The benefits and harms of beans for the human body. Harm, contraindications and benefits of beans Beans health benefits

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


Beans, a useful dietary product for weight loss, have been used for weight loss for a long time. It is distinguished by its ability to quickly saturate the body with complete protein and fiber. There are several varieties of beans - green beans, red beans, white beans. The variety of dishes made from them is amazing - dietary soups, salads, sauté and lobio. It is useful to learn how to cook beans in order to lose weight without harm to the body.

Composition of beans

Before studying the benefits of a plant, it is useful to pay attention to chemical composition beans. The pods or beans of the crop are eaten; they are canned, stewed, boiled or steamed. Per 100 grams of healthy product there are 21 grams of protein, 2 grams of fat, 54.5 grams of carbohydrates. Fiber in beans is almost 4%, pectin – 2.5%. Legumes are rich in vitamins A, B, and E.

Of the macroelements, beans contain a lot of potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus. From micro-iron, iodine, cobalt, manganese and copper. The seeds have a high concentration of molybdenum, fluorine and zinc. Such a rich composition ensures the culture’s popularity and regular use in many dishes from different cuisines around the world. There are 300 kcal per 100 grams of beans, and 31 calories for the same number of pods.

Is it possible to eat beans while losing weight?

Those who want to lose weight are interested in the question of whether beans can be eaten on a diet and how to use them correctly. Nutritionists advise including a healthy product in the weight loss process. Due to increased satiety and vitamin-rich composition, legumes help to achieve weight loss results without the feeling of hunger. When losing weight, you need to choose bean dishes without oil, mayonnaise and a lot of salt.


High and invaluable beneficial properties beans for weight loss, whose calorie content is close to some cereals. Unlike cereals, legumes contain more vegetable protein, which goes well with the animal and helps in its absorption. With the support of vegetarian principles, beans are simply irreplaceable for weight loss - they are a source of essential amino acids, of which they contain almost a quarter.

The coarse plant fiber in beans normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract, maintains a feeling of fullness, which leads to a reduction in the amount of food consumed and weight loss. Just a glass of beans a day helps you get your daily fiber requirement. Restrictions on the consumption of culture are placed only on canned foods - they contain a lot of salt, which does not contribute to the process of losing weight.

What are the benefits of green beans?

Of all the varieties of crops, asparagus or green beans for weight loss have the lowest calorie content. Vegetable protein and fiber in the pods normalize the functioning of the digestive tract, correct body weight, and improve skin condition. The pods are low in calories and easy to digest. Scientists have proven that beans effectively block calories - inhibiting the absorption of carbohydrates and starch, which leads to weight loss. It reduces appetite by stimulating the formation of a hormone in the body that is responsible for metabolism and suppresses hunger.


In addition to being a valuable source of protein, the beneficial properties of red beans for weight loss include an increased concentration of microelements and vitamins. The nourishing culture is actively used to shed extra pounds, while at the same time bringing benefits in the form of an increase in hemoglobin levels, the appearance of vigor and vitality. Due to fiber and calcium, beans stabilize glucose during weight loss and remove toxins from the body.

Red beans cleanse the body, have diuretic properties, and treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, heart, and blood. Their nutritional effect is similar to that of meat, so legumes can actively replace it in dishes. It is forbidden to take raw seeds - they contain many toxic substances. First, soak the beans overnight, boil for 10 minutes and consume. Normally, an adult needs three glasses of red beans weekly - you can eat them in the form of soups, salads, and boiled side dishes.


The increased content of copper and zinc is the benefit of white beans for weight loss in women. The protein in its composition is easily digestible and suitable for use for diabetes, pancreatitis, and gastritis. Essential amino acids in white beans quickly saturate and remove toxins from the body. Calcium and magnesium in beans improves the condition of bones and teeth, potassium improves the condition of the heart and blood vessels. Old age becomes a limitation on the consumption of white beans - the purine in the composition worsens health in case of gout and nephritis.

Bean diet for quick weight loss

Exists effective diet on beans, allowing you to say goodbye to 3-5 kg ​​of excess weight in a week. The diet includes three meals a day, most of which consists of boiled beans. When asked whether beans make you fat, nutritionists answer in the negative, provided the portion size is respected - they should not be large or contain harmful foods.

Sample diet menu for weight loss using beans:

  1. Breakfast – boiled beans with herbs, olive oil.
  2. Second breakfast – apple, berries.
  3. Lunch – 125 g beans, vegetable salad.
  4. Dinner – 100 g of stewed beans and the same amount of fish or meat. Sometimes you can replace the beans with brown rice or mix the products in equal proportions.

A simpler dietary option is to replace dinner with bean broth. This diet is suitable for people of any age, but is contraindicated for diseases of the intestines, stomach, and kidneys. To prepare the decoction, soak the beans for a couple of hours, drain the water, cook for half an hour, and strain the liquid. A glass of broth for dinner with a couple of fruits will help you lose weight in half a month.

Dietary bean dishes

There are a variety of dietary dishes from beans for weight loss, which are low in calories and help maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time. Recipes include salads, soups, stewed vegetables. Legumes go well with carrots, bell peppers, herbs, and tofu. When preparing dishes, always boil dry seeds - this way they are quickly absorbed and neutralized - toxins in their raw form can be harmful to health.


  • Cooking time: 3 hours.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 132 kcal per 100g.
  • Purpose: for a snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

How to make bean salad for weight loss is described in the following recipe. This simple dish features balanced protein flavors combined with seasonings. Onions and garlic add the desired pungency, apple cider vinegar adds piquancy, and herbs and spices help you burn extra pounds faster. It is better to use red bean seeds for making.


  • dry red beans - a glass;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • vegetable oil– 20 ml;
  • apple cider vinegar – 15 ml;
  • hops-suneli – 2 g;
  • coriander – 1 g;
  • parsley – 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the beans in cold water for two hours, change the water, and cook for half an hour.
  2. Chop the onion and simmer in oil until golden brown.
  3. Press the garlic and chop the greens.
  4. Place beans, onions, garlic, and parsley on the bottom of the salad bowl. Sprinkle with vinegar, stir, season with a couple of spoons of broth.

Bean soup

  • Cooking time: 2.5 hours.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 84 kcal per 100g.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: simple.

How to prepare weight loss soup with beans is described in detail. step by step instructions. This simple meatless vegetable soup gets a pop of color from the addition of fresh tomatoes, sweet peppers and carrots. The recipe calls for red onions, but if not available, replace the component with a white onion. To improve the taste, add a lot of herbs, spices, and green onions to the broth.


  • beans - 2 cups;
  • vegetable oil – 10 ml;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable broth – 2 l;
  • tomatoes – 200 g;
  • bell pepper – half the fruit;
  • coriander – 2 g;
  • greens – 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the beans for two hours.
  2. Remove the skin from the tomatoes and cut into slices. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, chop the onion and pepper.
  3. Fry onions, carrots, tomatoes. Simmer for four minutes, add paprika. Season with salt, black pepper, ground coriander. Simmer for five minutes.
  4. Place the beans into the boiling broth and cook for 20 minutes. Season with roast and cook for six minutes.
  5. Decorate with greens.

