Simple and effective self-defense techniques on the street. Self-defense techniques without weapons: a review of effective easy simple techniques, prohibited and combat

This article will talk about self-defense without the use of weapons, hand-to-hand combat techniques, and how to get out of a street fight with minimal losses.

Every day, leaving home, or, conversely, returning home along a dark street, people are at risk of attack by criminals.

Some of the antisocial elements are even capable of killing a person just because he liked the jacket or expensive phone of a late citizen.

How to protect yourself from them? Yes, you can buy , or . But you still need to get the shocker, and it’s not easy to do this with shaking hands, the same goes for a pistol, but a spray can cannot be used in a headwind, or in a closed room.

There is a second option to ensure your own safety - learn basic hand-to-hand combat techniques. You don’t need to be a titled boxer or have a black belt in karate; it’s enough to master two or three simple techniques to fight off one or even two gopniks.

Features of self-defense on the street

First of all, you need to remember that the street is not sports section, no one will follow any sporting or moral rules. A street fight, in general, is devoid of any rules.

In addition, the factor of surprise is triggered: a person returning through a dark park does not know from behind which bush a criminal will jump out at him, and when this happens, the strong fear experienced at the moment of the attack prevents him from taking adequate actions. All this leaves its mark on the possibilities of self-defense from attacks.

Best shots

To learn these techniques and strikes, you don’t need to go to a specialized section, just have a little time and a friend with whom you can train.
Strikes for self-defense must be effective and aimed at quickly incapacitating the enemy. Considered traditional direct blow.

You should hit the enemy's nose, eyes or jaw; it is much better if the blow is delivered not with a fist, but with an open palm.

Attention: If an unprepared person strikes with a fist, then a strong blow can tear the joint capsule of the fingers and even crush the knuckles.

A palm strike is less traumatic for the defender, and causes more powerful damage to the enemy, since a very wide area is affected.

Another effective strike for self-defense is uppercut - punch from bottom to top to the jaw enemy.

Uppercut - blow from below to the jaw

For effective self-defense on the street you can use not only punches from the boxing arsenal, but also “forbidden” techniques. Banned in sports, because everything is allowed on the street.

The most famous "mean" blow is kick to the groin. Works flawlessly. You can hit with either your foot or your knee. To strike with a knee, you need to grab the opponent's chest with your hands and pull towards yourself, simultaneously striking.

Or you can not make a grab, but simply take a step forward and strike below the belt. This technique also works excellently if the enemy is grabbed by the throat.

Please note: You need to hit with your feet when the distance to the enemy is too great to use your knee.

You don’t need to bend your leg at the knee and then shoot your shin like in taekwondo, you just need to throw an oak kick with your leg, sharply lifting it up.

The next effective technique in a real street fight is kick under the kneecap with your toe.

This is very painful and immediately discourages the criminal from continuing his actions. A blow delivered from the side can knock a person down, but if you hit it directly, and even with great force, you can break a shin bone.

Another extremely effective fighting technique is a sharp blow to the solar plexus. You can hit with either a fist or an open palm.

It takes your breath away and causes severe pain, which neutralizes the attacker for a long time.

If the enemy begins to choke you, you can try poke his eyes out with your fingers. To do this, clasp the enemy's head with your palms from the sides, and place your thumbs in the eyes. You need to press with all your might; if the enemy does not want to remain blind, he will stop strangling.

Self-defense in confined spaces

Quite often, attacks occur in a confined space: on a landing, elevator or entrance, where there is nowhere to turn around, there is no room to swing. Strikes for self-defense in a cramped room must be sharp, accurate, and very, very effective. In addition to a kick to the groin, you can inflict punch in the throat criminal.

Good to know: The throat is not as strong as the head or face, so there is no need to be afraid of breaking your fingers.

It can be called very effective and spectacular side elbow strike. You should hit the temple or jaw. The blow is delivered suddenly and very sharply, and it is advisable to turn the body, but even without this turn the enemy will receive severe injuries.

Light blows, like clapping your palms, are strictly contraindicated in a street fight; if you hit them, then for sure.


Every person has the right to self-defense from attacks on his life and health, but with the right comes responsibility.

