How to recruit people to a VK group. The best ways to gain subscribers in a VKontakte group

Good afternoon, dear readers! In today’s article I will talk about how to gain subscribers on VK and rise in search rankings. Getting to the top of the VK search is probably the dream of any user who uses this social network to make money or develop a business. The competition here is growing by leaps and bounds, so taking a leading position in the search is not so easy or quick. But still, you shouldn’t give up and say “No” to your ambitions; you need to move towards your goal step by step.

First, let's determine what indicators can affect ranking in VK search. If we talk in simple language, then by what criteria is VKontakte search sorted?

    The first point is the pure key entry of the query. In other words, your name or public name should accurately reflect the most popular query on your topic. If you do hairstyles or sell dresses, then the page should look like: “Irina Abramova Hairstyles.”

    The second point is the number of live subscribers on the page. That is, dogs do not count; on the contrary, they can undermine your position. Therefore, when looking for options on how to quickly gain subscribers on VK, pay attention to the quality of the purchased resources.

These two points are key when sorting your search. And if the page name can be changed in a couple of seconds, then attracting a live and active audience will require time and long work:

    Generating interesting and unique content. Information presented in an original way on the page forces subscribers to return to it again and again and, in order not to lose sight of the author, they most often subscribe to him;

    Hold competitions and other events on the page. This will not only draw attention to your profile, but will also attract additional traffic. The main thing is that for winning the competition some kind of prize is provided: a free service, a popular product as a gift, etc.;

    Indicate the city within which you are going to promote the page. There is no need to indicate Moscow or St. Petersburg simply for significance, since breaking into the leaders in these cities will be a very difficult task. The smaller the city, the less competition;

    Some users notice that writing posts with keywords can also affect search engine rankings. In any case, writing competent and optimized texts for publications will not be superfluous, so it is worth starting to develop in this direction now.

    Some of the people on the page can be obtained for a small fee through services. To do this, you need to enter a request in search engine something like this: “How to get VKontakte subscribers for a fee” and you will see many sites providing such services.

Above, I mentioned how to gain subscribers on VK through services for money. Now I consider it my duty to talk about this in more detail.

Paid services for promotion in social networks appeared about 5 years ago. Around the same time, there was a peak in blogging and making money through social networks. Today, a huge number of online sites have appeared to quickly increase any parameters in social networks, and all of them are in great demand.

So that you do not waste your precious time searching and selecting the ideal service, I decided to make a brief selection of the resources that I once used myself: - here you can get likes, subscribers and views on any social networks at a low price. This service was one of the very first, and its work has been honed to perfection. It has everything that even the most picky client might need: technical support, no registration, discounts for large orders, inexpensive prices and a wide variety of services; this site is not just a service, but rather an exchange for exchanging tasks. You will definitely need to register on this resource, for which you will be given the first 50 points. They can be spent on posting your task (subscribe to the page). To increase the number of points, you need to complete similar tasks or pay a certain amount, at least 700-800 rubles, depending on the dollar exchange rate; is a seller of SMM services that offers VKontakte subscribers at an inexpensive price. This site has been confidently among the leaders of the network for several years now. Here, such a service as dialing on VKontakte is quite affordable; 1000 people can be purchased for 389 rubles and at the same time receive 500 likes as a gift. There are quite a lot of similar promotions on this service, so it has become a favorite among users; a resource for finding remote workers. Thousands of specialists in a variety of fields, including SMM, offer their services here. Specialists have their own ratings and reviews about working with them. In principle, the idea of ​​the site is not bad, but the minimum price tag of 500 rubles, regardless of the service, is a little off-putting; is a young and developing service where you can order VK subscribers inexpensively and with high quality. There is no need for registration at all; you can place an order for any service in a couple of minutes. The site has several forms of payment so that each user can find a format convenient for themselves; another service that offers paid services for promotion and promotion on social networks. It does not work with all social networks, but only with VK, Instagram and YouTube. The price tag is practically no different from other services, except that there are no special discounts for wholesale.

I hope it’s now clearer to you how to quickly gain subscribers on VK and what sites and services you can use as a guide.

