Cystitis in women is treated with levofloxacin. Levofloxacin in the treatment of urinary tract infection

Levofloxacin belongs to the fluoroquinolone group of antibiotics. It affects the structure of membranes, cell walls and cytoplasm of bacteria, preventing their reproduction. The action of the antibiotic is based on the ability to destroy the genetic chain of microbes. Levofloxacin for cystitis gives a quick effect. The drug does not require long-term use.

Levofloxacin is produced in the form of tablets in two dosages: 250 and 500 mg. It is also produced in the form of a solution for infusion, which contains 0.5% of the active substance.

Composition of the drug

The active ingredient is Levofloxacin hemihydrate. The tablets also contain additional substances: silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide, crospovidone, magnesium stearate, glycerol triacetate, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, sodium starch glycolate, hydroxypropylcellulose, croscarmellose sodium, talc, microcrystalline cellulose.

The infusion contains 500 mg of Levofloxacin hemihydrate, water for injection, glucose, sodium edetate, hydrochloric acid.

Pharmacological action

The effect of Levofloxacin is to block the enzymes necessary for synthesizing the DNA of pathogenic bacteria, thereby preventing their reproduction. The bacterial cell membrane undergoes changes that prevent it from functioning normally. The drug not only destroys bacteria, but also prevents their reproduction.

The drug is eliminated from the blood plasma rather slowly. The kidneys are mainly involved in this, removing 85% of the drug. After internal use, 87% of the drug is excreted unchanged.


Levofloxacin, according to reviews, helps against cystitis. It is also prescribed for the treatment of the following conditions:

  • pneumonia;
  • complications of bronchitis;
  • acute course of sinusitis;
  • urinary tract infections, including cystitis;
  • prostatitis caused by an infectious pathogen;
  • infectious infection of the skin and soft tissues;
  • infections of the gastrointestinal system;
  • blood infection by bacteria.


Levofloxacin should not be taken if you have the following pathologies:

  • renal failure;
  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • tendon problem;
  • age under 18 years;
  • increased sensitivity to ingredients.

The effect of taking the drug in old age is questionable, since there is a possibility of weakening kidney function. It is recommended to refrain from taking the medication in patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency due to the risk of hemolytic anemia.

Directions for use

Cystitis is not always caused by infections. This form of the disease is called post-traumatic cystitis. However, since the bladder becomes inflamed in any case, pathogenic microorganisms can develop in it. To eliminate them, Levofloxacin is prescribed.

The disease can be triggered by surgery. In such circumstances, infection enters the body due to violation of aseptic rules and against the background of inflammation due to surgical injuries. Levofloxacin in this situation helps cure the disease.

Important! Infusions with the drug should last at least 30 minutes when using a 250 mg dosage, or 60 minutes for a 500 mg solution.

Levofloxacin in tablet form is taken 1-2 times a day. per day. They need to be swallowed without chewing, with 0.5-1 glasses of water. Take the tablet before meals or between meals. The tablet cannot be chewed or crushed, as its contents cause irritation to the gastric mucosa.

Chronic cystitis should be treated for about 3 days. The exact time of therapy will be determined by the doctor after a detailed diagnosis of the patient.

With normal kidney function, for the treatment of urinary tract infectious diseases, patients are prescribed 250 mg of the drug 1 r. per day. The treatment course is 3 days. If complications arise as a result of the disease, it is necessary to extend the course of therapy to 10 days.

After a week has passed after the prescription of Levofloxacin, the patient is sent for tests. Based on their results, treatment with the drug can be extended.

Therapy with Levofloxacin, like other antibiotics, should continue for 48-78 hours after the patient’s condition improves and his temperature settles.


In case of an overdose of the drug, the patient may experience the following symptoms:

  • confusion;
  • dizziness;
  • Rarely does the patient experience a seizure.

Negative manifestations from the gastrointestinal tract are possible, which manifests itself in attacks of vomiting and nausea, as well as disorders of the mucous membranes. The cardiogram shows a prolongation of the QT interval.

