Compatibility of animals according to the eastern calendar. Horoscope: Love compatibility according to the Chinese horoscope

You always want to find your soulmate, a person who is 100% suitable for you. With it you can achieve harmony in life, and in love and marriage you will be happy. This is not just a dream, but a reality that anyone can achieve. The Chinese calendar describes 12 zodiac signs, they change every year. Some animals from the horoscope have very good compatibility, while others have a natural intolerance to each other.

You get great opportunity find out everything about yourself and your partner. This is one of the features of the compatibility horoscope by year - it gives accurate recommendations for absolutely everyone.

A simple compatibility chart by year will reveal its secrets to you - life in love is possible for any person. If you are unlucky, the relationship is not working out, then you can find out why this is so. The wise Chinese (Japanese) horoscope gives answers to all questions. Life is easier if the right person walks through life next to you.

Eastern horoscope

The eastern horoscope does not use traditional zodiac signs by month, but each person receives a zodiac by year of birth. There are 12 in total, so your sign will next appear every 12 years. This system is very convenient. This is a wise horoscope in which every year passes under the auspices of animals or mythical creatures.

A person born in a certain year takes on many of the traits of his sign. Using the calendar it is easy to find out who you are - Snake, Monkey, Dragon, Horse, etc. Knowing your horoscope helps in many cases:

  • you can find out everything about your character
  • determine inclinations to different types activities
  • find a person with whom love compatibility will be ideal.

Today the eastern (also called Chinese or Japanese) calendar is very popular. Many people build their lives according to the advice received from it. You can do this too. In order for a calendar to help you plan your life, you don’t have to turn to a professional. You can do it all, completely free.

It is very useful to know what your Chinese zodiac sign is. Be sure to buy a picture of the sign and keep it in a visible place at home. This will bring good luck. When the time of your symbol comes, he comes into the world again after 12 years of rest, he sweeps through the world. Where he sees self-respect and honor, the next 12 years will pass in prosperity, prosperity and love.

Compatibility of zodiac signs

Among the birth signs, there are those that are literally attracted to each other. Their compatibility in love is great, and marriage is easy and pleasant for such people. This cannot always be determined at first glance, because the signs of the eastern calendar are not attracted to the sky by external beauty. It's all about the energy that connects certain signs.

At the moment of birth of a person, the Stars and Planets in space are lined up in a certain way. Any astrologer can tell you that this position is very important in determining a person's destiny. This position of the planets creates a special energy system, which forms the main characteristics of the individual. It is called Zodiacal energy.

The Eastern or Chinese horoscope is based on these concepts. Each of the signs metaphorically carries its own energy into the world. Using a calendar, you can plan not only a day, but your whole life. Previously, in Japan, no business began without checking the predictions for a certain sign. The almanac served as one of the main books of the Japanese until the 20th century, but even now it is often used to determine important dates of events:

  • weddings;
  • opening a business;
  • purchase of real estate;
  • investing money.

Your life is also subject to the rule of the energy of the Constellations. To find your one and only, you don’t have to search your whole life. This person may be very close.

Compatibility table

By looking at the Chinese calendar, you can find the degree of compatibility of different zodiac signs. This is interesting, because many of the couples you know fit this description perfectly. It is easier in marriage with the one whom the Stars sent us.

Compatibility table for eastern horoscope signs

Rat Bull Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Sheep Monkey Rooster Dog Pig
Rat 0 2 0 1 3 0 4 5 3 6 0 0
Bull 2 0 0 0 6 3 5 4 0 3 1 0
Tiger 0 0 0 0 0 5 3 0 4 0 3 2
Rabbit 1 0 0 0 5 0 6 3 0 4 2 3
Dragon 3 6 0 5 1 0 0 0 3 2 4 0
Snake 0 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 4
Horse 4 5 3 6 0 0 1 2 0 0 3 0
Sheep 5 4 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 3
Monkey 3 0 4 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 5
Rooster 6 3 0 4 2 3 0 0 0 1 5 0
Dog 0 1 3 2 4 0 3 1 0 5 0 0
Pig 0 0 2 3 0 4 0 3 5 0 0 1

The first thing you need to do is determine your sign according to the eastern horoscope. After this, look for the sign corresponding to the partner in the horizontal part. On the transference you will find a number from 0 to 6. This is the degree of correspondence of energies. The month of birth does not matter in this case, only the year.

Change your life, build it according to the Chinese calendar

Some people living in unhappy marriage, changed your life. With an unsuccessful partner, only quarrels, misunderstandings, and contradictions await you. This simple table makes it clear who it is better not to build a relationship with at all. The point is not that a person is good or bad, it’s just that your energies are completely incompatible.