In tomato

  • Cooking time: 3 hours.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 180 kcal per 100g.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: simple.

How to cook beans tomato sauce when losing weight, the following instructions will teach you. Unlike a canned store-bought product, a homemade side dish is low in calories and can be used as a complement to meat. White or red beans, tomato juice or tomato paste diluted with water are suitable for production.


  • dry red beans - a glass;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper – 100 g;
  • tomato juice – half a liter;
  • olive oil – 20 ml;
  • parsley - a bunch;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • garlic - 2 arrows.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the beans for two hours, boil for 15 minutes.
  2. Cut the vegetables into equal cubes, add oil and simmer for 20 minutes.
  3. Add juice, beans, salt. Simmer for 15 minutes without a lid.
  4. Season with garlic and spices and simmer for five minutes.
  5. Let it sit for 10 minutes.


  • Cooking time: 15 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 32 kcal per 100g.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: simple.

Boiled beans are considered an indispensable product for weight loss. You can boil dry seeds or fresh young shoots. In winter, frozen pods are suitable and are best steamed. A light side dish goes well with fish, chicken breast. It can be seasoned with aromatic spices, tofu soy cheese and olive oil mixed with lemon juice.


  • bean pods – 200 g;
  • olive oil – 20 ml;
  • lemon juice – 20 ml;
  • rosemary - a pinch;
  • dried basil - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the pods in a steamer and cook for 11 minutes.
  2. Grind the spices in a mortar, add oil and lemon juice.
  3. Pour the sauce over the pods.


  • Cooking time: 3 hours.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 121 kcal per 100g.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: simple.

Diet stewed beans for weight loss can be tasty and healthy if you mix it with vegetables, seasonings and add a little cheese for sophistication. For the next recipe you will need white beans, which are distinguished by their tenderness and harmony of taste. Sweetish leeks and low-fat sour cream for topping are ideal. You can eat the resulting dish for lunch or dinner.


  • white beans – 300 g;
  • leek – 300 g;
  • canned corn– 20 g;
  • sweet pepper– 300 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil – 20 ml;
  • tomato paste – 20 ml;
  • sour cream – 250 ml;
  • hard cheese– 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the beans for two hours, boil for half an hour.
  2. Cut the vegetables into equal slices and simmer in oil until half cooked.
  3. Pour in sour cream, pasta, season with grated cheese and spices. bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.


There are certain contraindications for beans when losing weight:

  • advanced age;
  • increased formation of acid in the stomach;
  • gastritis, ulcers;
  • gout;
  • cholecystitis, colitis.

Find out about the harm that beans can cause and how to neutralize it, for which diseases it should not be taken under any circumstances, as well as its beneficial properties.

Harm of beans

Contains poisons and toxins

Especially black beans. They can lead to poisoning. Phasin is poisonous and is destroyed by heat treatment, so this is only true for raw or undercooked beans.

To neutralize phasin, it is necessary to follow the correct preparation: cook green beans for at least 5 minutes, black, red and white for at least 50 minutes. (in the microwave for at least 10 minutes at maximum power, and in a multicooker for 1.5 hours). Soak red and white beans for at least 6 hours.

May cause gastrointestinal diseases

This is due to protease inhibitors, which can remain in the intestines for some time. To avoid this, it is not recommended to consume beans daily for a long time and often exceed the dose of 150 g/day.

Contains a large amount of purines

They promote the deposition of harmful substances in joints and tissues. This can lead to metabolic diseases such as gout.

May cause flatulence and bloating

To prevent this, it is recommended to add dill or mint to the dish during the heat treatment stage. However, a more reliable effect will be if you make a decoction of these herbs (cook in a water bath for 10–15 minutes) or tincture (pour boiling water and leave for 30 minutes) from 1 tbsp. l. dry plant and 100 ml of water. Take 15 minutes before. before meals.

May cause excess aluminum

Beans contain a lot of aluminum - 0.64 mg/100 g. at an adequate daily dose of 1.5 mg. Toxic dose – 50 mg.

In small doses, aluminum is even useful: it accelerates growth, strengthens and restores bones and connective tissues. However, if you cook in aluminum cookware, often use E520, E521, E522, E523, E541, E554, E555, E556, E559, take medications with aluminum hydroxides (almost all acid-lowering), drink tap water that is cleaned with aluminum sulfate , use deodorants - antiperspirants (aluminum is also absorbed through the skin), cosmetics, etc., you may have excess aluminum.

With an excess of aluminum, the following are possible: memory impairment, nervousness, dementia, osteomalacia (increased fragility of bones), convulsions, arthritis, asthma, anemia, rickets, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, inflammation of the respiratory tract, deterioration in the absorption of vitamins and minerals, problems with the kidneys, heart, Gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system.

May cause digestive problems when combined with certain foods

Avoid combining beans with bread, cereals, meat, potatoes, eggs, vegetables, fruits, including dried fruits, milk and dairy products, with the exception of butter and cream, sugar and other sweet products, such as honey.

Source: Product Compatibility Chart by Herbert Shelton.


Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Especially colitis, pancreatitis, gastritis and ulcers. Exception: unadvanced gastritis with low acidity (by agreement with the attending physician).

Increased acidity

Beans increase acidity, so they are contraindicated for people with this diagnosis.

Gout, nephritis and other kidney diseases.

Exception: bean decoction - in folk medicine there are recipes in which jade is cured with a similar decoction. Before such treatment, you must obtain approval from your doctor.


Beans are a product that enhances various processes of rotting and fermentation, therefore they are prohibited for cholecystitis.


With this disease, there may be problems with digesting certain polysaccharides.

Pregnant and nursing mothers

Beans can cause spasms, which can be passed on to the baby, so it is better to discuss their use during this period with your doctor or reduce the portion as much as possible.

Old age

Older people may have difficulty digesting beans due to reduced enzymatic capacity.


It is included in the contraindications to the amino acid tyrosine, which is found in beans.


Helps with constipation and normalizes digestion

This is possible due to the dietary fiber content. There is especially a lot of fiber in green beans, as well as in the skins of black, white and red beans.

Helps people with low acidity

Red kidney beans do this best.

The bean diet helps against many diseases

For example, with heart failure and any diseases of the genitourinary system. The basis of this diet is bean soup:

Cook 200 grams in three liters of water for 1 hour over medium heat. any lean meat and 500 gr. pre-soaked at least 12 hours of white beans.

Grate one carrot on a coarse grater. Finely chop one onion and one tomato. Onions, carrots, 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste and fry the tomato or immediately add it to the broth (if the doctor categorically prohibits eating fried food). Add to the broth and cook for 5 minutes.

If desired, you can add various seasonings and herbs to the broth, such as dill and mint.