Manifestations of overdose are eliminated symptomatically. There is no antidote to Levofloxacin. It is removed by dialysis.

Side effects

Taking Levofloxacin may be accompanied by adverse reactions. Diarrhea, loss of appetite, attacks of vomiting and nausea, increased activity of liver enzymes, and abdominal pain are likely.

Regarding nervous system The patient may experience headache, confusion, and sleep disorders. Depression, anxiety, drowsiness, hallucinations, increased excitability, and convulsions often occur. There are also deviations in vision, hearing, smell and taste, as well as a decrease in tactile sensations.

From the outside cardiovascular system Heart rhythm may be disturbed, vascular tone may decrease, and hypotension may develop. Prolongation of the QT interval is also observed. The likelihood of these symptoms increasing when Levoflaxacin infusions are prescribed.

The patient may have an increase in the amount of bilirubin and creatinine in the blood. Problems with the kidneys can cause nephritis. In the blood there is an increase in the number of eosinophils, leukocytes and platelets decrease. All this is accompanied by bleeding, the development of hemolytic anemia and pancytopenia, as well as exacerbation of porphyria. At the same time, blood glucose levels drop.

Important! Sometimes patients experience tendon damage, tendinitis, pain and weakness in the muscles and joints. There is a risk of tendon rupture.

Taking the drug is often accompanied by irritation and redness of the skin. Urticaria, swelling of the skin and mucous membranes are periodically observed. The medicine can cause a decrease in the lumen of the bronchi and suffocation, and cause allergic pneumonitis. Sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation increases. In severe cases, toxic dermatitis progresses with bullous rashes and further exfoliation of the skin, and exudative erythema multiforme.

Among other symptoms of overdose, the patient experiences a loss of strength and sometimes fever.

Taking antibiotics causes disruption of the microflora, as a result of which bacteria and fungi that are resistant to this antibiotic multiply intensively.

Drug interactions

The effect of Levofloxacin is weakened by the combined use of sucralfate, iron salts, antacids with aluminum or magnesium. If it is necessary to use them together, Levofloxacin should be taken at least 2 hours before or after taking such drugs.

When taking Levofloxacin with drugs that weaken the effect of vitamin K, it is necessary to monitor blood clotting.

The drug is eliminated more slowly under the influence of cimetidine and probenecid. This is especially important when kidney activity is abnormal.

In addition, as a result of taking Levofloxacin, the half-life of drugs containing cyclosporine increases.

Important! The use of glucocorticosteroids increases the likelihood of tendon rupture.

Side effects from taking Levofloxacin increase with alcohol consumption, especially affecting the activity of the nervous system. The patient experiences numbness, dizziness, and drowsiness.

Diabetic patients who take hypoglycemic medications or insulin need to monitor their blood glucose levels, since hypo- or hyperglycemia occurs while taking Levofloxacin.

Impact on laboratory results

When taking Levofloxacin, a false-positive test result for the presence of opiates in the urine is possible. A positive result of such an analysis must be confirmed using other methods.

Levofloxacin inhibits the growth of mycobacteria that cause tuberculosis. Thus, the use of the drug may show a false negative result of a bacteriological test for tuberculosis.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug is stored out of the reach of children. Care must be taken to keep it dry and protected from the sun. Storage temperature should be no higher than 25 degrees.

The drug is valid for 2 years from the date of production. After this, it is prohibited to use it.

Special instructions

The drug should be taken with caution to treat the following categories of patients:

  • if you have heart problems;
  • for the treatment of the elderly;
  • in case of electrolyte imbalance;
  • in the presence of brain damage;
  • with congenital pathology manifested in prolongation of the QT interval;
  • taking drugs that cause QT prolongation.

Levofloxacin is not prescribed to children and adolescents due to the potential for damage to cartilage in the joints. In elderly patients, renal dysfunction is likely.

