Breeding squirrels at home. Objective information about breeding and selling squirrels

Squirrel is one of the most popular hunting objects. Especially considering the fact that the world is home to a number of varieties of these fur-bearing animals, which they have learned to hunt everywhere. However, every hunter will say that for the success of his event, a good knowledge of the habits of these animals is necessary.

The squirrel is a small animal of the mammalian class, a rodent. The common squirrel is also called Veksha. Besides it, there are other types of squirrels, for example, red, palm, and flying squirrels.

In the European and Asian parts of the world, including in our country, the common squirrel is most often hunted, so we will talk about it.


The peculiarity of the animal is its large tail, which can even be longer than the body of the squirrel itself. In general, the body length is 20-30 cm, the weight of the animal is on average 300 grams. The hind legs are noticeably shorter than the front legs.

The muzzle is extended forward, black shiny eyes. Squirrels are known to have tassels on fairly large erect ears.

In winter, the squirrel has fluffy, thick grayish fur. In warm weather, the animal is covered with sparse and rough fur of dark brown, orange, yellowish, and red colors. The belly is usually lighter. Differences in the color of the main fur are associated with the habitats of the squirrels. Twice a year, in spring and autumn, the squirrel molts. The tail sheds only once a year.

The animal has good claws and strong teeth, which help in extracting and gnawing food.

Where do squirrels live?

The most suitable place for a squirrel to live is a forest, especially a dense one, with tall trees and hollows. What squirrels do not like is bright direct sunlight and at the same time dampness. Therefore, they choose places where there is neither one nor the other. If there is a forest, then most likely there will be squirrels there, unless this is Australia. And so squirrels live throughout Europe, most of Asia: in Siberia, Altai and the Urals.

Squirrels like to make their nest in tree hollows, but if the animal is unlucky enough to find such a place, it builds an open nest. Usually in a fork between branches. The nest is similar to a bird's nest, only covered on top with a flat roof to shelter the animals from snow and rain.

Hunters should know that the exit from the den usually faces east and is located slightly away from the center. However, near the trunk the squirrel also makes a backup move, in case an enemy tries to climb into the main hole. The bottom of the nest is often sealed with earth and clay - this is an inheritance from crows, whose nests are often used by squirrels as a basis. Everything inside is lined with moss, making it soft and dry.

Squirrels feed mainly on plant foods. They eat:

  • tree buds;
  • shoots;
  • mushrooms – fresh and dried;
  • berries;
  • fruits;
  • seeds;
  • nuts;
  • acorns;
  • grains;
  • bark

Their favorite food is the seeds of coniferous trees, which squirrels expertly extract from cones. They will not refuse the bird’s eggs, and if there are chicks in the nest, they too will go for food. In the spring, when the seeds germinate, the squirrels do not have enough food and they can eat insects, frogs, and small birds.

Interestingly, proteins cannot digest fiber. In general, their diet is quite rich in fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Many interesting habits of squirrels are related to nutrition. We have all heard since childhood that animals know how to store mushrooms and nuts. And this is true. Squirrels eat both fresh and dried mushrooms. It drags away excess mushrooms and hangs them on branches in the hope of using them later. In addition, they are especially active in hiding various nuts, as well as fruits and seeds. On the ground, in hollows, stumps, between stones, old nests and various other secluded places. Moreover, it cannot be said that the squirrel has directly human memory. Rather, it is an instinct to hide and seek. Therefore, she does not find everything that she hid, and she can also find and use the supplies of her neighbors.

Another sign related to the diet of squirrels: in winter they look for food in trees, get cones, husk and get seeds. Broken twigs and parts of cones in the snow are evidence that a squirrel was making its way along the top. And perhaps it is somewhere here. In the spring, squirrels have to go down in search of food. If there is a shortage of food, animals can wander from place to place, sometimes their journeys exceed 300 km, but in favorable conditions they live sedentary. During migrations, they do not move en masse, but singly, but in a wide line.

In the warm season, in the morning the squirrel leaves its shelter and goes to feed. Moreover, it is known that strong winds awaken animals earlier, at dawn. And in calm weather, squirrels can sleep longer. This information will also help hunters.

Squirrels quickly get used to taking food from a person and cease to be afraid of him.

Squirrel habits

By nature, squirrels, despite their cute appearance, are moderately aggressive and suspicious animals. At the same time, they are quite smart and cunning.

A hunter who is learning to read animal tracks needs to know about squirrels that squirrels follow old tracks, forming real trails. The path leads from the tree where the animal left its den to the feeding areas. The further into winter, the longer the squirrels' journeys in search of food. It is noteworthy that a hungry squirrel, going to feed in the morning, makes long jumps, placing its hind legs side by side. A narrow trail is formed. A squirrel that is full is heavier, lazy, jumps not so far, and places its paws further apart. So, by following the tracks, you can understand where the squirrel went - to feed or to rest.

In general, squirrels have many interesting habits. For example:

  • After morning feeding, the animals return to their shelters and sleep, hidden from the sun's rays. They swim well, but will try in every possible way not to get into the water, because they do not like dampness. It is hardly possible to see a squirrel that has voluntarily found itself in the rain. Moreover, they are afraid strong wind and especially snowstorms;
  • In case of possible danger, the squirrel stands on its hind legs, looking around the surroundings in order to detect the enemy. At the same time, she can make shrill sounds to warn her comrades;
  • It’s not for nothing that the squirrel prefers nuts to other foods. They contain quite a lot of nutrients, and the anatomical structure of the jaws facilitates the extraction of nucleoli. The lower jaw of the animal is divided into two parts, between which there is an elastic muscle. The squirrel pierces the place where the nut is attached to the branch with its lower incisors and brings the parts of the jaw together, causing the teeth to diverge and, like a wedge, divide the shell into two parts.


The female usually gives birth to cubs twice a year. The first mating season occurs in February-March, the second occurs in the summer. At this time, up to a dozen males gather around the squirrel, who sort things out with the help of teeth and claws. After mating, the babies appear a little later than a month later.

Males do not care for their offspring, but females are very caring mothers. They can bear from two to twelve babies. Baby squirrels are born blind and naked. If the mother leaves the nest, she covers the children with moss.

After about two weeks, the fur grows, later the eyes open, and teeth grow. The babies begin to look out of the nest, they are very curious and may suffer because of this - fall out of the den, become prey to predators. Grown-up baby squirrels often climb down the trunk from the nest, making sounds like clattering. At forty days, young animals can already search for food on their own, moving from mother’s milk to the diet familiar to an adult squirrel.

When the second, summer brood grows up, the parents unite the whole family and settle in one part of the forest. Puberty of young animals occurs at 5 months. In captivity, a squirrel can live up to 15 years, but in natural conditions this figure is less.

In our online store you can, the catalog contains many high-quality and detailed photographs of stuffed animals from different angles, so that in the best possible way you could evaluate the finished product.

Squirrels are perhaps the most graceful and energetic of the rodent family. They attract us with their colors and boundless energy. They get used to people very well, and especially to a place where people constantly feed them. If there are trees on your site, then attracting squirrels to the site will not be difficult. When breeding, you should not take into account the composition of the pair, since squirrels are polygamous, males and females meet only during the rutting period, and the sex ratio during this period is as follows: for one female there are two or more males. From this number of males, the female chooses the strongest and healthiest one and mates with him.

What you need to know when choosing a squirrel:

Advantages of squirrels

  • squirrels are very affectionate and friendly
  • If the squirrel is tamed, you can walk with it without a leash
  • the cleanest of the rodents
  • practically do not leave behind an unpleasant odor
  • surprise with the prudence of their behavior and are trusting

Difficulties in keeping squirrels in an apartment

  • squirrels molt
  • do not reproduce well in apartment conditions
  • can escape through a window from any floor
  • wild squirrels scratch and bite painfully without knowing pity
  • may remain indifferent to a person

Squirrel sizes

Small and medium squirrels can have a body length from 20 to 31 cm. Weight up to 1 kg. The length of the tail is 20-31 cm. The tail is densely covered with hair. The length of the tail may be greater than the length of the body or approximately equal to it. The hind limbs are powerful and longer than the forelimbs. The animal is very decorated with dark tassels on the ears and shiny, lively eyes.

Homeland of origin of squirrels

Distributed throughout the globe, with the exception of the region of Australia, Madagascar, the southern part of South America (Patagonia, Chile, most of Argentina), the polar regions and some deserts of the Arabian Peninsula and Egypt. There are about 50 species. They inhabit a wide variety of landscapes: forests, open plains, deserts, tundras, mountains, from the tropics to the Arctic. They lead a terrestrial and arboreal lifestyle. A larger number of species are still adapted to the arboreal species. There are only 2 species in Russia - the common squirrel and the Persian.

The Persian squirrel is mainly found only in the forests of Transcaucasia. Its fur is coarse and has no commercial value. They are few in number and not as attractive as common squirrels.

It lives in large numbers in the taiga zone of the European part, in the Urals and Siberia. In the past, one of the main objects of the fur trade. Squirrels live in the taiga, in mixed and deciduous forests, sticking to old areas rich in food.

In coniferous forests they feed on coniferous seeds, in deciduous forests they feed on acorns, beech and hazel nuts. Squirrels eat various berries and mushrooms, flower buds, fruits, catch beetles and butterflies landing on trees, and sometimes destroy bird nests by drinking eggs and eating chicks.

It is necessary to contain proteins. Approximate dimensions of the cage for one G squirrel: height 60 cm, length and width - 50 cm. The frame must be metal, because The squirrel will try to get free. The frame is covered with a metal mesh with cells of 10 - 15 square meters. mm. If the cage is located on the street or on a balcony, it is worth making a gable roof over it from tin, if there is no need to make a roof in the apartment. A wheel and a nest should be attached outside the cage. The cage must have shelves, branches, and snags so that the animal can actively move. But not only for this. The squirrel needs to constantly grind down its claws, otherwise they will grow so long that the animal will have difficulty moving along the ground and wooden floor, “stick” the claws to the fabric. During the light period, the animal is constantly active, inquisitive, and quickly moves from one activity to another.

A difficult time for squirrels comes during the molt. Some animals become lethargic and sleepy, while others, on the contrary, become more active or behave as usual.

Spring molting in the common squirrel occurs immediately after estrus. In males, molting begins earlier and lasts until mid-summer. Females molt later than males, but more intensely; it ends when the squirrels are born.

Feeding squirrels

The squirrel's main food is various plant foods: spruce and pine seeds, berries and fruits, nuts, fresh or dried mushrooms, tree buds and shoots. Sometimes eats insects. The egg can be given raw, but fresh. For prevention infectious diseases and poisoning chicken egg It's better to boil it hard.

An approximate daily diet for a squirrel in captivity: 10 - 15 g of white bread, 15 - 20 g of nuts, 20 - 25 g of fruits or berries, which can be replaced with dry ones in winter.

Animals love sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, cereals, spruce and pine cones. They eat vegetables well - carrots, acorns, tree buds. In addition to water, they drink juices, milk, and tea. In winter, you can add a little bee honey, vitamins A, D, E in oil to succulent food or drink to prevent vitamin deficiency once a week per animal.

Squirrels love cheese and cottage cheese. Do not give sweet candies, etc.

All products given to the animal must be well processed. It's better to give raw vegetables and fruits, but never fried. Sunflower seeds cannot be baked; they must be given raw. The animal is fed twice a day - morning and evening.

The moult begins around the eyes, on the head and down the back to the tail, then moves to the sides and limbs. The autumn molt begins at the base of the tail and moves along the back to the head, molting at the same time hind limbs. At this time, the males begin to shed first, after the end of the rut. Adult females that have not had a second litter molt earlier than females that have given birth to a second litter. The molting of young squirrels approximately coincides with the molting of adult females.

Shedding occurs gradually and does not bring much trouble when cleaning the room in which the squirrel lives. For prevention, the cage can be scalded with boiling water once a month. Usually the cage is cleaned once a week. To eliminate odor, you can use a solution of bleach and a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). For convenience, the retractable part of the bottom of the cage is covered with medium-sized plastic or plexiglass. You should periodically remove and wash off the protein waste by washing the insert with soapy water. It is often not worth disturbing a squirrel's nest. She loves her smell and experiences new ones. Squirrels are very clean and tidy up their nest themselves.

To build a nest, the animal needs building material. Place pieces of fabric, scraps of wool yarn, sawdust, a small amount of cotton wool, and straw in the cage.

To prevent the animal’s fur from being spread throughout the apartment during the next molting, install 10 cm high plates around the perimeter of the base of the cage.

The plates can be made from cardboard, plywood, glass, plastic or plexiglass.

There should always be a drinking bowl with fresh water in the cages.

In the suburbs on summer cottages Squirrels often drink from large iron barrels. They hook their hind legs onto the edge of the barrel and bend low towards the water. Some weakened animals cannot straighten up and drown.

It is attached to the walls of the cage or placed in a cage in which the squirrel cannot turn it over with its sudden movements. Two feeders are needed - for dry and wet food. Wash feeders every day. The animal will not eat contaminated food.

Reproduction of squirrels

In the wild, squirrels give birth to 2 litters per year, from 2 to 12 cubs in each. For the common squirrel, spring estrus occurs at the end of January - beginning of March. The second heat is in the summer. The heat lasts about two weeks.

The duration of pregnancy in squirrels varies. The common squirrel has 22-39 days, the gray squirrel has approximately 44 days. A common squirrel has a litter of 3 to 10 babies, and good conditions sometimes 15 - 18, but usually 3 - 4. The gray squirrel has from 1 to 5, but usually 2 - 3 cubs.

Squirrels are very touching mothers, but males do not care about their family either in captivity or in the wild. The cubs are born naked and blind, little pink lumps. After giving birth, the squirrel cleans everything up on its own. The cubs need maternal warmth and milk; when leaving the nest, the female always covers them with soft bedding.

Newborn babies have a body length of 5 - 5.6 cm, weight 7.5 - 8.5 g. They develop hair on the 14th day, the incisors of the lower jaw erupt on the 21st - 23rd day, the incisors of the upper jaw - on the 37th - 41st day . The eyes open after about a month on the 30th - 32nd day.

In a forest or forest park, baby squirrels sometimes suffer because of their curiosity. When they see a person or animal (for example, a dog), they go down the trunk and branches to get a better look at the strangers. At the same time, they make a characteristic clicking sound and attract attention.

They are sometimes knocked down with sticks and thus maimed so that the baby squirrel then dies in captivity. Squirrels often become victims of ordinary domestic cats. The cat may not have time to cause much harm to the baby squirrel - let's say it only damages the fur on its side. If you take such a little squirrel and your hands, he will wet them and click furiously, shaking his wet and cat-bitten tail. In this state, he will be an easy prey for any predator. It is necessary to treat the wound with iodine (iodine not only disinfects, but also heals). It may seem that the baby is still a baby and cannot feed himself.

To prevent the baby squirrel from starving to death, you will have to feed him from a pipette; when he grows up a little, use an empty bottle of Corvalol with a rubber tip from a pipette to feed him, at the end of which a small hole is pierced with a hot needle. By pouring cow's milk into this nipple, half diluted with boiled water cooled to 36 - 38 ° C, you will save the life of the animal.

They themselves begin to look for food at the age of forty days. At two months they begin to live independently. Sexual maturity occurs at 5 months.

In captivity, these animals live longer than in freedom - approximately 15 - 18 years. Life expectancy depends on feeding and living conditions.

Squirrel diseases

Despite their cleanliness, captive squirrels are susceptible to various diseases to a greater extent than in nature. Under conditions of limited movement, the level of metabolism in the body decreases, which, in turn, reduces resistance to disease.

Obesity is common in squirrels and other rodents. In the wild, a squirrel runs several kilometers a day. With limited movement, increased fat deposition occurs in the subcutaneous tissue. The animal develops shortness of breath and is breathing heavily.

It is necessary to reduce nutritional standards, eliminating fatty components from the diet.

Squirrel vitamin deficiencies


  • emaciation
  • lethargy
  • hair loss outside of shedding.

Introduce vitamins and vitamin-containing foods into your diet. To restore the body and prevent diseases, the cage must contain charcoal and activated carbon.

All the main signs of squirrel diseases are similar to those in hamsters.

Little tricks for keeping squirrels

If the squirrel runs away, do not try to catch it. This is a very dexterous animal, but even it will not be able to maintain its balance if it ends up on a crystal vase or chandelier.

The escaped baby squirrel will get hungry and go into the cage itself.

You have a baby squirrel, but there is no cage. Don't worry. Take an old woolen mitten or scarf and place it on a shelf in the hallway, showing this place to the animal. For greater persuasiveness, place a saucer of milk next to it.

During shedding, to prevent the fur from scattering around the apartment like poplar fluff, comb the animal with a clean comb. If this operation is carried out carefully, in addition to the benefits, the animal will receive great pleasure.

There is probably not a person who has not seen squirrels at least once - while walking in the park or in the forest. Many people feed squirrels, especially where they are accustomed to humans and do not hide from them in the treetops when they appear. Squirrels appeared on our home territory a long time ago. At first, the squirrel chased the starling out of the birdhouse for two years, then when she succeeded, she chewed up a larger entrance and took up residence in it. In mid-May, we saw a baby squirrel under a tree, but after it, others climbed out of the birdhouse. There were six in total. So two squirrels stayed with us. First we put them in a small cage and fed them soft foods: carrots and raw seeds, but after a week, we realized that our pets willingly eat peeled hazelnuts, dandelion leaves, and tree buds. When we decided that we would have our babies forever, we made a large cage for them and began to watch them.

Meet the Squirrels

This is an animal with an elongated body and a long fluffy tail. The length of my pets is 22cm (at the age of 21 months) and weighs about 600g.

The lifespan of an animal is wildlife– 7 years, in captivity - more than 10 years. The head is rounded, the nose is slightly elongated, the eyes are large and black and located on both sides of the head. The ears are relatively long, with long tassels at the ends of the same length, but only in winter; in summer there are no tassels. The hind legs are very powerful and large, and the front legs are short, with which she holds and deftly and quickly turns over the objects she needs. The fingers are elongated, with extremely tenacious claws. The color of the fur depends on the season, from silver-gray in winter to bright red in summer, but the pet’s belly is always light white. In winter, the fur is always soft and fluffy. The animal's tail is very fluffy and long - about 25 cm and helps them maintain balance when moving, and also plays the role of balance when jumping for a long time onto a tree or onto the ground.

The creative role of man in life

It is very surprising that the female squirrel is dominant and larger than the male. She easily took away the hazelnuts he had already peeled from the boy. Might drive him into a corner. In a word, the male was inferior to his neighbor. By November, we began to notice that the male had grown up and reached sexual maturity. But the female is not there yet. She didn't let him near. During this period - December - he called her, chased her around the cage, even bit her (she barely had time to hide from him), and in general there was a strong squeak. Everything dissipated when on February 26 we heard a faint squeak - near the house. Although before this I noticed that our pet eats a lot, has gained weight, has a rounded tummy, and folds her front paws and always holds them on her chest.

And her behavior before giving birth was a little strange. She deftly collected the hay with her paws, crushed it, crumpled the hay and brushwood with her teeth, and then dragged it to a secluded, quiet place in the cage - behind the house.

The appearance of baby squirrels

Squirrels are very touching mothers, but males do not care about their family either in captivity or in the wild. Four sweet little squirrels were born - two girls and two boys.

I brought her a drink so that she could drink, because she could not leave the kids for two days. They slept all the time, only squeaking occasionally. Three days later, we freely took the little one into our palm, the mother squirrel allowed us to do this.

Description of baby squirrels

The cubs are born naked and blind, small pink lumps, but with claws and not small ones. After giving birth, she cleans everything herself. For the first two days she does not leave the nest, because... babies need mother's warmth and milk. Newborn cubs have a body length of about 5 - 5.6 cm, and a weight of 7.5 - 8.5 g. Their hair appears on the 14th day, starting from the tail. First, the lower incisors of the jaw erupt in babies at about 3 weeks - these are two sharp pencils, slightly diverging from each other, and after 35 - 40 days the upper teeth also appear, but already straight and even pencils. In general, squirrels’ teeth are quite sharp; they easily gnaw through hazelnuts: 3–4 teeth, a small bite and the nut is open. First they white, but gradually they acquire a dark yellow color, which indicates good health.

The eyes open very late at 35 days. But still, this does not prevent them from crawling a little, and at this time the mother very carefully takes them, moves them with her paws, and can even, holding them in one paw and in her teeth, spin the wheel with them around the cage, thereby strengthening their them the vestibular apparatus.

But as soon as at least one eye begins to see, and they open gradually, starting with narrow slits in one (and only after 2-3 days the other eye), they begin to look out of the nest and crawl out. Why crawl out? And their legs haven’t gotten stronger yet. Squirrels are very trusting, and babies can be easily picked up and then put back in place. A month and a half after birth, the baby squirrels can already jump with might and main, although they still feed on their mother’s milk. They are quite nimble and playful, rushing after each other, but mom is right there. After two months they eat on their own, they can already be given full food: nuts (hazelnuts, pine nuts, and walnut halves), unroasted seeds, they really like cores from apples and pears, dried mushrooms, preferably old ones, white bread, and, of course, mineral vitamin supplements, which are sold both in sticks and in the form of pebbles. Drinks are also varied: water and milk.

At this time, in nature, the mother squirrel kicks them out of the house to freedom.

The male remained at the other end of the cage all this time, and did not take any part, leading a normal lifestyle. It’s easy to find out by the behavior of my pets what the weather will be like. For example: if the cold weather sets in, the squirrels drag more hay into their house, sleep together - in one house, and cover the entrance with anything: either a small pillow (we gave them) or hay. Squirrels are most active in the morning and evening hours; they are inquisitive animals and quickly move from one activity to another.

Description of the nest

All day long they rush around the cage, while a clattering sound can be heard, and if this clattering sound is present, then at the same time there is also stomping of the hind legs and wagging of the tail. It is very interesting to listen to how the male calls the female - it is a strong, drawn-out cry.

Difficult times for animals come during molting. In males, molting occurs earlier and lasts until June. In females a little later. At this time, they acquire bright red fur and lose the tufts on their ears. Autumn molting begins at the base of the tail and the growth of the tassels, and this happens at the end of summer - after the rut, again the males are the first to molt. During this period, the squirrels do not look very beautiful; the fur seems to hang in clumps.

Proteins and diseases

These animals, like others, are also susceptible to disease. They should not be overfed (especially small ones) - otherwise the metabolism will be disrupted, and at home they are limited in movement, therefore, there will be obesity. The cage should not be placed on a window or in a draft. They also suffer from the same diseases as all mammals. This includes rabies, pulmonary diseases, colds, heart diseases, etc.

Babies always sleep together, curled up and hugging each other; may be covered with a tail.

To make friends with a squirrel, you need to treat it from your hands as often as possible, trying to get it to go to your hand. And only then can you stroke it freely. But we must not forget that the squirrel has a “short memory” and without regular communication it quickly runs wild.

Squirrels and cats

Cats in urban environments often hunt squirrels, which is especially dangerous for small, defenseless children. Although you can't tell from my picture. My cat is a soft and warm bed for them.

Variety of squirrels

According to zoological classification, squirrels belong to the class of mammals, the order of rodents, and the squirrel family, in which 5 genera are noted within the territory of the CIS: squirrels, chipmunks, thin-toed ground squirrels, marmots, and ground squirrels.

All representatives of this furry family differ noticeably in size: the smallest are flying squirrels, their body length does not exceed 23-20 cm, and the largest is the common squirrel, whose body length reaches 19-25 cm. Although it fluctuates, that is, it decreases from mountainous to flat areas.

All types of squirrels are forest dwellers. You will not find them in the steppes or deserts.

Squirrels are perhaps the most graceful and energetic of the rodent family. They attract us with their colors and boundless energy. Almost all types of squirrels are true arboreal animals, staying in the crowns of trees and rarely descending to the ground. They usually spend the winter alone, but there can be up to 3-6 animals in a house. They have several nests. They lead a nomadic lifestyle. In nature, a squirrel that is older than 4 years is considered old. Offspring 2 times a year, but in the southern regions it can be three times. Usually 2-4 baby squirrels.

Having squirrels in the house that give birth, I noticed a pattern that squirrels born in winter (February, early March) are covered with gray wool and have tassels on their ears, and squirrels born in summer (July) will have brown fur and tassels on their ears. their ears will be missing.

The exception is the species - chipmunks.

By type, proteins are divided into:

  • common squirrel;
  • Persian squirrel;
  • chipmunk, or ground squirrel;
  • flying squirrel;
  • American flying squirrel;
  • bicolor squirrel;
  • gray squirrel;
  • striped or palm squirrel;
  • giant squirrel.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the common squirrel is widespread, which originated from the extinct saber-toothed Scirus smilodon, but the roots go even deeper to the ictidosuchus, then the cynodonts, and even earlier from the small predatory animal-toothed lizards theriodonts.

From my research at home, I conclude that the common squirrel can reproduce in captivity. I would even note the fact that I didn’t put in much effort, and my family of squirrels gave birth strictly twice a year: in winter - four little squirrels and in summer - two. However, I would like to note that, like any animal, they need: decent care, proper nutrition, constant physical activity, as well as care, affection and attention. This is probably the key to my success. For example, my squirrels are very sociable, you don’t have time to approach the cage, and they are already waiting for you at this edge.

Breeding squirrels in captivity is necessary in order to replenish their population in areas where, for some natural reason, their numbers have decreased. Those. so that there is no imbalance in nature; the food chain has not been interrupted, and, of course, it is possible and necessary to note that where a large number of squirrels live, forests grow thicker.

Squirrel (lat. Sciurus) is a mammal from the order of rodents, the squirrel family. This article describes this family.

Squirrel: description and photo

The common squirrel has a long body, a bushy tail and long ears. Squirrel ears are large and elongated, sometimes with tufts at the end. The paws are strong, with strong and sharp claws. Thanks to their strong paws, rodents can climb trees so easily.

An adult squirrel has a large tail, which makes up 2/3 of its entire body and serves as its “rudder” in flight. She catches air currents with it and balances. Squirrels also use their tails to cover themselves when they sleep. When choosing a partner, one of the main criteria is the tail. These animals are very attentive to this part of their body; it is the squirrel’s tail that is an indicator of its health.

The size of an average squirrel is 20-31 cm. Giant squirrels are about 50 cm in size, with the length of the tail being equal to the length of the body. The smallest squirrel, the mouse, has a body length of only 6-7.5 cm.

The squirrel's coat is different in winter and summer, since this animal sheds twice a year. In winter, the fur is fluffy and dense, and in summer it is short and sparse. The color of the squirrel is not the same, it can be dark brown, almost black, red and gray with a white belly. In summer, squirrels are mostly red, and in winter their coats turn bluish-gray.

Red squirrels have brown or olive-red fur. In summer, a black longitudinal stripe appears on their sides, separating the belly and back. The fur on the tummy and around the eyes is light.

Flying squirrels have membranes of skin on the sides of their bodies, between the wrists and ankles, which allow them to glide.

Dwarf squirrels have gray or brown fur on their backs and light fur on their bellies.

Types of squirrels, names and photos

The squirrel family includes 48 genera, which consist of 280 species. Below are some members of the family:

  • Common flying squirrel;
  • White squirrel;
  • Mouse squirrel;
  • The common squirrel or wecksha is the only representative of the genus of squirrels on the territory of Russia.

The smallest is the mouse squirrel. Its length is only 6-7.5 cm, while the length of the tail reaches 5 cm.

Where does the squirrel live?

The squirrel is an animal that lives on all continents except Australia, Madagascar, the polar territories, southern South America and northwestern Africa. Squirrels live in Europe from Ireland to Scandinavia, in most of the CIS countries, in Asia Minor, partly in Syria and Iran, and in Northern China. These animals also inhabit the Northern and South America, islands of Trinidad and Tobago.
The squirrel lives in various forests: from northern to tropical. Spends most of its life in trees, excellent at climbing and jumping from branch to branch. Squirrel traces can also be found near bodies of water. These rodents also live close to humans near arable land and in parks.

What do squirrels eat?

Basically, the squirrel feeds on nuts, acorns, and seeds of coniferous trees: larch, fir. The squirrel's diet includes mushrooms and various grains. In addition to plant foods, it can feed on various beetles and bird chicks. In case of crop failure and early spring The squirrel eats buds on trees, lichens, berries, the bark of young shoots, rhizomes and herbaceous plants.

Squirrel in winter. How does a squirrel prepare for winter?

When a squirrel prepares for winter, it makes a lot of shelters for its supplies. She collects acorns, nuts and mushrooms, and can hide food in hollows, burrows or dig holes on her own. Many squirrels' winter reserves are stolen by other animals. And squirrels simply forget about some hiding places. The animal helps restore the forest after a fire and increases the number of new trees. It is because of the forgetfulness of squirrels that hidden nuts and seeds germinate and form new plantings. In winter, the squirrel does not sleep, having prepared a supply of food in the fall. During frosts, she sits in her hollow, half asleep. If the frost is mild, the squirrel is active: it can steal caches, chipmunks and nutcrackers, finding prey even under a one and a half meter layer of snow.

Squirrel in spring

Early spring is the most unfavorable time for squirrels, as during this period the animals have practically nothing to eat. The stored seeds are beginning to germinate, but new ones have not yet appeared. Therefore, squirrels can only feed on the buds on trees and gnaw on the bones of animals that died during the winter. Squirrels living near humans often visit bird feeders in the hope of finding seeds and grains there. In the spring, squirrels begin to molt, this happens in mid-late March, and molting ends at the end of May. Also in the spring, squirrels begin mating games.

It is one of the cutest representatives of the animal world, gaining popularity as a pet. Until recently, it was believed that it would be very difficult to tame such a pretty creature, because a wild forest dweller would hardly allow himself to be picked up and allow his red fur to be stroked.

And yet, why not try to make friends with this timid animal if it has settled next door in the nearest park or has become an inhabitant of your home? How to tame a squirrel that has a large number of enemies in the wild and does not trust anyone, including humans?

Start of dating

It is recommended to start getting acquainted and, possibly, close friendship in the future with a new pet by arranging a house, which can be used as a large cage or a spacious enclosure. It is advisable to cover the floor with sawdust, and place a couple of driftwood, twigs and small tree trunks for climbing. After all, the animal is very mobile and needs to constantly grind down its rapidly growing claws.

The house itself needs to be installed in a place where the squirrel would be most comfortable: away from prying eyes, in some secluded corner, excluding direct sunlight.

In order for the animal to stop being afraid, it does not need to be disturbed at first, giving time to get used to the environment and new smells. You should know that for squirrels, the location of surrounding objects plays a significant role. Changing the location of the cage can be stressful for the red creature, which will negatively affect its behavior.

How to behave correctly with a new pet? How to tame a squirrel? During the first week, it is recommended to be in the animal’s field of view more often, letting it know that no threat comes from the owner.

What to feed squirrels?

Make sure your pet is fed at all times. According to the opinion of many people, as well as illustrations from children's books, the squirrel prefers to eat nuts: hazelnuts, pine nuts, and walnuts. besides nuts? Your pet's diet can include pine, spruce, sunflower seeds, dry and fresh mushrooms, acorns, apples, pears, carrots, white crackers.

Among the berries, the squirrel will gladly treat itself to blueberries, raspberries, viburnum, rowan, blueberries, currants, and cherries. It will happily gnaw on the buds, shoots and bark of shrubs and trees. In winter, the animal will not refuse dried fruits. The recommended number of feedings is 2 times a day; serving size - 50 grams. Plain water is suitable for drinking; You can also try giving your pet iced tea without sugar.

One of the elements of taming a forest dweller is hand feeding. First, the squirrel must remember who puts food in its cage. Over time, when the animal stops being afraid, you can try to bring your open palm with nuts or other food closer to it, while affectionately addressing the pet by name. Hands should not smell of perfumes, detergents or other aromas not found in nature.

Name for the squirrel

It is recommended to give the squirrel a name, which it should be accustomed to from the very first days of its stay in the house. It should be easy to remember and clearly pronounced. You need to address your pet by name when communicating with it, feeding it, and stroking it. Over time, the squirrel will learn its name and even begin to respond to it: turn its head when addressed.

Squirrels are very neat animals when kept and are unpretentious in their care. During the day they are awake. Living in spacious enclosures, they are capable of producing offspring. Pregnancy lasts approximately 35 days. It is better to accustom a forest animal to a domestic lifestyle with early age, therefore, it is better to have a small squirrel at home as a pet, which can forget about its previous way of life in just a few days. Adults brought from the forest have a very difficult time getting used to it and may even die from boredom. The average life expectancy in captivity is about 11 years.

Squirrel got used to it. Next steps

Once the squirrel has become comfortable in its home environment, you can try to release it. The animal must leave the cage on its own, without coercion. You must also return to your house on your own. You should know that any taming and teaching a squirrel something should always be accompanied by a tasty treat.

The most difficult task in the taming process is stroking the animal. The first attempts to touch the fur can be made after a long time of getting to know the animal, which by that time will already be completely accustomed to the owner. This can be done while eating. For the first time, 1-2 strokes will be enough, over time their number can be increased. Subsequently, she will begin to get used to touching and may even allow you to scratch her behind the ear and stroke her head.

How to tame a squirrel in the country?

How to make friends with a squirrel that lives in a nearby park, in a country house or on the territory of a private house, planted coniferous trees? The principle of operation is the same as when establishing contact with a pet. A delicious treat is an excellent incentive to establish communication. It is recommended to place nuts in the same place for a long time.

What do squirrels eat besides nuts? You can lure the forest dweller with seeds or pine cones, and stay close to this place with treats, in the field of view of the squirrels. At this time, cute animals can be invited for lunch.

A few tricks

How to call a squirrel? You can, for example, take 2-3 nuts and start clicking them loudly against each other. Gradually, the animals will get used to such feeding and will begin to calmly perceive the person bringing them treats. At this moment, when contact is almost established, part of the food can be left in the outstretched palm. With a high probability, the red creature will risk descending from the tree onto your hand to help itself to its portion of food. This is most likely if the principle of separate feeding is applied: you can put regular food in the cage, and hold out some goodies in your palm.

It should be understood that not every squirrel can be tamed enough to be petted and picked up. Some individuals, if handled carelessly and for protection purposes, may even bite.