What the legends say. The meaning of a fern tattoo means fern

Slavic amulet Fern Flower
is considered one of the most ancient signs of our ancestors. It was classified as a swastika eight-pointed sign, which the Slavs considered not just energetically strong symbols, but also endowed with certain magical properties. Also, the Fern Flower amulet, which can be purchased on our website, symbolized the invincible power of the Sun and its energy. Our ancestors believed that the life of all things without such a powerful force would be in danger.

The Fern Flower has another name - Perun flower. This name arose due to an ancient legend about forbidden feelings that arose between the main defender of the solar throne, Semargl, and the goddess of summer nights, Bathing Suit. The ancient Slavs retold the legend of their love for centuries, because Semargl could not leave his post even for a minute. That is why they could not reunite, but at one point the protector of the Sun left his post and from that moment the night began to lengthen, defeating the day. After this, Kupalitsa gave birth to two children, known to us under the names Kostroma and Kupala. On their birthday, God Perun presented the children with a gift - a fern, in which a piece of his power was hidden. Since that time, it is believed that the fern blooms only once a year (on the birthday of the children of Semargl), and this is the summer solstice in June, depending on the change in the position of the Sun.

The meaning of the Fern Flower amulet

Our ancestors believed that the Slavic amulet Fern Flower was able to protect against the evil that befalls a person. The main thing that the wearer of the amulet should have is a bright soul and pure thoughts. There is a legend that states that a person who sees a blossoming fern will find treasures and become truly rich. Of course, many may mistakenly assume that this refers to material wealth, but in fact, the meaning of the concept of “treasure” is somewhat different. The image of the Fern Flower implies spiritual wealth.

The ancient Slavs believed that the Slavic amulet Fern Flower was capable of not only protecting a person from all kinds of evil, but also protecting the wearer from various diseases, damage, the evil eye and much more. The Fern Flower amulet, which can be purchased on our website, was considered a universal protector against all manifestations of evil and dark forces in the earthly world. Also, with the correct and respectful attitude towards the Perun amulet, the color can fulfill various desires of its wearer, of course, if they are not aimed at harming other people. This symbol can give spiritual strength and cleanse the soul - at least that’s what our ancestors said.

Slavic amulet Fern Flower - Odolen Grass double-sided

It is worth noting that the Fern Flower amulet is double-sided and has incredible energy potential. But first things first, so, the integral accompaniment of Perun’s color is Odolen Grass, the most famous amulet of the Slavs for protection against various ailments. The ancestors believed that all diseases on the human race are sent by Dark forces, and the dual sign, with its fiery power, is capable of protecting and destroying all diseases and misfortunes. The Odolen-Grass amulet – Fern Flower is universal and is suitable for both men and women. He will always come to the aid of the suffering, show the right path and reward with fortitude, the main thing is to unshakably believe and honor the amulet. Also, this symbol will become an indispensable assistant in the life of travelers; the amulet will protect against problems on the road and various dangers.

It is known that the fern plant does not bloom, but our ancestors believed that it was possible to find such a flower. The finder received the protection of Perun himself, good luck, as well as protection from disease and the evil eye. Even today, on the holiday of Ivan Kupala, young people go into the forest in search of a magical flower.

The legendary plant is reflected in a completely tangible amulet symbol. The Fern Flower, or Perun's color, is a solar sign. He is depicted as an eight-pointed swastika. This is the strongest amulet against illnesses and all evil of natural or magical origin. Is such protection suitable for everyone, and how to make a talisman?

Perunov Color, like most other ancient Slavic symbols, has its own history. Old legends say that the god Simargl, who has the appearance of a winged dog, fell in love with the goddess Bathing Suit.

Simargl controlled the element of fire and guarded the solar throne, and the Swimsuit was the Queen of the Night. By definition, they could not be together. However, love triumphed: one day the winged god left his post to see his beloved. So they became spouses. Over time, the divine union had children. They were named Kupala and Kostroma.

The winged Simargl was the brother of Perun and guarded the solar throne.

