Von Däniken memories of the future. Free electronic library

Erich von Däniken - Chariots of the Gods. Memories of the Future - read a book online for free


About fifteen years ago this film caused a sensation. There were kilometer-long queues for the documentary “Memories of the Future.” Its author, German researcher Erich von Däniken, shocked the imagination of the Soviet audience with his bold and daring hypothesis - in ancient times, there were cosmonauts of ancient times, paleoastronauts, on Earth. He presented bright and colorful evidence, inviting us to think about it; he shook up the hardened stereotypes of thinking, asking the sacramental question: why not?

Since then, the name of Erich von Däniken has been repeatedly disavowed, stoned and slandered. He was accused of outright falsification of facts, frivolity and gullibility. But strangely enough, not a single reader in our country had a chance to personally become acquainted with von Däniken’s system of evidence, and this publication is the first attempt to fill this “blank spot” in our knowledge about the past of the Earth.

Many years have passed since the book was published, and they have brought new discoveries, which the modern reader may already be aware of; some things have been clarified, some things can be rejected.

But even today, the theory of Erich von Daniken attracts with its unbridled courage, catchiness of thought and romanticism.

Erich von Däniken
Chariots of the Gods


It took some courage to write this book, and it will take just as much courage for you to read it. Because its theories and evidence are not consistent with the constructs of traditional archaeology, carefully constructed and securely concreted against encroachment: scientists will call this work sheer nonsense and add it to the index of books best left unmentioned. The philistines will hastily hide under the shell of a world so familiar to them when they are faced with the idea that our past may be much more mysterious and exciting than our future.

However, one thing is absolutely clear: there is something unclear in our past, that past that extends over thousands and millions of years. This past is replete with unknown gods who visited the prehistoric land in spaceships. The past has left us with incredible technological achievements.

There is something contradictory in our archeology! Because she discovered electric batteries that were several thousand years old. Because images of strange creatures in excellent spacesuits were found. Because we were faced with fifteen-digit numbers that not even computers had to deal with. But how could prehistoric people create all this?

Our religion is also full of contradictions. What is common to each of the faiths is that they contain beings who promise help and salvation to humanity. Primitive deities make similar promises. Why didn't they contain them? Why did they use ultra-modern weapons when facing primitive people? And why were they going to destroy them?

Thirty years ago, the film “Memories of the Future”, which shocked viewers, was released on Soviet screens, the author of which proved that in ancient times our planet was visited by messengers from extraterrestrial civilizations.

Sitting in a Swiss debtor's prison,

future millionaire Erich von Däniken found a way out with the help of... aliens

Over the past three decades, the theme of aliens, UFOs, and extraterrestrial intelligence has become the “horse” of the entertainment industry. Science and scientists, as a rule, do not want to come close to this. They say this is all cheap sensation. And only a few continue to take the problem seriously. The scientific world was excited 30 years ago by a man who called himself a “traveler between sciences,” his goal was to find evidence of aliens visiting Earth. It was the Swiss Erich von Däniken. To this day, he remains the leader of paleocontact supporters not recognized by official science. With a request to talk about meetings with Daniken and his own research, Fakty turned to the candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences Rostislav Furduy, a like-minded person of Daniken, his long-time good friend and the author of several books devoted to the mysteries of nature and archeology.
- Rostislav Sergeevich! Thanks to what miracle was the film “Memories of the Future” shown on wide screens in the USSR, where science was subordinated to historical materialism that denied aliens?

This is a mystery to me too. Däniken's books were not translated in the USSR, although they were in some libraries. I found them in my university. My sister and I translated his “Proofs,” and I naively decided that I could publish them. I came to one publishing house, but no one took me to another. I wrote to Däniken that I had translated his book. A correspondence ensued that continues to this day. I recently received his two new books. He already has almost two dozen of them, and they have been published in many countries with a circulation of more than 56 million copies. And in the 70s, not his books were published in the USSR, but stigmatizing articles: they say that Daniken is a rogue, a false scientist. They did not dare publish it. The editor-in-chief of the magazine "Vsesvit" Vitaly Korotich kept laughing it off: "Well, why should I bother with you, "Denikins"?" And only under the new editor Oleg Mikitenko in 1988 it was possible to publish excerpts from “Travel to Kiribati”. This was the first translation of Däniken in the USSR.
At that time, I was already a member of the Society of Ancient Astronautics, the founders of which were Däniken and the American lawyer Jean Phillips. The society included about a thousand people from different countries. From Soviet Union its members included, besides me, Kharkov resident Vladimir Rubtsov, who defended, it seems, the only Ph.D. thesis in the USSR" Philosophical problems extraterrestrial civilizations", geologist Vladimir Avinsky from Kuibyshev and professor Igor Lisevich, sinologist, who, unfortunately, is already deceased. Our entire company, together with cosmonaut Georgy Grechko, ended up in Croatia in 1987, where the next congress of the mentioned society was held. And only because that it was semi-socialist Yugoslavia, we all managed to end up there.

