Why do you dream about an evil turtle? Turtle in the water interpretation of the dream book

The turtle is a very slow, clumsy animal. It’s not for nothing that there is such an expression - crawl like a turtle. This is associated with her wisdom and longevity (she lives long, which means she has seen a lot of things). It is believed that her lifespan is 300 years. The appearance of a turtle in a dream means slowdown and difficulties in business, as well as a delay in fulfilling desires. In short, the situation has gotten out of control as a result of your slowness. No matter how serious the circumstances that led to indecision, you need to act quickly and not waste a lot of time thinking about next steps.

The dream books provide interpretations of various behavioral signs of turtles and, depending on this, the dream book explains what these events mean:

  • just to see;
  • observe;
  • communicate;
  • see a lot of turtles.

Why do you dream about a big turtle? The size of a turtle for the interpretation of dreams is not particularly important: I dreamed little turtle- in reality there may be changes in family life, and the dreamer or dreamer will meet his soul mate. If the turtle in a dream happens to be big, this is a fortunate turn of events: family relationships will also change for the better.

More details on each of the areas can be read below.

Why see a turtle in a dream

If you dreamed about a turtle, your business will progress slowly but surely, and an unexpected event will bring great joy and peace of mind, which will affect the success of your work. Perhaps you do not have information about the current situation and the reason is your slowness. A dream is a signal that you need to act.

If a turtle in a dream turns out to be from the Far East, this is a harbinger great wealth.

Why do you dream about a turtle? Prediction of a long happy life, and for a woman it promises a high position.

To dream about a turtle means that some kind of debt will arise, an obviously impossible promise will be made, things will drag on, and the dreamer himself, defending himself from a difficult situation, may withdraw into himself.

Dreaming of a turtle - show it in reality interest in relatives' affairs, and rise in their eyes. An unexpected event may soon occur that will bring you great satisfaction and affect your business. Maybe you will receive valuable advice, and by using it, you will achieve business success.

Seeing a turtle in a dream can also mean that life passes by, but things are slow and difficult. If the turtle was in troubled water, your business may be ruinous.

Why do you dream of a turtle in the water? I dreamed about the sea turtle in the water- in reality, expect a big joyful event in the family, maybe a new addition.

Observe the behavior of turtles

Why do we dream about turtles? In dreams, different situations arise with the behavior of amphibians, which can be:

  • crawling and swimming in water;
  • "running";
  • hiding their heads;
  • in unnatural positions.

Crawling and swimming in water

The turtle is crawling, and you watch her in a dream, in reality this means that you have difficulty adapting to changes in life, perhaps because you yourself are a slow person. It is possible that the assumption of slowness applies to your business partner, and you cannot influence him in any way, no matter how much effort you make.

A dream about watching a crawling turtle may also portend an illness caused by a nervous breakdown due to the dreamer’s hot-tempered nature. The same dream foretells that you will not have active and great advancement in business.

If you dream of aquatic turtles swimming in the water of an aquarium, you will have a long wait, you need to be patient and wait.

Dreaming of a turtle swimming in muddy water is a harbinger that your business will not bring any income, but only big losses.


Why do you dream about a turtle running? If you dreamed of a turtle competing in a race with some animal, in reality you will lose in competition with your business partner because you are weak and slow.

Hiding your head

In a dream we saw that a turtle pulls his head into his shell- in life, try to hide at least for a while, from the problems that have piled up until they are solved. This same dream means that among the people close to you there is a person who is incapable of independent action; he interferes and stops the progress of all your affairs, and you need to think about who it could be.

In a dream - a turtle hidden in its shell. This means that in reality, a happy and serene family life awaits you: your spouse is beloved, your children are happy.

In unnatural positions

Snit, that the turtle turned over on its back, a very bad sign; in reality, expect failures at work and a crisis in your personal life. It happens that you see absolutely incredible things in your dreams. For example, a turtle grabs onto the paws of birds to fly - this dream means that you are very arrogant and refuse to listen to outside advice, and thereby only make things worse for yourself.

I dreamed about a turtle lying on the shell, means that among the people in your circle there is an intelligent and influential person who can give good advice.

Seeing a turtle in a dream in the well water near the house - there will be both wealth and high position in your life. A snake is wrapped around a turtle - in reality, prosperity and well-being are expected.

I dreamed about eating turtle soup, which means that in reality very dubious pleasures and adventures await you.

Communicate with amphibians in a dream

Dream books say that communicating with a turtle in a dream means gain wisdom from her, peace of mind and learn to make informed decisions, all this will lead to a prosperous and long life. Communication can be expressed as:

  • walk together;
  • feed pets;
  • catch or buy a shell pet.

The interaction between the dream object and the dreamer is furnished with various details and, accordingly, is interpreted differently.


In a dream, walking with one turtle or surrounded by several - to long happy life. If you see your relatives or friends walking with an amphibian pet, then this prediction also applies to them.

I dreamed of riding a sea turtle in the water - a reflection of the anxiety that gripped you lately. You need to be optimistic, and your anxiety will quickly disappear.


If the dreamer feeds a turtle (one or many) and gives it water, in reality he comes to the aid of a malingerer and a parasite, dependents and parasites who are unworthy of the dreamer’s help, and not really people in need. Necessary reconsider your surroundings and decide who really needs help.

Catch or buy a shell friend

We saw a turtle in a dream, and decided to catch her- in reality, you can expect a fight with a obviously weak opponent and victory, naturally, will be on the side of the dreamer. But there is no need to relax, everything can still change and you need to sympathize with your opponent. Self-confidence should stop even more powerful enemies.

He dreams of a turtle that you want to catch and she trying to escape(that is, to leave you) or to float away on the water. In reality, you will have to dissuade the person who wants to leave you, but you will not be able to do this if it concerns a woman. There is no need to be upset, the loss is small. And if you still manage to catch a turtle in a dream on water or on land, then this not a good sign- there will be a loss of a loved one, mourning.

Had a dream buy a turtle- V real life a person will appear nearby who, instead of helping, will only hinder you. There is no need to try to influence this slow partner; you need to break up with him.

See a lot of turtles

Why does a woman dream about a turtle? Girl or woman dreamed of a lot of turtles, that means her life path will be simplified and filled with happy moments, joyful events and small gifts. In general, dream books say that many turtles are a signal that problems have accumulated because you are leisurely; it could also be a lot of unfinished business from which you want to isolate yourself, or “go underground”, hide your head in a shell.

If you see in a dream how many turtles hide their heads in their shells, means: multiple problems will fade into the background. They will not dare, but will temporarily stop bothering you.

