Does it go away on its own sometimes? What sexual infections can go away on their own without treatment. Infectious diseases: main types, features of the course and treatment What diseases can cause

Stress has a negative impact on a person on a physical and emotional level. And this impact is much worse than people used to think. No wonder people say that all diseases are caused by stress, and this is not an exaggeration. Scientists have proven that 75-90% of diseases are caused by nervous strain.

Sometimes it is imperceptible that a person inside is experiencing violent emotions that are caused by constant tension. As a result, an excess of adrenaline appears in the blood, it raises the pressure, the heart beats faster. Excessive stress can manifest itself in many ways - from a slight constant malaise to the development of serious diseases. .

The symptoms of stress are great, and it is difficult for an ordinary person to associate these signs with its harmful influence. Nevertheless, emotional reactions that are unusual and unusual for a person, increased appetite or its loss, craving for alcohol and smoking, uncontrolled medication, indicate that a person is haunted by stress.

An excess of adrenaline also affects the state of the circulatory system, increases blood pressure and blood clotting. Prolonged exposure to stress increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. When stress increases the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.

The mechanism of stress affects the work of the digestive system, slowing it down. The body sends more blood to the brain and muscles, digestion is disturbed, nausea and diarrhea appear. As a result, nutrients are absorbed more slowly, food is poorly absorbed, which further aggravates the situation.

Due to indigestion, the skin suffers, blood flows to the surface randomly, which leads to increased dryness of the skin, redness, and peeling. Skin diseases as a reaction to stress is the most common problem. Increased testosterone also negatively affects the condition of the skin.

This hormone is produced in large quantities during stress, causing increased work of the sebaceous glands. The pores become clogged, the skin deteriorates from this, acne appears. And it affects the state of muscle mass, causing weakness, destruction of protein compounds, weight loss occurs.

During stress in the body, the level of T-lymphocytes in the blood decreases, which are responsible for protecting the body from infections. And the combination high level cortisol and adrenaline adversely affect the state of the human nervous system, causing its exhaustion.

Various diseases from stress

Stress-dependent diseases can be conditionally divided into several groups, depending on which area is affected. This can be clearly seen in the table.

ViolationsDiseases caused by disorders
Heart and blood vesselsIncreased heart rate, blood pressure
stroke, heart attack
Respiratory systemRespiratory failure, development of asthma. Risk of lung problems in newborns and children whose parents have experienced chronic stress
Skin diseasesPsoriasis, eczema, acne, flaking and dryness
DigestionNausea, stomach cramps, vomiting, bloating and diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, peptic ulcer
The immune systemReduced immunity leads to the spread of infections and viruses, increases the risk of severe inflammation
Psychological problemsDevelopment of depression, increased anxiety
Sleep problems
weight and musclesBad eating habits, overeating lead to obesity and the development of type 2 diabetes. Visceral fat accumulates on the abdomen, which is the most difficult to get rid of

Many are interested in the question of whether a sore throat can be caused by stress. It turns out that there is such a disease - pharyngeal neurosis, which is caused by disorders of the human nervous system, and provoked by stress. This condition has several forms, each of them is expressed in certain symptoms. The method of treatment depends on the form of the disease and the causes of its occurrence.

Separately, it should be said about psychosomatic diseases as a result of stress. The main reason for the development of the problem is psychological stress. Classical examples of diseases caused by it: asthma, hypertension, gastrointestinal ulcers, rheumatoid arthritis and others. These same factors provoke the occurrence of diseases associated with neoplasms, including malignant ones.

No wonder it is believed that peptic ulcers indicate that in a person's life there are people whom he "does not digest." Throat diseases say that the individual cannot express his claims directly, keeping them to himself.

Diabetes develops not only due to malnutrition, overeating is an act of eating within a personal conflict. As a result, stable hypoglycemia occurs, which weakens the secretory activity of the pancreas, which leads to the onset of diabetes.

Panic attacks are the scourge of modern life

Sudden seizures of an inexplicable nature are now widely spread. They affect a person, causing panic fear and anxiety. This state is called. It is often accompanied by phobias and somatic symptoms.

Panic attacks are caused by constant stress and the difficult conditions of modern life. They strike people of a certain type of character, who take everything to heart, often worry, worry. Often the signs of PA are similar to the symptoms of other diseases, so a person confuses them, believing that he was struck by some serious illness.

It should be understood that a panic attack is a disease that should be treated. But many people mistakenly turn to other doctors, and spend years treating non-existent diseases. This is the main danger of the PA. If this condition overtakes in a calm environment unexpectedly and without serious reasons, you should contact a professional.

The main reasons that subsequently cause the development of a state of increased anxiety are:

  • Psycho-emotional overstrain;
  • Heredity;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Warehouse of character.

In most cases, PA occurs precisely after exposure to a strong stressor that threatens human health and life. But there are other factors that lead to the development of the disease:

  • Bad habits;
  • Prolonged physical activity, leading to a breakdown;
  • Uncontrolled use medicines;
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Panic attacks are accompanied by unpleasant sensations on the physical and psychological levels. The person experiences chills and nausea, there is a feeling of lack of air, the chest seems to grab an iron ring, the pulse quickens. Along with this, there is a fear of losing consciousness and dying, hysteria and convulsions, confusion in thoughts and impaired coordination of movement are possible.

Attacks often occur in public places where a lot of people gather. Therefore, people suffering from this disease try to limit their visits to such places, they withdraw into themselves, there is a two-faced fear - to be alone and leave the house. The duration and symptoms of the course of PA are different, as well as the timing of their occurrence. In different people, attacks last 5-30 minutes, appear once or twice a month or every day.

A recurring condition and makes a person think that he has serious health problems. Symptoms can show a disorder of the thyroid gland, heart, central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract. Checking and treatment by other specialists does not give a result, from which hypochondria develops, and this provokes attacks of PA even more. It turns out a vicious circle, with this problem you should definitely see a psychotherapist.