If the brain is damaged, the patient may experience seizures. There is a possibility of psychopathic reactions, including suicidal reactions.

As a result of pneumonia caused by pneumococcus, Levofloxacin is unlikely to provide a positive therapeutic effect.

In patients with magnesium or potassium deficiency, Levofloxacin causes prolongation of the QT interval. A similar effect occurs when taking antidepressants and macrolides simultaneously.

In case of brain damage and after a stroke, Levofloxacin can lead to seizures. Manifestations of photosensitivity are rare, but the patient is advised to refrain from being in the sun.

Levofloxacin should be discontinued if pseudomembranous colitis is suspected, as this may lead to decreased intestinal motility.

The medicine is prescribed with caution to patients with abnormal renal function, since Levofloxacin can provoke necrotizing hepatitis, including liver failure. The likelihood of this increases in patients with diagnosed sepsis.

Effect on reaction speed

You should not drive a car or do work that requires concentration, since Levofloxacin causes drowsiness, confusion, and problems with vision and hearing.

Release from pharmacies

Levofloxacin is sold in pharmacies as prescribed by a doctor.

An antibiotic is a drug that has a direct effect on bacteria and their reproduction process. The pharmacological group of fluoroquinolones includes Levofloxacin. It contains the active substance of the same name, which affects the structure of cystitis pathogens. The drug quickly destroys the DNA of microbes.

If a woman or man complains of cystitis, fluoroquinol with a bactericidal effect is prescribed. It blocks enzymes necessary for the functioning of inflammatory agents. Against the background of changes occurring in the walls of bacteria, the process of their reproduction is disrupted.

Levofloxacin is often prescribed for cystitis, since its primary effect is to destroy bacteria, and the secondary effect is to prevent an increase in their number.

Description of the drug

The release form of the drug to eliminate inflammation in the urinary system and prostate is tablets. They are covered with a shell with a yellow tint. The main component is levofloxacin, and additional substances include calcium stearate and cellulose.

The top layer consists of macrogol, talc, titanium dioxide. Levofloxacin is often prescribed for cystitis, since its primary effect is to destroy bacteria, and the secondary effect is to prevent their reproduction.

The drug is produced in tablets, the dose of which is 250 and 500 mg. They are supplied in packs of 10 pieces. To eliminate the infection occurring in the organs of vision, drops are used. Intensive treatment is carried out with an injection solution.

What else is treated with the drug?

The doctor can prescribe the medicine in question not only for the treatment of inflammation in the bladder. The drug has a wide spectrum of action and is often prescribed in the presence of the following pathologies:

The medication is prescribed for oral administration 1-2 times a day. It cannot be chewed. The tablet is swallowed with a glass of water. The doctor allows you to drink Levofloxacin before meals or between meals. The dosage is also determined by the urologist. Previously, he examines the nature of the symptoms manifested, diagnosing the degree of development of the process. A comprehensive examination reveals concomitant diseases.

A mild form of the infectious process is eliminated by 250 mg of the drug. This dosage is maintained for 3 days. If cystitis with prostatitis is confirmed, take 500 mg of the drug for a month. Pyelonephritis and other complicated infections occurring in the urinary system together with cystitis are treated with 250 mg for no longer than 10 days.

A patient with impaired liver function does not need a special dose selection. This decision is explained by the breakdown of levofloxacin into metabolites in small quantities. Urologists do not recommend taking the medicine earlier than 48 hours after the condition has normalized. Negative laboratory test results indicate the need to extend the therapeutic course.

In what cases is admission prohibited?

If the prostate is inflamed in an elderly man, Levofloxacin should be taken with caution. The drug may receive negative reviews due to decreased kidney function. It is dangerous to prescribe the drug to patients who suffer from a lack of glucose.

You should not take Levofloxacin if the following diagnosis is made:

What are the dangers of exceeding the concentration of the active substance in the body?

