Make a wish to have it come true the next day. How to make a wish

When you want something, the whole Universe will help make your wish come true.”
Paulo Coelho"Alchemist"

How to make wishes correctly? Why do some wishes come true and others not? Is there some secret way to make wishes come true? In fact, all our desires come true if we think about them correctly. The whole secret lies in the correct formulation of the dream.
While some thought is spinning in your head, it is something fuzzy and non-specific. But as soon as you put it on paper, the thought acquires completeness and clarity. Do you agree?
It's the same with desires. How, pray tell, can the Universe understand what you want if completely different thoughts instantly change in your head: “My son brought a deuce again - the car is exactly the color I just drove and I want - I need to replace the heels on my boots tomorrow - don’t forget to pop into the store for sour cream - how great it will be to travel by car, and not in crowded trolleybuses - and Sidorova came to work again in a new blouse..." It follows from here...

Rule 1. The wish must be written.
Well, okay, you say, if it’s better to write, then we’ll write. Big deal, it's a problem.
As strange as it may sound, writing your own desire correctly is really a problem. Let's look at examples.
"I want to have my own home." Is it written correctly? Fundamentally wrong! The problem is that such a desire is always fulfilled for everyone, even if the rituals and techniques are not performed as expected. Only the effect will be slightly different from what was expected. Imagine that years from now... a person opens a treasured record. Hooray! Everything has come true! After all, he still wants to have his own home. That is, desires without exact deadlines are meaningless. From here it follows...

Rule 2. The desire must have an end date (period) for fulfillment.
For example, “I’m buying myself a large LCD TV in June.”
"I'll buy myself a car." Also a mistake. And what is written will definitely come true. After many years, a person will still hope that he will buy a car sometime in the future. This is where it comes from....

Rule 3. Desire is always written in the present tense.
Those. instead of “I’m going on vacation to the Canary Islands,” we write, for example, “I’m going on vacation to the Canary Islands.”
"I don't want to be poor." Is it written correctly? Fundamentally wrong!
Firstly, the Universe does not pay attention to the particles “not”, “no” or any other negative words. Probably, by saying “I don’t want to be poor,” you want to be rich, but the Universe ignores the “not” particle and perceives all this as “I want to be poor.”
Secondly, you always attract to yourself what you think about. When you say “I don’t want to be poor,” you automatically think about poverty, and when you say “I want to be rich,” you automatically think about wealth. As they say, feel the difference. This is where it comes from...

Rule 4. Using the particle “not” and other negations is prohibited.

Rule 5. Write what you want, not what you don’t want.
Let's practice replacing negative language with positive ones.
Instead of “I don’t want to get sick,” we write, for example, “I’m healthy.”
Replace “I don’t want to be poor” with “I’m rich”
Replace “I don’t want to be fat” with “My figure is great”
Replace “I don’t want to be lonely” with “I am loved and love”...
Case from practice: One very good friend of mine prescribed herself the purchase of a car. Everything was formulated clearly and clearly, especially the phrase “just let it NOT be red.” Everything has come true! Now I often see how confidently Deo drives his cute little red car...

Let's move on. The boy writes “I want to become a great musician.” In fact, he likes auto racing more, but he really wants to please his mother, who has long dreamed of Stravinsky fame for her son. This is a fundamental mistake! It is impossible to deceive the Universe with a “fake” desire. From here it follows...

Rule 6. The desire must be sincere and important to you.

"I want to rob a bank and become rich." “I want my rich American uncle to die as soon as possible.” “I want my boss to get hit by a car and be appointed in his place.” Our World will not fulfill such wishes, because the World is ruled by love, not evil. From here it follows...

Rule 7. The desire must be ethical.

“I want dad to win the Jackpot lottery.” The right desire? No! As a human being, caring for loved ones is understandable, but the Universe has its own Laws. Desire should be directed towards yourself, your loved one. On your actions, desires, acquisitions, events.

Rule 8. Desire must be directed towards oneself.