I dreamed of a large flock of turtles moving in a certain direction - in reality, your life is also unhurried and you should not expect any changes in the near future.

If you dream that many turtles are swimming in the water of a large dirty puddle, in reality old conflicts and long-forgotten problems may surface.

It is clear that all interpretations of dream books do not give an exhaustive answer to certain dreams involving amphibians, but in any case, one must act in life in such a way as not to look back at dreams, but to quickly and competently solve problems that arise.

The turtle is a symbol of wisdom and longevity. It is very important to understand why a turtle dreams in order to properly plan your actions in the real world. After all, a turtle seen in a dream is not always a favorable symbol.

Turtle in a dream

Turtle - dream book

A turtle seen in night dreams often reflects the dynamics of progress in reality towards a real goal. But at the same time, the speed of its movement is not the dominant factor, more important indicator is hers forward movement forward.

Turtle on land

If the turtle moves on land without obstacles, then the dreamer’s business will progress successfully. You can interpret it more accurately only if you remember all the details of the dream.

Seeing a turtle from the side

You can separate dreams in which you see a turtle from the outside into a separate group. For the correct interpretation of sleep, the actions of the turtle and your attitude towards this are important.

Crawling turtle in a dream

If in your night dreams you watch a turtle crawling on land from afar, this means that all the most interesting things in life are passing you by. Such a dream warns you that you must take some decisive action, otherwise you will regret it bitterly after many years.

Turtle in the water

When you dream of a turtle swimming in the water, then soon in real life you will receive advice from a wise person who will greatly help you when making a responsible decision. Therefore, it is important not to ignore it - and your life will change for the better.

Why do you dream of a turtle in a pool or well?

A dream plot in which you see a turtle calmly swimming in a well or in a pool in your yard foreshadows wealth and prosperity in real life. Recognition and perhaps even fame awaits you in society. But all this will happen only if you purposefully moved towards your goal in real life and did not waste your time on all sorts of little things.

Turtle next to a snake

A turtle that was seen in night dreams next to a snake is also a good sign. This means that you have enough life wisdom to make the right decisions and, thanks to this, become a successful and rich person.

Turtle hides in its shell

You should be careful in reality when in a dream you saw a turtle hiding its head in its shell. This means that in real life, that someone is trying to interfere with the implementation of your plans. You need to take a close look at the people in your immediate circle in order to identify the ill-wisher. This is the only way you can protect yourself from the insidious machinations of your enemy.

The turtle is racing

The fact that in order to achieve your goal you need to be more active is evidenced by a dream with a plot in which a turtle moves in a race with any other animal. If you do nothing, then you risk achieving nothing in life. Such a dream may also indicate that the time has come to change business or take unconventional and bold decisions to achieve your goal.

The turtle lies peacefully in its shell

If a turtle in a dream lies peacefully on its shell, then this indicates that there is a very wise person in your environment. His instructions and advice can be very useful to you, so you should definitely listen to them.

Little turtle - interpretation of sleep

The question is often asked why a little turtle dreams. It can mean the attention of others, which will please you and bring a little joy in your life.

Little turtles

The most a common question, it is believed that this is what little turtles dream about. Seeing these animals in large numbers promises a long wait for something in real life. Moreover, it is very important to be patient and not rush things. With this approach, you will definitely get what you want and find happiness.

Catch a turtle

The actions that you carried out with the turtle in your dream are very important for deciphering dreams. It is a bad omen if you caught a turtle in a dream. This sign may be a harbinger of an accident in real life. Try to be as careful as possible in reality.

I dreamed of killing a turtle

If in the plot of a dream you see the killing of a turtle, then this is also deciphered as a bad omen. Such a dream indicates the emergence of problems in real life that will be very difficult to solve.

Walking with a turtle - interpretation of sleep

A favorable dream is a plot in which you are walking with a turtle, as if you were a beloved pet. Such a dream is a harbinger of a future happy life, without misfortunes and problems.

Buy a turtle in your dreams

It is very good if you dream that you are buying a turtle. After such a dream in real life, you can count on the support of your friends and relatives. Do not refuse the offered help, as it will be sincere and will make you stronger.

Why do you dream of riding a turtle?

When you ride a turtle in a dream, this indicates that you are worried about inner fears. To get rid of them you need to look at life more optimistically and be simpler in your relationships with the people around you.

If we take into account that a turtle is a slow-moving, long-living animal, then it becomes clear why dream books, deciphering what such an image means in a dream, predict a long and stable life for the dreamer. However, you should not relax, since a dream about a large turtle can also predict the approach of a difficult period. Remember in detail how she looked in the dream and what she did - this will help you understand what you should be afraid of and what you can hope for.

Miller's interpretation of sleep

Miller's dream book gives the following interpretations of the dreamed “tortilla”: to see a large turtle in the house slowly chewing grass in a dream is a symbol that unexpected joy awaits you, which, contrary to the predictions of skeptics, will have a rather positive continuation.

Seeing not one, but two giant turtles at once is a symbol of a successful partnership. If you dreamed that a turtle couple lived in your house, this signifies mutual understanding and harmony in your relationship with your spouse. And if animals have settled in your work, then this means close and fruitful cooperation that will lead you to success.

Luck will be there

Vanga's dream book also gives rosy predictions about what a big turtle dreams about. If you dreamed that a large sea turtle was swimming next to you in the water, then this means that something awaits you. long life and good health.

Wondering why you dream about many sea turtles in the water? This is a symbol of profit. This is especially true for people involved in trade. The only bad thing is if a giant turtle, swimming in the water or walking on land, turns over on its back. Such a dream can predict disruption of plans and the danger of losing money.

Many large turtles and small turtles living in your house in a dream predict frequent changes of priorities. You will switch your attention from one area of ​​life to another very often and rapidly. You will be successful if the reptiles were benevolent towards you, dream books say.

You're wasting your time

The Italian dream book, explaining why you dream of a large turtle lying motionless on land, assures that this is a sign that you are wasting your time and energy. Review what of your activities does not bring you either profit or satisfaction, and switch your attention to something else, the interpreter advises.

But if you dreamed of a plot in which a large turtle and small turtles bask in the sun, then this means that the implementation of the plan is postponed due to minor problems or due to the dreamer’s absent-mindedness.

Period of victories and defeats

Seeing in a dream how many large turtles attack you is a sign of a difficult and protracted struggle, dream books suggest. Do reptiles bite you in your sleep? Remember if there was blood at the site of the bite. If turtle jaws left a bloody wound on your body in a dream, this means that you will be recovering from defeat for a long time, “licking” your emotional wounds.

