methods are expert assessments, a priori ranking, and the Delphi method. In this case, the scoring and relative weights of various factors play a significant role.

3. Innovative marketing in Russia

Innovation is the main path that ensures the constant growth and prosperity of the company. Peter Drucker in the book “The Practice of Management” notes: “The goal of any enterprise is to create a consumer; any enterprise has two (and only these two) main functions: marketing and innovation.”

Marketing is a unique function of business. An enterprise can only exist in an economic environment in which change is natural and desirable. The second function is innovation. Innovation can be the search and implementation of new applications for familiar products, sales or management methods, innovation in the training of managers, the provision of higher quality and cheaper goods and services.

Innovation concerns all forms of business activity. This is equally important for industrial enterprises, as well as for a bank, insurance company or travel agency and other organizations. X

Since the beginning of the transition to a market economy, its modernization based on innovative technologies was planned for later. The resource-based orientation of the economy has aggravated its dependence on the world raw materials market. Thus, Russia’s share today does not exceed 0.5% in the global high-tech market. At the same time, the entire volume of Russian high-tech exports is 2% of the corresponding US exports, 3% of the export volumes of Japan and Germany, 7% of the exports of France, Great Britain and the Republic of Korea, 10% of the exports of China, 20% of the exports of Thailand. If one ton of crude oil brings up to 20-25 dollars in profit, and a kilogram aviation technology- up to 1 thousand dollars, then a kilogram of a high-tech product in high-tech industries (electronics, communications, etc.) allows you to extract up to 5 thousand dollars of profit.

Despite the losses of the perestroika period, 12% are still working in Russia world scientists. According to this indicator, we rank fourth after the USA, Japan and China. However, this most important development resource is very poorly involved in solving the problems of the country’s socio-economic development. Currently, in the field of technology, Russia lags behind developed countries for about 45-50 years. Over twenty years of reforms, only 10% of significant innovations in production have been made.

In conditions when the destruction of the scientific potential created by many generations continues in the country, it is difficult to talk about the innovative development of Russia. Factory science, which in developed countries carries out the lion's share of research and development, has almost disappeared in Russia; today it accounts for only 6.5% of R&D. The annual funding of the entire Russian Academy of Sciences today is less than $2 billion, which is less than the budget of one average American university.

In the global market for high-tech products, mainly transnational corporations (TNCs) compete, providing themselves with competitive advantages mainly through the effective use of scientific and technical potential, procurement of patents and know-how.

The assets of the 50 largest TNCs reach $8.8 trillion. The world champions of competitiveness today are the pillars of computer science. Microsoft's sales alone exceed the combined sales of the three automobile giants - General Motors, Ford and Chrysler.

In the article by S. Kuzina “2025: the war of nanomachines will break out” (Komsomolskaya Pravda dated March 15, 2010), with reference to authoritative US scientists, it is said that nanotechnological weapons are many times superior to nuclear weapons in terms of destructive power. From this point of view, a lag in this area can have catastrophic consequences for Russia. One gets the impression that, at times, development is carried out not in a spiral, but in circles. In my memory, quite a lot of party and state decisions were devoted to innovation (in the middle and second half of the 20th century, the term “scientific and technological progress” was used), and a number of targeted STP programs were developed. Decisions were made to increase labor productivity, develop resource-saving technologies, and improve the quality of products. During Gorbachev’s time, there was a lot of talk about abandoning the resource-based orientation of the USSR economy and the transition to the use of high technologies. Many years have passed since then; in fact, a new era has begun in our country, the economic formation has changed, but “things are still there.” The leadership of Russia is faced with the extremely complex, vital task of changing the trajectory of the country’s development as the only possible option take its rightful place in the world community. In other words, to ensure the innovative development of Russia.

The main directions for the development of innovation in Russia: creating demand for innovation; resolving investment, organizational, legal, personnel issues; implementation of other conditions conducive to effective innovation. Such conditions, in our opinion, include the increased use of innovative marketing.

Markets and consumers of innovative products also have their own peculiarity. In this regard, we can talk about the following features of the market and consumers of basic innovations:

1.The organization deals with consumers who are completely unfamiliar with the new product due to its fundamental novelty. A market for this product still needs to be created.

2.Initially, this is a fairly narrow market, focused primarily on innovative consumers. For industrial and technical products it may remain narrow in the future.

.Initially, this market has low price elasticity of demand. Pricing policy has a limited impact on initial sales volume.

.In this market, there may initially be no direct competitors (due to a monopoly on intellectual property).

.Personal sales, propaganda activities to promote an innovative product, and negotiation skills play a big role. Because if the meaning of innovation is not explained to the consumer, he simply will not buy this product.

.Distribution channels are not as diverse and do not have many levels as in the case of marketing products that are in mass demand.

