Summary of Deniska's stories for the reader's diary. "Deniska's stories" reader's diary

The main character of Victor Dragunsky's story “The First Day” is a boy named Denis. An important event is expected in his life - Denis will go to school for the first time. On this occasion, on the first of September, he woke up very early, when it was still dark. He had to wait until his mother stood up and ironed his school uniform. Seeing Deniska in uniform, dad said that he looked like a general.

The school had many children holding flowers in their hands. And Denis’s backpack contained brand new school supplies. In the first lesson, the hero of the story learned many new words: chalk, blackboard, desk, class, teacher. He also learned that the teacher’s name was Ksenia Alekseevna.

During the second lesson, a real writer came to visit the first-graders and read his stories to them. And Denis, in response, read a short poem to the writer, which he composed right there in class.

After classes, Denis was met by his mother. She gave him a red ball. The ball twitched in his hand and tried to fly into the sky. And Denis released him. And at home, for the first time in his life, he sat down to do his homework. Denis tried so hard that he even stuck out his tongue from zeal.

Then he played in the yard until his mother called him for dinner. And after dinner Deniska began to go to bed. Dad asked him why he went to bed so early, and Denis replied that he wanted tomorrow to come quickly so he could go to school again.

As he fell asleep, he thought that he would soon learn the letters, and then he would be able to read all the signs on the stores, despite his young age. And then dad will call him an educated man.

That's how it is summary story.

The main idea of ​​Dragunsky’s story “The First Day” is that one should approach one’s studies responsibly, as did the hero of the story, who woke up in the dark on September 1st and went to bed early in the evening so that he could go to school again in the morning.

Dragunsky's story “The First Day” teaches you to be patient and diligent. When Denis was doing his first homework in his life, he realized that he had not done it very well and therefore began to do it again.

I liked it in the story main character, the boy Denis, who understands that studying at school is a very important part of a person’s life.

What proverbs fit Dragunsky’s story “The First Day”?

Learning to read and write is always useful.
The pen writes, but the mind leads.
Without effort there is no success.

Title of the work: Deniska's stories

Year of writing: 1959

Genre: cycle of stories

Main characters: Denis Korablev- a boy, at the beginning of the cycle a preschooler, and then a primary school student, parents Denis, Friends

The friendly world of Dragunsky, which he drew from the lives of his own children, can be seen in the summary of “Deniska’s Stories” for the reader’s diary.


Funny and amazing stories happen to Denis, partly based on the boundlessness of children's imagination and fun. So he doesn’t want to eat the porridge and throws it out of the apartment window, and then a policeman and a citizen come to them, covered in porridge, and the secret becomes a reality. Another time, Deniska goes to the circus and changes places with another boy, and the clown Karandash chooses him to participate in his act. While waiting for his mother, Denis manages to get hungry and sad, he becomes sad, but a friend comes up and shows him a firefly in a matchbox, and Denis exchanges it for his locomotive. One day Denis decides to paint the door with paint and a hose when the painters are leaving for lunch, and paints not only the door and walls, but also his girlfriend and the house manager. Playing hide and seek, the boy hides under his neighbor's bed, and she closes the door and goes to bed. One day Denis and his friends start building a rocket in the sandbox and get carried away by stories about various diseases and their advantages.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Childhood is a bright time when there are no serious worries. Children's spontaneity, sincerity and joy must always be remembered and these important qualities must be kept in the heart, so that, as an adult, you do not become hardened and bitter.

Who among us does not remember Deniska Korablev, the famous hero of funny stories? This wonderful book was written by Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky. “Deniska’s stories” are easy to understand by ear, so they can be read to children from four years of age. Younger schoolchildren will be happy to recognize themselves in the book: after all, they also don’t always want to do their homework, read books, or do extra work. summer holidays when it's hot outside and all your friends are playing in the yard.

