Presentation on the topic of the religious holidays of Purim. Presentation on the topic "What Jews Believe"

“Holiday Decoration” - Super-clowns. Contemporary dance group. The host of the celebration. Festive fireworks. The highlight of the evening. Mime show. Training. Photo and video services. Floristics. Solemn toasts. Sparkling jokes. Soap bubble show. Girl on the ball. Illusionists Brothers Safronov. Entertainment program numbers.

“Teacher's Day Holiday” - Teacher's Day is a common holiday, a holiday of all generations who are grateful for the knowledge and skills acquired, for education. Teacher's Day is one of the most favorite professional holidays. Teacher's Day! In Russia it was established by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on September 29, 1965. Celebrated on the first Sunday of October According to Decree No. 1961 of the President of the Russian Federation of October 3, 1994, Teachers' Day began to be celebrated on October 5 along with World Teachers' Day.

“Russian Holidays” - Hold back the groans in your throat, the bitter groans, Be worthy of the memory of the fallen! Christ is risen! R. Rozhdestvensky “Requiem”. About those who will never come again, Remember! The dawn is already looking from heaven... Christ has risen! Easter. Smiles and flowers everywhere, declarations of love again and again... VICTORY Day. The rain is not easy either, on New Year it is golden.

“Holding holidays” - Board of Honor! VIP and "stars". Has it ever happened in your life that a holiday did not live up to your expectations? We have enormous experience in organizing holidays! Based on the approved scenario plan, an event estimate is drawn up. Any communication begins with an acquaintance. Scenarios are agreed with the Customer.

“Holidays of Nations” - Folklore festival “Maslenitsa” in elementary school. Carrying out the folklore festival “Christmas Gatherings”. Development of a script for the Maslenitsa holiday for elementary schools. Goal: Collection of scientific, informational, literary and illustrative material on national holidays. Works on biblical subjects.

“The History of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos” - A plot to get married soon. A holiday celebrated primarily in Russian Orthodoxy. Poems for the Intercession of the Virgin Mary. Feast of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary. Signs. St. Basil's Cathedral. The Most Pure One in the Blachernae Church. The first frosts will come. Foolish Andrey. Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Domains of the Second Rome.

“Religious holidays” - Kurban Bayram. Shavuot. Sacred books and buildings of Christianity. Holidays of Buddhism. Holidays of Judaism. Holy holidays. Christmas. Buildings of Judaism. Sacred books and buildings of Buddhism. Sacred books and buildings of Islam. Christianity. Main Christian holidays. Holidays of Islam. Donchod.

“Feasts of the Orthodox Church” - Troparion of the Annunciation. Troparion of Baptism. A great day for the entire Christian world. Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the temple. Orthodox holidays. Troparion of the Nativity of Christ. Pentecost. Medium and small holidays. Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Trinity. Holidays named from the old Russian TWELVE.

“Feast of Ivan Kupala” - Great day. The holiday of Ivan Kupala is a very bright and colorful event. Healing herbs. Living Immortal Fire. Some people are also attracted to the word heap (a pile of kindled brushwood). Holiday of Russian antiquity. It is curious that bathing lights were not lit from any source. This means Kupalo and Kupalnitsa. Other experts derive the word “Kupalo” from kupa.

“Feast of the Intercession” - Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God. Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Folk signs. Mother of God. Temple in honor of the Intercession of the Mother of God. The church is named after the Robe of the Mother of God. Holiday. Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God in the village. The temple was built by Emperor Leo the Great. In the 10th century there were many churches in Constantinople.

“Baptism of the Lord” - Of course, the baptism of John was not yet the grace-filled sacrament of Christian baptism. Troparion and kontakion of the holiday. WHY IS THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD CALLED AN EPHINY? Epiphany (Epiphany). Saint John the Baptist. Games and tasks. The sacrament of baptism. The sacrament of Baptism can be performed on both a child and an adult.

Lyseum 15

  • So Shabbat in Judaism is the seventh day of the week, the first of all feasts established by God.
  • Shabbat begins on Friday evening with a celebratory dinner with lighted candles. Every week for 24 hours Jews focus on the inner world - family, friends, on our inner self, the soul.

  • After leaving Egypt, the Jews came to the desert of Sinai and camped at a small mountain. All the Jews were waiting for the promised them the holy Torah. Yesterday's slaves, humiliated and insulted, were looking for justice.

  • And when the hour came, the sons and daughters of Israel, do not hesitate to accept the Torah. Their trust in God was so great, because they knew - the Almighty can not offer them something bad and shameful. Therefore, they said: “according to all that God has to say!” The Jews around the world celebrate the bright and beautiful Shavuot.

  • Sukkot lasts for seven days, the Jews leave the house and live in specially constructed huts on the street. Furthermore, Sukkot is one of the three pilgrimage holidays, during which all the Jews gather in Jerusalem. The most iconic rituals of Sukkot is "ascension lulav" and "ushpizin." Sukkot - the one about whom it is written in the Torah "... I dwell in the tents the sons of Israel ..."

  • They celebrate Sukkot in gratitude to God for what He was with them during the wilderness wandering.
  • Written in the Torah: "live in tents for seven days; every citizen of Israel have to live in a tent. In order to know, that I dwell in tents the sons of Israel, which I brought out of Egypt - God Almighty yours! "

Lesson 13. Saturday (Shabbat) in the Jewish tradition. Saturday ritual. ? About the Sabbath in the life of Jews; ? About the Saturday ritual. For six days the Almighty created the Universe, the plant kingdom, animals and humans. After this he created the Sabbath, the day of holiness. Holiness Shabbat: prohibition of work (39 prohibited types of work); the holiday is accompanied by prayers and rituals (candles are lit, the table is set, bread, wine or grape juice is served, the meal is accompanied by singing (Shalom Aleichem).

