Lecture material for pharmaceutical chemistry. Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Analysis

Information on specialty

The Department of Organic Chemistry of the Chemical Technology Faculty prepares graduate specialists in the specialty 04.05.01 "Fundamental and Applied Chemistry", specializations "Organic Chemistry" and " Pharmaceutical chemistry" The team of the department is highly qualified teachers and researchers: 5 doctors of sciences and 12 candidates of Chemical Sciences.

Professional activities of graduates

Graduates are preparing for the following types of professional activities: research, scientific and manufacturing, pedagogical, design and organizational and managerial. The specialist-chemical specialty "Fundamental and Applied Chemistry" will be ready to solve the following professional tasks: planning and working, which includes the study of the composition, structure and properties of substances and chemical processes, the creation and development of new promising materials and chemical technologies, solving fundamental and applied tasks in the field of chemistry and chemical technology; Preparation of the report I. scientific publications; Scientific and pedagogical activities in the university, in an average special educational institution, in high school. Students who have been involved in scientific work can pass internship, take part in scientific conferences, competitions and competitions of various levels, as well as to submit the results of scientific work for publication in Russian and foreign scientific journals. At the disposal of students there are chemical laboratories equipped with modern equipment and computer class, with the necessary literature and access to full-text electronic databases.

Experts will be:

  • own chemical experiment skills, the main synthetic and analytical methods of obtaining and researching chemicals and reactions;
  • submit the main chemical, physical and technical aspects of chemical industrial production, taking into account commodity and energy costs;
  • own work skills on modern educational and scientific equipment when conducting chemical experiments;
  • have experience in serial equipment used in analytical and physicochemical studies (gas-liquid chromatography, infrared and ultraviolet spectroscopy);
  • to own the methods of registration and processing the results of chemical experiments.
  • To own the skills of planning, setting and conducting chemical experiments in the field of fine organic synthesis to obtain substances with specified useful properties

Students acquire knowledge in the basics of inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical and colloid chemistry, analytical chemistry, planning organic synthesis, chemistry of alicyclic and frame compounds, catalysis in organic synthesis, chemistry of elementorganic compounds, pharmaceutical chemistry, modern analysis methods and controlling the quality of medicines, the fundamentals of medical chemistry, the basics of pharmaceutical drugs, the basics of pharmaceutical analysis. In the course of practical studies, students receive work skills in a modern chemical laboratory, master the methods for obtaining and analyzing new compounds. Students own work skills on a gas-liquid chromatograph, an infrared spectrophotometer, an ultraviolet spectrophotometer. Students pass in-depth study of a foreign language (for 3 years).

In the process of learning, students master the methods of work on analytical equipment of the Department "Organic Chemistry":

Chromato masses Spectrometer Finnigan Trace DSQ

NMR Spectrometer JEOL JNM ECX-400 (400 MHz)

HPLC / MS with a high-resolution time mass spectrometer with an ESI and DART ionization source, with diodeal and fluorimetric detectors

Preparative Flash Chromatography System with UV and ELSD Reveleris X2 Detector

Infrared-Fourier Spectrometer SHIMADZU IRAFFINITY-1

Waters Liquid Chromatograph with UV and Refractometric Detectors

Differential Scanning Calorimeter TU INSTRUMENTS DSC-Q20

Automatic C, H, N, S Analyzer EUROVECTOR EA-3000

Scanning Spectrofluorimeter Varian Cary Eclipse

Auto Polarimeter Autopol V Plus

Automatic device for determining the melting point OPTIMELT

High Performance Computing Station

In the process of learning, introductory and chemical-technological practices in the laboratories of enterprises are envisaged:

  • CJSC "All-Russian Research Institute of Organic Synthesis of NK";
  • OJSC "Meadunevian Research Institute for Oil Refining" NK Rosneft;
  • CJSC "Tarkett";
  • Samara CHP;
  • OJSC "Syzransky refinery" of the NK Rosneft;
  • OJSC Hyprovostokneft;
  • OJSC "Plant Aviation Bearings";
  • LLC "Novokuibyshevsky plant oils and additives" of the NK Rosneft;
  • CJSC "Neftekhimia"
  • LLC "Pranafarm"
  • OOO "OZON"
  • OJSC "Electrical"
  • "TsSKB progress"
  • OJSC "Baltika"
  • PJSC "SIBUR Holding", Tolyatti