Advice: It is useless to write “I want my son to graduate from school with a gold medal,” but you can formulate it like this: “I do my best to help my son graduate from school with a gold medal.” Do you feel the difference in the meaning of what is written?
By the way, do not try to deceive the Universe by violating the above Rules. It’s only in the movies that people succeed, for example, in trying to combine two wishes when you can only make one. Remember the famous “I want everything to be good for dad, but for me to be like dad”? It won't work.

It will be very correct if you use as many details as possible of what you dream about when writing your desire. If this is a trip to Haiti, describe at least general outline hotel and beach. If this is a new car, describe its main characteristics.
And be sure to describe the feelings that will take over you when your wish comes true.

Rule 9. More details and emotions.

Case from practice: a girl really wants a digital camera. She doesn’t really understand them, so she buys an appropriate magazine with pictures, chooses the prettiest of the many models and writes her characteristics into her wish, pasting in her photograph. Pretty soon the girl is performing a serious favor for another person. As a token of gratitude, he gives the girl a digital camera of the SAME MODEL that was described in the wish.
Can you imagine how many camera models there are now?! Do you really think this is just a coincidence?

It is very important that the fulfillment of your desire does not harm other people. For example, a person dreams of having his own apartment. It is unlikely that he will be happy to become the owner of an apartment if its previous owners, his parents, die in a car accident. From here it follows...

Rule 10. The wish you write should end with a talismanic phrase like: “May this or something more harmoniously enter my life, bring joy and happiness to me and to everyone whom this wish concerns.”
I draw your attention to the phrase “or something more.” There is no need to limit the Universe in its efforts to help you. The universe knows best. It is quite possible that our World considers you worthy of a holiday not in Crimea, but on the Cote d'Azur. I hope you won’t object too much to this change of holiday destination?

So, the desire is clearly formulated and written down. All 10 rules are strictly followed. What's next? Maybe you need to constantly think about desire, vigilantly monitor the slightest changes in the situation, and constantly wait for the result with tension?
No way! The desire must be calmly released into the Universe and even almost forgotten about it. Persistent thoughts and experiences will only create a negative energy background and interfere with the fulfillment of your desires.

Therefore there is...
Rule 11. Don't get hung up on desire. Let him go.
Of course, this does not mean that after “hard and exhausting work” on correctly formulating your desire, you will lie down on your favorite sofa and wait for the weather by the sea.
The Universe has no other hands but yours! Water does not flow under a lying stone! The Universe may provide you with amazing opportunities, but without your actions they will not be able to translate into the desired result.

Therefore there is...
Rule 12, the most important thing. Take action!

How can you make a wish correctly and have it come true? Each of us has asked this question at least once. Some people's wishes always come true, while others are disappointed when they realize that their dreams never came true. What is the secret of those whose intentions and thoughts always take on real forms? In fact, there are many methods of how you can make a wish. The main thing is to do it right! We decided to tell you about the most effective ways turning what is desired into reality. After all, the time of miracles and magic is just around the corner!

Basic rules

Before using any of the techniques I suggest, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules. You can say it's yours brief instructions on safety. It’s not for nothing that the wisdom “Be careful what you wish for” exists. Therefore, in order for them to be fulfilled in a manner that is beneficial for you, follow these rules.

1. Decide on your intention

You must understand for yourself what exactly you want to wish for. Have you decided? Great! Now ask yourself the following question: “Do I really want this, or has society imposed this on me?” If, after your personal analysis, you realized that this dream is exactly yours, then it’s worth making it. If you come to the conclusion that it is false and does not really belong to you, then think about what you want from life, and not your parents, friends or society.

2. Remember about environmental friendliness

So, your dream should be eco-friendly. What does this mean? It should concern only you and no one else. You cannot bend another person to your will. For example, your intention is formulated this way: “I want Ivan Petrov to marry me.” This is wrong. After all, this way you are already launching into space the idea that this should happen by force. Your desire should sound different: “I am marrying a man worthy of me.” Remember, you can only influence yourself.

3. We are here and now

You should not formulate your desire in the future tense or with the words “I want.” It is best to form it in the present tense. Imagine as if this is happening now. For example, “I am buying a luxury house on the Mediterranean coast.”

