Lesson summary: decoration of a Russian hut. Outline of a lesson in fine arts “Decoration of a Russian hut”

Short term plan

Technology teacher at school-gymnasium No. 7

Krivonosova L.A.

Date 03/15/2017

Class 6 "B"

lesson 26

Subject lesson: Interior of a residential building. Decoration of the yurt.

Lesson objectives: Organize the activities of students to develop skills in planning the interior of a residential premises.

Educational goals:
To promote the formation and development of skills in the selection of room decoration with wallpaper and fabrics in a single compositional solution.
To help memorize the basic terminology used when designing the interior of a residential building.
Developmental goals:
To promote the mastery of the basic methods of mental activity of students (teaching to analyze, highlight the main thing, compare, build analogies, enrich and systematize, pose and solve problems).
To promote the formation and development of students’ cognitive interest in the subject.
Promote the formation and development of student independence.
Educational goals :

Contribute to the formation and development of aesthetic, environmental, economic qualities of the individual.
Promote education correct attitude to universal human values.

to cultivate interest and respect for the Kazakh national culture, the traditions and customs of the Kazakh people.
Methodological equipment of the lesson:

Material and technical base:
- labor training room,
- materials and devices,
- laptop,
- multimedia projector.
. Didactic support :
- textbook;
- workbook;
- educational and technological documentation:
- materials for monitoring students’ knowledge:
task cards,
multimedia disc with the presentation “The concept of composition in the interior of a residential building.” "Yurt Decoration"
Teaching methods:
1. verbal, visual, audiovisual;
2. formation, consolidation, application of ZUN;
3. reproductive, explanatory and illustrative;
4. explanatory and stimulating, research outside the lesson;
5. education, activation of cognitive interests and deepening of knowledge.
Forms of organization of students’ cognitive activity
teacher’s explanation based on students’ personal knowledge, frontal questioning, demonstration, independent work with handouts on technological map, conversation.
Lesson type: lesson - workshop.

Intersubject communication : Fine arts, drawing, history, English. Kazakh language.


Lesson stages. Forms of work.

Teacher's activities.

Student activities

Expected result

Organizational moment.

The purpose of the stage: to organize focused attention at the beginning of the lesson;

checking the readiness of workplaces;

creating a positive mood for students in the lesson.

2. Invigorating exercise

Working with children who have barriers to public speaking

3. Distribution by groups

Creating a collaborative environment

1.Welcomes students

2. Selects a student for an invigorating session.

Performs together with students.

3. Distributes students into groups. (by the molecule method). Offers to repeat the rules of working in a group.

1. Greet the teacher

2. One student offers her own version of an invigorating activity. Conducts, others carry out

3.Distributed into groups, assign roles, repeat the rules of working in the group.

Students will be able to concentrate positively on the lesson. Will overcome barriers to public speaking.

Checking homework.

1Demonstration of drawings

2. Assessment

Working with gifted children

1Invites students to demonstrate their drawings “My Dream Room”

2. To evaluate students’ work and their design, selects two students who did a good and excellent job with this work, voices the criteria by which the students’ work will be evaluated.

Posts marks in the journal

1Presenting their work.

2. The teacher helps evaluate the work according to the criteria compiled

The results are reported.

Students will demonstrate knowledge on the topic covered in the lesson. Learn to use assessment criteria.

Updating cognitive activity.

The purpose of the stage is to awaken, excite, interest, encourage students to remember that. what they know.

1. Conversation on issues

Group work

2. Conversation on the statement

3.Practical work


1. Offers answers to the following questions

Tell me, who knows what an interior is?

What is composition?

2. Offers a statement for discussion.
Reads in two languages

“My house is my castle” “My house is my castle”
3. Offers to complete the task for English.
Each group is offered drawings of furniture that make up the interior of the rooms. Students must name each piece of furniture in English.

1Answer questions

2 Conversation based on statements

Express their opinion

3. Complete the task in English.

Learn to interact with each other.

With the help of questions and statements of great people, they will increase cognitive activity for the lesson.

Rationale for the doctrine

State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Purpose of the stage:

lead children to independently set a cognitive goal.

Work on issues.


Offers to determine the topic of the lesson using leading questions

What do you think we will talk about today?

What should we learn, understand, highlight?

Suggests filling out the column in the table of agricultural management regulations “I want to know”

Determine the topic of the lesson using leading questions.

Fill out the column in the table “I want to know”

Learn to independently determine the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Understanding the material.

The purpose of this stage is to introduce new information, analyze information and determine personal understanding of it.

1.View slides in parallel with the teacher's explanation

2 Practical work.

2. Final stage:

1.Offers viewing of a slide presentation.- Functional qualities of the interior

-Hygienic requirements .