But if the turtles did not manage to hurt you too much or you were able to fight them off, then, despite the machinations of enemies and envious people, you will be able to win a difficult battle, the Gypsy Dream Book pleases with its interpretations.

The turtle is one of the slowest animals that has a strong shell to hide from the enemy. Many people associate with her such a quality as wisdom. All these details are to some extent reflected in the interpretation of dreams in which a turtle appeared. When deciphering them, it is important to take into account the main details of the dream.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

One of the dream books claims that such a dream promises surprises that will improve your mood and give you strength for further achievements. There is other information according to which this may be a symbol of the onset of a crisis and stagnation in business. If the turtle was just lying on the sand, this is an indication that you are often wasting your time, thereby missing out on many chances. Watching her run away means that you will soon have to fight with enemies. A dream where you rode a turtle indicates that excessive excitement and anxiety are preventing you from moving towards a happy future. The dream book recommends calming down and smiling more often.

If an animal hides in its shell and does not want to come out, this is a symbol of the fact that you often shift the blame for problems onto other people. It could also be an omen of a calm and happy life. A night vision in which a turtle slowly crawls symbolizes the fact that in real life you are a rather slow person and have difficulty getting used to new life circumstances. Walking with such an animal means your life will be long and happy. A dream where you feed a turtle indicates that in reality you are offering help to a person who is just taking advantage of it.

Seeing a turtle lying on its back and unable to turn over means at the moment you are waiting for better times. It can also be a symbol of a change in intended goals. This will happen due to the influence of an authoritative person. A dead animal promises separation.

Why do you dream about a big turtle?

Such a dream is a positive sign that predicts a long and happy life. This may also be a harbinger of an improvement in financial condition. A large turtle predicts a successful period in life, which will help improve relationships with your loved one.

Why do you dream that a turtle bites?

If you are bitten by such an animal, this is a warning that the person you trust will eventually set you up. It may also be a symbol of the presence of some kind of problem, but you do not want to solve it.

Why does a woman dream about a turtle?

For a representative of the fair sex, such an animal promises a high position. Seeing a giant animal and riding on it means that you will soon have to listen to ridiculous attacks from your loved one. A small turtle is an omen of changes in your personal life, perhaps you will meet your soulmate.

Why do you dream of a swimming turtle?

Looking at an animal in an aquarium means you need to be patient to cope with the painful wait. If the turtle is in muddy water - this is a warning that doing business will not bring the desired profit. Night vision where a turtle is in the water is a positive symbol, according to which you can easily achieve your goal, without any obstacles.

Why do you dream of catching a turtle?

If you caught an animal, it means that in the near future you will have to participate in a showdown. This is also a harbinger of a meeting with an enemy who does not pose a serious danger. A dream where you caught a turtle foreshadows being in mourning. Catching and holding a turtle in your hands in a dream means that in real life you are a hardy and constant person.

Turtle according to the dream book

The turtle is a symbol of durability, calmness, sluggishness, and slowness. The dream book interprets a turtle in a dream in different ways.

Seeing a turtle lying on the sand suggests that you may be wasting your time, waiting in vain for an opportunity, missing out on many moments. You need to shake yourself up, become more decisive, you can’t waste a minute. Getting out of this situation will require ingenuity, cunning, and an operational plan of action.

If you see a dream in which a turtle is running away from you, then perhaps in the near future you will have to fight an enemy. Your superiority is evident, but you should not abuse this and finish off a weaker opponent. You will need to show that you can always stand up for yourself, but no more.

Riding a turtle means excitement, worry, anxiety, which prevents you from living fully and enjoying every day. In vain, there are no serious reasons for worry, so you should smile more often and treat others kinder.

As the dream book interprets, a turtle without a shell is a harbinger of problems. This is a sign of danger, difficulties that await you in the most unexpected places.

But a turtle in its shell, unwilling to come out, means that you are ready to blame anyone but yourself for all your problems. Instead of sorting things out with your family and friends, look at yourself; the true cause of the difficulties lies within you.

According to the dream book, a land turtle crawling on the ground or sand speaks of the monotony of life, you are bored and this causes depression. Try to paint your everyday life with bright colors, bring something new, unusual, and fun into your everyday routine. Relax, change your surroundings, organize a meeting with old acquaintances, make new friends. You can even arrange a holiday just like that, for no reason.

Why do you dream about a turtle in other dream books?

If you turn to famous dream books, then we get different interpretations of dreams about turtles.

According to Zhou Gong's dream book, seeing a turtle in a dream portends wealth and prosperity.

Miller's dream book associates the animal turtle with the long-awaited joy that an unexpected event will bring, which will have a beneficial effect on your well-being, mood, work, relationship with loved ones, etc.

By Modern dream book seeing a turtle means being in a good mood. All problems will be resolved soon.

Why do you dream about a turtle in Meneghetti’s dream book? It turns out that seeing a turtle in a dream means premature aging. You should be more careful about your health and appearance.

According to the Persian dream book, a dream about a turtle is associated with patience, strength, and calmness.

In Longo's dream book, dreams about turtles indicate that it is time to take active action, with more determination and perseverance, then you can count on a positive result.

Why does a turtle dream in Kananita’s dream book? To a happy and long life.

In the Russian Dream Book, a turtle means not only wisdom and longevity, but also difficulties, obstacles, slow problem solving, a feeling of laziness that envelops a person and does not allow him to cope with failures.

Why do you dream of a turtle in the water?

IN women's dream book It is said that a turtle in a dream is a sign that an interesting hobby will soon appear that will bring great joy. A turtle that slowly swims in the water is a sign that the person who saw this dream will have a long life.

A turtle in a dream is a symbol that the dreamer is very lazy and does not want to do anything to achieve what he wants. Procrastination and laziness are bad qualities and need to be eradicated. The person who saw this dream first of all needs to set at least some goal and try to achieve it.

Watching a turtle swim in the water is a sign that the dreamer will have to be patient, as he will have a waiting period in his life. If in a dream a person saw a turtle swimming in a race with someone, then in reality he will be able to overtake his competitors.

A turtle in the water that the dreamer is bathing means that the person who should be helping the dreamer will only hinder him. You need to understand the situation and explain to him what he needs to do and what he shouldn’t do, otherwise, it will not be possible to avoid the conflict.

A turtle in a dream is a sign of the dreamer’s respect for the affairs of his loved ones. The person who sees this dream will try to help his relatives in all their endeavors, and it is worth noting that he will succeed very well. Relatives will appreciate this help and will begin to treat the dreamer with great respect.

