Aquarius sign tattoo. Aquarius (tattoo)

Aquarius zodiac sign tattoo is very popular among non-standard people born under this constellation. The tattoo itself symbolizes the rebellious nature of the bearer of the design, but it can also have another meaning. Before finding out the meaning of the Aquarius tattoo, let's figure out what this zodiac sign actually is.

Aquarius: history in horoscope and tattoo

Aquarius is the eleventh and penultimate sign in the Zodiac circle, corresponding to people born between January 20 and February 18. It is interesting that the zodiac belongs to the element of Air, which influences people born under the constellation, making them inspired by new ideas, creative and slightly unconventional personalities. They always strive for freedom and liberation from the framework and standards of society.

Like many other signs, Aquarius has several designation options. The Aquarius symbol in tattoos and astrology looks the same - two horizontal wavy lines. Many sources indicate that, as planned, one wave means dead water, and the other - living water. According to another interpretation, one line symbolizes reason, and the other - intuition.

Interestingly, the patron planets of the sign are Saturn and Uranus. The first makes Aquarius melancholic, suspicious and weak, and Uranus bestows energy and inspiration. That is why people born under this sign often have a rather contradictory character, which is emphasized by the zodiac symbol - two wavy lines.

Other tattoos with the Aquarius zodiac sign are often also tattooed. It could be a jug from which water is splashing out, or a man or even a god pouring water on a fish. The last option symbolizes the granting of reason and other human qualities to an unreasonable animal.

The meaning of the picture

Tattoos of the sign of Aquarius are not just beautiful pictures on the body. It can be a significant amulet, a talisman, or emphasize some qualities of a person, his interests or priorities in life. Some even get a tattoo of an Aquarius, hoping to acquire new character traits or achieve harmony in existing ones.

The first meaning of an Aquarius tattoo is getting rid of failures. It is believed that if you hit a man pouring water from a jug, this will symbolize crossing out everything bad, getting rid of the experiences of the past. The athlete in this case hints at fortitude and readiness to survive any failures. A jug with splashing water can also mean a desire to help others, to share your knowledge and skills with people.

A tattoo of the sign of Aquarius - two lines - means duality of character, inconsistency, even confusion. Often, Aquarians cannot choose between peacefulness and revolutionary traits. The desires to help others and at the same time gain freedom do not always combine. A tattoo in the form of two waves will help you find the desired harmony. At the same time, such a symbol will emphasize the desire for freedom, because waves and seas have always symbolized will, endless space.

People of this sign are fickle and romantic relationships. Astrologers believe that tattoos with the Aquarius zodiac sign will help you find harmony in communicating with others and focus on what is most important. A tattoo will warn against fleeting relationships and will give you the ability to distinguish true love from sympathy and fidelity.

Where would a tattoo look best?

There are several options for placing a tattoo with the Aquarius constellation or its symbol. If you get a design on the front side of the thigh or under the knee, then you can hope for good luck in your personal life and creativity. In addition, Aquarius tattoos in this place for men will become support in all endeavors and will endow the owner of the picture with determination, strength and self-confidence. Astrologers believe that tattoos with this zodiac sign are generally best placed on the legs. This is because Aquarius rules well-being and stability.

Other popular places for Aquarius tattoos are the neck, wrist, forearm, stomach, and ribs.

Tattoo colors

Most often, the Aquarius symbol in a tattoo is printed in black. This option looks quite restrained and harmonious. However, astrologers insist on adding “zodiac” shades to the sketch. For Aquarius, these are greenish-blue, light blue, gray and silver colors. Violet and lilac also have a good effect.

If you are planning to get a tattoo of the Aquarius constellation, it is better to stick with the classic black version, because blue or purple stars will look ugly. For sketches with a jug or an Aquarius man, almost the entire color gamut is used.

Aquarius tattoo for men and girls

Men's Aquarius tattoos are often more "angular" and strict than women's. They are usually stuffed without additional details and are plain. Tattoo artists offer two angular wavy lines or a large athlete with a large jug of water as a sketch for a male Aquarius tattoo. The angularity of the waves will allow you to develop confidence, inner strength, even some aggression, which will often be useful for rather weak Aquarians. In the case of an Aquarius man, the hero’s athletic figure will play the same role, and will also emphasize high mental and physical development.