4. Don't forget about deadlines

Your desires must have deadlines for their fulfillment. After all, you always want them to come true as soon as possible, and if you don’t set a deadline for them, you risk getting what you want much later or being left without it altogether. However, don’t go too far: give your dreams time to come true, not a day or two. So, the correct intention would be: “Next year I am buying a luxurious house on the Mediterranean coast.” At the same time, always correlate your desires with your capabilities. If you understand that at the moment your dream is difficult to realize, give it more time.

5. Emotions are required

When making a wish, you should have a feeling of happiness and joy, a flutter of butterflies in your stomach... After all, this is how you fuel your intention emotionally, giving it a strong energy charge. The Universe will definitely read such an impulse.

6. Zab beat talk about the particle “not”

Do not use the particle “not” in the formulation of your desires. It is believed that the space of the Universe does not read it. For example, you cannot say: “I am not sick,” because the Universe hears “I am sick.” We need to rephrase – “I’m healthy.” Your desires should carry only positive vibrations, and the particle “not” is already negative waves.

7. Visualize and prescribe

It is believed that a desire written down on paper acquires a certain power of accelerated implementation. The same can be said about visualization. Imagine in your head down to the smallest detail the moment when your dream came true, what feelings you experienced, what you saw, etc. The more detailed your visualization is, the faster your wish will come true. You can also get yourself a beautiful notebook in which you will write down all your dreams, according to the rules listed above.

8. Magic phrase

You need to understand that your wish can come true in a variety of ways. For example, you want to lose weight. And it so happens that you actually lose weight, but because of illness. This is why it is so important to determine how to realize your dreams. How to do this? Just at the end of your stated desire add the following phrase “in the most comfortable way for me.” For example, “In 3 months I will slim down to size 42 in the most comfortable way for me.” By the way, it is better to exclude the word “lose weight” from your vocabulary, because it comes from the adverb “bad”.

9. Faith is omnipotent

Be sure to believe that your wish will come true. Don't doubt it for a second! It is faith that gives the dream even more power!

10. Silence is golden

Don't tell anyone about your dreams and far-reaching plans. The fact is that the energy of an unfulfilled desire is very weak and vulnerable to other energy messages. It’s not a fact that someone will be sincerely happy for you or will support you when they hear about your innermost thoughts. Let this remain only between you and the Universe.

11. Don't wish for money

It’s better to make a goal that you can achieve with money. You should not form an intention in this way: “I get 1 million dollars.” The chances that such an intention will come true are very small. So it's better to reformulate it. For example, “I’m buying myself a yacht.” Make a wish for those items that you can buy with that same money.

How to make a wish according to your zodiac sign?

In order not to get lost in the many methods of making wishes, you should pay attention to your zodiac element. She is the one who will help you get closer to your dream as soon as possible.

So, if you are a representative of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), then use candles in your rituals to fulfill your desires. You can pronounce your intention over their flame, and also burn a piece of paper on which you wrote everything you want to get rid of.

Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn can enlist the support of the Earth element. You can communicate directly with the earth or make a wish on a coin. The best way to cleanse yourself of negativity is with salt.

Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces, Water will come to your aid. Say your wish over the surface of the water or say it into a glass of structured water, and then drink it. Also, while taking a bath, you can ask the water to rid you of any negativity.

For Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, various incense will become assistants. Choose exactly the scent that suits your taste. And use it when you do your ritual to fulfill your desires.

How to make a wish correctly New Year: the most effective techniques

Letter in a bottle

Write down your wish on a piece of paper, roll it into a tube and place it in a bottle of sweet drink. You can hide the bottle at home. Look at it sometimes to add another dose of positive energy to your dream. This way it will come true faster.

Wish list

Take a beautiful and new notebook or notebook, write down twenty of your desires there, according to the basic rules that I wrote about above. Re-read them periodically in a good mood, while not forgetting to visualize your dream.

