Predictions of psychics about Lukashenko for the year. The future of Belarus, the opinion of clairvoyants

Astrologer Pavel Globa

Russian astrologer Pavel Globa made a super-optimistic forecast for Russia for 2017. At the same time, according to the forecaster, “the stars did not align” for the USA and the EU.

In his opinion, in the first months of the new year the global economic crisis will ease somewhat. The third stage of difficulties will not be the most destructive in history, but humanity will become quite tired of frequent shocks. It will be possible to fully recover from the consequences of the crisis only by the end of the decade.

As Globa predicts, 2017 will be difficult for the dollar. The seer is confident that the American currency will sharply fall in price and lose its global status. The euro will please you with its stability, so Pavel strongly recommends transferring your savings to a more reliable monetary unit. Black gold will also rise sharply in price; thanks to this financial leap, Russia will be able to overcome the financial crisis.

In the first half of next year, the world and Russia will experience many upheavals. The main one will be the threat of World War III. A Muslim country (presumably Iran) will show aggression; its weapons will be directed against Turkey.

Russia will play a key role in resolving the conflict; its wise ruler will become an arbitrator in a difficult conflict. With the power of his authority and peremptory arguments, he will be able to turn the situation around and avert the threat.

Pavel Globa is confident that in 2017 the Russian ruble will stop falling. And by the beginning of 2018 it will take one of the leading positions in the global market. This is hello to lower inflation. Products will become more accessible, salaries will be more valuable, Russians will again be able to travel, buy real estate and cars.

In 2017, a new religious movement will emerge in the central part of Russia, which will grow at a rapid pace. In less than a couple of years, religion will absorb Christianity and even Islam, claiming the title of a single world religion. It will be at the origins of creating a new generation of society and a new culture.

Natural disasters will cause a lot of destruction - floods, tsunamis, earthquakes will leave millions of families around the world homeless. The astrologer predicts many car accidents and plane crashes.

Despite all the negative aspects, there will also be revolutionary discoveries - scientists will develop a cure for cancer, giving tens of thousands of people around the world hope for a long and happy life.

Globa's prediction for 2017 for Russia

Kazakhstan and Belarus will express a desire to join the federation. The state will rapidly increase its power. The “Union of Three Powers” ​​will rise above other countries and eclipse America and the European Union in its capabilities. A few months later, Azerbaijan and Armenia will submit their application for membership.

Globa's horoscope for 2017 predicts little good for the USA and Western Europe. Even more countries will express a desire to leave the EU, which will deal a merciless blow to its financial resources. The whole world will watch the rapid collapse of the coalition. Unemployment, banditry and debauchery will increase in Europe.

Popular unrest in Russia will grow, but the current president will be able to contain it for at least 3 years. In 2020, the influence of Russia's most revered ruler will weaken due to a progressive illness.

At this time, on the contrary, Russians will unite and try to lead the country out of the crisis. The economic isolation of the country will contribute to the development of its own production and peasantry. The need to purchase and import fruits, sweets, cheeses, and sausages will disappear.

said that the 21st century will be a turning point in many ways. The next 10 years will be decisive for the whole world.

The astrologer did not rule out the Third world war, in which if there are any leaders, they will be radical Muslims. From 2014 to 2018, military operations may unfold in the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Globa said that the economic union of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus will not only survive, but will also strengthen, although there will be attempts to destroy it. Later, “not just a single economic union, but as a Eurasian Union” will be formed, which will include almost all the republics of the USSR, almost all the countries of the Eastern Bloc and even Greece and Mongolia. It will be possible to create such a huge and stable space in 25-30 years, but only on the condition that, again, the Third World War does not interfere with these plans.

Ukraine, according to the astrologer, has a bright future only in an alliance with Russia and only under the future president. But Belarus is waiting for a coup d'état.

As Globa said, “They will try to remove Lukashenko within two years, there will be two coup attempts, terrible economic pressure.”

Clairvoyant Galina Bagirova looked into the future and saw trouble for the Belarusian government in 2014. She spoke about this and more in an interview with an Azerbaijani newspaper "Echo" in December 2013

To the question “Will there be a change of power in any countries?” she replied:

“There will be calm in Ukraine in the new year. But in the future a gradual change of power is possible. After this, Russia will establish close friendly ties with this country and will not allow it to be divided into two parts.Even earlier, a change in some government officials may occur in the government Belarus. This will be caused by political unrest ».