Paid promotion services are a huge success, but no less excitement is caused by free options for getting subscribers to a page. By attracting an audience on your own, you improve your “skill” in promotion, and in the future this experience will be useful in any case. There are a lot of ways to quickly gain VKontakte subscribers, but not all of them are presented to the masses. Those users who have opened some loopholes to safely recruit people to the page try to keep all secrets secret. And in this article I will talk about well-known methods of self-attraction:

    Massfollowing - You will have to add strangers as friends in the hope of a mutual response. Subsequently, those added can be deleted, and they will become subscribers. The main thing is not to overstep the boundaries and not to add to more and more established limits;

    Programs - such software is engaged in the same mass following, but without your direct participation. It is enough to set the necessary settings and invitations to “be friends” will start pouring in from your page. To expand the possible settings and parameters, you can buy a full program license, but as practice shows, the trial version is quite enough for users;

    Exchange sites - with them you can gain 1000 VKontakte subscribers, and quite quickly. You have to join various groups, like posts you don’t even like, and all this for the sake of getting points for your balance. Then they can be used to pay users for subscribing to your account. This method is not considered the safest, but if you remove spam from your page in a timely manner, then it most likely will not be suspected of excessive activity. But you should expect the same from other users; after receiving payment, they may unsubscribe from you.

And so that no one even thinks about unsubscribing from your account, be sure to work on interesting content, on holding competitions and voting. All this together gives a good impetus to the development of pages on VKontakte.

So, now you know how to quickly gain VKontakte subscribers yourself, quickly and for free. Forward to new achievements!

The safest way to attract people to a VKontakte group is inviting. Invite is an invitation.

How is it safe? Yes, because this is primarily allowed by the VKontakte rules.


You can invite 40 people per day from 1 account. This is why we need to have many accounts with many friends. There is no way you can promote a group with just one profile.

Having entered the program (enter the login and password for your VK account), you need to click on “ Inviting” and later on “ 40 friends per group“:

In the next window you can select criteria, ranging from gender to age. Click on “ Let's go“:

And finally the invitation process itself:

During the process, you will have to enter the captcha (letters/numbers from the picture) several times (3-4).

Be sure to take breaks! It's important to take breaks when inviting people into a group. That is, if you have now invited 40 people from the 1st profile, then the next invitation through another profile should be in less than half an hour - an hour, otherwise VKontakte will suspect dubious activity and ban the accounts. Personally, I take breaks once every 1 hour. That is, in 10 hours you can invite 400 people, having 10 VK accounts. But what percentage will join the group is another question.

Case Study

Using this method, I was able to invite 327 people to the group. Why so little? There are probably few updates because the group is not particularly active and the topic is unique.

And if we look at the number of invitees, then this figure is 1810:

In general, you can engage in inviting if you have “ fatty ” profiles on VKontakte. And be sure to not forget about the pauses mentioned above.

Download the VKBOT program:

And again, hello to everyone! Today is Saturday and I...went to cleanup in the morning. The trumpet is calling, as they say. But now I’m back and ready to write a new article for you. Where did we stop there? Oh yes. We are with you. Well, now you can invite people, so I’ll show you how to recruit subscribers to a VKontakte group for free.

Today, the site holds a strong position and is among the three most popular sites in Russia. Thousands of new groups are created every day. Some make their way, others bend. But the point is that in today's realities it has become much more difficult to bring a community to the top.

In order to recruit participants you have to try very hard. But you still need to recruit them. How can you do this, and for free? I doubt that anyone will join a completely empty group. Only spammers come in who offer to promote the group, but after their promotion it is not a fact that your group will not be banned. In general, let me show you what free methods we will recruit people at first.

Inviting friends

The very first way that comes to mind is inviting living friends. Do you have friends on VK? Ask them to support your project.

There is indeed a limitation. You will not be able to invite more than 40 people per day to your community. So if you have 200 friends, then this method of invitation will take you 5 days.

In addition, be sure to click on "Tell your friends" in your group and choose "Friends and Subscribers". Write in the comments, they say "Support my group by joining it". Then a post with a link to your group will appear on your wall, and your friends will see it in the news.