-Aesthetic qualities –- Zoning


-Yurt decoration

– tekemet, syrmak; woven carpets.
wooden furniture: bed (tosekagash), chests for food and dishes (kebezhe), chests for things (sandyk), stand for bedding (zhukayak), floor hanger for clothes (adalbakan).

utensils: for kumiss - saba, torsyk, for drinking it - ozhau, shaha, tostaghan.

2 Practical work.

And now we have come to the practical work.

- proposes to write down in the drawing the items of decoration of the yurt on Kazakh language

Final stage:

Fill in the column of the ZHU table “Learned”

1. I listen, watch, write down basic concepts.

They pick up the cards. They ask questions.

I don't understand.....?

I understand...

2. Execute practical work..

3. perform peer assessment.

They will become familiar with the concept of composition, zoning, and functionality in the interior.

Learn how to apply the acquired knowledge in practice) They will learn to evaluate each other and determine their degree of understanding. Low-performing students will be able to show their importance in the lesson and increase their self-esteem.

Reflection. The purpose of the stage: to form personal responsibility for the results of activities.

    Filling out exit sheets.

And now I would like to know your opinion about the lesson.

Complete the sentence:

The most interesting thing in the lesson was...

What I learned…………………

What new things did I learn……………

Explanation of evaluation points

1.Answer questions

2Identify their emotional state

They will learn to take responsibility for the results obtained, to see their mistakes and successes.

Homework: Learn the basic concepts on the topic of the lesson, which are written down in your notebook. Prepare reports on the traditions and rituals of hospitality of the Kazakh people.

Summary of a fine arts lesson in 5th grade on the topic:

"Decoration of a Russian hut"

Lesson objectives:

Developing interest in folk culture, cultivating a sense of belonging to the history and culture of one’s people.

Familiarization of students with the external decoration of a Russian hut;
- deepening students’ knowledge about traditional folk buildings;
-development of a sense of patriotism, interest in the history and culture of one’s people, in the treasures of folk art.
Educational: expanding students’ knowledge about carved and painted elements used to decorate Russian huts
Developmental: development of creative imagination, fantasy, ability to understand and appreciate beauty.
Educational: promoting the aesthetic perception of reality through cognitive and practical activities; - fostering a respectful attitude towards the culture and customs of one’s people, a desire to increase spiritual and moral traditions.


A) teacher
Samples of carved and painted home decorations

B) students

Paper, paints, brushes. palette
Musical range: Russian folk music.

Lesson Plan

1. Organizational moment.
2.Motivation of students. Updating existing knowledge.

3. Explanation new topic. The originality of the art of peoples living in different climatic zones of the country. Features of the structure of a peasant hut
Originality of decor.
The difference between the decorative decoration of the Russian hut in the Volga region and in the North of Russia.
4.Independent work.

5. Lesson summary
3. Explanation of the topic of the lesson.
Russian people lived in close collaboration with nature and the surrounding world, expressing their ideas about it in symbolic images, as if calling upon the powerful forces of nature as allies. The originality of the art of peoples living in different climatic zones of the country influenced the structural features of the peasant hut and the originality of the decor.
The thoughts, dreams, hopes of any person are connected with the present and directed towards the future. Thanks to the fact that when thinking about the future, we turn to the past, there are folk traditions, folk art, including the art of building a home. The art of every nation begins with architecture. Once upon a time in Rus', forests surrounded villages and villages with a tight wall. Russian architecture preserves the people's memory. Memory helps us live fully, create, and affirm new things.
One of the famous specialists V.S. Voronov wrote: “art born by a folk collective is always brilliant, always retains enormous fruitful and undying energy of influence on individuality and is always an example of the greatness and power of true creativity.”
Folk art today represents the core connecting modern artistic culture with the origins of human civilization.
Russian hut...
What is a house, a hut for a person?
What should a person's home (dwelling) be like?
Man, feeling unprotected from external forces, sought to create his own world, his own home - kind and cozy. And therefore, it is no coincidence that if you pay attention to peasant houses in villages and villages, you will not be able to find two houses identical in external decoration.
Why do you think? (because every owner of the house tried to make his house beautiful, cozy, distinguished by its carved or painted decoration, that is, it had its own individual “face”.
The names of the structures and decorative elements themselves are interesting and mysterious.
The pediment is redundant, the front part is a face, the windows are eyes. It’s amazing that the appearance of the hut is so humanized. The craftsmen covered not only the interior items with wonderful carvings, but also the hut itself.
The peasant house was called dear, dear, as they call a dear person. Home - shelter in its significance was on the same level as such concepts as life, goodness, native land.
The Russian hut consisted of three parts:
the upper part is the life of the soul, therefore the brightest, most beautiful, elegant;
horse - ohlupen (heavenly chariot);
log house - they started building from it, this is a person’s life.
a cell is a windowless room in which barrels of jam and pickles were stored (in the northern regions of our country).
Why did a Russian man put a horse on the roof of a house?
Is it just for decoration or is there a deeper meaning?
Moreover, it was simply impossible for one person to hoist the skate. The whole world, the whole village, erected a huge larch log, with the image of a horse or bird carved from the rhizome, and the whole world rejoiced at the successful completion of the task. This is what the great Russian poet S.A. wrote about this. Yesenin: “The horse in Greek, Roman, Egyptian and Russian mythology is a sign of aspiration, but only one Russian man thought of putting it on his roof, likening his hut under it to a chariot.”
It turns out that for a Russian person the image of a horse on the roof meant much more than decoration; it personified the sun, became a solar sign, under the protection of which the house and peasant family were located.
Russian culture is all protective, designed to protect people.
One of the common images of a Russian hut is the image of a mermaid - bereginya. Our ancestors were able to capture their observations of the movement of the sun across the sky in the figurative structure of the pediment of the house.
Towel boards decorate the front gable of the hut.
Symbols of the sun and earth on carved towels of peasant huts.
The left end of the piers symbolized the morning rising sun, and the right end symbolized the evening setting sun. Why did peasants most often depict the sun in their ornaments (carved and painted)?
Because the well-being of the family of a peasant farmer depended on the sun. The dream of the sun was also explained by the fact that it was often rare and therefore so desirable in the harsh northern regions.
Pricheliny - “abysses” of huts (incantatory ornamentation).
The windows of the huts had frames with carved flowers, herbs or images of various animals.
Through the front windows the light of the sun and news of village life entered the hut. The window connected the world of home life with the outside world, and that is why the decor of the windows was so solemnly decorated.
On the platbands one could see figures of birds pecking grapes and images of fantastic animals.