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In December 2010, Galina Bagirova described the man who would replace Lukashenko in three years.“A completely different person will take his place. He even looks different. He is younger, his features are not so sharp in appearance, he has more rounded features, he is a more intelligent person,”- she said then.

In recent interviewNaviny.bythe clairvoyant confirmed the description of the future new leader of Belarus, but denied the deadline for the departure of the old one. Like, the journalists got it wrong, as always.

Mavis's prediction.

At the end of 1999, Mavis, who is called the “Italian witch,” spoke about the upcoming fate of Russia and the Republic of Belarus:

“Crimea will be in Russia, although this will require effort. There is no need to fear war, but political complications due to Crimea will not end so soon... Russia will stop looking at America. The Russians will understand that they have a special path, and not It’s worse for the States... the prospects leave much to be desired... The political system is very shaky, it has become worn out over so much time, and they will not be able to abandon it for a long time, and they will have to pay for it.

There will soon be no Presidents in Russia. Russia and Belarus form one state with a common Government. The Russians, of course, will dominate it, but few of the current political figures will remain in power..."


Forecast of events for 2010-2025. Iskander. (Forecast from 2010)

After the military conflict between Russia and NATO, the Baltic countries, deprived of the support of the weakened European Union, are again asking for the protectorate of the Russian Federation. Following them, similar proposals are put forward Belarus, Ukraine, a number of Balkan states. There is a possibility of creating a hitherto unprecedented confederation.

Vladislav Shumov.

Prediction of Archpriest Vladislav Shumov from the village of Obukhovo, Solnechnogorsk district, Moscow region (10/1/1996):

Shortly before his death, layman Anatoly K. was admitted into Elder Vladislav’s cell, who at first thought that Father was delusional. But when he clearly heard the words of Elder Vladislav - “... a nuclear strike on America!..”, he realized that the perspicacious Father was at that time contemplating the coming apocalyptic events.

Father Vladislav also said:

- There will be such a war in Russia: from the west - the Germans, and from the east - the Chinese!

— The southern half of China will be flooded by the waters of the Indian Ocean. And then the Chinese will reach Chelyabinsk. Russia will unite with the Mongols and drive them back.

“When China comes at us, then there will be war.” But after the Chinese conquer the city of Chelyabinsk, the Lord will convert them to Orthodoxy.

— The war between Russia and Germany will begin again through Serbia.

- Everything will be on fire!.. Great sorrows are coming, but Russia will not perish in fire.

Belarus will suffer greatly. Only then will Belarus unite with Russia But Ukraine will not then unite with them; and then there will be a lot of crying!

- The Turks will fight the Greeks again. Russia will help the Greeks.

“Afghanistan is facing an endless war...

Elder Vladislav also spoke about what all these events would inevitably lead to:

ABOUT future war Russia and China:

Now I saw my image again in a dark background, however, the background gradually became transparent and I saw Russia on the geographical map above it. Parts of Russia were burning. In the west of the country, in Possibly, also on the territory of adjacent states - Belarus, Ukraine, there was a red pool of blood , which covered the map completely, but did not reach Germany. Poland to the east was also not affected by the bloodshed. There was a fiery red animal in eastern Russia that looked just like one of those dragons in Chinese restaurants. It pointed its muzzle to the west and retreated shyly, but aggressively and unpredictably slowly back; Meanwhile, it spat out fire, so that it was impossible to approach it from the west to fight with it. There I saw how suddenly a long sword was thrown from China, which stuck into the stomach of this animal without prior warning. The animal became weaker as a result and grew dim as it lay dying...."

“Sometimes I also saw numerical designations of years, but they were blurred. I am only fairly sure that this football match - it was peace again! - will take place in 2012. In connection with the war, I first saw the number 2029, but then I thought, that this is illogical, since the football match took place already in 2012. Including the average numbers dimmed and I saw 2... 9. What was between them, I could not make a judgment, but it was definitely something with nine at the end, I couldn’t really figure out what it was in the middle.”

Vanga’s prophecy about the “fall of Syria” is known, after which Russia will face a radical restructuring. Vanga's last revelation... This prophecy about the importance of Syria both for Russia and for the world is not the only one.

