How to lose weight with activated carbon? An effective way to lose weight. Advantages of the activated carbon diet

Many women wage an irreconcilable struggle with excess weight throughout their lives, trying both long-known methods of weight normalization and fashionable new developments by nutritionists. Sensational miracle diets appear periodically, and everyone who cares about the problem excess weight, immediately rush to follow them.

Not long ago, a new “trick” appeared - a diet based on the systematic intake of activated carbon. And if you still have not achieved the desired result in weight loss, try this method, maybe it’s just what’s right for you.

Types of activated carbon and its areas of application

The effectiveness of activated carbon was noticed about a dozen years ago, but nowadays it has been a little forgotten. Activated carbon is an ideal sorbent and filtering agent. Depending on the area of ​​application, the quality of coal and the size of its particles are selected. Based on quality, coal is divided into charcoal, stone and coke, and in terms of particles it can be fractional, granular and powdered. Activated carbon is used in filters to purify air and water from heavy metals in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries. Activated charcoal is used here. In pharmacology, activated carbon is made from peat, coal, charcoal and other substances of plant origin. An important point is its porous structure, increasing the surface for contact. Thanks to this, toxic substances are absorbed, retained and removed. Activated carbon is widely used in medicine for infectious diseases, food poisoning, allergies and diarrhea.

This is a cheap and irreplaceable drug that has a number of useful properties:

  • the ability to absorb poisons and toxins that accumulate in the digestive system, it neutralizes 50-60% of poisons in the stomach;
  • and the ability to remove them from the body;
  • has rejuvenating properties, it slows down the aging of the body at the cellular level (if you take charcoal regularly, it improves kidney and liver function);
  • helps with diarrhea and bloating, recommended for flatulence;

Ways to lose weight using activated carbon

Method number 1.

Take the product once a day on an empty stomach, an hour before meals. You start with two tablets. Each subsequent day, take one more tablet. One tablet corresponds to ten kilograms of body weight. The maximum intake should be a number of tablets that does not exceed your body weight. For example, if you weigh 80 kg, then the maximum number of tablets is eight. Before taking, you must divide each tablet into three parts.

Method number 2.

The use of tablets is divided into several times. They are also consumed an hour before meals. The total number of tablets should correspond to your body weight. Multiply the number of tablets by ten. The course of taking the medicine is ten days. Every subsequent day you take activated charcoal as a means of losing weight. After this, stop the course for a week or ten days. If not observed side effects, then you can repeat the use.

Method No. 3.

This method is the most extreme. Nine tablets are taken daily. Reception is also carried out for ten days on an empty stomach. The product is divided into several parts; it is best to take three tablets three times a day. Each tablet is divided into several parts.

Reviews about losing weight after using activated carbon

Marina, 24 years old, Nizhny Novgorod

For a long time I was looking for a way to lose weight without harm to the body. I simply don’t have time to go to the gym - I work a lot, and I also like to eat (I prefer healthy food). I didn’t have many extra pounds – only 6-7, but I really wanted to be a little slimmer. The first thing I tried was losing weight with activated charcoal. I completed two courses of 10 days each, and the 6 kilograms were gone! I think I look better now than ever, and I feel great!

Elizaveta, 41 years old, Ufa

In addition to excess weight, I had several other serious problems: swelling appeared on my face in the morning, especially under the eyes, and my skin color was unhealthy. I tried to remove excess fluid with a diuretic - practically no effect. Together with a friend (she has similar problems) we decided to try losing weight with activated charcoal. We read the reviews and thought like this - if there is no effect, then at least it won’t cause harm, and it’s cheap... We drank charcoal for two weeks, my swelling disappeared after four days, in addition, I began to notice that my stomach became smaller. A week later I stepped on the scales - I couldn’t believe my eyes: minus 3.5 kilograms, my friend lost a little less weight - 2.8, but she’s also very happy, we’ll repeat the course in two weeks!

Anna, 28 years old, Ekaterinburg

What did I do to lose at least 5 kilograms of weight... And I went to the gym - I trained, and I did massages, and I went on diets. The training helped a little - my skin condition improved, but the weight... I lost only 1.5 kilograms - very little. With a massage - the same result, but diets are generally torture! In the end, I heard reviews somewhere about activated carbon.