The sign of Aquarius for a girl is a tattoo, which, on the contrary, should be neat and the lines soft and balanced. If the waves are smoothed, the tattoo will give its owner restraint, femininity and tenderness. To enhance the effect, you can decorate the lines with curls or ornaments. The combination of the symbol with drops of water looks interesting.

As for the tattoo of the sign for girls, depicted in the form of an athlete with a jug, the symbolism here will be the same as in the case of a male tattoo. It is not recommended to choose this design for women who want to develop softness, since such a design on the body can only give even more strength and desire to compete.

At all times, pictures with zodiac signs have been incredibly popular. Some print only symbols, others choose entire color paintings depicting the desired sign and element. This fashion applies to both boys and girls. All you have to do is go to the salon and choose the image that you like best. You can also bring your own sketch to the tattoo parlor if you can draw beautifully. The Aquarius tattoo, which depicts a young and handsome man pouring water from a jug.


Since it is an air sign, but at the same time symbolizes water, you can pin an image of cascading water or a beautiful vessel filled with wine. The Aquarius tattoo symbolizes high intelligence, boundless freedom, and ingenuity. These are the qualities such people possess. When applying, one main color should be used, in this case blue, and additional shades: black, blue, white. You can write a hieroglyph.

Hieroglyphs are now very popular among many people. However, you should remember that the hieroglyph must be written correctly, otherwise you risk being a laughing stock. If you want to show the world your personal qualities By applying a tattoo of the Aquarius zodiac sign, people will immediately be able to understand what kind of character you have and how to approach you. The picture can be supplemented with stars, flowers, birds. A tattoo, as a rule, symbolizes a person who pours knowledge like water so that others can comprehend it.

What Aquarians love and what tattoos suit them:

  • waves;
  • symbol of a given zodiac sign;
  • constellation surrounded by flowers or animals;
  • Cupbearer.

Many people like the two sinuous lines that resemble waves. The first wave symbolizes intuition, and the second - intellect. They will look very attractive on the neck, wrist, ankle. Here the choice depends entirely on your taste preferences. You can come up with your own version and ask them to make it for you. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by their sociability, kindness, and peacefulness; for this reason, they will be proud and boast that they were able to decide to get a tattoo.

An excellent option for girls would be the following symbols: air, wind, sky, stars. You can make a shining star or a whole constellation. Remember that any tattoo not only carries a symbol, but is also capable of changing fate. Therefore, be wary of making images with any negative meaning. You can also pin a girl with beautiful waves instead of hair on a fairly large area of ​​skin. Pictures in large quantities can be found on the Internet. You can consult with your friends or look at the catalog that will be offered to you in the salon.

You can get more information about popular tattoos from this interesting video. We recommend viewing!

All Aquarians are different, and each one is different from the other. From mindsets and dreams to opinions, Aquarians are absolutely different people. Aquarius women are honest, loyal, resourceful, intelligent and fiercely independent. They value originality, and are completely separate from the world. If we discuss tattoo ideas for Aquarius girls, we should emphasize two words: “inventiveness” and “originality.” Aquarians are more likely to do things their own way than to follow someone else's steps. Extremely unpredictable, these people value humanity like no other sign. Most Aquarians are not going to copy what they see in this article, but they will add their own touches and put the result in ink. Consequently, the design will remain unique, and the Aquarius girl will be happy to give it her own unique features. Below you can check out the most common tattoo designs for Aquarius girls, and choose and transform the one that suits you best.

Cool tattoos for Aquarius girls

Ganymede carrying a cup

Ganymede is associated with many myths related to the sign of Aquarius, and many others, which describe a man pouring water from a bowl into rivers, filling them. This character is a much more appropriate symbol for the sign than the common mermaid, often depicted holding a jug of water.

Firstly, because Aquarius is a courageous sign.

Secondly, because in Greek myths and folklore often mentions a Greek youth (most believe that this is Ganymede). The myth says that Zeus fell in love with Ganymede and made him a water bearer for the gods.


Most of us believe that a mermaid with a jug on her shoulder is the most suitable image for Aquarius, but this is not entirely true.

Firstly, Aquarius is a masculine sign, which means that the symbol can be a merman, but certainly not a mermaid. However, if we talk about tattoos for Aquarius girls, then the mermaid can replace the merman. A mermaid will make the tattoo design more delicate and feminine. Although even the name of the sign mentions water, it is an air sign, not a water sign. Water represents the flow of knowledge, mainly spiritual knowledge. This design will be an ideal choice for spiritual people.