How to use the compatibility table

To correctly decipher the predictions, read all the meanings corresponding to the degree of increasing compatibility. Here complete harmony is possible in love, marriage, sex or just friendship. Although, in the latter case, friendship quickly develops into something more, and then they are very happy in marriage.

0 – good compatibility. The Chinese calendar defines this type as neutral. Usually, relationships work out well. People may have known each other since birth, so it is a foregone conclusion. Everything goes smoothly, without friction, unpleasant quarrels and betrayals. It’s nice to be in such a union; it’s a comfortable relationship between two adults.

1 – problematic union. These zodiac signs don't have many quiet days. They are set up for quarrels and friction. They have many problems in their marriage, so it is better to think several times before choosing such a partner as your life partner. This compatibility does not reflect very well on relationships, because you will not be able to build a truly strong, long-term alliance.

2 – balance. This union is simple. According to the Eastern calendar, signs that are opposite in energy often receive a two. This means that there is balance in their life. If one of the partners is very active, active, then the second must balance it with a calm, wise disposition. This is how wonderful unions are formed in marriage for life.

3 – highest harmony. From birth, a person strives to be in a state complete harmony. For many signs it is unattainable due to stubbornness, unwillingness to pay attention to what really matters. worthwhile partner. If your pair is a three, many years await you happy life together. Without betrayal, criticism, discontent. What more could you ask for?

4 – confrontation. It's very difficult for people to be together. The Chinese horoscope says that they most often remain enemies. It's a difficult partnership, sometimes forced. They are not at all interested in being together, they do not understand each other. This is a bad union that is best avoided altogether.

5 – situation of conflict. These people cannot be together, and if they are forced for some reason, it makes them unhappy. This is an uncomfortable couple. For zodiac signs with an A, it is best to keep your distance and say hello from afar. Trying to build a family life is a big mistake. It happens that it is for mercantile reasons that they want to be together. Bad ending anyway.

6 – uneven union. He may exist. Yes, it’s not so easy for the zodiac signs, because there are black stripes. Yes, they are replaced by white ones, but that doesn’t make it any easier. Only great love can overcome the confrontation in this couple. According to the year of birth, it is better for people to be approximately the same age in order for everything to work out successfully.

It is not always easy for us to build good, high-quality relationships, but this does not mean that we should abandon our partner. The Chinese horoscope gives people a chance to build their lives correctly and harmoniously. But everything is in your hands and in your heart.

Want to know when your love hour is?

Our astrologers have the most accurate and detailed forecasts.

Chinese astrology is fundamentally different from the Western system, since the usual signs of the zodiac are replaced by twelve animals.

In accordance with it, it is believed that the characteristics of a person’s temperament and character are determined by the year of which animal he was born. The compatibility of various signs with each other according to the Chinese system is discussed in detail in this article.

Compatibility of signs in Chinese astrology

In Chinese astrology, a person's belonging to a certain sign is determined primarily by the year of his birth.

Below are the years corresponding to specific animals, as well as their compatibility with representatives of other signs:

  1. The sign of the Rat corresponds to people born on the following dates: 02/19/1996-02/06/1997, 02/02/1984-02/19/1985, 01/16/1972-02/02/1973, 01/28/1960-02/14/1961, 02/10/1948-02/14/1949. They get along very well with representatives of their own sign, and compatibility will be impressive regardless of whether they are planning to build close relationships or just business cooperation. Alliances with the Dragon, Snake and Monkey are also considered promising. Rat men quickly find common language with Tiger women, such partners will complement each other perfectly. However, you should refrain from close contacts with the Rabbit or Horse: these signs are the complete opposite of the Rat, so the chances of mutual understanding in any issues or matters are minimal.
  2. The sign of the Ox corresponds to people born on the following dates: 02/07/1997-01/27/1998, 02/20/1985-02/08/1986, 02/03/1973-01/22/1974, 02/15/1961-02/04/1962, 01/29/1949-02/16/1950. Bulls get along very poorly with representatives of their own sign, and it is also very rare to have successful alliances with the Dragon, Tiger, Horse or Dog. Good compatibility is observed with the Rooster or Snake, The Monkey will be a wonderful friend for the Ox, and the Rabbit will be an excellent business partner. A successful alliance with a Rat can also develop if the Ox changes his temperament at least a little and gives his partner some freedom.
  3. The sign of the Tiger corresponds to people born on the following dates: 01/28/1998-02/15/1999, 01/09/1986-01/28/1987, 01/23/1974-02/10/1975, 02/05/1962-01/24/1963, 02/17/1950-02/05/1951. Many people mistakenly believe that Tigers get along well with representatives of their sign: they do have many similar traits, but this is exactly what becomes main problem which gives rise to rivalry. Also, you should not count on a strong and reliable alliance in any area with a Snake, Ox, Pig or Monkey. Dog, Sheep and Dragon will be good partners for the Tiger; they can build excellent relationships both in friendship or love, and in business. Build family relationships possible with a Horse, but it is better for representatives of these signs not to engage in joint business.
  4. The Rabbit sign corresponds to people born on the following dates: 02/16/1999-02/03/2000, 01/29/1987-02/16/1988, 02/11/1975-01/30/1976, 01/25/1963-02/12/1964, 02/06/1951-01/26/1952, 02/19/1 939-02/07/1940. Rabbits can build a strong family or a reliable business with other representatives of their sign, but they should beware of Rats, Roosters or Dragons. Rabbit is quite compatible with all other signs under certain conditions.
  5. The Dragon sign corresponds to people born on the following dates: 02/04/2000-01/22/2001, 02/17/1988-02/05/1989, 01/31/1976-02/17/1977, 02/13/1964-02/01/1965, 01/27/1952-02/13/1953, 02/08/1 940-26.01.1941. Dragons become excellent business partners with representatives of their sign, and in some situations they can build a strong family if they have different temperaments. Rat is another one suitable sign, with whom business cooperation or personal life is successfully built, a Horse, Monkey or Snake is also suitable for this. Dragons are advised to avoid building alliances with the Rooster, Sheep, Dog or Pig.
  6. The Snake sign corresponds to people born on the following dates: 01/24/2001-02/11/2002, 02/06/1989-01/26/1990, 02/18/1977-02/06/1978, 02/02/1965-01/20/1966, 02/14/1953-02/02/1954, 01/27/1 941-14.02.1942. They achieve absolute mutual understanding with other Snakes, so such unions are considered successful both in marriage and in business. Ox, Dragon and Rat are only suitable for business relationships; you won’t be able to build a strong family with them; You should also avoid any close contact with Tiger, Monkey, Dog, Pig or Horse. Among the signs suitable for the Snake are the Rabbit and the Sheep.
  7. The Horse sign corresponds to people born on the following dates: 02/12/2002-01/31/2003, 01/27/1990-02/14/1991, 02/07/1978-01/27/1979, 01/21/1966-02/02/1967, 02/03/1954-01/23/1955, 01/15/1 942-02/04/1943. Good compatibility with other Horses, they can cooperate in absolutely all areas: engage in joint business, have a long-term romance or build a family. It is also good to build any relationship with the Tiger, Sheep, Dog, Pig and Rooster; A long and strong friendship with the Rat is possible. At the same time, you should beware of Rabbits and Snakes, since their unions rarely end successfully.
  8. The Sheep or Goat sign corresponds to people born on the following dates: 01.02.2003-21.01.2004, 15.02.1991-03.02.1992, 28.01.1979-15.02.1980, 09.02.1967-28.01.1968, 24.01.1955-11.02.1956, 05.01.1943-23.01.1944. Sheep are able to build harmonious and good relationships with other Sheep, it doesn’t matter whether they are planning to start a family or develop a joint business. There is incompatibility with Rats in love or family matters, but they can become wonderful friends or business partners; Only the Ox and the Dragon should be avoided completely. Stability and understanding can be found in alliances with the Rabbit, Snake, Horse or Pig.
  9. The Monkey sign corresponds to people born on the following dates: 01/22/2004-02/08/2005, 02/04/1992-01/22/1993, 02/16/1980-02/04/1981, 01/30/1968-02/16/1969, 02/12/1956-01/30/1957, 01/25/1 944-12.02.1945. An alliance with other Monkeys can be promising, this applies to both building a family and working together, but for this they will need to show persistence in order to get rid of possible disagreements. It is recommended to avoid any relationship with a Pig or Dragon, compatibility with representatives of other signs is also not easy: the success of the union will depend on the desire of both partners to get rid of differences and gain mutual understanding.
  10. The sign of the Rooster corresponds to people born on the following dates: 01/23/1993-02/09/1994, 02/05/1981-01/24/1982, 02/17/1969-02/05/1970, 01/31/1957-02/17/1958, 02/13/1945-02/01/1946. They do not get along well with other Roosters, but at the same time they can build fruitful relationships. business relations or a strong family if they cope with the differences that arise and learn to understand each other. There is good compatibility with Ox, Horse and Pig; with a Dog and a Rat you can build a family, but not a business; It is better to avoid contact with the Dragon.
  11. The Dog sign corresponds to people born on the following dates: 01/10/1994-01/30/1995, 01/25/1982-01/12/1983, 01/06/1970-01/26/1971, 01/18/1958-01/07/1959, 01/02/1946-01/21/1947. Usually they reach good understanding with other Dogs, this is often enough to successfully build any relationship. The Rat, Tiger and Horse will also make excellent partners in any business, but it is recommended to avoid too close contacts with the Ox, Dragon and Snake.
  12. The Pig sign corresponds to people born on the following dates: 02/18/2007-02/06/2008, 01/31/1995-02/18/1996, 02/13/1983-02/01/1984, 01/27/1971-01/15/1972, 02/02/1959-01/27/1960, 01/22/1 947-02.02.1948. The most suitable partner in work or personal life will be another Pig: complete mutual understanding and trust are established between them, which is the guarantor of a strong and reliable union for a long time. It is also possible to build good relationships with the Ox, Sheep, Rat, Horse and Rabbit, but it is better to avoid close contacts with the Monkey, Snake and Dragon.