Due to the resulting overdose, patients leave negative reviews about Levofloxacin for cystitis. Excessive use of the drug disrupts the functioning of the central nervous system, causing dizziness, confusion, convulsions, and epileptic seizures. Less frequently, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is upset, causing the patient to feel sick.

Gag reflexes become permanent. Additionally, erosions appear on the gastric mucosa, and the QT interval lengthens. If the above-described clinic appears, it is treated symptomatically. To remove Levofloxacin, dialysis is indicated. There is no special antidote.

List of negative effects on the body

The use of the medicine provokes side effects. They manifest themselves especially strongly when the permissible dose is exceeded.

While taking the medication, the microflora changes, which contributes to the increased proliferation of fungi and bacteria resistant to this antibiotic. Rarely side effects require urgent treatment. If negative reactions occur, an analogue of Levofloxacin is prescribed, and the doctor prescribes a new treatment regimen.

How to combine with other drugs

The interaction of the drug with substances that lower the cerebral threshold enhances their effect. This clinical picture is observed when combined with Levofloxacin and Theophylline.

The therapeutic effect of the drug in question is reduced when used in combination with sucralfate and magnesium. A similar reaction is observed due to iron salts, an aluminum-containing antacid. With this effect, Levofloxacin is taken 2 hours before the above drugs or 120 minutes after them.

When simultaneous therapy of the drug in question with a vitamin K antagonist, the doctor should monitor the level of blood clotting. The excretion of substances by the kidneys is slowed down under the influence of cimetidine and probenecid. This reaction is not clinically significant. But when taking medications that block a specific excretion pathway, therapy with Levofloxacin is carried out with caution. The risk group includes patients who have limited renal function.

The drug slightly increases the half-life of drugs containing cyclosporine. Combined use with a glucocorticosteroid increases the likelihood of tendon rupture.

It is prohibited to take antibiotics for therapy in children and adolescents, since it is characterized by a high degree of damage to cartilage and joints. If treatment is indicated for elderly patients, preliminary examination internal organs. Particular attention is paid to the performance and functions of the kidneys. The risk group includes persons over 60 years of age who have been diagnosed with such disorders.

While using the medication, the development of seizures is allowed in patients with previously damaged brain, which is caused by severe trauma, stroke. Signs of photosensitivity during treatment are rare. But before therapy, doctors advise excluding strong solar radiation, as well as exposure to ultraviolet light.

Modern doctors believe that Levofloxacin in rare cases can cause pseudomembranous colitis. If this occurs, discontinuation of the drug and prescription of a new drug is indicated. It is forbidden to take medications that inhibit gastrointestinal motility.

Substitute drugs

The cost of Levofloxacin is low, which depends on the territorial factor and dosage, so it is often included in the treatment regimen for cystitis and other infectious diseases. Disadvantage of the antibiotic: it is available at the pharmacy with a prescription from the attending physician.

If the drug provokes a side effect or there are indications for its discontinuation, the patient is prescribed an analogue:

  1. "Glevo." The drug is included in the group of fluoroquinolines. Its active substance is levofloxacin. It is effective in combating infectious diseases caused by bacteria resistant to penicillins and cephalosporins.
  2. "Elephlox." An Indian drug with a wide spectrum of effects and the active ingredient – ​​levofloxacin. While taking it, bacterial enzymes that are involved in DNA synthesis are deactivated.
  3. "Remedia". An antimicrobial drug indicated for use in infectious and inflammatory diseases. It is based on the active substance – levofloxacin. "Remedia" is administered intravenously.

What opinion did the drug leave on people after treatment?

Reviews from men about Levofloxacin, used for prostatitis, are usually positive if the prostate gland is inflamed due to the activity of gram-negative microorganisms. Patients and doctors unanimously note that taking the medication reduces the symptoms of acute cystitis already on the 4th day of treatment. At the same time, not only the number of urges to go to the restroom is reduced, but the pain syndrome is also reduced.

