Features of contouring with hyaluronic acid: intimate area and chin. Intimate contouring for men and women (using fillers) Injections of hyaluronic acid in intimate areas

Intimate contouring(intimate contour plastic) is the process of introducing gel with an injection of hyaluronic acid into intimate areas for the purpose of their correction.

Intimate filling as a method of injection contour plastic surgery of the anogenital area, allows you to replenish the volume of soft tissues by introducing hyaluronic acid preparations intra- and subcutaneously, thus eliminating aesthetic and functional deficiencies associated with age-related changes or individual characteristics, thereby increasing sexual satisfaction, attractiveness and psychological woman's comfort.

IN recent years There has been a noticeable increase in the number of women who want to improve the appearance and sensitivity of the intimate area, the perfection of which means no less to many than the beauty of the face, hair and body. The most modern method of correcting the anogenital area is non-surgical intimate injection plastic surgery - the introduction of hyaluronic acid gel, created specifically for this area of ​​the body and used for this purpose in Europe since 2003.

According to medical statistics, in Russia on average:

  • 20% of women aged 18-40 suffer from dyspareunia (pain during intimacy),
  • 20% experience discomfort and problems with urinary incontinence after childbirth,
  • 30-40% of sexually active girls are unfamiliar with orgasm (masturbation does not count) or experience it sporadically during intimacy,
  • 65% of women over 45 years of age have uterine prolapse and vaginal dryness.

These problems develop gradually, from a young age. Unfortunately, only 15-20% of girls do not hesitate to seek help from specialists. This allows you to take timely therapeutic or preventive measures with minimal loss of time and money. Indeed, in the intimate sphere, medical indications for a particular surgical or cosmetic procedure almost always intersect with both aesthetics and sexual relations. It would be wise to prevent the aging of your genitals as carefully as you monitor (of course, if you really monitor) the beauty and youth of your face. And in solving these problems, intimate contouring with hyaluronic acid plays a leading role.

Indications for intimate filling


Previously noted reactions to hyaluronic acid; The presence of other similar material at the correction site;
history of anaphylactic reaction to anything; Diseases accompanied by the Koebner phenomenon (for example, psoriasis);
Oncological diseases; Oncological diseases in remission (after consultation with the attending oncologist);
Acute infectious diseases; Hemophilia, anemia II-III degree;
Exacerbation of chronic diseases; Client expectations that do not correspond to reality;
Skin diseases of the anogenital area. TEMPORARY:
Autoimmune diseases, collagenosis, SLE; Air travel within 1-2 weeks;
Tendency to develop hypertrophic scars; Pregnancy and period of active lactation;
Bleeding disorder (hemophilia); Exacerbation of herpetic infection;
Mental disorders, psychosomatic borderline states; Taking certain medications (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, anticoagulants, omega 3.6);
Serious somatic diseases; Exposure to sun, heat immediately after injection;
Age up to 18 years. Increased body temperature above 37C.

The intimate filling procedure is performed using local anesthesia. After the session, you can immediately return to your usual rhythm of life, but you should refrain from sexual intercourse for three days. There is no rehabilitation period as such; sometimes there is slight pain in the injection area, which goes away within 1-3 days. The duration of the effect varies in each specific case (from 6 to 12 months depending on the individual characteristics of the patient).

The result after intimate contouring is the restoration of the aesthetic appearance of the genital organs, as well as the activation of the sensitivity of the urogenital area, which significantly improves the quality of sexual life and psychological state generally.

Contour plastic surgery of intimate areas.

Non-surgical intimate contouring in our clinic in Moscow is carried out using injections of the best injectable hyaluronic acid gels (fillers), developed specifically for contouring intimate areas in women.

What is hyaluronic acid? This biopolymer is a substance that is an important part of almost all soft tissues. Acid is capable of retaining water, specific hydropolymers with a very high density are formed, they create the effect of elasticity and skin turgor, filling the entire intercellular space. The human body itself produces hyaluronic acid every day, but under the influence of various factors, the production of the substance slows down, and the skin loses its elasticity.