Therefore, Russia is next in line, and we must be fully armed. Here are Vanga's prophecies that will occur in the year of the fall of the ruler of Syria. She made them shortly before her death: “Soon the most ancient teaching will come to the world. And the fate of the European Union, which was not yet in sight during Vanga’s lifetime, was harshly predicted by the blind prophetess: “Europe will not be able to get younger.” A month before Vanga’s death, in July 1996, four million dollars were taken abroad, testifies Ivan Kochev-Tshombe.

Vanga's predictions about Russia

Vanga’s millions were taken out in a suitcase... However, he admitted that a month before Vanga’s death, he and Devedzhiev actually went to America. The celebration in Rupita, the village where Vanga’s dacha and the church she built stands, was held by the Vanga Foundation. And Vanga’s passport details, according to Krasimira’s niece, in the will are “fake, since her aunt never received it.”

Thus, Vanga spoke about Europe in 2016 as a deserted, cold and infertile territory, which turned into such as a result of the war of civilizations. Hence Vanga’s awareness of her visitors. There were many cases in the sessions when Vanga asked about things that were already known to her from a previous conversation.

In 1980, Vanga literally said the following: “At the end of the century, in August 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be under water, and the whole world will mourn it.” But for the coming period of time, the one in which you and I live, Vanga’s forecast is very disappointing.

Vanga loved Russia very much!” - we heard such words in Bulgaria from every person who knew the great seer closely. Vanga knew what she was saying. Many people have heard Vanga’s prophecies related to Russia. There is a version that he was seized by the special services and taken to the USSR,” Vanga’s niece Krasimira told us.

Predictions for 2017

However, Bulgaria has preserved a unique sound chronicle, which recent years Vanga’s life, with her permission, was led by psychologist Boyka Tsvetkova. Moreover, our country, according to Vanga, in this situation will find itself in best conditions. However, at the same time, Vanga predicts a huge mission for our country - to reconcile the parties that are clearly at odds with each other, and to achieve peace between peoples.

Speaking about predictions for 2017, it should be noted that almost all of them contain a mention of Russia. Maria Duval also spoke out about the state of Russia in 2017. We cannot ignore the prediction of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga. It is with her name that futurologists associate the most exciting predictions about Russia. Vanga was born on January 31, 1911 in Strumica on the territory of the modern Republic of Macedonia in the family of farmers Pande and Paraskeva Surchev.

Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Russia. Wars will stop, the survivors will know the value of life and will protect it. The earth is entering a new period of time, which can be characterized as a time of virtues. On New Year's Eve 2012, astronomers reported that they had found microorganisms that can live in space. Science will tell you what is true in old books and what is not; they will find life in space and find out where it came from to Earth.”

People who then worked in the Bulgarian KGB told me about this. According to them, Emmanuil Devedzhiev, now one of the leaders of the Vanga Foundation, was involved in transporting the money to the United States. At the Vanga Foundation, the question of her money is a taboo topic. Prosecutor Dimitar Valchev (he is one of the founders of this organization, calls himself Vanga’s adopted son, but the prophetess did not officially adopt him.

And multiplying the number of visitors (Vanga received more than a million of them in her life) by the official fee ($50 for each foreigner, about ten for Bulgarian citizens) is not difficult. People came to me and brought coins, like bees’ honey,” Vanga liked to say, explaining with what funds she used to build the church. Local residents look askance at the leaders of the Vanga Foundation.

There, next to the church built by Vanga, they placed a sculpture of Vanga - the prophetess points her hand somewhere into the distance, into the future. The trial over Vanga's inheritance lasted for many years. At first the relatives of the prophetess won it, then the decision was canceled, and real estate The seer went to the city of Petrich and the Vanga Foundation.

The forces were unequal: on the one hand, I, a simple writer, and my sister, an ordinary doctor. And on the other hand, the chief prosecutor and the general of the special services who looked after the Vanga Foundation. There is only her fingerprint, but no painting, although she learned to write as a child and usually left an autograph on documents.

There was a ridiculous amount left in her official accounts in the Bulgarian bank, which would not have been enough for even the most modest funeral. Vanga did not like money; she called gold a cursed metal (“Because of it there is a lot of blood and grief on earth”). And there are people who believe the prophecies of a professional soothsayer.

Putin will leave and a radical restructuring of Russia will begin. He has remained for centuries thanks to his rubaiyat - wise quatrains full of humor, guile and audacity. This does not mean that there were no bad things in childhood at all. As a system, it never existed anywhere and could not exist in principle. A person does not exist outside of society.