Why psychology is not valued at work. What to do if you are not appreciated? or the parable of the golden ring

Do you want a higher salary, but are too embarrassed to ask? It's the wrong time, it's awkward - you've just been praised. Then again it’s not the time: it seems like they’re about to get promoted, and everything will happen on its own. Just when you get up the courage to walk up and ask for a raise, something happens that prevents you from doing so.

Sound familiar? Then we have two news for you. Good - they value you and try to keep you. And the bad thing is that they are trying to keep you with little money, rewarding you with “delicious things” instead of simply raising your salary. What can pass for “delicious” in company?

The boss comes to you on any more or less significant occasion and asks confidentially: “Well, what do you think about this? Do you think it will be better this way?” Establishing friendly relations is a powerful tool in the hands of the boss. Many literally melt from such an honor and are ready to endure any working conditions just because “the boss and I are great friends.” Therefore, excessive and sudden confidence is a reason to think about it.

However, it also happens differently. A reasonable boss, as a rule, establishes trusting relationships with all significant employees, regardless of the salary increase. This increases motivation at work and also makes the employee understand his value to the company.

2. They provide challenging and interesting work.

Money and career aren't everything, right? A real “star” of a company strives to develop and learn, because professional development is only possible through learning new things. And if this is impossible in the current place, the “star” will readily fly away to where it is more interesting and more complex.

Therefore, if you are assigned new interesting projects that require training and preparation, where you will have to work with something that you have not worked with before, congratulations. Most likely they are trying to keep you in your place. A reasonable boss, before handing over a new assignment, also makes it clear that by starting work at a new level, you will gain greater value both for the company and in the labor market. And after graduation, a promotion may await you... or maybe not.

This technique works especially well for young specialists who are in a hurry to learn all the basics of work as quickly as possible and are ready to plow and plow. This is not to say that this is a dishonest technique. But the increase will have to wait.

3. They force you to master a new area.

As soon as a person in his position has done everything he could, mastered everything he could and earned everything he could, he will definitely get ready to leave. To prevent this from happening, some bosses change the area of ​​work of their subordinates once at a certain time. It is important that changing the field of activity greatly increases motivation. And money, promotion - they are no longer so important when work is interesting.

4. Display monograms on a business card

If at some point gold-plated business cards appeared on your desk or your position began to be called very ornately (for example, senior director of the western sector of the warehouse), then this is a reason to be wary.

If you want, of course: for many, a beautiful job title and expensive business cards lull their vigilance, like a gentle lullaby. It happens that only a promotion to a position business card can retain a good employee. Very effective technique for workers under 35: ambitious and without a family. After this age, people burdened with family and responsibility prefer a real position and more money.

5. They promise stability

Stability is a technique for older specialists. Such people already have a mortgage, a car, children. For them, the main thing is a stable salary and safe work. If they suddenly start telling you how reliable the company you work for is, that it has Western investors, as well as extremely careful and thoughtful policies, this is a sign that you are being watched.

Why not just raise the salary?

Sometimes non-financial incentives cost the company owner more than a simple salary increase would cost. This applies to trainings and new projects that are trusted by employees. But still, to increase loyalty, the company chooses intangible methods. This happens because, in fact, it has long been known: money is not a motivator (however, in some cases it is, but temporary). Neither for people who have little of them, nor for those who have them in abundance.

For any person, the incentive to do their job well in a particular place is development, praise, and the fact that the result is appreciated. Therefore, from the company’s point of view, if a specialist is simply increased in salary or promoted, this will not add much motivation and interest to the work.

So if you really need an increase and nothing else, then go and ask directly, without being embarrassed by anyone and not paying attention to the rain of gifts. This is the only way to find out whether you are truly highly valued or just being skimped on.