A summary of the book by Victor Dragunsky “Deniska's Stories” will help you in a situation where you need to immediately refresh your memory of the names of the main characters. Want to know what this book is about? Below is a retelling of the work “Deniska’s Stories”. A brief summary of the text will allow you to remember the main points of the story, the characters of the main characters, and the true motives of their actions.

"It's alive and glowing"

This story begins with the boy Deniska waiting for his mother in the yard. She probably stayed late at the institute or at the store, and doesn’t even suspect that her son has already missed her. The author very subtly emphasizes that the child is tired and hungry. Apparently, he doesn’t have the keys to the apartment, because it’s already starting to get dark, the lights come on in the windows, but Deniska doesn’t move from her place. Standing in the yard, he feels himself starting to freeze. While he is watching what is happening around him, his friend Mishka Slonov runs up to him. Seeing his friend, Deniska rejoices and temporarily forgets about his sadness.

Mishka praises his toy dump truck, wants to trade it and offers Deniska various items and his toys. Deniska replies that the dump truck is a gift from dad, so he cannot give it to Mishka or even exchange it. Then Mishka uses the last opportunity to get a toy dump truck - he offers Deniska a live firefly that glows in the dark. Deniska is fascinated by the firefly, its magnificent glow that spreads from a simple matchbox. He gives Mishka the dump truck, saying: “Take my dump truck, for good, and give me this star.” Mishka goes home happy, and Deniska no longer feels so sad waiting for his mother, because he felt that there was a living creature next to him. Soon mom returns, and she and Deniska go home for dinner. Mom is sincerely surprised how her son could exchange a good toy for “some kind of firefly”

This is just one of the stories representing Deniska's Stories. The summary shows that the main theme is loneliness and abandonment. The boy wants to go home, he is tired and hungry, but his mother lingers somewhere and thereby prolongs Deniska’s feeling of inner suffering. The appearance of a firefly warms the child’s soul, and it is no longer so difficult for him to wait for his mother to appear.

"The secret becomes clear"

A very funny story in which Deniska refuses to eat semolina porridge for breakfast. However, his mother remains adamant and tells him to eat everything to the end. As a “reward”, she promises her son to take him to the Kremlin immediately after breakfast. Denis is very inspired by this prospect, but even this cannot help overcome his dislike for semolina. After another attempt to put a spoonful of porridge into her mouth, Deniska tries to salt and pepper it, but these actions do not improve it, but only spoil it, acquiring a completely unbearable taste. In the end, Deniska goes to the window and pours the porridge onto the street. Satisfied, he puts the empty plate on the table. Suddenly front door dissolves and a man enters the apartment, smeared from head to toe with semolina porridge. Mom looks at him in confusion, and Deniska understands that he will no longer get into the Kremlin. The man indignantly says that he was going to be photographed, so he put on his best suit, and suddenly hot porridge poured on him from above from the window.

This is the second story representing Deniska's Stories. The summary shows that sooner or later everything hidden is discovered and brings big trouble.

"Top - down - diagonally"

One day Deniska, Mishka and the neighbor girl Alyonka were walking near the house. And their yard was undergoing renovations. The guys heard and saw how the painting workers were getting ready to leave for lunch. When the painters left for lunch, it turned out that they had left the barrels of paint in the yard. The guys began to paint everything they could get their hands on: a bench, a fence, an entrance door. It was very interesting for them to watch how the paint itself came out of the hose and quickly painted everything around. Alyonka even managed to paint her legs to make her look like a real Indian.

This is the third story representing Deniska's Stories. The summary shows that Deniska, Mishka and Alyonka are cheerful guys, although they got a lot of trouble for that incident with the paint.

"Green Leopards"

Do you like to get sick? No? But Deniska, Mishka and Alyonka love him. In this story, they share with readers the benefits different types diseases: from the common cold to chickenpox and sore throat. Moreover, friends consider chickenpox to be the most “interesting” disease, because at the moment of exacerbation of the disease they had the opportunity to look like leopards. And also, the guys think, “the main thing is that the disease is more severe, then they’ll buy whatever you want.”