  • non-toxic
  • hypoallergenic
  • does not cause inflammation
  • does not migrate
  • 100% biocompatible with human tissue
  • slowly absorbed
  • The duration of the effect from the procedure is 8-12 months.

Hyaluronic acid preparations for intimate plastic surgery are carefully checked by the manufacturer, certified in the country of use and delivered to the clinic in sealed packaging (in disposable sterile syringes), therefore they are safe in terms of infection, non-toxic and do not cause complications. All these fillers are biologically compatible with the structure of the soft tissues and are slowly distributed, which contributes to the natural adaptation of the body to the injected filler.

Intimate plastic surgery: perfection is not for show

Who is interested in our faded charms? Don't tell me! They are interesting, and first of all - to us. And we need to look after them no less diligently and reverently than our experienced faces, in order to achieve harmony of spirit and body

Dina Rubina, "Indian Wind"

Intimate relationships play a vital role in our lives, so many women decide to undergo intimate plastic surgery to please their loved ones and add zest to their sex life. But also conservation women's health- also not the last task!

A doctor talks about intimate contouring today .

  • Intimate story
  • Intimate theory
    • Vaginoplasty or colpoplasty
    • Hymenoplasty
    • Labiaplasty
    • Intimate contouring
  • Beauty injections in intimate areas
  • Contraindications for intimate contouring
  • Benefits of intimate contouring
  • The effect of contouring intimate plastic surgery
  • Intimate plastic surgery: procedure and rehabilitation

Intimate story

After a careful study of ancient Greek myths, one can decide that the first operation of this kind was carried out in legendary antiquity. The goddess of love Aphrodite, after having sex with Adonis, visited a bath, which allowed her to regain her virginity, because Adonis really only began relationships with innocent girls... Maybe this is the first mention of hymenoplasty?

A real, not mythical, medical operation to restore the hymen was performed in 1962; Italian surgeon Bernullo performed it on his own daughter. It is curious that he initially argued that a donor was needed for this, but it was later proven that the hymen is capable of regenerating itself. A successful experiment made it possible to restore the hymen of 35 thousand women in the first year, which became a new milestone in aesthetic intimate surgery of that time.

But today, of course, this is far from the only type of intimate surgery, although it is still the most popular...

Intimate theory

To understand what plastic surgery of intimate areas and intimate contour plastic surgery are, let’s understand the terminology.

Vaginoplasty or colpoplasty

This plastic surgery is recommended for women who have damaged the perineum or vagina during childbirth, but it can also be performed simply to make sex more enjoyable. By the way, similar operations are also performed on transsexuals - the transformation of male genitals into “female” ones is called feminizing vaginoplasty.


This is a medical procedure to restore the hymen by suturing the remains of the hymen (the hymen is a fold of mucous membrane with an opening that covers the entrance to the vagina between the internal and external genitalia). The applied sutures dissolve over time, leaving no signs of surgical intervention.


Changes in the shape of the labia minora and majora, skin folds around the vulva. Labiaplasty is done for two reasons: due to congenital anomalies and for reasons related to physical or mental discomfort, for example, if a woman believes that the appearance of her labia is not normal.

Intimate contouring

The above types of intimate plastic surgery involve surgical intervention, work with a scalpel or laser. But there is a method that allows, in a more gentle way, to restore the volume of the labia majora lost with age or as a result of childbirth, change the volume of the vagina, improve the quality of the skin and increase the functionality of the genital organs (increase the sensitivity of the clitoris, for example). This is contouring intimate plastic surgery of a woman’s external genitalia, which restores their natural and harmonious appearance.

Intimate contour plastic surgery is performed using injections of hyaluronic acid, which can give the genitals the necessary shapes and volumes.

Beauty injections in intimate areas

We asked Anna Belina what problems that require intimate plastic surgery most often arise in women.

Intimate plastic surgery with fillers (filler is an injectable preparation for the face and body, which is used as a filler for the correction of cosmetic defects with minor tissue deficiencies) will eliminate the shortcomings of the intimate area in aesthetic terms, as well as completely or partially solve sexual disorders directly related to sudden weight loss , injuries, as well as the birth of a child.