  • Inga Kaysina
  • January 21, 2018
Many project managers unfortunately encounter employees who are underappreciated. This arises due to the following circumstances:
  1. Due to the fact that work is in full swing around the leader, he, first of all, notices those who show themselves. And those about which department heads speak positively at meetings.
  2. When entering the office, the boss first notices those who smile and shine with positivity. And those who smile receive a virtual plus sign in their piggy bank. And those who sit like a cloud do not receive. Such things.
  3. Management really likes people who take initiative in their work, come up with new schemes and bombard their bosses with cool ideas. And they completely ignore those who would rather choose to work according to a template than creativity and a new approach. In fact, of course, both are needed in the company. But those whose eyes sparkle and who treat work as a place for their own realization of ideas evoke deep respect.
  4. Management stops noticing employees who have repeatedly let them down in some areas. Even if they are good specialists in their field...etc.
If you feel like your boss doesn't value you, do the following:

Take a piece of paper and write down why you feel like you are not appreciated. For example: “I’m an expert in my field, but my bosses don’t praise me...” or “I get paid less than I should” or “I do an excellent job, but others don’t, but it’s not me they praise...”. After you do this, write a method for solving the problem that would help you. I think it will all come down to "talk to management." And that's right.

Unfortunately, many managers forget that they need to praise an employee. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with saying that you lack approval.

If you feel like your earnings are lower than they should be, don't be afraid to say so. But this should not look like “raise my salary, I don’t earn enough.” The dialogue should be structured along the lines of: “I have such and such responsibilities, I do my job conscientiously, I stay after work, I have had such and such successes over the last month, etc.” and only then report on what you would like to raise wages.

If you don’t want to talk to your boss or your problems are not so critical and you would like a slightly more loyal attitude towards you from management, then you can follow the following tips:

1 . Smile. Remember when I said that I pay attention first of all to those who smile? And this is not just like that. Try to remember what is happening for you. Model the situation in your head or conduct an experiment. I am sure that if you walk into the office tomorrow, you will first pay attention to those who smile good-naturedly at you and say “hello.”

2 . Image is your everything. It is very important to look good. I'm not advocating wearing expensive jackets to work and looking pretentious. But I kindly ask you to ensure that your clothes are always clean and tidy.

3 . Be proactive. When an employee offers great ideas and does his job with enthusiasm, this always evokes only positive emotions from management.

4 . Forget about the schedule. Try leaving work a little later than expected, staying late to get work done. As a manager, I appreciate employees who perceive their work as something more. If an employee comes to work exactly at 9 and leaves exactly at 6, I understand that we have a commercial relationship with him, built on “do this - you will get money.” If I see that an employee enjoys his work, I begin to treat him with sympathy. Perhaps because all managers perceive work as something more? ;)

5 . No falsehood. You shouldn't tell your boss that he looks good or that you're glad that he gave you the task - IF IT'S NOT SO. Seriously. Falseness is always felt. You don't even have to try.

6 . Keep yourself busy. I don't like employees at all who disappear in the kitchen, even if they manage to complete the work on time. Because looking at such situations, I see how the company’s money is flowing away for his wages. So he drank tea, spent an extra 20 minutes.... Total spent: 83 rubles for his salary + tea.

To sum it up:

We are confident that the advice given above will have a positive impact on the situation you have with your superiors. At least, I wanted it to be that way. Try to follow them

The situation when you put all of yourself into your work, but no one notices, deprives you of any inspiration to work. This kind of behavior from management is common in the Russian labor market. Even if you are a valuable employee in practice, if you do not publicly declare your value, few people will appreciate you. Many, however, generally prefer not to voice their achievements in front of colleagues and superiors - they say, only boastful upstarts do this. How and to whom should you tell about yourself so that you can be truly appreciated? Or maybe it’s time to change your place of employment if nothing changes?! Careerist.ru has studied the practice of Harvard Business Review experts and now shares it with its readers.