Compatibility chart of signs in Chinese astrology


Below is a table containing all twelve animals from Chinese astrology. It allows you to visually assess their compatibility with each other:

Rat Bull Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Sheep Monkey Rooster Dog Pig
Rat 1 3 1 2 4 1 5 6 4 7 1 1
Bull 3 1 1 1 7 4 6 5 1 4 2 1
Tiger 1 1 1 1 1 6 4 1 5 1 4 3
Rabbit 2 1 1 1 6 1 7 4 1 5 3 4
Dragon 4 7 1 6 2 1 1 1 4 3 5 1
Snake 1 4 6 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 4
Horse 5 6 4 7 1 1 2 3 1 1 4 1
Sheep 6 5 1 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 4
Monkey 4 1 5 1 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 6
Rooster 7 4 1 5 3 4 1 1 1 2 6 1
Dog 1 2 4 3 5 1 4 2 1 6 1 1
Pig 1 1 3 4 1 5 1 4 6 1 1 2

How to use the table

In accordance with the proposed table, compatibility is assessed on a seven-point scale. To work with it, you need to know the decoding of each numerical value; their interpretations are given below:

  • 1 – is a designation of neutral compatibility representatives of the two signs, but in most cases their relationship is positive.
  • 2 – is already a more problematic union, it will be accompanied by frequent conflicts, quarrels and disputes. Friendships or business relationships can still develop, but it is recommended to abandon marriage and building a family.
  • 3 is a union of two opposing energies, they complement each other well, so relationships actually always work out well and complete harmony reigns in them.
  • 4 – indicator of the absolute value of harmony, conflicts, quarrels, disagreements, betrayals and criticism are excluded in such relationships.
  • 5 – means opposition, it will be extremely difficult for such people to spend long periods of time together. It is better to avoid such unions, since they do not bring positive emotions in any field of activity.
  • 6 – is a designation of conflict, people will not be able to build any relationships with each other; with forced contacts, both people will be unhappy.
  • 7 - shows an alliance that may well exist for a long time, but there will be black stripes from time to time, so this cannot be avoided without difficulties.

Horoscope: Love compatibility according to the Chinese horoscope. Which Chinese zodiac sign suits you?Chinese zodiac compatibility is very similar to Western astrology compatibility due to the juxtaposition of zodiac signs. The exception is that zodiac signs are calculated slightly differently in Chinese astrology and are symbolized by animals rather than constellations. So today we will look into this.

Each of these systems is just a tool. Use them as guides and for entertainment only, and don't make life decisions because you suddenly found out your partner is a rat. The Rat in Chinese astrology is good!

In Chinese astrology, your Chinese zodiac sign is calculated based on the year you were born. And your zodiac sign is an animal, not a star constellation. So use this chart below to determine which Chinese zodiac sign you are.

Horoscope: Love compatibility according to the Chinese horoscope. Look for the year you were born and the animal that is listed is your Chinese zodiac sign!

Rat: 1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996
Bull: 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997
Tiger: 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998

Rabbit: 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999
Dragon: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000
Snake: 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001

Horse: 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002
Goat: 1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003
Monkey: 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004

Rooster: 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005
Dog: 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006
Pig: 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

Horoscope: Love compatibility according to the Chinese horoscope. What is your Chinese zodiac compatibility?

Year of the Rat:

If you were born in the year of the rat, your life embodies the skills and qualities of the rat. You move in and out of long-term relationships, but you are ambitious and nothing will stop you.

Your better half is a fellow rat, or an equally stubborn bull or pig. You may get along with those born in the year of the tiger, monkey or dragon, but you will find that your relationships struggle with those born in the year of the rooster, goat or snake.

Year of the Ox:

If you were born in the year of the Ox, you are a bit of a loner, but you are also the slow and steady type. You enjoy commitment and don't mind waiting for it. Anyone born in the year of the monkey, rat or snake will light your fire. You may have problems with a rabbit, a rooster. Pigs, dogs and a dragon may seem like impossible halves to you, but you're determined to figure it out. It is best to stay away from the horse or tiger.