The most common reason for treatment is the size and shape of the labia majora and minora. Women are concerned that as a result of hormonal changes, childbirth, and with age, the labia majora begin to fade, lose their fat content and change appearance, and against this background, the labia minora begin to protrude more strongly from under them. Although, it should be noted that, according to men, in some cases this is not a problem, but a highlight ( smiling).

The next very common problem is the so-called “capacious vagina”. Patients worry that because of its size, the partner does not feel pleasure to the fullest. In this case, we try to inject hyaluranium fillers into specific areas to narrow the vagina and relieve discomfort.

The third problem is the activation of the G-spot. By making the erogenous zone more convex, we help women regain lost sensations, gain satisfaction from contact with a partner, eliminate dryness, improving the functioning of the glands of the mucous membrane.

- After injection of stabilized hyaluronic acid, not only the erogenously active area increases, but also the volume of the vagina decreases. Sometimes, when the shape of the vagina is very curved, this is generally the optimal method of intervention.

From an aesthetic point of view it is possible solve the problem of whitening intimate areas. Over time, their color turns from pink to dark, and our procedures help relieve the feeling of “staleness,” restore a vibrant, beautiful appearance, and remove excessive pigmentation.

Sometimes hyaluronic acid is administered for medical reasons. For example, such procedures help women during menopause by eliminating vaginal dryness, irritation, and lack of lubrication.

In some cases, intimate plastic surgery eliminates vaginal gaping by closing it with the labia majora, thereby closing the “gate of infection.” While still rare, there are still cases of injection of hyaluronic acid into the urethra to eliminate urinary incontinence. In such cases, work is carried out jointly with urologists.

So, intimate filling helps:

  • eliminate deformation of the genital organs (increase/reduce, eliminate asymmetry);
  • improve their appearance and general condition (restore tissue elasticity);
  • restore the volume and shape of the labia (after sudden weight loss, childbirth or as a result of changes in age);
  • rejuvenate tissues (by restoring water balance and starting the process of tissue regeneration, the moisture content of the mucous membrane is restored).

Contraindications for intimate contouring

Anna Belina explained that, despite the comparative safety of the intervention, there are a number of contraindications for this procedure. Among the main ones:

  • oncology;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • mental disorders;
  • age (up to 18 years);
  • herpes (in the acute stage);
  • hemophilia;
  • increased skin sensitivity, expressed in a tendency to form colloidal scars;
  • the presence of inflammation and open wounds in the intervention area;
  • autoimmune and infectious diseases;
  • fever, heat;
  • acute stage of somatic diseases.

Since intimate contour plastic surgery is not only a cosmetic procedure, but also a medical one, under no circumstances should you hide the presence of diseases from your doctor!

Benefits of intimate contouring

-Anna, what are the advantages of contour plastic surgery over surgery?

There are many advantages over surgery itself, and, in my opinion, they are obvious.

    At surgical intervention the risks are always much higher. What is cut off cannot be sewn back on (smiles). After surgical correction, many patients find it difficult to accept their new appearance. In cosmetology, everything we do, as a rule, has a reversible effect. This is a huge plus.

    Contour plastic surgery is performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia; anesthesia is not required.

    This is a painless and low-traumatic procedure.

This procedure undoubtedly improves the quality of life, eliminating psychological, aesthetic and functional discomfort.

- Tell me, what problems can be solved only with the help of intimate filling?

This is an improvement in the cellular tissue component. Injections have a general rejuvenating effect on the problem area and on the whole immune system. Surgery does not provide this. In addition, we use fillers to create more predictable volumes. If a plastic surgeon can perform the procedure , that is, transplanting your own fat into a problem area, and not guaranteeing the result, because it is not immediately clear how much will take root, then we know exactly what to expect and what we will get. The generated and expected volumes will remain.

The effect of contouring intimate plastic surgery

-Anna, what effect does injection intimate plastic surgery give?