Students who have been involved in scientific work may pass internships, take part in scientific conferences, competitions and competitions of various levels, as well as to submit the results of scientific work for publication in Russian and foreign scientific journals. Specialists who were trained in the specialty "Fundamental and Applied Chemistry" are in demand in laboratories of state scientific centers and private companies, in research and analytical laboratories of various industries (chemical, food, metallurgical, pharmaceutical, petrochemical and gas producing), in expert and criminalistic laboratories; in customs laboratories; diagnostic centers; Sanitary and epidemiological stations; environmental control organizations; certification test centers; enterprises of the chemical industry, black and non-ferrous metallurgy; in educational institutions of the system of secondary vocational education; labor protection and industrial sanitation; Meteorological stations.

Assigns qualifications "Chemist. Chemistry teacher "on the specialization" Organic Chemistry "or" Pharmaceutical Chemistry ". Enrollment by the results of the USE: Chemistry, mathematics and Russian. Little time: 5 years (in person). Perhaps admission to graduate school.

Pharmacy (Greek Φαρμακεία Application of drugs) Complex of sciences and practical knowledge that includes issues of research, mining, research, storage, manufacturing and vacation of medicinal and medical and preventive measures. Pharmacy "Pharmaceutical Chemistry" V. V. Chupak-Belousov Complex of scientific and practical disciplines that study problems of creating, security, research, storage, pharmaceutical chemistry toxicological chemistry of manufacturing, vacation and marketing of medicines, as well as the search for natural sources of medicinal substances. Pharmacognosies of dosage forms Pharmacognosia Wikipedia Economics and organization of pharmaceuticals 3

Toxicological chemistry is a science that studies the methods of isolating toxic substances from various objects, as well as methods for detecting and quantifying these substances. Pharmacognosia is a science that studies medicinal vegetable raw materials and the possibility of creating new medicinal substances from it. The technology of dosage forms (pharmaceutical technology) is the area of \u200b\u200bknowledge that studies the methods of preparation of medicines. The economy and the organization of the pharmaceutical business is the area of \u200b\u200bknowledge dealing with the problems of storage of medicines, as well as the organization of the monitoring and analytical service. four

Pharmaceutical chemistry is a science that, based on the general laws of chemical sciences, explores the methods of obtaining, structure, physical and chemical properties of medicinal substances, the relationship between their chemical structure and action on the body, the methods of quality control and change occurring during storage. "Pharmaceutical Chemistry" V. G. Belikov is a science of chemical propertiesah and transformation of medicinal substances, methods for their development and obtain, high-quality and quantitative analysis. Wikipedia 5.

Pharmaceutical chemistry objects Medicinal substances (LV) - (substances) Individual substances of vegetable, animal, microbial or synthetic origin, which have pharmacological activity. Substances are designed to obtain medicines. Drugs (LS) are inorganic or organic compounds that have pharmacological activity obtained by synthesis, from vegetable raw materials, minerals, blood, blood plasma, organs, human or animal tissues, as well as using biological technologies. Dosage Form (LF) - the Predentible LS convenient to use the condition at which the necessary therapeutic effect is achieved. Medicinal preparations (LP) - dosage LS in a certain LF, ready for use. "Pharmaceutical Chemistry" V. G. Belikov 6

Relationship of pharmaceutical chemistry with other chemical disciplines Pharmaceutical chemistry Methods of development and methods of obtaining drugs Inorganic chemistry Quality assurance LS Property drugs Organic Chemistry Physical chemistry Analytical chemistry Biochemistry 7