The thunder god Perun, who is Simarglu’s brother, presented a special gift for the children’s birthday. This gift was a fern flower. This was no ordinary plant. The magic flower contained a piece of the deity himself - his strength and endurance. According to legends, the fern, whose magical properties boil down to the revelation of spiritual powers, can be found only once a year - on the day of the summer solstice.

The meaning and properties of the Perunov color amulet

Perunov Color is very often confused with another Slavic symbol - Overcome by Grass. There is nothing surprising in this, because these two signs are a reflection of each other. Often the functions performed by one amulet are attributed to another, or even the meaning of two symbols is combined in one.

The sign of Perun helps develop spiritual qualities, and Overcoming Grass protects against bodily ailments. You will stop confusing these protective signs if you make an association with the masculine and feminine principles present in these symbols.

The color of Fern and Overcome grass are a mirror image of each other.

The Slavic fern is considered an amulet for men because it helps maintain spiritual strength. A warrior needs them to confidently fight the enemy while protecting his clan. It will also help modern “warriors” - to earn money and provide their loved ones with a carefree life. Overcoming Grass improves physical health, which women are so worried about, because they are the ones responsible for procreation.

Otherwise, Overcome Grass and Fern Flower have similar meanings.

Perunov Color, or as it is also called – Heat-color, symbolizes purity, as well as strength of spirit. That is why one of its most important properties is considered to be the purification of the human soul. A talisman with this symbol will help dispel doubts in one’s own abilities, become more confident, and reveal previously hidden potential.

For a person wearing the Heat color, this sign will help:

  • receive spiritual enlightenment;
  • get rid of doubts or uncertainty;
  • overcome depression;
  • learn to find mutual understanding with people;
  • find your goals in life and achieve them;
  • protect yourself from damage, the evil eye and the machinations of evil spirits;

Who is the fern flower symbol suitable for?

In ancient times, only men wore the Perunov Color. Women traditionally wore Lunnitsa or. However, times have changed: today the rights and responsibilities of women and men are equal. This means that most of the originally male amulets can be easily worn by women.

Perunov Color today is worn by both men and women.

But, before acquiring such a talisman, think about whether it is necessary. The Fern Flower should not be worn by spiritually strong individuals, people who are confident that they are walking on the right path. Such a talisman will not harm them, but it will not bring much benefit either.

The Fern Flower symbol will serve well everyone who feels that they are lost in life, do not know what they want, where to move, what to strive for. The amulet will not only return the taste of life, it will help correct the energy balance by adding activity. If we talk about professions, then the Heat color is most suitable for men occupying military and leadership positions.

How to make and use a talisman

Perun's amulet color is traditionally used as a body decoration. But this is not the only way to use the ancient amulet that the ancient Slavs resorted to.

You can also:

  • make a talisman from dry fern leaves;
  • embroider the Fern Flower symbol;

For men, the Fern Flower ring, made of silver or gold, is perfect.

Both the first and second options can be an individual amulet and shield for the whole family. To protect your home from evil spirits, dry the fern leaves and tie them with woolen thread. The resulting bouquets should be placed in the corners of the house on hills.

A few branches of this plant will also ensure healthy sleep if hidden under your pillow at night. To prevent dry leaves from crumbling, place them in a small bag made of natural fabric. In this form, you can take the Fern Flower amulet with you when going outside. Unlike embroidery or jewelry, there is no need to clean such an amulet - just burn it.

Embroidering the Fern Color amulet requires much more effort than drying the leaves. When creating it, it is necessary to take into account a lot of important nuances, including the good health of the craftswoman, complete concentration on work and the growing moon outside the window. And, of course, natural materials that enhance the effect of the amulet thanks to pure natural energies.

The easiest way to get a talisman is to order it from a master. But, if you have special skills, you can make one yourself. A wooden pendant is perfect for women, and a Fern Flower ring made of silver or gold is perfect for men.

The amulet can be made of metal or wood.

When choosing a metal, listen to your inner feelings - which one seems more congenial and attractive to you. A silver ring will be a stronger protector than a gold one, because this metal has long been credited with the ability to ward off evil spirits.