People often get confused when it comes to the constellation Aquarius and the zodiac sign of the same name. These are different things, and the sign Aquarius comes from the constellation Aquarius. The constellation Aquarius is one of the oldest known constellations and is included in both old and new constellation lists.

Getting a tattoo with a constellation design is not difficult if you get creative and add some changes to the style. Very few people get tattoos like this design, so you have a great chance of getting a unique Aquarius tattoo design. The constellation depicts a man pouring water south towards the constellation Pisces.


Each zodiac sign is just a few symbols that people can use to create a tattoo design. Therefore, it is important to experiment with them to achieve exceptional results.

The image on the left is a perfect example of this. It has a pitcher, the symbol of Aquarius, and part of the constellation in the background. You can make a combination design yourself and ask an artist to apply it to your body. Since in this case you create the design yourself, you have the maximum chance that your design will be the most unique. Even if you don't create a design from scratch, but just combine it, you still have a high probability that you won't come across a similar tattoo.

Quotes and sayings

If none of the above fully satisfies your craving for beauty, or these designs seem common to you, you can try putting some famous sayings into ink.

Two unique quotes:
“Good planets are hard to find” and “I think, therefore I am.”

Aquarius is also considered to be the “celestial elite”, and these are words you can use as well. The inscription can be used as an additional attribute that emphasizes the main design. You can also search for the name of the zodiac sign on different languages. Aquarians are known to be smart people and natural fighters. Quotes with these characteristics can also be used.

One of the most controversial signs of the zodiac. He combines opposite character traits, love of freedom and love of comfort, kindness and temper, rationality and creative inclinations. The astrological symbol of this sign – two wavy lines – also speaks about such duality.


Like other zodiac signs, the Aquarius tattoo comes from Ancient Greece. There are two interesting legends about its origin.

1. In ancient times, humanity lost its moral compass. People lived idly, fought constantly, and forgot about their responsibilities. The inhabitants of Olympus were so tired of this that the main god decided to destroy the human race. The Titan Prometheus, having learned about this, told his son Deucalion about Zeus' plans. The titan's son built a ship, stocked up on food and clothing, and together with his wife began to await the wrath of the gods. Endless rains fell on the Earth, and soon cities, trees and even mountains disappeared under water. After 9 days the rains stopped, and Deucalion and his wife repopulated the Earth. It was the soul of the son of Prometheus that subsequently ascended to heaven and turned into the constellation Aquarius.

2. The second legend tells about the incredibly handsome young man Ganymede. Zeus liked the young son of the king of Troy so much that the Thunderer, turning into an eagle, carried him to Olympus and rewarded him with eternal youth. Ganymede became the butler of the gods. He poured ambrosia from an amphora at feasts hosted by the inhabitants of Olympus. Many believe that it is this young man who is depicted in the image of Aquarius. After all, it is the athlete with the jug who appears to us when we hear the word Aquarius.

Aquarius tattoo options

You can portray your belonging to this zodiac sign in different ways.

This could be a wave-shaped symbol, a guy or girl with a jug of water, a tattoo of the Aquarius constellation against the background of a starry sky, or simply a Latin inscription with the name of the sign.

Aquarius zodiac sign tattoo - photo

For creative and romantic Aquarius, a tattoo in a watercolor style, made with slight carelessness, will be perfect; it will look bright and stylish.

You can disguise the zodiac symbol by making an interesting ornament in the tribal style or a Celtic tattoo.

In addition, such styles as realism, dotwork, minimalism, linework, new school and others are always popular when creating tattoos of the Aquarius zodiac sign.

Aquarius sign tattoo on hand

Places for Aquarius tattoos

A tattoo of the Aquarius sign looks appropriate anywhere, even if done on a small scale.

Among the most common places are the shoulder, forearm, wrist, abdomen, shoulder blades, and neck.

As a leg tattoo, Aquarius symbolism can be seen on the ankles, thighs, calves, shins and even on the top of the foot.

But don’t forget, even if you choose a wave-shaped tattoo of the sign of Aquarius, it is important that it is done by an experienced artist. Not only the correctness of the design, but also the clarity of the lines and even the durability of the tattoo depends on his professionalism. Otherwise, you will face the process of tattoo restoration.