If the attacker has lost consciousness as a result of your actions or is clearly unable to continue aggression, under no circumstances should you finish him off.

Finishing off a defeated enemy is punishable.

You should leave the scene of the fight as quickly as possible and call the police; you can also tie up the enemy and wait at the scene of the fight for the arrival of law enforcement officers. The only thing you can't do is finish off. And lastly, if the criminal has a knife or any other weapon, you should not engage in battle, it is better to run away, or give him what he demands. Health is more valuable.

Watch a video about how wrestling techniques can be used effectively in a street fight:

If you have read my articles, studied the basics and principles of self-defense, know the algorithms for entering an entrance, a car, an apartment, navigate the crowd, monitor the appearance of all possible dangers... most likely you will not have any problems with paranoia. Strange? Not at all. Ensuring personal safety is normal and correct. Your actions may seem strange or unnecessary to someone - well, that’s their problem. They're just not in the know yet - give them a link to this blog.

Usually, the question of how not to become paranoid arises among beginners when they hear some recommendations on personal safety, divorced from the general context.

For example:

  • Don't talk to strangers
  • Don't let anyone come within arm's length
  • When approaching the car, look around, hold the keys in your hand.
  • When entering a dark entrance, stop for a couple of seconds and listen
  • Do not wear a hood or headphones at night

And so on. In themselves, these “bad tips” seem strange and fit well with the symptoms of paranoid thinking disorder - suspicion, search for enemies and hidden conspiracy. But this is only at first glance.

The fact is that all the recommendations of serious professionals in the field of self-defense do not arise out of nowhere. This is the totality of their personal knowledge and the mass of other people’s experience they have collected, and most importantly, all these recommendations are a logical conclusion from the general concept, from the system of human training. It is as part of the preparation that they are easily absorbed, integrated into your personal security system and cease to seem painfully strange.

Simply put, going to your car and looking around is for a self-defender the same as washing your hands with soap upon coming home from the street.

Taking care of your own safety is completely natural in the realities of modern city life. The only question is how not to become “paranoid” in the process of learning self-defense. I'll tell you.

Indeed, when a person just starts practicing self-defense, his psyche begins to restructure. A lot of new material now comes into his field of attention: something to which he had not paid any attention before. The natural habit of being attentive has not yet been formed and the novice self-defense fighter looks for a threat in everything. This is possible and quite normal for the initial period of training. And this is where humor comes to the rescue!

I will say without false modesty: humor and positivity are what distinguishes our approach, the methodology of the “100% Self-Defense” club from many schools and self-defense systems. Teaching difficult and scary things should be against a generally positive background. This does not mean at all that we joke throughout the entire training and indicate, say, an impact on the eyes or blows to the groin. Sometimes during training it can be both painful and scary. But still, we always try to maintain and instill a general charge of positivity in our clients. And humor and positivity are traits of a confident person.

So, if a person trains positively, is confident in himself and constantly improves his self-defense skills, then compliance with safety algorithms becomes something like an interesting quest at the time of training.

The cheerful self-defender goes out into the street and goes to his car. As he approached, he looked around. He took out the key, looked around again, opened the door, sat down, closed all the locks and started the engine - all this is very interesting and easy to practice, just like an entertaining educational game. And when this becomes a habit, there will be no talk of any paranoia. Only adequate care and common sense.

In this article we will tell you how to learn to fight, since in modern conditions such a skill is useful not only for a man, but also for a fragile girl, which may find itself in a difficult situation.

Each of us at least once in our lives has had to deal with attacks of open aggression from another person. Even if you are a non-conflict person, remember that anyone can become a victim of inappropriate behavior of others. Very often, teenagers find themselves in such situations who, in the opinion of the attacker, are not able to defend themselves on their own. In this regard, every boy, perhaps, wondered: “How to learn to fight?”

Of course, for this you should have the appropriate physical preparation and psychological attitude. We are not saying that you need to get into a fight in response to any remark from the offender. Vice versa, strength of character manifests itself in cases where you can resolve the conflict peacefully and not start a fight at all. However, it is still better to be able to protect yourself and your loved ones in any situation.
Before you master the necessary techniques, realize that it is simply impossible to learn to fight in one day, tune in regular workouts and periodic physical activity, be prepared for possible bruises and abrasions.