The ability to treat cardiovascular diseases is possible due to the high content of potassium, calcium and magnesium. White beans contain more of these substances.

Helps with acute respiratory infections and respiratory diseases

To do this you need to boil 200 grams. beans (it is better to use white), adding a sufficient amount of dill and mint. Do not throw out the bean broth left after cooking, but take it as tea. Eat boiled beans with onions.

Dissolves stones and crystals

Beans have the ability to dissolve solid formations in the kidneys and bladder. To prevent their formation, you need to consume at least 500 grams. beans per week.

Helps you lose weight

There is a special bean diet lasting 7 days, with which you can lose 4–7 kg. Basic diet rules:

  • Every day you need to eat 150–300 grams. any beans;
  • Every day you need to eat prunes and dried apricots in unlimited quantities;
  • you need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day (more precisely, 30 ml for each kg of weight) pure form and 0.5 liters of kefir. Half of the daily water ration can be drunk in the form of a decoction of mint or dill;
  • It is allowed to consume no more than 300 grams. per day: bird, low-fat varieties meat and fish, with the exception of salmon, salmon and trout. Steam, bake or boil. It is not recommended to use oils;
  • It is allowed to eat vegetables and unsweetened fruits;
  • in limited quantities and not every day: eggs, low-fat cottage cheese and nuts;
  • bread is recommended only with bran or whole grain;
  • very rarely you can eat buckwheat, oatmeal or pearl barley porridge;
  • Salt and any seasonings in the form of herbs are acceptable.

Approximate energy value of beans: white 102 kcal/100 g, red 93 kcal, asparagus 47 kcal, green beans 24 kcal. Beans satisfy hunger well and take a long time to digest.

Contains the aromatic alpha amino acid tryptophan

Red, yellow and black beans contain 260 mg/100 g, and white beans contain 280 mg/100 g. An adequate daily dose of tryptophan is 500 mg. This amino acid creates a feeling of high spirits, increases performance, relieves insomnia and improves sleep quality, and can also relieve irritability when giving up bad habits.

Please note that pharmacies sell this amino acid (L-tryptophan) in capsule form, along with B vitamins for better absorption. Therefore, if you want to get the maximum effect, take beans along with these vitamins.

Contains the aliphatic basic α-amino acid arginine

In white, black and red it is approximately 2 thousand mg/100 g. An adequate daily dose of arginine is 3 g. (3 thousand mg). Arginine is indicated for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, to improve mood, infertility, during heavy physical activity, various immunodeficiency diseases, liver diseases, type 2 diabetics, children and adolescents in the growing stage.

Arginine is similar in action to insulin, so it is in demand among diabetics. The most arginine is found in bean shells (the green or yellow shell in which the bean seeds are located). It is dried, ground in a coffee grinder or purchased ready-made in powder form, then decoctions or infusions are made.

Recipe for an effective infusion for type 2 diabetes:

5 tbsp. l. crushed leaves, pour 400 ml of boiling water and leave for 12 hours. Take 3 times a day, 100 ml for 30 minutes. before meals. Course duration is 3-4 months. During this time, it is possible to recover from type 2 diabetes.

This amino acid (L-arginine) is also sold as dietary supplements.

Contains aliphatic amino acid lysine

In white, black and red it is about 1600 mg/100 g. An adequate daily dose is 1 thousand mg. Lysine is taken to prevent premature aging, rapid wound healing, improve short-term memory, thicken the hair structure, and have an antiviral effect, especially for herpes. Lysine is especially useful for bodybuilders and other athletes: it increases muscle strength and endurance, and also promotes the growth of muscle mass.

Lysine (L-lysine) is also available in the form of dietary supplements.

Contains the aromatic alpha amino acid tyrosine

Black beans contain 610 mg/100 g. tyrosine, red – 620 mg, and white – 660 mg. The daily norm is 3500 mg. It is needed for the synthesis of neurotransmitters and neuromediators, protecting the skin from ultraviolet radiation, improving mood, improving memory, reducing PMS pain, restoring strength, reducing appetite, suppressing the body's reaction to allergens, and as an antioxidant.

Tyrosine (L-Tyrosine) is similarly sold as dietary supplements.

Contains L-α-amino-β-imidazolylpropionic acid histidine

In white, black and red beans it is about 570 mg/100 g. Adequate daily intake is 1500 mg. It is necessary for protein metabolism, normalization of joint function, protection from ultraviolet radiation, maintaining the function of the auditory nerve, curing anemia, and recovering from diseases and injuries.

L-histidine is also sold in the form of dietary supplements, but is not as popular.

Contains many B vitamins

Approximate amounts: B1 (0.5 mg/100 g), B2 (0.2 mg), B3 (1.2 mg), B5 (0.2 mg), B6 ​​(0.9 mg), B9 (0 .09 mg). In 200 gr. beans contain almost the full amount of B vitamins. Green beans contain the most vitamins.

B vitamins have a positive effect on digestion, metabolism and nervous system.

Contains a lot of cobalt

Cobalt is useful for joints, the female reproductive system, bone tissue restoration, improving memory, metabolism, to remove cramps, varicose veins, and prevent diabetes and blood cancer.

Contains vitamin E

On average, beans contain 3.8 mg/100 g. of this vitamin, with a daily intake of 10 mg.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant, improves immunity, lowers blood sugar, and promotes rapid skin healing.

Contains a lot of iron

Iron helps the body absorb oxygen, participates in metabolic processes, is necessary for body growth, has a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, supports immunity and improves brain function.

Contains a lot of potassium

Potassium stimulates thought processes, reduces allergies, normalizes blood pressure and strengthens the cardiovascular system, improves muscle function.

Contains a lot of magnesium

Magnesium stabilizes the rhythm of the heart muscle, lowers blood pressure, normalizes blood sugar levels, strengthens bones and tooth enamel, relieves pain in joints and muscles.

Contains a lot of silicon

Silicon helps strengthen bones, nails and skin, restore tissues and mucous surfaces, prevent baldness and atherosclerosis.

Contains a lot of phosphorus

Phosphorus normalizes protein and carbon metabolism, normalizes acid-base balance in the body, activates the effects of vitamins, and has a positive effect on the nervous system, bones, teeth, gums, heart and brain.

Contains a lot of copper

On average, beans contain 0.48 mg/100 g. of this vitamin, with a daily requirement of 2 mg.

Copper has anti-inflammatory properties, gives skin elasticity, strengthens bones, improves immunity, normalizes thyroid function, activates the production of gastric juice, helps with tanning and the absorption of vitamin D.

Contains a lot of molybdenum

Molybdenum maintains the condition of teeth, increases hemoglobin in the blood, participates in metabolism, removes uric acid, prevents diabetes, maintains men's health, helps absorb vitamins A, B1, B2, E and PP.

Contains a lot of nickel

Nickel lowers blood pressure by participating in the metabolism of fats and carbons, helps to lose weight, calms, increases the level of hemoglobin and insulin in the blood, strengthens the immune system and the cardiovascular system.