But choosing a drawing is always very difficult, even painfully difficult. And our material will come to your aid, because in it we will suggest ideas for tattoos that will suit everyone. Horoscope tattoos reflect the character of each sign and reveal their personality.


Tattoos for Aries

Aries are not used to awkwardly shifting from foot to foot; they confidently move towards their goal, overcoming all failures and difficult obstacles. Aries always attract attention; there is no such person who could hardly remember an Aries after their first meeting. On the contrary, a vivid image of this zodiac sign remains in the memory. Therefore, a tattoo with an image of an arrow pointing the way forward is suitable for Aries. And also a crown tattoo, indicating that they are in control of their life.

Tattoos for Taurus

Taurus have always been dreamy people; they like to escape from reality, immersing themselves in their thoughts. For them, there is a more cozy and comfortable world created in Taurus’s head, so they are often considered a little out of this world. But this is precisely what it is about Taurus that captivates other people, making them fall in love with them once and for all. An excellent tattoo for Taurus would be an image of mountains or flying birds that scatter over the body, associated with the many dreams of this zodiac sign.

Tattoos for Gemini

In Gemini there are two natures that constantly fight with each other. This can be seen when Geminis try to make a decision, constantly hesitating, or often change their mood, feeling happy or suddenly sad. The expressiveness of Gemini always influences the people who surround this zodiac sign; they are sometimes even called “puppeteers”, since they can skillfully control their loved ones. Geminis can create waves that characterize their greatness and changeability. They would also like a tattoo of a butterfly, which flutters through life with the same pleasure as they do.

Tattoos for Cancer

Cancer always has grandiose plans for life - this zodiac sign wants to jump with a parachute, visit a distant country with a fabulous beach, look into a cage with lions... in a word, make the most dangerous and romantic desires come true. And one of them is the obsessive thought of getting a tattoo, which will torment Cancers until they finally go to a tattoo artist. So, beautiful patterns on a brush or a design of scissors that “cut” obstacles in their path are perfect for them.

Tattoos for Leo

Leos always know their worth, as in many aspects of life they gain superiority over their colleagues or friends. It costs them nothing to solve a complex problem (both life and professional), and they can easily make the necessary acquaintances. By the way, Leos often print the image of the King of Beasts, as it perfectly reflects their majestic character. They would also like a tattoo of dice, which will show their inherent adventurousness.

Tattoos for Virgo

Virgos have very subtle and sensual natures; there are things and sensations that they remember for the rest of their lives. For them, love and a special connection between people is not just fame, but the real meaning of existence, which they often visualize with a drawing on their body. Virgos can ask a tattoo artist to tattoo them with an infinity sign, which without further explanation says a lot. They will also love the idea of ​​making a drawing of a heart, which will be decorated in an unusual way. But on behalf of a loved one, astrologers advise against getting a tattoo on behalf of your loved one.

Tattoos for Libra

Libras are used to making decisions that are not spontaneous and rash. Their choice is always associated with wisdom and meaning, which they try to put into all their affairs. For Libra, there is no word “I can’t”; they replace it with “I will definitely try”, so representatives of this zodiac sign often achieve their goals. For Libra, the ideal tattoo would be a quote from a favorite book or an image of an anchor, which symbolizes their firmness in life's issues.

Tattoos for Scorpio

Scorpio is a very interesting zodiac sign. He is strong, purposeful, impressive both externally and internally. This often irritates other people who envy Scorpios and want to “move them off the pedestal of everyone’s attention.” Therefore, Scorpios are accustomed to defending themselves and giving a worthy rebuff to anyone who tries to insult or offend them. A wonderful tattoo for Scorpios would be an image of a dagger, which will show their strength and dangerous sexuality. A rose tattoo is also suitable for Scorpios - it has a beautiful flower and protective thorns.

Tattoos for Sagittarius

Sagittarians have always been keen individuals who need to explore something new, be sure to find out what the secret is and do not forget to tell their conclusions and discoveries to someone else. They often get carried away by films and book stories, comparing themselves with the main characters. Therefore, it is quite common for Sagittarius to tattoo on their bodies characters from their favorite fairy tales or films, which once greatly inspired them. This could be a favorite from childhood or a person from a later period, whose example influenced important decisions.

Tattoos for Capricorn