The name of the LS Commission on the International Names of WHO for the purpose of ordering and (2 RS, 3 S, 4 S, 5 R) -5 -Mino-2 - (AMINOMETHYL) -6 Unification of the names of drugs in all countries of the world has developed - ((2 R, 3 S, 4 R, 5 S) -5 - ((1 R, 2 R, 5 R, 6 R) -3, 5 International classification based on Diamino-2 - ((2 R, 3 S, 4 R, 5 S) -3 -Mino-6 which is laid (aminomethyl) -4, 5 -dihydroxytetrahydro-2 H a certain system of forming the terminology of the LV. The principle of this -Pyran-2 -YLOXY) -6 -HydroxyCYCLOHYLOXY) -4 Inn - MNN system ( International NonProPrietary Names - International Hydroxy-2 - (HydroxyMethyl) Tetrahydrofran non-specific names) is -3 -YLOXY) Tetrahydro-2 H-Pyran-3, 4 -Diol that in the name of LV approximately its group affiliation is given. This is achieved by the IUPAC NAME, the inclusion account in the name of the words corresponding to the pharmacotherapeutic group to which this LV belongs. WHO members are obliged to recognize the names of substances recommended by WHO as a MNN, and prohibit their registration as trademarks or commercial NEOMYCIN items. Inn Name 8.

LS Classification Pharmacological classification - All drugs are divided into groups depending on their action on systems, processes and executive bodies (for example, heart, brain, intestines, etc.). In accordance with this, drugs are combined into groups of narcotic drugs, sleeping pills and soothing, topical, painful, diuretic, etc. Chemical classification - LS group by community of chemical structure and chemical properties. At the same time, in each chemical group of drugs, there can be a substance with different physiological activity. nine

Modern problems Pharmaceutical chemistry Creation and study of new drugs Despite the huge Arsenal LS, the problem of finding new highly efficient drugs The main directions for the search for new and modernization of the existing LS remains relevant. The role of drugs is continuously growing in modern medicine, which is associated with a number of reasons: the synthesis of bioregulators and metabolites of energy and plastic exchange. A number of heavy diseases are not yet cured by the detection of potential LVs during the screening of new products of chemical long-term use of the LAN series forms tolerant pathologies to combat synthesis. which new drugs are needed with a different mechanism of action synthesis of compounds with programmable properties (modified processes in the known rows of LV, lead to the emergence of new structure of the evolution of microorganisms of the residence of natural phytosponsions, diseases, for the treatment of computer search Bav) which are needed effective drugs Some of the LVs used Effects in the possessing stereo selective synthesis of emitters (enantiomer chiral LV, connection with which is necessary for pharmacological activity) and the most active conformations of the greatest create safer LS socially significant LV 10

Modern problems of pharmaceutical chemistry. Development of methods of pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical analysis. Prospective areas of search in this only solution of this important problem is possible on the basis of fundamental theoritical studies of the physical and chemical properties of the work of work on improving the accuracy of analysis, its specificity, sensitivity and wide use of modern chemical and Physical and chemical methods. Express, as well as automation of individual stages or all analysis, the use of these methods should cover the entire process from creating new LS to quality control and an increase in the cost-effectiveness of the analysis methodology. Reducing the labor intensity of the final production product. It is also necessary to develop new and improved regulatory documentation on the LV and LF, promising the development of quality and providing for analysis of groups of LV reflecting the requirements for their unified standardization methods. combined kinship of chemical structure based on the use of physicochemical methods 11

Raw base of pharmaceutical chemistry vegetable raw materials (leaves, flowers, seeds, fruits, bark, plant roots) and their products (fatty and essential oils, juices, gum, resin); Raw animal (organs, fabrics, slaughterfding glands); Fossil organic raw materials (oil and products of its distillation, coal distillation products; products of main and fine organic synthesis); Inorganic fossils (mineral rocks and the products of their processing of the chemical industry and metallurgy); 12

The history of pharmaceutical chemistry The emergence of pharmacy is lost in the depths of the primitive era. Primitive man was in full dependency From the outside world. In search of relief from diseases and suffering, he used various means from the surrounding medium, the first of which appeared during the gathering period and had plant origins: Belladonna, Mac, Tobacco, wormwood, Belen. With the development of agriculture, domestication of animals and the transition to cattle breeding, new plants have been opened, possessing healing properties: Chemeritsa, gold male and many others. Production of labor tools and household goods from native metals, the development of pottery production led to the manufacture of dishes, allowing to prepare medicinal drugs. During this period, the practice of healing was introduced medicinal products Mineral origin who has learned to extract from rocks, oil, stone coal. 13