We were received with a bang: the first delegation from behind the Iron Curtain, and not just anyone, but people with degrees! Däniken believed that the USSR was actively looking for traces of paleocontact, but everything was classified. The presence of established scientists among his followers was important for him, since he was pecked mainly by university professors. But not all. At the congress I met Harry Ruppe, a former assistant of Wernher von Braun (together they created rockets in the USA). In the 80s, he gave a course of lectures on astronautics at the University of Munich and was a supporter of Däniken’s views.

What idea did you come up with at the congress?

I analyzed part of the Old Testament - the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, or more precisely, how God taught Moses to make a tabernacle, something like a prefabricated tent in which the Lord appeared to the prophet. What could it be - gilded pillars with a cross section of 25 by 50 centimeters and a height of 2.5 meters? One radio physicist helped me with calculations, on the basis of which I concluded that the tabernacle is an antenna array of some kind of receiving and transmitting device. I could not publish this article anywhere in the Soviet press, but at the congress Daniken gave me the opportunity to make a report.

What impression did Däniken make on you?

It's mercury, not a person. Irrepressible energy, humorous. Very proud of his "background". “I don’t know who my ancestors are,” he said, “but they were nobles.” In his youth he was poor. After high school, he engaged in small trade. He saved up capital, invested in the hotel business and went broke. He got into debt and ended up in prison. He sat there for a year and, having nothing to do, began reading popular books on archeology. And a happy idea came into his head: many legends and myths of the peoples of the world contain evidence of visits to the Earth by aliens - highly developed creatures, mistaken for gods, who descended from heaven on spaceships. And in the book “Memories of the Future,” which Däniken wrote after leaving prison, he analyzes biblical stories, a number of strange, inexplicable archaeological finds(artifacts). This book, and even more so the documentary film of the same name, caused shock. The author immediately became famous.

And rich...

He does not consider himself rich, although he has already written about two dozen books that have sold more than 56 million copies. I asked him when we met: “Erich, are you a rich man?” “Yes,” he says, “everyone is shouting that I have a lot of money. And how much do I have? Only seven million francs. This is meager!” And thirty years later, he continues to make films, give lectures, and organize tours to iconic places: Egypt, Peru, Mexico, Easter Island. But it cannot be fooled by ambition. Once a group of Muscovites created a society of friends of Daniken in the hope of receiving funding. He came to Moscow, thanked him, but didn’t give him any money...

Daniken liked to repeat:

I'm just a traveler between sciences

- But he invited you to his place in Switzerland.

After the congress, already at the banquet, he addressed the delegates: “I have collected a huge amount of material. Come and work.” He understood that the materials collected during the expeditions needed to be given a scientific interpretation. “I can’t digest all this!” Daniken complained. “I’m just a traveler between sciences, but if I need advice, I turn to specialists.” And in 1989, I took advantage of the invitation and, together with the director from Kievnauchfilm V. Kolodny, flew to Zurich. Erich met us. "Rus, rus!" - takes us by the arms and leads us to the exit. “What about the stamp in the passport?” - I remind him when we have already left the airport. "Oh yes, I forgot!" - he takes our passports and runs to the border guards....

Everyone knows him in Switzerland. A celebrity, in a word. We went to the town of Solothurn, which is 60 kilometers from Zurich. There Däniken rented a house (he now lives near Bern) and treated us to chops, which he fried himself. “We’ll eat cutlet,” he repeated. In a word, he was hospitable. Treated me at the restaurant national dishes. “Here,” he says, “they make a special cheese.” Then I learned that there are 600 varieties of Swiss cheese alone. “And the wine in this restaurant is excellent,” he led the way to another establishment. “I have a friend here. But in general, the wine in Switzerland is not very good...”

In Zurich, Erich really wanted to show us where “your leader Lenin” lived. I spent two hours looking for the street. And I found it. I regretted that the museum was already closed. I reassured him: “I saw this at home too.” He took us to the St. Gotthard Pass, where a Russian soldier of Suvorov’s army was buried. A chapel was built there. But we didn’t get to the grave: an avalanche blocked the road. Däniken regretted that he had not shown us the soldier's grave. Like a true Swiss, he respected the army: “I served as a tank driver. If we didn’t have an army, the Germans would have attacked us too!”