Certain techniques that are known all over the world contribute to reducing stress levels. The main thing is to eliminate all possible factors that can cause stress. AT modern world this is almost impossible to do, so you should learn to cope with stress on your own and support yourself. The following tips and tricks will help. They must be adhered to constantly.

  1. Proper nutrition, balanced. This is, first of all, the rejection of junk food. A direct link between unhealthy eating and stress has been proven. The diet must include vegetables, fruits, fish and seafood, nuts.
  2. Physical activity. Even a small load helps to overcome stress and depression, as a result of training, the mood rises. Just 20 minutes of running or 45 minutes of walking per day is enough to protect yourself from stress and boost immunity.
  3. Relaxation. Everyone has their own favorite way to relax, get rid of stress. You can meet friends, go to nature, do what you love, hobbies, listen to music.

And most importantly, a positive attitude! When a person feels that he is overtaken by stress, you should definitely start managing your mood and emotions. To do this, you need to learn new techniques and use already familiar ones. You should not leave everything as it is until chronic stress has dealt a severe blow to the body.

Until relatively recently, it was generally accepted that if a married couple fails to conceive and give birth to a child, then the fault lies more likely with the woman. Most were convinced that the problem of infertility could hardly concern the male body.

However, it is very erroneous to believe that the ability of a man to perform a full-fledged sexual intercourse indicates that he is able to give new life. Alas, this is far from the case. AT recent decades statistics show the opposite results - infertility can be diagnosed equally in both a woman and her partner.

Why male infertility occurs

A man is diagnosed with "infertility" if a couple fails to conceive a child for a year or more, provided that his partner is in a satisfactory state of health. The list of factors and diseases that lead to the inability to conceive a baby in a man is quite extensive. Any disease of the genitourinary system can adversely affect male fertility.

Generally speaking, the main obstacles to understanding the joy of fatherhood are most often:

    1. Inflammation and infection - infectious and inflammatory processes occurring in the male body, not only adversely affect the general condition, but also affect the quantity and quality of the produced ejaculate.
    2. Disturbed hormonal balance - low level male hormone testosterone, malfunctioning of the thyroid gland, as well as a lack or excess of other hormones can cause infertility. It is also important to monitor the correct metabolism, the violation of which can lead to the formation of excess weight.
    3. Immunological infertility is one of the least studied factors. It can be diagnosed with various injuries and bruises of the external genitalia. Antibodies produced by the body significantly reduce the quality of sperm and interfere with the normal process of conception.
    4. High temperature - elevated temperatures also do not have a positive effect on the male ejaculate and the ability to conceive in general. Care should be taken to ensure that the temperature in the genital area of ​​the male organs does not exceed 35 degrees. Overheating can be caused by frequent hot baths, visiting saunas and baths, as well as wearing uncomfortable, poor quality or tight underwear.
    5. Addictions - excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, frequent smoking of cigarettes, as well as the use of drugs worsens the quality of sperm, disrupting the blood supply to the genitals. No wonder experts strongly recommend completely abandoning bad habits long before the couple decides to become parents.
    6. Violations of the sexual sphere - this factor means a weak erection or its complete absence. In some cases, the patient is recommended to contact a psychotherapist.
    7. Medicines and harmful working conditions - poor ecology, hazardous production also significantly affect the ability to conceive. Taking potent drugs, as well as various anabolics while playing sports, is prohibited if you plan to become a father soon.
    8. Genetics - the genetic factor can also be the cause of infertility in men. This may be a non-standard structure of the genital organs, poor quality of the ejaculate and some other factors.
    9. External environmental factors - frequent stress, improper sleep and rest, physical overload and the busy rhythm of modern life can delay the birth of a long-awaited baby for a long time.

Features of the disease in men

Despite the extensive arsenal of methods for treating infertility in modern medicine, there is an unambiguous answer to the question: “Is it possible to cure male infertility?” does not exist. This is due to the fact that in about a quarter of cases it is not possible to establish the exact cause of the disease. In such situations, the man is diagnosed with idiopathic infertility. Needless to say, you should not try to choose your own treatment or resort to using folk remedies in dealing with the problem.

Treatment methods for infertility in men depend directly on the causes that caused it. Often, the exclusion of a certain factor soon leads to the desired pregnancy in a married couple. In addition, experts also distinguish several degrees of this disease.

So, infertility of the first degree in men is diagnosed when a married couple fails to conceive within one or two years of active sexual life without the use of contraceptives. The second degree of infertility in men occurs when the family already has one or more children, but they cannot conceive again.

Establishing an accurate diagnosis and the causes of infertility in a man is the key to a successful and speedy cure. The effectiveness of therapeutic measures increases significantly if it has been established for certain that existing infections or disturbed hormonal levels play a negative role in conception.

Symptoms of the disease

As a rule, infertility in men occurs without any specific symptoms. The exception is cases in which there are hormonal imbalances. So, in patients with thyroid problems, infertility is manifested by the cessation or slowing of hair growth, the voice becomes higher, the mammary glands increase in size. In addition, there are difficulties in sexual life.

How to recognize an ailment

First of all, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination and pass the necessary tests in order to determine the specific cause of infertility. A man is prescribed blood donation, an extended semen analysis, urine and blood tests for hormones, as well as an ultrasound examination of the prostate and genitourinary system.

Medicines in the treatment of disease

If a man has been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease, he will be prescribed drug treatment antibiotics. These drugs are also prescribed for poor spermogram results and hormonal disorders. If the source of the disease was endocrine disorders, in this case, the patient is prescribed a course of hormone-containing agents.

