Incomes of officials: the richest civil servants in Russia according to Forbes. Forbes has compiled a rating of civil servants and deputies with the highest incomes

Forbes The total family income of the rating participants in 2016 exceeded 35 billion rubles, and the lower cut-off threshold amounted to almost 260 million rubles. When in 2010 Forbes published the first rating “Power and Money” based on the declarations of government officials, it did not even include 50 people with a family income of over 100 million rubles. This year, the shortlist with an annual income of over 100 million rubles included 163 people. This is due both to an increase in government bodies that publish information on income (primarily regional and municipal parliaments), and to an increase in the income of the rating participants. In 10 people, the family income exceeded 1 billion rubles.

The leader of the rating was Vadim Bredniy, a deputy of the Ulan-Ude City Council and the owner of the Titan retail chain, the top three also included a member of the Federation Council and a shareholder of the Okeanrybflot fishing company Valery Ponomarev and the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, whose wife sold in 2016 part of the business.

Every fourth participant in the rating is a deputy of the State Duma (there are 12 in total). But the deputies of regional parliaments have the largest representation - there are 21 such people. Also in the ranking: 6 deputies of municipal parliaments, 3 members of the Russian government, 3 top managers of state corporations, 2 members of the Federation Council, 2 heads of federal subjects and 1 mayor.

Most of the rating participants come from the consumer sectors of the economy: 11 people are associated with the agricultural business and food production, another 5 people with the fishing industry. 9 - are related to the construction complex and land operations. There are also several partners in the rating: member of the Federation Council Valery Ponomarev and deputy of the legislative assembly of the Kamchatka Territory Igor Yevtushok - shareholders of Okeanrybflot, deputies of the State Council of the Udmurt Republic Andrey Shutov and Andrey Oskolkov - co-owners of the agro-industrial holding Komos Group. True, Oskolkov announced his intention to leave the regional parliament.

As we thought. Forbes studied the declarations of more than 400 departments and structures of government bodies (the presidential administration, federal ministries and departments excluding territorial divisions, the Federal Assembly, governments and legislative bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, administrations and elected authorities of the administrative centers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, central bank, state corporations, state non-budgetary funds, the Constitutional and Supreme Courts). Family income was chosen as a ranking indicator in the ranking, i.e. the amount of income of a representative of the authorities, his spouse and their minor children. If a government official is a self-employed person, then his income is essentially "revenue" and not personal income, but the current requirements for declarations of civil servants do not distinguish between these two types of income. Among the objects of real estate, land plots, residential and country houses, apartments are taken into account.

Houses in the UK, convertibles and helicopters

TOP 10 richest officials of the Russian government

Kremlin Pool/Global Look Press

The richest official in the Russian government in 2016 was Minister for North Caucasus Affairs Lev Kuznetsov. According to the declaration, his income amounted to 582 million 146 thousand 294 rubles. He owns 10 land plots in Russia. He owns another plot in France (3,385 square meters) with his wife. Also, together with his wife, the official owns a house in France. The minister owns an apartment in France and three garages in this European country. Another Kuznetsov garage is located in Russia. Kuznetsov also declared 18 points under the title "other real estate". Among them are the building of a transformer substation, a sewage pumping station, a water tank, a checkpoint, an office building, etc. The official has three Mercedes Benz 200, BMW M5 and Ferrari cars.

Kuznetsov's wife declared 32 million 737 thousand 066 rubles. She owns a Porsche, a Boxster convertible, a Mercedes and two trailers.

The second wealthiest is Minister for Open Government Mikhail Abyzov whose income amounted to 520 million 919 thousand 895 rubles. The official has two apartments and two rooms in Russia, and he also rents a room in a country house in Italy. Abyzov owns two Mercedes, two Ducatti motorcycles, as well as Harley Davidson and Yamaha motorcycles, a Robinson helicopter, a snowmobile and a trailer. Abyzov's son and daughter have no income, but they have two land plots and two residential buildings in Russia, a house in the UK and "other real estate" in Italy in free use.

The third place is Deputy Prime Minister, Presidential Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District Yury Trutnev. His income for the reporting period amounted to 356 million 940 thousand rubles. Together with his wife, he owns two houses and land plot in Russia. Trutnev owns an ATV, a trailer, a snowmobile, BMW cars, Porsche Cayenne, Mercedes Benz and Nissan Patrol. His wife earned 834,776 rubles last year.