The main idea of ​​the story is fully illustrated by its summary. V. Dragunsky (“Deniska’s Stories”) emphasizes that attention to a sick child is always greater, but it is still very important to remain healthy.

“Fire in the outbuilding or feat in the ice”

One day Deniska and Mishka were late for school. On the way, they decided to come up with a decent excuse so that they wouldn’t get too badly hurt. class teacher, Raisa Ivanovna. It turned out that coming up with a plausible version is not so easy. Deniska offered to tell what they allegedly saved small child from the fire, and Mishka wanted to tell about how the baby fell through the ice and his friends pulled him out of there. Before they had time to argue which was better, they arrived at school. Each of them put forward their own version, which made it clear to everyone that they were deceiving. The teacher did not believe them and gave both of them unsatisfactory grades.

The main idea of ​​this story is emphasized by its summary. V. Dragunsky (“Deniska’s Stories”) teaches that adults should not be deceived. It is better to always tell the truth, whatever it may be.

“Where has this been seen, where has this been heard”

A very funny story in which Deniska and Mishka undertake to perform at a school matinee. They volunteer to sing a duet and tell everyone that they can handle it. Only at the performance suddenly a misunderstanding occurs: for some reason Mishka sings the same verse, and Deniska, due to the situation that has arisen, has to sing along with him. Laughter can be heard in the hall; it seems their debut was not a success. The main idea: you need to better prepare for important events.

"The Tricky Way"

In this story, Deniska tries her best to come up with a way that would allow her mother to be less tired of housework. She once complained that she barely had time to wash the dishes for her household and jokingly announced that if nothing changed, she would refuse to feed her son and husband. Deniska began to think, and the wonderful idea came to his mind to eat food alternately, and not all together. As a result, it turned out that the dishes would be consumed three times less, which would make it easier for my mother. Dad came up with another way: take on the obligation to wash the dishes every day with his son. The main idea of ​​the story is that you need to help your family.

Deniskin's stories, Deniskin's stories watch
literary cycle

Victor Dragunsky

Original language: Date of first publication:

"Deniska's stories"- a series of stories by the Soviet writer Viktor Dragunsky, dedicated to incidents from the life of a preschooler, and then junior school student Denis Korablev. Appearing in print since 1959, the stories became classics of Soviet children's literature, were republished many times and filmed several times. They were included in the list of “100 books for schoolchildren” compiled in 2012.

The prototype of the main character of the stories was the writer’s son Denis, and one of the stories mentions the birth of Denis’s younger sister Ksenia. As Yuri Nagibin wrote in his anniversary essay about Dragunsky, “Deniska’s Stories grew out of his immense love for his son, out of greedy attention to the world of childhood that opened up before him.”

  • 1 Plot
  • 2 Main characters
  • 3 List of stories
  • 4 Film adaptations
  • 5 Productions
  • 6 Exhibitions
  • 7 See also
  • 8 Notes
  • 9 Links


The stories take place in the late 1950s and early 1960s in Moscow (for example, the events of the story “Amazing Day” occur on the day of German Titov’s flight into space).

Denis lives with his parents in the center of Moscow, on Karetny Ryad (“Adventure”), not far from the Circus (“No worse than you circus people”). This is an ordinary boy, with whom funny or curious incidents happen every now and then. So he pours his porridge out of the window in order to quickly go with his mother to the Kremlin, and when a citizen with a policeman comes to them, covered in porridge, he understands what his mother’s words “The secret becomes clear” (“The secret becomes clear”) mean. One day, while going to the circus, he sees an amazing girl on a ball, but the next time, when he brings his dad to look at her, he finds out that she went with her parents to Vladivostok (“Girl on a Ball”). another time at the circus, he accidentally changes places with another boy, as a result of which the clown Pencil grabs him and, swinging on a swing, takes him with him under the circus dome (“No worse than you circus people”). During a trip to the zoo, Shango the elephant almost eats his brand new radio. On children's party at the Metalist club, Denis drinks a bottle of soda to gain up to 25 kilograms of weight and win a subscription to the Murzilka magazine, which he shares with his friend Mishka (“Exactly 25 kilos”). He begins to paint the entrance door with a hose left by the painters and gets so carried away that he paints not only the door, but also his neighbor Alyonka, and the suit of the house manager Alexei Akimych (“Top to bottom, diagonally!”). While playing hide and seek in communal apartment climbs under the bed of his neighbor grandmother, and when she closes the door and goes to bed, he is afraid that he will spend the rest of his life there (“Twenty Years Under the Bed”). He suggests that the mother, who complains about the mountains of dishes, wash only one utensil a day, and everyone will eat from it in turn (“The Tricky Way”).