Did you manage to work in the Däniken archive?

Yes, but I didn't use the materials. I took only a few photographs, which I published in my book “The Beauty of Mystery” (it was recently published by the Libid publishing house). Many people think that Däniken was the first to raise questions of paleocosmonautics. However, back in the 1930s, Leningrad professor N.A. Rynin published “Interplanetary Communications” in a tiny edition, where he collected 1,200 facts that can be interpreted as evidence of aliens visiting the Earth. After the war, writer Alexander Kazantsev put forward a hypothesis regarding the “Tunguska mystery”: this is an accident of an interplanetary ship with nuclear engines. He presented this idea at a scientific conference. And then he got it!

I became interested in this topic in 1960, when I was working in Magadan and read the article “Traces Lead to Space” in the Literaturnaya Gazeta. It talked about the work of the physicist M. Agreste, who studied ancient languages ​​in order to find evidence of paleocontact in the primary sources. I went to see him in Sukhumi, he worked in some kind of “mailbox”. We then corresponded, I, naive, suggested that he go explore Baalbek. Well, who would let us in there?!

The conservatism of science does not allow progress in the study of inexplicable facts

- Has the attitude towards the problem changed over these forty years?

Conservatism is terrifying! “Provide irrefutable evidence that this or that object is of extraterrestrial origin,” they put forward to us the argument. But in any large archaeological museum, in closed storerooms there are objects (hundreds of them) that cannot be explained. What happened to the famous batteries in the Baghdad Museum? Back in 1937, during excavations in Mesopotamia, strange “vases” with a corroded copper cylinder and an iron rod were found. And all this on a bitumen plug. Those “vases” are about 2.5 thousand years old. They would have remained in storage if an engineer had not seen them one day. He made a copy, used lemon juice and vinegar as an electrolyte, and obtained a potential difference of up to one volt. There are many similar items collected in museums. But archaeologists explain everything incomprehensible in the same way: “These are objects of worship.”

How does an archaeologist work? I dug up a bunch of buttons and have to describe them. “There are 17 buttons in the collection with two holes, 36 with four, five with one. And there are also some without one hole, without two...” This is a joke, but with meaning. The conservatism of scientists does not allow progress in the study of artifacts. “By admitting that intelligent beings once flew to Earth, after which earthlings received an impetus for development, we thereby humiliate man,” some philosophers say. “Man can figure out everything himself without uninvited guests from space.” Self-esteem is hurt! For several years, attempts have been made to catch radio signals sent by extraterrestrial civilizations. This is the famous SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) program, which has consumed a lot of money. Däniken proposed the SETA (Search for Extraterrestrial Artifacts) program. But no one wants to take her seriously.

Is this why Daniken took up enlightenment: he gives lectures, makes films, writes books, and recent years engrossed in his project of the intellectual amusement park "Secrets of the World"?

More than ten years ago, Däniken conceived the idea of ​​​​creating an adventure park where great mysteries would be presented: “Mysteries of the World”. Obviously, next year visitors to Switzerland will be able to see the archaeological and mythological mysteries of the planet, since few can afford to travel to Egypt, Indochina or Latin America. This idea is already being implemented near the small town of Interlaken on the territory of a former airfield. A new railway has been built there, and an airport has been built 30 kilometers away. The creators are most afraid of resemblance to Disneyland and therefore the emphasis is not on entertainment, but on knowledge.

Most of the famous mysteries and wonders of the world will be presented here in the form of small copies (in particular, egyptian pyramid, Indian temple) or computer models. For example, to see the famous drawings of the Nazca desert, you will need to “fly” over the ground. Such “attractions” excite human imagination and curiosity. This is Daniken's talent as a writer and businessman.

Erich von Daniken was born on April 14, 1935 in Solingen (Switzerland). He studied at St. Michael's College in Freiburg, where already as a student he became interested in studying ancient manuscripts. Worked as a manager of a chain of five-star hotels.

Von Daniken became famous thanks to his first book, “Return to the Stars” (“Chariots of the Gods”), published in 1968 and becoming a bestseller in the USA, Germany and 38 other countries. In 1970, a documentary film “Memories of the Future” was made based on it, which attracted wide audience interest to the topic of paleocontact raised by the researcher.

Erich von Däniken is a member of various writers' organizations and a winner of several awards. In 1998, he founded the Association for Research in Archaeology, Astronautics and SETI. In 2003, the Mysteries of the World theme park was opened in Switzerland, with Däniken at the forefront of its creation.