As I already said, as a result of the procedure, the skin is smoothed and elasticity is restored. The positive effect of hyaluronic acid on tissue structure has been proven: a connective tissue framework is formed, moisture is retained, and regeneration processes are activated. Well, eliminating visual defects raises self-esteem.

How long does this effect last when resorption of the filler begins, and how often can the procedure be repeated?

- The results of intimate plastic surgery will be noticeable immediately and will last for up to a year. On average, we recommend repeating the procedure once every 8 months. The effect of the filler is designed for 9-12 months, but everything is quite individual. You need to see a doctor once every six months, and then, depending on the condition, he will plan further work with the patient.

Intimate plastic surgery: procedure and rehabilitation

-Anna, how does the procedure itself go and what is the rehabilitation period?

Basic manipulations take from 30 minutes to an hour and a half and require local anesthesia (injections or anesthetic cream). The procedure uses hyauloronic acid, which is administered by injection. The duration of the session depends on the condition and level of muscle tissue atrophy. Usually a small dose of the active substance is required - from 0.1 to 2 ml. The introduced composition fills the problem area and attracts water molecules, which create the necessary volume, simultaneously improving the condition of the skin.

In the first hours after the procedure, side effects: swelling, redness of the skin and mild itching. To prevent the development of complications and consolidate the achieved result, a rehabilitation regime is observed during the week after the procedure.

    visit baths, saunas and steam rooms,

    go to the solarium,

    visit the pool,

    sunbathe on beaches and swim in open water (up to 3 weeks).

    It is necessary to limit physical activity (up to 2 weeks) and, unfortunately, a complete abstinence from intimacy is necessary for the same period - beauty requires sacrifice!

And, of course, antiseptic treatment, regular change of linen and other personal hygiene requirements.

- Anna, what drug is used for this intimate contouring?

Stabilized hyauloronic acid is used for procedures. The drug is a viscous gel with large particles, introduced into the deep layers of the dermis. It is easy to use and provides instant results without causing significant complications. This product has the following properties: high level cleaning (does not reject, does not cause allergies), biocompatibility and 100% biodegradation, stability and lack of migration of the substance under the skin.

Finally, the last question: how to choose an intimate contouring clinic? What to look for when looking for a competent specialist?

Firstly, you definitely need to know that cosmetologists cannot perform procedures related to intimate plastic surgery. Only qualified gynecologists who have completed training in this specialty in addition to their basic education. Only and certainly a certified gynecologist!

” - Secondly, you need to take into account the reviews of patients who have already had operations, look at the clinic’s rating, and how professionally the first appointment was.

And I will repeat again. Choose a specialist carefully, because you can only trust your body to a qualified doctor who has completed a training course, received a diploma and a license to perform this type of procedure. Do not hesitate to ask him to show documents at the reception.

- Anna, thank you for answering our questions. What would you say at the end of our conversation?

I would like to note that contour plastic surgery of intimate areas is a developing and promising area of ​​cosmetology and medicine. The direction is very interesting! Functional medicine and cosmetology are extremely close areas, one might even say - parts of one whole, which are designed to improve the patient’s quality of life.

- Man is such a unique creature that we need to work on all fronts at once. The first, of course, is with the head, with psychology (smiles), because everything starts with it. The second is the functional component, health. And third is the aesthetic component. These are the three components of success in any business or endeavor!

Interviewed by Rimma Petrak

In recent years, the number of women who want to improve the appearance and sensitivity of the intimate area has noticeably increased; for many, the perfection of the intimate area means no less than the beauty of the face, hair and body. If earlier aesthetic medicine could only offer women surgical treatment, which not everyone could decide on, now the so-called “correction of intimate areas” can be carried out on an outpatient basis using injection techniques, i.e. without surgical intervention.

An obstetrician-gynecologist at the “Childhood Plus” family medical clinic, Elena Ivanovna Podmarkova, talks about this.

Elena Ivanovna, today creating an ideal intimate zone has become a popular procedure among women. What is this connected with?