The fourth largest wealth is Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov, whose income last year amounted to 129 million 386 thousand 73 rubles. He has a land plot, an apartment, four parking spaces, two outbuildings and two guest houses. Manturov's fleet is represented by Land Rover, IZH, VAZ-2103, GAZ-21 cars. The minister's wife declared 4 million 459 thousand 903 rubles of earnings, a land plot and an apartment.

Rounds out the top five Finance Minister Anton Siluanov. His income amounted to 95 million 443 thousand 280 rubles. He has two plots of land, an apartment, four garages, a house and two non-residential buildings, as well as GAZ-69, VAZ-21011, BMW, Harley Davidson and BMW motorcycles.

Sixth place is First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, which in 2016 earned 71.8 million rubles. IN joint ownership with his wife he has four apartments and non-residential premises. Shuvalov, like last year, rents an apartment in the UK and houses in Austria and Russia. The deputy chairman and his wife own a passenger car "Jaguar", "penny" and ZIL-41047 (limousine). Shuvalov's wife earned 61.1 million rubles.

became the seventh Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, whose income amounted to 24.8 million rubles. He owns only the Pobeda car. Dvorkovich's wife declared 60.5 million rubles. She owns a land plot of 4,000 square meters, several apartments, two parking spaces and a Lexus.

The eighth position is Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak. He declared 21.6 million rubles, he owns nothing. Kozak's wife earned 4.6 million and owns two apartments, a large land plot with a house and an Audi A6 passenger car.

The ninth became Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak, which in the reporting period earned 17.2 million rubles. The minister owns 1000 "squares" of land, an apartment and two BMW motorcycles. His wife earned 337 thousand rubles and owns two cars - BMW X5 and Porsche Cayenne.

Reading 5 min. Views 2.3k. Published on 07/22/2016

While the people are forced to tighten their belts, Russian politicians and high-ranking officials are multiplying their wealth. So, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian government sends his dogs on a special flight to international exhibitions, writes Die Welt columnist Eduard Steiner - The Incredible Wealth of Russian Officials

« It's no secret that the heads of Russian concerns can be fabulously rich.. However, in order to amass an incredible fortune, one does not have to be an oligarch in Russia. , for example, not an oligarch or a "businessman", as they say in Russia. He is a politician and, holding the post of Deputy Prime Minister in the government, is one of the close associates of the Russian president. This is enough to accumulate untold wealth, ”the author notes.

In Zarechye, a village not far from Moscow, Shuvalov is referred to as nothing more than an "investor." And it is no coincidence that a politician, in the past one of Putin's economic advisers, is building a giant palace there.

Shuvalov Palace near Moscow

One version of how the Russian Deputy Prime Minister got so much money is that Shuvalov used insider information when buying and selling assets through offshore companies - which is an obvious violation of the law. Shuvalov himself always denied this information. Nor did he comment on information about the alleged transactions with Gazprom securities, on which he allegedly earned hundreds of millions of dollars. The income of the Shuvalov family last year, according to official figures, amounted to 2.7 million euros (190 million rubles), according to Steiner.

This politician, the author of the publication continues, leads the life of a real oligarch. For example, 49-year-old Shuvalov likes to surf the sky in a private jet, which is not listed in the declaration. In addition, he and his wife Olga send their purebred pets, Corgi dogs, to international exhibitions on it.

As the “fearless opposition leader” Alexei Navalny and his Anti-Corruption Foundation succeeded, this plane flew 18 times last year to Salzburg, near which Shuvalov owns a luxurious villa, as well as to Riga, Prague and Cyprus.

Dogs of Deputy Prime Minister Shuvalov fly in a private jet Photo:

Olga Shuvalova does not deny that her dogs take part in international exhibitions and are delivered there on a private plane. They defend the honor of Russia at the international level, Ms. Shuvalova says. The wife of the Russian Deputy Prime Minister, however, does not comment on whether the plane is owned by the family or is just rented. According to Navalny, the purchase of the aircraft would have cost Shuvalov $62 million.