Side effects occur if Levofloxacin is taken for more than one week. The risk group includes patients suffering from stomach ulcers.

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Inflammatory processes in structural tissues bladder(cystitis) are most often a consequence of exposure to pathogenic flora. Treatment of diseases of infectious etiology is not complete without the use of etiotropic therapy, selected according to the resistance of the identified pathogens. Levofloxacin for cystitis is one of the popular ones that has proven its effectiveness over more than 20 years of use in urological practice.

The drug belongs to a large group of synthetic antibiotics of the fluoroquinolone group. It has high therapeutic effectiveness in the treatment of various clinical forms of cystitis. Contains active chemical compounds(isomers) and accompanying components that provide its pharmacological properties, but it is levofloxacin that acts as the main active component exhibiting antibacterial activity.

In therapeutic practice the following are used:

  • tablet forms of levofloxacin with a dosage of the active component - 250 or 500 mg;
  • parenteral, in the form of a suspension with a dosage of the active substance - 100 mg or 0.5 grams;
  • infusion solutions with a dosage of 500 or 750 mg.

The main position in the treatment of infectious-inflammatory urological pathologies is occupied by empirical therapy - treatment of a specific patient until a pathogenic pathogen is identified. Initial antibiotic therapy is based on the indications of monitoring performed to identify pathogenic flora and its resistance to the selected antibiotic.

Of the entire group of similar fluoroquinolone antibiotics, levofloxacin is more effective.

Antibacterial activity is due to pharmacological property the drug inhibits the cellular DNA of pathogens, the ability to inhibit the growth and replication of microbial cells of many gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms that provoke infectious and inflammatory reactions in the mucous lining of the bladder reservoir.

Pharmacokinetic features

The pharmacokinetic properties of the drug make it possible to prescribe levofloxacin with full justification for cystitis and other infectious and inflammatory urological pathologies. The mechanism of action of the drug is different:

  1. Excellent dissolution effect and complete absorption from the gastrointestinal tract into the tissue structure of the body when taken orally.
  2. Rapid introduction of the active component into the bloodstream, which ensures almost 100% bioavailability of levofloxacin when administered by injection.
  3. Prompt manifestation of the therapeutic effect due to good penetration into organs and tissues.
  4. Long-term presence (up to 2 days) of therapeutic concentrations of the drug in MP, which ensures a long-term therapeutic effect.
  5. No dependence of antibacterial activity on food intake.

A distinctive feature of levofloxacin is the absence of residual toxic formations from the base component that can negatively affect the patient’s body, which allows the drug to be used effectively in urological practice. Not only in the treatment of acute uncomplicated or recurrent infections in the bladder tissues, but also in the treatment of urethritis, with the development of acute and chronic bacterial infections in the prostate, with epididymitis and orchitis. Use as a preventive measure for the development of infections after urological surgical interventions.

Antibiotic therapy for cystitis

The duration of the therapeutic course of treatment is selected for each patient individually, taking into account the severity of clinical manifestations, the presence of underlying diseases and the age of the patient. Only a competent specialist is able to select the appropriate dose of the drug and give the necessary recommendations on how to take levofloxacin for cystitis.

  1. in uncomplicated bladder tissues, the standard dose of the drug is a single dose of levofloxacin tablet at a dose of 500 mg/day for 3 days. Preferences for short courses of therapy are due to the absence of a negative effect of the active component on the intestinal and vaginal flora, reducing the risk of developing dysbiosis.
  2. A similar dosage of antibiotic is prescribed for frequent relapses of cystitis, but the duration of therapy is extended to a week.
  3. In case of reinfection processes in the bladder tissues with the presence of the same pathogen, therapy with levofloxacin can last for one and a half months.
  4. If it is necessary to quickly relieve acute inflammation, injection of the drug is recommended, which allows you to obtain the necessary therapeutic concentration of levofloxacin in a short period of time. The injection dose, diluted with saline or Ringer's solution and glucose, is determined individually (from 500 to 750 mg). The duration of injection therapy is 2 weeks. After relief of acute symptoms, intravenous administration of drugs is continued for another 2 days, after which they switch to tablet treatment.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on proper administration of levofloxacin. It is not recommended to crush the tablets into powder or chew them. Take them whole with plenty of liquid, which will eliminate negative impact on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, which will quickly and without complications give the maximum effective effect.