The main assistants in mastering self-defense skills are endurance, strength and reaction speed. After all, learning to fight is half the battle; it is also important to avoid blows correctly and quickly. To master this skill you will need a potential opponent, so it is best to turn to a professional in this case. In the hall you will be taught not only how to fight like a ninja or like a special forces force, but will also be told in detail what pain points are present on the enemy’s body, what methods of psychological influence are the most effective, etc. Agree, having such an advantage, you will be able to fight much better and hit your opponent much faster, while avoiding serious consequences, both for yourself and for him.

It happens that there is simply no opportunity to work with a trainer. However, don't despair, You can learn to fight on your own. We will talk about basic skills in this subsection, and also demonstrate several visual exercises.

Agree, any of us can meet a person on the street who, to put it mildly, will be unfriendly. Before you start training at home, watch some video tutorials given below.

And most importantly, remember that the willingness to respond blow to blow should be your main assistant.

What can save you is not technique, not style, or even excellent knowledge of wrestling, but control of yourself and your body. Even if you have not yet mastered any technique, remember the basic street fighting techniques and use them when necessary.

  1. Knee your opponent in the groin.
  2. Point the phalanges of your fingers directly at your opponent's eyes and press hard.
  3. Hit your Adam's apple with your fist.
  4. Use available tools: keys, phone, lighter.

Yes, someone will call it " dirty tricks“, but sometimes in a street fight the main thing is to survive or get as few injuries as possible, and sometimes there may be several attackers, so these techniques can be extremely effective.

If it is still difficult for you to learn how to learn to fight at home, then it is better to go to the gym with one of the trainers in some direction close to you.

How not to be afraid to fight?

Sometimes we face a psychological barrier because not everyone is ready to hurt another person. Some are afraid of miscalculating the blow and causing serious injury. The important thing here is not to be afraid, but to start serious work on yourself, to prepare yourself for possible difficulties.

Before you say to yourself: “I’m weak, I don’t know how to fight,” think about whether you could calmly watch if someone was molesting your girl, and start training right now. Of course, during sparring you will have to face unpleasant sensations. No manual will tell you how to learn to fight if you are not psychologically prepared for it. Don't try to avoid pain, don't be afraid of it, only then can you get rid of fear.

Incredible facts

With many crimes happening somewhere in the world every minute, self-defense sometimes becomes a necessity.

Not all people know how to use a pepper spray or what to do if attacked.

These tips are not a substitute for taking professional self-defense courses, but they can help you get out of a sticky situation.

Application of self-defense

1. How to get rid of plastic handcuffs

Plastic handcuffs are one of the most common movement restraints used by kidnappers, as they are cheaper than metal handcuffs. With your body and determination, you can get out of them.

2. If attacked in an elevator, stop on all floors

Imagine having to return home late and finding yourself with stranger in the elevator. Press all elevator buttons to reduce the risk of attack, as it will be more difficult for a person to do so when the door is constantly opening. However, use this method carefully and trust your intuition.

3. If someone tries to rob and attack you in the house, head to the kitchen

Naturally, the first thing you should do is call the emergency rescue service (112). Only you know where there are knives, breakable plates and spices that could become potential weapons. If all else fails, start screaming and throwing kitchen utensils to create noise and alert your neighbors.

4. If someone tries to attack you on the street, don't stand still.

Even if you are not an athlete or have no self-defense skills, you have the ability to fight back. Inexperienced people tend to sit back, so remember to use all parts of the body, including your knees, elbows and legs.

5. Download some security apps

Security applications, e.g. bSafe, Shake2Safety, GetHomeSafe, Family Locator may come in handy in unexpected cases. Such applications will help you create your own secure network with friends and family, tell you where you are, information about the movements of loved ones, or send a help signal to friends.

6. Remember the main pain points

Try to remain calm and pay attention to the attacker's position to determine the optimal places to fight back. You only have a few seconds and a few moves before the attacker takes control.

Don't get too close to hit him on the nose if you can reach and kick him on the knee.

Use your elbows, knees and head to strike.