“You touched the fields with rays,
Smiled with cheerful fire,
You seemed like a circle and a diamond,
It even seemed like you were a horse,” wrote the poet B. Dubrovin.
4 .Assignment for creative work. (optional)
- make a sketch of the decoration of the pediment of the house - option 1
- make a sketch of the decorative design of the window (with carved trim - option 2)
- decorate the window with shutters - option 3
- make a sketch of decorative decoration: pier or frontal board or towel.
Pedagogical guidance of students' creativity.
6. Summing up the lesson.
- What did we learn in class today?
- What did you learn in the lesson?
Analysis of student work, grading .
Questions for reflection:
- Why do people decorate their homes?
- What can the decor of a peasant hut tell about?
- Name the elements of the hut.
Resources for preparing for the lesson:
N.A. Goryaeva O.V. Ostrovskaya. Decorative and applied arts in human life. M. Education, 2006
M.A. Nekrasova Folk art of Russia. Folk art as a world of integrity
. M., 1983

Subject: "Decoration of a Russian hut"

Lesson type: lesson on learning new material

Target :

  • Learn to understand and explain the integrity of the figurative structure of a traditional peasant dwelling, expressed in its three-part structure and decor.


  • formation of general cultural, educational, cognitive, information competencies of students;
  • learn to reveal the symbolic meaning, the meaningful meaning of signs-images in the decorative decoration of the hut;
  • get acquainted with the structure and decor of a peasant home;
  • learn to identify and characterize individual details of the decorative decoration of the hut as a manifestation of constructive, decorative and visual activity..

Visual range:

  1. Slides with elements of a Russian hut
  2. Multimedia presentation
  3. Textbook N.A. Goryaeva, O.V. Ostrovskaya “Fine arts 5th grade. DPI in human life", M.: "Enlightenment, 2013

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, screen, presentation “Decoration of a Russian hut”;

Vocabulary: Cage - a covered rectangular wooden frame with windows, a door, and a floor.

Lesson progress:

I. Lesson organization. (3 min)

1. Greeting.

2. Checking students' readiness for the lesson.

II. Introduction to the topic. (6 min.)

Guys! Families in Rus' were large; fathers, grandfathers, and grandchildren gathered under one roof. It’s easier to keep a house together, work in the fields, and go fishing.

The ancient Slavs invested the deepest meaning in the construction of a house, because in this case a person is likened to the gods who created the Eternal Universe. Man built his world, creating something new that did not exist in nature and that should serve and protect the entire race.

A hut is a Russian wooden log house (mostly rural, but also urban until the 17th-18th centuries).

What types of houses existed?

  1. House "brus" - a house covered with a gable symmetrical roof,
  2. The "koshel" house - a hut and a courtyard stand side by side, covered with a common gable roof.
  3. A “verb” house is a house in which the utility part is located on the side and behind the entryway. The plan resembles the letter "G".