“New Life” technique

This ritual helps to start new life. It is held on the night of January 13-14. After sunset, take any old thing you have that you no longer use. Light a red candle and say over its flame: “Everything old will go away, new things will come, the past will recede, will be forgotten forever. Exactly". Put out the candle, go outside and throw away your old thing. Next, make a list of your goals for the coming year. Fold the piece of paper in half, take it in your right hand and, in the light of a green candle, say out loud 3 times: “Everything will happen, everything will come true, everything will happen the way I want. Exactly". When the candle burns out, take its stub and place it in an envelope along with a wish sheet. Store it there all year. After 12 months, burn over an open fire. Next, light an orange candle, bring your hands to its flame and say 7 times: “Power of fire, fill me, share your heat, your divine gift, so that everything works out, so that everything succeeds. So be it!” Let the candle burn out and throw the cinder in the trash.

It doesn’t matter what technique you use when making your wishes, the most important thing is to be active and active! Be prepared to put in the effort! Your desire will certainly lead you to what you want so badly.

Secrets and methods of making a wish correctly will help your plans come true. But remember to cherished dream fulfilled, you need to make an effort. Reading this article will be your first step.

Rules for successful dream fulfillment

First of all, you need to decide what wishes you can make. Regardless of who you turn to - the Universe, magical evil spirits, magical monuments that are located in different parts world - it is best to make wishes that:

  • are unable to perform themselves and need Magical help;
  • which are really feasible (the Universe will not send you the wealth of the whole world, the love of all women on earth will not make you invisible);
  • positive, bright, cherished.

A dream that requires harm to other people to fulfill will not be fulfilled. If the wish is sincere and in the end you will not harm others, you can safely make it.

Relative to the phase of the moon, ideal for fulfilling desires, several versions. Many people are sure that you can make any dream during any phase of the moon (except for the waning one). But according to the correct rules, they ask for something to be added to the growing one, and to decrease something during the waning moon; the full moon and the new moon are the time for universal requests. The best time is midnight.

There is a version that it is better to carry out rituals on significant days - birthday, New Year, Christmas, spring or autumn equinox.

Ways to make a wish

The simplest and most effective is to write what you want on a piece of paper, illuminated by moonlight at midnight, speak the text out loud, burn the piece of paper, and scatter the ashes to the wind. It is important during manipulation to imagine that everything has already been implemented and you got everything you wanted.

Exercises to make your dreams come true

There are special exercises that will allow you to get everything you want.

To complete the first task, you need to stay alone in the room, relax, and “have your head in the clouds.” Sit and think about what you like. It's best to concentrate on one thing at a time. If you imagine what you want for 5-10 minutes a day, it will soon come into your life.

The second option is mantras and meditation. Such a practice can harmonize a person, which, in turn, leads to the fulfillment of cherished desires and the implementation of planned projects.

Wish upon a falling star

Probably each of us has heard that a cherished wish will come true if you wish it on a falling star. The sign appeared in ancient times. The starry sky has always been an object of study; it was believed that it is a symbol of the world where gods and spirits live, which must be treated with special respect.

People on different continents often associated stars with human souls. Many myths indicate that if a star falls, it symbolizes the soul of a child, which is sent from the sky to our world in order to inhabit the newborn. At this moment she passes from one world to another, and they are very strongly connected. Therefore, the voiced dream will reach those who live in that world and they will be able to fulfill it.

The next version says that this is a signal given by higher powers, saying that the time has come for something important. A shooting star unites Heaven and Earth, indicating their union. To take advantage of this phenomenon, look at a shooting star and briefly, succinctly describe your desire out loud or silently.

What to wish between people with the same names

There is a belief that a dream voiced between people with the same names will definitely come true. This sign appeared for a reason. Previously, children were more often named after saints, and if there are many people with the same names in one place, the power of their heavenly patron increases several times, and accordingly, the likelihood of a miracle happening increases.

Our ancestors believed that several people with the same names could influence the amount of harvest and prevent diseases. Psychics confirm that the energy of several namesakes is much stronger, and a particularly force field is formed around them.

If you manage to penetrate it and voice your request, the Universe will fulfill it. The distance between you and people should be no more than half a meter and, when voicing a desire, you should touch both.

It is better to make a wish from 12:00 to 14:00 - the probability of fulfillment is higher. People with the same name do not have to be blood relatives.