“The main thing is self-PR”

Author and University of Pennsylvania professor Annie McKee, in her book How to Be Happy at Work, argues that there is nothing worse than being invisible at work. We all want to be noticed and appreciated, so if achievements go unnoticed by colleagues, the employee will probably lose team spirit, he actually ceases to feel like part of the team. In parallel with this, anxiety appears for your future, for your career. It is obvious that a person in such conditions loses confidence in his abilities, confidence in his own needs and prospects.

However, according to writer and HBR expert Karen Dillon, anyone can change everything. In her practice, there were many situations when she managed to get a “feedback” from people; they began to see and understand the value of what Karen was doing. In her opinion, the most important thing is to find the correct version of self-PR when you praise yourself so much that no one perceives you as a braggart. Here are some recommendations from the experts.

Evaluate potential

Before you do anything, adequately assess whether your expectations are realistic. How realistic is it that your bosses, colleagues and other employees are ready to recognize your achievements? As Annie McKee says, busyness in the office is an everyday occurrence, so feedback from colleagues may not be as significant as you might expect. Even with an excellent attitude and excellent corporate spirit those around you may not notice your work, taking it for granted.

Taking this into account, if you suddenly have the feeling that your work has been undervalued, first try to independently evaluate your latest achievements, it is important that this is objective. Answer yourself: why was your work and its results more valuable than the work and results of your colleagues? Having given a truly objective assessment, answer yourself one more question: how adequate would it be to ask for a salary increase or a promotion for the achievements that were the result of your work? If you are not sure of the answers, consult with your respected colleagues.

Go to the authorities

If your efforts do not bring any results at all, Karen Dillon advises trying to communicate with your manager. Of course, in our practice there have been good and sensitive bosses, but this is rather an exception to the rule. Much more often, managers do not take into account the needs of the staff at all, treating them exclusively as a professional work unit. Such people need special approach: Don't start your conversation by saying that you need recognition. According to McKee, you need to ask your boss for advice, asking you to figure out what the lately what was positive about your work and what you still need to continue to work hard on.

Of course, you need to come to such a conversation prepared. You can even write a list of your latest achievements, which will not only allow you not to forget about them, but also emphasize your importance to the company/department/service. Bosses like to see the results of their work visually, so a list of achievements will come in handy. If, of course, they are real.

Be a visible team

If you are a team player, according to Dillon, you need to do everything to make your team stand out in the team - colleagues need to understand what you do and why it is so important. In addition, tell your boss about this: the manager should know what the team is doing, what intermediate successes it has, and what efforts you are making together to make these successes permanent. It may be worth notifying your superiors through a detailed report or even a short presentation at a meeting or operational meeting. McKee, in turn, points out that such a report must contain the names of all team or project participants. It might even be worth including them on every page.

The main goal is that your activities should be visible not only to your superiors (which, of course, is the most important), but also to your colleagues. At the same time, if only you received praise, try to distribute it among all participants, but at the same time without underestimating your role in achieving the goal. We must not forget to mention ourselves in the overall success; excessive modesty in this case is useless.

Praise others

Paradoxically, according to McKee, best way Make your work visible by diligently praising the work of everyone else in the office. By being the most active colleague and noticing positive changes in the office, you risk becoming a true “change agent.” Rest assured, in the vast majority of cases, your colleagues will respond to you with mutual praise, appreciating your work. If your manager does not have the habit of praising employees, this is not a problem; create an atmosphere of optimism yourself, single-handedly supporting your colleagues.

The fact is that our world is so dynamic that everything we produce today may be out of date tomorrow. Therefore, as McKee notes, it is important not only to achieve your own recognition, but also to support colleagues in their, albeit small, but still achievements. Perhaps tomorrow it will no longer be relevant. True, you shouldn’t overuse laudatory reviews either - this can soon significantly reduce their value.

Motivate yourself from within

Praise and positive assessments from colleagues are certainly great. But to maintain your own motivation, all this is not enough - interest in your own work is built not only on recognition and public gratitude. According to Dillon, a true professional must find internal motivators and meaning in his own work. As you grow older, external incentives and the praise of others will lose their significance, so satisfaction in the results of your own work should come from within.