This method smacks of spam a little, but you can use it at first. Now the main thing for us is to give at least a little weight to our group so that people can join.

Find groups with an open wall or at least the ability to comment and post messages in threads. Just look for something close to your topic. There is no need to push an advertisement for a group about creating websites into a group of hookah lovers. In general, to do this, join groups.

Write a word in the search bar that matches the search for a similar group, for example, if you are looking for a group on the topic “Humor”, then in the search you can use words such as laughter, positive, humor, jokes, etc. After that, click search and you will see groups that match your search.

Go to different groups (only open ones!) and leave comments with a link to your community on the wall, in comments or in topics. But just try not to look like spam. Write some comment (if you are commenting on a cool photo), like “This is not the first time I’ve seen such jokes)) Cool.”

Then go to your group, go to the desired post (let it be a photo or picture) and copy the link of this particular post into the comment form. It will turn out that an active link will appear in the comment and the picture that is visible through this link will be automatically attached.

Of course, this is not a cool way, and the flow of subscribers will not go, but those who follow the link will follow the link and join - they will be really alive, and not bots. And this is already a big plus. I know from my own experience that such links are followed.

Mutual PR

Mutual PR is also very good way attracting subscribers to the group. The bottom line is that you find a community and negotiate with it (in the sense of the administrator) about mutual PR. You put a post with a link to his group, and he puts a post with a link to your group. Thus, some of the people from you join him, and some of his subscribers subscribe to you. So to speak, mutually beneficial cooperation.

But I would advise starting such mutual PR when you have at least 1000 participants (or better yet, even more), even if many of them are not alive. But there is one BUT. Subscribers of another group may also be mostly scammed. But you still need to do this and not with just one group.

But how to choose a group based on the number of subscribers? There is no such thing in standard group search. But good people We have come up with a wonderful service that will help us with this. I already mentioned this service in the article about which theme to choose to create a group on VK. This is a service A very good service for those who use contact not only for entertainment purposes. In general, enter it.

Since I show by the example of an entertainment group, then I will look for groups of an entertainment nature. And let’s imagine that we already have 1000 people. Have you visited the site? Well done.

It turns out that you repost one of his posts to your group, and accordingly he does the same only on his part.

Service Olike

And finally, I’ll show you one service that will help you recruit participants to the group. True, with this method you will mostly recruit bots and second accounts. But, as I already said, we need to gain weight and gain fat, so they’ll do for extras.

And besides the fact that these are low-quality visitors and bots, there are a couple more disadvantages:

But in general, this method can be used at the initial stage. You have to survive somehow. Everyone wants to eat. Is it true?)

  1. In general, log in to the service Olike and click on "Log in via like".
  2. A window will open where you must enter the address of your personal page (not the community!!!). To do this, while on your page, copy it from the address bar, for example After that, insert this value and click on “Let In”.
  3. And to enter, you will need to immediately complete the task. To do this, click on “Click and Like” and a post or photo will open to you.
  4. Put a heart on this photo. This will mean that the task is completed. After that, close the window and you will be allowed into your personal account. If you look, it's a pretty extensive service. There are a lot of things you can do here with different social networks, so remember it. But we are on at the moment I'm interested in recruiting for the VK group.
  5. You can order a minimum of 100 subscribers, but this requires 200 points. Well. Let's get started. Click on “Click and Like” and do everything the same as you did above, i.e. like and close. For this we get 1 point.
  6. Now let's join the group. Click on “Click and join the group”. You will be transferred to some community. The essence is the same to join (subscribe) and close. For this you will receive 2 points.
  7. You can also repost, but I don't like it. Therefore, I make do with only those two points. You can also buy points, but here I am still considering the free method.
  8. After you have scored 200 points go to the menu "Subscribers to the group".
  9. In the first column you leave 100, in the second you will see how many points it will cost, and in the third there should be your link to the group. Therefore, go to your group and copy the link from the address bar, and then paste it.
  10. Now you need to paste the group authorization link. Yes, yes, this is incomprehensible nonsense. Copy it, then go to your community. There will be a "Links" section. Click on "Add link" and paste the copied set of letters.
  11. After that, go back to Olike and click “I agree with the rules. Order".
  12. And then during the day your 100 subscribers will join you, although a small part will leave the group even before the last participant joins, so get ready for the fact that you won’t have exactly a hundred.