Signs about dreams

Popular wisdom says that if you saw on an electronic watch same digits for hours and minutes(for example 12:12, 22:22), make a wish, it will come true. At night we saw a spider - the dream will come true, as the spider sitting in the center of the web warns about.

You can fulfill your wish if:

  • hearing from right side, shake the coins and voice the request;
  • both ears burn at the same time;
  • found ourselves very close to the end of the rainbow;
  • found a four-leaf clover, or a lilac flower with five petals;
  • sat on her hand - you can ask her for a dream to come true;
  • while peeling peas, they found a pod with nine peas;
  • saw two rainbows;
  • All the candles on the birthday cake were blown out at once.

To make your wishes come true, embroider a mill or a lighthouse, a calm sea, or hummingbirds on your clothes. If you find a horseshoe on the street, to achieve what you want, you need to spit on it and throw it over your left shoulder. Voice your dream if your eyelash has fallen out.

As you can see, it is actually very simple to make a wish come true. The main thing is to want it and not just wait for higher powers to carry out everything for you, but also take some action.

A thought process is constantly carried out in the head of every person. A large number of different desires arise every second. What chaos would be created in the world if they immediately came true. Therefore, in order for what you really want to come true, you need to try. A person highly values ​​the achievement of a goal for which he had to fight. How to make a wish so that it comes true?

Often an individual has a large number of desires, and he wants to realize them all as quickly as possible. However, you need to choose one thing that is most important for you from the entire large list and ask for its fulfillment.

This is necessary so that higher powers focus on it, and not waste time and energy. You also need to understand yourself whether you truly want this, or whether this is a fleeting whim that will quickly pass.

Try to make a wish in accordance with lunar cycles and rhythms. For example, on a waning moon it is better to wish for deliverance from something, and on a waxing moon it is better to wish for something more.

Reading prayers daily will be a good help in achieving this goal. Each person, in accordance with his religious affiliation, can do this.

It is necessary to take into account that if you have taken upon yourself the work of daily prayer practice, then you need to carry it out daily, without ever interrupting, until you get the result. Thus, your body tunes in to certain vibrations of the Universe, changes from the inside and helps you get what you ask for.

Basic rules

Before you begin to formulate and realize your dream, you must learn the following rules:

  • the wish must be clearly formulated

Your goal must be reflected on a piece of paper. Before you begin this process, you need to clearly formulate to yourself the essence of what you are asking for. There is no need for flowery phrases and vague expressions. The Universe loves specifics, because the play on words hides the essence.

Fifteen words will be enough to write what you want. If you write less, then what you planned will not be fulfilled exactly; if you write too much, it will take years before what you wrote is realized.

Approach this ritual in a good mood, use only what you like when creating a wish list. You can even decorate it, use colored paste or pencils.

  • must be in first person only

Don't shift the responsibility for realizing your hopes to someone else. By doing so, you put yourself in a dependent position on something and block your creative potential. For example, you need to write “I am moving up the career ladder” instead of “I am being promoted.” Both expressions display the same result, but they are different. In the first case, the person achieved his goal himself, and in the second he expected help.

When an individual gains something in his life through hard work, it increases significantly. He does not test before making a decision, and is little dependent on the opinions of others. Therefore, you should formulate what you want in the first person.

  • must use present tense

What you want to receive must be written in the present tense. For example, “I buy new apartment" This way, the Universe will understand that you are in the process of realizing your aspiration and will help you. If you write a wish in the present or past tense, this can be interpreted as either the action has been completed, or you are postponing its fulfillment for an indefinite future.

The Universe is a continuous flow, which you can join by using the right wording in your desires. For example, the entry “I will lose weight by my birthday” will be incorrect, but correctly, from the point of view of implementation, it will be written “I am losing weight and becoming slim and beautiful.”

  • eliminate denial

Higher powers do not perceive the particle “not” well. Or rather, they don’t perceive it at all, so don’t use it in the formulation of your wishes. For example, the expression “I don’t have problems with money” is understood as “I have problems with money.” Therefore, in order not to provoke a negative result for yourself, the dream form must be rephrased, for example, “I am rich.”