Now let's think about how the house was divided in popular ideas?

What do you think the roof was associated with in popular ideas? (with the sky)

What about the cage? (with the ground).

Podklet (underground)? (with the underworld).

The peasant house became like a small Universe, symbolizing the connection between man and the cosmos.

And now we will get acquainted with the decorative decoration of the hut.

III. Learning new material. (8 min.)

Lesson topic: “Decoration of a Russian hut”

Let's start with the roof. She is crowned stupid horse - the personification of strength, goodness and beauty, symbolized the sun moving across the sky.

Board-towel – decorates the front of the upper part of the hut; pier boards - go down the edge of the roof. They depicted symbols of the sun (round rosettes), symbols of the earth (a circle with a rhombus inside, rhombuses, rectangles).

The solar signs on the towel symbolize the midday sun, at the end of the pier on the left side - the morning rising sun, and on the right the evening setting sun.

Look at the illustrations on pages 24-26. This is how the Volga region huts were decorated. Notice how elegant the pediment and window casings are. Here we see floral patterns and images of fantastic creatures: half-humans, half-fish, magical birds, good-natured lions.

IV. Summing up. (2 min.)

Today we introduced you to Russian folk wooden architecture using the example of a peasant hut.

And let's repeat what symbolic images can be seen in the patterned decoration of the huts? (symbolic images of the sun, earth, birds, plants, animals, fantastic creatures)

V Task (19 min)

Make a graphic drawing of a fragment of a wooden house decoration.

VI Checking the task (2 min)

Date of publication: 08/31/17

Lesson plan for fine arts

Lesson topic: “The decoration of a Russian hut”

Class– 5 general education

Purpose of the lesson- study of decorative art and its place in the life of society; acquaintance of students with the traditional housing of the northern peoples, the main fragments of the decoration of the Russian hut.

Tasks: create conditions for:

  • students gain knowledge about the ancient roots of folk art, familiarize themselves with the traditional housing of the northern peoples; Development of creative and cognitive activity.
  • formation of practical skills to work in a small team (group): development of students’ thinking skills (formation of various types of thinking, memory, attention and speech), cognitive interest, ability to find the necessary information, ability to perform a graphic drawing of a fragment of a wooden house decoration.
  • nurturing a culture of mental work, developing communicative qualities, developing the ability to perceive emotionally, the ability to explain, express one’s attitude and aesthetically evaluate the decoration of a traditional home.
  • Fostering love for the Motherland and folk culture.

Lesson type: lesson on discovering new knowledge

Lesson type: creativity lesson

Equipment and materials:

For the teacher

  • Schemes - tables depicting elements of a Russian hut.
  • Illustrations for Russians folk tales, epics, riddles.
  • Examples of peasant dwelling exteriors
  • Art materials.
  • Multimedia projector
  • Scheme cards for reflection
  • Magnetic board

Visual range: examples of ancient images in a Russian hut. Elements of decorative decoration of a Russian hut.

Literary series: poems, fairy tales.

Music series: folk melodies – lyrical, Russian folk songs.

For students:

  • A4 paper
  • Colored paper
  • Gouache paints
  • Watercolor paints
  • Brushes No. 2,4,6
  • Pastel
  • Gel pens
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Water jar
  • Napkins
  • Scissors

Lesson plan:

  1. Organizational moment. Reflection of emotional mood (Scheme 1).
  2. Updating basic knowledge.
  3. Formation of new knowledge.
  4. Statement of the artistic task of completing the exterior of a Russian hut. Distribution of roles in groups.
  5. Physical exercise.
  6. Immersion in the topic. Work in small groups on the details of the composition.
  7. Evaluation and defense of the work “Russian Izba”
  8. Reflection of activity
  9. Reflection of mood
  10. Reflection on the results of the lesson.
  11. Homework

Lesson progress

The class is divided into 4 groups in the previous lesson.

I. Organizational moment.(Motivation (self-determination) to educational activities) 1 min.

– Hello guys, I suggest you smile at each other and sit down. Is everyone present at class today? Let's check your readiness for the lesson. Is everyone ready?

Let's look at yours workplace. I want to draw your attention to table No. 1, lying on the table: in front of you is an image of a window, please color in what light you saw in your window (corresponding to your mood). Slide 2.

II. Updating referenceknowledgeand motivation5 min.

1). Checking homework.

Guys, I invite you on a journey, not just a simple one, but a virtual one. And the tickets today will be your homework. Who prepared the drawings, illustrations, messages?

The teachers show the drawing and make mini messages (on the external details of the hut) in groups (platband, frontal board, pier, ridge). Guys! What geometric signs are shown on the slide. Let's remember what they are called and what they mean? - SOLAR SIGNS.