To improve sperm counts, a man will be prescribed drugs that will correct the work immune system, homeopathic remedies, as well as a course of multivitamins. For example, vitamin D can significantly improve the quality of ejaculate. Its high content is in fish, seafood, fish oil. This vitamin is also produced by exposure to sunlight.

Operative methods of treatment

If the cause of infertility in a patient lies in the presence of an inguinal hernia, defects in internal organs, varicocele, the man will be asked to solve the problem with an operation. Such operations are shown to be carried out in early childhood or adolescence.

Other treatments

In the Department of Reproduction and IVF of Dr. Lazarev, each patient can undergo a complete diagnostic examination for infertility, which will help to identify the presence of infections, foci of inflammation and other negative factors in the body that may cause the inability to conceive in a couple. Depending on the established cause, our specialists will offer various ways to resolve the issue, whether it is medical or surgical treatment. Surgical methods are resorted to only in especially severe cases, when other methods cannot have the desired effect.

If the cause of infertility in a patient is a poor spermogram result, he will be prescribed medication that will help improve sperm counts. However, in some cases, the only way out may be only the use of modern methods of reproduction, for example, ICSI or IVF using donor sperm.

Over the years of work, we have been able to help more than one and a half thousand couples find the joy of fatherhood again. Receiving qualified useful consultations and undergoing a course of treatment using the most modern medical equipment, any patient receives his own approach from specialists and the treatment regimen that is optimally suitable for him. Registration for a consultation is carried out directly on our website.

Numerous medical studies have shown that people who are often exposed to stress are more likely to get sick. Therefore, it is worthwhile to figure out whether all diseases are really from the nerves, and which of them are the most dangerous for human life and health. The influence of the psyche on the state of human health has been known for a long time. Even Hippocrates wrote about this in his great writings. In ancient medicine, there was such a thing as prajnaparadha. This is a kind of disease caused by negative thoughts. The Greeks still believe that the body can change depending on the state of the soul.

Stress leads to illness

The state of health directly depends on the mood of a person. Nervousness can be the cause of many diseases of different organ systems: gastrointestinal tract, of cardio-vascular system, nervous system, etc.

Why is this happening

According to statistics obtained by WHO, more than 40% of patients who do not pay attention to severe stress and psychosomatic disorders and do their best to eliminate symptoms without curing their main focus suffer from serious diseases resulting from neglected disorders in the functioning of the nervous system.

Everyone knows that our body works as a single holistic mechanism. If a particular organ is affected by a disease, then problems arise with other systems. The nervous system can be called the regulator of all body processes. Against the background of problems with this segment, stress most often occurs. The functioning of the body is disturbed: an excessive amount of stress hormones (adrenaline and other hormones) is released, the immune system weakens.

The consequences can be dire.

  1. Stress causes an increase in blood pressure.
  2. The heart rate increases.
  3. Stress negatively affects the supply of oxygen to all organs. As a result of oxygen deficiency, severe chronic diseases develop.

Often, social factors influence the state of our psyche. We rarely solve problems in communication with physical force and can not always get rid of experiences and negative thoughts verbally. We accumulate all the negative from unsuccessful social interaction in ourselves. The tone of our muscles increases, the frequency of breathing quickens. This leads to the emergence of diseases on the basis of nerves. Experts recommend getting rid of negativity in time with the help of physical activity in the gym or conversations and trainings with psychotherapists.

What diseases can cause a disorder of the nerves

Previously, the main causes of disease were considered external factors. For example, an infectious exacerbation is caused by a virus or a pathogenic bacterium. The cause of poisoning is the ingestion of toxic substances into the body. Burns can be obtained from interaction with high temperatures. In the occurrence of atherosclerosis, in turn, only malnutrition is to blame.

With the development of medicine, doctors began to adhere to other views. They argue that the cause of the disease of any nature lies in the person himself. Every living organism is predisposed to illness in the event of the slightest fluctuation of immunity.

Modern medicine has found a golden mean. Today, experts are convinced that the main cause of all diseases is the influence of environment. It manifests itself in the form of diseases of the nervous system. Stress disorders can be very different. It could be:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • headache;
  • various skin diseases (for example, psoriasis);
  • dizziness;

The list of these diseases can be expanded by at least a few more points. It is not so easy to prove why they appeared.

Headache is a frequent companion of nervous tension

What problems and diseases from nerves can be cured

Oddly enough, an illness caused by a problem with the nervous system is a job for psychotherapists. They are the ones who play leading role in the process of treatment, because without their intervention the problem will progress.

Some diseases on the soil mental disorders disappear as quickly as they appear. Some nervous diseases require long-term therapy. Sometimes such patients are prescribed complex treatment in a hospital. Sometimes the problems are so serious that they become chronic.

Experts say that almost any disease caused by a nervous breakdown can be cured without medical intervention. If the therapist cannot cope on his own, then you can turn to traditional forms of treatment.

If a person himself realizes that stress is to blame for the onset of the disease and the disease should not be treated with kilograms of pills and potions, then a full recovery is possible after effective psychotherapy.

Proper treatment of illness due to nerves and stress

In order to cure a disease that has arisen on a nervous basis, it is necessary to look into yourself. It is important to evaluate yourself from the outside: to characterize all the negative qualities. It happens that our aggression or excessive restraint negatively affects the state of health and leads to the development of a host of diseases.

In such cases, it is necessary to avoid conflict situations in every possible way and calm yourself if necessary. You should always believe in yourself and in your abilities. It is recommended to drink a course of sedatives from time to time.

Think about how many illnesses you will have to endure if you do not cope with your experiences. If the diseases have already hit you, then seek help from specialist doctors who can prescribe the necessary treatment.

It is better to follow preventive norms: actively relax, listen to your favorite music, watch movies.

Now you know what diseases can arise from nerves and how to get rid of them. If stress still caused trouble, treat not only the body, but the whole soul.

Flu and tetanus. All these ailments are contagious and require timely medical care and further proper treatment.