The particle “not” automatically begins to attract failures, so do not use it when addressing the Universe with your innermost desires. Otherwise it may cause problems.

  • You can’t give the universe a specific time frame.

Higher powers know better when and what to give you, based on the needs at a certain stage of life. We can write out our life as a plan on a piece of paper. However, what we write there will not be necessary for us at a certain stage of life in the future, but will come in handy sooner or later. Therefore, you should not force yourself into a certain framework, as they say, “we assume, but God disposes.” Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that life will make its own adjustments to this very plan, maybe slight, or maybe drastic.

For this reason, when you write down your request on a piece of paper, sign at the end “at right time in the right place."

  • the principle of “do no harm to others” must be observed

If you write down a wish, but you yourself imagine how neighbors or relatives will envy a new car or a beautiful fur coat, then it is better to abandon this idea right away. Also, you shouldn’t wish something like “may I get married successfully, and may my friend Masha remain single.” The negative things you want to happen in other people's lives can happen in your own. For example, Masha may get married late, but successfully, but you will get divorced and be single until the end of your days.

It is better to wish others happiness and prosperity, since no one lives without problems. People are attracted to positive and benevolent personalities like a magnet.

  • express your thoughts specifically

When formulating your dream, try to specify what you want to receive. To do this, you can indicate the color, size, cost of the item, or describe in detail the desired situation in the future. For example, if you want to buy or build a house, then describe it in detail, how many floors, what is the area, color, etc.

However, when making a wish, you shouldn’t get too carried away with it and write it out on a whole sheet, going into small details. Otherwise, it may take dozens of years to fulfill our plans.

  • the universe needs your help in realizing its plans

In order for a request to come true, it is not enough to write it down and put it on your desk; you must make efforts to implement your plan. In this way, you will help the Universe speed up the receipt of what you ask for. For example, if you want to become a famous musician, then you need to learn musical notation and practice every day to improve your skills. If you just sit and wait for fame to fall on you, you may never get it.

It is also necessary to take into account that you need to set goals that you can realistically achieve. For example, if you are in poor health, then it will be impossible to become an astronaut, or if you have weak muscles and joints, then your path to ballet is barred. You should not dream about the unattainable; it can lead to deep depression and disappointment in life. It’s better to consider other more affordable options where you can perform just as well.

Conditions for fulfilling a wish

Before making a wish, it is important to understand the following conditions that will help for its further realization:

  • the wish must be written down

A thought that is written on paper takes on a material form. Thus, we send a message to the Universe to fulfill our plans. It is best to do this with a red pen or felt-tip pen, since this color has powerful energy and will allow you to quickly activate the necessary resources of the Universe.

Then wrap the note in red paper or cloth, put it in the closet and try to forget about it. This is necessary so that you do not interfere with higher powers with your thoughts in fulfilling their plans.

When the dream comes true, you need to burn the note, thereby you will give a signal to the Universe that nothing more needs to be done, and the goal has been achieved. It is also necessary to do this procedure if the note is lying in the closet and the wish still does not come true. Fire can help activate stagnant energy. However, it is necessary to analyze why the request is not being fulfilled, and what you are doing wrong. Perhaps over time you will come to the decision that you don’t need what you have planned at all.

  • don't tell anyone about him

All people are different, some will support you in this matter and give you some advice, some will laugh, and some may be jealous. The mental energy of other people should not interfere with the plans of higher powers to implement their plans. By telling your ill-wisher, you can interfere with the Universe in the process of fulfilling your desire and greatly delay its implementation.

When it comes to subtle energies, you need to be careful and not tell anyone until your plan comes true. However, if you have like-minded people, you can try making a collective wish. As practice shows, this method is quite effective, since the energy of several people is involved at once.

  • it is necessary to write down what is requested in the light of day

It is better to appeal to higher powers in the light of day, since in the dark, dark energies begin to become active, which can also hear and fulfill your request. However, the lord of darkness never does good to people out of principle, so be careful.

  • use automatic writing method

When it is difficult to decide on a desire, the automatic writing method can come to the rescue. This method will allow you to isolate the main thought from the stream of consciousness and focus on it. To do this, you will need a piece of paper and a pen; some people use a special table for such purposes.