I would like to point out right away that intimate contouring is not just a woman’s whim. The healthy and normal appearance of the genital organs are important components of the life and self-esteem of any person. Often, trauma, the birth of children, sudden changes in weight, and often simply age-related changes provoke weakening intimate places. In turn, problems in the intimate area force a woman to come up with another complex. Intimate contouring is a simple solution to delicate problems without surgical intervention. The intimate contouring procedure allows you to solve many aesthetic and functional problems painlessly and for a fairly long period.

Tell us in more detail what problems intimate contouring helps solve?

Some believe that intimate contouring is a procedure that is aimed solely at achieving a cosmetic improvement in the appearance of the genitals. This is not entirely true. Indications for intimate contouring procedure are:

  • aesthetic correction of the labia majora and minora (involutional changes, asymmetries, loose and sagging skin);
  • dryness of the vaginal mucosa, discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • decreased G-spot sensitivity;
  • decreased or absent orgasm and sexual satisfaction;
  • birth and postoperative defects of soft tissues of the anogenital area, deformations of the mucosa;
  • urinary incontinence and involuntary urination due to urethral hypermotility;
  • signs of atrophic vaginitis;
  • age-related involutive changes (stretching and ptosis of the vaginal walls, decreased muscle tone);
  • chronic often recurrent cystitis;
  • postcoital cystitis;

Elena Ivanovna, tell us what the non-surgical method of intimate contouring consists of?

Intimate contouring is a modern, minimally invasive method of introducing drugs based on hyaluronic acid into the intimate area, which is independently synthesized in our body, but becomes less abundant over time. Hyaluronic acid not only replenishes tissue volume deficits, but also provides the necessary level of hydration and has excellent moisturizing, healing and rejuvenating properties. Its introduction under the skin and mucous membrane helps normalize metabolism and stimulates the production of collagen, on which firmness and elasticity depend, and also exacerbates the reaction to tactile influence and increases the level of hydration. For intimate contouring, our clinic uses special certified preparations based on hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid preparations are not synthetic, are not rejected by the body, do not cause allergic reactions and do not migrate.

Elena Ivanovna, how is the procedure carried out and are there any restrictions after it?

To eliminate the possibility of an inflammatory process in the body and guarantee the safety of the procedure, at a preliminary consultation, the doctor will prescribe to the patient and determine the procedure technique.

Before administering the hyaluronic acid drug, the doctor, if necessary, applies topical anesthesia in the form of a cream or spray, making the procedure absolutely painless and comfortable for the patient. The duration of the procedures is about 30 minutes. After the procedure, moderate discomfort may be felt in the correction area for several days; swelling (disappears within 2–4 days) and bruises (disappears after a week) is possible.

Restrictions after intimate contouring are not burdensome: it is recommended to adhere to sexual rest for 2–3 days, limit physical activity for 7 days (fitness, swimming pool, etc.), avoid any warming procedures (bath, sauna, hot bath) for 2–3 weeks. .
The intimate contouring procedure can be repeated an unlimited number of times. At any time, additional correction or a repeat procedure can be carried out, since hyaluronic acid is gradually completely eliminated from the body.

Intimate contouring today allows you to quickly and painlessly resolve many problems related to aesthetic issues, restore harmony in your personal life and, quite possibly, open up new dimensions of sexual pleasure.

You can sign up for a consultation with Elena Ivanovna Podmarkova, an obstetrician-gynecologist at the family medical clinic “Childhood Plus”, and the procedure by calling 8499-502-50-05, 8800-234-58-34.

For intimate contouring, fillers based on hyaluronic acid are used that have a certificate of conformity and a registration certificate: AMALAIN intimate (Russia), AMALAIN Inconti (Russia), REVI Reform (Russia), Uro-hyal (Russia).