You shouldn’t flatter your boss after such a dream. This will bring the dreamer a lot of grief. A turtle that is trying to swim away, and a person is trying to catch up with it, is a sign that soon the person who dreamed about this will have to hold a loved one who wants to leave.

Tsvetkov’s dream book also explains why a turtle in the water dreams. It says that a turtle that swims means a crisis in the dreamer's affairs. A turtle that swims in muddy water is a sign that the dreamer will soon be faced with unexpected expenses.

A dreamed turtle symbolizes slowness in fulfilling the dreamer's desires. Apparently, this person is simply in no hurry to fulfill his intentions, however, it is worth trying to achieve at least something. If a turtle lies upside down in the water, this is a very bad sign.

Freud wrote in his dream book that riding a sea turtle in a dream means worrying about something lately. Stress and nervous breakdowns are also possible. It’s worth paying attention to your well-being and stopping being nervous over trifles.

Kopalinsky wrote in his dream book that if a person dreamed of a turtle, it means he saw himself in a dream. You need to think about this, because the turtle symbolizes not only wisdom, but also slowness and laziness, which, as a human quality, is very bad.

Dream Interpretation Skull, why do you dream about seeing a Skull in a dream

Mythological dream book Why do you dream about the Skull?

A dream about a Skull - In a hood with a scythe, a symbol of death - major changes; the death of something old in the life and consciousness of the sleeper and the emergence of new perspectives, states, possibilities. Seeing a human skull is destructive, black magic knowledge. Sometimes the skull signifies wisdom (of the sleeper). See Add. "main dream book".

Autumn dream book Why do you dream of a Skull according to the dream book:

Skull - To a depraved life.

Summer dream book Why do you dream of a Skull according to the dream book:

Skull - You are in excellent health, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book Why do you dream of a Skull according to the dream book:

Skull – A grinning skull in your dream symbolizes family quarrels and disagreements. Touching the skull with your hand means things will get worse. Your own skull portends you remorse.

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream of a Skull in a dream:

Skull - Refusal.

Erotic dream book Why do you dream of a Skull in a dream?

According to the dream book, seeing a Skull - A skull seen in a dream predicts illness, both physical and spiritual. Be more selective in your relationships, as physical attraction can have serious consequences for you. Sometimes a skull seen in a dream can symbolize some psychological problems related to sex in one way or another - fear of entering into physical intimacy, fear of losing a loved one, the consequences of sexual harassment or rape. For men, such a dream speaks of the fear of losing their male strength, not satisfying the woman you love sexually, fear of being deceived.

Dream book of psychologist S. Freud Why do you dream about the Skull:

Skull - Seeing a skull in a dream is a sign that you are trying to get to the bottom of the deeper meaning where it sometimes lies on the surface. Thus, in your mind, life often turns out to be more complicated than it actually is.

Spring dream book Why do you dream of a Skull according to the dream book:

Skull - To death or a very long illness.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream of a Skull in a dream:

Skull – If you see a skull grinning at you in a dream, it means. You cannot avoid family quarrels and disagreements. If you touch the skull with your hand, your business will decline. If you dream about your friend's skull, it means that he will beat you painfully in retaliation for choosing you over him. If you dream about your own skull, it means that you will be tormented by remorse.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yu. Longo Dream Interpretation: Skull

Dream Interpretation Skull - Seeing a skull in a dream means that some long-forgotten problem will soon emerge and you will have to look for ways to solve it. The trouble is that while it was on the back burner, its complexity has increased, and now you will have to spend much more time and effort on solving it than in the past, when it was timely. Let this serve as a lesson for you in the future, and you will learn to solve problems as they arise. If you come to an unfamiliar house in a dream and see a skull on the table, it means that you will soon meet a person who has wisdom and life experience. Chance will bring you together with this person. But, as you know, there are no accidents; in fact, this person was sent to you by heaven in order to help solve your problems.

Esoteric dream book If you dream about a Skull:

Skull - Seeing your suspiciousness and fear of death can bring trouble. Dig be puzzled. Events will baffle you, and only the advice of a wise person with rich life experience can help you.

why do you dream of a small turtle, not one, many, but there was only one in your hands)



Some happy occasion will bring joy and strengthen your will - this will affect your affairs in a good way. This occasion will come soon

Dmitry Popov

You will see money, a lot, but you will get little

Evgeniy Ivanov

this means that some oligarch will sign over his property to you))) I think it will be Akhmetov, rejoice)))

Alexey Alexandrov

You don't give it. Many people want it, but you firmly refuse. In other words, you don't have enough sex.

Georgy Mladov

To sexual pleasure and profit.

EEEEE.... yayyyy

Interpretation according to Miller >>>>>

If you dream about a turtle, then in reality there will be an unexpected event
will bring you joy and strengthen your spirit, which
will immediately affect your work.

Interpretation according to Freud >>>>>

Riding on a sea turtle in a dream - this dream symbolizes the anxiety that has gripped you lately. You not only cannot get rid of it, but you also “infect” everyone around you with it. Look at the world more optimistically, and then your gloomy mood will instantly disappear.
If in your dream the turtle did not want to “come out” of its shell, it means that for all your problems you are inclined to blame anyone but yourself. But this is fundamentally wrong - you yourself are quite far from the ideal and at the same time spoil your relationships with people.
By the way, this dream can have another interpretation - problems with erection in men.
Watching a crawling turtle - such a dream foretells you an illness, the cause of which may be your too hot-tempered character.

Stanislav Grishchenko

you will be deceived

Mikhail Podgorodny

Turtle - indicates an attractive personality, which, however, actually pushes the person towards premature old age.

Eat a little turtle

Dream Interpretation Eat a small turtle dreamed of why you dream about eating a small turtle? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Eat a little turtle in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Turtle

The turtle is a symbol of wisdom and longevity, because this amphibian lives for three hundred years, which means it manages to learn a lot in its life. There is a popular belief that the turtle moves so slowly because it has a long life and there is nowhere for it to rush.

The image of a turtle evoked by your subconscious in a dream is most likely a realization of such well-known folk expressions as “Crawl like a turtle” or “Hide your head in your shell like a turtle.” Everyone knows that the first expression is used to refer to people who are slow and slow-witted, and the second to those who are cowardly and not independent.

So, the image of a turtle that appears in a dream can mean procrastination, an obstacle in business, and also personify a person who does not have time to do everything that is assigned to him, is lazy or simply does not want to do anything.

Watching in a dream how a turtle hides its head in its shell is a sign that in your environment there is a dependent person who not only interferes with the implementation of your plans, but also has a bad influence on you.