Patterns can be different: floral, geometric, zoomorphic - they can depict fantastic creatures (mermaids, lions, fairy-tale birds, horses, etc.)

Slide 3. That's right, you used these solar signs in your works. What a great drawing you made, how beautiful your carved boards and trims turned out...

Where, guys, were patterned boards used? Where were they attached? - right to the house...

At this stage, students are prepared for the discovery of new knowledge, they carry out a trial learning activity and record their individual difficulties.

Our first stop: Layout of openwork decorative elements on the facade of the house. Slide 4.

Why, guys, were we unable to fill out the diagram of decorative elements on the facade of the house? – we don’t know;

III. Setting a learning task. (4-5 minutes) Identifying the location and cause of the problem. At this stage, students identify the location and cause of the difficulty.

What needs to be done? - to know.

  • - Guys, let's remember what we studied in previous lessons?
  • Student. We got acquainted with signs - symbols, ornamental motifs; tried to use the knowledge gained about ornamentation in decorating the external walls of the house;
  • ?? познакомиться with location and symbolic meaning decorations
  • Why did people decorate their homes?– We will answer this question at the end of the lesson.

Can we solve our problem? - No.

  • Why can't I complete the task? What's the problem?
    • Mood reflection (1 min.)
    • Reflection on the lesson results (1 min.)
    • Homework (1 min.): Find illustrations of the interior decoration of the hut.

What should you consider? - separate house. Slide 6. (wrote down the word - hut)

Slide 7. The slide presents two houses. Let's compare them: find what are the similarities and differences?

That's right, guys, the house under construction seems to have not been dressed yet, and the second house is decorated with carved boards, as if it had been dressed up. Our ancestors said: decoration or decoration… – (this word should also be added to the list of new words)

If the first house looks boring and monotonous, then a house decorated with carvings immediately becomes elegant and beautiful, emphasizing its individuality.

To discover new knowledge. Slide 8.

Slide 9. What do you think the lesson will be about, what is the topic of the lesson? - What knowledge do we lack to depict a Russian hut? What do you need to know? - right! Get acquainted with the traditional dwelling of the Russian hut. Get acquainted with the origins of folk art; identify the traditions of construction and decoration of the Russian hut;

Completion of the stage is associated with setting a goal and formulating the topic of the lesson. Determining the topic of the lesson.

What will the topic of the lesson be? Right! "Decoration of a Russian hut" Slide 10.

By the end of the lesson, you and I will do collective work "The decoration of a Russian hut."

IV. Discovery of new knowledge. (7-8 minutes)Introduction to the topic.(emotional immersion technology)

Where, guys, can we acquire the necessary knowledge? - of course, in history, literature, MHC... At this stage, students in a communicative form think about the project of future educational actions:

I invite you to continue our journey, where we will get acquainted with a traditional Russian dwelling, but first tell me: what is a hut (house) built of? They built (cut) from coniferous tree logs. Usually from pine, and in some areas in Transbaikalia, from larch. That's why the house is also called a log house. Slide 11.

Log house - they begin to build a house with it. What tools did you use to build the house? That's right, with an axe! The saw appeared much later... in

From century to century, from morning to morning, it sounded without end and without beginning. The recitative song of the ax grew stronger throughout all of Great Rus'.

Guys! Notice what the frame was placed on? There are logs on the stands. Thus, looking at the built house, the impression was that it stood on chicken legs... Looks like it?

Guys! Families in Rus' were large; fathers, grandfathers, and grandchildren gathered under one roof. It’s easier to keep a house together, work in the fields, and go fishing.

The ancient Slavs invested the deepest meaning in the construction of a house, because in this case a person is likened to God, who created the Universe. And Man built his world, creating something new that did not exist in nature and that should serve and protect the entire race. They also said: My home is my fortress. Home - the beginning of the beginning .Slide 12.

What types of houses existed?

1. House “timber” - a house covered with a gable symmetrical roof,

2. The “wallet” house - the hut and the yard stand side by side, covered with a common gable roof.

3. House “verb” - a house in which the economic part is located on the side and behind the entryway. The plan resembles the letter "G". Slide 13.

Now let's think about how the house was divided in popular ideas? Slide 14.

What do you think the roof was associated with in popular ideas? (with the sky)

What about the cage? (with the ground).

Podklet (underground)? (with the underworld).

The peasant house became like a small Universe, symbolizing the connection between man and the cosmos.

Everything touched by the hand of a talented folk craftsman acquired a festive elegance. Slide 15.

In conclusion, the general nature of the new knowledge is clarified and the overcoming of the previously encountered difficulty is recorded. And now we will get acquainted with the decorative decoration of the hut. An excursion into literature will help us with this: a poem by M.V. Kapralov. "Village": Slide 16.

