How to cook vegetable milk soup. Recipe Milk soup with vegetables

Milk soups with vegetables are very nutritious and incredibly tasty. Since childhood, everyone has heard that these soups are the main sources of vitamins and microelements. These soups are distinguished by the fact that they are very easily absorbed by the body, which undoubtedly makes them very popular in the daily menu.

Soups made with milk and vegetables are very popular among adults and children. Due to the fact that milk goes very well not only with various cereals, but also with vegetables, they can be prepared with the addition of various ingredients, revealing the taste of this soup differently each time. Don't forget about the benefits of milk soup. Daily consumption of milk soups significantly improves intestinal static. Since this hot dish contains a lot of vitamins and microelements, it is best suited for a hearty and nutritious breakfast. For women who want to have perfect figure, these soups will be a great way to lose weight - they are very low in calories, and you will never feel hungry.

First of all, you will need to cook the vegetables, since they do not boil well in milk, they will need to be boiled in plain water first.

Peel the cabbage and wash well in cold water. Cut the cabbage into thin strips or small cubes.

Wash the potatoes well to remove dirt and remove the skins with a sharp knife.

Cut the peeled potatoes into small cubes and add water.

Carrots for milk vegetable soup are best grated. If you are cooking from young carrots, then it is better not to cut off the skin, but to scrape it a little with a knife - this way more vitamins are preserved.

Prepared vegetables should be boiled in hot water over low heat until fully cooked.

Lactic vegetable soup(the recipe for which is described above) is cooked on a milk basis, so you need to heat the milk in another bowl.

Place all vegetables in milk, add salt and spices to taste and cook over low heat until cooked.

This soup is best served with a piece butter and finely chopped dill and cockerel.

Milk soup with cabbage:

To prepare milk soup with cabbage, you will need one and a half liters of milk, some cabbage, 2-3 potato tubers, a piece of butter and fresh herbs.

You can take any cabbage - white or cauliflower, as desired.

Using cauliflower, it must be divided into inflorescences and filled with cold salted water. Leave the cabbage aside for 10-15 minutes, after which it can be boiled. Cook until tender in hot water over low heat.

Finely shred the white cabbage.

Peel the potatoes and cut them into medium cubes, cook in hot water until tender.

When the potatoes are almost ready, add cabbage, salt and spices and cook over low heat.

Add finely chopped herbs to the soup, close the lid and leave for a few minutes.

After this, the milk soup with vegetables can be served.

Milk soup with pumpkin:

Very healthy and incredibly tasty milk soup with pumpkin will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. The hot dish has a surprisingly beautiful appearance, so it can be served even on festive table to surprise your guests.

To prepare it, you will need the following products: ripe pumpkin pulp - 300 g, milk - 1/2 liter, butter - 20-30 g, sugar, salt and pepper - to taste.

A ripe pumpkin must be thoroughly peeled from its thick peel.

Wash the finished pumpkin well in cold water, then cut into small pieces - you can cut into cubes, or you can use a coarse grater.

To soften the pumpkin, you need to pour a small amount of water over it and put it on medium heat and simmer with the lid on.

Medium-sized cubes will cook in about 10 minutes.

Select a few cubes, pour the rest of the pumpkin with milk and continue cooking over low heat.

It is best to add salt and sugar to the soup after the pumpkin is already soft enough.

When the pumpkin boils well, remove from heat and cool slightly.

After this, use a hand blender to beat the pumpkin with milk until you get vegetable puree. If the mass turns out to be very thick, add a little water and milk in a one to one ratio.

Place the finished cream soup on the fire, bring to a boil and after that it can be served immediately. For decoration, use separately boiled pumpkin pieces sprinkled with powdered sugar. You can add butter directly to the plate, or you can make a small sandwich and serve it separately. To add a delicate aroma, you can add a little vanilla sugar or cinnamon.

Milk soup with carrots:

To prepare milk soup with carrots, you need to take 2-3 medium-sized carrots, a tablespoon of flour, a little butter, two glasses of water and two glasses of milk. Salt and spices can be added to taste, but try to do this at the end of cooking, otherwise the soup will lose its flavor. delicate taste and aroma.

Since the main ingredient in this soup is carrots, try to choose good varieties of the root vegetable that are sweet and juicy.

Before peeling carrots, it is best to rinse them well and then briefly soak them in a small amount of cold water for about 5-10 minutes. After this, we peel the skin - the thinner the better and cut it into small cubes or rings.