.Strong dependence of the sales of innovative products on the innovative potential of intended consumers. Many basic innovations do not find their market due to the unpreparedness and general technological backwardness of consumers.

When examining in detail the tools and strategies of innovative marketing, it is advisable to classify innovations into two types: sustaining and disruptive.

Supporting innovationsinvolve the company producing and selling more advanced products to its traditional consumers. These innovations are based on both incremental engineering improvements and leaps in performance improvement trajectories. Companies that pursue this innovation strategy are not always first to market, but they are almost always among the market leaders.

Breakthrough innovationsare based on the use of the following two general strategies. The first strategy is based on the creation of a new market, which serves as a basis for undermining the position of competitors. The second involves the destruction of the prevailing type of business by creating a growing business in the existing market. The strategies outlined fit well into the well-known “products-markets” matrix.

In Russia, innovative marketing faces a number of problems:

there is no real support for innovative enterprises;

large companies are not inclined to ideas of innovation;

There is no competition in the technological environment, which leads to a lack of demand for sales of innovation products.

Also, there are a number of problems regarding human resources:

lack of specialists focused on innovative ideas;

lack of people ready not only to invent, but also to promote such a product;

low project development due to lack of knowledge among technology businessmen;

when starting production of an innovative product, there is a desire to produce it on new equipment when it is possible to produce it on old equipment (which entails additional costs, and considerable ones at that);

lack of a favorable environment for the development and implementation of innovative product projects.

According to experts, assistance from the state is needed. Supporting innovative enterprises will begin to attract more and more people to such businesses. This will create competition, and large companies will be forced to produce innovative products in order not to lose their leading positions. If we talk about human resources, with the support of innovative business from the state, entrepreneurs will have experience in creating a new product; with the right strategy and analysis, such people will very quickly become high-quality specialists in this field. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of using individual marketing tools depending on the type of innovative product: industrial, consumer and service products.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that among the main directions for the development of innovation in Russia: creating demand for innovation, solving investment, organizational, legal, and personnel issues, the expansion of the use of innovation marketing plays a certain role. Thanks to it, both parties win - the producer and the consumer. There is a wide variety of content of innovative marketing in relation to various groups of products, innovation markets, subjects of innovation, conditions and possibilities for its application. Therefore, new approaches to the implementation of innovative marketing in Russia are needed. In my opinion, such a concept will give a new impetus to economic development.


Innovation activity is very important indicator on the path to success, especially in our time when competition reigns around. And the manager is obliged to develop innovative activities.

To achieve positive results, the organization must continuously improve products and introduce innovations to the market, including the formation of a competitive innovation strategy based on the formation of sales channels and positioning of a new product.

Innovation in enterprises is carried out in different ways, with much emphasis now being placed on formal research and development for breakthrough innovation. But innovations can be developed in less formal ways, through modifications of exchange practices and combinations of professional experience, and in many other ways. Users, the customers who buy goods or use services, are an important factor in the search for and innovation. Strategic innovative marketing is determined by product positioning and market segmentation. The key point In the search for innovation in marketing strategies, there is research and forecasting of demand for the introduced new product or service, this is possible thanks to a thorough study of consumer perception of a potential innovation.

During the introduction of innovations, strategic research of the project is necessary, during which it is necessary to determine what products, what level of quality and to which consumers it will be offered. That is why strategic innovative marketing should be carried out in close contact between the marketing and social services of the enterprise directly and the consumer (this may include questionnaires, telephone surveys, representative samples, etc.). A company cannot grow by cutting costs; innovation is a key element in ensuring strong profit growth and improving bottom-line results. In general, business organizations spend significant amounts of their turnover on innovation, such as making changes to their established products, processes and services. The amount of investment can vary from the lowest percentage of the organization's turnover to more than twenty percent of the turnover. The average cost of innovation for all types of organizations is four percent.

In the modern framework of continuous economic development, innovative marketing carries a certain concept, which is based on the constant improvement of marketing methods and products. Innovation is, first of all, continuous development, and development in marketing consists of increasing the profitability of production itself, as well as expanding the range. Current conditions suggest that in order to have advantages over competing parties in any field, constant dynamic growth and development, innovation in activities and products are required. It's hard to choose the right concept, but it's even harder to get people to accept it. Innovation in marketing is a special tool, a means that provides a favorable opportunity for the implementation and implementation of new ideas. Working with innovation requires not only courage, but also strategic thinking and data analytics.

innovative market competitive positioning


1.Abrameshin A.E. Innovative marketing. - M.: Vita-Press, 2010. - 256 p.

2.Anisimov Yu. Innovative marketing. - M.: Knorus, 2009. - 208 p.

.Golubkov E.P. Marketing Basics. - M.: Finpress, 2010. - 324 p.