Fern flower amulet in the form of a tattoo

Another way to ensure the protection of Perun, to receive the protection and support of this god is to get a tattoo. Interestingly, both the swastika flower symbol and the image of a fern leaf are applied to the body. The Fern color, being , is more suitable for men than for women. This is due to the fact that the Thunderer himself provides intercession to men and, above all, to warriors. Women are advised to wear the signs of Perun for a short time, removing them when they have completed their mission. A tattoo with an image of a fern leaf is suitable for representatives of any gender.

The meaning of the tattoo is as follows:

  • attracting good luck to the owner of the body pattern;
  • spiritual cleansing, unlocking potential;
  • strengthening willpower, strengthening character;
  • receiving protection from the evil eye and dark forces;

A fern tattoo can be applied to almost any part of the body. But it is advisable to choose an area of ​​skin hidden from prying eyes. This way, the image of the symbol attracts less attention, thanks to which the amulet will better cope with the task. Usually the back, forearm or wrist are chosen for tattooing.

In the culture of the Slavs, many plants acquired a secret meaning. One of the most common is the fern flower. The amulet made from a fern flower had a strong effect and protected its owner from illnesses, the evil eye and curses. Another name is Perunov color.

Amulet "Fern Flower"

There are many legends and beliefs about endowing plants with properties that are unlike other plants. Why is this happening? The plant does not bloom in nature; it reproduces by spores; no one has ever seen it bloom. Among the Perun people, the color is associated with a specific date - July 7 and is endowed with magic, believing that only on this day does it bloom its petals. According to legend, the bud of a fern flower has an elongated shape and resembles a spark. It is bright, so it drives away animals, and the flowering period is reduced to one day. Since it is quite difficult to find a bud that is hidden, the fern flower was considered endowed with insight, protection, and prosperity. Luck accompanied him all his life while he kept the amulet with him. Slavic philosophy also added properties. Many residents used the fern flower as an amulet. True, everyone could not do this, since the symbol only helped good plans that did not harm others.

The belief about the origin of the Slavs is very romantic. Perun's brother fell in love with a girl not from his class. They were not destined to be together, but after their union, which fell on the day of the equinox, two children were born. In honor of the event, Perun presented brother Semargl with a fern flower of extraordinary beauty. He made dreams come true that seemed unattainable.

Features of the fern flower symbol

Due to the fact that most people were unable to find the desired plant, the Slavs created their own sign that corresponded to the properties of the amulet. Perun's color is often called solar. It has the power of the sun and protects the wearer from evil, bringing life to the owner. The power of the symbol is so great that it can protect the entire family from adversity. Everyone had things in their house with the image of the Sun. The power of the plant was associated with the thunder god Perun. He is the main one in the religion of the Slavic people and he was worshiped and feared most of all. Since Perun possessed the power of thunder and fire, he could give gifts quite well. The fire gave the owner of the amulet strength, activity and perseverance to approach the goal. The amulet also saved people from illnesses, hid them from the evil eye, and brought treasures as gifts.

Who can wear a fern flower amulet?

The symbol of the fern flower is universal. It is suitable for both men and women. The amulet can be called a family amulet. The activity of the sign of the ancient Slavs will force household members to fulfill personal responsibilities, not be lazy, and develop spiritually and physically. Therefore, students and professors often use the symbol of the sun as a carrier of knowledge. The plant will drive gambling people crazy, as it is ready to do anything to achieve its goal. Risk lovers should protect themselves from such a symbol. If you are already bored with everything in this life or have lost its meaning, then he will help you find a goal to strive for. The amulet motivates well, lifts you out of depression and inspires. A fern flower will serve a creative person and a military man very well, and will also increase the power of a magician. The only reservations are risk and anger towards the other. The talisman will not help a negative person, but, on the contrary, will turn everything against him. You should not use such symbolism in black magic.

Nowadays, everyone wears jewelry with a fern flower, but previously it was predominantly worn by men. After looking at history, you can see that battles for territory and religion happened all the time, so self-confidence and courage should be possessed by every young man.

