Everyday signs. Signs about oak trees What awaits you in the near future

Acorns are the fruits of the oak tree, and the oak tree, as you know, is one of the most magical trees, whose amazing capabilities have been confirmed in many rituals. And, of course, the acorns could not help but adopt the wonderful and powerful magic of their “parent”. In particular, acorns were and are still used today as talismans for longevity, prolongation of youth and health. For this purpose, they are often carried on oneself or with oneself.

Oak fruits are also not only a symbol of longevity, but also a symbol of fertility and abundance. And therefore they are actively used to solve infertility issues, they help to conceive a child or establish intimate relationships. To do this, place a branch with acorns under the mattress.

And also, since oak is in many ways a purely male tree, its acorns are useful for treating impotence and increasing male sexuality and attractiveness. And, importantly, they are excellent helpers in getting rid of such bad addictions as alcoholism and drug addiction, dependence on psychotropic substances, and for strengthening mental health.

Acorn - a talisman against evil spirits

Acorns have strong protective properties, as they perfectly repel all kinds of evil spirits and evil forces. Magicians advise laying acorns on the windowsill or hanging them on the window so that negative energy cannot penetrate your home. They can also be kept in your pocket for protection.

But for an acorn to become a reliable helper and protector, it must be chosen correctly. Follow him into the forest and look around carefully. Take from the ground only the acorn that you thought “looked at you” or otherwise attracted your attention.

The acorn should be strong, not wormy, with a well-fitting cap. In addition, the acorn must be selected in sunny weather, on the sunny side. It will be great if it is caught by the first frost.

Wrap your find in a scarf and return home. Before you cross the threshold of the house, take out an acorn and, holding out your hand with it, enter the house - the acorn must “enter” first, so it will become a member of the family and will work for the benefit of everyone, bring peace and tranquility to the house, and strengthen relationships between household members.

Talisman for good luck

It is also generally accepted that acorns are excellent talismans of good luck. The acorn that fell on you while you were under an oak tree is especially powerful - it portends positive changes in your career. But the double acorn that you come across will become a talisman of good luck in all matters at once!

There is also a special ritual to attract a constant flow of good luck energy using acorns. For it you will need a green or gold bag. On the waxing Moon, you need to approach an oak tree in the evening, holding an acorn in your hand, and say the cherished phrase:

“Star seed, I plant my wish, blessed by the power of the forest. This is my will, so be it.”

While pronouncing these words, you should keep your hand raised up.

After this, the magic acorn should be buried directly under the oak tree, visualizing vividly and realistically how your well-being is increasing. Finally, pick three leaves from the oak tree and put them in a prepared bag, which you then need to always carry with you.

And creative people should know that raw acorns are great for brainstorming, and when dried, as a rule, they crack and open, thereby releasing a ready-made creative idea.

Money talisman

And acorns, without a doubt, are very powerful activators and stabilizers of income. It is believed that they attract wealth at incredible speed because they concentrate strong material energy within themselves. For this purpose, they can be placed in a crystal vase to enhance the monetary atmosphere in the house.

When money is really bad, create a money amulet from acorns. Just don’t overdo it with their number - the maximum number of oak nuts in such an amulet should not exceed three. But a product with many acorns, on the contrary, provokes unnecessary expenses.

Paint the “chosen” acorn with gold paint, nail polish, or wrap it in gold foil. Make a pendant out of it and wear it often.

In the fall, you can perform the “12 acorns” ritual, again, to attract financial energy. Find 12 acorns and bury them on the south side of your house, adding a few copper coins to them. According to magicians, in the spring your well-being should increase 12 times!

You can also charm a found acorn into wealth and then carry it with you:

“Just as an oak tree grows from an acorn, so does my profit grow. Just as an oak tree is covered with leaves, so my profit multiplies. Just as an oak tree is powerful, strong and durable, so is my work powerful, strong and durable. The leaves are rustling, making all the people happy, and the money in my wallet is rustling, making me happy.”

Treat acorns with respect and they will serve you well.

Oak is a sacred tree among the Slavs, “king of the forests.” He was inextricably linked with the head of the pagan pantheon - Perun. The tree attracted the lightning of the thunder god, and for this reason there was a ban on planting an oak tree in the immediate vicinity of the house.

Sacrifices were made to the deities under the oak tree, and idols were carved from fallen trees. At the dawn of Christianity, during the fight against paganism, there was even a separate ban on “singing prayers in front of an oak tree.” Belarusians, in particular, believed that if you try to cut down an old oak tree, blood will flow from under the ax.