To make the carrots softer, put them in a separate bowl, add a small amount of water, add a piece of butter and simmer until tender over medium heat.

When the carrots are ready, you need to cool them, then rub them through a sieve or puree them in a blender.

In a glass, mix flour and a little salt, dilute with a small amount of water and mix well.

Bring the remaining water to a boil, add carrot puree and milk.

When the soup begins to boil, pour in the flour diluted in water in a thin stream and simmer for several minutes.

Carrot soup can be prepared both sweet and salty. If you want a sweet dessert, you can add a little sugar, berries or fruits to the soup before serving.

Add finely chopped parsley or dill to the salty soup.

Milk soup with onions:

To prepare a real culinary masterpiece, try milk soup with onions. For this you will need the most simple products: milk - 500 ml, loaf - 3 pieces, butter - 30-40 g, egg - 2 pcs, onion - 1-2 pcs, salt and pepper to taste.

Cut a piece of loaf into small cubes and fry in a frying pan with butter.

The croutons fried in this way should be set aside and the onion base should be prepared.

Peel the onions and cut into rings or half rings.

To make chopping onions less inconvenient, wet your knife in cold water.

Heat a piece of butter in a frying pan and fry the onion in it until golden brown.

After this, you need to pour the onion with a small amount of milk and simmer over low heat for 5-10 minutes.

When the onion has absorbed almost all the milk, add the beaten eggs and mix well.

To prevent the eggs from thickening, immediately add a small amount of water and bring to a boil over low heat.

The egg-onion mixture should be cooled, then beat with a mixer until pureed.

If you don't have a mixer at hand, you can grind the egg mass through a sieve.

Heat a glass of milk in a small saucepan and add half the crackers into it.

Let the crackers soften well, then beat with a mixer until smooth.

Mix the egg-onion mass and some of the softened crackers in one bowl, pour in the remaining amount of water and milk and set to simmer over low heat.

Try to stir all the time with a wooden spoon so that the soup does not burn.

Wash the parsley well in running water, cut off the stems and chop with a knife as finely as possible.

Serve the finished soup with croutons, generously sprinkled with herbs. To give the soup a creamier taste, you can add a little cream -10% fat.

To give the soup a more festive look, you can boil one egg, cool and sprinkle grated yolk on top.

Milk soup with vegetables

I suggest you diversify your lunch menu with a very cool and completely uncomplicated dish. This light, appetizing vegetable soup is perfect for both children's and adult menus. Try it, I recommend it!


  • Potatoes 2 pieces
  • Carrots 1-2 pieces
  • Onion 1/2 pieces
  • Cabbage 1/4 pieces
  • Green beans 100 grams
  • Milk 1 glass
  • Broth 3 cups
  • Salt 1 To taste
  • Pepper 1 To taste

Step 1

1. Pour water or broth (chicken or vegetable) into a saucepan and bring to a boil. At the same time, peel and chop all the vegetables: potatoes, onions, carrots, cabbage.

Step 2

2. Add vegetables to the broth. After boiling again, add salt and pepper to taste. Cook over medium heat until soft.

Step 3

3. After 10 minutes, add beans to the pan. When the vegetables are ready, pour in the milk.

Step 4

4. Bring to a boil, heat for just a couple of minutes and that’s it, remove from heat. Before serving, you can add a pinch of fresh herbs or croutons, for example, to the plate. Bon appetit!

Milk soup with vegetables

Today we cook milk soup with vegetables. We made this soup when we were students. On the one hand, it cost us little, but on the other hand, we were full.

It is believed that the first soups began to be prepared in the Mediterranean during the Stone Age. But when did they start making milk soups? Nobody knows for sure. But there are claims that milk soup was first cooked in Ancient Rome. At that time, there was enmity between Catholics and Protestants, and these events developed near the village of Capella. There is even a painting called “Milk Soup in the Chapel”.

The warriors were already pretty tired of the hostilities and dreamed of returning home as soon as possible to rest and have a tasty meal. And then one evening on the battlefield, the wives of Catholic soldiers brought a large cauldron with delicious-smelling food. The Protestants, catching the delicious smell of the soup, decided to exchange it for bread. The Catholics agreed, but suggested during the meal that there should be no military action. The boiler was moved to the middle. After such a dinner with delicious soup and hot rolls, no one wanted to fight anymore. Thus, the hostility between Catholics and Protestants ceased.