Year of the Tiger:

Like any tiger, you are caring but aggressive and you go after what you want. You are a great match for anyone born in the year of the pig, horse or dog, but you will find problems with the snake, rat and dragon.

Year of the Rabbit:

If you were born in the year of the rabbit, then you are like all rabbits, cute, cuddly, and impossible not to love. You may be a little shy, but you'll find there are sparks with a goat, pig, or dragon.

There are problems with compatibility in love with signs such as the monkey, dog, rooster or even rabbits. Tiger will make you feel like a victim and it is better to avoid them otherwise you will be in constant competition.

Year of the Dragon:

You are energetic in everything. Therefore, rival animals such as tiger, horse and other dragons are really going to burn out your romantic fires. Thus, you are most compatible with those born in the year of the snake, monkey or rabbit. The rat and rooster will present problems, but you will not feel as if you are constantly competing like you do with dragons and tigers.

Year of the Snake:

Born in the year of the snake, you have completely misunderstood how to be cunning and serpentine, but this is only part of the truth. In general, you are quite calm and just go with the flow, making you a great choice for others like you, such as those born in the year of the ox, dragon, or rooster.

Rabbit - great option for a relationship, but you both have to work at it and you will find disappointment with a pig, dog or horse if you don't do your job.

Year of the Horse:

You are one of the most outgoing Chinese zodiac signs, which means you get along with everyone. You are competitive and ambitious, but your sense of humor is a big plus for you. You find a spark with a tiger, a goat and a dog. The biggest problems in love come from the bull, the rat or the monkey.

Year of the Goat:

If you were born in the year of the goat, you are a social butterfly and a loner. You simply love your nights out and would rather party at your home than anywhere else. Your better halves are a horse, rabbit, dragon or pig. Those born in the year of the monkey, snake, ox or rat will present problems.

Year of the Monkey:

Your better halves will be similar in compatibility to you - playful and always sociable. You treat the bull or dragon very well, and you get great satisfaction from the goat, rabbit and other monkeys. The snake, pig, dog and rooster will make you suffer.

Year of the Rooster:

Those born in the year of the rooster have a lot of energy, and so you don't often put love first. You prefer soul mates who have the same amount of freedom in their lives, but you really want to make a commitment.

Snake and pig are the most compatible Chinese characters zodiac for you as they appreciate where you come from. Monkey, horse, tiger and rabbit may turn you off with their preferences as you are more social. But you will find a way if you want.

Year of the Dog:

You embody the qualities of a best friend and are loyal, love unconditionally, and you also enjoy taking the lead. You also enjoy the great outdoors!

You are looking for a soul mate who values ​​the same things as you, like a horse, a pig or a tiger. A rabbit can be a good friend, but romance will seem forced, just like with another dog or monkey. Dragon and Ox are a tough choice for you.

Year of the Pig:

You are very easy to please, and your Chinese zodiac compatibility reflects this. You get along with everyone. A dog, a rooster, a rat, a tiger, a pig, a rabbit and a goat will make excellent halves.

You may have problems with a snake, which is better to move on, but a monkey, bull and horse are not your thing best option, but you will find a way to make everyone happy in the process. Of all the Chinese zodiac signs, you are the one who pleases everyone. This was Horoscope: Love Compatibility according to the Chinese Horoscope.


Before starting the topic, it is worth remembering one wise thought: “The first thing to learn in relationships with other people is that they should not be prevented from being happy - as they want, unless this prevents us from becoming happy - that is, the way we want it." Or another expression on this topic: “A successful marriage is much more than the ability to find the right person; It’s the ability to be that person yourself.”

It was not in vain that we started with quotes, because no matter how you fit your horoscopes, no one has canceled working on yourself. You should not treat your partner in a way that you would not want to be treated. It’s just that when people have harmonious relationships in the light of the horoscope, polishing the relationship is much more painless.


They say that in marriage one kisses. And the other turns his cheek. This is not entirely true, more like it, but less offensive.

There is such a thing as the SOURCE OF LOVE (Those who kiss) and ABSORBERS OF LOVE (Those who are kissed). They are also called LOVE DETECTORS.

None of these types of manifestations of love are worse or better than one another, they are just that way by nature, and, despite the assumption that the one who takes love is such an egoist, and the other is unhappy and offended, they can both bring it into their marriage, both great happiness and sorrow.

I WANT you to immediately understand that the person born is not to blame, that he was born as a SOURCE or DETECTOR. People receive this property according to the year of birth.