Good permeability to liquid media and the ability of the antibiotic to overcome placental protection served as the basis for the ban on levofloxacin for the treatment of cystitis in pregnant and breastfeeding patients.

And the intervention of the antibiotic in the formation process of bone and cartilaginous tissue structures sets limits for it that do not allow its administration to patients under 18 years of age.

Safety level of levofloxacin

According to the results of numerous studies, this antibiotic (among its “classmates”) is recognized as the safest antibacterial drug in terms of toxicity.

  • For more than 600,000 applications, only one episode of toxicity has been officially registered.
  • Side effects from the heart and blood vessels - 1 episode in more than 14,000,000 patients.
  • With a history of nervous pathologies, pathological effects were observed in only 0.2% of patients, which is 10 times lower than with other similar fluoroquinolone drugs.

Toxic symptoms, in the form of nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, which are often noted in reviews of levofloxacin for cystitis, are the most common manifestations after taking the drug. This is due to the body’s individual reaction to the antibiotic and is not associated with errors in the dose of the drug or with the age characteristics of the patient.

Despite the excellent characteristics of levofloxacin, which intensively reduces the painful signs of cystitis, its independent use is strictly prohibited. Uncontrolled self-medication can provoke an ascending infection and the development of infectious damage to the kidney tissue (pyelonephritis). It is also important to remember that improvement in condition after taking levofloxacin is not a reason for premature interruption of therapy. Otherwise, relapses of cystitis are inevitable.

Levofloxacin is a pharmacological bactericidal drug with a broad spectrum of action.

The drug contains fluorocarboxyquinolone.

The drug is a crystalline powdery substance white with a yellowish tint, soluble in liquid.

Pharmacological action

Levofloxacin is an antibiotic. The main active ingredient is hemihydrate, which is an isomer of ofloxacin.

A distinctive characteristic of the drug is its increased effectiveness, which is explained by the left-handed formula of the substance.

Used as an antibacterial drug of synthetic origin.

The bioavailability of the drug in tablet form is about 99%.

Absorption of the substance gastrointestinal tract carried out within a short period of time.

The drug can be used regardless of meals, due to the fact that in this case there is no significant effect on the duration of absorption.

After administration, the medication actively spreads throughout the body and quickly penetrates the tissues, including the tissues of the respiratory organs.

It is characterized by stability, being in the blood and during excretion through urine, without forming decomposition products toxic to the body.

The composition of the drug (with a volume of 100 ml) includes 500 mg of Levofloxacin per pure form, as well as excipients: sodium chloride, chlorous acid, sodium edetate.

Mechanism of action

The drug has an effect on most microorganisms that have aerobic metabolism.

Among them are strains that are sensitive to the influence of ampicillin and methicillin.

The action of the drug occurs by blocking the work of enzymes, due to which DNA molecules are synthesized.

In turn, this leads to the fact that pathological microorganisms are unable to divide, and their spread stops.

Use of medicine in medicine

Indications for use of Levofloxacin:

Restrictions and contraindications

Contraindications for use:

  • individual intolerance to the substances included in the drug;
  • diseases of ligaments and tendons caused by the use of drugs from the group of fluoroquinolones;
  • during pregnancy and during breastfeeding;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • age limit (children under 18 years of age);
  • (in older people).