.Golubkov E.P. Marketing: Dictionary-reference book. - M.: Delo, 2009. - 228 p.

.Magazine "Marketing in Russia and Abroad".URL: #"justify">. Kazakova N.A., Nasedkina T.I., Frantsuzova I.I. Analysis of factors in the formation of an innovative model for the development of a regional economy: Russian and world experience // Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2009. - No. 3.

.Sekerin V. Innovative marketing. - M.: Infra-M, 2012. - 238 p.

.Sterkhova S. Innovative product. Marketing tools.-M.: Delo, 2012. - 296 p.

Depending on the goals and objectives, innovation marketing should be divided into two groups: strategic innovation marketing and tactical innovation marketing.

In the strategic marketing of innovations, regular and remedial marketing should be distinguished. Strategic regular marketing of innovations serves to maintain the competitiveness of the enterprise through the constant formation and, as necessary, the use of scientific, technical and commercial reserves of product and process innovations. They should be able to restore or increase the profitability of the enterprise in the event of a deterioration in the sales situation for a previously produced product (it becomes necessary to master the production and sale of a new innovative product) or in the event of an increase in the price of purchased resources (resource-substituting technological processes and equipment become necessary). The old-age regular marketing of innovations fits into the so-called diamond concept, according to which, with the increasing degree of competitiveness of the market in which manufacturing enterprises operate, the main guarantee of its competitiveness, maintaining and improving the financial situation becomes the innovativeness of the products they produce, as well as the innovativeness of their activities. Innovation here is understood as the ability of a manufacturing company, based on existing proprietary technologies (or access to technologies purchased under license or created to order) and commercial know-how in the areas of sales and supply, to constantly master the production and sell new, innovative products that meet market demand , as well as master new technological processes (if necessary, simultaneously with new technological equipment). The main feature of innovative marketing, in contrast to traditional marketing, is that innovative marketing works not with a real product, but with an idea, an innovation. The challenge is to determine whether the idea or innovation will generate enough profit to offset the cost of supporting the innovation.

Innovation marketing is a systemic integration of the full innovation cycle: from studying the innovation market conditions, business planning of an innovation project, its implementation, to promoting innovation to the market, diffusion of innovation and generating income.

Innovative marketing should include (Fig. 1):

  • - conducting marketing research on the market for innovations, including prospects for introducing innovations to new markets - diffusion of innovations;
  • - analysis of potential industrial consumption and demand for innovation (dynamics of consumption volumes, determination of their volumes, analysis of effective consumer demand, structure of demand, analysis of consumer preferences, consumption motivation, trends and market prospects, assessment of existing and potential market capacity);
  • - analysis of competition in markets (and their market shares, identification and analysis of points of competition - quality, product characteristics, pricing, sales strategies, etc., analysis of competitors’ product, sales, advertising strategies);
  • - analysis of pricing and price structure;
  • - for innovations with completely new needs, developing a demand generation program;
  • - methods of sales promotion (analysis of efficiency, volumes of filling sales channels, analysis of product distribution, analysis of the distribution system);
  • - advertising and analysis of its effectiveness;
  • - positioning innovation in markets and repositioning.

The objects of innovative marketing are intellectual property, new materials and components, new products, new processes, new markets, new ways of promoting goods and services, new organizational forms of management.

Creating innovations has always been the strength of Russian science. Commercialization of innovations was either completely absent or extremely imperfect. However, today the winner in the competitive struggle is the one who not only knows how to produce innovations, but also organize their practical application.

Russia is home to approximately 12 percent of the world's scientists, and the country's share of the global innovation market is only 0.3 percent. This gap testifies not so much to the intellectual weakness of domestic specialists, but to our lack of mechanisms for transforming ideas and technical solutions into market products, similar to the mechanisms of developed countries.

Innovative marketing makes it possible not only to further satisfy consumer needs, but also to increase the price of a product, capture the market, or create a new niche and successfully occupy it.

In modern business, there is a shift in priorities from “functional” to “innovative” products:

Functional products serve to satisfy urgent needs and are purchased, in most cases, without regard to the place of purchase (needed - saw - bought). There is a more or less predictable demand for them, and their life cycle lasts a relatively long time. They are easy for competitors to imitate and therefore difficult to make highly profitable.

Market trends and prospects

dynamics of consumption volumes

analysis of consumer market segments

Consumer demand analysis

demand structure

Consumption motivation







Prestige and fashion

Image and attractiveness

Identification of main competitors

Determining their market shares

Determination of Desirability

Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of competitors

Fig.1. Generalized scheme of innovative marketing.

Innovative products, on the other hand, represent the latest technology or fashion, demand for them is difficult to predict, and their life cycle is much shorter. As compensation for the risk and short existence of such a product, its manufacturer receives relative freedom from competition and the associated opportunity to achieve higher profitability.