Being born as a SOURCE, you carry the heat of love in your heart and are a volcano of passions. This is both a gift and a heavy burden, so as not to burn in your own flame, you must give your love to others, then there will be no reboot of the body, and your other half will feel like one and only.

This is especially important if your partner is a LOVE DETECTOR (ABSORBER), who, from the warmth given to him, will bloom like a flower and respond with love in return.






Hopefully you've noticed that there are fundamentally different types of sources.

The first is the SOURCE OF ROMANTIC LOVE. This type endures the arrival of love like a sunstroke, it burns him, but... what burns hot can burn out just as quickly, which often happens. The burdensome thing for SOURCES OF ROMANTIC LOVE is that love is not within their control. They cannot at will either weaken it, strengthen it, or put it aside. Of course, in marriage the passions of this source will subside somewhat, but they will never disappear completely. If he continues to love or has fallen out of love, outbursts of his passions will continue to illuminate his home. Like any romantic, this source has little understanding of women and cannot distinguish sincerity from falsehood, so he goes to the extreme, idealizing his partner. If in the end he realizes that he was mistaken, he will be disappointed once and for all.


Unlike the SOURCES of ROMANTIC LOVE, the SOURCE OF CONTROLLED LOVE knows how to control its feelings. He is a great connoisseur of love subtleties, knows how to notice any changes in his partner’s mood, reacts to this, trying to give the woman maximum pleasure. In addition, he gives his love to a real woman, and not to an invented ideal, like a ROMANTIC SOURCE.


THESE men act aggressively, although they can go to the other extreme - exceptional shyness.

Both are connected with the character of a man. The strong one asserts himself, the weak one remains in his own complexes, unable to objectively assess his place, and hence either underestimation or overestimation of his own person.

ATTACKING DETECTORS strive not so much for depth of love as for variety. True, after getting married, they usually settle down and direct their energy to solving family problems.

The behavior of some men of this type is so active that it can be mistaken for an abundance of feelings, I can be upsetting, it is precisely this activity that indicates that they are completely cold towards love.


They act on the principle: “The less we love a woman, the more she likes us.” It seems that these men do nothing to please, but they are women's favorites. These men are not so much cold in love as they are insidious.

As you can see, there are equal numbers of SOURCES and DETECTORS among men.

Among women there are three SOURCES and nine DETECTORS. Moreover, to describe the behavior of women, a double characteristic should be used, since their behavior, manners, and gestures do not always coincide with their true essence.

Some DETECTORS suffer because they want to be loved more than they love themselves. And the SOURCES suffer because they do not see the same ardent reciprocal feeling for themselves, giving everything and receiving nothing.






Women - SOURCES - come into conflict with behavioral stereotypes when they are assigned the role of a passive observer. Advice, you cannot overcome your nature, so act in accordance with your inner sense of self.

Women of the years of the Dragon, Rat, Monkey, as well as Horse, who behave quite decisively and actively show their love, often give the impression of SOURCES. But there is only one piece of advice: if you are not a SOURCE, do not try to artificially become one, trying to take on leading roles in your union.

The combination of all the signs of the eastern horoscope gives 144 marriage options. The structural horoscope divided all 144 options into 4 groups of 36 marriages each. The purpose of this horoscope is to show those common points that serve as the basis of each union, and to warn about those areas that will be a stumbling block in your family.

You cannot demand from a person what he cannot give you, but you must appreciate what he has and wants to show you as a sign of his love.

It is worth mentioning separately about a separate group of marriages, relationships in which they develop, obeying only their own laws that are not similar to others. There are 12 such pairs (including 24 genders). These marriages develop according to the laws of the VECTOR RING. Its essence is that each sign has one “master” and one “servant”. Take these terms conditionally; they simply indicate the nature of the relationship and dependence on each other. It is worth giving the entire list of these pairs (in first place is “master”):







The ring has closed. The bond that binds these couples is usually called "fatal" love and is very debilitating for both. They develop, as a rule, very dramatically, with breakups, reconciliations, and volcanic showdowns.

As for the rest, each of the 4 types of marriage has its own specifics. The nature of sexual relations in them is determined by the man, and the nature of the marriage by the woman.

In any marriage, women of the years of HORSE, TIGER, DOGS are her husband's companions in any of his business, the keeper of the hearth, home, clan, and educator of children.

Women of the years RAT, MONKEY, DRAGON are the “mistresses” of the salon, with its brilliance, bustle, wide circle of friends, and intrigue. Their efforts are aimed at making others admire themselves, their husband, children, and home.

Women of the years of the Rooster, Snake, and Bull are representatives of female power, the so-called “female housebuilding.” They always become the head of the family, trying to combine managing the “family ship” with a successful business career.