Denis has a lot of adventures at school. She and Mishka are late for class, but they say the following: different stories about the reason for the delay, that their cunning is immediately revealed (“A fire in the outbuilding, or a feat in the ice...”). At the carnival, Denis, with the help of Mishka, dresses up in a Puss in Boots costume, and then shares the prize with Mishka for the best costume (“Puss in Boots”). During a school trip to the cinema to see a film about the Reds and Whites, he encourages the boys of the class to “attack”, shooting from a toy pistol (“Battle of the Clear River”). During music lessons, he loves to sing and tries to do it as loudly as possible (“Glory to Ivan Kozlovsky”). He takes part in a school play behind the scenes, but loses the bell, and instead of hitting the chair with a board (pretending to be shot), he hits the cat (“Death of the Spy Gadyukin”). He forgets to study his lessons, as a result of which he cannot recite Nekrasov’s poem about a small peasant, and pronounces the name of the main river of America as Misi-pisi (“Main Rivers”)...

Main characters

External images
Victor Dragunsky with his son Denis
  • Denis Korablev is a Moscow boy, in some stories he is still a preschooler, in some he is a student of 1st, 2nd or 3rd grade “B” (first an October boy, and then a pioneer).
  • Denis's dad.
  • Denis's mother.
  • Mishka Slonov is Denis's classmate and best friend, his companion in most adventures.
  • Kostya is a friend of Denis and Mishka.
  • Alyonka is a girl younger than Denis and Mishka, Denis’s neighbor.
  • Raisa Ivanovna is a school literature teacher.
  • Boris Sergeevich is a school music teacher.

List of stories

  • Englishman Paul
  • Watermelon Lane
  • White finches
  • Main rivers
  • Goose throat
  • Where has this been seen, where has this been heard...
  • Twenty years under the bed
  • Girl on the ball
  • Deniska is daydreaming
  • childhood friend
  • Dymka and Anton
  • Uncle Pavel the stoker
  • Living Corner
  • Enchanted letter
  • The smell of heaven and shag
  • Healthy thought
  • Green leopards
  • And us!
  • When I was little
  • Puss in Boots
  • Red ball in the blue sky
  • Chicken broth
  • Motorcycle racing on a vertical wall
  • My friend the bear
  • There is a lot of traffic on Sadovaya
  • You must have a sense of humor
  • No bang, no bang!
  • No worse than you circus people
  • Independent Gorbushka
  • Nothing can be changed
  • One drop kills a horse
  • He is alive and glowing...
  • First day
  • Before bed
  • Spyglass
  • A fire in the outbuilding, or a feat in the ice...
  • Dog Thief
  • The wheels sing - tra-ta-ta
  • Adventure
  • Professor of sour cabbage soup
  • Workers crushing stone
  • Talking Ham
  • Tell me about Singapore
  • Exactly 25 kilos
  • Knights
  • From top to bottom, diagonally!
  • My sister Ksenia (New Year's gift)
  • Blue dagger
  • Glory to Ivan Kozlovsky
  • Elephant and radio
  • Lyalka the Elephant
  • Death of the spy Gadyukin
  • Battle of the Clear River
  • The Ancient Mariner
  • The secret becomes clear
  • Quiet Ukrainian night...
  • Third place in butterfly style
  • C in behavior
  • Amazing day
  • teacher
  • Fantômas
  • Tricky way
  • Man with blue face
  • Chicky kick
  • What does Mishka like?
  • What I love...
  • ...And what I don’t like!
  • Grandmaster hat