Contains a lot of selenium

Selenium strengthens the immune system and cardiovascular system, is involved in protein synthesis, prevents the formation of tumors, enhances metabolism, slows down aging, helps with sexual function and the absorption of vitamin E, and strengthens the corneal surface of the eyes.

Contains a lot of manganese

Manganese has antioxidant properties, restores and strengthens the nervous system, improves memory, promotes growth and strengthening of bones, participates in fat and insulin metabolism, promotes food absorption, and normalizes blood glucose and cholesterol levels.

Contains many useful elements

Their concentration is relative daily norm lower than in the elements described above, but still contribute to the accumulation of useful substances in the body. These elements are: vitamin A (0.06 mg/100 g), PP (2.1 mg) and C (20 mg), sodium (40 mg), sulfur (159 mg), chlorine (58 mg), calcium (150 mg), boron (0.49 mg), iodine (0.121 mg), titanium (0.15 mg), fluorine (0.044 mg), chromium (0.01 mg) and zinc (3 mg).

Beans belong to the legume family, in which there are several subspecies and they differ significantly from each other in appearance and taste. Although beans are called by the general term “beans,” this is actually not entirely true.

Beans can be called a specific product; not everyone likes it. There is also an opinion that beans are very “heavy” for the stomach, but in fact this is true (we will explain why below). Everyone’s taste and food preferences are different, but nevertheless, eating beans is simply necessary, if not for pleasure, then at least for health. Beans are one of the most balanced plant foods, they are simply a storehouse of various vitamins and microelements, they are nutritious, quite dietary and bring incredible benefits to the human body.

Beneficial substances of beans

Beans contain a lot of easily digestible proteins, almost as much as meat. Beans also contain a number of vitamins: the leaders are vitamin C, B vitamins and vitamin PP - nicotinic acid. Vitamin PP or nicotinic acid is essential for healthy protein metabolism in the body; its normal content also strengthens the nervous and cardiovascular system, lowers blood pressure, supports vision, and prevents various diseases skin, dermatitis.

Beans have a high sulfur content, which is so necessary for diseases of the lungs and bronchi, skin infections, rheumatism and other joint diseases, intestinal infections. Along with sulfur, it contains iron, which increases the body's resistance to various infections and helps saturate the blood with oxygen. Beans are rich in phosphorus, zinc, magnesium - those substances that are so necessary for the normal and healthy functioning of the body. The main thing is that all the “benefits” in beans are in an easily digestible form and a balanced combination of vitamins and microelements makes them the most useful product for a weakened, childish or aging body.

100 grams of beans contains:

— proteins: 22.3 g
— fats: 1.7 g
- carbohydrates: 54.5 g
— starch: 43.4 g
— mono- and disaccharides: 4.5 g
— dietary fiber: 3.9 g
- water: 14.0 g


— B1: 0.5 mg
— B2: 0.2 mg
— B3: 1.2 mg
— B6: 0.9 mg
— B9: 90.0 mcg
— E: 3.8 mg
— PP: 2.1 mg

Micro, macroelements and minerals:

- aluminum: 640.0 mcg
- iron: 12.4 mg
— iodine: 12.1 mcg
— potassium: 1100.0 mg
— calcium: 150.0 mg
— silicon: 92.0 mg
- magnesium: 103.0 mg
— manganese: 1340.0 mcg
- copper: 480.0 mcg
- sodium: 40.0 mg
– sulfur: 159.0 mg
— phosphorus: 541.0 mg
- fluorine: 44.0 mcg
- chlorine: 58.0 mg
— zinc: 3210.0 mcg

Calorie content: 308.9 kcal

Positive effects of beans on the body

The main positive effect of beans extends to digestion - it stimulates the development of beneficial bacteria in the intestines and removes excess cholesterol from the body. Beans effectively stimulate many digestive processes, efficiently remove toxins and wastes, has a diuretic and mild laxative effect.

Despite the fact that beans take a very long time to digest and have been called a heavy product for this reason, they are good for getting rid of fat deposits and maintaining a diet. Regular consumption of beans increases the secretion of gastric juice, and this, in turn, affects the dissolution and release of gallstones. Beans are recommended for consumption by people with diabetes., because it contains a substance called arginine, which is very effective and efficient in helping to lower blood sugar.

Beans have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart; everyone who has heart rhythm disturbances, hypertension, or atherosclerosis should eat it. Beans strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase their elasticity, and also stabilize the body’s nervous system, helping stress pass without leaving a trace.

Beans also help with problems of the genitourinary system, it prevents the formation of kidney stones and, since it has a high antibacterial effect, diseases such as cystitis and other similar inflammations go away from its consumption, and it also improves sexual function in men.

And, of course, beans greatly influence your appearance - they protect your skin from dermatitis, rashes, premature aging, and the appearance of age spots.

Many women know about the rejuvenating effect of beans, that they perfectly remove wrinkles, make the complexion even, and the skin soft and elastic, and use this miracle remedy by introducing beans into their diet. The effect can be enhanced by making masks based on bean broth and bean puree.

Beans show simply fantastic characteristics when canned - long-term storage does not affect its composition in any way, so for health and beauty you can safely use beans from cans, because it is not always possible to cook fresh beans. Since preservation does not in any way affect the usefulness of beans, they can be a good vitamin supplement for the winter.

The harm of beans and which beans you should not eat

Both bean pods and beans are eaten, but under no circumstances should beans be eaten raw. Most varieties of beans in their raw form are extremely poisonous and can cause severe food poisoning, and all because raw beans contain the substances glycoside phasin and phaseolunatin - they can cause various problems with the intestines and cause poisoning, vomiting, and diarrhea.

But you shouldn’t be afraid to eat beans because of this. The effect of these substances is neutralized very simply; to do this, you just need to soak the beans in clean water for several hours (4-10 hours) or subject them to heat treatment, that is, cook them. There will be no such harm from boiled beans - only benefit.

As a rule, beans are cooked with preliminary soaking - this way they cook faster. But you can cook beans without this procedure, but then you risk getting that “heavy” product. The fact is that when soaked, oligosaccharides dissolve - sugars that human body does not process, and their presence causes increased gas formation and complicates the digestion process.

Surely all fans of various kinds of diets and fasting days are familiar with the properties of such a unique product as beans. What kind of plant is this, how does it affect our body, can it be included in the diet of children and pregnant women, what is its value for men? We will also reveal the secrets of dishes with which you can quickly get rid of extra pounds and bring maximum benefit to your own body.