I read the articles, studied the indications for taking this remedy - I didn’t find anything harmful or negatively affecting. I decided to try it and quickly saw the results. In two weeks - exactly 4 kilograms! Took a break (went to gym once a week), and took another two-week course. In total, I lost 6 and a half kilograms, and I began to feel much better. Anyone who wants to lose weight quickly, try activated charcoal - it helps tremendously.

Contraindications to the use of activated carbon

Activated carbon removes from the body not only decay products, but also useful substances: vitamins and microelements, as well as essential acids that the body needs for normal functioning.

Because of this, at a minimum, the condition of the skin may worsen and hair may begin to fall out. If you use charcoal for weight loss, you need to take complex vitamins at the same time.

It is also undesirable to take activated carbon if there is a lack of calcium in the body. There are also a number of contraindications:

  • stomach or intestinal ulcer;
  • gastritis with low acidity of juice;
  • chronic constipation;
  • pathologies of the mucous membranes of the digestive organs

In conclusion, I would like to note that before engaging in charcoal weight loss, like any other method of losing weight, you should definitely consult a specialist doctor.

Much is known different techniques getting rid of excess weight, but not everyone knows how to lose weight with activated carbon and how many tablets are harmless to the body. How effective is the method? It is believed that if you take several tablets of this substance daily, it is quite possible to lose 5-8 kg in just 30 days. Like most other methods, this technique has its contraindications, so it is recommended to study the principle of its effect on the body, its harm and benefits, before trying it on yourself.

What is activated carbon

Such a porous substance is obtained by charring and then activating carbon material (wood, coke, peat). The ready-made composition is used by people as an adsorbent medicine for poisoning, intoxication, diarrhea, and increased stomach acidity. Today, many periodically drink it for weight loss, which occurs due to the acceleration of the removal of toxins, waste, and various harmful, poisonous substances from the body.

How does activated carbon work?

The principle and mechanism of action of activated carbon is simple. Porous sorbent particles capture and combine harmful substances and poisons, and then remove them with feces. It reduces gas formation, which makes the drug indispensable for bloating. Along with accumulated deposits, the sorbent is able to glue together useful microelements and prevent their absorption, so it is important to take vitamins and drink a lot of purified still water at the same time. For medical purposes, this medicine is actively used to treat:

  • diarrhea;
  • typhoid fever;
  • cholera;
  • dysentery;
  • for disorders of the digestive processes;
  • flatulence;
  • food and drug poisoning.

What are the benefits of activated charcoal for weight loss?

All the benefits of activated carbon for weight loss lie in the removal of human body harmful substances, toxins, excess liquid, which helps to reduce the number of kilograms. The drug does not promote the breakdown of fat deposits, so it should be taken only in conjunction with other measures: proper nutrition, taking a complex of vitamins, and sports exercises.

By cleansing, the gastrointestinal tract organs begin to better digest and assimilate food. This moment should be used to combat accumulated fats: increase physical activity, switch to separate meals. Coal only creates a background favorable for weight loss, but does not fight excess body weight. Using the whole range of measures, you can reduce weight up to 5 kg in a short period of time.

Is it possible to lose weight with charcoal?

Sometimes overweight women wonder: is it possible and how to lose weight with activated carbon? In general, such dynamics are observed. Just don’t rely only on the black sorbent; the medication is effective in combination with a properly organized diet and sports exercises. Using all this, you can not only lose weight, but remove a large amount of toxins that interfere with the normal functioning of organs.

How to lose weight with activated carbon

Active sorbent is used to treat various poisonings, but now losing weight with activated carbon is also possible. The technique of reducing body weight is becoming more and more common, because it makes it easy to clean the gastrointestinal tract of debris. Over the years, a lot of toxins accumulate, so by freeing the intestines and stomach from them, you can lose at least 3 kg. Those whose task is to lose more kilograms should:

  • adhere to the nutrition system;
  • exercise.

Be sure to monitor the body for any allergic reactions. At the slightest appearance, stop taking the pills immediately, and if necessary, visit a doctor. Don’t forget about your daily hydrobalance – drink at least 2 liters per day mineral water. For the comfort of cleansing, avoid eating in the evening.

Activated carbon diet

For people wanting to reset overweight, cleanse your body, there is a diet with activated carbon. The system of such nutrition includes not only the sorbent. You need to stick to a predetermined menu and give more physical activity. An important point is to exclude the following foods from the diet:

  • fatty, smoked;
  • pickles;
  • sweets, flour;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol.