Forms of release of the drug

Levofloxacin is available in the following forms:

  • infusions for intravenous administration, distributed in bottles of 0.5 g of active substance for every 100 mg of solution;
  • tablets – 250m, packs of 10 pcs, 0.25g each;
  • tablets – 500 mg, packs of 10 pcs. 0.5g each

Based on the instructions for use and reviews from medical practitioners, the following doses of Levofloxacin are recommended depending on the disease and its severity:

The drug must be taken in accordance with the required dosage. At daily norm of the drug in 0.5g, you need to take one 0.5g tablet or two 0.25g tablets.

Intravenous infusions for drip administration into a vein are used twice a day - 0.5 g of active substance.

Cases of overdose

An overdose of the drug is possible even if the recommended dosage is slightly exceeded.

Overdose symptoms:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • headache;
  • disturbances of consciousness;
  • excessive sleepiness;
  • slurred speech;
  • trembling and weakness in the body.

Lethal outcome is possible with a single dose of more than 0.25 g of active substance per kg of body weight.

This is important to remember!

When interacting with drugs that contain antacids and sulfates, the effectiveness of the medication is sharply reduced.

In the presence of renal failure, taking the drug in combination with other pharmaceuticals may have a negative effect.

When using drugs to strengthen joints and tendons, simultaneous use of Levoflaxacin leads to an increased likelihood of their ruptures.

In addition, the drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding. Taking the medication by children under 18 years of age is also contraindicated.

Medical opinion

Reviews from doctors about Levofloxacin are provided below.

The medication was prescribed to a patient diagnosed with acute pyelonephritis. The intake was accompanied by side effects in the form of constant nausea, vomiting, and weakness.

After five days of use side effects practically did not manifest themselves, and the patient was discharged 13 days after the start of treatment.

Doctor - urologist, Konstantin Evgenievich

Prescribed Levofloxacin intravenously, 0.5 g. The patient had complications due to cystitis. After short-term use (about 9 days), the patient’s condition improved, with virtually no side effects.

Intern Valery

A very powerful medicine. Even despite the large number of side effects, it allows you to get rid of infectious diseases in the shortest possible period of time.

Kirill Antonovich

What do patients think?

Short excerpts from patient reviews about Levofloxacin, which were collected on various forums:

  1. It performs the function of an antibiotic perfectly, but it does not hold up as a modern medicine due to the large number of side effects. Already on the first day of admission I suffered from cadidiasis and diarrhea.
  2. The antibiotic is very powerful, but after one tablet I started having severe headaches. My blood pressure is fine, I'm 23 years old. I can imagine how older people feel when they take this drug. After the second pill, a constant desire to sleep appeared.
  3. I took Levofloxacin for 5 days, at first I had a headache, it was difficult to think, my stomach was twisting. During the last two days of treatment, shoulder pain appeared. The list of side effects states that it should not be taken if the tendons are damaged, which is most likely what I encountered.
  4. I drank to get rid of cystitis. No side effects, but after 2 weeks the infection returned in an even more severe form.
  5. The antibiotic may affect the head. Got a mental breakdown.

Advice from patients:

  1. Before taking the medicine, the day before it is recommended to take about 10 tablets activated carbon , in order to reduce the likelihood of intoxication of the body. This should also be done after completing the course of treatment.
  2. It is best to take the tablets with plenty of regular boiled water.. Despite the fact that taking the antibiotic does not depend on meals, it is recommended to take it after meals.
  3. During your appointment It is recommended to limit physical and stress load on the body.

Most negative reviews from patients are due solely to side effects from taking Levofloxacin.

Pros and cons of the drug

Advantages of the drug:

  • wide spectrum of action (diseases of the urinary system, skin body, respiratory tract, prostate diseases, etc.);
  • convenient form of administration;
  • high efficiency;
  • low cost and availability.

Disadvantages of the drug:

  • many side effects;
  • risk of intoxication of the body;
  • possibility of death in case of severe overdose;
  • mental impact;
  • a large number of contraindications.

Despite the large number of side effects and other disadvantages, Levofloxacin is an effective drug that is actively used to treat various infectious diseases.