Beans - history of legumes

Historical research has shown that the culture we are studying originally grew in the territory of modern Mexico. The approximate date of the beginning of bean cultivation is more than 7 thousand years ago and this is more than accurate data. Proof of this are the seeds that were perfectly preserved and discovered by archaeological researchers in the ruins of ancient monuments of such civilizations as the Mayans, Incas, etc. During research work a mummy was excavated, in whose hands those very grains were found. It cannot be said that this was an isolated case; such graves and mummies were found in other places, and in considerable quantities. In addition to beans, the dead also had corn cobs, cotton fibers, and pumpkin seeds in their hands. As we see, everything that can bring exclusively benefit to the human body and life, and not harm. It turns out that our ancient ancestors understood food no worse, and maybe even better than us, and their diet consisted of more useful items than the menu of modern people.

Interesting fact: Some modern gardeners claim that they have managed to plant beans and corn together, which gives a rich harvest of both crops. I would not like to disappoint, but the ancient Indian tribes thought of this, and it was they who thus cultivated two important components of their diet.

Later it migrated to other continents thanks to the legendary ancient “marketer” and “advertiser” Christopher Columbus. But what is noteworthy is that beans began to be used as a beautiful, ornamental plant. Its climbing stem and flowers harmonized perfectly with the pastel and gray tones of Roman and Greek buildings, entwining colonnades and steles. Over time, the flowers became so popular that entire cities were drowned in them during a certain season. This can be especially seen in paintings that depict the streets and squares of medieval France. All balconies, alleys, courtyards, facades of small taverns were entwined with delicate pink, purple and white flowers on bright green creeping stems. Even the cavalry, the enviable guards and musketeers, women gave small flowers so that they could decorate their hats and outfits with them. And it is quite natural that, having seen enough of such beauty, the Russian elite also wanted to grow this stunning plant. Representatives of trading companies brought the beans to Russia through the Arkhangelsk port. Beans grew there for a long time and only after 2 centuries were they brought to the capital. Just like the French nobility, ours treated it as an ornamental plant. A century and a half passed before people tasted a dish from this amazingly tasty and healthy culture. For the most part, it was cultivated in the regions of modern Ukraine and Moldova.

To be fair, it must be said that bean dishes were borrowed from French and Italian cuisine. For this purpose, famous chefs from abroad were invited to the royal kitchens.

What are beans - description

As we already know, beans are a prominent representative of legumes that originally grew in the territory of modern Mexico, South America. Scientifically speaking, beans are a herbaceous crop with a climbing and creeping stem. It can reach 3 meters in length. As for the flowers, they resemble the delicate wings of small butterflies, moths, and the axillary type of inflorescence.

Fruits can be obtained only at the end of summer, approximately in the second half of July, in August, September. They can be in the form of bean pods of green, yellow, or beans of white, red, spotted and other shades. They are located in a container - inside a bean pod, reaching a length of up to ten to twenty centimeters, the shape of the seeds is ellipsoidal.

The culture itself is completely unpretentious. It can grow in both wet and dry soil, is not sensitive to heat and even cold, and can be grown in harsh climatic conditions. Beans take pride of place in the haute cuisines of the world - French, Italian, English, Russian, etc. It is used in the preparation of both first and second courses, salads. They even manage to create amazing sweet masterpieces, harmoniously combining beans with chocolate, sweet fruits, ice cream, etc. As they say, there are no limits to human abilities and fantasies.

Surely most of our readers know such names as Julienne, pasta with beans, beef and mushrooms - favorite treat Italians, Paprikash, Liege salad. And what’s nice is that these masterpieces can be prepared without exception in an ordinary home kitchen. After all, legumes perfectly complement the taste of red, white meat, poultry, and fish. Some Mediterranean restaurants and bars offer seafood dishes that harmonize perfectly with the taste of soft and tender beans. And the ancient Greek bean soup was a dish of the poor, but very quickly migrated to the tables of the rich nobility.

Interesting fact: According to statistics, the biggest fans of beans are the British. In a year they eat as much as the whole world. Following them, the culture we are studying is most often used in their cuisine by the Japanese, Chinese, and Koreans. What’s noteworthy is that these countries make amazing candies, as well as bean flour.

The exceptional value and rich vitamin and mineral composition became the reason for including beans in shampoos, ointments and powders.

What are beans made of?

The value of beans is so high that experts confidently place them on a par with, or even above, meat and other products containing protein and acids.

in the product
from normal
Calorie content (kcal)298 1424 20.9%
Proteins (g)21 82 25.6%
Fat (g)2 65 3.1%
Carbohydrates (g)47 128 36.7%
Dietary fiber (g)12.4 20 62%
Water (g)14 2560 0.5%
Ash (g)3.6 ~ ~
Vitamin A, RE (mcg)0 900 ~
beta carotene (mg)0 5 ~
Vitamin B1, thiamine (mg)0.5 1.5 33.3%
Vitamin B2, riboflavin (mg)0.18 1.8 10%
Vitamin B4, choline (mg)0 500 ~
Vitamin B5, pantothenic (mg)1.2 5 24%
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine (mg)0.9 2 45%
Vitamin B9, folate (mcg)90 400 22.5%
Vitamin B12, cobalamin (mcg)0 3 ~
Vitamin C, ascorbic acid (mg)0 90 ~
Vitamin D, calciferol (mcg)0 10 ~
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE (mg)0.6 15 4%
Vitamin H, biotin (mcg)0 50 ~
Vitamin K, phylloquinone (mcg)0 120 ~
Vitamin RR, NE (mg)6.4 20 32%
Niacin (mg)2.1 ~ ~
Potassium, K (mg)1100 2500 44%
Calcium, Ca (mg)150 1000 15%
Silicon, Si (mg)92 30 307%
Magnesium, Mg (mg)103 400 25.8%
Sodium, Na (mg)40 1300 3.1%
Sulfur, S (mg)159 1000 15.9%
Phosphorus, Ph (mg)480 800 60%
Chlorine, Cl (mg)58 2300 2.5%
Aluminum, Al (µg)640 ~ ~
Boron, B (µg)490 ~ ~
Vanadium, V (mcg)190 ~ ~
Iron, Fe (mg)5.9 18 32.8%
Iodine, I (µg)12.1 150 8.1%
Cobalt, Co (µg)18.7 10 187%
Manganese, Mn (mg)1.34 2 67%
Copper, Cu (µg)580 1000 58%
Molybdenum, Mo (µg)39.4 70 56.3%
Nickel, Ni (µg)173.2 ~ ~
Selenium, Se (µg)24.9 55 45.3%
Titanium, Ti (µg)150 ~ ~
Fluorine, F (µg)44 4000 1.1%
Chromium, Cr (µg)10 50 20%
Zinc, Zn (mg)3.21 12 26.8%
Starch and dextrins (g)43.8 ~ ~
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars) (g)3.2 max 1003.2%
Glucose (dextrose) (g)0.06 ~ ~
Sucrose (g)1.44 ~ ~
Arginine* (g)1.12 ~ ~
Valin (g)1.12 ~ ~
Histidine* (g)0.57 ~ ~
Isoleucine (g)1.03 ~ ~
Leucine (g)1.74 ~ ~
Lysine (g)1.59 ~ ~
Methionine (g)0.24 ~ ~
Methionine + Cysteine ​​(g)0.43 ~ ~
Threonine (g)0.87 ~ ~
Tryptophan (g)0.26 ~ ~
Phenylalanine (g)1.13 ~ ~
Phenylalanine+Tyrosine (g)1.76 ~ ~
Alanine (g)0.87 ~ ~
Aspartic acid (g)2.46 ~ ~
Glycine (g)0.84 ~ ~
Glutamic acid (g)3.13 ~ ~
Proline (g)1.57 ~ ~
Serine (g)1.22 ~ ~
Tyrosine (g)0.63 ~ ~
Cysteine ​​(g)0.19 ~ ~
Cholesterol (mg)0 max 300~
Trans fats (g)0 max 2~
Omega-3 fatty acids (g)0 from 1 to 4.1~
Omega-6 fatty acids (g)0 from 5.1 to 18.3~
Saturated fatty acids (g)0.2 max 20.31%
Monounsaturated fatty acids (g)0 from 20.4 to 52.8~
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (g)0 from 12.2 to 22.3~