Cost of intimate contouring using fillers:

  1. Labiaplasty - correction of the volume and shape of the labia majora and minora, 1st category of complexity - 14,000 rubles.
  2. Labiaplasty - correction of the volume and shape of the labia majora and minora, category 2 of complexity - 20,000 rubles.
  3. Perineoplasty - correction of the vaginal vestibule and posterior commissure - category 1 of complexity - 14,000 rubles.
  4. Perineoplasty - correction of the vaginal vestibule and posterior commissure - 2nd category of complexity - 20,000 rubles.
  5. Correction of age-related and postpartum involutional changes - 1st category of complexity - 14,000 rubles.
  6. Correction of age-related and postpartum involutional changes - 1st category of complexity - 20,000 rubles.
  7. Augmentation of zone G-12500 rubles.
  8. Biorevitalization of the vagina - 1 category of complexity - 14,000 rubles.
  9. Biorevitalization of the vagina - 2 categories of complexity - 20,000 rubles
  10. Clitoroplasty - increasing the volume of the head and hood of the clitoris - 12,500 rubles.
  11. Correction of urethral hypermobility - 20,000 rubles.
  12. Correction of postcoital cystitis - 20,000 rubles
  13. Correction of stress urinary incontinence - 20,000 rubles
  14. Treatment of chronic cystitis - 8500 rubles.

Our clinic offers an individual approach for each woman. The choice of treatment depends on the specific pathology and characteristics of each specific case. Contour plastic surgery in Moscow at the most attractive prices is something that is available to every woman. We always take into account the woman’s wishes, but nevertheless, the choice of method largely depends on many indicators, which include various contraindications, age, plans for pregnancy, as well as sexual dysfunction.

Such types of plastic surgery as: intimate plastic surgery with laser and the use of hyaluronic acid preparations are the most popular. Today, medicine offers us such options for intimate plastic surgery as:

  • Plastic surgery using injections of drugs with hyaluronic acid;
  • Intimate contouring with laser;
  • Surgical intervention.

Hyaluronic acid in gynecology

Not all aesthetic problems require surgical treatment!
With the advent of hyaluronic acid preparations, we have received an excellent weapon for instantly and safely solving a number of problems.
Non-surgical contouring can be considered as the only way to help women improve and beautify their sex life, the appearance of the external genitalia, get rid of pain due to scar changes in the perineum, and also improve the quality of life in initial forms of urinary incontinence. What is very important is that the effect can be assessed immediately after the procedure.

Benefits of intimate contouring

and safe

10-15 minutes
duration of the procedure

not required

The procedure involves the introduction of special fillers into intimate areas. Its second name is intimate filling.

The purpose of the session is to correct aesthetic and functional imperfections. The injections have a rejuvenating effect, tightening the skin. Thanks to injections, the distance between the genital receptors and the surface layer of the skin increases, susceptibility to stimulation increases, and soft tissues become denser. Because of this, women experience increased sensations during sex.

Few people decide to undergo surgical correction of the genital organs. Filling is an effective alternative. Compared to classical plastic surgery, contour plastic surgery has a lot of advantages, among which it is worth highlighting simplicity and safety, short rehabilitation period, lack of need general anesthesia, absence of scars and cicatrices.

The procedure is carried out in specialized plastic surgery clinics, as well as in aesthetic medicine beauty salons, where the doctor has permission for this type of activity.

Typically, the results of the operation last up to nine months. Of course, the period is individual. The duration of the effect depends on age, intensity and frequency of sexual activity. The number of injections, as well as the time interval between them, is calculated individually.

Types of surgery

Intimate contouring is divided into several types, based on the purpose of the session. Among the main types it is necessary to highlight:

  • Enlargement of the G-spot. Augmentation is performed to increase a woman's sensitivity. The injection is made into the posterior fornix of the vagina under the pubic bone. Thus, the Gräfenberg point becomes larger, and the diameter of the vagina decreases.
  • Enlargement of the labia majora or minora. The operation is performed to correct the volume. The substance fills the fat layer of the perineal tissue. Most often, the subcutaneous fatty tissue of the labia majora increases.
  • Enlargement of the clitoris. The procedure is performed to enhance sensitivity during sexual intercourse. The filler is not injected into the clitoris itself, but into the soft tissue area surrounding the erogenous zone.