Film adaptations

Several films were made based on Deniska's Stories in the 1960s and 1970s, including two two-part television films:

  • 1962 - Funny stories
  • 1966 - Girl on the ball
  • 1970 - Magic power (short story “Avengers from 2nd B”)
  • 1970 - Deniska’s stories (from four short stories)
  • 1973 - Where has it been seen, where has it been heard (short film)
  • 1973 - Captain (short)
  • 1973 - Spyglass (short film)
  • 1973 - Fire in the outbuilding (short film)
  • 1974 - Glory of Ivan Kozlovsky (short film, in the film magazine “Yeralash”)
  • 1976 - In secret around the world (2 episodes)
  • 1979 - The amazing adventures of Denis Korablev (2 episodes)


Performances based on the stories of the cycle were repeatedly staged in theaters. In addition, in 1993, the Ural composer Maxim Basok created the children's musical “Deniska's Stories” (more than 20 versions of productions with different combinations of four stories, libretto by Boris Borodin). On April 5, 2014, the premiere of the play “Deniska’s Stories” took place, staged by the “KrisArt” Theater Company, on the stage of the Palace of Culture named after. Zueva.


  • In January-February 2013, the State Literary Museum hosted an exhibition “Denis Korablev and others” about the family and books of Victor Dragunsky, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the author. The exhibition was attended by Denis and Ksenia Dragunsky, more than 50 works by the permanent illustrator of Dragunsky’s books and his friend Veniamin Losin were presented.

See also

  • “Little Nicolas” - a French series of funny stories about a schoolboy boy


  1. V. I. Abramova. DRAGUNSKY, Viktor Yuzefovich // Brief literary encyclopedia: 9 volumes - T. 2: Gavrilyuk - Zulfigar Shirvani / Ch. ed. A. A. Surkov. - M.: Sov. encycl., 1964.
  2. Alla Dragunskaya. About Victor Dragunsky. Life, creativity, memories of friends. M.: “Chemistry and Life”, 1999. - P. 102.
  3. Works for musical theater: operas, musicals
  4. The author of Deniska's Stories, composer Maxim Basok, celebrates his anniversary
  5. Gala evening dedicated to the exhibition “Denis Korablev and others”
  6. “Denis Korablev and others” To the 100th anniversary of Victor Dragunsky


  • Website dedicated to stories about Denis Korablev
  • A selection of illustrations for stories by various artists
  • Deniska's stories - He's alive... (excerpt from the musical by M. A. Bask, mp3)

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Deniska's stories Information About

Book title: "Deniska's stories."

Number of pages: 145.

Genre of the work: a series of teenage short stories.

Main characters: boy Denis, mom and dad, friend Mishka, friend Alenka.

Characteristics of the main characters:

Denis- a smart, kind and naive boy.

He loves to play mischief, but is always ready to help his friends.

Teddy bear- mischievous, savvy and smart.

Faithful friend.

Alenka- a kind, brave and courageous girl.

Doesn't like being corrected.

Smart and well-read.

Brief summary of the series of stories "Deniska's Stories" for the reader's diary

"Deniska's Stories" is a whole collection of short stories describing the adventures of the boy Denis Korablev and his friend Mishka. Some stories included in the collection:

1. "It is alive and glowing."

Denis’s mother was late and the boy was bored.

And at this moment the boy decides to exchange toys with his friend Mishka.

Denis gives away a toy dump truck, and in return receives a box of fireflies.

2. "The secret becomes clear."

Mom couldn’t persuade Denis to eat porridge.

But the boy did not like her so much that he pretended to eat her.

In fact, he threw it through the window and the porridge spilled onto the head of a passerby.