Seeing a turtle hidden in its shell in a dream is a sign that you have a calm and happy life ahead of you. Harmony will reign in your home, relationships with your loved one and children will be normalized.

Watching in a dream a turtle that grabs the paws of a bird in order to learn to fly - such a dream indicates that you are a very arrogant person and do not listen to the practical advice of other people at all, not even suspecting that you are making it worse for yourself.

Watching a slowly crawling turtle in a dream means that in reality you are a very slow person and therefore it is difficult for you to adapt to the changes that are happening around you. Perhaps such a dream indicates that your work partner, due to his slowness in making decisions, is slowing down your affairs, while you will not be able to influence the course of events in any way and, despite all your efforts, you will not achieve anything new.

If you dreamed of a turtle crawling to race with some animal, then in real life you will not be able to compete with your business partner: you are too weak and slow to do this.

Seeing a turtle lying on its shell in a dream is a sign that in your environment there is a very wise, influential person who will think several times before doing anything. Listen to his advice.

Walking with a turtle in a dream - such a dream foreshadows a long and happy life. If in a dream you saw one of your close friends walking with a turtle, then this person will live a long life.

If in a dream you buy a turtle, it means that soon a person will appear in your environment who will only disturb you, although his task will be to help you in your work. Demand a replacement from your superiors, don’t waste your energy on this slow person, it won’t do any good.

Watching aquatic turtles swimming in an aquarium - You need to be patient as you will have a period of painful waiting.

In a dream, feeding a turtle means that you are supporting not the person who needs your help, but a parasite who has found strings in your soul on which to play and get what you want from you.

Dream Interpretation - Turtle

The turtle is a symbol of longevity and wisdom, but also slowness and clumsiness. The appearance of a turtle in a dream means procrastination and obstacles in business, as well as a lazy person or someone who does not want to do anything. Walking with a turtle in a dream is a harbinger of a long and happy life. When watching aquatic turtles, you need to be patient as there will be a waiting period. By feeding a turtle, you are not supporting someone who needs your help, but a dependent.

Dream Interpretation - Turtle

Turtle - Riding on a sea turtle in a dream - this dream symbolizes the anxiety that has gripped you lately. You not only cannot get rid of it, but you also “infect” everyone around you with it. Look at the world more optimistically, and then your gloomy mood will instantly disappear.

If in your dream the turtle did not want to “come out” of its shell, it means that for all your problems you are inclined to blame anyone but yourself. But this is fundamentally wrong - you yourself are quite far from the ideal and at the same time spoil your relationships with people. By the way, this dream can have another interpretation - problems with erection in men. Watching a crawling turtle - such a dream foretells you an illness, the cause of which may be your too hot-tempered character.

Dream Interpretation - Turtle

Dreaming about a turtle means standing in lines for a long time, being late and a failed meeting. Riding a giant turtle means ridiculous accusations against you from your husband. A turtle lying on its back, unable to turn over and stand on its feet, is a symbol of vain efforts and futile expectation of change for the better. A dead turtle in your dream means separation.

Dream Interpretation - Turtle

If you saw a living turtle in a dream, it means that you are worried about business: they are moving slowly but surely. Everything will be done on time. If the turtle was a toy, all your problems are far-fetched, they really don’t exist. You can relax: everything is calm in your world.

Imagine, next to the turtle in your dream, a huge sea turtle that buries its eggs in the sand on the ocean shore. Soon little turtles emerge from the eggs.

Dream Interpretation - Turtle

A dream about a turtle foreshadows some interesting event in your life. Its consequences will undoubtedly strengthen your character and affect your work.

If you ate turtle soup in a dream, you have dubious entertainment ahead.

Riding on a sea turtle in a dream means you have been very worried about something lately. You cannot get rid of this anxiety and create anxiety in the people around you. Look at the world more optimistically, there is no reason for such a gloomy mood.

If you dreamed that a turtle did not want to “come out” of its shell, then you are inclined to blame anyone for all your problems, but not yourself. Think about the fact that you yourself are not perfect, and stop ruining your relationships with people.

Watched a crawling turtle - a disease is possible, and the reason for it lies in your overly hot-tempered character.

Dream Interpretation - Turtle

A snake that wraps itself around a turtle means prosperity and relative wealth will appear.

Caught a turtle - portends mourning.

A turtle in a well near the house means there will be wealth and nobility.

Turtle - portends a high position for a woman.

Dream Interpretation - Turtle

A turtle dreamed in a dream symbolizes some slowdown in the fulfillment of your intentions and desires. Perhaps the past or prejudices associated with upbringing prevent you from realizing your sexual fantasies.

A turtle turned over on its back indicates a change in your plans due to the influence of some person whose opinion is very important to you.

Dream Interpretation - Turtle

You will show respect for the affairs of your loved ones, which will earn their respect. But you shouldn’t be hasty or openly flatter your superiors. This will bring you nothing but grief.

If a turtle swims away from you or tries to escape, and you try to stop it, you will have to hold back a person close to you who decides to break off relations with you. Your attempt will be fruitless. If you want to keep a woman leaving you, the result will upset you. Don't take things too personally.

Turtle in troubled waters - commercial activity will not bring you profit and will only force you to incur unnecessary expenses.

Dream Interpretation - Turtle

If you dream about a turtle, then in reality an unexpected event will bring you joy and strengthen your spirit, which will immediately affect your work.

Eating turtle soup in a dream means dubious entertainment.



Today I dreamed of a little turtle (very small, the baby’s hand). It was cold outside, children were playing, there was a little snow, and in this snow we had to find its shell somewhere. My mother was nearby, she quickly found it and gave it to me me for a turtle. Then we took a walk somewhere with the turtle, and again came to the same place, and again it turned out to be without a shell. Mom wasn’t there, the kids were still playing on the side, I started looking for the shell with one hand, keeping it warm with the other little one. I searched everything, but couldn’t find the shell. The turtle began to freeze, I breathed on it to warm it up. This helped for a short time, but she died in my arms. I cried very much, very much. It was difficult for me calm down, I took it hard. Why did this happen in a dream?


I was in a room with someone I knew, we seemed to live there, but at the moment we were there to eat, we saw two turtles, they were not big, crawling along the floor, but for some reason we were afraid of them and tried to avoid them so that they they saw us.


I dreamed that there were three eggs in my kitchen. I didn’t know whose eggs these were, but then a small turtle hatched from one, I put water in a jar and there it was. Later, another turtle hatched, but it was very weak, and I thought it would die, but it recovered and became better. I also have a red cat and he climbed into the jar where the turtles were swimming and tore the small one apart. And later I woke up.