Purchasing medicine and storing it

Price of Levofloxacin tablets:

  • 0.5g (5 pcs.) – 270-460 RUR;
  • 0.5g (10 pcs.) – 510-613 RUR;
  • 0.5g (14 pcs.) – 615 – 690 RUR;
  • 0.25g (5 pcs.) – 290 – 300 rub;
  • 0.25g (10 pcs.) – 305-480 rub;
  • solution – 0.5g (100 ml) – 170-890 RUR;
  • eye drops 1 ml – 30-45 rubles, 5 ml – 110 – 140 rubles.

The medicine must be stored at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees, preferably in a dark place, protected from direct sunlight.

It is unacceptable to store the drug in places accessible to children. The drug is dispensed in a pharmacy according to a prescription.

Analogues of the drug

There are many drugs with a similar composition, and also have common indications and contraindications, but many of which are cheaper than Levofloxacin.

Common analogues:

The use of analogue drugs is permissible only after preliminary consultation with the attending physician, who must prescribe a course of treatment and the correct dosage.

Treatment of cystitis is unthinkable without the use of antimicrobial agents. Difficulties are caused by chronic inflammation of the bladder. After receiving the results of a test of microflora isolated from a urine sample for sensitivity to antibiotics, the urologist prescribes the appropriate drug. The publication informs patients about the treatment of cystitis with Levofloxacin.

Dosage forms

The urologist prescribes pills containing 250 or 500 mg of the active ingredient. The tablets are coated to protect the active substance from gastric juice. In addition to levofloxacin, the pills contain filler and auxiliary components.

The antibiotic belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones. It blocks the work of enzymes involved in DNA synthesis. The bacterial cell wall is destroyed. The auxiliary components provide a prolonged effect, so the patient is prescribed a single daily dose.

Urologist about cystitis: Do not buy expensive drugs, not all of them treat cystitis, I did research and found the most effective and cheapest remedy!

Unlike analogues, Levofloxacin is not metabolized in the liver; dosage adjustment is not required for chronic patients.

How to take Levofloxacin for cystitis

For uncomplicated inflammation of the bladder, a single dose of a tablet containing 0.25 g of the active substance is prescribed. The pill cannot be crushed, otherwise the active ingredient will be inactivated by gastric juice.

Take the medicine before meals with a glass of water. Unless the doctor prescribes otherwise, the course of treatment lasts 7-10 days.

Side effects

Levofloxacin is a potent antimicrobial agent. Causes the following side effects:

  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • headache;
  • sleep disorders;
  • lack of appetite;
  • paresthesia of the hands;
  • impairment of hearing, vision, smell;
  • hallucinations;
  • tachycardia;
  • hypotension;
  • joint pain;
  • inflammation and tendon ruptures;
  • allergic reactions;
  • candidiasis.

Fluoroquinolones have a photosensitizing effect, so patients are advised to protect their skin from sunlight while taking the drug.


Levofloxacin should not be used in the treatment of cystitis in pregnant and breastfeeding women. The antibiotic overcomes the placental barrier, is excreted in milk, and interferes with the formation of connective tissue fibers and cartilage. Therefore, it cannot be used by persons under 18 years of age.

The drug has a nephrotoxic effect and is contraindicated in patients with kidney pathologies. Therefore, it is not prescribed to older people with chronic diseases.

Levofloxacin for cystitis: reviews

Positive reviews come from patients suffering from recurrent cystitis. The drug quickly relieves pain. It is convenient to take once a day, so the risk of missing it is reduced. The medicine is cheap, 40-50 rubles per pack of 10 tablets.

Negative reviews are associated with sleep disorders, diarrhea, and the presence of contraindications for pregnant women, breastfeeding women, children and the elderly.


Levofloxacin is an antimicrobial agent for the treatment of cystitis. The medicine effectively destroys pathogenic microflora. It is prescribed based on the results of tests for the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics. The medicine has a lot side effects and contraindications, so it is purchased with a doctor’s prescription.