Types of fillers

For intimate contouring, preparations based on various active substances can be used. The following is used as a filling agent:

  • High molecular weight hyaluronic acid. HA is contained in soft tissues, so it is perceived positively by the body. It is biopolymeric and glycosaminoglycan, i.e. retains moisture in cells. The filler regenerates skin cells, increases the elasticity of muscles and epidermis. The substance is injected into the deep layers of the skin. The composition tightens the dermis and epidermis, restores women's libido, optimizes the production of vaginal secretions, replenishes the water balance of the vaginal walls, prevents dehydration, and increases the volume of the labia minora and labia. Hyaluronic acid filler is completely eliminated by the body over time. The procedure can be repeated after a year.


Contour plastic surgery of the intimate area is performed not only to correct appearance, but also for other reasons.

Medical indications for injections are as follows:

  • Excessive dryness of the genital mucosa.
  • Postpartum changes in the perineum.
  • Hypermobility of the urethra.
  • Kraurosis of the vulva.
  • Age-related changes intimate area.
  • Hypoplasia or aplasia of the labia.
  • Gaping of the genital slit.

Aesthetic intentions include:

  • Thinning of the labia majora or minora.
  • Lack of adipose tissue.
  • Lack of muscle tone.
  • Flabbiness and sagging of the skin.
  • Asymmetry of the labia.
  • Lightening the outer part of the genitals.
  • Injuries and defects of the perineum.
  • The desire to rejuvenate the perineum.

The need for intimate plastic surgery with injections arises from sexual dissatisfaction:

  • Difficulty achieving vaginal orgasm.
  • Decreased attraction to a partner.
  • Lack of clitoral sensitivity.


Filling the bikini area has a number of limitations, despite the safety of the procedure. The possibility of performing intimate plastic surgery is absolutely excluded if:

  • Blood flow diseases, including varicose veins and decreased blood clotting.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Venereal pathologies.
  • Tendency to form keloid scars.
  • Reduced immunity and autoimmune processes.
  • Neoplasms of unknown etiology.

Relative prohibitions include:

  • The period of menstruation, as well as the five days before and after it.
  • Individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid.
  • Minor age.
  • Presence of scratches, wounds, cuts in the treatment area.
  • The presence of an inflammatory process of the genital organs.
  • The active phase of viral or infectious diseases, including herpes.
  • Recent injections of this kind.
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding period.


In order not to provoke the development of complications and to speed up the recovery process after the procedure, you should properly prepare for the session. It is important to follow all preparatory steps.

Medical examination

First of all, you need to visit a gynecologist and undergo gynecological examination women. The doctor issues a referral for examination to identify potential contraindications.

Progress of the procedure

The intimate contouring technique involves performing the following stages of the procedure:

  1. The doctor disinfects and disinfects the treatment area and his hands with an antiseptic. Then he opens the package with a disposable sterile syringe in the presence of the patient.
  2. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. Emla cream is used as painkillers. The product is applied to the labia. It performs the function of superficial anesthesia, but no painful sensations are observed.
  3. The specialist selects the dosage based on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, the density of the drug and the purpose of the injection. Recommended amount of hyaluronic acid for:
    • Labia - up to 4 ml.
    • Clitoral areas - from 0.1 to 0.2 ml.
    • G-spots - 1.5 ml.
    • Vaginal wall - maximum 3 ml.
    • Vaginal vestibule - no more than 1 ml.

The filler is injected under the mucous membrane, subcutaneously or intradermally.

All manipulations are carried out in a sterile medical office using disposable materials. The session takes no more than 30 minutes. Immediately after the injection, the patient goes home.


In the postoperative period, it is necessary to follow all the doctor’s recommendations for rapid tissue healing.

The full rehabilitation period is two weeks. Most often, this period is tolerated easily and painlessly. For the first three days, slight swelling of the soft tissues and mucous membrane is possible. There is discomfort when walking, hyperemia on the surface of the genitals. These symptoms are considered normal. Temporary side effects go away on their own and do not require medical correction.