Infectious diseases include types of diseases caused by specific pathogens, characterized by a cyclical course, contagiousness and the formation of post-infectious immunity. Signs of infectious diseases do not appear immediately, but after a certain period of time - the incubation period.

In the clinical picture of most of these diseases, the intoxication-fever syndrome is the leading one.

What are the causes of infectious diseases and how to treat them, you will learn on this page.

Fever: the first signs and medical care for an infectious disease

Fever- an increase in body temperature above 37.2 ° C in the armpit or above 37.8 ° C in the rectum. According to the level of temperature rise, fever is divided into:

  • subfebrile- 37.2-37.9 ᵒС;
  • moderately febrile- 38.0-38.9 °С;
  • febrile- 39.0-40.0 °С;
  • hyperthermic- above 40 °С.

According to the duration, fever is short (less than 2 weeks) and long (more than 2 weeks).

The first signs of this infectious disease: fever, weakness, chills, increased sweating, muscle and joint pain. Side effects: nausea, vomiting, convulsions, impaired consciousness. Disorders from:,. Among other manifestations of infectious diseases are typical: the appearance of a rash, inflammation of the lymphatic vessels, symptoms of inflammation of the respiratory tract, dyspeptic symptoms, etc.

Medical care for this infectious disease consists in the use of drugs that affect the causative agent of the disease (antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs), immunotherapy (antitoxic and antibacterial sera, immunoglobulins, therapeutic vaccines and toxoids, drugs that stimulate the immune system), pathogenetic therapy. At the same time, they carry out therapy aimed at combating dehydration, intoxication, etc.

Rabies: the main causes and emergency care for an infectious disease

Rabies- a severe infectious disease characterized by damage to the nervous system, the appearance of convulsions, paralysis, spasms of the pharyngeal and respiratory muscles. The main cause of this infectious disease is contact with sick animals (domestic or wild). Infection occurs when a sick animal bites or its saliva comes into contact with damaged skin or mucous membranes. The incubation period lasts from 10 days to several months.

The disease begins with malaise, increased irritability, anxiety; at the same time, pain, itching, and a feeling of numbness appear at the site of the bite. After 1-3 days, water and photophobia join, a person tends to be in a closed space. There are muscle cramps, motor agitation, hallucinations, salivation, fever, sweating. On the 4-6th day from the onset of the disease, paralysis develops.

Emergency care for this infectious disease begins with washing the wound with plenty of running water and laundry soap and applying a sterile dry bandage to it. Treatment is only effective if treated early. The patient is given a specific vaccine.

Without treatment, patients die in 100% of cases, death from paralysis of the respiratory muscles occurs on the 4-7th day of illness.

Botulism: the main symptoms and first aid for an infectious disease

Botulism- an infectious-toxic disease associated with poisoning by toxins of botulinum bacteria and manifested by severe lesions. The cause of this infectious human disease is the consumption of home or industrial canned food.

The disease is characterized by an acute onset. After 12-24 hours (incubation period) after eating canned foods, weakness, headache, and dry mouth appear. The main symptoms of this infectious disease are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, which are then replaced by persistent, bloating; there is a wobbly gait. After a few hours, the patient has a “fog”, objects begin to double; swallowing disorders, paralysis of the muscles of the face, hoarseness of the voice to its complete absence join, speech becomes illegible, nasal. Characterized by a slow heartbeat, possibly moderate. An increase in body temperature is not typical. Paresis and paralysis of the respiratory muscles lead to acute respiratory failure and cardiac arrest.

First aid for this infectious disease begins with washing the stomach through a tube with a 2% solution of sodium bicarbonate, give a laxative,. With respiratory muscles, artificial respiration is mandatory.

Be sure to inject anti-botulinum serum type A, C, E (10000ME) or type B (5000 ME) intravenously or intramuscularly.

Brucellosis: characteristic signs of an infectious disease and first aid

Brucellosis- an infectious disease with a long course and damage to the nervous and musculoskeletal system. The source of infection is small and large cattle, pigs. Infection occurs when eating milk, meat of sick animals, during their care, during the processing of carcasses. The incubation period lasts from 1 to 3 weeks.

Characteristic signs of this infectious disease: fever with noticeable diurnal fluctuations, sweating, chills, general weakness, pallor appear skin. There are usually no pronounced symptoms of intoxication, although the patient's performance is sharply reduced. Gradually join, along the course of the nerves, in men, the testicles become inflamed. Sometimes there are skin rashes.

First aid for this infectious disease begins with intramuscular administration of antibiotics (penicillin 1 million units), vitamins C, B1, B6 (1 ml each).

Typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever: the main causes of infectious diseases and their treatment

Typhoid fever and paratyphoid A and B- acute infectious diseases, characterized by phenomena of general intoxication and damage to the lymphatic apparatus of the small intestine. The main reason for the occurrence of these infectious diseases is contact with a sick person and a carrier. Ways of transmission - food, water, contact. The incubation period lasts from 3 to 25-40 days, more often it is 10-14 days.

The onset of the disease is often subacute or acute; body temperature rises to 40 ° C for several days, the duration of fever is more than 20 days.

The patient is concerned about weakness, headaches, a sharp decrease in appetite. The skin is pale, the tongue is lined, thickened; adynamia, lethargy, delirium are characteristic. On the 8-10th day of the disease, a mild rash of a pale pink color, the size of a pinhead, appears on the skin; constipation begins, less often - diarrhea. From the side of the cardiovascular system: lowering blood pressure, lowering the heart rate. The appearance of the patient is characteristic: an indifferent look, a sharp pallor, dryness of the skin, the stomach is swollen; swollen tongue, with a coating on the back, clean edges and tip.