Behind the high mountains
Beyond the endless forests
On my native land
People lived in the village.
But the village is not simple:
It stands on the mountain,
Nearby there is a golden field,
A river runs below,
Beyond the edge of the forest,
There live a bear, a fox,
There are houses along the river,
They look at the road.
Decorates them herself
Mother Nature.

Gave for the hut
Forest of spruce and pine,
Oak, aspen: what she could - Nature gave everything.
Look around you
What will you see, dear friend?
Five-walled wall in front of you
Like a painted tower,
You knock on the gate
And go through the gate.

Three windows in a row
They look at you like carvings.

Stump decorates the roof
Nicknamed stupid.
He's like a horse or a bird
Longing for the sun.

Either a tower or a house
And the little light is with him,
Look at the house
And find the windows in it.
Here is the red window
it's slanted,
Ah yes, world master!
Everything is decorated with carvings.

Here the piers hang down,
The logs are covered tightly.
By closing, they protect the miracle of the towels.
Well decorated house
And protected from evil.

Come up to the porch
Pull the ring quietly.
Look at the door - protection -
There is a horseshoe nailed there...

*** Here the fairy tale ends,
And who listened, well done!

Acquaintance with the house - shelter, house - nest - hut.

Give the concepts of a horse - a horse, boards - towels, the gable of a hut, boards - piers, the presence of windows.

physical minute 2 min

V. Primary consolidation. (4-5 minutes)Slide 23.

A conversation about the decoration of a peasant hut - a symbol of a small Universe.

Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech.

VI. Independent work with self-test according to the standard.(4-5 minutes)Slide 25.

When carrying out this stage, it is used custom uniform work: students independently perform tasks of a new type, self-test them, step by step comparing them with the standard, identify and correct possible errors, determine methods of action that cause them difficulties and they have to refine them.

Fill out the diagram:

We check against the template.

At the end, a performance reflection on the progress of the implementation of the constructed project of educational actions and control procedures is organized. Emotional focus stage consists of organizing a situation of success for each student, motivating him to engage in further cognitive activity.

7. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition (7-8 minutes)

Statement of the artistic task of completing the exterior of a Russian hut. Distribution of roles in groups. 3 minutes

Guys, in today's lesson let's try to recreate the model of a Russian hut. You are divided into groups of 4 people, distribute responsibilities according to the instructions in Appendix No. 2. In each group you need to define roles:

  • Reader (summarizes information about homework, writes out terms)
  • Computer science (working with a workbook, preparing a reflection on the lesson results)
  • Artist (responsible distributor of roles for the artistic expression of the work)
  • Speaker (hangs the work on the stand and sums up the artistic stage).

To complete this work, you need to work in stages:

Introductory (computer scientist job)

Creative work (work of all participants)

Research (choosing appropriate terms)

Final (defending your work)

Immersion in the topic. Work in small groups on the details of the composition. 10 minutes

The exterior of the hut includes the following elements - stupid horse , Board-towel , pier boards, platbands. Each group chooses one of the parts of the exterior and performs it using any artistic technique. At the completion stage, the work is hung on a stand and one complete picture is assembled. The results are posted by the speaker, and the color and technical solution is commented on.

Evaluation and defense of the work “Russian Izba”

The results are posted by the speaker, and the color and technical solution is commented on. On the table of each group there are three vases for assessment. After one team defends, members of the remaining teams take a card one by one (green - excellent, blue - four, red - three) and take it to the defending team’s vase. This is how the assessment works.

Well done guys, pay attention to the work we did. The teacher himself makes the conclusion.

8. Reflection on activity (lesson summary) (2 minutes)

Reflection on learning activities in the classroom.

At this stage, new content learned in the lesson is recorded, and reflection and self-assessment of students’ own learning activities is organized.

In conclusion, the purpose of the educational activity and its results are correlated, the degree of their correspondence is recorded, and further goals of the activity are outlined.

Guys, let's go back to our diagram No. 1, at the beginning of the lesson we filled in the upper squares, let's fill in the bottom ones and determine whether your mood has changed by placing our diagram on the board.

Well done guys, pay attention to what creative work we did. Each group worked on its own task, and together they add to each other and create a picture of the world of the Russian hut.

Let's summarize the lesson. In each group there is an informatics specialist who, throughout the lesson, analyzed, compared and outlined the main terms and concepts and is ready to share information with us (the teachers themselves draw conclusions from the dictation and the words of the lesson terms).

Questions for computer scientists:

  • What household items did the exterior of the home consist of?
  • How is each item decorated?
  • What sense of taste and proportion is present in the images?

After all, it couldn’t be otherwise.

This is our culture, which reflects character, morals,

customs and traditions of our people.