Patronage in everyday life

Like any other amulets, the symbol of a fern flower was used to drive out spirits who wished harm to residents. There were dried leaves and stems hanging around the house, or pictures of him on towels. The grass was dried and tied with string. Every corner of the house was protected by force. For frequent nightmares or insomnia, it was necessary to place the leaves under the pillow. To protect the entire house from evil spirits, bundles of leaves were hung high from the ceiling, where there was a better view.

Jewelry with fern flower amulet

The most common type of protection against evil spirits was wearing an amulet. It was made of stone or metal, wood or silver. Since a person without money could not afford to make a talisman, the leaves of the plant were simply dried and sewn into a bag. It came into contact with the owner’s body throughout the day and cleansed it of negativity. Previously, any object acquired the energy of its owner through the ritual of revival. The talisman was hidden under the pillow and left there overnight. In the morning, the owner took the object in his palm and talked to it about his desires. Goals need to be formulated clearly enough so that the talisman will help achieve results in the future.

Symbols on fabric

Believers paid great attention to what they wore. Patterns with the theme of a fern flower were placed on clothes. towels and scarves. Images could be painted with paints and applied using threads. Cotton and linen should be used as materials. The craftsman who made the outfit had to make the seam precisely so that there were no gaps, stitches or snags. The pattern was considered magical when it had an ideal structure, and was also sewn by blood relatives. The spouses were not blood relatives of each other. Sewing clothes took time. During it, not only pieces of fabric were sewn together and an ornament was applied, but the energy of the master and the future owner was also united.

Sewing instructions

The application of a pattern to fabric was clearly structured and had a set of symbols and rules. One of them was observing the calendar. The sewing process necessarily coincided with the setting of the moon. When the master wanted the wearer to get rid of his addiction to alcohol, he applied, if the person had difficulty seeing, then cornflowers were sewn on. Children’s clothes always had a drawing of an animal on them, and spruce branches meant longevity, oak cured lung diseases, and hops protected the family.

The meaning of flowers in the ornament

Since the embroidery patterns were made in different shades, their symbolism was given a special meaning. The bright palette, reminiscent of a flame, scared away traitors and infidels and preserved the marriage. The shade of green attracted wealth and prosperity. Blue and purple protected the owner from hostility. Black as a symbol of space helped with conception.

Tattoo on the body

You should approach getting a tattoo seriously, since the energy of the sign is strong. If your thoughts are impure or have the purpose of fraud, then you should not spoil your body with this symbol. Now, of course, you can mix a song that you don’t like, but you shouldn’t waste your time or even try. will act exactly the opposite and will only bring harm to such a person. If your thoughts are pure, then the fern flower will protect you from evil and help in curing diseases.

Fern Flower Tattoo

Men tattoo the sign on their chests and arms as an indicator of wealth and masculinity, while women prefer the image of a leaf. It looks sleeker and looks great on the owner's back. The leaf indicates a woman’s loneliness and helps to find happiness. A vertical image has more power.

Reviving the amulet

In order for an object to gain strength and become faithful to its owner, it must be tied and energy exchanged. The meaning is associated with Perun; Thursday was considered his day. Calculate the new moon to fall on a given day and prepare. Clear your head, wash, replace your clothes with fresh ones. The standard ritual for charging an object in Slavic customs was the use of natural elements. The procedure took place mainly in nature, in a place hidden from prying eyes.

Elements of water and fire

Traditionally, Slavic purification of an object through flame is considered. A candle or fire is suitable for this. The thing should be held over the fire, at this time relax and remove everything extraneous from your head. When you feel that the amulet is charged, hide it for a day. An alternative to a fire is the Sun. The beams are also capable of charging an object, although the process takes longer.

The earth imparts energy to an object directly through the soil. Bury a fern flower for a day (night) and take it out in the morning. Do not wash off the remaining soil immediately. You can simply blow on the item and wipe the item.

The energy of thought was used together with nature. The amulet was clutched in the palm of your hand or placed under the pillow. The owner lay down at night and thought about his goals. In the morning the amulet was put on and never taken off.