Gas spray for self-defense

7. Learn how to properly use pepper spray

Do you have pepper spray in your purse but don't know how to use it?

· Firstly, you should keep the can on hand, for example, in your jacket pocket, so as not to waste time trying to find it.

· Shout “Stop” or another phrase to distract the attacker.

· Bend your knees slightly and keep it at least 15 cm in front of you, aiming at your opponent's face and eyes.

· Focus on the attacker at close range and only press the can when you are ready.

· Spray the can and immediately run away.

Self-defense for women

8. How to get out of a hand grip

If someone grabs your hand, turn your hand to the side where the thumb and index fingers the enemy is the weakest point of capture.

9. Let your hair down

Attackers can easily grab you from behind by your ponytail or braid. If possible, it is better to let your hair down until you arrive at your destination.

10. Keep valuables in a pad wrapper

It is unlikely that the criminal will want to check there.

11. Scream loudly

The last thing an attacker wants is to attract unnecessary attention. Moreover, screaming will give you a burst of energy for effective self-defense.

Self-defense techniques

12. A blow to the solar plexus will incapacitate a criminal

If possible, hit the solar plexus - the most vulnerable place, which will cause pain and the inability to breathe in the enemy.

13. A stylish ring can become a weapon of self-defense

Sharp rings and other jewelry may come in handy in the event of an attack.

14. The Guillotine is a basic and easy-to-learn technique in Jiu-Jitsu and is effective from a standing and rear position.

15. Run

If you can run away and avoid the attacker, this is the best tactic.

IN modern world It's not often that a situation arises when push comes to shove. And it would seem that learning to stand up for yourself would be a waste of time. However, it doesn’t happen once in a while, and even the least conflicted people can get into trouble if they find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time.

An unsuccessful company in a club, a robber in a dark alley threatens you and your loved ones, an overdrinking acquaintance aggressively pesters your girlfriend. At such moments, it will not hurt to know some self-defense techniques in order to give a worthy rebuff to your offenders.

Is it possible to learn to fight at home?

Learning to fight at home and without any special equipment is quite possible. Plays a huge role here theoretical knowledge about the main points of the battle, such as: vulnerabilities of a potential enemy, knowledge of the elements of defense and attack, correct assessment of the situation and correct tactical decisions in battle.

Undoubtedly, for more successful use of them, regular training in the correct formulation of basic movements is necessary. Physical exercise will also be useful.

Should you learn self-defense?

Are there so many dangers that you should prepare yourself for? The most common ones are listed below, roughly divided into two types (fatal and non-fatal). You can assess the likelihood of running into them and decide whether and to what extent you should prepare for them.

Robbers on the street. This also includes various drug addicts who are not aware of their actions and maniac killers. The most dangerous situation and the most difficult to resolve peacefully without giving what is asked of you. They rarely walk alone and/or may be armed. In most cases, it’s not worth getting involved in a fight, but complete scumbags can also get caught who will start with an attack or just want to let off steam. It is also worth running away or calling for help, but only if you are 100% sure of the positive outcome of your decision.

Domestic disputes. Drunken fights in a club or bar, someone is harassing your girlfriend, running into a friend, or even you are the first to attack in response to insults or defending some of your interests. Here the stakes are not so high, you can often come to an agreement, and it largely depends on you and your point of view on the current situation whether you will fight or not. If such circumstances may arise from time to time in your social circle, then it is a good idea to be prepared for this.

As you can see, the likelihood of getting into such trouble exists for almost any person. And it’s better to be well prepared for them.

How to learn to fight at home through Training

As many trainers of oriental martial arts styles say, if all you want is to just win in a fight, swing dumbbells and hit the punching bag. When it comes down to it, knock out your opponent with one strong blow to the jaw. The idea is generally not bad. But for this to always happen, you need daily and monotonous training for several years and good sports equipment.

If you want to learn how to stand up for yourself in difficult situations, but there is no opportunity or desire to devote a large amount of time and effort to this, then it is worth learning more about the tactics and strategy mentioned above.

It will be more convenient and informative to analyze vulnerabilities and opportunities different parts bodies. Where, how and what is better to hit and what to defend in battle.