Oh, and Deniska got it.

3. "Top-down, oblique."

Denis and his friends decided to play painters.

When the real workers left, they painted all the walls, painted each other, and even the man in the white suit.

4. "Green leopards."

Denis and his friends Mishka and Alenka want to launch a rocket in the sandbox.

Kostya, who just recovered from measles, joins the guys.

The company begins to discuss various diseases and their benefits.

5. "A fire in the outbuilding or a feat in the ice."

Denis and his friend Mishka, being late for school, decided to make up various excuses.

But when they arrived in class, the friends’ stories did not match and the teacher quickly caught them in a lie.

6. "The tricky way."

When Denis’s mother went on vacation, she was very angry that she often had to wash the dishes.

Dad helped come up with a way to make Mom's work easier.

Together with their son, they began to regularly help their mother wash the dishes.

Plan for retelling the work "Deniska's Stories" by V. Dragunsky

1. How Denis exchanged a dump truck for a firefly.

2. A blot in a notebook.

3. Music lesson and favorite song.

4. Dad's illness and smoking.

5. Cigarette case as a gift.

6. The best suit.

7. Puss in Boots.

8. Shooting in a cinema.

9. The dream is to become a boxer.

10. Hidden bone by the dog Anton.

11. Honorable third place in swimming.

12. How Denis wanted to get to the Kremlin.

13. Porridge flies out the window.

14. Deniska is a painter.

15. How Petya learned English.

16. Mom is on vacation.

17. 25 kg and a subscription to the magazine "Murzilka".

18. Saving the chess player's hat.

19. Performance on the train.

20. Kostik's disease.

The main idea of ​​the work "Deniska's Stories" by V. Dragunsky

The book by Victor Dragunsky is a kind of children's manual.

Main ideas of the stories:

Friendship - its essence and how important it is.

The value of family.

What is good and what is bad.

How to behave and how not to behave, etc.

What does the book "Deniska's Stories" by Viktor Dragunsky teach?

A collection of funny stories teaches us to be kind, fair, obedient, and generous.

And also be obedient and always obey your elders.

And also that you shouldn’t lie to your elders and your loved ones, because the truth will still come out.

The main character, by his example, shows us how important it is to be a good and faithful friend, an obedient son.

"Deniska's Stories" is a real encyclopedia for each of us, which will tell us how to behave well and how not to behave.

A short review of the book "Deniska's Stories" for the reader's diary

"Deniska's Stories" is one of my favorite works.

This is a wonderful and funny story about two boys Denis and Mishka, who every now and then find themselves in various absurd and funny situations.

Denis and Mishka are ordinary guys who remind us in many ways: they also don’t like to do homework, they want to go for walks and play with new toys, they try to do something good, but they only bring even more harm.

Each story described in the book evokes a flurry of emotions - from surprise to incessant laughter.

However, each story teaches us a valuable lesson.

For example, when Denis and Mishka lied about why they were late for class, I realized that you can’t lie, but that it’s better to tell the truth directly.

For me, Denis and Mishka are a story of amazing friendship, where each stands for the other.

I wish I had a friend like that too.

I advise everyone to read the work of Victor Dragunsky at their leisure, and even involve their parents in reading it.

A good mood is guaranteed for everyone.

An excerpt from the book “Deniska’s Stories” that struck me most:

But Alenka will scream.

One is louder than the two of us:

- Wrong! Hooray! You talk hykhki, but we need detective!

- Precisely, that there is no need for detective work, but rather giggles.

And let's both roar.

All you can hear is: “Detective!” - “Giggles!” - “Detective!”

What proverbs are suitable for the work "Deniska's Stories" by V. Dragunsky

"Cunning - but take care of your tail."

“A fool will judge, but a wise man will judge.”

“They realized that they were left without bread.”

“A schoolboy is afraid of the vine, more than a thunderstorm.”

"Listen with your ear, not your belly."

"A true friend is better than a hundred servants."