In subsequent years, Erich von Däniken continued to search for traces of alien astronauts on Earth in the past, published books, and gave lectures. His books have been translated into 28 languages ​​and have a total circulation of more than 60 million copies.

Books by Däniken Erich von

Author's video

Cosmonautics in ancient times

Pictograms and petroglyphs

Giants of Easter Island

Cities lost in the jungle

Bible on the drawing board

In the footsteps of the Almighty - the Bible on the drawing board.

Gene Manipulation

Creatures of hybrids and manipulations with them.

Aircraft in ancient times

Mysteries of petroglyphs.

Great Aztec City

about people without shadows, about the Solar and Lunar Pyramids - Mexico City.

Stars over Africa

About the discoveries of Zimbabwe..., about the acropolis in Africa, about gold for King Solomon.

Rock Monsters

about nightmares turned to stone...

Geometry in stone

About Asteris and Abelix, about mathematics in stone, about dolmens...

Immortal messages

about King Antiochus, about the thrones of people and Gods, about heaven on Earth...

Cities lost in the jungle

about the Inca treasury, about the sun stone, and the Spanish conquerors, about the Kogi Indians...

How conquerors became gods

About real facts.

Light for Pharaoh.

about the ancient battery, about illuminated temples, about insulators and copper wires, about secret science...

Holy machine

about the Ark from the "Old Testament", about the machine that produces manna, about the search for the Grail, about a huge wheel in the sky...

In the underground labyrinths of Ecuador.

In 1965, in Ecuador, ethnologist Juan Moritz, with the help of local Indians, discovered the huge underground labyrinth of Los Tayos and an ancient library that contained thousands of books made of thin metal plates covered with strange symbols. Metal library.

In Search of Answers.

Erich von Däniken is a man who made an invaluable contribution to the history of paleocontact theory. Could the Egyptians have built the Great Pyramid on their own using 2.5 million granite and limestone blocks? How did prehistoric builders create Stonehenge?

How to explain all the conceivable and inconceivable contradictions in the Bible? Why do the pagodas of Myanmar (formerly Burma) look amazingly like space rockets? And what sources is the detailed description of celestial battles in ancient Indian literary monuments based on?

Maybe it really is worth rethinking old myths and religious beliefs. Much is still unclear, but there is something fascinating in the analysis undertaken by Däniken: the ancient gods turn out to be real beings, intelligentsia from another civilization that gave technical knowledge to humanity, contributing to its further evolution.

Mayan gods

Erich von Däniken's book is dedicated to the mysteries of the Mayan civilization. Maybe intelligent beings from the Universe brought amazing knowledge and skills to the ancient people?

The last links in the chain of evidence: gods visited Earth before people. Erich von Däniken's new discoveries are more exciting and exciting than ever. He is sure: calendar cycles prove that there once was a planet of the gods, from which “terrible creatures” arrived on Earth. Däniken talks about mysterious cities and the Mayan buildings, their perfect roads, canals, observatories, about observations that lasted thousands of years, about the Mayan calendars, one of which was intended for the gods, and the other for people.

Memories of the future

This is the most famous book by the famous Swiss researcher of archaeological phenomena Erich von Daniken, author of eighteen bestsellers that have been translated into 28 languages.

Memories of the future - is this possible? Is it possible to find in memory what is yet to come? Daniken answers with an unequivocal “yes,” because he knows about the existence of a certain single and eternal flow of time, which is as inevitable as the cycle of nature, and which forces a person to improve and renew himself again and again, moving along the endless spiral that we call Time.

Eyes of the Sphinx

Do tourists know that in Egypt, under the sands near Saqqara, millions of mummies of all kinds of animals lie? Hidden underground is the real Noah's Ark, which has yet to be discovered!

What prompted the ancient Egyptians to embalm millions of birds and hundreds of thousands of crocodiles? Erich von Däniken studied ancient documents that report that there used to be “wonderful creatures of many types and different from each other” living on Earth. Are all these creatures generated by human imagination - or did all these monsters really once live on our planet? Yes, they lived, says Däniken in his fascinating book. What luminary of genetic engineering invented and created them?

The day the gods appeared

The name of Erich von Däniken is well known to everyone who is interested in the mystery of the origin of our civilization. His paleocontact hypothesis, first described in the book “Memories of the Future,” attracted the attention of millions of devoted followers and opponents to its author for a long time. Disputes about the reliability and impartiality of the facts he presented continue to rage to this day.