I found a cute turtle who became my friend, I always carried it on my chest or stomach (they kept each other warm), then instead of the turtle suddenly there was an old turtle who said that turtles have a belief that you can turn into a person if you become poetry, and my cute turtle decided to implement this belief. Then I read the poems that were my turtle and cried my eyes out.


I dreamed of a hundred eggs floating in the pool and small turtles begin to hatch from them and swim in the pool, I really want to get pregnant, maybe this is due to this


I saw how two turtles hatched from an egg, they were very small and transparent, I fed them and looked after them in every possible way, they grew very quickly and I saw how their shell was formed


little turtles in the bathroom. two large and one small
they swam, I caught them and transplanted them into a large aquarium


The dream began when my little brother and I entered the house. There was no one but us. We stood in the hallway, my brother took off his shoes. When I looked down, I saw that a small viper was lying at his feet, which was reaching for his hand. I grabbed it, but realized that it was not a monkey, but a baby marmot. He painlessly bit my finger, began to squirm, I looked at him and realized that he was sick with something. I took it to the yard where our cat lives and put it next to her. The cat sniffed it and started eating it.
After that, my brother and I went out into the garden, where I found a small turtle. I took it in my hands. the turtle began to stretch its head and paw towards my face and after a while it touched me.


I was walking along the road and there were a lot of small aquatic turtles around... And so that they don’t have time to turn into ordinary ones, I need to take one and bring it home.. I take one and go and then it starts to rain and I understand that I didn’t have time


I dreamed that first there were larger turtles, then smaller ones under clean water, I took them out to give them to my daughter to play with.


Hello, I dreamed that I was walking with someone, whom I don’t remember, along a path. If it's free, thank you very much!!!
There seemed to be wheat or tall grass growing around. So I’m walking, and turtles crawl out onto the path and climb on my feet, I push them away, I’m both funny and scared. and about 8 of them tried to crawl to their feet.


I dreamed that I found 2 adult red-eared turtles on the street, with many babies around them. I was upset, because it means that someone threw them out of the house and onto the street. Then I find out who did it, and I begin to reproach and scold him very strongly.


I had a dream today in which a guy with whom I had recently broken up came to visit me... we went into the garden to pick apricots and there were a lot of small turtles under the tree. he chose the most beautiful turtle and gave it to me.


I dreamed of a flood of dirty water and I’m looking for how to get out of this swamp that has formed, suddenly I find myself at home and see in my son’s toy box a mouse runs out, first one, then another, a third, I try to kill them, I catch up with one, kill the second. Then I see cats from the same box, and then a turtle with a broken shell crawls out and for some reason there are a lot of mussels near it and turtles suddenly hatch from the mussels and so many of them run away and we catch them with the children. I shout to my daughter - bring the aquarium quickly. We pour a lot of clean water in there and throw them all in there. They are different sizes, different colors. Among them was also a snake,
we stuffed it with a ropan shell.


I was walking around the city with my brother, we passed by a sandbox, look, and there the turtles are hatching, and we protect them from cars and take them somewhere...


I stood on top of a multi-story building and from there I saw a line of small turtles (as if you see ants from a height of human height). There were many of them. they followed each other. And in a dream I understood that they were my personal


There were 3 small turtles, different in size and they were pale yellow in color. I collected them around the house, but they all started to scatter. And in the end I collected them


At first there was one little turtle that was hiding in the children's bedroom under the bed, in a dream I was alarmed. And it seemed like there were some things under the bed, among them children’s gloves that had been chewed by a turtle


in a dream she was carrying a turtle in her hands, it turned out to be upside down, when she was turned over, there were two small turtles under her, I wrapped them in rags.


I dreamed that my boyfriend gave birth to three little turtles


First I dreamed of a little turtle that had just been born... from an ostrich. And then the picture changes and 4 large turtles run very quickly, overtaking each other.


I’m carrying a little turtle in my hands late at night, I have such an impression that I’m walking along the bridge and cars are driving nearby. For some reason it seems to me that I’m saving her, she’s small, I’m protecting her, I’m holding her close to me, but it seems to me that her armor is wounded, I won’t say for sure, but I’m excited that I I’m saving my neck from something.


I don’t remember the beginning of the dream. I see that I have 2 small turtles, they are in a bottle. Then I see them crawling outside. I try to take them with my hand to put them in the bottle, I take them by the shell and, as if I’m afraid of something, I put them back. Then I tilt the bottles and pry them with the neck, catching them both.


At first I dreamed of a boy who died, but it turned out that he was alive and I mixed everything up. After a certain time, there was a large turtle and under it there were many small turtles.


I swam and dived with a specific purpose. I swam as if in a pool. It was cold around me and at first I was afraid that I would suddenly be in the water. Then Lesha (this is my brother) takes out a small testicle, like a jumper it swam to the side, I accidentally cracked it, from there a little turtle hatched. I began to make a comfortable place for it……..(I woke up)


I dreamed of a lot of turtles, as if they were sliding, jumping and falling on the chest of drawers, and I caught them, lifted them from the floor back to their house, and they were so nimble and there were so many of them. and they are in all directions and I am trying to save them. The dream is bright and interesting, without negativity and somehow all in motion.


I dreamed of a little sea turtle in my room. I found her under a chair and tried to protect her from the cat, but I didn’t see the cat in my dream. holding a turtle in her hand


There is a beautiful forest in the middle of a clearing with a very clean lake on it. We were there as a family. And I put my hand in the water and took out a small turtle. I turned to my husband and said that now a small turtle will live with us.


I dreamed of a forest, beautiful nature. In the middle of the forest there was a clearing in a clearing with a crystal clear lake. I put my hand in the water and took out a small turtle. We were there with the whole family. I turned to my husband and said that now a turtle will live with us!


I was carrying vegetables in a basin.. and a little turtle was swimming there.. and then a fish appeared out of the blue.. and I was afraid that the turtle might eat the fish.. and quickly ran home to put it in a jar.


In my dream I saw a lot of small aquatic turtles, they seemed to have fallen out of the aquarium and got entangled in the algae, I saved them)) pulled them out of the algae and released them into a bathtub with water! In my dream I thought why our turtle is green and these ones are somehow yellow!


I dreamed that I went to a tire repair shop with my mother and sister, then I went to the street toilet there where I found a turtle in a cloth bag of its color and decided to keep this turtle for myself


I’m pregnant, I dreamed that I was swimming in some lake, then I noticed that swimming there is prohibited, I want to go out and see 2 small turtles clinging to me, but for some reason they have long tails and I’m sure that these are turtles, then I I find myself already at home, the turtles are also somehow at home and my sister, at my request, wants to put them in an aquarium, but they crawl out. In my dream they were very disgusting to me and I was scared. Why is this?