There are different types of milk soups: with pasta, often with noodles, cereal soups (rice, millet, pearl barley, buckwheat, semolina, oats, etc.), vegetable soups - with potatoes, carousa, pumpkin, turnips. Some people cook milk soup with beans or peas, and others with mushrooms. They make milk soup with chicken and cheese. Each of these milk soups is delicious and each of them is healthy in its own way.

Milk soups are rich in protein and calcium, and in vegetables, even boiled ones, we received a certain dose of vitamins. Proteins help our body produce hormones, enzymes, and also give us energy to work muscle tissue. Calcium promotes the growth and strengthening of bone tissue, hair and nails. Vitamins are a source of various vitamins, plant enzymes and fiber. As you can see, this soup is very useful not only for the growing body, but also for adults.

Hot milk soup soup gives us a feeling of fullness. In addition, the amino acids contained in milk help us fight insomnia and strengthen nervous system, help get out of stress, strengthen our immunity. When drinking milk soup, heartburn disappears and reduces high blood pressure. There are different types of milk soups: with pasta, often with vermicelli, cereal soups (rice, millet, pearl barley, etc.).

So, let's prepare milk soup with vegetables . To prepare it you need:

  • 0.5 l milk
  • 0.5 l water
  • 2 raw potatoes or 1/8 pumpkin
  • some white cabbage
  • half a medium carrot
  • 1 onion
  • butter or ghee
  • salt and sugar to taste, dill
  • Add milk to a saucepan with water. The combination of water and milk gives the soup a delicate taste, the milk in the soup will not burn and this soup will not be particularly high in calories. Place on low heat so that the milk does not run away.
  • Add diced potatoes. This time I decided to add pumpkin instead of potatoes; I still had some left over from the pumpkin casserole.
  • I add finely shredded cabbage (about a small handful) to the pan.
  • Separately, in a frying pan in oil, I fry the carrots and onions chopped on a coarse grater until golden brown and also add them to the soup.
  • Add salt and sugar to taste.
  • Stirring the soup occasionally, let it simmer over low heat for about 1 hour. During this time, the vegetables will be well cooked (soaked). When I finish cooking the soup, I do not cover it with a lid so that the milk does not escape from the soup.
  • Ready milk soup with vegetables pour into plates, sprinkle dry or frozen dill on top (if you still have fresh dill, it will be even better). The soup looks very appetizing: in the white broth you can see yellow pumpkin, orange carrots, white cabbage, and greens on top! I hope you enjoy this soup!

I suggest you eat this delicious soup accompanied by the singing of birds in the forest.

Milk vegetable soup

My favorite milk soup is milk vegetable soup. Many people do not understand such a vegetable as white cabbage. And personally, I think that the cabbage there is as good as all the other ingredients. Try it and decide whether you are with me or... better without soup.

Total cooking time – 0 hours 40 minutes

Active cooking time – 0 hours 20 minutes

Cost - very economical

Calorie content per 100 g - 55 kcal

Number of servings – 4 servings

How to prepare milk vegetable soup

White cabbage – 150 g

Potatoes - 350 g

Green peas - 80 g

Sugar - 1 tsp. no slide

Butter - 20 g

Nutmeg - 0.5 tsp.

We peel and chop the vegetables: chop the cabbage into small pieces, I prefer to cut the carrots into small cubes without using a grater, and I cut the potatoes into regular, not very large cubes.

Don’t forget that coarsely chopped carrots will take longer to cook, and since we add all the vegetables together, the cooking time should be more or less the same.

Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan and add the previously prepared vegetables. The water should just cover them. Even if it seems to you that there is a little bit of it, it doesn’t matter; you don’t have to add it, since the cabbage will settle a little. But if you really want it, then you can add 100-150 grams to calm it down.

Cook for about 15 minutes (no more), over low heat. Cover with a lid.

You can put peas in this soup either fresh, frozen, or canned. I prefer frozen, I always have it in my freezer.

Add milk to the vegetables and bring everything to a boil again. Well, now throw in the peas (no need to defrost) and cook our soup for another five to seven minutes. Test cabbage and carrots for doneness.

All that's left is the seasonings. Nutmeg is very good there. But if suddenly you don’t find it at home, then you don’t need to urgently run to the store, you can completely do without it.

Add salt to taste, a little sugar, add ground nutmeg, a piece of butter, stir everything and turn it off after a minute: our vegetable milk soup is ready! Bon appetit to you all!

Vegetable milk soup

fresh white cabbage – 500 g,

5 medium potatoes,

3 small carrots,

liter of fresh milk,

Cut the cabbage into small squares.

Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into large cubes.

Grate the peeled carrots on a medium grater.

Place all the vegetables in a pan of boiling water and cook until half cooked.

You can also grind the soup through a sieve or use a blender. Sprinkle with fresh herbs and serve.

Article read 164 times

Milk soup with potatoes and vegetables - light vegetable soup made with milk. I associate this first dish with the school canteen - I well remember plates of milk with pieces of vegetables floating in it. For some reason, almost all of my classmates returned the soup untouched, but my friend and I liked it. When I grew up and started cooking, I remembered a school recipe and decided to improve it a little. It is important to prepare a tasty base, something like a liquid bechamel sauce or, as it is also called, white sauce. Foam never forms on milk with butter and flour, and it is because of them, damned, that many people disliked this milk soup!

Vegetables, before adding to the base of the soup, need to be simmered - boiled until half cooked. This does not apply to tender green vegetables - peas and Brussels sprouts, which can be added to boiling milk. Bright green peas and cabbage disappear during prolonged cooking, the vegetables become brown-green and look unappetizing.

My grandmother also prepared a similar dish, but added boiled beans to it and did without exotic ingredients, such as Brussels sprouts. By the way, the milk in the village was fresh, the cream was not skimmed off, so the milk soup turned out to be simply delicious.

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes
  • Number of servings: 5

Ingredients for milk soup with vegetables

  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 20 g wheat flour;
  • 100 g Brussels sprouts;
  • 120 g green peas;
  • 180 g potatoes;
  • 80 g carrots;
  • 1\3 nutmeg;
  • salt.

Method for preparing milk soup with vegetables

To prepare milk soup with potatoes and vegetables, first prepare the vegetables. Cut the peeled potatoes into small cubes and throw them into a saucepan. For soups, I advise you to use potatoes that do not boil soft, for example, “treasury”.

Add carrots cut into thin slices to the potatoes, pour hot water. Boil the vegetables until half cooked, this will take 5-7 minutes.

Place the steamed vegetables in a sieve to drain. By the way, I don’t recommend throwing out the vegetable broth - it’s the basis for a vegetarian sauce.

Melt butter in a saucepan, add wheat flour. Fry the flour over low heat until golden brown, stir.

Throw the steamed vegetables, Brussels sprouts and green peas into the saucepan. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes after boiling, add salt to taste.

Grate 1/3 of the nutmeg into a saucepan at the end of cooking. Add nutmeg to dishes with caution; it has a strong taste, so if you overdo it, you can ruin everything.

Pour milk soup with vegetables into plates, garnish with fresh herbs if desired. Serve hot. Bon appetit.

Milk soup with vegetables is easy dietary dish, which can be prepared for children. Kids don’t really like spices, so it’s better to do without nutmeg, and boiled vegetables You can mash it lightly with a fork.

When you read the name of this dish, it is very likely that vague doubts like: “Soup with milk? What a terrible mockery of the stomach? But these are all absolute prejudices! Adds milk to this recipe spicy taste soup is the highlight of this dish and in no way spoils it. In addition, the soup is low in calories and many sports and fitness enthusiasts enjoy preparing and eating this dish! Try it too! You will definitely like it!


  • 1. Milk – one liter;
  • 2. Water – four hundred grams;
  • 3. Potatoes – four hundred grams;
  • 4. Cauliflower – three hundred and eighty grams;
  • 5. Carrots – one hundred grams;
  • 6. Green peas– three hundred grams;
  • 7. Butter – twenty grams;
  • 8. Salt – according to taste preferences

Energy value: fifty-two kilocalories per 100 grams of dish.

Step-by-step description of preparing the dish “Milk soup with vegetables”:

1. First, cooks need to cut the carrots into fairly small cubes.

2. Then you need to sauté the carrots until the oil colores.

3. After this, you need to disassemble the cabbage into individual inflorescences.

5. The next step: you will need to boil the milk and, of course, remove the foam from it.

6. At this stage, you need to bring the water to a boil and salt it.

7. Now you should add peeled and chopped potatoes to the water.

8. Then add cabbage to the soup.

9. After the soup has boiled, you need to add the sautéed carrots.

11. Then you need to add hot milk to the soup and bring the dish until cooked.

12. Finally, you should add the green peas.

13. Now you need to let the soup boil.

14. Then leave the soup to steep for fifteen minutes.

15. When serving in a bowl of soup, you can put a piece of butter on top.

Are you ready? Well, what do you say? It's really very tasty, isn't it? Then you should absolutely tell this recipe to your friends, relatives, colleagues, neighbors, and then together you will arrange an incredible “gastronomic feast”! After all, happy people are, first of all, well-fed people!