The history of pharmaceutical chemistry with the emergence of writing appears the first medical texts containing descriptions of medicines, methods for their preparation and application. Currently, more than 10 ancient Egyptian papyruses are known, in one way or another devoted to medicine. The most famous of them is Papyrus Ebers ("The book of preparation of medicines for all parts of the body"). This is the largest of the papyrus, which is dating from 1550 BC. e. And contains about 900 recipes for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, eyes, ear, teeth, joints. fourteen

The history of pharmaceutical chemistry Theophrast is the father of Botany Theofrast (about 300 g. BC), one of the greatest early Greek philosophers and naturalists, is often referred to as "father of botany." His observations and writings concerning medical qualities and the features of herbs are extremely accurate, even in the light of modern knowledge. In his hands, he holds a branch of belladonna. fifteen

The history of pharmaceutical chemistry of Dioscarid in the evolution of all successful and sustainable knowledge systems occurs when many observations and intensive research overcome the level of the craft or profession and acquire the status of science. Dioscarid (the first century n. Er), greatly influenced such a transition to pharmacy. He carefully described the rules for collecting medicines, their storage and use. In the era of the revival, scientists again turn to his texts. sixteen

The history of pharmaceutical chemistry in the Middle Ages in the Western civilization, the remains of knowledge about pharmacy and medicine are preserved in the monasteries. The monks collected herbs in the vicinity of monasteries and endured them in their own herbal gardens. They were preparing drugs for patients and wounded. Many manuscripts in reprint or translation in monastery libraries have been preserved. Such gardens can still be found in monasteries in many countries. 17.

The history of the pharmaceutical chemistry of Avicenna (Ibn Sina) 980 - 1037 g. The most vivid representative of the Arabian period philosophers. He owns a significant contribution to pharmacy and medicine. Avicenna's pharmaceutical teachings were adopted as an authority in the West to the 17th century. Treatise "Canon of Medical Science" - an essay of an encyclopedic nature, in which the prescriptions of ancient doctors are comprehended and recycled in accordance with the achievements of Arabic medicine. In "Canon" Ibn Sina suggested that the diseases can be called by some smallest beings. He first drew attention to the infinity of the smallpox, determined the difference between Cholera and Chuma, described the leprosy, separating it from other diseases, studied a number of other diseases. Ibn Sina also removes attention to the description of medicinal raw materials, medicines, methods of their manufacture and use. eighteen

The history of the pharmaceutical chemistry. The first century of Yatrochimia is considered the German doctor and Alchemist Philipp Aureol Theofrast Bombaster von Gaugenheim (1493-1541), which became a history of pseudonym Paracels divided the ancient Greek teaching about four elementalism. Paracelsia medicine was based on mercury-sulfuric theory. He taught that living organisms consist of the same mercury, sulfur, salts and a number of other substances that form all other bodies of nature; When a person is healthy, these substances are in equilibrium with each other; The disease means the predominance or, on the contrary, the lack of one of them. To restore equilibrium, Paracels used in medical practice, many drugs of mineral origin - compounds of arsenic, antimony, lead, mercury, etc. - in addition to traditional herbal preparations. Paracels argued that the task of Alchemy is the manufacture of drugs: "Chemistry is one of the pillars to which medical science should be taken. The task of chemistry is not at all to make gold and silver, but in cooking medicines. " nineteen

History of pharmaceutical chemistry The emergence period of the first chemical theories (XVII-XIX centuries) in. p. XVII century - Flogiston theory (I. Becher, Stall) in. p. XVIII century - Discover phlogiston theory. Oxygen theory (M. V. Lomonosov, A. Lavoisier) 1804 - the German pharmacologist Friedrich Solderner from Opium was allocated first alkaloid (morphine) 1818 -1820. - Pellets and Caventon are distinguished by Strichnin, Brugin, the methods of separation of quinine and cinkhonin are developed from the cortex of the XIX Hinny tree - American and European pharmaceutical associations 20 are formed.