In the treatment of this infectious disease, the patient needs strict bed rest. Immediately begin to administer intramuscularly antibiotics (penicillin 1 million units), vitamins C, B1; B6 (1 ml each)

Viral hepatitis and clinical symptoms of infectious diseases

Viral hepatitis- a group of infectious diseases with a primary lesion of the liver.

Malaria is caused by four types of pathogen:

  • tropical - P. falciparum (incubation period 8-30 days);
  • three-day - P. Vivax (incubation period 10-14 days or 8-14 months);
  • four-day - P. Malariae (incubation period 3-6 weeks);
  • oval malaria - P. ovale (incubation period 7-20 days).

The onset of the disease is usually acute, there may be a short period of pre-illness with fever. One of the main signs of this infectious disease are headache, body aches. In the future, attacks acquire a characteristic picture, accompanied by chills, a rapid increase in body temperature to 39-41 ° C. During an attack, periods of chills, heat and sweating are distinguished, the duration of an attack is up to 12-14 hours, and with tropical malaria - 24-36 hours. At the height of the attack (during the heat period), patients have a severe headache, there may be vomiting, shortness of breath, an acceleration of the heartbeat, a decrease in blood pressure, delirium, redness of the face. Then the temperature drops sharply, the patients sweat a lot, their condition improves. Attacks develop in two days on the third with four-day malaria or every other day with other types of malaria. After several attacks, the skin of patients acquires a characteristic color: pale with a slightly icteric tinge.

From the first minutes of the attack, the patient is given antimalarial drugs: quinine, hingamin, quinocide, chloroquine, bigumal, fansidar, mefloquine, dabechin.

Food poisoning and first aid for an infectious disease

food poisoning- an infectious disease of a person, the cause of which is the consumption of poor-quality products. The incubation period lasts from 30 minutes to 24 hours.

The disease begins with nausea, vomiting, later watery loose stools up to 10-15 times a day, cramping pains in the abdomen. Also, symptoms of this infectious disease are chills, headaches, and body temperature rises. In severe cases, convulsions, a decrease in blood pressure (down to 0), an acceleration of the heartbeat, and a decrease in urine output are possible.

During first aid for this infectious disease, the patient is washed with the stomach, intestines. They give plenty of fluids, activated charcoal (polyphepan), smecta (for adults, at least 3 sachets per reception, dissolving each in 0.5 cups of warm water, for children - 1 sachet; in severe cases, the dose can be doubled). Enzyme preparations are shown (for example, mezim 1 tablet 3-4 times a day), antispasmodics (no-shpa, papaverine).

A strict diet is required: on the first day - complete hunger; in the next 2-3 days - chicken broth without dressing, a little boiled pureed chicken white meat; white bread crackers; in the following days, the diet is gradually expanded.

Anthrax: causes, symptoms and treatment of an infectious disease

anthrax- an infectious disease characterized by a severe course with damage to the skin and internal organs. The cause of this infectious disease is contact with sick domestic and wild ungulates. Infection occurs by contact, food, airborne dust. The incubation period lasts from several hours to 10-12 days, more often it is 2-3 days.

The most common form of anthrax is cutaneous: a carbuncle appears on the exposed parts of the body, which at first looks like a spot, then a bubble, after opening, which forms a black scab, surrounded by a halo of reddened skin. A practically painless carbuncle is surrounded by a zone of edema. On the 2-3rd day, the body temperature rises, increases, which become painful when touched. The patient complains of weakness, malaise, headache. His body temperature rises slightly.

Particularly dangerous is the generalized, or septic, form of the disease, which is characterized by a severe course, proceeds with severe intoxication, damage to the lungs and digestive tract, the development of shock, and almost always ends in death.

Having identified the symptoms of this infectious disease, treatment begins immediately. Patients are prescribed antibiotics, restorative therapy, local treatment.

Tetanus: signs and treatment of an infectious disease

Tetanus is characterized by a predominant lesion of the nervous system, caused by a pathogenic bacillus that develops and multiplies without oxygen. The cause of this type of infectious disease is the ingress of spores on damaged skin, mucous membranes, which is usually noted with extensive contaminated wounds. The incubation period lasts from 1 day to 1 month; the shorter it is, the more severe the disease.

The first symptom of this type of infectious disease is trismus (clamping of the jaws as a result of the tension of the masticatory muscles). This tension quickly spreads to the mimic muscles, a “sardonic smile” appears - a frozen grimace of laughter; the tone of the muscles of the neck, back, chest, limbs increases. With the predominance of an increased tone of the extensor muscles of the back, the head throws back, the body bends in an arc, the patient leans on the bed only with his head and heels. After some time (1-5 days), body temperature rises, general convulsions appear, increased sweating and salivation; heartbeat quickens. The patient's consciousness is preserved. The slightest irritation from the external environment causes an attack of convulsions.

Mortality from tetanus is 70%.

The patient is washed with a wound, closed with a sterile dry bandage. If necessary, make artificial respiration, give drugs that reduce body temperature (efferalgan, panadol, aspirin, etc.).

All methods of treatment of this infectious disease will be useless if the patient is not injected with tetanus toxoid, tetanus toxoid.

Typhus: symptoms and treatment of an infectious disease

An infectious disease characterized by fever and the appearance of a specific rash, occurring with damage to the blood vessels and the central nervous system. The carrier of the disease is body louse. The incubation period is 5-25 days.

The disease begins acutely with an increase in body temperature to 39-40 ° C. The fever is constant, has a long-term character (8-12 days). Symptoms of intoxication: intense headache, insomnia, agitation, hand trembling, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, redness of the face. On the 5th day from the onset of the disease, a rash appears, consisting of pink spots and petechial hemorrhages, it is mainly located on the lateral surfaces of the trunk, flexion surfaces of the extremities. The tongue is coated and enlarged. There are signs of CNS damage: confusion, delirium, etc.