We peel and chop the vegetables: chop the cabbage into small pieces, I prefer to cut the carrots into small cubes without using a grater, and I cut the potatoes into regular, not very large cubes.
Don’t forget that coarsely chopped carrots will take longer to cook, and since we add all the vegetables together, the cooking time should be more or less the same.

Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan and add the previously prepared vegetables. The water should just cover them. Even if it seems to you that there is a little bit of it, it doesn’t matter; you don’t need to add it, since the cabbage will settle a little. But if you really want it, then you can add 100-150 grams to calm it down.

Cook for about 15 minutes (no more), over low heat. Cover with a lid.

You can put peas in this soup either fresh, frozen, or canned. I prefer frozen, I always have it in my freezer.

Add milk to the vegetables and bring everything to a boil again. Well, now throw in the peas (no need to defrost) and cook our soup for another five to seven minutes. Test cabbage and carrots for doneness.

All that's left is the seasonings. Nutmeg is very good there. But if suddenly you don’t find it at home, then you don’t need to urgently run to the store, you can completely do without it.

According to housewives, this dish is a wonderful option for a light lunch or afternoon snack. Milk soup with vegetables is easy and quick to prepare, and systematically introducing it into your diet can significantly diversify your daily diet. Dishes prepared with milk are beneficial for both adults and children. Experts consider milk soup with vegetables to be a valuable source of vitamins, protein and essential amino acids for the body. In addition, this treat is quite low in calories, which is why it is often preferred by those who want to lose weight. There is a huge variety of recipes for making milk soup with vegetables. We invite you to familiarize yourself with some of them.

Quick recipe for milk soup with vegetables: ingredients

To prepare four servings of the dish use:

  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • cabbage - a quarter of a head of cabbage;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • milk - 3 glasses;
  • canned corn- 1 jar;
  • frozen green peas - 200 g;
  • two yolks;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter.

The process takes 45 minutes.


Preparing milk soup with vegetables (photo presented in the article) is quick and easy.

Potato puree soup with milk

To prepare four servings of a healthy and tasty dish according to this recipe, you will need:

  • 800 grams of potatoes;
  • 50-70 grams of onions;
  • two glasses of milk;
  • 3-4 glasses of water or broth;
  • two tablespoons of butter;
  • one or two tablespoons of flour;
  • one teaspoon (optional) - salt;
  • a quarter teaspoon of pepper (optional);
  • 100 grams white bread(or one crouton bun).

How to cook?

The process takes about an hour. They work like this:

  1. Potatoes are peeled, washed, finely chopped. The onion is peeled, washed and chopped.
  2. Melt butter in a saucepan or bowl over low heat.
  3. Next, add flour and, with constant stirring, fry it over low heat for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Then it is diluted with three to four glasses of hot water (you can use broth).
  5. Place potatoes, chopped onion, salt and pepper in the same saucepan. Cook the dish covered over low heat for 40-50 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  6. Next you should boil the milk. After the vegetables are cooked, they are rubbed through a sieve. Then add hot milk and a small piece of butter (butter) to the puree, mix well and boil. Next, remove the soup from the heat.
  7. Bread (or a bun) is cut into small pieces. Fry the croutons over low heat in a dry frying pan until golden brown.
  8. The greens are washed and chopped. Potato soup with milk, served with herbs and croutons.

Delicious milk soup with vegetables

To prepare this light soup use:

  • 400 grams of milk;
  • 100 grams of cauliflower;
  • 100 grams of broccoli;
  • 100 grams of zucchini;
  • one handful of green peas (frozen or fresh);
  • one carrot;
  • two medium-sized potatoes;
  • 0.5 tsp. nutmeg;
  • 400 grams of water;
  • to taste - butter, salt and sugar.

From the specified amount of products four servings of the dish are obtained.

Description of the cooking process

The dish takes 25 minutes to prepare. The technology for preparing milk soup with vegetables involves the following steps:

  1. Carrots and potatoes, cut into cubes, are boiled in water for about 8 minutes.
  2. Add broccoli, disassembled into florets, and cauliflower, as well as zucchini, cut into cubes.
  3. Pour in milk, bring to a boil, after 5 minutes add seasonings and peas. Cook the soup for another two minutes.
  4. At the end, add a little butter (butter) to the saucepan (or to each serving).