The history of pharmaceutical chemistry with one of the successful researchers in the development of new chemical compounds, specially created to combat pathogens was French Pharmacist, Ernest Forban (1872 -1949 In early work, it proposes to use bismuth compounds and arsenic for the treatment of syphilis. His research "paved the way" For sulfonylamide compounds and chemicals with antihistamine properties. In 1894, Bering and Ru announced the effectiveness of antibodies against diphtheria. Pharmacist scientists in Europe and the United States immediately began to introduce a new discovery in production. Serum has become available in 1895 (!) And the lives of thousands of children were saved. The vaccination of horses diphtheria was the first step from many in the production of antidotes. A kind of culmination in this area was the development of a polyomelitis vaccine in 1955. 21

The history of pharmaceutical chemistry The modern period of the second quarter of the XX century marked the flourishing of the era of antibiotics. Penicillin is the first antibiotic, which was highlighted in 1928 by Alexander Fleming from the Penicillium Notatum Mushroom strain. In 1940-1941, H. U. Flori (bacteriologist), E. Chain (biochemist) and N. W. Khitley (Biochemist) worked on the release and industrial production of penicillin, and also used it for the treatment of bacterial infections. In 1945, the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine "for the opening of Penicillina and his healing effects in various infectious diseases was awarded to Fleave, Fleari and Chase. Using the latest technical achievements of each of the branches of sciences, pharmaceutical chemistry develops and produces the newest and the best medicines. Today, methods and highly qualified personnel from each branch of sciences are used in pharmaceutical production. 22.

Literature "Pharmaceutical chemistry" ed. V. G. Belikova "Pharmaceutical chemistry. Lecture course "Ed. V. V. Chupak-Belousov "Fundamentals of Medical Chemistry" V. Granik "Synthesis of Main Medicines" R. S. Vartanyan "Medical Chemistry" V. D. Orlov, V. V. Lipson, V. V. Ivanov " Drugs »M. D. Mashkovsky https: // vk. COM / NSPU_PC 23

. Activity, Phys. and chemical. SV-VA, as well as methods of qualities, and quantities, analysis. OSN. Problems of pharmaceutical chemistry: obtaining biologically active in-in and their research; Detection of patterns between the structure and biol. Him activity. comprehensive; Improving the quality assessment of Lek. CP-B to ensure them Max, therapeutic. efficiency and safety; Research and development of lec analysis methods. in Biol. objects for toxicological. and ecologe-th-pharmaceutical. monitoring.

F. armacentic chemistry is closely related to special. disciplines, such as lec technology. Forms, pharmacognosy (studying Lek. Raw materials grow, and animal origin), the organization and economy of pharmacy, and is included in the complex disciplines that form the base pharmaceutical. education.

Application Chem. B-B as a lec. CP-B was carried out already in antique and medieval medicine (Hippocrat, Galen, Avicenna). The emergence of pharmaceutical chemistry is usually associated with the name of Paracels (contributed to the introduction of chemical drugs in medicine) and the subsequent discoveries of therapeutic effect MH. Chem. Seda. and elements (K. Shelele, L. Voklen, B. Courtois), as well as with the works of M. V. Lomonosov and his schools on the methods of obtaining and methods of studying the quality of LEK. cf. The formation of pharmaceutical chemistry as sciences attribute to the 2nd floor. 19th century The 90s should be attributed to the rapid periods of development of pharmaceutical chemistry. 19th century (Obtaining aspirin, fenacetin, barbiturates), 1935-37 (application of sulfanimamides), 1940-42 (Penicillin opening), 1950 (psychotropic drugs of the Fenic Tiazin group), 1955-60 (semi-synthetic. Penicillins and later Tse-Falusorins), 1958 (B -adrenoblocators) and the 80s. (Antibacterial drugs group of fluoroquinolones).

Prerequisites for the search for Lek. CP-VA usually serve as biol data. Activity in VA, similar to its structures with biogenic physiologically active in you (for example, Split. metabolites, hormones). Sometimes lek. CPM can be obtained by the modification of biogenic compounds. (eg, steroid hormones of animals) or thanks research in-in, alien to human body (eg, derivatives of phenothiazine and benzodiazepine).

Synthetic. V-va is obtained by org. Synthesis or apply microbiological synthesis methods using genetic engineering achievements.