In mythology, the oak always acts as a symbol of strength - a male tree. For example, in the Vitebsk region, a boy’s umbilical cord was cut by a midwife on an oak block. But with all this, in most Slavic traditions they still did not dare to plant an oak tree near the house. Thus, in our Polesie it was believed that the owner of the house would die as soon as the oak trunk reached sufficient thickness to make a cross out of it. Although whether this is a serious threat is a big question, since the oak trunk will gain a meter thickness only by the end of the first century of its life.

However, there are also completely opposite superstitions associated with this tree: “when a lad plants an oak tree smaller than himself near his hut, and the lad’s oak tree outgrows it, the lad will be healthy; if the oak tree does not grow, the lad will get sick.”

In practical applications, the so-called bog oak. The wood of this tree successfully and very deeply absorbs salts contained in river water, which gives the tree such strength that even processing it with metal tools later appears to be a difficult task. Such strength of oak led to the fact that it was not only used to make support logs for log houses, but also to hollow out coffins and make tombstone crosses. Hence the popular phrase “give a damn.”

The oak as a symbol of strength could not help but take its place in folk medicine: Belarusians, after washing a consumptive patient, tried to pour water under a young oak tree so that the power of this plant would take away the disease; It was believed that oak could save from infertility.

The only negative point that all the Slavs agreed on was the opinion that devils and witches flock to large oak trees. At the same time, amulet and amulets were made from the same oak.

From the point of view of superstitions, oak is an ambiguous tree. It's up to you to decide whether to decorate your garden with them. According to the designers, a pragmatic person will never refuse the opportunity to include this forest giant in his landscape, if only on the grounds that its leaves are indispensable for pickling the right snack - cucumbers.

Do not hang two windchimes next to each other, they will only interfere with each other.

If, during a gust of strong wind, the threads on which the hollow cylinders are attached become tangled, be extremely careful when untangling the resulting knots.

It may seem strange to you, but having an ordinary acorn in a living space can completely change the energy of the space.

Such familiar deities

Trees have long been revered by ancient people as full-fledged deities. Each species was responsible for one or another sphere of life.

Maple, ash, birch - they all have their own natural energy, inherent only to them, and can be used in magical procedures.

But we are interested in the oak - the king of trees, always revered by all the peoples in whose settlement territories it grew.

All parts of the oak are good, but we need the acorn

Almost all parts of this tree were endowed with magical powers. Bark, leaves, and branches were traditionally used as magical amulets and talismans, which were designed to prolong youth, increase the flow of strength, or cope with infertility.

Many people automatically pick up acorns while walking and also automatically put them in their pocket. And at home they are surprised that it’s me who carries all this rubbish with me...

In fact, these acorns are trying to get to your home - they are always very comfortable in a human home, they are simply called upon by nature to bring peace, tranquility and harmony to our home.

Try and find your acorn, or a fastened pair, or even a three, bring them into the house and soon you will see how your home will be transformed.

Where is the best place to collect acorns?

It is recommended to go on a hike for acorns (remember that you should not take handfuls of them home, one or two or three will be enough) to a place where there are no highways, railways, and ideally, no wide paved paths. It is clear that forests do not always grow right under our windows, and a banal time limit may prevent us from going on a long journey.

In this case, we’ll do something more cunning - we’ll try to “get lost” near the oak tree you like in a park or square.

When is the best time to collect acorns?

Be sure to do this on Thursday - this day of the week is dedicated to Thor, who is the patron saint of the oak tree.

Grasp its trunk with your hand, close your eyes and make several circles around it. Then stop and listen to yourself.

If you decide that you can open your eyes, open them, but try to keep the trunk and crown of the tree in the focus of your vision, without being distracted by extraneous surrounding objects.

How to choose “your” acorn?

Bend down and pick up the acorn that “looked at you” from the ground. It is better if it is not a wormy fruit with a tightly fitting cap.

You can take two or three if they are firmly attached to each other.

Carefully put them in your pocket (you can wrap them in a scarf first so as not to destroy the structure) and go home.

How to “introduce” an acorn into the house?

At home, before you cross the threshold, take out the acorn and carefully place it in front of you, and only then go into the house, let the acorn enter first.

In this way, you will pay tribute to the magical talisman and recognize its right to be considered from now on as something like a member of your family.

Where to “settle” an acorn?

There are several options for “dispersing” acorns in your home.

If you place an acorn on the windowsill, it will protect your home from the invasion of negative energy, no matter where it comes from, inside or outside.

If you want your home to be open to any influences, then the acorn can perform truly magical works - it will pick up unwanted energy and, releasing its potential, return it to you with a “positive” sign.

In this case, the acorn will work best if placed in the living room, but away from prying eyes.

It’s good if the acorn lies on an oak leaf, this will significantly increase its energy potential.