For 10 days

A regular activated carbon diet for 10 days involves taking 1 tablet of medication per 1/10 of the weight of the person losing weight. For example, if you weigh 80 kg, you should drink 8 pieces per day before meals, dividing them into equal portions. It is important to take the drug with enough water. The duration of such a diet is up to 10 days. After it, a break for two weeks is required: during this time, monitor your well-being. If side effects do not appear, the course can be repeated again in a month or two.

For 5 days

The most common is the fast five-day diet, which is used by many Russian stars show business. Over the course of 5 nutrition-light days, it is possible to lose up to 4 kg. A day on an empty stomach you need to consume 10 pieces of sorbent a quarter of an hour before eating: 4 before breakfast and 3 before lunch and dinner. Nutrition:

  • In the morning you can eat a sandwich made of whole grain bread with cheese, unsweetened green tea.
  • Buckwheat with kefir is allowed for lunch, fruit salad and apple juice for dinner.
  • Shortly before nightfall, you are allowed to drink a cup of low-fat kefir.

How to drink activated carbon for weight loss

Carefully study the diagram on how to take activated charcoal for weight loss at home correctly. First, weigh yourself, divide your body weight by 10, and you will determine the required number of tablets per day. The dose cannot be increased, otherwise negative consequences cannot be avoided. Divide the resulting number of tablets equally and consume after meals. You can dilute the crushed sorbent with a spoon of honey. Now this technique is not the only one; the activated drug is often drunk in the form of cocktails with the addition of:

  • kefir;
  • greenery;
  • citrus fruits.

For the night

For those who are interested in how to lose weight with activated carbon, you can suggest a diet in combination with an ingredient such as low-fat kefir. Its meaning is to take 5 sorbent tablets dissolved in a glass of low-percentage kefir before going to bed. By morning, all harmful substances are bound by the sorbent and leave the body in the usual way. This method of losing weight, like kefir with charcoal at night, helps you get rid of 4 extra pounds in a short period of time.

On an empty stomach

By taking the drug on an empty stomach, you choose one of the most gentle methods of losing weight, using an activated sorbent. Before meals, it is recommended to take no more than 2 tablets of the substance, wash them down with one glass of purified water. There is no need to change your usual diet, but a prerequisite is the introduction of a small amount of low-fat cottage cheese and fresh vegetables, giving up sweets, and consuming plenty of liquid per day. Following such a charcoal diet helps you lose 1 kg in just a week.

Before eating

You can drink the drug before meals for weight loss. The number of tablets is calculated based on your body weight: 1 tablet per 1/10 of your weight. Divide everything into equal portions and drink before meals. If your weight is too large, and you have a lot of tablets, accustom your body to the drug gradually. Take 2 pieces at first, increase the dose daily until you reach the desired amount. This diet should not last more than 10 days, then take a break and watch your body. If there are no side effects, the course can be repeated.

In addition to this diet, limit your intake harmful products, sweets, smoked foods, snack on fresh fruit, drink plenty of fluids, train yourself to have dinner before six o’clock in the evening, walk more or start playing sports. These measures:

  • speed up the weight loss process;
  • improve well-being, condition of hair, skin, nails;
  • will cheer you up.

Harm to the body

Many people are interested in how to lose weight from an active sorbent, and having found a recipe for such a diet, they immediately go on it. This attitude towards your health is fundamentally wrong, because like any drug, the black assistant can negatively affect the body. What is the harm of activated carbon? There are three main points of the negative impact of such a drug on humans:

  1. Personal intolerance. Allergic reactions to the action of the substance may occur.
  2. Uncontrolled use. Uncontrolled use of the medicine can lead to stomach upset, diarrhea, constipation and even vomiting.
  3. Non-directional action of the sorbent. Due to its properties, the substance absorbs not only harmful substances, but also essential microelements, proteins, and fats.

Coal contraindications for weight loss

Together with beneficial properties There are also contraindications for this drug. The main factors prohibiting its use are:

  • ulcers and other diseases of the intestines and stomach;
  • presence of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • chronic constipation;
  • tendency to lower blood pressure;
  • pregnancy, breast-feeding;
  • individual intolerance to the substance;
  • preparation for surgical intervention;
  • taking painkillers and sleeping pills.


Losing weight up to 7 kg in 10 days.
The average daily calorie content is 730 Kcal.