Essential importance in pharmaceutical chemistry are methods of research of the content of LE. In the preparation, its purity, etc. factors based on quality indicators. Analysis lec. cf, or pharmaceutical. Analysis, aims to identify and carry out the quantitative definition of the OSN. Component (or components) in medication. Pharmacetical. Analysis depending on the pharmacology. The actions of the drug (purpose, dosage, method of administration) · provides for the definition of impurities, will be helped. and concomitant in-in in Lek. Forms. Lek. CP VA is assessed comprehensively, in all indicators. Therefore, the expression "pharmacopoeial quality" means the preparation of the drug for use in medicine.

Matching Lek. The required quality level is set using standard analysis methods, usually stipulated in the pharmacopoeia. To identify LEK. in-in along with group chemical. NMR and IR spectroscopy use. For analyzing multicomponent leeks. Formusually used thin layer chromatography. Cleaning tests are designed to confirm the absence (within the method used) of individual impurities, and in some cases to assess their content. Chromatography is used for this purpose. Methods, often in combination with optical.

Pharmacokinetich. Characteristics lek. The CP-V (the effect of the drug and its distribution in the body in time) represents extremely important and mandatory information that ensures the rational and effective use of drugs, allow you to expand knowledge regarding

- This is a science based on the general laws of chemical sciences, examines the issues related to medicinal substances: their composition and structure, receipt and chemical nature, the influence of individual features of the structure of their molecules on the nature of the action on the body, chemical and physical properties medicinal substances, as well as methods of controlling their quality, storage of drugs.

Translation into English - " pharmaceutical Chemistry«.

Pharmaceutical chemistry plays a leading role along with adjacent pharmaceutical sciences (, toxicological chemistry,). For a more careful study of the topic, carefully read the above items!

What is pharmaceutical chemistry (pharmaceutical)?

On the other hand, it is possible to say this specialized science based on the knowledge of adjacent chemical (organic, inorganic, analytical, physical and colloid chemistry), as well as medical and biological (, biological chemistry, physiology) disciplines.

Knowledge of biological disciplines discloses an understanding of complex physiological processes occurring in the body, based on chemical and physical reactions, which gives more rationally to use drugs, observe their effect in the body and on the basis of this to change the structure of the molecules of the generated drugs in the desired direction to obtain The desired pharmacological effect.

The methods of studying the content of medicinal substances in the preparation, their purity and other factors laid as the basis of quality indicators are important in pharmaceutical chemistry. Analysis of drugs (pharmaceutical analysis) is intended to identify and establish the quantitative determination of the main components in the medicine.

Pharmaceutical analysis Depending on the pharmacological effect of the drug (purpose, dosage, method of administration) involves the definition of impurities associated and auxiliary substances in dosage forms.

It is important that drugs are assessed in comprehensively in all indicators. Therefore, according to the results of pharmacological analysis of drugs, a conclusion is issued about the possibility of using them in medical practice.

The study of the structure of the drug molecule, in addition, the development of synthesis and analysis methods is impossible without knowledge of organic and analytical chemistry. The pharmacokinetic characteristics of drugs are extremely important and mandatory information that ensures the rational and effective use of drugs, allow you to expand knowledge regarding the specificity of their action.

Compatibility of medicinal substances in prescription registers, shelf life, methods of manufacturing, storage conditions and drug leave connects pharmaceutical chemistry with drugs, economics and organization of pharmacy. But only a competent specialist who owns the knowledge of pharmaceutical chemistry (pharmaceutical analyst) is solved.

Modern pharmaceutical chemistry (chemistry farm).

At the present stage, pharmaceutical chemistry is closely connected with both physics and mathematics, when physico-chemical methods of drug analysis and calculations in pharmaceutical analysis are underway with the help of these sciences, so in aggregate with many sciences, both in pharmacy and medicine are essential generally.

Thanks to the achievements of modern pharmaceutical chemistry, drugs have been created, which provide our health care efficient and safe methods for the treatment of many diseases. However, along with this, there are areas in medicine, where it still has to work very well to create new highly efficient drugs, it is: oncological, cardiovascular and viral diseases.

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