The main method of treating this infectious disease is the intramuscular administration of antibiotics (for example, ampicillin 0.5 g 4 times a day, etc.). The patient is given plenty of fluids, antipyretic drugs (aspirin, paracetamil, efferalgan, etc.), with a very high fever, a lytic mixture is injected intramuscularly: 2 ml of 50% analgin with 1 ml of 1% diphenhydramine (or suprastin). Antihistamines (suprastin, tavegil) are given at night. To maintain the work of the heart, sulfocamphocaine is administered intramuscularly (2 mlt 2 times a day).

Tularemia: what are the causes and how to treat an infectious disease

Tularemia- an infectious disease that occurs with high fever and damage to the lymph nodes. The disease is usually recorded in the warm season, transmitted by contact, food, water, air and dust. The cause of this infectious disease can be the bite of a blood-sucking insect. The incubation period lasts from several hours to 3 weeks, more often it is 4-7 days.

The disease begins acutely with an increase in body temperature, and the fever is prolonged (1-3 weeks) in nature. The patient complains of severe weakness, palpitations, headache, muscle and joint pain. His face and the whites of his eyes turn red, buboes form - the lymph nodes increase, become painful and dense, as if soldered together, reaching a diameter of 2-5 cm, sometimes suppurate.

How to treat this infectious disease with drugs? The patient is given antipyretics (aspirin, paracetamil, efferalgan, etc.), prescribe specific vaccine therapy, antibiotics. It also shows the placement of vodka compresses on the lymph nodes.

Cholera: features of the course and treatment of an infectious disease

Cholera- acute intestinal infection, caused by vibrio cholerae, characterized by toxic damage to the small intestine, a violation of the body's water balance, blood clots, impaired kidney and liver function. The disease belongs to especially dangerous infections. The source of infection is a sick person or a carrier. Ways of transmission - water, food, contact. The incubation period lasts from 1 to 5 days.

The patient is concerned about dry mouth, thirst. Sudden diarrhea; the stool is plentiful, liquid, at first it has a fecal character, soon the stools lose their fecal character and are a cloudy white liquid with flakes (“rice water”). Later, vomiting joins - plentiful, fountain, not accompanied by nausea. Temperature increase, abdominal pains usually do not happen. The severity of the course of the disease is determined by the degree of dehydration due to fluid loss during diarrhea, vomiting. Weakness, dry skin, hoarseness of voice, cramps in the calf muscles, accelerated heartbeat, and lowering of blood pressure quickly join. A feature of the course of this infectious disease is a decrease in urination. With further dehydration, the elasticity of the skin decreases, it acquires a bluish tint, blood pressure drops sharply, convulsions appear, body temperature decreases markedly, and urination stops. The facial features are sharpened, the skin fold does not straighten out, the tongue is dry, the pulse becomes thready.

Treatment. The patient is given to drink plenty of fluids, as well as rehydron, oralitis, gastrolith, oral. If the patient cannot drink on his own, the solutions are administered through a thin gastric tube. Antibiotics of the tetracycline series, chloramphenicol are also prescribed. But the main treatment is carried out only in the infectious diseases hospital.

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Some diseases are called “silent killers” due to the fact that in the early stages they cause almost imperceptible symptoms or are completely asymptomatic. And, if left untreated, these diseases can cause death. Due to the changed way of life of people, there has been an increase in the number of deaths caused by such deadly diseases. Thousands of lives have been lost in recent times, with "silent killers" being the main cause of death. Most of the symptoms in the early stages of the disease are always very mild and thus regular medical examination and early diagnosis of unexplained or vague symptoms are very important for women over 40. This article describes the 10 most deadly diseases among women.

Heart diseases

Heart disease is number one on the silent killer list. They kill more people worldwide than all other diseases combined. Although men are more prone to heart disease, it has become the most common cause of death among women. This is the most serious killer of women over 50, writes

Studies have shown that women believe they have a fairly strong advantage over men in terms of heart disease, but women over 50 have the same risk of having a heart attack, stroke, or any other coronary disease as men. And, starting at age 50, women have a higher risk of dying from heart disease.

Those with a family history of heart disease are most at risk. Realization of the problem often comes too late, and by the time most people realize they are suffering from heart disease, the disease has progressed to a serious stage, which is no easy task for doctors. Often, the onset of the disease is only detected when the patient has already suffered a stroke or heart attack. Women with heart disease will typically notice the following: extreme fatigue, difficulty breathing, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, profuse sweating, pain or discomfort in the neck, shoulder blade and upper back, burning or pain in the abdomen.

When women are diagnosed with heart disease or a heart attack, they are treated with drugs that are different from those given to men. Studies have shown that some anticoagulants work better for men than for women. Both medical and surgical treatment is intended to eliminate problems with the heart and restore the normal functioning of this organ.

Mammary cancer

Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that forms in the tissues of the breast. Typically, the tumor forms in the ducts (channels that carry milk to the nipple) and lobules (glands that produce milk). It occurs in both men and women, although breast cancer is rare in men. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and the second most common cause of female death.

Breast cancer occurs in one in eight women, especially in women of childbearing age. This disease is the most common cause of death among women aged 45 to 55 years. No one knows why some women develop breast cancer, but there are many risk factors, such as:

  • Age: The chances of getting breast cancer increase as a woman gets older.
  • Genes: Women with a family history of breast or ovarian cancer have a higher risk of developing these cancers.
  • overweight;
  • treatment with hormone replacement therapy;
  • taking birth control pills;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • nulliparous women or women who gave birth to their first child after 35 years.

Some of breast cancer symptoms include:

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  • changes in breast or nipple sensitivity;
  • swelling or thickening in the chest area or in the armpit;
  • soreness of the nipple;
  • changes in the appearance of the breast or nipple;
  • change in the size or shape of the breast;
  • retraction of the nipples;
  • the skin of the breast, areola, or nipple may become scaly, red, or swollen.