That is, in the new conditions of economic globalization, the main instrument of competition is the speed of change in products and services. In this regard, technology becomes the main driving force and determines business development. It allows even small companies to become big players in the international market. This is a huge incentive for small and mid-sized companies to innovate. In large companies, the combination of customer focus and employee involvement has led to the creation of a project management style. The project is always focused on a specific consumer and exists as long as the consumer exists. At the same time, the hierarchical levels of organization seem to disappear, and the brutal vertical hierarchical management structure that arose at the beginning of this century as a result of the process of division of managerial labor is replaced by a flexible matrix (“flat”) organization.

In the context of economic globalization, the importance of such a factor of competitive advantage as innovation lies in the fact that, unlike the resource factor, it does not depend on importing countries, and in the event of a decrease in exports, product output is compensated by the growth of domestic production. That is why the economic policy of the state should be structured in such a way that manufacturers are interested in working in the early stages of a product’s life cycle, so that the expansion of the domestic market occurs, first of all, due to such goods.

There are trends that suggest the predominance in economic sectors of factors associated with such a competitive advantage as the movement of innovation. These factors are represented by innovative components of demand for products from domestic manufacturers. First of all, these include all factors of domestic demand. Both the theory of the product life cycle and M. Porter’s theory of international competition do not deny the fact that the path of innovation to the world market begins with the development of the domestic market, since the very fact of innovation is initially tied to the needs that can be realized in demand precisely from domestic consumers . That is why innovative marketing in the context of economic globalization is aimed, first of all, not at the external market, but at the domestic one. In other words, to realize competitive advantages of the “innovation drive” type, the domestic market must be filled with products with a short life cycle.

On the other hand, the importance of the factor movement of innovations as an innovative competitive advantage of domestic producers is confirmed by the dependence of their position in the world market on the innovative activity of competitors. Thus, since the 70s, Japanese firms have switched from using purchased licenses to developing their own fundamental programs. Soon, Japan began to actively push the United States in the field of scientific and technological achievements and has now transformed from a technologically backward and dependent country into a scientifically and technologically developed state, a leader in a number of advanced fields, such as biotechnology, fiber optics, laser technology, and integrated circuits. etc. the movement of innovation in the form of rapid changes in models was one of the methods of competitive struggle of Japanese firms.

Their development period for new products turned out to be shorter than that of American manufacturing companies.

The development of new technologies and the speed of implementation of fundamentally new types of products and services based on them leads to the fact that consumer needs and the market situation are changing at an ever-increasing speed. The consumer dictates what, when and in what form he wants to receive and at what price. A new approach to understanding the marketing concept is based on increasingly close work with so-called target groups - sets of potential clients of the organization from the strategic market segment. By identifying homogeneous groups of consumers using market research and defining strategic segments, the enterprise saves significant money and achieves greater effectiveness in subsequent contacts with current and potential customers. Active communications with selected market sectors make it possible to attract the attention of the overwhelming majority of consumers, many of whom become clients of the company. That's why with beginning of the XXI century, most market leaders in various industries merged departments responsible for advertising, PR, direct sales, promotion and internal relations into unified communications services. The number of companies using integrated marketing communications is growing.

The departure from the same type of standardized solutions, the increasing adaptation of marketing solutions to the needs of consumers and the conditions of specific markets is also manifested in innovative marketing. Marketing techniques tailored to a specific target market are increasingly being used. And although in this case there are more significant costs, they are, as a rule, compensated by gaining a larger market share and obtaining higher profits, which is ensured by the creation of conditions for a reliable (reproducible) innovation monopoly.

The supplier of a new product can ensure an innovation monopoly through:

  • - registration and active protection (monitoring of compliance with exclusive, by law, rights to the commercial use of relevant technologies, prosecution of violators in case of neglect of these rights) of a package of applied patents for inventions and utility models included in the design or technology for releasing a new product;
  • - maintaining as a trade secret (protected by a specially declared and observed secrecy regime, the presence of which, if necessary, can be documented in court) of key technical solutions (know-how) relating to the design or technological features of a new product.

An innovation monopoly in connection with the release to the market of a fundamentally new product for the market that meets newly emerged or previously existing but unmet needs is available to any innovative enterprise, regardless of its size. This monopoly does not, as a rule, exceed 1.5-2 years. It is violated both by the repeated development of the corresponding key inventions (with the filing of applications for “parallel” patents and their receipt), and by leaks of key secret know-how that occur in connection with the turnover of personnel - the owners of this know-how (not to mention much more " exotic”, but actually used methods of industrial espionage).