Women in the years of the Cat, Boar, and Goat are independent women. They will defend their freedom within any union. Marriage will never become the main thing in their lives, and doing only household chores is categorically contraindicated for these women.


These are unions between:

* 1. - husband: HORSE, TIGER, DOG


* 2. - husband: RAT, MONKEY, DRAGON


* 3. - husband: ROOSTER, SNAKE, BULL


* 4. - husband: CAT, BOAR, GOAT





Mutual understanding is especially problem-free if the husband and wife were also born under the same sign. The main thing for these unions is not to destroy harmony, which is the key to happiness in these families. Usually it is ruined by the intervention of strangers (most often parents), therefore, no matter how difficult the housing issue is, these couples definitely need to live separately. In addition, the trust of spouses in each other should not be clouded under any circumstances. These two rules will save your marriage and enhance your happiness.

Don't be intimidated by sexual differences. The beauty of this union is that each of the spouses leads an independent line in this area of ​​human relations, thereby enriching their companion.

Such a marriage reveals everything that is inherent in a person and does not force him to break in order to adapt to his partner. Always remain independent individuals, sometimes give each other freedom so that everyone can have the opportunity to do their favorite thing or hobby (don’t scold your husband for fishing trips, and a husband shouldn’t forbid his wife to attend, for example, fitness, or, say, knitting for pleasure ), because your marriage is already very tight and you should not bring yourself to the point of feeling tired of each other. Also, you should not organize a joint family business; even passionately loving people should not flash in front of each other 24 hours a day. The exception is poetry and music classes.

The priority in this marriage is not a career, but the relationship between partners. If such a relationship cracks, your career, self-esteem, and so on will automatically suffer. Another name for such a marriage is NEST (as you understand, a cozy nest is the main concern of these couples)

A favorable atmosphere in relationships contributes to the birth of a baby, and, as a rule, more than one. This only strengthens the alliance. It is children who save the family if difficulties arise in the parents’ relationship.

Well, now let’s look at the various options for this marriage.



Marriage of associates. As a rule, the husband is the creator, and the wife is the helper. Love and will give a husband a great advantage, but he must use them with great caution. There is no need to develop inferiority complexes in your wife, otherwise you can provoke her, and she will rush to prove her independence. In addition, the husband should keep his jealousy under control. Believe me, in such an alliance it is groundless. The basis of this marriage is children, fidelity, a sense of duty. Both partners strive for this, so you shouldn’t darken your life with unnecessary suspicions.



There is every reason for happiness in this marriage. A husband is a source of true love, capable of awakening the calm heart of a realistic woman. The husband will be the main one in this family, but his power is soft and does not bring concern to anyone.

The wife in this union will bring what her companion lacks: sober calculation and common sense, and, in addition, healthy commercialism.

The husband should know that no matter how much his wife loves him, being a realist, she will not support his thoughts, especially if they are fantasy and divorced from the realities of life.



A woman has a strong expression of love and will. But you shouldn’t put pressure on your husband, one might even say it’s extremely undesirable. Despite the fact that he himself is a fighter, he will not resist, he will simply turn around and leave. But if a woman, being wise, pretends that her husband is in charge, but gradually manages it herself, such a solution will preserve an excellent relationship.

A husband, confident that he will not be pushed around, will be happy to carry out a huge range of work.

Partners in this union do not need an abundance of external contacts; within their family there is everything to feel happy. There is a will to strengthen relationships and practicality. The only other thing to avoid is attacks of jealousy. It is important for everyone in this union that the partner does not give reasons for her. Take care of each other, if due to short-sightedness you destroy your marriage, it is unlikely that you will ever meet a more suitable half.



The main thing in this marriage is peace. A strong-willed wife should find use for her will, and not try to command her husband. The husband needs a calm environment in the house, only in calm can he open up fully, but if he understands that he will not get what he wants, being a realist, he will not prolong the torment and go looking for a more suitable partner. So, if you care about your husband, create a calm, cozy environment for him in your home and enjoy cloudless happiness.

The eastern horoscope is divided into 12 cycles, each of which corresponds to a specific animal, perfectly suited in its characteristics to people born at this time. These patrons determine character traits and influence fate.

The signs of the eastern horoscope are divided into groups, each of which consists of three animals (the so-called triads). List of signs by triad:

  • first triad: rat, dragon, monkey;
  • second triad: tiger, horse, dog;
  • third triad: rabbit, goat, pig;
  • fourth triad: bull, snake, rooster.

And now more about the signs of the Chinese horoscope and their compatibility.

Dates of birth: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032.

Brief description

People born during these years are easily recognizable, because they have bright character, great sense of humor. This attracts others to them, although this is not the goal for the rat itself. They are not constancy in relationships, but they love comfort and harmony with their partner, which allows them to create long-term alliances.