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Types of religions

"Main Religions" - Monasteries. Pantheon of the Gods of Olympus. Brahmanism - early Hinduism. Paganism. Pantheon. Sangha is a community of equals. Gospel stories. Fundamentals of Christian teaching. Heretics. Binding of the Koran. Confucianism. The traditions of the Old Testament tell about the Creation of the world. Buddhism. Three generations of gods. Buddha statue. Slavic paganism.

“Modern religions” - We all live in the same world, but at the same time we are so different. Knowledge of religious affiliation. Protestants. Holidays in Orthodoxy. Jerusalem. Entrance to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Christian commandments. Faith. National religions. Mordva. Holidays. Hajj in Mecca. Buddhist monk. Statue of Buddha Sakyamuni. Mecca.

“Examples of religions” - Shamanism. Totemism. Christianity. The future of religion. Islam. Early forms of religion. Zoroastrianism (Mazdaism, Avestism, fire worship). History of religions. Buddhism. Church of Jesus Christ. Islam places great emphasis on family. Lamaism. New religious movements. Hinduism. Judaism. Oral tradition of the spread of Christianity.

“Forms of religions” - Buddhism. Types of religions. Animism. Fetishism. Totemism. Religion. Islam. Role in a person's life. Basic functions of religion. Christianity. A form of awareness of the world.

"Jewish culture" - Jews in Egypt. About the Jewish prophets. About the main Jewish prayers. Good and evil. Fundamentals of Jewish culture. Family life values. Jewish holidays. Traditions of Judaism. Mercy. Basic principles of Judaism. Jewish calendar. Russia. Torah. Introduction to the Jewish spiritual tradition. Written and oral Torah.

“Hinduism” - There are four Vedas. Pilgrimage. Role of women in Hinduism. The third most followed religion in the world. There is no formal ceremony for converting to Hinduism. Four main directions. Hindus believe in the special power of sacrifice. Hindus. Population of India. Hinduism. Liberation. The term "shruti".

Main holidays in various religions

What is a holiday?



a day of joy and celebration about something - a day off, a non-working day - a day especially celebrated by custom or church - a day of celebration established in honor or in memory of someone or something

Holiday is



Shabbat is the Sabbath day. On this day, the Torah commands people to abstain from work. On Shabbat you cannot cook hot food, light a light, drive a car, sell or buy. Not only people, but also animals are not allowed to work on this day.


The main holiday of Judaism (Passover). Believers remember the liberation of the people from Egyptian slavery and the flight to the Promised Land. It is celebrated for 7 days. During the holiday, it is forbidden to eat leavened bread; instead, they eat matzah - bread prepared without yeast.

Rosh Hashanah

Yom Kippur



A great day for the entire Christian world. It is considered one of the main family holidays. On Christmas night, solemn services are held in all Orthodox churches, candles are lit, and church choirs sing.


Easter is the most ancient and important holiday of the liturgical year. The main attributes of the festive table are colored eggs, Easter cake and Easter, which are blessed in the church the day before - on Holy Saturday.




Eid al-Fitr is celebrated in memory of how Abraham was ready to sacrifice his son to God, but this was not required.

Eid al-Adha

Eid al-Fitr

On the holiday of Eid al-Fitr, Muslims perform collective prayer in the mosque. After which the believers congratulate each other, give gifts, go on a visit or invite them to the festive table. The Eid al-Fitr holiday lasts three days.



Buddhist holiday in honor of the birth, enlightenment and death (entry into parinirvana) of Gautama Buddha. It is customary to decorate local temples and light lanterns at nightfall.


Traditionally, on New Year's Eve, the most respected and revered lamas make astrological forecasts for the country's residents for the coming year. The first day of the year should be spent with your family. Before the New Year, a special cleansing ritual is carried out in all houses - Gutor.

Test “Holidays in the world’s religions” 1. What is the name of the holiday of the Resurrection of Christ? a) Christmas b) Easter c) New Year 2. What is the name of the holiday - the birthday of Jesus? a) New Year b) Easter c) Christmas 3. On what day of the week does Easter always occur? a) on Friday b) on Sunday c) on Saturday 4. On what day do Christians celebrate the Nativity of Christ? a) January 1 b) December 31 c) January 7 5. The main holiday of Muslims? a) Kurban Bayram b) Shavuot c) Sukkot 6. What small Muslim holiday do you know? a) Uraza - Bayram b) Kurban - Bayram c) Easter 7. In honor of what event is the small holiday celebrated? a) in honor of the end of the 30-day fast in the month of Ramadan b) in honor of the beginning of fasting 8. Mawlid is a holiday a) birthday of the Prophet Muhammad; b) holy month, the beginning of a new year; c) the night of the prophet’s miraculous ascension to heaven. 9. Passover is the main holiday a) Judaism b) Islam c) Christianity d) Buddhism 10. What do they eat during Passover? a) kvass b) matzo c) no prohibitions 11. What is the history behind the fact that this particular product is eaten by Jews during the Passover holiday? a) they don’t sell other products in stores b) they don’t want to cook other food c) they fled in a hurry from Egypt and didn’t have time to leaven the dough 12. What food is it customary to abstain from during the holiday of Shavuot? a) from dairy products b) from fish c) from meat


1.A.L.Belov, E.V. Saplina, E.S. Tokarev and others. Fundamentals of world religious cultures. 4-5 grades - education, 2012, - 80 p.


1.E.F.Teplova, B.A.Malysheva, L.G. Zhukova, A.A. Yarlykapov. Foundations of world religious cultures. A book for teachers of a comprehensive training course “the foundations of religious cultures and secular ethics.” In 2 parts. GAOUVPOMIOO Ethosphere 2012 Moscow, 103с.