Renewing acorns

Don't forget to visit the oak tree that gave you your acorn. Go to him at least once a month and stand next to him, holding the trunk with both hands alternately.

And here’s what’s important: change your acorns once a year. Return the old acorn to the place where you took it and only then take a new one. Take some wine with you and splash it on the roots of the tree.

Acorns and treatment

Since we are talking about acorns, it is worth dwelling on their beneficial effects on the human body.

Acorn decoction has long been used for diseases such as indigestion, acute and chronic colitis. The recipe for preparing the infusion is very simple: pour 1 teaspoon of chopped fruits with a glass of boiling water, cool, strain. Take 100 ml orally 3 times a day for a month. After the same period, the course can be repeated.

If you love coffee, but are concerned about its negative effects on the heart, here is a great recipe for acorn coffee: collect acorns, lightly roast them until they turn red. Brew like regular coffee.

To ritually purify the air, you can burn oak leaves at home. Absorb their aroma, inhale carefully so as not to cough, feel how your thoughts and the aura of your home are cleansed.

The magic of oak furniture

It doesn't hurt to have furniture made from oak at home. It is not for nothing that this tree is considered a symbol of sustainability and stability.

Recently, women's jewelry made from polished oak wood - bracelets, necklaces, brooches - have become popular. This is obviously connected with the strengthening of the position of women in the modern world, with their acceptance of full responsibility for the stability of the universe, which is emphasized by products made from this magical tree.

Oak is not friends with the Christmas tree!

What you should pay special attention to is that oaks traditionally compete with spruce. Therefore, you should not store your magic acorns next to the New Year tree, much less hang them on spruce needles.

You shouldn't even put the Christmas tree on an oak table. And it is better not to mix furniture made from these types of wood in the same room.

Oak does not accept conventions

Let us note that even if we are talking about an artificial Christmas tree, the oak tree may not “understand” (or not accept) the degree of convention and be seriously “offended.” Therefore, if you want to be friends with an oak tree and use an acorn as a home magic talisman, strictly limit the area where the Christmas tree stays under the roof of your house during the New Year holidays.

Useful information

Acorns have always been attributed magical properties.

To restore youth, powdered seeds were eaten.

In ancient Rome, it was believed that acorns could increase a man's sexual power.

Oak leaves woven into a wreath are a symbol of glory and honor.

The ancient priests swallowed acorns, expecting a prophetic gift after this action.

It is believed that the oak bark that a person carries with him protects him from frivolity.

Pebble from the sea

The pebble you brought from the sea coastline, can become just a simple sentimental memory that will be forgotten very quickly. In such cases, stones sooner or later end up in aquariums or somewhere on the mezzanine. Some people throw them into their rivers, others sooner or later simply throw them away - as unnecessary.

I love acorns! Isn't the giant oak the most fabulous tree? I’ll make a reservation: one of the most fabulous! After all, there are also birch trees, spruce trees, pine trees... It’s as if they all came to us from a fairy tale. But the oak... Still the most important!))) In the oak grove you feel somehow special. What a pleasure it is to collect acorns with children! And then, bringing them home, make different crafts out of them!

It turns out that since ancient times oak was considered a powerful magical tree; its bark, leaves, branches and acorns were used as amulets that could prolong youth and give strength.

The acorn is worn on one’s person or with oneself to preserve youth and prevent diseases. In the old days, it was practiced to wear an acorn as an amulet that protected against aging and drunkenness. The ancient Romans believed that acorns had healing properties that could restore youth, so older people often added mashed acorns to wheat grains.
It is believed that an acorn amulet ensures longevity, youth, and achievement of goals.
The acorn also appears in ancient magical knowledge.
Acorns and oak leaves form one of the “witchcraft” circle signs, which, according to astrologers, can bestow, for example, protection or natural abundance.
The fruit of the mighty oak is a symbol of potential. In Germanic-Scandinavian and Celtic myths, acorns were associated with life, fertility and immortality. Druids swallowed acorns, recognizing their prophetic properties.
Acorns were the sacred fruits of Thor, since his Tree of Life is an oak tree.
Magicians also advise using oak to increase intellectual abilities. Anyone who has oak bark with him will be able to maintain brain activity for a long time and not lose vigilance.

There is such a sign: hang an acorn in the window and you will protect the house from evil forces.
Carrying oak leaves and bark with you can increase your energy levels, which in turn will give your body strength and vitality.

The acorn also has heraldic significance. Oak is a symbol of power, endurance, longevity and nobility, as well as glory.
Since ancient times, many peoples considered the acorn a symbol of life, fertility, health, and masculinity. It is not for nothing that oak is like a tree, oak leaves, and with them the acorn, applied to the coat of arms, carried a lot of meanings designed to emphasize the dignity: nobleman, class, house, city, warrior, etc.