Hello! I dreamed that three large turtles hatched one after another from a huge egg. and my little daughter played with them.


I was holding a small toy turtle, but it was alive, I caressed and kissed it, and then bathed it, and it also tried to bite me and I, thinking that it wanted to play, let it bite my hand, but it didn’t hurt me at all.


Hello! I dreamed of a little turtle. She hatched from the egg, then I fed her, and then watched her movements. At that moment there was a young man next to me (a stranger to me, but in the dream I really liked him)


I saved a little turtle. It fit in my hand and was hungry, so it bit my finger. In an instant I picked some grass and gave it to it. She ate everything. And let herself be stroked. And then I don’t remember where it went


I entered a room that felt like a kitchen. There was a small green turtle lying on the floor, the emotions were very positive) I wanted to pick it up and stroke it, but I don’t remember whether I took it or not, I think I started to pick it up and it didn’t resist.


I fed milk to a little turtle.


Hello! My name is Natalya, today I dreamed of a lot of little turtles, they were the size of a cockroach. they crawled like a carpet on me


I found a turtle. she was short and had a broken armor. I decided to help her. took her with her. I wanted to take him to the vet, but my dream ended there and I woke up


I dreamed that I was floating on a raft on a transparent sea ​​water with my loved one and I need to feed the child, I caught a small turtle in the water and put it in my child’s mouth.


I dreamed that little blue turtles were crawling out of my hands. And I drowned them


A turtle (I have one like this at home) ran after me and jumped and tried to bite me with a turn. Bouncing off the floor like a frog. My wife ran away from her and was afraid. I calmed the turtle down, caught it, and pressed it. At some point she rolled over onto her back. Then I saw her mouth open. Inside, her mouth was not pink like in life, but as if it were a toy mouth, white and not like a turtle’s, but in shape and size like a small toy hippopotamus.


I dreamed that my sister wanted to take a turtle and with her ten small, 1-2 cm in size, barely mature baby turtles. The color of their body gave the impression that they were not at all ripe, fragile, somehow translucent and stuck around the mother turtle behind. I, puzzled, ask why you need them?? - she answers that it’s more interesting with them. The turtle flew in the air, the cubs could also fly.


I was driving somewhere, I wanted to register some land for myself, on the way I saw a small black kitten, I wanted to save him, but a cat was nearby, took him in her teeth and walked away, I stood in thought and suddenly I saw a small turtle crawling past, she stopped, turned her head in my direction and seemed to not want to leave, then some kind of leapfrog and I woke up


She was cooking something. A small turtle crawled out of the cereal, brown and glossy like a souvenir. I was afraid with my hands, I took the paper, she climbed up and I let her go to the floor, she fired me.


I was cleaning at work (sweeping the floor) and found what looked like a dead tiny turtle under the closet, but when I picked it up, it started breathing! then I poured water into the aquarium and put it in there.


I was not in the dream. a stranger takes a box with a turtle from another man, who puts the dead one in, he throws it away, and leaves. on the way he pulls out a live small turtle and holds it in his hands


I dreamed of a lot of small turtles on the river bank, a large fish in a bucket and a white cow with black spots


I dreamed that someone’s turtle ran away, I found it and was holding it in my hands, but then I saw another one. The owner comes up to me and says, this is a good turtle, but it bites... Why?


Hello, Tatyana. In a dream I dreamed of 7 little turtles; they were on the floor in an apartment unfamiliar to me. I took about 5 per hand. they moved and were not afraid of me. Since the apartment was not mine, I decided to take them for myself.


several small turtles are in an aquarium and they are poured into another aquarium, where there are also turtles, I try to get them out from under the ground with my hand so that they do not suffocate


I’m lying on the sofa and a small turtle is crawling next to me; on TV they show large turtles starting to reproduce. I picked up a small turtle and decided to see if it was a boy or a girl, she hissed, I put it back, and she began to crawl and hiss threateningly. I thought that she was hungry, the idea arose to feed her. But in reality the phone rang and I woke up.


In the dream there were three turtles and one small one, as if it had just been born. They scattered but I collected them all. One somehow climbed into the bathtub. And the other two seemed to be having sex, I thought it was their baby.


I dreamed of a little turtle and how I picked it up and held it and looked at it..


A large, tall (for a turtle) turtle with a large orange spot on its back suddenly appeared in the room and crawled towards me. Suddenly she gave birth to a large turtle with an orange spot on its back, which crawled towards me. And I woke up


My mother, sister, and I were walking along the river bank, suddenly I saw two huge turtles, and when I came closer, several more small ones. I picked up one small turtle and said that I would take it home to the children


little turtles hatched from the eggs, I took one turtle in my hands and kissed it


I was catching fish in a shallow river, something bit me, I pulled it out, and it was a small turtle.


In the house of my grandmother, who had already died, going out into the street I saw a lot of turtles crawling away, while a neighbor who had died a long time ago was leaving at the door, at that moment one of the turtles bit me. In the same dream I also saw a little girl lying in a cradle in the entrance of the house, and at the same time she was not crying and was smiling; the only thing was that she was naked.


I dreamed of a woman who was holding a round aquarium in her hands and there were small pink turtles in it. In my dream I was happy and showed them to my son.


I dreamed of a clutch of turtle eggs and a turtle was born from one and I’m going to buy milk to feed it


I went to work early in the morning, winter was coming and a little turtle crossed my path and quickly then it fell into a snowdrift, I took it and brought it home, it warmed up and became cheerful and for some reason I wanted to lie down in bed with my husband and he told me you where were you? For some reason I never left for work (then I woke up


I dreamed about a big turtle giving birth to many small turtles

Turtle dream book. Why do you dream about a turtle?

A turtle in a dream reflects the speed, timing and dynamics of current affairs, which usually progress gradually, that is, a slow turtle in a dream book does not necessarily mean slowing down. Depending on the plot of the dream and the behavior of the turtle in the dream, it can tell you what exactly is hindering the dreamer in business and on the way to the goal. If the turtle moves freely on land, then in real life things will move forward confidently, without violating deadlines. The obstacle that the turtle cannot overcome is an additional key to the interpretation of the dream.

Seeing a turtle in a dream means that things will move in the right direction, although not very quickly. The turtle symbolizes self-confidence, good luck and success, as noted in the dream book. Many turtles dream of a successful completion of endeavors. It is very important what exactly the animal does. If turtles walk on land, for example, crawl on the sand, this means that a successful period is coming in your life. Everything you undertake will work out.