Recovery rules are aimed at preventing complications, filler migration and premature resorption. They mean:

  • Refusal of sexual intercourse for 3-4 days.
  • Wearing underwear made from natural fabrics. It is preferable to wear classic cotton panties.
  • Avoid hypothermia and overheating of the body for three weeks. Therefore, you need to avoid taking sun and hot water baths, visiting bathhouses, saunas, swimming pools, and solariums.
  • Prohibition on hair removal and depilation of the intimate area by any means for about 2 weeks.
  • Limit physical activity for two weeks. You should avoid cycling, running, and lifting weights, as sports training increases blood flow.


Unpleasant consequences after intimate contouring are very rare. The reason for their occurrence, as a rule, is ignoring the list of contraindications for the procedure, failure to comply with the recommendations of a specialist within two weeks from the date of injections.

Minor bruises and hematomas may occur. They arise due to damage to blood vessels and are eliminated by topical application of bodyagi, heparin ointment or horse chestnut-based cream. The appearance of the skin is restored in 5-7 days.

The most serious complications are:

  • Local inflammatory process.
  • An allergic reaction to a component included in the filler. It manifests itself in the form of itching, pain when pressing on the genital area, and redness. Treated with a course of antihistamine therapy. The drugs used are Claritin, Suprastin, Tavegil.

Frequently asked questions and answers

I’m afraid of pain even when using anesthetic cream, because my skin is sensitive. What should I do?

In this case, repeated (double) application of anesthesia is performed.

How soon after giving birth can I make an appointment for the procedure?

Six months later, after the volume of soft tissue returns to normal.

Intimate contouring is a simple solution to delicate problems. After all, the health and normal appearance of the genital organs are important components of the life and self-esteem of any person.

Often, with age or after the process of natural childbirth, they become deformed and lose their former aesthetic appeal.

Few people would risk resorting to surgery, so they are forced to look for an effective alternative to surgery.

It is in this case that intimate contour plastic surgery is suitable. What is this?

What is intimate contour plastic surgery?

Today, creating an ideal intimate area is a popular procedure among women.

Contour plastic surgery of the vulva allows you to correct defects in the structure of the external genitalia, restoring their natural and harmonious appearance without surgery.

Reconstructive modeling of the labia is carried out under the careful supervision of a specialist.

Intimate contouring is a full-fledged procedure that can solve many problems. It is safe and does not harm health.

This manipulation allows you to correct the genitals, fights sagging, dryness, normalizes water balance, and improves elasticity.

The procedure is performed within a few minutes by injection, and the patient will be able to enjoy the results for a long time.

This procedure is the most painless, but at the same time in an efficient way eliminate cosmetic defects of the external genital organs, increase their elasticity and get rid of some diseases.

Can be performed on women and men of different ages, as well as health conditions. A contouring session involves the introduction of an active substance through injections into soft tissues that need correction and tightening.

Using natural organic matter almost 100% eliminates the risk of allergic reactions or complications.

  1. until the patient reaches the age of 18 years;
  2. It is not recommended to conduct a session for women during menstruation (at most, 3-4 days before or after the start of regulation);
  3. during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  4. if there are any diseases of an infectious or bacterial nature;
  5. in the presence of serious gynecological and urological problems;
  6. people suffering from cancer;
  7. patients with mental disorders.

Rehabilitation period

Rehabilitation after contouring intimate plastic surgery lasts approximately 2 weeks.

After the session, the patient may experience slight discomfort and tingling; in some cases, small hematomas may appear on the external genitalia.

However, do not be scared or panic - these symptoms are fleeting and do not have a lasting effect. negative influence on the body.

  • complete abstinence from sexual intercourse for 4–5 days;
  • a gentle regime of physical activity (refusal of active fitness, sports, weight lifting, cycling, etc.);
  • avoid hypothermia or overheating of the body;
  • do not sunbathe in a solarium or under the natural sun (including sunbathing);
  • carefully monitor the cleanliness of the genitals;
  • It is prohibited to visit baths, saunas, swimming pools; swim in the sea, river or lake;
  • It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.