A diet based on the intake of activated carbon is becoming increasingly popular. For several decades, famous actresses, models and other representatives and representatives of show business have been actively losing weight using this product. They say that the Russian pop diva Alla Pugacheva herself lost weight in this way.

But to lose weight coal diet, you don't have to be a celebrity. Anyone can experience it for themselves.

Activated Carbon Diet Requirements

To lose weight, you will have to take activated charcoal. There are several ways to do this. The first one is more gentle. In the morning on an empty stomach, you just need to drink 2 charcoal tablets with 200-250 ml of plain water. It is not necessary to radically change your diet. Although, of course, consuming more healthy and low-calorie foods, while minimizing various food hazards, will not be at all superfluous.

But there is one unshakable rule that must be followed. If you want your weight loss to be more effective, eat at least 300 g of non-starchy vegetables, fresh or baked, and 150 g of low-fat or low-fat cottage cheese every day. Following this regimen, you should lose at least 1 kg per week. With a noticeably large body weight, it is likely that weight loss will be more significant.

There is another method of taking activated carbon tablets. In this case, you need to consume large doses, namely 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. For example, if you weigh 80 kg, you should drink 8 charcoal tablets. A portion of coal can be taken immediately in the morning, as in the option described above, or throughout the day before meals (at least an hour before). Charcoal can be taken for as long as possible until you reach your desired physical shape. It is necessary to alternate 10 days of taking coal with the same amount of break time when the body rests.

But the principles of reason and proper nutrition It is highly advisable to always comply. It is important to understand that activated carbon (in any quantity) will not become a magic wand. And if you indulge in all kinds of food crimes, you will probably not only not get rid of unnecessary weight, but you can also burden your body with new kilograms.

In any case, it is highly undesirable to adhere to this method (the time of coal intake is taken into account) for more than 60 days.

It is recommended to make the following foods that are healthy and relatively low in calories as the basis of the activated carbon diet: non-starchy fruits, vegetables, berries; dairy and fermented milk products low fat content; meat (mainly chicken and beef); lean fish; various greens. Avoid as much as possible any fatty foods and foods, high-calorie sweets, fried foods, products made from white flour.

You need to organize your menu so that there is room in it for three full meals (without overeating) and two snacks, without eating after 18-19 pm. Be sure to drink enough clean water.

Exercise will only speed up the weight loss process. It is advisable to introduce training into your life (if you didn’t have one) and generally move more, leading an active lifestyle.

Activated carbon diet menu

An example of an activated carbon diet for 3 days

Day 1
Breakfast: 2 boiled or scrambled eggs; whole grain bread (30-40 g), greased with cottage cheese; tomato or cucumber; a cup of herbal tea.
Snack: 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese with your favorite berries.
Lunch: a serving of brown rice and vegetable salad.
Afternoon snack: apple.
Dinner: baked fish fillet; vegetable salad.

Day 2
Breakfast: oatmeal on water with a teaspoon of honey and a handful of nuts; a cup of green tea.
Snack: pear and half a glass of natural unsweetened yogurt.
Lunch: durum wheat pasta; vegetable salad.
Afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole or low-calorie cheesecakes.
Dinner: lean meat baked in the oven and a portion of Greek salad (cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, feta cheese, several olives).

Day 3
Breakfast: two omelette chicken eggs with greens; a cup of herbal tea or weak coffee.
Snack: sandwich made from whole grain bread and a thin slice hard cheese(preferably low fat) or cottage cheese.
Lunch: low-fat vegetable soup.
Afternoon snack: 150 g of cottage cheese with cinnamon (can be seasoned with a small amount of kefir).
Dinner: baked or boiled fish with your favorite vegetables.

Contraindications to the activated carbon diet

  1. Taking coal has a number of contraindications. This technique is clearly not for people with peptic ulcers, bleeding in the stomach and other gastrointestinal diseases.
  2. You should be careful when using activated carbon if you have any serious illness.
  3. Women in an interesting position and breastfeeding, persons under 18 years of age and the elderly should definitely not go on a coal diet.
  4. It can also be dangerous to take activated carbon in the company of other medications that cannot stand such a proximity.
  5. It is highly advisable to consult a doctor before starting to follow the technique in order to minimize the risk of negative consequences.

Advantages of the activated carbon diet

  • She has no significant food restrictions. Therefore, you can lose kilos without limiting yourself to your favorite foods.
  • After just a few days of taking charcoal tablets, metabolic processes are activated, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves, which has a positive effect on weight loss and overall health.
  • The body completely gets rid of harmful substances.