This time, Däniken undertook an “expedition” to the homeland of the Mayans and Aztecs, where he found new irrefutable evidence of the presence of aliens from outer space on our Earth in ancient times.

Evidence of the existence of gods. Over 200 sensational photographs of artifacts

Erich von Däniken, the author of best-selling books translated into many languages ​​of the world and dedicated to evidence of extraterrestrial presence, reveals to the reader the secrets of the past. His book, Evidence for the Existence of the Gods, contains more than two hundred sensational color photographs and accompanying information. In fact, this is the most complete encyclopedia of artifacts to date, providing indisputable evidence of visits to Earth by aliens, or gods, as Däniken calls them.

The author asks questions: why do cave paintings depicted in different places around the planet depict the same thing? Did the peoples of the prehistoric world communicate with each other? How was communication between continents carried out? Is it possible that earthlings traveled on “flying chariots”? who examined evidence of the activities of gods across the planet, trying to understand their motives? By giving comprehensive answers to these questions, the author dispels the last doubts of those who do not yet believe in an extraterrestrial presence.

Mysterious drawings of Nazca

Erich von Däniken is trying to unravel the mystery of the Nazca Plateau and comes to the conclusion that it is connected with aliens who have visited Earth more than once and left evidence of their presence around the world.

Signs facing eternity

The Nazca Plateau in Peru can baffle even the most insightful mind. This is a truly colossal object, grandiose not only in its geographical scale, but also a fantastic time machine that takes us to the distant past of humanity. Seeing Nazca is like looking into the abyss of time.

And the famous Swiss researcher of archaeological phenomena and ancient artifacts, Erich von Däniken, invites us to see and experience for ourselves the place in which Eternity is captured...

Gold of the gods. Aliens are among us

In the book “Gold of the Gods. Aliens Among Us" (1979) Erich von Däniken continues the theme of his previous books, as well as the film "Memories of the Future", in which the writer develops his own hypothesis of the origin of man and human civilization.

Daniken is convinced that man owes his appearance on Earth to astronauts - humanoids from distant planets who flew to Earth in prehistoric times and left many traces of their stay here

In the name of Zeus

Who really were the ancient Greek gods - Zeus, Apollo, Athena?

What is the purpose of the “machine from Antikythera” found on the sunken ship? Where was the legendary Atlantis located and why did it perish? Tireless researcher Erich von Däniken follows in the footsteps of the gods and finds completely unexpected answers to these questions.

Analyzing ancient works, he talks about the genetic experiments of the gods, their flying chariots and terrible weapons, about unearthly technologies, as well as... a network of “supermarkets” and “rest homes” for divine families.

History is wrong

In his book “History is Wrong,” Erich von Daniken closely examines the mysterious Voynich manuscript, which for many years scientists could not decipher world scientists, and makes incredible discoveries related to the mysterious Book of Enoch.

The lost labyrinth in Ecuador, where the unique “Golden Library” was kept, the mysterious excavations of the Mormons, traces of mystical processions - all this proves: history is not as we know it!

The Voynich Manuscript contains answers to many questions, but is humanity ready to find out the truth?

The Stone Age was different

Everywhere on our planet we encounter majestic megalithic structures - traces of long-vanished cultures. It seems that they were created according to a single plan. And everywhere, be it Mexico or Colombia, Spain or the south of India, unknown Stone Age astronomers erected giant chronometers measuring eternity.

Who were these thinkers, these initiates, who managed to exert a truly enormous influence both on their era and on such a distant future? What motivated them, prompting them to build such colossi?

Erich von Däniken, in his sensational book, states: the Stone Age was completely different from what is commonly believed, based on traditional scientific ideas about the development of our civilization.

Chariots of the Gods

“Memories of the Future” is the most famous of the documentaries about the mysteries of the origin of humanity and the birth of civilizations. The film is based on the book “Chariots of the Gods” by Erich von Daniken, which, like the film, became a bestseller all over the world.

He presented bright and colorful evidence, inviting us to think about it; he shook up the hardened stereotypes of thinking, asking the sacramental question: why not?

Heavenly teachers

All sacred messages of ancient civilizations are written in the first person, which means that people who lived in those times were eyewitnesses of the events described. They saw the fiery chariot of the prophet Elijah, talked with their mentors from the planet Toonaottekha, and touched the robes of space aliens who visited the Hopi Indians.

The famous archaeologist and explorer Erich von Daniken describes his sensational discoveries made on the island of Crete, in the Sahara and the Promised Land, as well as in the lands where the Dogon, Hopi and Kachinas Indians lived thousands of years ago.