In its early stages, breast cancer usually doesn't cause pain, which explains why the disease takes such a huge toll before it's diagnosed. Early diagnosis plays an important role in the treatment of this disease. Treatment options for breast cancer may include surgery (removal of just the tumor or, in some cases, the entire breast), radiation therapy, hormone therapy, and/or chemotherapy.

ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer is a cancer that occurs in the ovary (one of the paired organs of the female gonads in which eggs are formed). Most ovarian cancers are either ovarian cancer (cancer that develops in cells on the surface of the ovaries) or germ cell malignancy (cancer that develops in the egg).

Ovarian cancer is the seventh most common cancer in women and the fifth leading cause of cancer death in women. This disease often does not cause symptoms until the cancer has spread more widely. Less than one third of ovarian cancer cases are discovered before the tumor has spread beyond the ovaries.

Possible early symptoms of ovarian cancer are:

  • bloating;
  • pain in the pelvic region or in the abdomen;
  • unbearable or frequent urge to urinate;
  • lack of appetite or a feeling of satiety that comes on very quickly.

But, as the cancer develops, symptoms can change and include:

  • pressure or pain in the abdominal and pelvic cavity, legs, back;
  • swelling or bloating of the abdomen;
  • nausea, upset stomach, gas, constipation, or diarrhea;
  • feeling very tired.

Most women with ovarian cancer are treated with surgery and chemotherapy. Radiation therapy is rarely used.

Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer forms in the tissues of the cervix (the organ that connects the uterus and vagina). It is usually a slowly developing cancer that causes no symptoms in the early stages. But the disease can be detected with a Pap test (a procedure in which cells are scraped off the cervix and examined under a microscope).

Cervical cancer is almost always caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). The virus causes cancer by causing a change in the cells of the cervix, which leads to the development of intraepithelial neoplasia of the cervix, which causes cancer. Women who have many sexual partners (or have sex with men who have had many other partners) are at increased risk. Early stages of cervical cancer usually do not cause symptoms. As the cancer develops, women may notice one or more of these symptoms:

  • abnormal vaginal bleeding;
  • bleeding that occurs between periods;
  • bleeding after intercourse, douching, or a pelvic exam;
  • periods that last longer and are heavier than before;
  • bleeding that occurs after menopause;
  • increased vaginal discharge;
  • pain in the pelvic area;
  • pain during sex.

Doctors recommend that women reduce their risk of cervical cancer by having a regular Pap test. This test (sometimes called a Pap smear or cervical smear) is a simple test used to look at cells in the cervix. This test can detect cervical cancer or abnormal cells that can cause the disease.

Finding and treating abnormal cells can prevent most cases of cervical cancer.

Women with this disease have many treatment options - surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of these methods.

The choice of treatment depends mainly on the size of the tumor and how far the cancer has spread. The choice of treatment may also depend on whether the patient wishes to become pregnant in the future.

colon cancer

This type of cancer starts in the tissues of the large intestine (the longest part of the large intestine). Most colon cancers are adenocarcinomas (a type of cancer that starts in the cells that make and secrete mucus and other fluids). The large intestine is the part of the digestive system that stores waste. Although this type of cancer kills more men, the rate at which it kills women has increased greatly in recent times. Colon cancer is the fourth most common cancer affecting women. This disease is not contagious. Some people are more likely to develop colon cancer than others. Factors that increase the risk of developing this type of cancer include high fat intake, a family history of colon cancer and polyps, colon polyps, and chronic ulcerative colitis.

Most colon cancers develop from colon polyps. Thus, the removal of benign polyps can prevent the occurrence of cancer.

The symptoms of colon cancer are numerous and non-specific. These include fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, changes in bowel habits, thin stools, diarrhea or constipation, red or dark blood in the stool, weight loss, abdominal pain, cramps, and bloating. Other conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome (spastic colon), ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, diverticulosis, and peptic ulcer disease, may have symptoms that mimic colon cancer. Colon cancer can begin to develop years before symptoms appear.

Surgery is the most common treatment for colon cancer. During the operation, the tumor, a small area of ​​the healthy colon adjacent to it, and nearby lymph nodes are removed.


Fibrous tumors are large neoplasms that consist of fibrous tissue. These benign (not cancerous) tumors are found in many cases when examining the uterus of women 30-40 years old.

Fibroma most often occurs as multiple tumors that grow slowly and often cause no symptoms.

No one knows why fibroids develop, but some facts are clear:

  • fibroids do not develop before the body begins to produce estrogen during the onset of menstruation;
  • fibroids continue to grow as long as estrogens are present in the body, they will grow very rapidly during pregnancy when the body produces additional estrogen;
  • tumors often shrink and disappear after menopause, when the body stops producing estrogen;
  • Fibroids almost never develop in women after menopause.

Although most fibroids cause no symptoms, 25% of women may have abnormal bleeding, menstrual pain, and as fibroids grow larger, women often experience constipation.

An enlarged fibroma can cause frequent urination or an inability to control the bladder, or an inability to control the bladder when the urge is strong. Some women, on the contrary, have difficulty urinating. If the fibroma spreads to the back of the uterus, it can put pressure on the intestines, causing constipation and back pain.

If fibroids are severe enough to cause certain symptoms, surgery is often recommended as a treatment.

The sad fact is that due to a highly spread or enlarged fibroma, most women sooner or later face the removal of the uterus. This is the only reliable way to effectively remove fibroids in most women.

Pelvic inflammatory disease

Pelvic inflammatory disease is an infection of the uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovaries. In most cases, pelvic inflammatory disease is caused by bacteria that travel from the vagina or cervix to the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, or pelvis.

The most common cause of these diseases is sexual intercourse without a condom or other protective measures. These diseases are called “sexually transmitted diseases” (STDs). Chlamydia and gonorrhea are caused by the bacteria that cause most cases of pelvic inflammatory disease.