100 grams of beans contain about 300 kilocalories.

The special value of beans lies in the content of a large amount of fiber, coarse fibers, thanks to which putrefactive accumulations and toxins are perfectly removed from the body. It is for this reason that beans are classified as dietary types and are included in the best diets for losing weight and cleansing the body. Bean decoctions are useful after severe operations, illnesses, colds, infectious, inflammatory and oncological processes.

Benefits of beans

Doctors recommend this culture, which is useful in all respects, in many cases. We have already talked about the value of the product in the postoperative period and during illness. And also:

  • for pathologies of the cardiovascular system,
  • disorders of the central nervous system;
  • with excessive aggression, panic attacks, irritability.

Interesting fact: Just two weeks on dishes containing beans is enough for stress, depression and other mental and behavioral problems to go away.

  1. The hard fibers of the product, entering the intestinal tract, swell and fill the volume, creating a false feeling of fullness, which allows you to eat much less and lose weight. Also, fiber is a “brush” that helps remove all stagnant accumulations from the intestines, in which pathogenic microorganisms multiply exponentially.
  2. Bean dishes, as well as a special decoction, the recipe for which we will study later, are irreplaceable for such serious diseases as tuberculosis, inflammation and other pathologies of the respiratory system. And the reason is the content of a large number of antioxidants - the main fighters against pathogenic microbes and bacteria.
  3. Beans have amazing antiviral, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties.
  4. The product contains a unique substance - arginine, an amino acid that controls nitrogen metabolism and reduces glucose levels in human blood. This fact proves the usefulness of legumes for people suffering from diabetes.
  5. The impressive amount of iron makes beans useful for people with low hemoglobin levels, promotes hematopoiesis and an increase in the number of red blood cells.
  6. The components of beans enrich the blood with a large amount of oxygen, which strengthens the immune system.
  7. Copper from legumes is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and stimulates the flow of adrenaline.
  8. Sulfur – this element improves the structure of hair, nails, skin, improves mental abilities, hearing, smell, and touch. At the same time, sulfur also copes well with fungal infections, viruses, and has a positive effect on rheumatic problems.
  9. To stimulate carbohydrate metabolism, the participation of zinc is necessary, of which there is a large amount in the product we are studying. The substance strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves the condition of the nervous and vascular systems, and protects the walls of capillaries, veins and other vessels from rupture.
  10. Regular consumption of beans can improve the condition of the genitourinary system, and if you periodically drink decoctions of beans, you will reduce the chances of developing kidney stones. gallbladder will be reduced to zero.
  11. The product is a powerful stimulant of gastric juice, a diuretic effect, which helps get rid of edema.
  12. Hepatoprotective effect - the ability to completely cleanse the liver and restore the functions of the body's main filter. As a result, the general condition of the body is normalized - skin color, hair structure, nails, musculoskeletal system improve, and immunity increases.

Beans in cosmetics

The legume plant not only from the inside, but also from the outside has an excellent effect on human beauty and health. Scrubs are created with crushed beans that can gently and gently cleanse the skin of cosmetic residues, dirt, fat accumulation, and dead cells.

Important: beans are hypoallergenic products, that is, those that do not cause an allergic reaction in people due to the absence of gluten. For this reason, it is used at any age.

  1. Masks and peelings made from beans smooth out fine wrinkles and prevent the formation of grooves that cause large, deep wrinkles.
  2. The product also has whitening properties, removes dark glasses, cleanses pores, and eliminates black circles under the eyes. The skin is not subject to inflammatory processes, ulcers and pimples do not form.
  3. Cosmetologists strongly recommend using bean paste for black circles and swelling under the eyes.

Beans - are they good for women?

As we already know, beans contain a large amount of protein, approximately 75%. And this substance is a building material for our cells, which need to be restored, renewed and multiplied continuously. And for those ladies who constantly load the body with active actions to slim their figure, it is necessary to maintain muscle tone, and the builder - protein from beans - will help with this.

Regular consumption of bean dishes helps to normalize the nervous system, immunity, and hormonal levels, thanks to which women get rid of the unfortunate PMS, hysterics, panic, and irritability.

Don't forget about the green pods, this type It is much easier to process by the body and has a number of beneficial properties.

Is it possible to eat beans during pregnancy?

This, as they say, is an exceptional case. Beans are an excellent product for expectant mothers and here's why:

  1. The protein is involved in the formation of the fetal body and its nervous system.
  2. Beans do not cause problems with the intestines, but on the contrary, cleanses it and facilitates the removal of feces, eliminating accumulations in which pathogenic microbes develop.
  3. The product reduces the level of bad cholesterol.
  4. Reduces sugar levels, which prevents or alleviates diabetes mellitus.
  5. Dietary fiber helps expectant mothers feel relief; she is not bothered by attacks of nausea, vomiting, pain, flatulence, bloating, which is very important for toxicosis.
  6. B vitamins are involved in the formation of the nervous system and their presence reduces the risk of developing birth defects and improves immunity.
  7. Substances involved in human hematopoiesis increase hemoglobin levels, which is a problem for many pregnant women. They suffer from low levels of red cells, which can cause fetal hypoxia, problems with oxygen supply to the brain, etc.
  8. The substance sulfur is a faithful assistant in the fight against stretch marks and pigmentation; it is involved in the synthesis of protein metabolism and restores the structure of the skin and hair.
  9. Hard fibers and fiber help in the fight against a frequent pregnancy companion - constipation. The stool returns to normal, and this happens gently, without the formation of cracks and bleeding.
  10. If a pregnant woman is a supporter of vegetarianism, then beans are an excellent replacement for an important product - meat. Moreover, it is more similar in content to turkey, chicken, rabbit, fish, etc., which are amazing for expectant mothers.

Why are beans harmful for pregnant women?

This product is exceptional and has virtually no downsides. But there are still points that you should pay close attention to.