First, evaluate your own work yourself - no one else but you can discover all the delights of a job well done. Secondly, finally start praising yourself. To do this, take time for “creative reflection”: what went well this week, what there were problems with, what still needs to be worked on. At the same time, focus on positive results - collect a collection of your own victories.

Move on

If, despite all your efforts, the feeling of your own underestimation has not disappeared, this is probably a sign that it’s time for you to change jobs. Our practice confirms this - a lot of people continue to stay in jobs that are, to one degree or another, less than ideal for a particular employee. There are objective reasons for this: some are trying to gain more experience, others are afraid of change and underestimate their own potential, and others are confident that everything will get better “on Monday” or “after the holidays”; it is important to be patient a little longer. However, if you really did everything that depended on you, but the work did not bring satisfaction or the desired recognition, It's probably time to look for a new employer.

Summarizing all of the above, let us note that if you are underestimated, you need:

  • Adequately assess your capabilities and expectations;
  • Talk to your boss about this;
  • Try to praise your team members and other colleagues as often as possible;
  • Do not forget about your own self-esteem and find time to praise yourself;
  • Look for other forms of motivation than external praise;
  • Think about whether it’s worth staying in a company that underestimates you.

The likelihood that you are one of those who is much higher than it seems at first glance.

Firstly, if you are interested in the topic of this article, then you already have similar suspicions. Well, secondly, the situation when a man does not appreciate or respect the woman who idolizes him is typical of our mentality.

You deserve more!

In my trainings, I often remind that no woman should settle for less than she deserves just to be with someone. To become happy and find the right life partner, you need to raise your standards and stop tolerating, humiliating yourself, and thinking that no one but him needs you anymore.

After all, in fact, everything is just the opposite - he doesn’t need you, and there are hundreds of men around who want to carry you in their arms. I think you got my message. All that remains is to determine, indeed.

I think you got my message. All that remains is to determine whether the man you love really does not value you.

So, you are wasting your time if at least one of the following 5 signs is present in your relationship.

1. You are not high on his list of priorities.

A man in whom romantic feelings are awakening must, on an instinctive level, raise his beloved (as well as her needs) to the top of his personal list of priorities.

Yes, each of us has our own personal interests, hobbies, friends, work, etc. But all this fades into the background when you fall in love.

If you feel like a “player from the bench”, who is only occasionally paid attention to, then the man does not value his relationship with you. And you definitely settle for less than you deserve.

2. You don't feel special.

A loving man will go out of his way to prove to his woman her exclusivity, to convince her that she is the most beautiful and desirable. This doesn’t mean that he should dedicate poems to you every day, give you flowers and shower you with compliments (although that would be just wonderful!).

A simple SMS with the text “I love you,” a passionate kiss before leaving for work and the phrase “You look great today!” is enough to make you smile and understand that the man you love appreciates you.

If no such actions come from him, you are definitely content with less than you deserve.

3. You receive significantly less than you give.

It doesn't matter how much you love him. If he brings more negativity into your life than positive emotions, you must let him go. Or drive away. Depending on the situation.

If you argue with him more often than you hug and make love, if he often screams and accuses you of all mortal sins, and you are still with him, then you are settling for less than you deserve.

But situations often occur when a man not only does not appreciate and respect a woman, causing her moral harm. It can even lead to physical aggression. In this case, there can be no talk of any patience. You need to get away from him as soon as possible!

4. His love must be earned.

A man who truly loves will appreciate you for who you are, and not for what you do for him (or can do). If, in order to keep the focus of his attention on you, you have to wash, cook, clean, sexually please him (especially in a way that you yourself don’t particularly like), then you are settling for less than you deserve.

No, of course, all these things are present in ideal relationship. But at the same time, they are usually mutually agreed upon and distributed equally between the partners, and are not the responsibility of only one of them.