The amulet is quite versatile. He is responsible for harmony in the family, protection from diseases and the evil eye, victory in battles and disputes, helps insecure people find wealth and take risks. Both sexes can wear the jewelry, despite the fact that it is a male symbol. Depending on which part you decorate with the amulet, as well as what exactly will be depicted on it and in what color, the power of the item will change. Choose an amulet purely for yourself, your intentions and character. Think positively, then the energy of the sun will definitely help you achieve your goal.

The fern flower is a Slavic amulet that has magical powers. Another name for this amulet is Perunov color. It has several other names, but these are the most popular. He is a mirror image.

Perun's color is one of the oldest Slavic amulets. Its origin is associated with a beautiful legend of love.

One day, the goddess of summer nights, Kupelnitsa, passionately fell in love with Perun’s brother, the keeper of the salt throne, Semargl, who reciprocated her feelings. However, he did not have the right to leave his throne for a single moment. He was supposed to guard the sun. However, one fine day he could not control his feelings and left the throne in order to be with his beloved. This day was called the autumn equinox.

It was with him that the nights became longer and the days shorter. After some time, the lovers had two children - a boy and a girl, who were named Kupala and Kostroma. Perun came to congratulate the lovers on this joyful event and in honor of this he gave them the Flower of Fern. It was an unusual color. A piece of Perun was imprinted in it. God put endurance and patience into this color. It was believed that it was after this that the fern began to bloom once a year, namely on the night of the birth of the children Kupelnitsa and Semargl.

In honor of this, the Slavs came up with a holiday and called it the holiday of Ivan Kupala. Every year every Slav tried to find a blooming fern on this day. It was believed that it would protect against evil forces and could fulfill one’s cherished desires. The Slavs also thought that a blooming fern indicated the place where the treasure was buried.

However, it was believed that only a few managed to do this. It was they who created his symbol - the Perun amulet color or fern flower. It was imbued with magical power; it was supposed to protect the owner from evil witchcraft and bring good luck.

What does the amulet look like and its meaning?

The fern flower amulet is a rotor, on which there are eight rays. Its symbol is applied to dishes or clothing. The amulet can be worn on yourself as a decoration.

The meaning of the Perun color amulet is that it could protect a person from diseases. This applies to both physical and mental illnesses. In addition, he points out the path that can lead to untold wealth. However, to find it, a person’s thoughts must be pure. This amulet will not bring good luck to evil people.

Perun's color protects a person from evil witchcraft (damage, evil eye, etc.). In addition, it can protect against ill-wishers and bad rumors. The talisman absorbs all the negativity, after which it transforms it into positive energy and gives it to the owner of the amulet.

It is believed that the fern flower is an amulet that helps to find a “common language” with other people. As soon as a person puts it on, all problems in society immediately disappear and no longer bother him.

How to wear Perunov color correctly

As already mentioned, the amulet can be worn as a decoration. The most commonly used pendant is a pendant with his symbol on it. This amulet is the most popular. In addition, you can wear a ring with a fern color symbol on it. These rings are usually preferred by men because they are very massive. In addition, the symbol of this amulet is embroidered on clothes. Usually it is put on the patient to speed up the healing process.

It is recommended to embroider the amulet symbol on the pillow for those who suffer from insomnia. Also in this case, the pendant with his image can be placed under the pillow. They say that after this, insomnia will no longer bother.

The fern flower amulet can be worn by both men and women, regardless of age. Especially those people who are desperate and have lost the meaning of life should resort to his help. In this case, the amulet will help to acquire it and drive away bad thoughts. It can be worn together with a pair - a talisman overcoming the grass. Then the effect of both the amulet and the other amulet will increase many times over.

It is not recommended to wear this amulet for those people who are prone to risk, as well as for gambling people. Because it is believed that the amulet helps wishes come true, and also makes you want to take risks. However, the risk is not always justified and as a result, a person may be left with nothing.

Tattoo with amulet

In our time, it has become fashionable to make tattoos depicting Slavic amulets. The fern flower is no exception. Usually, a tattoo with his image is made by boys and men, however, it is also suitable for the fair sex. It is believed that such a talisman will protect a person and attract good luck for the rest of his life. When making such a tattoo, this must be perfectly understood. You can apply the image to different parts of the body.