An innovative monopoly protected by law can be used either to obtain excess profits based on increased prices, or (which is typical for small firms planning their economic growth for the future) to gain a foothold in the market (formation of a clientele), which implies not so much increased profitability of sales, but maximization in further secondary sales of the product and its modernization to consumers who previously purchased it.

Considering the trends in changing approaches to choosing methods for promoting products, it can be noted that this choice is an extremely creative, dynamic process. Any innovation in this area almost immediately becomes the property of competitors. And if these innovations were successful, then competitors immediately adopted them, eliminating the competitive advantage achieved through these innovations.

Surveys of managers involved in the development of new products revealed the following main factors for the success of a new product (Table 1). The numbers in the table characterize the percentage of respondents who noted the importance of these factors.

New Product Success Factors

From the above data it follows that the main success factors are, on the one hand, the product’s compliance with market requirements, and on the other, the organization’s capabilities for its development and production. It is important to have superior technology, support from management, and tailor multi-phase development to market adoption.

The development and introduction into production of new products is important for companies great value as a means of increasing competitiveness and eliminating the company’s dependence on the discrepancy between the life cycles of manufactured products. In modern conditions, product renewal is proceeding at a fairly rapid pace. For example, in the industries of general mechanical engineering, the automotive industry, and instrument making, products are updated by 60% or more over a five-year period. In the electronics industry, new products appear every one to two years.

R&D areas are determined, first of all, not by the possibilities and tasks of improving production or developing simple modules, but by the results of studying consumer preferences regarding the characteristics of new products. When mastering the production of new products, greater attention should be paid to market testing rather than laboratory testing of these products.

Summarizing these and other conditions, we note that in order to carry out innovative activities, it is necessary to have the innovative potential of the enterprise, which is characterized as a combination of various types of resources, including:

  • - intellectual (technological documentation, patents, licenses, business plans for the development of innovations, innovation program of the enterprise);
  • - material and production (experimental instrument base, technological equipment, area resource);
  • - financial (own, borrowed, investment, federal);
  • - personnel (innovative leader; personnel interested in innovation);
  • - partnerships and personal connections of employees with research institutes and universities (experience in conducting research and development work; experience in project management);
  • - infrastructural (in-house R&D units, chief technologist department, marketing department, patent and legal department, information department);
  • - other resources necessary for carrying out innovative activities.

Currently, innovative marketing in Russia is in the stage of formation and institutionalization. That is why it is too early to talk about the full maturity of organizational forms of marketing.

If we place the innovation and life cycles of any product on a time scale (Fig. 2), it turns out:

At the stages of the emergence of ideas, R&D and the release of prototypes, innovative marketing predominates, determining the fate and market prospects of the innovation. The main goal of innovation marketing is to develop a strategy for the penetration of innovation into the market. Therefore, innovative marketing is based on an analysis of market conditions with the subsequent development of market segments, organization and formation of demand, and modeling of buyer behavior.

Innovative marketing is determined by market segmentation and product positioning. The key point of the innovative marketing strategy is the research and forecasting of demand for a new product, based on a thorough study of consumer perception of innovation. In the course of strategic research, the head of an innovative project must determine what quality and to which consumers he will offer an innovative product. Therefore, innovative marketing is focused on close contact between employees of the enterprise’s marketing and sociological services and the consumer (questionnaires, telephone surveys, etc.). The primary task of the marketing department at the initial stage of developing an innovation strategy is market research.

  • - At the stages of implementation and organization of mass production, innovative marketing moves into the stage of operational marketing, which ensures segmentation of consumers and the search for new market niches.
  • - When a product reaches the maturity phase, the use of tactical marketing becomes decisive, using tools such as price reduction, improvement of logistics schemes and increased supporting advertising.

Innovative marketing in promoting a product or service involves a departure from existing methods present a product or service to the consumer. These are new forms of pricing, distribution and communication.

The development and introduction of new products into production are of great importance for companies as a means of increasing competitiveness and eliminating the company’s dependence on the discrepancy between the life cycles of manufactured products. The acceleration in the development of new products is due to the following reasons:

  • 1. development along an exponential curve of the world base of technologies and know-how;
  • 2. changing consumer needs;
  • 3. reduction in the life cycle of goods (life cycles of goods over the past 50 years have decreased by 4 times;
  • 4. increasing globalization of the economy.

In the context of economic globalization, product innovation is the most important tool in competition. Today, the sales volume attributable to new products (if they have been offered to the market for no more than five years) is 40-50% and this ratio is growing rapidly.

The innovation process is the process of transforming scientific knowledge into innovation, which can be represented as a sequential chain of events during which innovation matures from an idea to a specific product, technology or service and spreads through practical use. The innovation process does not end with the implementation stage, because as it spreads (diffusion), the innovation is improved, becomes more effective, and acquires previously unknown consumer properties. This opens up new areas of application and markets for it, and therefore new consumers who perceive this product, technology and service as new for themselves.

