Sweet sausage made from nuts and dried fruits. Recipe: Sweet sausage - made from dried fruits: satisfying and healthy! Prune candies with walnuts

Calories: 870
Cooking time: 25
Proteins/100g: 6
Carbohydrates/100g: 11

Many people remember such a delicacy as chocolate or sweet sausage made from nuts. Personally, I love this dessert, which my mother occasionally prepared. What a pity that the preparation of sweet sausage uses such high-calorie and fatty ingredients as butter, sugar and cookies.

However, there is a way out. You can make a sweet sausage from nuts, oatmeal and dried fruits, without sugar, only from healthy ingredients. Of course, nuts and dried fruits are also high-calorie foods, but they are natural and healthy, unlike cookies.

- a handful of almonds,
- handful walnuts,
- 2 tbsp. seeds,
- 1 tbsp. sesame,
- 1-2 tbsp. Hercules,
- 4 prunes (or other dried fruits),
- 2 tbsp. raisins,
- 1 tsp. honey to taste (optional).

How to cook at home

All nuts and seeds will need to be divided into two parts: one will be crushed to a fine crumb state, the other will be added later, it is these nuts that will make the sweet sausage beautiful in cross-section.
So, put half the specified amount of almonds and walnuts into the chopper.

But we only need rolled oats flakes in crushed form. We put them together with nuts.

Grind nuts, seeds and rolled oats flakes. The smaller the better. By the way, you can use a mechanical coffee grinder for this purpose.

Add prunes and raisins to the resulting dry crumbs, leaving a few dried fruits for later. It is better to steam the raisins in advance. You can add honey at this stage to add sweetness and viscosity.

Beat all ingredients until very thick but not sticky. It's very easy to shape into a sausage, but don't rush it. Such a sausage will turn out to be uniform in cut, but we will make it “marble” - interspersed with pieces of nuts.

Add chopped nuts to the sweet mixture, as well as whole seeds and sesame seeds.

Add some whole raisins and any other dried fruits of your choice, such as dried pineapple and diced mango.

Mix the sweet mass with a spoon. This is not easy, since the mass has become even thicker than it was.

Place the sweet mixture on baking paper and form a sausage. We wrap the edges of the paper.
Place the sausage in the freezer for an hour.

During this time, the sausage will harden and can be easily cut into portions.

You can store sweet sausage for a very long time in the freezer, removing it as needed. It never freezes to ice and is always quite easy to cut.
Serve sweet sausage with tea or coffee.
By the way, we recommend looking at the recipe for delicious and nutritious

I really love everything useful. And I am in an eternal search for something healthy to cook that my husband and son will also like. And then the idea of ​​such a sausage caught my eye.
This is just a find! And, most importantly, what’s so good about this healthy sweet sausage is that it can be made from anything! That is, any nuts, dried fruits and spices that you like. In the recipe I indicated what I had, but almost everything here is replaceable!
First, let's prepare the nuts. I'm always in lately I'll take it raw nuts and fry them myself. Because this way I have the opportunity to wash them, otherwise you never know...

After a good rinse, I simply pour them into a dry frying pan and dry them over low heat until lightly fried. At the end, add sesame seeds.

And while they're drying there, let's get to the dried fruits.

So, the basis of our sausage in my case is dates and dried apricots. I love sweet and sour dried apricots. Since it is no secret that while dried fruits are being brought to us, they can be treated with various chemicals, you need to thoroughly rinse all the dried fruits one by one and pour boiling water over them. I even add two boiling waters just in case. I take minimally processed dates, which is why they are so unsightly and with pits. So after pouring boiling water they will have to be pitted manually. But they also sell them immediately cleaned, glossy and beautiful.

Both dried apricots and dates need to be put through a meat grinder. It turns out to be such a beautiful, good-smelling, sticky sweet mass.

Next we'll deal with nuts. When they have already roasted a little, you can peel the nuts that are in the shell. And then pour the hot nut mixture directly into our sweet mass. Mix it all and add your favorite spices.

After that, just take all this dough with wet hands and form it into a sausage of any length and width you like... To make it even more presentable, you need to roll the sausage in something. It could be the same sesame seeds, poppy seeds, coconut flakes or some other healthy and tasty breading. I only had coconut flakes.

After this, wrap the sausage in parchment paper (baking paper) and put it in the refrigerator for several hours so that it hardens and takes shape. My night was over. But a couple of hours is enough.

Candies made from prunes with nuts - the taste of childhood. In our family, it was not customary to constantly buy chocolate, candy or other sweets for dessert. Store-bought “sweets” appeared on the table only during the holidays, when one of the guests or Grandfather Frost brought sweet gifts.

They made pies, pies, cakes, pastries and even sweets themselves. There were two reasons for this: the first was the taste and benefits of homemade food. Natural products, of course, cannot be compared with the chemicals that are usually included in industrial products. And even in my childhood, not all ingredients in purchased products were natural. The second reason is cost. Anyone who remembers the 90s will understand me. It was not always possible to buy what you wanted, and what can we say, sometimes there was not enough money for essential things.

I grew up a long time ago, and I can afford a lot. But my favorite dishes from childhood remain my favorites. I still appreciate the taste home product, its naturalness.

For me, my No. 1 sweet as a child was prune sausage with nuts. Prunes were bought at the market from the Uzbeks, then dried berries were sold dry, even hard, they had to be poured with boiling water or ordinary water for a while. When the prunes were steamed, the pits could be removed without any problems.

And the walnuts were from our dacha, so there was never a shortage of this delicacy.

A little orange or lemon zest, juice of the same citrus fruits, honey, coffee liqueur or cognac were also added to prune and nut candies. Sometimes they prepared sweet “salami” with sesame seeds, coconut flakes, cocoa, various mixtures of nuts, raisins, dried apricots, and so on.


  • 400 gr. prunes
  • 300 gr. walnuts or a mixture of other nuts to taste
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey or to taste
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon or orange juice
  • 1 tsp. zest
  • 1/2 tsp. ground star anise

Prune candies with walnuts

Finely chop pitted prunes and nuts.

Mix prunes with citrus juice and zest, add honey to taste and ground star anise. Grind the dry fruits well into a paste. You can use a blender or mortar.

Grind the walnuts with a mortar into fine crumbs. The size of the nuts should be the same as the lard in a regular sausage, such as salami. This way the resemblance to sausage (in appearance) will be even greater, and in taste for sweetness - this is the best option.

Mix prune paste with nuts. Place the mixture on cling film, carefully distribute it in the center of the film, and then wrap it in a thick, tight sausage. If you have a mold of the appropriate size, then it is better to use it.

Place the “sausage” of prunes and walnuts in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. After this time, dessert will be ready to eat.

Interesting idea! Try serving the sweetness not with tea or coffee, as we usually do. And to the cheese! Many types of cheese go well with sweet fruits and dried fruits. well suited for such an experiment.

You can store prune candies in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks. But in fact, they are eaten much faster.

Bon appetit!