Well, in general, you can use it this way at the initial level, and beyond. The main thing is to watch the dogs, because I gave up on that. As a result, my group was blocked. So the next time I followed this, this kind of bullshit didn’t happen anymore.

These skills may be useful to you if you want to not only lead your community, but also become an administrator of other groups on a paid basis. It's better to pass, of course. professional training, where they will teach you everything and show you how to do what. By the way, training is not only about contact. There's a lot of choice there!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

However, you can count on a larger salary if you have a live audience. So I asked myself, how can I get a million live subscribers to a VKontakte group?

Guide to recruiting live subscribers on VKontakte

You can buy a ready-made VKontakte group with a million subscribers at However, such communities cost a million rubles each, which means the price per subscriber is 1-2 rubles.

If you create a group from scratch and do step-by-step development, then it will take you 5-10 times less budget to get 1,000,000 people. True, there are factors that influence the growth rate of the public.

What determines the speed of gaining subscribers?:

  • Popularity of the topic;
  • Quality of information presentation;
  • Number of publications;
  • Your audience's activity.

For example, musical groups advance well due to the competent selection of songs of the same direction. And humorous publics should follow trending news and make unique jokes with memes.

1. Community Feed

The presentation of the community lies in a beautiful and clear name that is easy to remember. At the same time, you need to make a beautiful hat and avatar so that people see the differences and remember you!

Professional SMO specialists have long used animals and fictional characters to attract attention. The most surprising thing is that the attitude towards the group is formed on the basis of the header and the first three posts!

Therefore, a high quality picture with a direct meaning that will indicate the direction of your topic will be the best option! But this is just the first step towards success.

2. Adding subscribers to the group

For some reason, many users do not like to subscribe to a VKontakte group with less than two thousand subscribers. I have been convinced of this more than once when I tried to promote communities with the help of advertising alone.

So you have to recruit 5-10 thousand people using special task exchanges. I recommend doing promotion from 17:30 to 21:00, it is during this period that the services have the most real people!

The best promotion exchanges on VKontakte:

  • is the leading exchange in Russia, with more than a hundred thousand participants. For 1,000 rubles you can get 1,500 - 2,000 people.
  • — more suitable for small cities due to the ability to customize targeting. For 1,000 rubles we get 1,000 subscribers.
  • - he can cheat, but here it is best to simply remove the dogs from the group.

You will have 15-30% dogs of the total number of cheats. Try to remove blocked users every day to avoid being blocked.

If task exchanges seem too complicated to you, then you can contact professional SMO specialists. Who will do the same work for the same money, and maybe cheaper.

3. Advertising in other groups

For 800 rubles you can buy an advertising post from a community that has over 1,000,000 subscribers, but effectiveness is assessed by the number of views of the post and the number of likes in the first 24 hours.

Therefore, often groups with 300-500 thousand people show much better results for a lower price. To make it clearer, let’s compare several public pages on the topic of humor.
Even the number of likes in both groups is the same, so why pay almost 2 times more? Well, the most important thing is that for 450 rubles you can get up to 50% of the audience from the number of views of the recording itself.

  • is a leading advertising exchange that hosts almost all communities. It has many settings and provides the most detailed statistics.

Communities in social network"VKontakte". Group development is an integral part of a business that is in demand on the Internet. These are not necessarily online services or goods that can only be purchased online. Now any business can develop in social media. networks, at least for advertising purposes. Any person involved in VK publics will say that the success of your public is directly proportional to the number of subscribers in it. If you have a good budget, it is easier to gain an audience. But what if the budget is limited or non-existent. The question arises: how to gain VK subscribers for free?? is a site where you can promote your VK group or personal page. On this resource you can get both live and high-quality subscribers, as well as bots and other scams.