Relax your body and try not to think about anything, “keep your head empty”, try not to control the movements of your hand, let it automatically display the thoughts that come to your mind on paper.

Among the recorded phrases, you can then highlight the main idea that worries you.

Also suitable for similar purposes is a method developed by the famous psychologist Jung, called association. A person is told one word denoting an action, an object, a living creature, etc., and he answers what feelings he has in connection with this. Then, from the compiled table, you can highlight the main life aspects that concern the individual and determine your desire.

  • use a prayer practice

In order to enlist the support of higher powers, read prayers daily. They produce a great beneficial effect. Thus, you constantly begin to recharge with positive energy, your health improves, interesting ideas come to mind on their own. You begin to clearly understand how and what to do to implement your plan, or you can abandon this idea altogether.

Perseverance is important in fulfilling the sacred. You shouldn’t give in to the first difficulties; by overcoming them, you gain experience and become one step closer to your desired goal.

Each of us has a cherished desire that we long to see come true. Observing simple rules wording when drawing up what we ask for, we can get what we want much faster. The Universe is generous and abundant; you should not limit yourself to the concepts of “wealth is not for me”, “I am already many years old, there will never be love in my life.” With such expressions you limit the flow of grace into your life and delay the achievement of your desired goal. Be confident that your desire will definitely come true, and actively work to achieve it.

New Year's time is magical and enchanting. Santa Claus, Christmas tree, garlands, sparklers, champagne, tangerines and chimes. Time for miracles and the beginning of a new life! Surely everyone will be interested in information about how to make a wish for the new year 2018. Today we will give you practical advice How, not just make a wish, but make sure it comes true one hundred percent. Otherwise, why waste time?

Correct formulation is the key to success

“Be careful what you wish for – they tend to come true.” M. Bulgakov.

Ways of making wishes are one thing, they are not difficult to fulfill, we will talk about them below. But correctly formulating them for the New Year is a completely different matter, much more important than the method used itself.

By following these tips, you can be sure that the information you put into your dream will be correctly “interpreted” by the Universe. You may not believe it, but wishes made for the New Year are not just words, they come true.

And so that exactly what you really want comes true, and not what you incorrectly asked for, we will follow these rules:

  1. Always formulate your request in the present tense; many are accustomed to making a request using the past or future tense: “I want me to be healthy,” do you feel it? Was... The Universe answers: “You were healthy,” but no fulfillment occurs. It’s a completely different matter when the phrase sounds like this: “I am grateful for my health, which is improving every day.” You get the point;
  2. Never make negative or overly critical statements in your requests, because Providence takes everything literally. You know how it happens, they say: “I have a bloody nose, but I want to go to the seaside.” One person, constantly repeating the phrase about a bloody nose, completely unexpectedly fell ill with a severe form of sinusitis, instead of getting what he wanted. Like this. Another option is “I want a car at any cost.” Think about it, really at ANY cost? Even at the cost of the lives of your loved ones and your own health? So, be careful;
  3. It is ideal to make a positive written or oral message after each desire: “this is done easily and joyfully” or “at the same time, I and all my family and friends are healthy and happy” or “this is only beneficial”;
    Do not use the words: “must” - this is already an order; “I will” is a promise; do not use the particle “not”; do not make negative thoughts about other people, because, according to the laws of the universe, a negative message will return to you, only tenfold;
  4. Invest the energy of love and gratitude, give thanks for what you already have, don’t be afraid to ask for more. Do not use the words “at least”, “at least” and similar ones. You know how sometimes they think: “at least a room, even a small one, even in a shared kitchen, just their own corner,” and then they complain and are surprised that they have lived in a communal apartment all their lives. Isn’t this what you yourself wished for?
  5. Be clear about what you want, do not make abstract or ambiguous wishes that can be misinterpreted or ambiguous. State it very clearly and simply, and most importantly, feel it, be saturated with the energy of your wish, know that in the subtle world it has already been fulfilled, all you have to do is correctly materialize the request into your reality.