First of all, you need to understand that even a person may have an individual intolerance to such a plant. And if this is observed, you should start consuming beans with scanty quantities. Moreover, it needs to be processed thermally for as long as possible until it turns into a light mush. Before cooking, soak in water for at least 4-5 hours and rinse thoroughly. If the problems persist, eliminate legumes from the diet.

Also, contraindications for consuming beans include: peptic ulcer, colitis, gastritis and cholecystitis.

What are the benefits of beans for men?

Our men work day and night to provide their halves with a comfortable existence. It so happens that it is on their shoulders that the physical load falls, and this requires strength, the same physical strength. Where to get them from - from meat. Eat constantly meat products You can’t, so it’s important to pay attention to healthy, unique products from nature that cost pennies and are available at any time of the year.

  1. IN recent years, for various reasons - due to poor ecology, vanity, constant stress, poor nutrition, a colossal influx of chemicals into products and the environment, men more often began to suffer from cancer and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. What is especially frightening is that terrible illnesses have become “younger”; young people are suffering from them.
  2. Also, the passion for beer plays a big role in this process; even at a very young age, children develop “beer” bellies. So, it is formed visceral fat- main enemy male potency and its organs. The hard fibers of beans and similar products do not give a chance for the accumulation of fat mass, restore muscle structure and, of course, erectile function of a person.

Vitamin E – tocopherol, is involved in the activation and stimulation of sperm, improves their quality. All this has a great effect on both a man’s sex life and his health in general.

Can children eat beans?

Let us immediately note that beans cannot be included in a baby’s diet until he is 3 years old. It's all about the fibers, they are too tough for the children's intestinal tract. And even then, you need to prepare the product very responsibly - soak it in water for at least 5-6 hours, then cook until completely cooked and grind it into puree. Give children tiny portions - 1-2 tablespoons, starting with a teaspoon.

As for the green pods, our kids simply adore them. This does not mean that they need to be stuffed with early childhood, wait until they are one year old. Rinse thoroughly, boil and grind into puree. A serving is no more than 1-2 teaspoons.

Important: Before feeding your baby, check his individual tolerance to the product. Give a tiny portion and pay attention to whether there is any rash, swelling, redness, itching, anxiety, tearfulness, or difficulty breathing. The presence of symptoms indicates that the child is intolerant to the product, which should be excluded for several years. You must immediately consult a doctor.

The antioxidants contained in the product improve the baby’s mental abilities, develop memory, vision, hearing, and participate in the regulation of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. With regular consumption of beans, a child’s sleep improves, anxiety and irritability go away.

Losing weight with beans

Is there a bean diet? Yes, it exists and it is very effective. Moreover, the product can be used both as part of other items and as a mono-diet. Legumes are easy to store; just put them in a sealed bag and keep them in a dry, dark and cool place. Even better, in order not to waste time cooking it every time, you can cook a large amount in a cauldron. Boil until tender, place in food containers or bags and keep in the freezer. In this form, the product will not lose a single gram of nutrients and will only bring health. We suggest you study several healthy recipes to burn extra pounds.

Bean soup

To prepare you need:

  • 200 grams of beans (green);
  • 1 tomato;
  • carrot;
  • bulb.

Boil the legumes until tender and add the diced vegetables. 20 minutes before the end, add finely chopped tomato.

Do not season the soup with salt, pepper and other spices that cause appetite. Just add a few drops of lemon or lime.

You should eat soup three times a day. You can include green vegetables, fruits, and low-fat fermented milk products (but not low-fat) in your diet. The course of the diet is 10 days, then a break for three days.

Beans for weight loss

Soak a glass of beans for 3-4 hours, rinse thoroughly and boil until tender in 2 liters of water. Then drain the liquid, strain and drink 1/3 cup before your evening meal.

For a successful result, it is important to give up foods such as baked goods, sweets, canned foods, smoked, fried, spicy, salty foods, etc.

In a short period of time, all fecal stones and putrefactive accumulations, wastes, and toxins will come out of the body. A person feels lightness, a surge of strength, vigor, improved mental abilities and loss of excess weight. Endurance appears, mood improves, sleep normalizes.

The diet is a unique prevention against diseases of the cardiovascular, urolithiasis, nervous, hormonal and other systems.

So, we studied in more detail what is included in the composition of beans, what are their beneficial properties, and found out the significance for women's, children's, and men's health. Now, we hope, you will have no doubt about whether to include legumes in your menu or not, because its positive qualities are an important motivator for preparing tasty and healthy dishes.

As a child, my relationship with beans was limited to sprouting them for botany lessons. In my youth, she did not attract me either because of her taste or her valuable qualities, which I knew little about at that time. After forty, I was finally “ripe enough” to consciously include beans in my diet. The benefits and harms of this legume crop are in a ratio where the first significantly exceeds the second.

Let's take a closer look at the beneficial properties and contraindications of beans. And at the same time we will find out which culinary processing best preserves valuable substances in its grains.

History of cultivation

Beans are one of the world's oldest crops. Its seeds, which are estimated to be seven thousand years old, are found during archaeological excavations in South America. We must thank Columbus for the fact that it migrated to the European continent.

In Russia, it began to be cultivated in the 17th-18th centuries. First - as an ornamental plant, and later as a vegetable crop. Nowadays, beans are grown in many countries around the world. The plant loves a warm climate, sun, fertile soil and moderate rainfall. The largest producers for a long time are China, Argentina, Egypt and the USA.

Chemical composition

Beans have one of the richest compositions among vegetable crops. For people who have excluded meat from their diet, they will help compensate for the lack of protein. The vitamins and minerals that beans contain are absolutely necessary for the health and normal functioning of our body. Per 100 g of grains there are:

  • proteins – up to 20% of the daily requirement;
  • fiber – up to 15%;
  • carbohydrates – up to 60%;
  • B vitamins – up to 25%;
  • vitamin E – up to 7%;
  • vitamins PP, C, K – up to 3%;
  • manganese – 32%;
  • copper – 29%;
  • iron – 21%;
  • magnesium – 16%;
  • phosphorus – 15%;
  • zinc – 12%;
  • calcium – 9%.

In addition, beans are rich in valuable essential amino acids - tryptophan, arginine, lysine, methionine and others. The calorie content of raw beans is about 300 kcal, boiled - on average no more than 140 kcal.

Varieties and properties

On the shelves of our stores you can find grains of several colors. But which ones are the most useful and what is the difference between them? In fact, all varieties fully possess valuable qualities, regardless of color. It’s just that they can be manifested to different degrees. Let's look at the features of the most common varieties.


This variety of beans is the champion in potassium, magnesium, aluminum and copper content among other varieties. It also contains substances that inhibit the absorption of fast carbohydrates, which is especially important when losing weight. White beans contain more fiber, which the body needs to cleanse the intestines and normal digestion.

There are slightly fewer proteins and carbohydrates in it compared to, for example, red. But the calorie content is significantly lower - only about 100 kcal. The product is well suited for dietary nutrition, as it gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness and does not overload the stomach.