7 working free methods for getting subscribers

We have chosen the simplest and effective methods. The article discusses 6 methods for getting subscribers for free. We can conditionally divide them into methods through which active and inactive participants will join the community. Active ones will join in methods No. 1, 2, 4, 6, since in these cases people will join of their own free will and based on whether they are interested in your content. Methods No. 3 and 5 will allow your group to gain weight, but it will not be active.

  1. Invitations to the group.
    Just send an invite to all your friends and ask them to do the same. Add new friends and invite them. This method is more effective in the initial stages, when there are no people in the public at all. But you shouldn’t stop using it, even when, for example, you started gaining subscribers through special services (method No. 5). Since with this method you get live and active participants.
    The disadvantages of this method are the daily limit: no more than 40 invitations to the group; no more than 50 friend invitations.
  2. Self-promotion.
    It is necessary to find groups with an open wall, the ability to leave comments or. You can also write to people in PM.
    This method is a kind of spam. We warn you right away that sometimes you may be temporarily blocked for using this method. Since the VK administration does not welcome spam and advertising of their goods or services in this way. You can also add a large number of friends (don’t forget about the daily limit) and, in addition to invitations, make reposts on your wall. The more friends you have, the more people will see your post.
  3. Using communities created to develop other communities.
    Now on VK there are many public pages like “Mutual Entry” or “PR Groups”. You can also gain subscribers in them by agreeing on mutual membership, mutual likes, etc. But this is already less effective and people who joined in this way, as a rule, are not active in the future.
  4. Using automatic programs/services to manage your account.
    Programs (for example, SOBOT) are created for more effective and or your community page. You do a task (for example, write to people in PM), set up search criteria for people and launch the program.

    The main advantage is the automation of the process. After launching the program, you can go about your business, and the program will do everything for you. The work is also carried out without any tasks or registration. The only BUT is that you will need to provide accounts (not necessarily your personal account).
  5. Using online services to increase subscribers. Here we will only talk about those services that can be used for free.
    This is the simplest way that will allow you to quickly gain the first weight of the community (1000 - 5000 people).
    The essence of such services is to complete tasks and receive points for it. For the points you receive, you can set your own task (for example, join a group). All you need to do to get started is go to their website and log in through one of the social networks. networks. The most famous services are, .
    In addition to the main advantage of such services - they are free, the advantage is also a large number of users, therefore, tasks are completed quickly. One of the disadvantages is that there are no real subscribers, some of the subscribers unsubscribe.
    But this is quite enough to gain the first weight of the group (1000 - 5000 people). Of course, you can continue to use the service, but it is necessary to dilute it with other ways of attracting people to the community in order to recruit living people into the group who will actively like, repost, etc., since at a certain stage it is the living subscribers who will become the driving force behind public promotion.
  6. Mutual advertising. The most effective way.
    Using this method, you will recruit only active participants who are interested in your content and will be active in the future (likes, reposts).
    The method is to search for public pages with your target audience and with approximately the same number of participants. Afterwards, you need to negotiate with the admins of these publics and make mutual reposts with links to each other’s publics. Part of their audience will go to you, and part of your audience will go to them.
    You should not use this method with the same group over and over again. Search and negotiate with new communities.
    The only downside is the difficulty of searching. Since it is not entirely easy to find an option that suits you and admins do not always make contact. But with a little patience and perseverance, you will get the desired result.
  7. Participation in groups with competitions. For example, “Free Russia”. In some cases, this will not be a free option, but almost free (if you are advertising handmade goods).
  8. Placing a widget on a group on your site or sites. Posting a link to your community on other social networks.


So, we discussed 8 methods of how to attract people to the VKontakte group for free. What methods to use is up to you. or download programs and work with them, make 40 invitations daily, or do PR in groups, or can use everything at once.

Separately, it is worth noting the moment when your group already has 30–100 thousand people (you still need to grow to this point). Here already main role It is the content and content of the public that will play. People will like and repost posts they like. And at this stage, this is the most important thing for attracting more and more subscribers. Always remember the importance of content, as people look at the content of the group first and then join it.