  1. Head. There are many vulnerable spots, but the most effective are blows to the eyes, throat, jaw, nose and bridge of the nose. The striking parts here include the forehead and the back of the head (if you are grabbed from behind), which can be used to unexpectedly hit the bridge of the nose. No special training is required for competent execution here.
  2. Frame. There are no shock units here, but there are vulnerable ones, which, nevertheless, are difficult to penetrate and easy to protect. Aim for the solar plexus, ribs and armpits.
  3. Hands. Without special training, it is impossible to damage your hands, except perhaps to yourself by missing the wall. Blows are delivered with fists, fingers (to the eyes) and elbows to the body and head.
  4. Legs. Here our targets are the fingers, kneecaps and groin area. Strike with the base of your foot, shin and knee weak points body and legs. Try not to lose your balance.

Train speed, strength and correct placement of strikes. Also work on a stable stance, balance, and defense (blocking punches with your forearms). Combine all this with exercise. All this will give you an excellent foundation for successful self-defense.

When the fight started

So, you have learned your vulnerabilities, practiced your movements and stance, and now you find yourself in a situation where things are actively moving towards a fight. How to behave in battle?

First of all, quickly assess the situation. What kind of enemy is there, how many of them are there, are they armed, is the game worth the candle. When everything is decided, get into your comfortable fighting position and attack. Try to immediately seize the initiative and deliver the fastest blow, even if it is not the strongest. The advantage, as a rule, is on the side of those who attack first. Next, look for places where the enemy has opened up and deliver stronger blows to these places. You will also find some tips below helpful, especially if the fight goes on for a long time.

  1. In battle, maintain a strong defensive position, strike quickly and without calling, look the enemy in the eyes - do not show with your eyes where you want to strike.
  2. Try to create some kind of distraction and take advantage of the environment, such as taking a higher position or such that the light hits the opponent's eyes.
  3. Do not use creases, grabs or counter-grabs. Correct execution of even the simplest of them requires special training and regular training. It is more practical to respond to a grab by delivering an accurate and strong blow.
  4. Avoid using blows that could injure or even kill, especially in domestic fights. You risk being charged for exceeding permissible self-defense, even if you were in mortal danger.
  5. For the same reason, do not carry weapons with you or use improvised objects unless absolutely necessary.
  6. Avoid empty dark alleys, dubious clubs and other bad companies. The best fight is the one that didn't take place.

How can a girl learn to stand up for herself?

Separately, it is worth mentioning the fair sex. It is difficult to rely on brute force here, and the chances of getting into an unpleasant situation are often higher - they are often an easy target for robbers and aggressive suitors. You have to rely more on dexterity, reaction and various tricks.

The best self-defense techniques for girls will be strikes in the most vulnerable places: fingers in the eyes, throat and kicks in the groin or kneecaps. The time-tested heel strike to the toes works well.

Always attack unexpectedly and be the first. It would not be amiss to portray defenselessness and fear in order to weaken the attention of the ill-wisher.

Self-defense training for children

Children often like to fight, that's a fact. This is one of the simplest and effective ways achieve a higher place in the school hierarchy. The stakes there are not as high as they might seem, such fights do not threaten lives, and no one will take away valuables without consequences. However, you should never leave things to chance if your child is brought to tears or, on the contrary, he is a local hooligan.

So how can you teach him to stand up for himself? Here everything is somewhat more complicated and ambiguous than in adult conflicts. It is best to teach your child self-confidence and the ability to avoid conflicts. Although it seems practical to teach a child at home the elements of self-defense, without any cultural or sporting overtones, he may get the impression of society as a very aggressive environment, where there is no place without a fight.

If the hooligans don’t give a pass at all, then it would be a good idea to send him to the martial arts section, giving preference to those styles where grabs and creases predominate, since they are more effective in defense and do not cause damage. Not only will this boost his self-esteem and confidence, but it can also be a great hobby. The main thing is to explain to him in time that your skills can only be used for self-defense.

In conclusion, we can say that it is quite possible to gain a serious advantage in a street fight if you arm yourself with a good theoretical basis about key points battle, train at home the speed and strength of basic movements, and also make good tactical decisions in battle.