Disadvantages of the activated carbon diet

  • The substance involved in this technique is capable of removing from the body not only toxic and other harmful elements, but also beneficial proteins, fats, and microelements.
  • Taking charcoal tablets for a long time can lead to constipation, vomiting, diarrhea and other problems.
  • It is also possible that allergic reactions may occur.

Repeated implementation of the activated carbon diet

As stated, coal rids the body not only of harmful, but also of beneficial substances. So it’s better not to turn to the charcoal diet for help more than once every six months.

Activated carbon is the most popular sorbent. With its help, you can quickly remove toxins that enter the intestines with food.

Activated carbon is present in every home medicine cabinet. It is cheap, but is not inferior in efficiency to most expensive sorbents. Activated carbon is commonly used in cases of food poisoning. But it is also used for weight loss.

Active (activated) carbon is an excellent absorbent.

Effective ways to lose weight using activated carbon

Method one

Eat exactly ten charcoal tablets. But you need to “split” them into three doses, and not drink them all at once. For example, you can “split” like this:

Sixty minutes before dinner.

Sixty minutes before lunch.

Sixty minutes before breakfast.

Method two

When you wake up, eat one activirchik tablet. And so - every morning. Do not forget that the carbon dose will have to be increased. Start with a few tablets (two or three).

Method three

You need to drink as many activated tablets as there are kilograms of weight in your body. If you weigh fifty kilograms, take five tablets, if seventy, take seven tablets.

Highly effective 3-day diet with activated carbon

The first day you drink only kefir. Before drinking kefir, take 1 tablet of charcoal with water 30 minutes before drinking it. If you find it difficult to stay on kefir alone, add boiled or baked potatoes.

Second day - apples. You can take any variety, but if you have a peptic ulcer, you should not eat sour fruits. If you have gastritis, avoid sweet apples. If you have kidney problems, you need to bake the fruit. Take the tablets according to the same instructions.

The third day is vegetables. For the most powerful effect, it is better to choose one vegetable and eat only it all day. If this is difficult for you, make a salad or steam vegetables. Don't forget to drink charcoal 30 minutes before meals. Attention! No spices, especially exclude salt and pepper - they greatly stimulate the appetite.

Who should not lose weight with activated charcoal?

There are a number of contraindications:

  • stomach or intestinal ulcer;
  • gastritis with low acidity of juice;
  • chronic constipation;
  • pathologies of the mucous membranes of the digestive organs.

It is also undesirable to take activated carbon if there is a lack of calcium in the body.

Does activated charcoal help you lose weight?

Many doubt the effectiveness of this method only because it is too simple and accessible. But effectiveness does not always directly depend on price. In the case of coal, this is exactly the case - inexpensive remedy helps you quickly achieve excellent results when we're talking about about safe weight loss.

The positive effect of coal is due to its porous structure. Thanks to it, coal actively absorbs heavy metals, gases, drugs, poisons and other chemicals. The use of charcoal for weight loss produces results due to the fact that charcoal quickly absorbs and removes fluid from the body. Thus, you can lose weight with the help of activated carbon, and this method of getting rid of excess weight does absolutely no harm to the body.

And, of course, to lose weight with the help of activated carbon, in addition to tablets, you need to eat dietary dishes(preferably steamed or boiled), fruits and vegetables. This diet guarantees weight loss, albeit not only with activated carbon. Many doctors give similar recommendations. As they say, the combination of activated carbon with any diet (for example, vegetable) gives very good results: cleansing of toxins. This is how we get the activated carbon diet.

How often can you follow the activated carbon diet?

The maximum duration of the course is 60 days. To lose weight with activated carbon, you need to alternate periods of taking the drug (10 days) with periods of rest (10 days). The diet must be accompanied by taking multivitamins. After completing the course, the body may require a fairly long recovery period.

Please note that this diet may not be suitable for everyone. Therefore, before you start taking activated charcoal, consult a nutritionist.

To summarize, we can highlight that, as a separate drug, activated carbon will not lead to weight loss, but in combination with diet and exercise, it may well serve as an effective and auxiliary means for getting rid of excess weight. After all, the removal of waste and toxins is already a benefit to the body and a small step towards unloading it.

Rare stomach upset can be managed without activated charcoal. These are inexpensive and very effective drug available in almost every first aid kit. But few people know that it can be used in the fight against extra pounds. How to take activated charcoal for weight loss? Does it help? Answers to these questions must certainly be found.