By innovation we mean production and technical achievements, the final result of creative work, realized in the form of new or improved products, a new or improved technological process used in economic circulation.

The innovation process begins with fundamental research aimed at obtaining new scientific knowledge and identification of the most significant patterns. The purpose of fundamental research is to reveal new connections between phenomena, to understand the patterns of development of nature and society, regardless of their specific use.

Priority value fundamental science in the development of innovation processes is determined by the fact that it acts as a generator of ideas, opens paths to new areas of knowledge and indirectly leads to the emergence of ideas for new products.

The second stage of the innovation process - applied research - is aimed at exploring ways of practical application of previously discovered phenomena and processes. Scientific research work of an applied nature aims to solve a technical problem, clarify unclear theoretical issues, and obtain specific scientific results, which will later be used as a scientific and technical basis in development work. Applied research makes purposeful use of existing scientific methods to develop ideas for new products.

Development work involves the use of applied research results to create (modernize, improve) new products, samples of new equipment, materials, and technologies. R&D is the final stage of scientific research, the transition from laboratory conditions and experimental production to industrial production. At this stage, the focus can be not only on fundamental and applied research, but also on the market - opportunities based on the desires and needs of consumers are identified; Scientific research is then directed towards satisfying these desires.

The final stage of the sphere of science is the development industrial production new products, which includes scientific and production development: testing new (improved) products, as well as technical and technological training production.

After the development stage, the process of industrial production and introduction of a new product to the market begins.

Thus, the innovation process can be defined as a set of sequential works from obtaining theoretical knowledge to the use of a product created on the basis of new knowledge by the consumer.

Creating innovations involves:

  • - bringing innovations to the creation of new technologies, systems, equipment, etc.;
  • - practical implementation of the innovation to the consumer (on the market);
  • - ensuring the effective use and operation of an innovative product;
  • - obtaining new innovation-oriented innovations.

Currently, there is a reduction in the average duration of the life cycle, so manufacturers are forced to spend significant funds on the creation of new products. It is difficult to come up with something completely new, and, as practice shows, this is not always what consumers need. The novelty of a product can be viewed from different points of view.

The trend towards a reduction in life cycle is due to the influence of scientific and technological progress, which allows competitors to produce more advanced products. Objectively, this situation is contrary to the interests of the manufacturer, since the time to recover costs for the development and production of a new product will be reduced. The normal desire to make a profit pushes the manufacturer either to reduce costs (which is dangerous for quality) or to increase prices (which is dangerous for demand). To reduce development costs, manufacturers are seeking to use different methods to create new products.

A new product refers to any innovation or change to an existing product that the consumer considers significant. However, the degree of novelty may vary (Fig. 3) and be considered at several levels. Products that will be innovative for an enterprise will be those that have never been produced before.

Innovative products are products for which the manufacturer has no experience in production and marketing activities. Any new product requires development costs from manufacturers. However, creating an innovative product requires more effort from the manufacturer than improving an already produced product. Significant costs for creating an innovative product are associated not only with design development, but also with marketing activities (marketing research and development of a marketing mix) to bring the product to the market.

Products of genuine novelty or genuine novelties are products that are new to the world, have no analogues and offer a qualitatively new solution to a consumer problem or satisfaction of a need for which there was no previously available product.

New products are products that have a significant qualitative improvement in relation to existing analogues

Market novelty products are products that are new to a given market.

Products new to the enterprise's production program are products not produced by this company, but offered by other sellers

New modifications are products improved by the manufacturer based on an existing product

Rice. 3. Levels of consideration of the novelty of goods.

New products, regardless of their level of novelty, can be created by the manufacturer's own efforts or purchased from other companies. The structure of methods for creating new products and their characteristics are presented in Table. 2.

In innovative marketing, new modifications are subject to the least risk. The creation of a modified product or modification is the process by which a manufacturer improves the characteristics of an existing product in order to extend its life cycle. Analyzing the block model of the product (Fig. 4), you can see that the perception of the product by consumers changes when one of the components of the product model changes.

Rice. 4. Block product model 4P+1$

This approach allows manufacturers to extend the life cycle by creating modifications to the marketing mix. The creation of product modifications can be identified as an independent direction, since changing precisely this component of the marketing mix requires more effort from manufacturers. Considering that life cycle technology is tied to a specific market, often to its separate segment, and due to uneven development, the life cycle of the same product in different markets will be different, the manufacturer is looking for new users of the product. This extension direction is called market modification. The general composition of modified product options is shown in Fig. 5.