Predominant character traits:

  • pragmatism;
  • hard work;
  • responsibility.

Compatibility with other signs

Dates of birth: 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033.

Brief description

Such people are primarily characterized by stubbornness, which forces them to reach great heights or fall to the very bottom. This is characterized by conservatism, a keen sense of justice, which results in the need to come to the aid of one’s neighbor in any situation. The bull is monogamous, what does he expect from his soulmate?


  • great hard work;
  • persistence in achieving goals;
  • calmness and reliability.

Compatibility with other signs

Dates of birth: 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034.

Brief description

A tiger is an ambitious, purposeful person, but at the same time, the likelihood of reaching the end of the work started is very low; the person quickly switches to new tasks. The situation is similar in love relationships, where infidelity with short affairs is more common than an exemplary marriage.

Character Traits:

  • the makings of a leader;
  • bravery;
  • lack of concentration when solving problems.

Compatibility with other signs

Dates of birth: 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, 2035.

Brief description

A very kind person, in need of praise and approval, can show tenacity in an extreme situation comparable to a bull. He gets discouraged easily, but quickly gets rid of it, after which he moves on with life. Feelings come first, so family and children are always at the top of the pyramid. For the sake of good relations may put his own interests below the interests of his partner.


  • flexibility of character;
  • expressed friendliness;
  • luck's favorite.

Compatibility with other signs

Dates of birth: 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036.

Triad of even leap years or the first.

Brief description

He is characterized by well-developed intuition, so understanding a person will not be difficult for him. Always ready to come to the rescue in difficult times or give his last if it saves someone’s life. Everyone loves him for these qualities, and fate often gives him success in life.


  • determination;
  • compassion;
  • low emotionality.

Compatibility with other signs

Dates of birth: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037.

The triad of the remaining odd years or the fourth.

Brief description

This is a closed inner world where no one has access, which does not prevent a person from having many friends and acquaintances. Characterized by increased caution, at the first sign of an unfavorable combination of circumstances, he tries to give in and hide. In a love relationship, she is looking for someone who will take care of her.


  • prudence and wisdom;
  • selfishness and innate laziness;
  • lack of persistence in achieving a goal.

Compatibility with other signs

Dates of birth: 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026, 2038.

Triad of even non-leap years or the second.

Brief description

Extremely interesting, versatile character. People born this year love and know how to relax, have fun, and at the same time are able to ensure their own material well-being. Innate impulsiveness forces you to say to others what you shouldn’t say, so the sign is not distinguished by an abundance of friends. In love he behaves selfishly, so only a few are able to get along side by side.

Features of nature:

  • efficiency and determination;
  • pronounced selfishness;
  • responsiveness and reliability.

Compatibility with other signs

Dates of birth: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027, 2039.

Triad of odd leap years or third.

Brief description

She loves to live large, but is unable to earn it herself. Her graceful nature and vanity force her to be in everyone's sight. He tries to find a worthy partner, who must be financially secure.

She succeeds in this, because her soft and meek character attracts strong men. But representatives of the stronger sex of this sign are good performers at work and flexible in everyday life.

Character Traits:

  • low performance;
  • sincerity in everything;
  • weak position in life, in need of constant care and protection.

Compatibility with other signs

Dates of birth: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028, 2040.

Triad of even leap years or the first.

Brief description

He has a very cheerful personality, so he is popular with others, immediately creating trust. Immerses himself in his work entirely, spending as much time as necessary. Managers often take advantage of this with pleasure. A happy family is possible with a resourceful person who does not lack a sense of humor.

Its features:

  • hard work;
  • some degree of frivolity;
  • penchant for travel.

Compatibility with other signs

Dates of birth: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029, 2041.

The triad of the remaining odd years or the fourth.

Brief description

Possesses high standards, which he tries on not only for himself, but also for those around him. He tries to complete any task almost perfectly, so he will not remain silent if he sees hackwork in the performance of others. This does not allow you to find many friends. The other half should not try to fix the rooster, otherwise their life together will be ruined.

Character Traits:

  • honesty and openness;
  • vanity and selfishness;
  • pedantry.

Compatibility with other signs

Dates of birth: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030, 2042.

Triad of even non-leap years or the second.

Brief description

She has a strong sense of justice and is always ready to help both relatives and ordinary acquaintances. Considered an ideal employee and friend. Always puts his partner's interests above his own. In the family he values ​​fidelity and expects understanding from others.

Key Features:

  • dedication;
  • justice and honesty;
  • loyalty and reliability.

Compatibility with other signs

Dates of birth: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031, 2043.

Triad of odd leap years or third.

Brief description