What dishes do you add fresh cilantro to? Cilantro - the benefits and harms of the plant; its cultivation; useful properties and contraindications; the use of coriander in cooking and healing; dish recipes

cilantro - spicy herb, known to man for over 5 thousand years. Traditionally, we only call the fresh, green plant cilantro, and we call the seeds of this plant coriander.

Useful properties of cilantro have long been used in traditional medicine. In the old days, girls believed that if you give your chosen one a tincture of coriander, then his heart will forever belong to the one who gave him such a “enchantment”. It was also believed that cilantro seeds bestowed immortality.

Modern medicine has proven beneficial features coriander (cilantro). Planted in a pot, the plant perfectly cleans the air in the apartment. The spice is considered a good antiseptic, helps with colds, it is used as an expectorant.

Few people know that if you chew coriander seeds before a feast, you can slow down the process of intoxication. A decoction of chopped fresh herbs is used to cleanse the skin, regular washing with a decoction of cilantro greens improves the condition of the skin of the face.

The calorie content of ground cilantro is 216 kilocalories per 100 g. Spicy grass will not harm the figure and can be included in the diet for weight loss. In addition, fresh cilantro will fill the body with minerals and vitamins of groups A and B.

The benefits of cilantro (coriander)

The benefits of cilantro undoubtedly lie in its rich composition, which combines vitamins C, B, PP, rutin, carotene, pectin, aromatic oils, ascorbic acid, macro- and microelements. Beneficial effect on work of cardio-vascular system, it also normalizes the processes of digestion, promotes faster and easier absorption of heavy food. There is an opinion that if you chew the seeds of this plant a little, the effect of alcohol during intoxication will noticeably decrease.

From a medical point of view, the beneficial properties of cilantro (coriander) are manifested in the antiseptic, analgesic and choleretic actions that this medicinal herb provides for gastritis. It is considered an excellent helper for various colds, as well as an expectorant.

The benefits of cilantro are also evidenced by the fact that it has the ability to strengthen the gums, relieve stomatitis and even prevent caries. The essential oils found in fresh cilantro can have powerful anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects. At the same time, they are easily excreted from the body through the urinary system, favorably affecting the kidneys and bladder.

Harm of cilantro and contraindications

Coriander can cause harm to the body with an ulcer, gastritis. It is better not to use this green for people who have serious problems with the heart and blood vessels (ischemic disease, as well as thrombophlebitis, myocardial infarction, thrombosis). People who suffer from diabetes, hypertension, should also stop using grass.

It should be remembered that at one meal you can eat no more than 35 grams of fresh herbs and 4 grams of coriander seeds.

The use of cilantro (coriander) in cooking

In cooking, cilantro has found application as a spicy plant, that is, a spice. The taste of different parts of the plant is different, so they are suitable for different dishes.

Cilantro is a very popular herb in the cuisine of many countries. Fresh herbs can be bought at any supermarket, they are usually added to salads. The plant has a characteristic taste and aroma, so it is rarely consumed fresh. Cilantro gives the dish a specific flavor that goes well with meat. Since the taste and aroma of spicy herbs are quite pronounced, you need to add very little of it. A few sprigs of the plant, placed at the end of cooking, will add a tart taste to the dish.

Especially cilantro pairs well with everyday dishes like pea and bean soup. Green cilantro decorate sandwiches or other snacks before serving.

Coriander (cilantro seeds) is widely used in the preparation of fish dishes, meat. But this option for using seeds is not entirely correct, since coriander cannot be cooked, because when heated, it loses its taste properties. It is often put in homemade pickles of cabbage, vegetables, lard. The seed gives the dish a slightly sweet taste, and the food is enriched with a woody aroma when coriander is added.

Coriander is especially revered by Caucasian cuisine. Here it is added to barbecue, bread dough, vegetable stew and even fermented milk products.

In cooking, ground coriander is more popular, it contains a maximum of essential oil, which is a volatile substance by nature and evaporates quickly. Do not add a lot of ground coriander, otherwise the dish will acquire the smell of dampness and mustiness.

This seasoning is used for the preparation of cabbage rolls, meat chops.

Cilantro is very easy to prepare for the future, it is enough to dry fresh herbs - and you can add spices to dishes all year round. In Germany, coriander is even added to beer for a special flavor.

Cilantro, Chinese parsley, coriander are all names for one unique plant. Oddly enough, coriander and cilantro are two names for the same element. It came to Europe at the beginning of the 20th century from Asian countries. Now, the cultivation of such a valuable crop is practiced almost everywhere. The plant is extremely popular due to its healing and gustatory qualities, it is indispensable in medicine.

Brief information

The Latin analogue of the name is Coriandrum sativum. The plant has received a lot of regional "nicknames". It's guts, guts. Representative of the umbrella family. Its unique smell, which only ripe elements have, is extremely fragrant.

Such dissonance does not prevent the plant from being successfully used in the food and culinary industries. This is the main spice, which is often used in perfumery, cosmetology and soap making. Few people know, but coriander is one of the best honey plants.

The plant combines spice (leafy part), spices (medium-sized seeds). The plant is called a direct relative.

The homeland is considered to be the west of Asia and the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

The value of an element in chemical terms

According to the beliefs of a number of regions, a coriander plant near the house fully purifies the air, attracts financial well-being. Cilantro tincture can even bewitch a loved one. Contains a huge amount of components, oils. It is the fruits that have the maximum value. So, in the composition of the seeds, one can distinguish the content of the linanool element, the geraniol substance.

Coriander leaves are rich in rutin, carotene. maximally supplied with vitamin elements. The shoots have a significant concentration. The element is essential for the full functioning of the heart muscle.

Application in medicine

The healing qualities of the element have been known for a long time. For the first time in the treatment of patients, the plant began to be used in Ancient China. In Egypt, mainly fruits and leaves were used. So they fought with ailments of the liver, intestinal tract.

Juice has become an invaluable remedy for the defensive direction. In ancient times, the leaves of the plant were used to prevent typhus.

Cilantro is an important bactericidal element. That is why it is often included in the complex therapy of infectious lesions. The leaves and fruit have been shown to improve brain and heart function. The plant is shown in a depressed state, bouts of hysteria and neurogenic suffocation.

Unwanted Effects

The value and usefulness of coriander is noted when consumed in moderate amounts. If there is an overdose of the substance, a pronounced sleep disturbance, slow-wittedness, and sometimes even stuttering appear. A proven fact - huge problems with memory. In large quantities, the element adversely affects the reproductive sphere of the fair sex. According to generally accepted recommendations, the healing dose of the element should not be exceeded. It is 35 grams of leaves or 4 grams of seeds.

It's hard to list everything healing properties this miracle plant. Coriander helps to break down food components, soothes the inflamed walls of the gastrointestinal tract, and restores the proper functioning of the sex glands.

The element is distinguished by pronounced carminative and diaphoretic qualities. Irreplaceable properties for hemorrhoidal problems.

A huge healing role is played by specific infusions and decoctions of spice fruits. They have an extremely pronounced sedative and anticonvulsant effect. So, very often the spice is added to the food of the mentally ill and those suffering from severe epilepsy.

Coriander seeds effectively deal with the problem of bad breath. This is especially true of the alcoholic "aroma". There is a trick: if you soak coriander seeds in it before drinking, the process of intoxication will slow down significantly. Hangover after such a feast will be minimal.

Leaf juice and all essential oils are greenish in color. They have found their application in dentistry. These are effective medicines against stomatitis, soreness in the teeth. The element has a pronounced hemostatic, wound healing, anthelmintic and choleretic effect. Cilantro has a unique antibiotic effect.

Useful properties have found application in youthful dermatology. A distinctive feature - a medicinal plant effectively defeats acne, evens out skin tone, eliminates minor defects in the integument.

Contraindications for use

Despite its natural origin, this element can not be consumed by everyone, because it also brings harm. Coriander is distinguished by a mass of useful qualities, but it cannot be considered a panacea for all ailments. Useful properties and contraindications are not compatible.

Products and medicines based on coriander are strictly prohibited for use by women in a special position and throughout the entire lactation period. In addition, it is better to refuse the use of spices for people after a heart attack, stroke, suffering from thrombophlebitis.

Principles of folk treatment

Most often, in the recipes of alternative medicine, it is the infusion of coriander seeds that appears. The effect and benefits of therapy depend on the correct preparation. To prepare the infusion, it is necessary to pour coriander seeds with boiling water and insist in a closed container. It is necessary to use such a medicine before a meal.

One of the areas of use of essential oil from the spice is aromatherapy. When adding it to the aroma lamp, a person, inhaling these fragrances, becomes more calm, balanced, rested. Such procedures are especially indicated for persons during the period of convalescence after infectious diseases.

To minimize depressive disorders, infusions from the fruit part are best suited. They are poured with dry red and insisted for about a week.

Consume daily before meals. The duration of such therapy is individual, depending on the severity of the condition and the response to therapy.

Oddly enough, but experts recommend using coriander oil inside. So, mixing it with, you can get a unique anti-fatigue medicine. When oil is added to antirheumatic ointments, the effectiveness of therapy is greatly enhanced.

Culinary Features

This is a universal seasoning. It goes well and tasty with other spices, including peppers,. The fresh parts of the plant make a wonderful addition to light, summer vegetable salads. But you shouldn’t overdo it with cilantro - the spice has a specific flavor and not everyone likes it.

Its preparation is not complete without sprinkling seeds. They are also added when pickling cabbage, pickling. The aromatic root of the plant is the most common and important ingredient in Thai and Vietnamese cuisines.

How to cook delicious? Carrots in Korean are unthinkable without this spice. It is also often added to pasta in a pan - the element fully replaces the usual green. Basil butter is the perfect solution for unusual sandwiches.

Meat in a coriander marinade will last longer, in the oven it will cook well and quickly. You can sprinkle raw fillet with coriander seeds and it will last longer.

Seeds are recommended to grind immediately before adding to the dish - crushing in a mortar. Culinaries use the seeds in. Moreover, ground and whole seeds are suitable. Preserve the original element by freezing. Cubes are successfully added to risotto, soups, vegetables.

Some brewers have managed to add spice during the preparation of a foamy drink. Quality and flavor only benefited from this.

Buying time and making the right choice

The peak of seasonality of greenery - summer period. But the greenhouse option is purchased throughout the year. But dry cilantro is sold in hermetic packages. For cooking, it is categorically impossible to buy sluggish, rotten greens.

It turns out that this is not a simple plant, as it might seem at first glance. It has found its application in various industries. Without it, the preparation of a number of products is unthinkable. This medicine is a panacea for many ailments.

Kinza is a master of disguise. If the smell of crushed fresh herbs does not evoke pleasant associations for everyone, then in the dried seeds the specific shades disappear and the finest aroma of anise and citrus appears.

The attitude towards this plant indicates how little the world has changed. Two thousand years ago in Greece, it was called coriander from the word korios, which means "bug". Rub the twig in your hands and you will understand why. This did not prevent cilantro, which received the derogatory nickname "bugger", "hold out" to this day. Moreover, it has become the most common herb in the world.

Many today are mistaken, thinking that cilantro and coriander are two different spices. In fact, these are just different names for greens and dry seeds.

cilantro for lunch
The specific note in this very "green" fragrance is sometimes referred to as "soapy". The grass that looks like parsley, which really smells peculiar when fresh, is not particularly eager to breed summer residents - it's one thing to serve it on a hot day off and quite another to endure it on your site all season. It is not surprising that those who do not like cilantro are very reluctant to change their attitude towards it.

My friend recalled how she came to meet her future mother-in-law: for lunch she cooked meat with cilantro, eggplant with cilantro (stew with potatoes, garlic and tomato, and at the end add a huge amount of cilantro). And pies - all with her. Of course, this "princess and the pea" did not say anything to the hostess. And in the evening I consoled her, saying that the attitude to cilantro is measured by the maturity of the taste. Disgust is just a transitional period, because almost everyone has had a time when they did not like olives or, let's say, preferred sweet red wine to refined white Chablis.

You can speed up the addiction process "forcibly": having once gone on a picnic, work up a brutal appetite, and then, when they finally call you to the table, hold a bunch of cilantro in one hand, take a hot kebab in the other, bite off both at the same time and slowly chew. Is it a completely different matter? Or how can you not like the Baku salad of boiled, melt-in-your-mouth veal, with red onion, two pomegranates divided into grains, garlic and at least two bunches of chopped cilantro! Don't forget pepper and mayonnaise.

Cilantro in oriental dishes is generally put with a generous hand, without being stingy. And we learned to eat its fresh leaves - this tradition came to us from the Caucasus. Although we are not alone in this "addiction": greens are added to various dishes in Spain (cilantro in Spanish), and in Thailand (the roots of the plant are also used there), and in Mexico, and in India. By the way, the latter is a separate conversation: foreigners traveling around the country know that a large number of poisonings occur here precisely because of cilantro. Its leaves are used in many chutneys and curries (especially shrimp and lamb), but the grass grows underfoot, and no one in Indian restaurants takes the trouble to wash it - there is no such tradition.

"Aphelia" with coriander
It is thanks to the seeds that coriander has become the most popular spice in the world. With seeds, it "sprouted" in the famous mixtures - hops-suneli and masala, Ethiopian "Berbera" and Tunisian "offtak". They are used in African, Middle Eastern, Portuguese, Chinese, and almost all other cuisines. If coriander greens are put in salads and vegetable dishes, in pork and lamb cutlets, added to rice and tomatoes, then the seeds can be used endlessly. Thanks to its infinitely pleasant, warm shade they can change any flavor. And any taste will become magical, like from the fairy tales of "A Thousand and One Nights". By the way, coriander is also mentioned there. Like an aphrodisiac.

So. Any boring pumpkin soup. Any simple dish of beans or peas. Shashlik, goulash soup, Riga eel. In Cyprus, you may have tasted the incomparable pork with the almost Shakespearean name "Aphelia" - it was stewed in red wine with coriander. The centuries-old recipe for "Thuringian sausages" also uses this ingredient (and in general it seemed to have been originally created for sausages). The British add it to cheeses. All Western European pastries - gingerbread and various gingerbread - are unthinkable without coriander. The French - and their taste can be trusted - use it in perfumery.

What about beer? Before the advent of hops, a cheerful drink was most often brewed with coriander (and indeed with various herbs, there was even a special mixture of gruit). Today, unpleasant details are emerging - for example, that spices and spices were added in order to hide the aftertastes that came from the unhygienic conditions of brewing. But those enthusiasts who tried to make a drink according to old recipes - with freshly ground coriander - say that they have never tried anything more aromatic. Moreover, this is a completely "English" fragrance - at the level of sensations, it cannot even be described in words.

The tradition of brewing, by the way, today is best supported in Belgium. Once there, look on store shelves for Verboden Vrucht - "forbidden fruit", an opaque white beer with a greenish tinge, flavored with orange zest and coriander.

And to appreciate all the advantages of coriander, use one of the "combined" recipes. Try, for example, cooking tuna. Fry three tomatoes in olive oil (they must first be "undressed", scalded, and cut into cubes). Then, setting them aside, fry a few pieces of fish in the same oil, add a teaspoon of coriander and a chopped bunch of fresh cilantro. Salt, pepper and cover with a layer of tomatoes. Leave it for a few minutes...

The formula of these two tastes is as old as the world, and, most likely, in another two thousand years, the smell of freshly picked grass will remain unpleasant, and coriander will warm with its instantly penetrating heat. Like a little fireworks at the end of the evening, many who have been to India have learned to round off their meals with a handful of candied coriander, which is always served here with the bill. By the way, do you know a trick? To enhance the taste of the seeds, they are first roasted in a dry frying pan.

- Cilantro can be added wherever you are used to putting dill (along with it or instead). It also goes well with basil, watercress, savory, onion and garlic, and its seeds with oriental spices like zira, turmeric and cumin.
- Coriander greens go great with meat, onions, and vegetables—anything that can be cooked fresh on a summer day. By the way, cilantro itself should be fresh - it is almost never used dried. Seeds are another matter: coriander is mentioned in the recipes of thousands of dishes - from stewed vegetables, sausages and pates to gingerbread and cheeses.
- Just as cilantro coexists with dill and parsley on store shelves, so it can coexist with them in the beds near Moscow. The plant is unpretentious and drought-resistant. Only during the flowering period requires attention and frequent watering.

4 servings

What do you need:
400 g fillet chicken breasts,
medium bunch of cilantro
a handful of unroasted cashew nuts
white of 1 egg,
1 tsp salt and corn starch
1 st. l. dry sherry or rice wine
1 st. l. soy sauce,
2/3 cup refined vegetable oil.

What to do:
Cut the chicken into 1 cm cubes. Beat the protein lightly, mix with salt and starch, add the chicken and mix so that each piece is covered with protein. Place in refrigerator for 20 min. Heat the oil in a wok or deep frying pan until it begins to smoke. Add chicken and sauté over high heat, stirring until pieces do not stick together. white color, 2 minutes. Lay out with a slotted spoon on paper towels and let the fat drain. Drain the oil from the wok, clean it and return to the fire. Pour in 1 more tbsp. l. oil, heat strongly, add coarsely chopped cashews and fry over medium heat for 1 minute. Pour in the sherry and soy sauce, bring to a boil, add the chicken and cook for another 2 minutes. Add coarsely chopped cilantro leaves, stir, remove from heat and serve immediately.