Creating modifications is possible using two techniques. The first technique leads to a change in the presentation of the product on the market (creating variation), the second leads to the creation of several options for presenting the product simultaneously (creating differentiation):

Fig.5. Ways to extend the life cycle of a product using modifications

  • - changes in the product are not so significant that comparison of options would be beneficial to the manufacturer;
  • - a new version of a product can displace the old one, as it is better suited to solving these consumer problems.

Variation is a method of modifying a product, in which the market is offered a new version of the product to replace the previously existing one and the old version is excluded from circulation. Variations are used by the manufacturer in cases where:

  • - there are not sufficient resources to implement two options for offering goods at the same time;
  • - the old version has completely exhausted all possibilities on the market.

Methods for creating new products





High competitiveness of the created product. Product orientation. High income

Long time to create a new product. Significant costs for scientific research, most of which will not bring the desired result. Need for qualified personnel. High risk.

Purchasing a new product from another company (purchase of a company, patent or license)

Effective when purchasing a license at the beginning of the life cycle. Reducing time for conducting scientific research. Rapid introduction of new products into production. Possibility to choose the form of acquisition financing.

The need to quickly master the production of new items. Dependence on the innovative activities of other firms. Significant one-time expenses. There is a high risk of the product being copied by other manufacturers. Lack of originality of the new product. The image of a manufacturer that cannot be a leader in its field

Joint development

Distribution of scientific research costs. Opportunity to use more qualified personnel. Obtaining the opportunity to enter the partner's market. Reducing the cost of scientific research for each partner individually

Difficulties in coordinating work. The duration of the process of creating a new product. Unfavorable distribution of profits between partners. Trust issues.

Differentiation is a method of modifying a product in which a new version of the product is offered to the market at the same time as the old one, thereby achieving a greater variety of product offerings. If there are no reasons prompting the manufacturer to resort to variation, then firms differentiate the offer of their product on the market, since this technique allows increasing market coverage and creating a wide and deep assortment.

Modification of the marketing mix involves changing one or more of its elements in order to attract the attention of new consumers to the product and achieve commitment from those who have tried the product. To attract new customers, you can reduce the price or conduct a sales promotion campaign. You can try to develop a more effective advertising campaign and change the image of the product. The company can use other market channels or offer customers additional types of services. The set of possible marketing tools for creating a modification of the marketing mix is ​​presented in Fig. 6.

Modification of a product involves changing such characteristics of a product as design, level of quality or properties in order to attract new users and intensify consumption.

Rice. 6. modification of the marketing mix.

Changing the external design makes the product attractive and modern. Often it is the design of a product that determines its relevance to its time, while the functional properties remain unchanged for a long time.

It makes sense to improve quality in cases where the following conditions are met:

  • 1. the quality of the product can be improved;
  • 2. buyers believe claims about improved quality;
  • 3. A fairly large number of buyers want the quality of the product to improve.

Improving the properties of a product allows you to make its operation safer and more convenient.

As part of creating a market modification, a search for new users of the product is carried out. New users may represent a new segment of consumers not covered by the firm in the old geographic market, in which case it is possible to reposition the product so that it is attractive to the new segment. At the same time, the company can maintain the product offering for the old segment, or it can focus only on a larger or faster-growing segment of the market. A company can increase its supply by entering new geographic markets; in this case, a change in the manufacturer’s sales network is also required. Obviously, the use of market modification may require additional efforts from the company to change the marketing mix and even the characteristics of the product. The line between different options modifications may not be clear. However, differences are still present and are associated with the choice of purpose for creating a modification of the product.

Any idea for a new product must first of all be tested by a significant group of potential consumers in terms of its usefulness and the presence of the need itself, as well as the price level at which it can be sold.

If the idea meets with a favorable response, it should be translated into an “offer” to the consumer. The task of assortment planning is, first of all, to prepare a customer specification for the product, transfer it to the design department, and then ensure that the prototype is tested, modified if necessary, and brought to marketable condition.

No matter how logical all of the above may sound, it must be recognized that such an organization of product range planning is still used only at individual enterprises. The main stages of development of a new type of product are presented in Fig. 7.

The main value of these methods is that they force managers to maintain a certain discipline when considering issues related to the development of new products. They ensure that all relevant criteria are properly examined and that the company's inherent strengths and weaknesses that differentiate it from others are taken into account when formulating a new product development plan.

Analysis of market conditions and its trends

Analysis of information materials about new types of products

Customer needs analysis

Production Possibilities Analysis

Development of a working forecast for the short, medium and long term

Selecting an initial idea for a new product

Making a decision to launch a pilot batch of a new product into production

Drawing up a work plan to create a pilot batch

A set of works to produce a pilot batch of products


testing new products

Carrying out the sale of a new batch

Analysis of consumer reviews of new products

Analysis of trade specialists’ opinions on new products

Deciding on the feasibility of making changes to products

Approval of the final product concept

Development of the name, appearance of packaging and packaging of products

Development of an action plan to promote products on the market

Pricing strategy concept

Sales promotion concept

The concept of organizing product distribution

Drawing up a serial production plan

Production of serial products

3. Comparative table of innovative marketing and traditional marketing.

Traditional Marketing

Innovative Marketing

What does it work with?