However, bacteria can also enter the body during certain surgical procedures or medical examinations, such as childbirth, endometrial biopsy, insertion of an intrauterine device (IUD), miscarriage, medical or spontaneous abortion.

Most Common Symptoms include:

  • fever (not always present, sometimes comes and goes);
  • pain or tenderness in the pelvis, lower abdomen, or lower back;
  • vaginal discharge with an abnormal color, texture, or odor;
  • bleeding after intercourse;
  • chills;
  • fatigue;
  • frequent or painful urination;
  • increased menstrual cramps;
  • changes in menstrual bleeding or spotting;
  • lack of appetite, nausea, with or without vomiting;
  • lack of menstruation;
  • painful intercourse.

There are many antibiotics that can be used to treat this type of infection. Difficult cases that do not respond to antibiotics may require surgery.


Endometriosis is an asymptomatic disease, another "silent killer" of women. This is a growth of cells similar to those that line the inside of the uterus (endometrial cells), but they are located outside the uterus. Endometriosis cells attach to tissues outside the uterus and are called endometrial implants. Such implants are most commonly found on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, outer surface of the uterus or intestines, and on the mucosal surface of the pelvic cavity. They can also be found in the vagina, cervix, and bladder, although this is less common than in other areas of the pelvic area.

Endometriosis affects women of reproductive age. The exact percentage of prevalence of endometriosis is unknown, as many women can be affected by this disease, but do not have symptoms. Endometriosis is one of the leading causes of pelvic pain and the basis for laparoscopic surgery and hysterectomy. Although most cases of endometriosis are diagnosed in women around the age of 25-35, cases have also been reported in girls as young as 11 years of age. Postponing pregnancy to an older age is also thought to increase the risk of endometriosis.

The reason why many women have recently died due to this disease is that it is often misdiagnosed due to the bleeding factor that is common to many diseases.

Most women with endometriosis do not experience any symptoms. For those with the disease, the most common symptoms are pain (usually pelvic pain) and infertility. Pelvic pain usually occurs during or before menstruation and improves after menstruation. Some women experience pain or cramps during intercourse, bowel movements, and/or urination. Even a gynecological examination by a doctor can be painful. The intensity of pain can vary from month to month, and varies greatly among women. Some women experience a progressive worsening of symptoms, while others experience pain relief without treatment.

To others symptoms associated with endometriosis, relate:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • diarrhea and/or constipation;
  • lower back pain;
  • irregular or heavy menstrual bleeding;
  • blood in the urine.

Endometriosis is treatable with medication and/or surgery Diabetes

Diabetes is also a "silent killer", which is ranked as one of the most important in the list. He is responsible for a large number of deaths among women, although men also did not remain deprived. The most interesting thing is that almost a third of patients do not even suspect that they have diabetes. Before a person is diagnosed with diabetes, the disease can lead to hypertension and damage to blood vessels. This disorder interferes with the body's function of converting food into energy. As a rule, the regular sugar that people consume is digested after it is broken down into glucose. Glucose circulates in the blood, waiting to enter cells that will use it as fuel. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps glucose enter cells. A healthy pancreas regulates the amount of insulin in response to glucose levels. But if you have diabetes, this process is disrupted and your blood sugar becomes too high.

There are two main types of diabetes. people with diabetes 1 type completely unable to produce insulin. People with type 2 diabetes can produce insulin, but their body cells do not respond to it. In either case, glucose cannot enter the cells and blood glucose levels become excessively high. Over time, excess glucose can lead to serious complications.

There are many risk factors for developing diabetes 2 types. Some of them are genetic in nature and have a family predisposition. But otherwise, the disease can be reversed or prevented. The symptoms are: frequent urination, unquenchable thirst, weight loss without visible reasons, weakness and fatigue, tingling and numbness of the hands or feet.

Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to death, heart disease, kidney disease, leg infections, and other serious health problems.


Leukemia is a cancer that develops in the tissues that form the blood. This disease affects children, men and women. The chances of survival are always very small if the disease is not diagnosed at an early stage. In a person with leukemia, the bone marrow produces abnormal white blood cells that are leukemic. Unlike normal blood cells, leukemic cells do not die in their own time when they should. They can crowd out normal white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. This situation makes it difficult or impossible for normal blood cells to function properly.

People with leukemia have a significantly increased risk of infections, anemia, and bleeding.

The symptoms of leukemia depend on the number of leukemic cells and where these cells accumulate in the body. People with chronic leukemia may not have symptoms. A doctor sometimes discovers the disease during a routine blood test.

People with acute leukemia usually see a doctor because they feel sick. If the brain is affected, patients may experience headaches, vomiting, confusion, loss of muscle control, or seizures. Leukemia can also affect other organs in the body, such as the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, lungs, heart, or testicles.

Common symptoms of chronic or acute leukemia may include:

  • swollen lymph nodes, usually painless (especially lymph nodes in the neck or armpits);
  • fever or night sweats;
  • frequent infections;
  • feeling weak or very tired;
  • bleeding or bruising (from the gums, under the skin, or tiny red spots under the skin);
  • swelling and discomfort in the abdomen (due to a swollen spleen or liver);
  • weight loss for an unknown reason;
  • pain in bones and joints.

The diagnosis of "leukemia" is confirmed by the results of the medical history and examinations, as well as the study of blood under a microscope. Leukemia cells can be detected and classified through bone marrow sampling and/or biopsy. Most patients with leukemia are treated with chemotherapy.

Some patients may also be treated with radiation therapy and/or bone marrow transplantation.

Unfortunately, chemotherapy can damage an adult woman's ovaries. In women, menstrual irregularities may begin, or the cycle may stop altogether. For this reason, menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness occur. Women who may want to become pregnant in the future should ask their doctor before starting treatment that their eggs be stored.