Yes.... Such a “baby”, but it represents so many things! Marvelous!

I like to paint acorns and make interior pendants from them. Acorn penguins? Why not!)

Using these funny little penguins as an example, I’ll tell you about the features of working with acorns and how to make such pendants.

So, we will need:

* acorns and caps

* thin knitting needle or needle

* foam plastic

* acrylic paints

* acrylic varnish

* braid for loop

Acorns must be washed and dried before use. It is necessary to place them on a plate in the microwave for a few seconds so that our acorns do not germinate later. Don't overdo it! Otherwise they will crack! After this operation, an oily layer will appear on the acorn. The surface will need to be degreased with any alcohol-containing solution.

Use an awl to carefully punch a hole. We will need it in order to place the acorn on a knitting needle or needle and then paint it.

It is advisable to take a thicker and longer needle. A thin knitting needle would be preferable.

We paint our acorns with acrylic paint, holding them by the base of the needle.

To make drying convenient, I used a piece of foam rubber. You can take polystyrene foam. Once dry, draw the eyes, beak and paws. Secure with varnish.

We also make a hole in the acorn caps with an awl and paint them in the desired color. This is how I dry them, on knitting needles.

After drying, we varnish and thread a nylon thread (ribbon, thin twine). We make a knot inside.

To glue the beanie hats on, I used a glue gun.

The blue cap is a boy, and the red cap is a girl.

Here are a few more ideas. Painted acorns included in the Easter panel

On the background of a greeting card. I painted acrylic contours on glass.

Acorns in Gzhel style, decorated using decoupage technique.

Made as an addition to the kit.

In general, acorns themselves are very beautiful. You don't have to invent something. Here, in the photo, they simply poured it into a basket. The result is an autumn composition.

And this is an autumn bouquet. The hat is nostalgia for summer.

Every day we come across various little things in life that we don’t pay attention to. But if you are more observant and note minor incidents in your memory, you can easily predict future events.

Why you shouldn't eat while studying

For example, you should never eat while learning, otherwise you can “chew” everything you’ve learned. This is especially true for students who like to entertain themselves with food during lectures. Eat less, listen more - and good grades are guaranteed.

Sign about the comb

Girls will be interested to know that they should not play with a comb that has hair left on it. This may lead to headaches. Also, the comb should not be dropped or lent to other people.

Hair remaining on the comb should not be thrown into the trash. It is best to immerse the hair in water to prevent birds from getting it.

A sign to cut your own hair

You should never cut your own hair.

By doing this, you can “cut off” some important ability or even talent.

Why does your nose itch?

If your nose suddenly itches, know that soon you will have a conversation with an extremely annoying person.

Which foot to get up on?

Pay attention to which foot you put on the floor first in the morning. If it is on the right, the day will be successful. Left - beware of starting new things. And if it happens that you put both feet on the floor at the same time, you can safely do whatever you want, since everything will work out easily, and the day will go by like clockwork.

Acorn as a talisman

While walking through the forest, be sure to find an oak tree and “borrow” an acorn from it. This acorn should always be carried in your purse, as such a small forest amulet brings good luck.

The acorn is especially important for women, as it has a special gift of averting envious glances from its owner.

Why can't you sit on the doorstep?

Never sit on the threshold - it is believed that this portends trouble. In general, it is better not to linger in doorways - after all, each opening is a kind of portal in which various entities often live, and they are not always pleasant.

Why does your hair stand on end?

If the hair on your head sparkles and becomes electrified, it means that a bright, incendiary event awaits you soon. Of course, this sign does not apply to those moments when you put on woolen things. At such moments it is impossible to avoid the appearance of static electricity, which is why the sign does not work. But if your hair “stands on end” just like that, for no reason at all, you can safely start waiting for a miracle.

Signs and white spots on nails

Look at your nails often. White spots on them portend gifts, but burrs that appear out of nowhere indicate imminent problems. Also pay attention to what day you prefer to trim your nails or get your nails done. According to signs, cutting your nails on Tuesday or Friday means attracting new capital. So if you are experiencing financial difficulties, you can try to correct the situation in this simple way.

Sign of someone stepping on your foot

If you accidentally step on a friend’s foot, be sure to ask him to step on your foot in return, otherwise you will face a quarrel.

Why is there a ringing in the ear?

If your ear is ringing, spin around your axis three times. Then good news will await you.

Of course, this is not the entire list of everyday signs. But as you can see, they all say the same thing - be more careful, and then you definitely won’t miss your chance and won’t lose your luck.