5. You constantly have to agree to his terms.

Nobody is perfect, that's clear. Proving that we are right is an instinct that awakens in us the desire to become a winner and force our opponent to retreat.

This same instinct manifests itself in relationships. But there must be a limit, or better yet, a balance. If you notice that in arguments with your partner you constantly have to give in, then you are sacrificing yourself. You suppress your self. You make concessions to please him and maintain his goodwill.

In this case, you must understand that if you are fighting to maintain a relationship alone, then you do not need it.

Stop settling for less!

The problem with a huge portion of today's young couples is that they don't know what a healthy relationship should look like. Men forget to appreciate women and over time they begin to think that this is normal.

In turn, women give in to everything just to keep this “treasure” near them, which in fact no one needs for nothing. If you are one of them, you will never be happy.
Remember these 5 signs that a man doesn't value a relationship and take the first step towards raising your self-esteem. Then you will learn to recognize when someone is falling below the standards you have set. And this will be a good reason not to let such men into your life.

If you find it difficult to cope with all this on your own, come to . Here you can get not only my support, but also many practical advice that will help change your life for the better.

This training is one of many products that the production center produces. All products are designed to make you happy, beautiful and healthy 😉

Look at the first step you need to take to allow yourself to be a happy woman:

The most interesting articles by Yaroslav Samoilov:

Employees want to feel that their work contributes to the development of the company. If this is not the case, people begin to look for a more promising place.

Low salary

Low salary- the main sign that the company does not value its employees. If management is truly interested in the employee, then it will try to provide decent wages.

The fact of salary reduction - alarm signal, which warns of the approach of difficult times. A person should start looking for work elsewhere.

Ignoring employee successes

If the boss does not want to discuss the successes of his employees, then he is a bad leader. Absence feedback does not give a person an understanding of which direction to move.

Forced to work overtime

If an employee is forced to work shifts on weekends and holidays, that means management does not respect employee's personal time.

In this case, a person should decide for himself what is more important to him: family or work. If it's a family, it's time to start looking for a new company.

The boss openly expresses his indifference

If a boss doesn’t hesitate to tell his colleagues that they can be easily replaced by others, it means he doesn’t take the employees seriously.

Such comments indicate that the boss does not care who will do this or that work.

Lack of praise for a job well done

Management doesn't value employees if he doesn't praise him. In most companies, employees constantly hear reproaches from their boss, despite a job well done. Over time, the endless complaints become boring, and the person quits.

Reasons why an employee is underestimated

In every team there is a person who works tirelessly for several years in a row.

However, during this time, many newcomers grew up the career ladder, and this employee also remained in his place.

This can happen for the following reasons:

  • The manager notices only those who know how to show themselves.
  • Bosses trust more those people who always smile, shine with positivity and are never gloomy.
  • Any boss will love it when an employee comes up with new schemes for the company's development.

What to do if management does not value an employee

Before taking any action, a person should evaluate your chances of recognition.

If the employee is confident that he is performing his duties well, then it is time to talk to the boss.

Before you cross the threshold of your office, you should decide on your claims.

Perhaps a person does not like low pay with constant overtime, or he is angry because he did not get the desired position.

If a person does not want to talk to his boss, but wants a more loyal attitude towards himself, then he should adhere to the following points:

  • Smile. Psychologists advise smiling at colleagues more often and being more friendly.
  • Maintain image. It is not necessary to wear expensive suits or dresses, it is enough to look stylish and not pretentious.
  • Ignore the schedule. Management believes that if an employee stays late at work, it means he enjoys it. Such people are highly valued and we always try to meet them halfway.
  • No flattery. Don't tell your boss he looks great today if he doesn't. False phrases and undisguised flattery catches the eye.
  • Be busy. Managers are dismissive of those who drink tea for a long time, chat a lot with colleagues on abstract topics and strive to go home as soon as possible.

In such a situation, when the employer does not value his employee, the right decision would be for the employee to find either a new good job or