Reflection on the mood at the end: guys, draw in the window smiley!(according to mood)

Our lesson has come to an end, let's write it down homework. Thank you for your fruitful work.

Technological map of the lesson.

Lesson topic: Decoration of a Russian hut.
Item: fine arts.
Class: 5th grade.

Basic textbook: Fine arts. Decorative and applied arts in human life. 5th grade / N.A. Goryaeva, O.V. Ostrovskaya; edited by B.M. Nemensky.- M.: Education, 2013. – 20 p.
Lesson objectives: Continue the study of decorative art and its place in society; introduce children to the traditional housing of northern peoples, the main fragments of decorating a wooden house
To help students gain knowledge about the ancient roots of folk art, to get acquainted with the traditional housing of the northern peoples; create a fragment of decoration for a wooden house in the process of performing creative work
To promote the development of students' thinking skills, cognitive interest, the ability to find the necessary information, the ability to make a graphic drawing of a fragment of a wooden house decoration, the formation of various types of thinking, memory, attention and speech.
To promote a tolerant attitude towards each other, a culture of mental work, develop communication skills, develop the ability to perceive emotionally, the ability to explain, express one’s attitude and aesthetically evaluate the decoration of a traditional home.
Lesson type A lesson in discovering new knowledge.
Basic Concepts Hut, cage, basement, stupefying horse, pier boards, pediment, platbands, ornament
Interdisciplinary connections Art, history
Resources Multimedia projector; multimedia presentation; tables depicting elements of a traditional hut; table depicting the traditional dwellings of the northern peoples.
Problem-based learning methods, partially search-based, verbal, visual, explanatory and illustrative.
Planned results
navigate traditional peasant household art, issues of a multicultural nature, reflecting the unity and diversity of cultures of the peoples of Russia;
Subject: the ability to identify in works of peasant applied art the close connection of utilitarian-functional and artistic-figurative principles, constructive, decorative and visual elements, form and decor.
Personal: development of aesthetic needs in communication with folk arts and crafts, creative abilities, observation, visual memory, imagination and fantasy, emotional and value-based attitude towards folk craftsmen and their creations, communication skills in the process of joint practical creative activity.

Lesson progress

1. Self-determination for activity.
Org. mom.(1-2 min) Organizes a situation of students’ self-assessment of readiness for upcoming activities. Performs readiness assessment/self-assessment based on the following criteria:
- the correct choice of educational supplies,
-correct and neat arrangement of objects on the desk,
-independent preparation,
- mood for the lesson. Communicative: argue your position.
Regulatory: be able to organize the place of study.

2. Updating knowledge.(5 min) Conversation about the ancient roots of folk art.
- “What did we talk about in the last lesson?”
- “Where did people also use these symbols?”
- “What did the Russian people call their house?”
A conversation about the traditions of Russian architecture, the concept of “traditional hut”. - “On ancient symbols of folk art”
- “On items and clothing, in home decoration”

Explain the meaning of the concept “Izba”.
Cognitive: determine affiliation based on identifying essential features.
Personal: respect the culture of folk art; understand the roles of culture and art in human life;
Communicative: cooperation with the teacher and students, expressing your thoughts, arguing, engaging in conversation, listening and understanding others, participating in dialogue.

3. Statement of the problem and educational task.
(5 min) --What do you think the lesson will be about, what is the topic of the lesson?
- What knowledge do we lack to depict a Russian hut? - “Decoration of a Russian hut” -
They talk about the topic, separating knowledge from ignorance.
-“Get acquainted with the traditional Russian hut dwelling and its details”
They formulate a goal, fix the learning task, and suggest their actions. Regulatory: together with the teacher, determine the goal of the action, articulate the plan, offer versions, learn to evaluate the success of your task, admit mistakes.

4. Discovery of new knowledge.
(7-8 min.) Acquaintance with the main elements of Russian housing, their symbolic meaning. (Presentation. “Decoration of a Russian hut.”) A story about a traditional hut.
They perceive the presentation. Analyze new information about the elements of Russian housing. They talk about the meaning of a peasant's home.
Regulatory: be able to plan and competently carry out educational activities in accordance with the task.
Cognitive: development of value orientations for joint cognitive activities to discover new knowledge.
Communicative: planning educational cooperation (constructing speech statements: the ability to listen and hear, answer questions posed, the ability to accept another, listen, manage one’s behavior.