Young people most often tattoo on the left side of the chest. In addition, it can be done on the back or wrist. Girls most often perform a tattoo on their shoulder. In this case, it does not matter in which part of the body the tattoo is made. The main thing is to believe in her magical powers. Then the image of the amulet will bring good luck and guide the person along the true path.

How to care for a talisman

To prevent the amulet from losing its mystical powers, it must be recharged regularly. In this case, you can nourish it with the help of fire. To do this, the amulet should be left next to the fireplace or candle for several hours.

The amulet can also be charged with solar energy. To do this, on a sunny day between the spring and autumn equinoxes, you need to leave it in an open place where the sun's rays can easily reach.

This procedure should be carried out every year.

The fern flower is a strong Slavic amulet for men and women, regardless of age. In order for it to start “working”, you need to charge it, as we have already discussed. However, the main thing in this case is to believe in its mystical powers and then it will bring good luck and prosperity, and also protect from evil forces.

Perunov tsvet amulet (fern flower, Fern color) is a famous Slavic symbol. It is believed that Perun's color amulet can help reveal magical abilities, give strength, good health, and protect against illnesses and illnesses. Perun's amulet color turns by force to God Perun, and to God Kupala, is associated with the summer holiday Kupala (Kupala), the holiday of Fire and Water, the summer Solstice.

The color of fern is a symbol of eternal and true love. According to legend, the God of the Summer Sun, Kupalo, gave Perun a fern flower on the longest night of the year. Only after this the stern warrior was able to fall in love with the incomparable beauty - the Goddess Diva-Dodola. The Goddess of the Thunderstorm became his constant companion, and is remembered by the Slavs under the name Perunitsa.

On Kupala night, when the Fern Flower blooms, all men's hearts turn from strict and hard into tender and loving. To this day, on a magical night, exactly at midnight, all young boys and girls try to find such a flower. Those people who practice divination and northern magic are also looking for it.

Image of the amulet Fern Flower (Perunov color)

Externally, the “Perunov Color” sign has a pronounced swastika structure. Swastika signs for the ancient Slavs were always sacred and were also called solar - that is, those that are subordinate to the Sun or His movement. Swastika signs have always denoted and still denote the movement in a spiral, the movement of galaxies in the Universe. Those four rays that emanate from the center of the sign are curved and have “shoots”. All together they create the bizarre outlines of a labyrinth in the four cardinal directions. The design of the symbol is such that it does not imply closure - the ends of the rays can be completed, continued indefinitely, creating a salt-and-pepper rotation - clockwise or in the direction of the Sun.

The power of the amulet Perunov color (fern flower)

How will Perun's amulet help, what action does it perform?

Perunov color, Fern color or Fern flower is popularly called “break-grass” or “flight-grass”. They called the gap-grass because there were craftsmen who used this sign to make it rain. Those in the know used to say that with Perun’s color, like a key, you can open the Vaults of the Heavenly Abyss. They called it grass flight because they believed that the fiery fern flower was very shy and fluttered from stem to stem, like a butterfly or bird. Whoever it is given into the hands of, whoever catches it, will get what he wants, or he will be lucky in love for life.

This amulet of God Perun grants:

  • self-confidence and self-confidence;
  • happiness, the ability to approach life more easily and positively;
  • body strength, health, endurance;
  • good changes in life, its renewal.

The powerful power of this amulet will provide protection from:

  • ailments, illnesses or diseases;
  • male weakness;
  • unkind slander associated with harm to health.

Who is this amulet suitable for?

Amulet The color of fern was traditionally embroidered on clothes and towels; amulets were made with the image of a sign on birch bark, wood, and bone.

Perunov's color is suitable for boys and girls who dream of finding successful love in life.

The color of Perun's amulet is not suitable for children. This sign was not used to decorate toys, children’s dishes, clothes or a child’s cradle.

Fern flower is suitable for women to gain inner confidence and strength.

Since this sign takes its power from God Perun, the amulet is perfect for men.