White beans are especially rich folic acid, without which such an important process as hematopoiesis cannot occur. The body needs this acid to maintain immunity and a stable emotional state. It also ensures the normal development of the nervous system of the embryo, which is especially important for pregnant women. One glass of beans satisfies the body's daily need for this substance.

The culinary uses of white beans are quite varied. Its universal taste allows it to be used both in side dishes and in first courses. One of the most, in my opinion, successful recipes is. It’s easy to prepare and always works, even for inexperienced cooks.


Red beans are no less popular than white beans. Its grains, covered with a dense shell, have a delicate nutty flavor. Among other varieties, it is the leader in the content of antioxidants, which help prevent cancer and slow down aging.

Bean skins contain dietary fiber that promotes the development of beneficial microflora in the intestines. Their medicinal properties manifest themselves fully when establishing bowel function and in the fight against constipation.

Red beans have the ability to relieve muscle spasms and smooth muscles. This property, together with the diuretic effect, is useful for latest dates pregnancy.

In cooking, red beans are used in recipes for borscht, lobio, burritos, salads, and pie fillings.


This type is considered the most useful and nutritious. Compounds found in black beans are used in medicines for the treatment of colon cancer. This variety is especially useful for men, since the increased zinc content helps in the prevention of prostatitis. In addition, erectile function and sperm quality are significantly improved.

It has been noted that in case of diabetes mellitus, black beans stabilize glucose levels better than other varieties. For this traditional medicine An infusion of bean leaves is recommended. Two tablespoons of the leaves are poured with half a liter of cold water and left for seven hours. Then filter and drink throughout the day.

Residents of South and Central America especially like to add black beans to culinary dishes. It goes well with vegetables, fish, and is suitable for borscht and vegetable stew. Even sweet desserts are prepared from it, pouring chocolate over the beans.


Green or string beans are not a special variety, but simply unripe regular beans. It has the lowest calorie content - up to 25 kcal and the highest fiber content. Due to these qualities, it is actively used in dietary nutrition. Dishes made from green beans are well nourishing and help to fully cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

In the cuisines of many peoples of the world, green beans are actively used to prepare side dishes and soups. As an independent dish, it goes well with various spices, seasonings and creamy sauce.


Green beans are a type of green bean. It has soft elongated pods, devoid of a parchment layer and hard fibers at the seams. It is distinguished by delicate jelly-like pulp and poorly formed beans. The taste is reminiscent of young asparagus sprouts, hence the name. It is very popular in cooking because it has excellent nutritional characteristics and is quick and easy to prepare.

Health Benefits

No matter what type of beans you prefer, any of them will benefit your body.

  1. Legumes successfully help cope with glandular anemia. High iron content promotes the production of red blood cells, normalizes blood composition, and increases hemoglobin levels.
  2. Potassium and magnesium contained in beans strengthen the heart muscle and nervous system. Bean dishes maintain water-salt balance and eliminate swelling.
  3. With regular use, teeth and bone tissue of the skeleton are strengthened. Muscles acquire elasticity and healthy tone.
  4. The diuretic effect of beans helps in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the urinary system. For urolithiasis, bean broth helps remove small stones and prevents their re-formation.
  5. Daily consumption of at least 100 g of beans has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels. Their walls are strengthened, cholesterol deposits are dissolved, and the cardiovascular system generally.
  6. Thanks to the high concentration of beneficial compounds and complete protein, beans support the immune system and increase the body's resistance. During the period of seasonal colds, it is worth taking care of the regular presence of bean dishes in the menu.

In what form are beans healthier?

Now let's look at cooking methods. Knowing what this legume is rich in, we strive to preserve all its beneficial substances as much as possible. To do this, you need to imagine how best to prepare it. First of all, you need to keep in mind that raw bean grains are not eaten because they are toxic.

Unprocessed beans contain special lectin proteins and dangerous glycosides - phasin and phaseolunatin. These substances cause digestive upset - cramping, bloating, vomiting and diarrhea. As well as general malaise, weakness, increased heart rate, headaches, and a sharp drop in blood pressure. Moreover, for such symptoms to occur, only 15-20 raw or undercooked beans are enough.

To neutralize the effect of these substances, it is necessary to soak the beans in clean cold water for several hours. This usually takes at least 4 hours, and for black varieties - at least 8. If you don't want to worry about which variety to soak for how long, just leave the grains in water overnight.


This is the simplest and most versatile cooking method. Soaked and washed bean grains should be boiled for at least an hour, adding cold water as they boil.

Further, the finished beans can be used for salads, soups or stewed with other vegetables and herbs. It is enough to boil the green beans for 10 minutes. Unlike many other vegetable crops, beans retain almost all their beneficial properties when cooked.


The good thing about canned beans is that they are completely ready to eat and have a long shelf life. They contain up to 80% of vitamins, minerals, fiber and amino acids. A jar of these beans comes in very handy when you need to cook something quickly. And there are recipes, for example, “Obzhorka” salad with beans, which use canned beans.


Capsicum and asparagus varieties are usually frozen. At the same time, the chemical composition and taste of the product remain unchanged. And the amount of protein even increases as excess moisture is removed. Currently, you can find both vegetable mixtures and separately frozen beans in stores. The product is available all year round.

Personally, I freeze boiled beans too. If there is any leftover after cooking a dish, I simply put it in the freezer. A plastic container is best for this. After defrosting, such a product does not lose either taste or consistency.


Sprouting bean grains is rarely practiced, since not all varieties are suitable for this. The “adzuki” variety and “golden” beans or mung beans are the only legumes suitable for this purpose. Moreover, although mung bean is a legume crop, it is not a bean; it is a different species.

Sprouted beans have greater biological activity compared to raw beans. The grain gives the sprout all its reserves of vitamins and minerals. Sprouts added to green salads have antioxidant properties and help eliminate waste and toxins.

Raw foodists, vegetarians, and people with dietary restrictions regularly add sprouts to their diet. This helps compensate for the lack of vitamins and replenish enzyme reserves in the body.

Precautions and contraindications

Some properties of legumes can cause undesirable reactions from the digestive system and the body as a whole. It is recommended to limit the consumption of bean dishes in the following conditions:

  • gastritis or gastric and duodenal ulcers in a state of exacerbation;
  • increased acidity;
  • gout;
  • cholecystitis;
  • flatulence.

It is not advisable to offer beans to children under 3 years of age. They will be too heavy for children's digestive system. And adults are recommended to consume beans 2-3 times a week, 150-200 g each. If you follow these simple rules the product will be safe and as useful as possible.


Of all the varieties of beans, I personally like the variegated one the most. To my taste, it is the most tender and aromatic, with buttery crumbly pulp. And it cooks quickly - after soaking for no more than an hour. Well suited for both side dishes and pureed soups. I like to stew it with onions, carrots and tomato paste.

And you, dear readers, what type of beans do you prefer? What dishes can you cook with it? Please share your experience in the comments.