Idea, innovation

Marketing research

studying market characteristics, measuring potential market opportunities, analyzing the distribution of market shares between firms, sales analysis, studying business trends, studying competitors' products, short-term forecasting, studying the reaction to a new product and its volume, long-term forecasting, studying pricing policies.

Study, analysis and assessment of all elements and factors influencing development trends, structure, nature of relations in a specific market chosen for the survey, in their interrelation and interdependence.

Identification of the peculiarities of the market state In connection with the state and development trends of the general economic situation in various markets

Expansion of all external and internal factors influencing the activities of enterprises producing the necessary innovative products

Analysis of potential industrial consumption and demand

market capacity market growth market share stability of demand

number of buyers types/sizes of buyers

structure of needs purchase motives purchase processes attitude to information

market trends and prospects

dynamics of consumption volumes

assessment of existing and potential market capacity

analysis of consumer market segments

Consumer demand analysis

demand structure

Social and psychological characteristics of the buyer

Consumption motivation

Consumer controllability and suggestibility


Analysis from the consumer's perspective

Novelty and competitiveness. Compliance with local legal requirements. Ability to meet current and future needs of potential buyers. The need for its modification in the future.



Performance characteristics




Prestige and fashion

Image and attractiveness

Parametric and functional cost analysis

Competition Analysis

Turnover/market share

Strengths and weaknesses Definable strategies Financial assistance Quality of management

Competitors who are the most dynamic in the market. Features of competitors' products. Packaging of goods. Forms of sales activities. Pricing policy. Product promotion methods. R&D data (directions, expenses). Official earnings data. Announcements of new products. Information about them in the press.

Identification of main competitors

Determining their market shares

Identification and analysis of competition points (quality, pricing strategies, etc.)

Determination of Desirability

Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of competitors

Competitor service analysis

Market testing

Organization of trial, direct and preferential sales, exhibitions, presentations, fairs


When setting pricing objectives, the determining quantities are: 1. costs

  • 2. consumer behavior
  • 3. influence of competitors

Pricing for new products is closely related to the strategy for introducing a new product to the market. There are four main strategies to consider:

A: Quick skimming: a new product is released at a high price and high level promotion.

B: Slow skimming: high price and low level of promotion.

Q: Fast penetration: low price and increased promotion.

D: Slow penetration: low prices and low promotion.

4. ensuring an innovation monopoly

Demand generation program

Informing (communication that the product exists and what its qualities are), - persuasion (inducing favorable emotions, creating a position of recognition of the product, switching consumer decisions to purchase it), - maintaining loyalty (consolidating existing consumers as the main source of future sales).

Its tasks: - telling the market about a new product or new applications of an existing product; - informing the market about price changes; - explanation of the principles of operation of the product; - description of the services provided; - dispelling consumer concerns; - formation of the company image.

Sales promotion methods

  • - price reduction; - coupons (purchases or services under obligations with price reductions); - financing of next purchases; - credit; - seasonal price reductions
  • - buyer competition (lotteries); - personal promotion; - free gifts (possibility of additional free purchases); - presentation of samples of new products for trial use

Analysis of the effectiveness of sales promotion

Analysis of sales channel filling volumes

Product flow analysis

Distribution system analysis

Sales system

Exclusive sales:

A firm sharply limits the number of wholesalers and retailers in a geographic region, and may operate one or two retail stores in a particular trading area. Selective Sales:

The company uses a medium number of wholesalers and retail stores and tries to combine channel control, a prestigious image with good sales and profits.

Intensive sales:

The company uses a large number of wholesalers and retailers. Its goals are a wide market, channel recognition, mass sales and high profits. The relative profit is low.

Sales to wholesalers

Sales directly to consumers of innovative products under direct contracts or through the manufacturer’s own retail trade under sales or contract agreements, under leasing agreements

Sales of innovative products to wholesale trading enterprises (large buyers, but not consumers).

Sales to independent retail chains

Acquisition of a franchise license for sales under a proven trademark with receipt from the franchisor of the sales and purchasing lines, clientele and technologies mastered and assigned by him

Any of the listed options, but with the involvement of intermediaries, in particular brokers, sales agents, commission agents working with the manufacturer on the basis of business contracts

Warranty and post-warranty service

Market Opportunity Analysis

Deeper market penetration

Expanding market boundaries

Product development

Market diversification


The choice of the optimal segment is decided and the supplier takes the optimal position within this segment

Positioning Innovation