Vegetable soup with cheese and corn

To prepare four servings of milk soup with vegetables according to this recipe, use:

  • broccoli (disassembled into inflorescences) - 0.75 cups;
  • red bell pepper- 1 piece;
  • two potatoes, cut into cubes;
  • 300 grams of canned corn;
  • two-thirds cup shredded cheddar cheese;
  • two thirds of a glass of milk;
  • one and a half glasses of vegetable broth;
  • one glass of vegetable oil;
  • one chopped onion (red);
  • three cloves of garlic (chopped);
  • two glasses of flour;
  • to taste - salt, ground black pepper.


The recipe for making milk soup with vegetables, corn and cheese involves the following steps:

  1. In a large, thick-walled saucepan, heat the oil (vegetable) over medium heat.
  2. Then add bell peppers, onions, potatoes and garlic. Cook over low heat, with constant stirring, for about 2-3 minutes.
  3. Sprinkle the vegetables with flour and simmer, stirring constantly, for about half a minute.
  4. Milk and broth are gradually introduced.
  5. Then put the corn kernels and broccoli florets into the pan, bring the mass to a boil, then reduce the heat and cook the soup for about another twenty minutes, until the vegetables become soft.
  6. Then half a glass of cheese (grated) is added to the soup, salt and pepper to taste.

Serve the dish with the remaining cheese sprinkled on top.

Finnish cabbage soup (milk)

Another healthy recipe milk soup with vegetables, which is useful for young mothers, as it is nutritious and delicious dish belongs to the category " children's menu" To prepare four servings you should use:

  • 200 grams of white cabbage;
  • two carrots;
  • one zucchini;
  • one liter of milk;
  • one tablespoon of butter;
  • to taste - salt.

Cooking features

The process lasts 45 minutes. They work like this:

  1. The cabbage is chopped, placed in a saucepan, filled with water and set to cook.
  2. Grate the carrots on a (large) grater and add it to the cabbage.
  3. Zucchini is cut into cubes, added to vegetables and cooked until almost fully cooked.
  4. When the soup is almost completely ready, add milk and salt. After the milk has warmed up, but has not yet had time to form foam, add a little butter to the soup and cook for about 5-10 minutes.

Vegetable soup with milk

This light, but nutritious and tasty dish is prepared without meat, with the addition of rice, sour cream and milk. According to reviews, its taste is distinguished by a delicate aroma and a pleasant creamy taste. To prepare it use:

  • one zucchini;
  • one carrot;
  • one onion;
  • one clove of garlic;
  • fresh dill, salt, ground black pepper - to taste;
  • two tablespoons of rice;
  • 30 ml milk;
  • 40 ml sour cream (fat content - 20%);
  • one tablespoon of flour;
  • one egg;
  • vegetable oil- for frying.

In addition, vegetable broth is prepared separately. For it you will need:

  • onion (half);
  • half a carrot;
  • one teaspoon of 10 Vegetable Seasoning;
  • 700 ml water.


They work like this:

  1. First, prepare the food and cook the vegetable broth: add half an onion and half a carrot with water, and put the saucepan with vegetables on the fire.
  2. After the water boils, add vegetable seasoning (preferably “10 vegetables”, but any other can be used). Vegetable broth is simmered, covered, for 20 minutes over low heat. Then the carrots and onions (cooked) are removed from the broth.
  3. Onions (raw) are cut into cubes (small), carrots (raw) are grated. Chopped vegetables are fried in oil (vegetable) until golden brown, after which they are salted and peppered.
  4. Then add the zucchini, cut into cubes and chopped garlic. Combine the vegetables and fry for about 1-2 minutes.
  5. Then add flour, mix and fry for about 5 minutes until they acquire a golden hue.
  6. Next, add rice (washed) to the vegetable broth and add vegetables (fried).
  7. Sour cream is diluted with milk. A mixture of sour cream and milk is poured into the soup and mixed with zucchini and rice. The dish is cooked without covering it with a lid.
  8. Break an egg into a bowl or other container and beat it with a fork. After the rice in the soup is ready, pour the egg in a thin stream into the pan and stir.
  9. Add dill (chopped) to vegetable soup with rice, bring to a boil and turn off the heat. After this, cover the pan with a lid and let the dish brew for 15 minutes.

An incredibly tasty zucchini rice soup with sour cream and milk can be served. Bon appetit!