Description of the drug

What is activated carbon? This porous substance is usually black in color, synthesized from carbon-containing raw materials of organic origin. The main quality of activated carbon is its high sorption capacity, thanks to which it absorbs poisons and toxins from the gastrointestinal tract before they are absorbed. In medicine, the drug is prescribed for the treatment of food and chemical poisoning, bronchial asthma, alcohol withdrawal, dermatitis and various viral diseases. Activated carbon is not a fat burner per se, but by actively participating in the body’s metabolic processes, it helps to lose weight, maintain youth and health.

Advantages and disadvantages

When taken correctly, activated carbon performs a number of important functions for the human body:

  • Absorbs toxic substances received by the body from the outside.
  • Binds toxins released with gastric juice.
  • Absorbs toxic metabolites formed in gastrointestinal tract when digesting food.
  • Selectively absorbs amino acids and free bile acids.
  • Fixes and transports physiologically active substances.
  • Catalyzes (accelerates) metabolic processes.
  • Modifies chemical composition intestinal contents, preventing the development of pathogenic flora.
  • Structures the contents of the intestines and changes the volume of indigestible residue according to the type of dietary fiber.
  • Has a direct bactericidal effect.
  • Helps reduce bad cholesterol in the blood, thereby improving the functioning of the heart and brain.
  • 7–10 hours after administration, it is completely eliminated from the body without irritating the intestinal mucosa.

However, like any barrel of honey, activated carbon has its fly in the ointment: in addition to all kinds of “garbage”, the drug absorbs and removes vitamins, enzymes and useful organic acids from the body. In this regard, uncontrolled or prolonged use of activated carbon is strictly prohibited. The drug also has serious medical contraindications, such as:

  • acute and chronic diseases of the digestive tract;
  • internal bleeding;
  • avitaminosis;
  • constipation, dyspepsia, dysbacteriosis;
  • metabolic disorders.

Pay attention! Activated carbon is not recommended to be taken simultaneously with medicines, the effect of which develops after absorption into the blood. In addition, the course of taking the sorbent for pregnant women and children under 14 years of age should not last more than 5 days.

How to take

Before starting the course, you should choose the most convenient method of taking the drug for you:

  • 2 tablets one and a half hours before each meal.
  • On the first day - 3-4 tablets, then add 1 tablet to this amount daily until the desired dose (for every 10 kg of weight - 1 tablet). During the remaining days of the course, take the full dose of the drug. You need to drink charcoal in the morning on an empty stomach, an hour and a half before breakfast.
  • Divide 10 tablets into 3-4 approaches and take one hour before meals.

The duration of taking the drug is at least 10, but not more than 14 days. It is allowed to take the tablets only with clean, non-carbonated water at room temperature. During the cleansing period, heavy, high-calorie foods should be excluded from the diet: sweets, baked goods, fatty meats, alcohol, processed foods, canned food and smoked meats.

White or black?

Today, along with traditional black tablets, activated carbon is sold in pharmacies. white. There are no fundamental differences between these drugs. However, the basis of black coal is silicon dioxide and microcrystalline cellulose, due to which the drug acts quickly and quite harshly, cleansing the body completely. White coal works selectively, not completely absorbing vitamins and nutrients, which means it is ideal for preventive cleansing. It is better to leave black pills in case of poisoning.

Diet for 12 days

It is advisable to carry out charcoal cleansing of the body in combination with a multi-component diet. During the course, your diet should be balanced, varied, but in no case meager. An hour before each meal, take 1 tablet of activated carbon with 200 ml of clean water. This nutritional system is aimed at natural “renewal” of the body and the most comfortable weight loss.

Day 1

  • dairy-free oatmeal with raisins – 200 g;
  • cheese (20% fat) – 50 g;
  • green tea with lemon – 200 ml.
  • dietary whole grain bread – 2 pcs.;
  • kefir (2.5% fat) – 200 ml.
  • chicken broth – 200 ml;
  • stewed vegetables – 200 g.
  • fruit and berry salad with natural yoghurt – 200 g.

Day 2

  • buckwheat porridge with water – 200 g;
  • 1 boiled egg;
  • tea or coffee without sugar.
  • bananas - 2 fruits.
  • vegetable soup – 200 ml;
  • baked pollock without oil – 150 g.
  • 1 green apple.