Why does a woman dream about a turtle? To increase wealth and prosperity. A young girl will meet a worthy man who will become her life partner, and a mature lady will receive an expensive gift from her husband. A turtle appears in a dream to symbolize strong family ties, lasting friendships and long-term cooperation with business partners.

Small and large turtle according to the dream book

Why do you dream about a big turtle? To great success in business and probable admission cash. A beautiful animal slowly crawling nearby means possible wealth. This could be a gift, a salary increase or an inheritance.

As the dream book indicates, a large turtle appears in a dream as a likely addition to the family. Usually you dream of a fish, but a turtle as a sea animal can also indicate this.

A huge turtle, stained with black mud, dreams of a temporary stagnation in business associated with the machinations of competitors. If the animal is very close, then a quick solution to the problem awaits you.

Often dreams indicate anxieties and fears that worry us in reality, the dream book speaks about this. A little turtle will bring changes for the better in your life. They will be associated with financial growth, more money and promotion.

Where was the turtle

The interpretation of a dream often depends on the behavior of the animal and environment, the dream book writes about this. A turtle in the water, slowly swimming in the clean and transparent depths of the ocean, means a leisurely but purposeful movement towards happiness and success. If the animal is swimming in dirty water or entangled in algae, this indicates that the problem will not be resolved the way you would like.

It is better if the turtle is in the water element and is swimming somewhere. A swimming and floating turtle - what does a turtle dream about in water mean - a symbol of the absence of obstacles in achieving some current goal. Promises the absence of red tape in business, the speedy completion of the transaction, etc.

Finding a turtle on the table, at the workplace or in the office - a dream promises delays with documents, a delay in the outcome of the case, a delay in obtaining the desired position.

A turtle in an aquarium - dreams of obstacles. Your desire for success faces misunderstandings from loved ones, unfair competition or the envy of colleagues. The chances of achieving this are slim, especially if the turtle is swimming in a shallow aquarium.

If you dreamed of a turtle in the sea, it means that circumstances are favorable to achieving your goal. This dream is especially good if you see the ocean depths permeated with sunlight, and the water is clean and transparent.

A turtle in a river dreams of change. The river is a symbol of the transience and variability of life. But a stubborn and persistent turtle, even in the fast river of life, will be able to achieve its goal. Don't let change scare you. If you don't deviate from your chosen path, then everything will be fine.

If you see a turtle moving on land in a dream, it means good luck. A turtle moves freely - this means success awaits you in all your endeavors. If she overcomes obstacles, everything will not be so simple, but in the end, her plans will work out. If the turtle cannot overcome the obstacle, it is worth thinking about what is preventing the implementation of your plans.

A turtle in the house means a calm, measured life (if the dreamer does not keep the turtle as a pet).

What kind of turtle did you dream about?

A turtle in a dream should not be completely passive, hiding, sick or dead, otherwise the meaning of the dream takes on a negative connotation. For example, if you dreamed of a turtle on land that is motionless or barely moving, or hiding its head under its shell, then the dream indicates the desire of the owner of the dream to hide from problems or he is procrastinating in resolving some issue. And if you dreamed of a turtle - upside down and trying to take a normal position, then the dream reflects a similar life circumstance. Perhaps some situation will get out of control, the sleeper will be confused or go into a stupor.

The question of why a living turtle dreams is interpreted by dream books as a leisurely movement towards success. This ancient creature is a symbol of health, perseverance and longevity, and it always dreams about something good.

Why do you dream of a sea turtle - the dream book answers this question that this animal, if it is clearly in the depths of the water element, appears in a dream as a sign of big changes. The sleeper will have to make changes to his life that will be associated with a new place of residence, work or unplanned vacation.

The river turtle dreams of sudden, drastic and unexpected changes that will bring good luck. Successful people are usually not happy with unplanned changes, but the turtle will add stability and balance to them.

A turtle without a shell dreams of troubles and problems. They must be resolved firmly and quickly. Then confidence in the future will return to your life, and the turtle will regain its strong shell.

If a dead turtle appears in a dream, it means that your persistent progress towards your goal will be suspended. Obstacles will seem insurmountable. However, perseverance and the pursuit of happiness will overcome all obstacles.

The white turtle is a very rare symbol. It means the desire for light and spiritual purity. People who dreamed of a white animal gravitate towards spiritual self-improvement, towards a correct and honest life. They are slowly but persistently moving towards their goal.

A turtle with its young, small turtles or turtle eggs are a symbol of planning and deliberate action, as opposed to haste and impulsiveness.

What actions took place in the dream

Sitting astride a turtle means being able to finally cope with a situation that has long seemed hopeless, or getting a position that the sleeper has been dreaming of for so long that he has already lost hope.

Cooking a turtle or eating turtle soup is a sign of dubious hobbies and pleasures.

Injuring a turtle, for example, cutting it with a knife, is in reality trying to reach some thick-skinned person.

If you dream that a turtle bites you, it means that a person you trust will not keep his promise. However, this will not happen through his fault. Pain caused to a wise and kind animal means troubles for which a person older in age, perhaps a boss, will be to blame. But there is no need to worry, the problem will be resolved soon.

Feeding a turtle means supporting a worthy person who cannot help himself. However, you should not feel sorry for him. Better try to get him to find his way in life again.

Catching a turtle means competing fairly with your opponent. This will add excitement to your life, become a source of fresh ideas, and ultimately lead to promotions and new professional achievements.

Catching a turtle in a dream means trying to cope with a difficult situation and again directing your life along a successful path. If you fail to catch the turtle, this means that the problems will worsen and possibly lead you to serious troubles in business.

Killing a turtle is a bad dream. You can destroy your own luck. Be extremely careful about your actions. You may be about to do something that will cause great harm.

Saving a turtle means correcting a difficult situation in which you find yourself. Everything will be fine soon. Be sure to pay attention to who in your dream tried to kill the turtle. Most likely, it is he who is the cause of your troubles. If the animal suffered from elemental forces or natural phenomena, then these symbols require additional interpretations.

Feeding a turtle in a dream means supporting a person who cannot answer you. It could be a poor and unhappy relative who does not have the opportunity to thank you. Or someone who wishes you harm and only pretends to be a friend.

If the turtle crawls slowly, this means that things will not progress as quickly as you would like.

A turtle in a dream means that everything will be fine in your life. Take a close look at what surrounds the turtle and what it is doing. This will provide additional interpretation options.

Dream Interpretation on another topic: