Orange oil how to use. essential oil of orange

Sweet orange appeared in Europe in the 16th century. But, despite the numerous beneficial properties of this fruit, its oil began to be used for medicinal purposes only from the end of the 17th century.

In the manufacture of essential oil (EO) of sweet orange, fresh peel is mainly used (). The finished product is a viscous yellow-orange liquid with a pleasant smell close to the aroma of ripe fruits.

Today, sweet orange essential oil is widely used internally and externally (most often added to dry skin care products). It is included in bath salts and foams, deodorants, creams, colognes, perfumes.

As a food additive, oil is used in the confectionery industry, in the production of alcoholic beverages: liqueurs, spirit tinctures, vodka, etc.

Medicinal properties

The beneficial properties of sweet orange oil are striking in their diversity, here are just a few of them:

  • increased immunity;
  • stimulation of the nervous system;
  • improving bowel function;
  • blood purification;
  • antispasmodic and choleretic action;
  • removal of toxins;
  • regulation of carbohydrate-fat metabolism;
  • improvement of vision;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes and bleeding gums;
  • antiseptic properties (for flu, colds, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract);
  • pain relief for neuralgia and headache;
  • relief of muscle, joint, and menstrual pain;
  • beneficial effect on bioenergetics (relieving fatigue, depression, increasing efficiency, restoring the aura after stress and illness).

Aromatic baths with this essential oil, which have a calming effect, are very useful as a remedy for insomnia or nervous excitement.

Do not forget about the cosmetic properties. Orange oil evens out the complexion, has a whitening effect, activates cell renewal, gives elasticity to the skin and strengthens the hair.

It is also a good remedy for cellulite, obesity and edema.

Application and dosage

For scented lamps: 4 drops per 5 sq. m.

For bath: add 4 drops with emulsifier. Any base oil (jojoba, coconut, olive, linseed,) can act as an emulsifier, as well as milk or saline.

For inhalation: dilute 2 drops with an emulsifier in a glass of water.

To care for gums and oral cavity:

  • for applications - mixed with vegetable oil (proportion 1: 1);
  • with daily rinsing - a drop in a glass of water.

Also, sweet orange essential oil can be enriched with creams, tonics, face masks and shampoos (5 drops per 10 g of base) or used internally (add 1 drop twice a day to tea or juice).

Home cosmetics recipes

Mask for the face

To 10 ml of almond oil, add 1 drop each of orange, chamomile, lavender and sandalwood essential oils. Apply the resulting mixture with a cotton swab to the skin for 25 minutes, after which the excess can be removed with a damp cloth.

This mask helps to eliminate peeling and dry skin.

Hair Mask

20 ml olive oil + 2 drops orange EO + 4 drops geranium EO. The mixture is applied for half an hour to clean hair, then washed off with shampoo.

The mask is great for dandruff.

Mixture for anti-cellulite massage

To 3 tbsp. l. natural honey add 2 drops of oils of orange, juniper, lemon and lavender. After thoroughly stirring the resulting mixture, apply it with patting movements to problem areas.

If you do such a massage every other day for 2 weeks, combining it with other methods of fighting cellulite, the “orange peel” will become much smaller, and with a long course it will disappear altogether.

Sweet orange essential oil is inexpensive, so everyone can appreciate its beneficial properties.

Security measures

  • allergies to citrus fruits,
  • individual intolerance,
  • hypotension,
  • cholelithiasis (only with the permission of a doctor).

In sunny weather, this essential oil (EO) should be used with great care, as it has accumulative properties and can cause skin burns. Although a short burning sensation and slight stinging when applying the oil to the skin or while taking a bath is normal.

Today, orange oil is most often used in home cosmetology, traditional medicine, perfumery, cooking, and aromatherapy. It turns out the ether from the peel of not only sweet, but also bitter fruits. Orange oil is found in the form of an oily liquid of an orange or yellow hue, has a pronounced characteristic aroma. The oil obtained from bitter orange has a more viscous consistency and a rich color (bright orange or dark brown). It will feel a fresh and slightly bitter smell, which is characterized by a light, almost imperceptible shade of citrus.

Properties of orange oil

The scope of use of essential orange oil is quite wide, as it has a lot of useful properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • deodorizing;
  • bactericidal;
  • tonic;
  • is an effective natural antidepressant.
Orange oil has the property of awakening the appetite, which is why it is recommended for use during the treatment of symptoms of anorexia. For many centuries, this tool has been actively used in perfumery. It is added to perfumes, lotions, creams, deodorants, and colognes.

Dosage of orange oil

Using orange oil, like any other ester, you must carefully follow the correct dosage, otherwise there is a risk of causing serious harm to your own health.

Orange oil can be used in the following dosages:

  1. For the preparation of aromatic baths, 5 drops of pure ether are taken, but no more.
  2. To obtain cosmetic nutrients, it is necessary to use 5 drops of ether per 20 g of base (cream or lotion).
  3. For the preparation of smoking mixtures that will be used for medicinal purposes, 2-5 drops of ether are taken (the volume of oil is determined taking into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room).
  4. Orange oil can be used as an additional active ingredient in shampoos. This product is ideal for dry hair and dandruff treatment. In this case, 4–5 drops of ether are taken per 20 g of raw material.
  5. For a massage, it will be enough to take 8 drops of ether per 30 g of any cosmetic product, to which oil will be added.
  6. For a bath or sauna, you need 8-9 drops of orange oil.
  7. Orange oil can be used to rub the joints to relieve pain - about 7-8 drops of ether are taken per 20 g of the base.

How to use orange oil?

Orange oil helps with bleeding gums - it is recommended to use as compresses. A lotion with orange and vegetable oil is applied to the gums (the components are taken in equal proportions). Orange ether can also be added to a variety of medicines designed to combat different types of dermatitis.

Also, orange oil will help improve eyesight and is beneficial for people who are forced to work at a computer for a long time. Due to the constant load on the eyes, orange oil quickly relieves tension from the accommodative muscle.

By adding 1 drop of ether to a glass of fresh orange juice, you can get rid of hypovitaminosis in the spring, and with the onset of summer, this drink will provide a quick and even tan.

This remedy has a pronounced pacifying effect, therefore it helps to quickly get rid of attacks of insomnia, which was provoked by strong nervous strain. Orange oil can be used to combat stress as well as emotional exhaustion.

Scientists were able to determine another unique property that orange oil has - it helps to lower bad cholesterol in the blood.

Regular intake of orange oil helps to improve the process of absorption of vitamin C by the body, therefore, the likelihood of developing various infections is minimized. This remedy is recommended for use during the treatment of colds, accompanied by high fever and bronchitis.

Ether helps to normalize the functioning of the intestines, so it is prescribed to treat diarrhea and constipation, especially if you have recently experienced severe stress.

This remedy is also beneficial in case of disturbances in the functioning of the circulatory system, with edema, obesity. Orange oil helps to improve the process of formation of collagen fibers, which are necessary for the proper creation of muscle tissue. That is why this remedy is recommended for use in rickets and severe muscle pain.

Orange oil is popular among girls, as it helps to quickly get rid of pronounced signs of cellulite. It helps to increase the elasticity of the epidermis, accelerates the process of removing toxins from the body.
This tool is useful for owners of dry skin, especially if there are pronounced signs of peeling. Under the condition of its constant use, the formation of new wrinkles is prevented, the process of cell renewal is accelerated. Also, orange oil quickly cleanses the skin and removes age spots, freckles.

Orange oil is considered to be a universal remedy for aromatherapy, as it can be combined with any other types of essential oils - for example, clove, chamomile, jasmine, juniper, lavender, coriander, cypress, etc.

This tool has a positive effect on human bioenergetics and during massage. Orange oil helps to quickly restore emotional balance, severe illnesses and stress are much easier to endure.

For hair care

With the help of orange oil, you can eliminate the increased dryness of the scalp, cure dandruff and effectively strengthen the hair. This tool can be used in a variety of ways.

You can take a couple of drops of ether and apply to the surface of the comb, then carefully comb the curls so that the product is evenly distributed along the entire length. This type of oil is allowed to be used 3 times a week, but only if an allergic reaction is not caused.

The mask with the addition of orange oil brings benefits:

  1. It is necessary to mix 6-7 drops of ether with 2 tbsp. l. coconut oil (can be replaced with almond, olive, sesame).
  2. The base oil is first heated in a water bath, then orange ether is added.
  3. The resulting composition is applied to wet hair, then a plastic bag and a warm towel are put on top.
  4. The mixture is left on the curls for 50-60 minutes, then the head is washed using shampoo.
You can use a hair balm that does not require rinsing:
  • Take 1 tbsp. l. crushed flax seeds, 1 tsp. coconut oil, 3-4 drops of orange essential oil.
  • First, the flax seeds are ground until a powder is obtained. Then it is poured with 100 g of water (hot) and left to infuse until the liquid has completely cooled. The mixture is then filtered.
  • Coconut and orange oil are added to the resulting broth, all components are mixed well.
  • The finished balm is applied to pre-washed and wet strands - a small amount of the product is rubbed in the palms and evenly distributed along the entire length of the curls.

You should not use too much balm, because as a result, the hair will look greasy and dirty. This cosmetic product is very easy to prepare, but with regular use, you can easily get rid of the problem of split ends and strengthen your hair. After a monthly course, the strands become silky and soft to the touch, restore their natural shine and the styling process is greatly facilitated.

For facial skin care

Orange oil is ideal for owners of dry skin. It can also be used for lip care. This tool helps to stimulate the process of blood flow to the skin, therefore, there is an improvement in the restoration of tissue cells.

To care for dry skin, you can prepare a nourishing cream yourself:

  • You need to take 2-4 drops of orange oil and 2-2.5 tsp. base oils.
  • A little base oil is applied to the palm and orange is added.
  • The resulting composition is applied to the pre-cleansed skin of the face, décolleté and neck and distributed with gentle movements.
  • The cream is literally driven into the skin in the eye area with light patting movements of the fingertips.
To care for problem skin, you can use the following mask:
  1. To prepare this composition, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. blue clay powder, 2 tbsp. l. fresh orange juice, 1 egg white, 2 drops of orange oil.
  2. Clay powder is diluted with fresh citrus juice. Protein is whipped with a whisk, and all components are mixed.
  3. The resulting composition is applied to pre-cleansed facial skin and left for about 12-16 minutes, then washed off.
  4. At the end of the cosmetic procedure, any nourishing cream is applied.
For aging skin, it is recommended to use an easy-to-prepare mask:
  1. Is it taken? ripe banana pulp, 3-5 drops of orange oil.
  2. Banana is pounded until a mushy mass is obtained, then orange oil ether is introduced.
  3. The resulting composition is applied to clean skin and left for 25-32 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

If this mask is used regularly, the nasolabial folds, wrinkles in the area around the eyes are smoothed out, the skin is tightened and becomes softer.

Against cellulite

To quickly get rid of the unsightly signs of cellulite, it is recommended to use a relaxing bath. A couple of drops of orange ether dissolve in warm water, other citrus oils can be added, which will enhance the benefits of the procedure. You need to take a bath for about 15–18 minutes - you just need to lie down in warm water, enjoying a pleasant aroma, then gently pat your skin dry without using soap to remove oil residue.

Orange oil helps maintain beauty, youth and health. It is enough just to use it regularly as an additional agent for a cream or lotion, or add it to water while taking a bath, and a positive result will not be long in coming.

For more information about the properties of orange oil and how to use it, see this video:

The intense and bright smell of orange oil invigorates, revitalizes, creates a sunny mood. It is one of the main cosmetic fragrances. Extracted from orange peel, it is considered affordable due to the simple production process. Orange essential oil, whose aromatic properties are used in everyday life, cosmetology, treatment, is a very valuable, useful product.

How is orange oil extracted?

Orange oil is extracted by hydrodistillation - steam distillation. And also by the method of cold pressing from the peel. From other parts of the plant, flowers, leaves, oil is also obtained, but of a different property. The best product comes from Spain and Guinea. American or Brazilian oil is a by-product of orange juice production. Its quality is worse.

Characteristics of the aromatic substance

Orange essential oil, which exhibits properties in the form of tonic and relaxing effects, is a fluid liquid. Traces of yellow color remain on the napkin - pigments and dyes. The antioxidants contained in the composition are special additives that keep the liquid from oxidizing. Otherwise, the oil will be unstable and will not survive long-term storage.

There are oils of sweet and bitter orange, somewhat different in smell and composition. In the second case, the flavor is more subtle. And also orange oil is combined with the smells of other citruses, conifers, spices and flowers. A particularly pleasant effect is obtained when mixed with lavender.

Medicinal properties

Orange essential oil has properties to heal the body in the form of the following manifestations.

  • Calming and relaxing effect. Oil eliminates anxiety, discomfort, nervousness, relieves anxiety, normalizes sleep, relieves stress. Bitter orange calms the central nervous system, favorably influencing it.
  • Tonic smell improves the state of emotions, relieves fatigue. Its properties are known to increase efficiency, focus and concentrate attention.
  • Regenerates.
  • Stimulates the immune system. Helps to restore the body after illness.
  • Relieves tension from the muscles of the eyes, promotes visual acuity.
  • Has an antiseptic effect. It is used in the treatment of stomatitis, colds and other infections in the respiratory tract.
  • Anti-inflammatory agent. Medicine uses oil for bleeding gums, respiratory diseases.
  • Improves blood circulation, vascular function, normalizes blood pressure, eliminates fluid retention.
  • Improves appetite, digestion.
  • Helps with obesity and elimination, normalizes metabolism.
  • Relieves headache, muscle pain, joint pain, neuralgia. It is an antispasmodic, has therapeutic properties.


Orange essential oil, the use of which brings a healing effect, has a very wide range of uses. These are cosmetology, aromatic therapy, traditional medicine and everyday life.

domestic use

In the home, oil is used for fragrances, eliminating bad odors, and disinfecting the air. At the same time, the working capacity of people increases. Aromatization of rooms is highly recommended to create a comfortable atmosphere. For example, you can use . Five drops of this fragrance is enough for a room of 20 square meters. They are applied to a napkin, a lamp or added to water.


Essential oil of orange, whose properties are widely used in cosmetology, restores the skin, making it supple. It enriches creams for all skin types, helps to smooth wrinkles, fortifies, protects and whitens. In the cosmetic field, oil is most widely used. If the skin has problems, it can eliminate the effect of pore enlargement, smooth out acne scars. In hair care, oil helps to eliminate dandruff, dryness.


The first thing to remember: with caution! Orange essential oil, the use of which is beneficial in several areas of our lives, can be harmful. Such cases are observed in people with hypersensitivity, allergic reactions. To check for the presence or absence of contraindications, the substance is applied to the area of ​​the skin behind the ear or the bend of the elbow. One drop is enough to reveal irritation. Orange oil is not applicable under the following circumstances. Remember, that !

  • Having an allergy to citrus.
  • Sunny weather. Orange essential oil, which is used in intense sun conditions, can be harmful, as it is a phytotoxic substance. On such days, it is better not to apply it to exposed skin.
  • Pregnant women should be careful when using the oil.
  • Epilepsy should be afraid of the consequences.
  • With hypotension.
  • With gallstone disease.

Orange essential oil, which can be beneficial in reasonable amounts, should be dosed. The standard assumes the following doses of additives.

  • Creams, tonic water, lotion require 5 drops per 15 grams of product. For oily skin, it is better to use it in a mixture with juniper.
  • For the bath, 5 drops of fragrance are also added. Such a water procedure restores strength and helps to relax.
  • During the massage, vegetable oil or cream is flavored with 3 drops of orange essential additive.
  • Compresses, rinses require only 1 drop per glass.
  • 1 drop is also added to tea or other drink. But no more than 2 times a day.

About how to use

  • Inflamed gums, in addition to rinsing, can be treated with applications of a mixture of orange and vegetable oil in a ratio of 1: 1 three times a day.
  • Orange oil is a component for inhalation in the treatment of the respiratory tract. 3 drops are dissolved in a glass of hot water and inhaled for about 5 minutes. Invigoration is given by cold inhalations. With sore throat, oil is applied to a napkin and breathe with eyes closed.
  • Before going to bed, the room is scented to eliminate anxiety and improve the night's rest.
  • The air in the bath, sauna is flavored by pouring water with a drop of oil onto hot stones.


The properties of sweet orange essential oil have a positive effect on the psychological state of people, emotions, mood, and have other advantages. With cosmetic care, the treatment of cellulite, the fight against excess weight, he also proved to be a good side. An inexpensive and quite affordable aromatic substance will add an exotic touch to our lives.

Orange oil a (English Orange oil, lat. Citrus sinensis) is an essential oil that is extracted from the peel of an orange, its flowers and the leaves of the tree itself. It is produced by cold pressing or hydrodistillation. Oil from the "solar fruit" gives the body energy, beauty and health, has an anti-cellulite and soothing effect.

The orange is native to India and China. No wonder this orange fruit is called the "Chinese apple". The first oil was extracted from the peel using a hand press, it had a greenish-yellow hue. Now produced according to the latest technologies, it has a beautiful color, persistent aroma and many valuable properties.

essential oil of orange

From the fresh peel of less sweet fruits, cold pressed orange essential oil. It is highly concentrated, has a brighter tart smell.

one). Firm Now Foods produces orange essential oil"Essential Oils, Orange" (1 fl oz, 30 ml). The drug is 100% natural, quality tested. Made from fresh orange peel. The oil has tonic, refreshing and invigorating qualities.

Recommendations for use: to prepare an orange mixture you need to mix 10 drops orange and 25 drops of concentrated vanilla oil in a spray bottle, then apply as directed.

For the preparation of cosmetics, you need to use or as a base, adding a few drops of orange extract to them according to the instructions. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult a doctor before taking.

orange oil refers to those few oils that are successfully combined with other drugs, such as and. These oils do not just get along together, they enhance each other's beneficial properties. For example: to relieve fatigue, you can make a mixture of lavender oils and orange and apply them on the wrist or place in an aroma lamp. It is enough to take 5 drops of each oil.

Sweet orange essential oil obtained from the rind of fruits of a bright yellow-orange color. The invigorating citrus aroma of the oil is imparted by the antioxidant limonene, which, in alliance with fatty acids and active biological compounds, determines the healing qualities of the essential oil.

2). Firm Aura Cacia produces 100% pure sweet orange essential oil"Pure Essential Oil, Sweet Orange" (5 fl oz, 15 ml). The oil is made from natural raw materials and has a typical orange aroma. The drug is intended for use in aromatherapy.

  • Preparation of a refreshing spray: pour 30 ml of water into the spray bottle, add 9 drops of lavender oil and orange.
  • Shower gel: take 1 teaspoon of unscented shower gel, pour 2 drops into it orange oil and 1 drop of lavender.

Do not use the product internally. According to customer reviews, the oil helps well with winter-spring aromatherapy. Relieves headaches, relieves insomnia and anxiety.

Orange oil: composition

The basis of the chemical composition orange oil Limonene is a strong antioxidant. It participates in the fight against, normalizes blood supply and strengthens blood vessels. The second most important oil is myrcene, a natural monoterpene that strengthens the immune system and protects against intestinal infections. Orange is a famous source. Part orange oil includes:

Scientists have identified orange oil about two hundred biologically active compounds and substances. The following elements are represented by the largest number:

  • Limonene - a strong antioxidant involved in the fight against free radicals, normalizes blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels. It averages 85-96% of the total extract.
  • Myrcene - a natural monoterpene that strengthens the immune system and protects against intestinal infections.
  • Phytoncides known for their antiseptic properties
  • Vitamin C - an important antioxidant that is responsible for immunity, promotes the removal of toxins, keeps the skin supple and elastic
  • is responsible for the restoration and renewal of skin cells, promotes the healing of damage.
  • breaks down carbohydrates and fats, helps to reduce weight.
  • , experts say that he is able to replace a visit to a beautician. It maintains the normal fat content of the hair, nourishes the skin of the lips, and prevents them from cracking.
  • Several types of alcohol that inhibit inflammatory processes: ethyl, amyl, phenylethyl .
  • Citronellal We owe him such a unique aroma.
  • Citral And kadinen destroy harmful bacteria.
  • Fatty acidpalmitic, myristic, linoleic and oleic. They maintain the desired level of skin hydration, activate lipid metabolism.
  • Bergapten . Participates in the formation of melanin, which protects the skin from the negative effects of the sun.
  • Fellandren . Stimulates education.
  • Furfural . Optimizes the work of the sebaceous glands, prevents the formation of acne and.

All these components, combined in one substance, endow each drop orange oil with its healing properties.

Orange oil: properties

Beneficial features orange oil due to its unique composition and special fruity aroma. Main qualities orange oil:

  • Sedative . A special citrus aroma helps to relieve irritation, relax, calm down without the use of drugs.
  • Anti-inflammatory . It provides quick help in inflammatory processes of various origins, such as: poisoning or infection. The oil can reduce pain and stop the inflammatory process.
  • Diuretic . It has a mild diuretic effect. Together with excess fluid, it removes toxins, excess salts and other harmful substances from the body.
  • mild laxative . Without unnecessary discomfort, it helps to clear the intestines of gases.
  • antiseptic . Blocks the growth of microorganisms in wounds and abrasions.
  • Relieving spasms . The oil has the ability to relax both nerve and muscle spasms. This reduces the frequency of seizures, reduces pain.

Orange oil: application

orange oil found its application in almost all spheres of human life.

In medicine:

  • As an antispasmodic.
  • To stimulate the secretion of hormones.
  • To activate the processes of digestion.
  • For problems of a sexual nature.
  • Conclusion from an alarming state, removal.
  • Prevention of infections.
  • As a rinse for toothache and sore throat.

An interesting fact - it will help to cope with seasonal allergies. With an allergy to plant pollen, inflammation occurs in the sinuses, as the body perceives the allergen in the form of pollen as a foreign body and fights it. In this case, anti-inflammatory properties orange oil slow down the inflammatory process and let the nose breathe freely.

In cosmetology:

  • For the manufacture of cosmetic products for face and body skin care.
  • For scenting scrubs, shampoos and soaps.
  • For hair care.
  • As part of massage oil.

Orange oil will help to cope with difficulties in everyday life:

  • A good natural repellant - moths, ants and houseflies do not tolerate the orange smell.
  • Addition to the dishwashing detergent - it turns out a natural antiseptic with a wonderful smell.
  • The composition of the air freshener - as a result, no chemistry, pleasant aroma and good mood.

In the confectionery industry, it is used to flavor food: drinks, sweets, chocolate and desserts.

Orange oil: for hair

orange oil will give beauty and health to hair with any structure and level of fat content. Procedures with a fragrant healer will get rid of dandruff, strengthen hair roots, restore hair structure, make hair elastic and shiny. Here are a few of them:

  • Aroma combing - distribute 3 drops of oil on the comb and gently run it through the hair without touching the roots. It is important to do this no later than an hour before sun exposure.
  • You can add oil to your shampoo or conditioner. This should be done before washing your hair, at the rate of 6 drops of oil per 10 ml of shampoo.

Orange oil: for body skin

To maintain healthy body skin is a real find. It has the ability to penetrate deep into the skin and increase collagen production. As a result:

  • The skin retains moisture, improves its color
  • Increases skin turgor and elasticity
  • The symptoms of aging are delayed in time.

To activate metabolic processes, it is enough to add a few drops of oil to the cosmetic product.

Orange oil: for the face

Beauticians value universal qualities orange oil for the face, as it suits people with different skin types.

  • Aroma oil smoothes and moisturizes dry skin, softens the surface.
  • When applied to oily skin, the oil normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, prevents the appearance of acne, and improves elasticity.
  • On normal skin, under the action of oil, small wrinkles are smoothed out, skin tone is evened out.
  • Combination skin receives vitamins and beneficial trace elements from aroma oil.
  • Inside - add 2 drops to tea or other drink.
  • In the bath - drip a few drops into the water for washing or on the stones.
  • Outside - pour 6 drops of oil into 10 g of massage milk.

When losing weight with orange oil weight is reduced, the skin becomes elastic without cellulite, body volumes go away. Food supplements, or powerful ones, will help speed up the process of losing weight, so it makes sense to combine procedures with essential oil with taking these drugs.

Orange oil: in a pharmacy

You can buy it at a pharmacy, in specialized stores and even in the household department. But when buying a low-quality product, you should not expect a useful result. It is important to choose the right quality oil. When buying, it is important to look at where the product was made. It is better to choose a country where oranges are grown in large quantities. These are countries such as: USA, China, Spain, India and Egypt. Unfortunately, the drug is often counterfeited and it is difficult to find a natural remedy. In our country, raw materials are imported, so drugs are often produced with a low concentration and not very high quality.

It is more profitable to buy products in online stores of those countries where oranges are grown and oil is made from them. Following the link below, you can go to the website of a well-known online store, it works directly with companies that produce.

Orange oil: instruction

Before using, be sure to read the instructions for use orange oil.

Important Reminder: even drunk orange juice reduces the protection of the skin from the sun's rays.

To get a good result, procedures using orange oil should be carried out systemically, but not more than 2 times a week.

Orange oil: how to use

In order to get the maximum benefit from the use orange oil you need to know how to use it correctly. There are recommended dosages of oil consumption:

  • For use in an aroma lamp, 3-5 drops of oil are taken for a room of 15-20 m 2.
  • To supplement cosmetic preparations, 5 drops of oil are taken per 15 g of the main component.
  • For massage milk there are 6-10 drops orange oil for 10-20 g of base oil.
  • Add 3 to 10 drops of oil to the bath.

The main thing is that part orange oil did not exceed 10% in the total composition.

Orange oil: inside

It should be taken orally carefully, previously, having stirred in water, juice, etc., without exceeding the dosage. The recommended rate is no more than 2 drops of oil per day, as it is a concentrated extract. As a preventive measure, 1 drop of oil can be added to juice or tea daily.

Orange oil: contraindications

The main contraindication for use orange oil is allergic to citrus fruits. The second most important factor is phototoxicity. orange oil. It reduces the ability of skin cells to withstand the effects of sunlight. Therefore, you can not apply oil to the skin just before going outside.

The essential oil is available in a concentrated form, in order to prevent burns it is necessary to mix it with the carrier oil. It is not recommended to use oil for serious diseases: epilepsy and oncology.

Orange oil: reviews

Most application reviews orange oil written by women and they are all positive. Not so long ago, many discovered not only the pleasant aroma of the oil, but also its benefits in cosmetology. Women note that after adding to the cream orange oil, the skin stopped peeling in winter, pigmentation decreased, the feeling of oily face disappeared.

Orange oil: price

The price in specialized stores and pharmacies depends mainly on the trade margin of the store itself and on the manufacturer. It's no secret that cheap products are not of high quality. You can buy natural oil in a well-known online store by clicking on the link below. The store receives products directly from manufacturers, therefore, there is no cheating on intermediaries. Therefore, the prices are an order of magnitude lower than in other points of sale. Analogues are sold in domestic online stores orange oil, which are of lower concentration, may not be of high purity and concentration. In order for the drug to really benefit, it is wiser to buy it in a trusted store by clicking on the link. Here, at affordable prices, you can buy propolis the best cashback services

Eleonora Brik

Orange oil takes pride of place among the esters that help us, women, maintain a beautiful appearance. It is rich in antioxidants and vitamins that eliminate skin imperfections, make hair thick and manageable, and the body elastic.

Composition of orange oil

This product contains useful substances that heal the body. These components create a unique smell that helps to improve the functioning of the nervous system.

Composition of orange oil:

  • D-limonene. It causes disinfectant properties, is a powerful antioxidant, thanks to which skin whitening and getting rid of age spots occur.
  • Vitamin C. It is also an antioxidant, removes toxins and other harmful substances. Maintains firmness and elasticity of the skin.
  • organic acids. Acts as a mild cleanser. They dissolve the upper keratinized layer of the dermis, allow it to breathe and be saturated with useful substances.
  • Vitamin A. Responsible for cell regeneration. Helps the skin to recover from injuries, become smooth and elastic.
    B vitamins. Eliminate inflammation and soothe the skin.

Since orange oil contains D-limonene, there are rules for using masks. Beautician advice:

  • Do not use recipes more than once a week.
  • Do not keep the mask longer than 10 minutes.
  • Do cosmetic procedures 2-3 hours before going outside, and preferably before going to bed.
  • Do not apply directly to the face, mix with other base oils or products (only spot application on pimples, blackheads, freckles, age spots and other skin lesions is allowed).

Application of orange oil

Due to its numerous properties, it is used in many areas. The tool is able to get rid of ailments, preserve beauty, and also protect the nervous system from stress.

Application of orange oil:

  1. The medicine. Removal of inflammation, headaches, joint pain. Treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, such as bleeding gums, suppression of the infectious process. Orange oil improves vascular function and removes excess fluid from the body, improves digestion, relieves eye fatigue.
  2. Psychotherapy. The use of oil can both calm and tone the nervous system.
  3. Cosmetology. Relieves dryness, oily sheen, acne and inflammation. It reduces the appearance of cellulite, restores skin elasticity, whitens it. Effectively copes with dry and oily seborrhea.
  4. At home. Volatile ethers eliminate unpleasant odors, so sachets soaked with this agent are hung in closets, placed on shelves with bed linen. An aroma lamp is used to eliminate unpleasant odors in the room.

Combinations of this product with mandarin, grapefruit, ylang-ylang, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and lavender give a good result.

Properties of orange oil

The product has a bright orange color and a sweet smell. It is absolutely transparent. If you bought oil in a pharmacy, then most manufacturers, knowing this feature, add natural preservatives.

There are 3 types of product:

  1. Sweet orange oil. Normalizes oily skin, improves its tone, removes toxins, whitens and softens. After application, the pores are reduced, inflammation disappears, the skin becomes tightened and shines from the inside.
  2. bitter orange oil. Suitable for moisturizing dry, sensitive and losing elasticity skin. It is used for increased hair loss, loss of shine and increased fragility. The aroma of this remedy relieves depression and loss of energy. Bitter orange oil is often used to flavor the air, creating a comfortable and relaxing environment.
  3. Red orange oil. Effective for the care of normal skin, but can also be used to eliminate the first wrinkles. Removes swelling, eliminates cellulite, removes toxins and other harmful substances. It is used for the treatment of respiratory diseases, disinfection of the premises. In home hair masks, it gives the hair smoothness and shine.

Each variety has similar and different properties, so, depending on your desires, choose the oil that will be most useful to you.

Obtaining orange oil

The product is obtained from the peel by cold pressing. Some companies (more often in Brazil or the USA) combine the process with the production of juice to save money, while the beneficial properties are lost. It is better to prefer products made in Spain and Guinea.

You can cook the product at home. Obtaining orange oil does not take much time and effort.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Wash 3 oranges under running water with laundry soap or baking soda to get rid of the chemicals sprayed on the fruit.
  2. Then scald with hot water (this will help wash off the wax layer).
  3. Peel the orange. We only need the peel, it’s not worth cutting and grinding in a blender, because vitamin C decomposes when it comes into contact with metal.
  4. Put the peel in a jar, pour 200 grams of olive, peach, coconut or other base oil.
  5. Leave to infuse for 4 days, and then put to languish in a water bath for half an hour.
  6. After that, cool, strain, squeeze the skins and pour into a dark glass container.

In the same way, you can prepare other citrus esters, except for grapefruit: it is impossible to obtain a quality product from it at home.

Orange oil for hair

This product is not in vain in demand among girls who love to take care of their hair. The product is used for aroma combing, massage and as an additive in homemade masks.

Orange oil for hair:

  • Eliminates dry scalp and dandruff, heals wounds and relieves inflammation.
  • Stops hair loss, smoothes and gives a natural shine.
  • Makes hair elastic, easy to comb and does not get tangled during the day.
  • With regular use, the moisture balance is restored, the ends become soft and stop splitting.
  • Gives hair an attractive fragrance that will accompany you all day.
  • Softens the hair, and your styling lasts for a long time.
  • It cleanses the scalp, it begins to breathe and absorb the beneficial ingredients of the homemade mask well.
  • Warming properties help to awaken dormant follicles, accelerate hair growth and give them volume.
  • Regulates the production of sebum, which contributes to less pollution of the scalp.

The systematic use of masks with orange oil will help grow beautiful healthy hair in a short time, make them obedient and strong.

Orange oil for face

No less useful tool is for the skin of the face. It is not recommended to use it in its pure form, but as part of masks, it can transform your skin.

Orange oil for face:

  • Effectively acts against imperfect color, erases traces of fatigue, age spots, nourishes the skin with vitamins and gives it a radiant healthy look.
  • Helps to get rid of the earthy complexion, thanks to the content of antioxidants.
  • Effectively fights dry skin, eliminates peeling, heals chapped skin.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties allow you to cope with acne, blackheads, pustules, seizures and herpes.
  • Used as a remedy for oily skin, eliminates shine, cleanses and tightens pores.
  • Thanks to its regenerating properties, it heals minor wounds, eliminates traces of acne and pimples, and relieves redness of the skin.
  • Helps to remove swelling and puffiness of the face, in particular the eyelids.
  • It penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis and delivers useful substances to the cells.

If you want to look young, have clear skin and a healthy complexion, be sure to try this inexpensive and effective remedy. Its gentle aroma will help to carry out the procedure not only with benefit, but also with pleasure.


Before using orange oil, do an allergy test to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Hair Recipes:

  1. Melt 1 tablespoon, add 7 drops of orange oil to it, apply to hair and scalp.
  2. In 1 tablespoon, add 3 drops of orange, patchouli and oils. Warm up in a water bath and apply.
  3. Mix 3 tablespoons with 2 drops of orange and 3 drops of ylang-ylang.
  4. Warm up 2 tablespoons, add 1 teaspoon of cognac, the same amount of lemon juice and 5 drops of orange ether.
  5. To 1 tablespoon add 1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon honey and 4 drops of orange oil.

Recipes for the face:

  1. Take 1 tablespoon of crushed oatmeal, mix with 1 egg and 5 drops of orange essential oil.
  2. Mash the pulp of the banana halves, pour 1 tablespoon of honey and add 5 drops of oil.
  3. Mix 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 4 drops of ether.
  4. Mix 1 teaspoon, 5 drops of orange oil, 1 egg and 1st tablespoon of honey.
  5. Take the pulp of one mango, ¼ teaspoon grated ginger root and 4 drops of orange essential oil.

Homemade masks using orange essential oil will help you stay young and attractive, despite fatigue, poor ecology and stress.

December 25, 2013, 04:17 PM