Day 3

  • boiled rice – 200 g;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 kiwi;
  • 1 grapefruit.
  • vegetable casserole – 200 g;
  • cranberry juice without sugar – 200 ml.

Day 4

  • oatmeal with 2.5% milk – 200 g;
  • raisins soaked in warm water (can be added to porridge) – 10 g;
  • boiled eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • 1 fresh cucumber.
  • low-fat ear – 200 ml;
  • boiled fish (fish soup) – 80 g.
  • cottage cheese (5% fat) – 150 g;
    • 1 banana.

    Day 5

    • rye bread – 20 g;
    • hard cheese – 20 g;
    • 1 tomato;
    • tea or coffee.
    • cottage cheese (9% fat) – 50 g;
    • milk (2.5% fat) – 200 ml;
    • 2 diet breads.
    • chicken soup with rice – 200 ml;
    • vegetable stew – 200 g.

    Day 6

    • buckwheat in water – 200 g;
    • 1 boiled egg;
    • 1 fresh cucumber.
    • 1 banana or apple;
    • low fat kefir – 200 ml.
    • chicken broth – 200 ml;
    • bran or whole grain bread - 2 slices;
    • 1 tomato.
    • cottage cheese (7% fat), flavored with unsweetened yoghurt – 100 g / 1 tbsp. spoon.

    Day 7

    • oatmeal with 2.5% milk – 150 g;
    • natural yogurt without additives – 200 ml;
    • herbal or green tea.
    • diet bread – 2 pcs.
    • vegetable casserole – 200 g;
    • veal (boiled or steamed) – 100 g.
    • cottage cheese (7% fat) – 150 g;
    • salad (cucumbers + tomatoes + greens) with natural yogurt – 100 g / 1 tbsp. spoon.

    Day 8

    • low-fat cheese – 100 g;
    • diet bread – 2 pcs.;
    • fresh cucumbers – 2 pcs.;
    • tea or coffee.
    • 1 banana;
    • 1 kiwi.
    • chicken broth – 200 ml;
    • baked vegetables without oil – 100 g.
    • seafood cocktail – 200 g;
    • fresh cucumbers – 2 pcs.

    Day 9

    • boiled rice – 200 g;
    • natural yogurt – 50 g;
    • black coffee or rosehip decoction.
    • 2.5% kefir – 200 ml;
    • diet bread – 2 pcs.;
    • 1 green apple.
    • low-fat borscht – 200 ml;
    • boiled chicken breast – 70 g.
    • boiled shrimp – 200 g;
    • 1 cucumber;
    • 1 tomato.

    Day 10

    • apples baked with honey – 3 pcs. / 1 ​​tbsp. spoon;
    • cottage cheese (5% fat) – 80 g;
    • kefir (2.5% fat) – 200 ml;
    • breads – 2 pcs.
    • lean fish soup or soup canned tuna– 200 ml;
    • boiled fish – 100 g.
    • stewed vegetables – 200 g.

    Day 11

    • 1 sandwich (rye toast + drained butter + boiled chicken) – 20 g / 2 g / 20 g;
    • 1 fresh cucumber;
    • herbal tea without sugar.
    • fermented baked milk (3–4% fat) – 200 ml;
    • 1 apple or orange.
    • rice soup with chicken broth – 200 ml;
    • boiled chicken fillet– 100 g.
    • cottage cheese (5% fat) – 100 g;
    • salad (tomato + cucumber + Chinese cabbage + olive oil) – 100 g.

    Day 12

    • cottage cheese (7% fat) – 100 g;
    • fresh cucumbers – 2 pcs.;
    • 1 boiled egg;
    • 1 banana;
    • 1 apple.
    • vegetable soup – 200 ml;
    • stewed mushrooms – 100 g.
    • boiled chicken breast – 100 g;
    • 1 cucumber;
    • 1 tomato.

    Correct completion of the course involves a gradual transition from a dietary diet to a more familiar menu. Having achieved certain results, do not stop: continue to exercise, give up dry food and fast food, limit your consumption of fatty, sweet and salty foods.


    By following all the conditions of the diet, you can lose about 3–5 kg during the course. Doctors do not prohibit taking sorbents to cleanse the body, but at the same time they advise not to forget that activated carbon is still a medicine. Remember that the collateral beautiful figure is a combination of proper nutrition and physical activity, and all kinds of food additives and some medications only help optimize the weight loss process.