For comparison: US President Barack Obama in 2012 earned about 458 thousand euros. The position of Angela Merkel provides for an income of 16.8 thousand euros per month, of which she must pay taxes - 5.6 thousand. In addition, the chancellor receives 1 thousand euros per month to reimburse expenses. Francois Hollande, the article says, earns 14.9 thousand euros per month. In addition, according to the French president himself, he owns real estate worth a total of 1.17 million euros and several bank accounts.

Igor Shuvalov is one of those Russian politicians who amassed capital in an inexplicable way

In early July, Navalny's fund revealed facts related to the fact that Shuvalov bought up an entire floor with ten apartments in an elite "Stalinist" skyscraper overlooking the Kremlin. In addition, in London, Shuvalov has an apartment of 500 square meters. m.

The Tsar's apartment of Igor Shuvalov costs as much as 600 ordinary apartments Photo:

Those who in Russian politics are at a level below the vice-premier can also get rich. For example, Dmitry Peskov, the press secretary of the Russian president, received a scolding from the "master" after his vacation on a luxury yacht and expensive watches attracted public attention. What can we say about what kind of legends are formed around fabulous ones, the author writes.

The shamelessness with which the political elite of the country gets access to untold wealth becomes especially clear in the example of the children of leading Russian politicians. These are profitable positions in senior positions, and the acquisition of shares in large concerns.

Entrepreneurs in Russia are still at the mercy of officials. “Those who do not obey may end up behind bars. Anyone who allows himself too much and criticizes the authorities may lose his company. In April of this year, investigators raided the office of the Onexim holding, owned by Mikhail Prokhorov, allegedly on suspicion of tax evasion. This action followed revelations in Prokhorov-owned media about Putin's ties to shell companies offshore. A few days later, this information also appeared in the Panama Dossier, the author reports. According to the latest data, Prokhorov intends to sell all his shares in Russian companies.

Shuvalov's statement, made at the beginning of last year, when the economic situation in the country began to deteriorate, sounded almost cynical: the deputy prime minister interpreted this as a chance for Russia. The crisis, the politician said, will become an incentive for economic reforms, and anti-Russian sanctions have rallied Russian society, which provides the country's leadership with political support and facilitates the implementation of unpopular but necessary reforms, Steiner reports.

Shuvalov's plane and dogs, meanwhile, attracted the attention of both the public and parliamentarians. State Duma deputy Oleg Shein turned to Russian Prime Minister Medvedev with a request to check the information of the Anti-Corruption Foundation. If the head of government believes that the vice-premier's family's lease of a plane to transport animals to international exhibitions improves the reputation of the Russian government, then, Shein writes, the prime minister may not respond to this letter.

Forbes magazine has calculated the incomes of Russian officials and published a rating of the richest civil servants in the country. The authors of the rating studied the declarations of more than 400 departments and structures subordinate to them and analyzed the incomes of the statesmen themselves, their spouses and minor children.

Who are the richest officials in the country?

It is noteworthy that the top places in the rating were by no means taken by the first persons of the state. The richest civil servant in the country was a deputy of the city council of Ulan-Ude - Vadim Bredniy. His family income last year reached 2.8 billion rubles. Together with his wife, the official owns more than 20 land plots, cars, motor boats and five residential buildings.

In outline…

Experts have revealed that every fourth participant in the rating is a deputy of the State Duma - there are 12 of them, and there are especially many deputies from the regions - 21 of them. In addition, the rating included two members of the Federation Council, three members of the Government, one mayor and six deputies of municipalities.

Almost all participants in the “rich” rating are men. There is only one woman in it - Marina Sedykh, who is a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk region and concurrently the general director of the Irkutsk Oil Company.

Top criminal

One of the leaders of the rating was Nikolay Krivash, a deputy of the State Assembly of the Republic of Mari El. In 2016, his own income amounted to 1.317 billion rubles. According to this indicator, the official took fifth place in the overall standings.

In May 2017, the Investigative Committee put Krivash on the international wanted list. He was accused of transferring a bribe of 235 million rubles to the head of Mari El, Leonid Markelov, through an intermediary.

Business civil service is not a hindrance

Seven officials from the rating at once turned out to be one of the richest businessmen in the country, whose rating is also regularly calculated by Forbes. They turned out to be a deputy of the Belgorod Regional Duma Vladimir Zotov, Minister Abyzov, a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region Konstantin Strukov, as well as State Duma deputies - Nikolai Bortsov, Grigory Anikeev, Leonid Simanovsky and Andrey Skoch.

Every year, Forbes magazine ranks the richest people Russia, and what is most remarkable, almost all of the participants in the rating are married. We invite you to look at the wives of the richest people in our country, who are behind the most powerful men in our country.

Irina Viner, 69 years old
Spouse: Alisher Usmanov, 64 Founder of USM Holdings, which combines assets in the mining industry and metallurgy, telecommunications, controls the Kommersant publishing house, and also owns a 30.2% stake in London's Arsenal football club
Wealth: $15.5 billion (5th place in the Forbes ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia")

Sandra Melnichenko, 40 years old
Spouse: Andrey Melnichenko, 45 years old. Chairman of the Board of Directors of EuroChem, SUEK (Siberian Coal Energy Company) and Siberian Generating Company
Wealth: $11.4 billion (9th place in the Forbes ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia")

Elena Perminova, 31 years old
Civil spouse: Alexander Lebedev, 57 years old. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Reserve Corporation, co-owner of several newspapers
Net Worth: $400 million

Marina Dobrynina, 58 years old
Spouse: Viktor Vekselberg, 60 years old. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Renova Group of Companies, President of the Skolkovo Foundation
Net Worth: $13.4 billion (10th place in the Forbes ranking of the 200 richest businessmen in Russia)

Elena Feigin, 38 years old
Spouse: Yan Yanovsky, 39 years old. Investment banker, one of the founders of Bioenergy Corporation and First Nation Societe Bancaire, member of the boards of directors of a number of Russian companies

Irina Agalarova, about 62 years old (on the photo: second from the left, together with her son Emin, daughter Sheila and husband Araz)
Spouse: Araz Agalarov, 61 years old. President of Crocus Group
Wealth: 1.8 billion dollars (51st place in the Forbes ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia")

Olga Karput, 34 years old
Spouse: Pavel Te, 54 years old. Co-owner of Capital Group
Wealth: $0.1 billion

Margarita Lieva, 33 years old
Spouse: Eduard Taran, 49 years old. Owner of RATM Holding, which includes the Ekran plant and the Gidromash enterprise, president of the Russian Business Club
Net Worth: $800 million

Lyudmila Lisina, 61 years old
Spouse: Vladimir Lisin, 61 years old. Owner of the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works and the transport and logistics holding Universal Cargo Logistics Holding
Wealth: 1.6 billion dollars (3rd place in the Forbes ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia")

Ekaterina Potanina, 42 years old
Spouse: Vladimir Potanin, 56 years old. Co-owner of Norilsk Nickel, the largest producer of nickel and palladium in the world
Wealth: 1.4 billion dollars (8th place in the Forbes ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia")

Natalya Davydova (about 34 years old, hides the exact age)
Spouse: Ivan Streshinsky, 48 years old. Partner of Alisher Usmanov, CEO of USM Advisors and one of the richest top managers in Russia according to Forbes magazine
Condition: dollar millionaire (salary - $15 million a year)

Elena Timchenko (exact age unknown)
Spouse: Gennady Timchenko, 64 years old. Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Novatek Net worth: $1.6 billion (5th place in the Forbes ranking of Russia's 200 richest businessmen)
Net Worth: $14.2 billion (10th place in the Forbes ranking of the 200 richest businessmen in Russia)

Elena Likhach (Skoch) (about 40, exact age unknown)
Spouse: Andrey Skoch, 51 years old. Co-owner of CJSC Gazmetall, co-owner of Metalloinvest, deputy of the State Duma
Wealth: 7.9 billion dollars (17th place in the Forbes ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia")

Victoria Manasir, 35 years old
Spouse: Ziyad Manasir, 51 years old. Founder of the Manaseer Group, which is engaged in construction, oil production and refining and other types of business
Wealth: 600 million dollars (140th place in the Forbes ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia")

Natalya Yakimchik, 32 years old
Spouse: Valery Shevchuk, 50 years old. Former Head of the Moscow Heritage Committee and former Vice President of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Deputy CEO OOO "ETK-Invest"
Net worth: dollar millionaire (exact amount unknown)