5. Primary consolidation
(4 min) Working with the textbook p.29.
- “Why did people decorate and continue to decorate their homes?”
- “What can the three-part structure of a northern peasant hut and its decor tell us about?
They quickly stood up, smiled,
They pulled themselves higher and higher.
Well, straighten your shoulders,
Raise, lower.
Turn right, turn left,
Touch your hands with your knees.
Sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up,
And they ran on the spot. Participate in dialogue.
“This was done to attract the forces of light and goodness to the house, and to protect ourselves from evil forces.”
- “The roof and the upper part of the house were associated in folk ideas with the sky, the cage with the earth, and the basement with the underworld.” Cognitive: find information in a textbook; analyze and generalize, draw conclusions, operating with objects and their images.
Regulatory: manage your activities
6. Independent work with self-test according to the standard.
(15 min)
- “Using watercolors or gouache, depict a fragment of the decoration of a wooden house - the platband. Make the trim decorations intricate, elegant, weaving familiar images into the pattern. Try to maintain symmetry." Drawing the platband. The use of painting and graphic materials, expressive means of ornamental compositions (laconicism, generalization, expressiveness of the visual motif; rhythm, symmetry) in creative work.
Regulatory: be able to rationally build independent creative activity.
Cognitive: independent creation of activity algorithms during creative work.
Personal: be able to observe and fantasize when creating figurative forms.
7. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.
(7 min) - “Evaluate the results of your work, how to achieve them” (with commenting).
- “What new did you learn in class?”
- “What was the topic of the lesson?”
- “What was the purpose of your activity?”
- “Have you achieved your goal?”
- “What new concept did you learn about in class?” Exhibition of drawings.
View and discuss completed work.
Students' answers Communicative: control, correction, evaluation of classmates' actions, ability to argue their point of view.
Personal: be able to discuss and analyze one’s own artistic activity and the work of classmates from the standpoint of the creative tasks of a given topic, in terms of content and means of expression.
Cognitive: master the skill of creative vision from the position of an artist, i.e. the ability to compare, analyze, highlight the main thing, generalize.
8. Reflection on educational activities.
(2 min) To evaluate your achievements during the lesson, ask the following questions:
Today in class I...
I managed...
I can praise...
I'm not enough...
I tried...
-“Analyze each of your activities in the lesson.”
(emoticon cards) Student answers Regulatory: learn to evaluate the success of your task, admit mistakes.
Cognitive: strive to master new knowledge and skills, to achieve higher and more original creative results.
Personal: goodwill, emotional and moral responsiveness.
9. Homework. Select illustrations for fairy tales depicting the interior decoration of a hut. Recording your homework in your diary. Personal: value and semantic guidelines.

Handout material.

This lesson is the second in the “Ancient Roots of Folk Art” section of the Fine Arts curriculum. When planning the lesson, the following factors were taken into account: the age of the children, educational and psychological characteristics schoolchildren.
This lesson is connected with the previous one and works for subsequent lessons on the topic: “The inner world of a Russian hut”, “Design and decoration of folk household items”, “Russian folk embroidery” and “Folk festive costume”.
The following teaching methods were used in the lesson: problem-based learning, partially search-based, verbal, visual, explanatory-illustrative, practical, the method of frontal organization of students, motivation for learning activities, cognitive-reflective.
During the lesson, various forms of work were used: frontal work, work in pairs, individual work.
In order to improve the quality of education for students, computer technologies were used in the classroom.
Type of activity- discovery of new knowledge, so it has the following structure:
1. Self-determination for activity. Org. moment.
2. Updating knowledge.
3. Statement of the problem and educational task.
4. Discovery of new knowledge.
5. Primary consolidation.
6. Independent work with self-test according to the standard.
7. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.
8. Reflection on educational activities.
9. Homework.
At the stage of self-determination, the method of students’ emotional mood for work was used in the lesson activities.
At the stage of updating knowledge, to update knowledge, a problematic dialogue on the issues of the previous lesson was used to help move on to new material. Thus, during the lesson, conditions were created for students to be active.
At the stage of posing a problem and a learning task, children talked about the history of the origin of words, read a textbook, identified a topic, and worked in pairs.
Species speech activity Students in the lesson are varied: listening, reading, dialogue. Reinforcement of new material was given in the form of practical independent work. Alternation and change of types of activities ensured the maintenance of students’ efficiency and activity in the lesson. Carrying out physical exercises helped relieve fatigue among students.
Throughout the lesson, dialogical communication with students was organized. Students freely expressed their opinions without fear of criticism from the teacher. All this helped create a favorable psychological climate in the classroom.
At the end of the lesson, the work on the topic was summed up and reflection was carried out, thereby directing students to feedback.
The structure of the lesson and its content that I have chosen are rational for solving the tasks and studying the stated topic.
The meta-subject approach to the lesson was carried out by attracting students’ knowledge from history and art lessons.
The objectives of the lesson were implemented, the program requirements were taken into account.
We can conclude that this form of training allows you to organize equal communication, create a favorable psychological climate and an atmosphere of cooperation.