4 servings

What do you need:
1 kg potatoes
large bunch of cilantro
1 garlic clove
0.5 cup extra virgin olive oil
a pinch of turmeric
salt and freshly ground white pepper to taste.

What to do:
Peel potatoes, cut into quarters and boil in salted boiling water. Remove stems from cilantro, finely chop the leaves and crush in a mortar with chopped garlic and a little oil. Drain the potato broth (just in case, leave about half a glass), pour turmeric into the potatoes, mash in a puree, add cilantro and the remaining olive oil. Crush again. Salt if needed and season with pepper. If the puree is too thick, dilute it with broth. Serve immediately.

Text: Alena Spicy. Photo: Elena Koldunova, Elena Gromova. Magazine

Coriander is a herbaceous annual family Umbrella. The name comes from the ancient Greek language, where a word similar in sound meant "bug". This is due to the specific smell of an immature plant, which gives it the decyl aldehyde contained in the essential oil. However, by the end of maturation, it disappears almost completely.

Meet other titles: kishnets, Chinese parsley, colander, bedbug, hamem, kashnich. Latin designation - Coriandrum sativum, translated into English— Coriander, cilantro.

How and where does it grow

The homeland of coriander is considered eastern Mediterranean. Wild species are widespread in India, China, South America, in the south of European Russia, the Caucasus. cultivated useful spice everywhere.

The plant is sun-loving, drought-resistant, prefers slightly acidic sandy or loamy soil. It does not take root well on heavy, clay soil. Requires regular moderate watering, weeding, loosening. The recommended minimum distance between bushes is 10 cm, between rows is 25 cm.


Greens are suitable for food before flowering (June-July), young 10-15 cm shoots are especially tasty. Seeds are harvested after full ripening in August-September. To fresh cilantro was on the table all summer, it is worth re-sowing it at intervals of 2-3 weeks.

To which agrobiological group does

Coriander is classified as green vegetable cultures. Due to cold resistance and precocity, it is grown from early spring, gives several crops per season. Fertile land, timely moistening with thinning - a guarantee that the leaf will be coarse, juicy, spicy.

What does it look like

The plant reaches 70 cm in height. The root is 30-40 cm fusiform, the stem is erect, glabrous, branched. Leaves are pronounced green colors, differ depending on the location:

  • basal - long-leaved, broad-lobed, with notched-serrated edges;
  • lower stem - short-petiolate, pinnatipartite;
  • the upper ones are sessile, pinnately dissected.

Inflorescences are umbellate, with white or pink small flowers. The fruits are light brown, spherical, ribbed.

plant photo

rhizome photo

Cilantro is often confused with parsley. Outwardly, they can be distinguished by the edges of the leaf plate: in the first they are rounded, in the second they are more pointed.

Chemical composition

Coriander contains:

  • vitamins A (retinol), B1, B2, B4, C, E, PP;
  • trace elements (iodine, iron);
  • macronutrients (potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus);
  • flavonoids (plant polyphenols);
  • digestible carbohydrates (dextrins, starch, mono-, disaccharides);
  • tannins;
  • fiber;
  • essential oil.

According to the article pharmacopoeias the content of heavy metals meets safety requirements.

Interesting: in the seeds of kolandra there are no fats at all.


Among dozens of types of seed coriander, the most popular are the following:

  • "Debut" (mid-season, recommended for open ground, increased content of vitamin E);
  • "Amber" (thick-leaved, with high essential oil content);
  • "Vanguard" (mid-season, undersized, tall
  • aromatic, suitable for growing on a windowsill);
  • "Taiga" (late-ripening, saturated color, increased foliage, strong smell);
  • "Picnic" (early ripe, medium height (40 cm), high-yielding, suitable for home cultivation).

Important: you can’t sow a plant in a lowland, there is a possibility of a delay in ripening, as well as death from waterlogging.

Cilantro and coriander are the same

Both names refer to different parts of the same plant. Coriander is called brown seeds, cilantro - leafy mass. The Russian language borrowed the second word from Georgian, in colloquial speech you can hear the variant "Kindza".

Pictured is cilantro

photo of coriander

Interesting: description Coriandrum sativum is found in the oldest Vedic text, the Atharva Veda.

Useful properties and contraindications

As medicine the plant was used three thousand years ago. Common situations where you should stop drinking include:

  • gastritis, accompanied by high acidity;
  • recovery period after myocardial infarction;
  • ischemic heart disease;
  • kidney failure;
  • diabetes;
  • individual intolerance.

Important: daily dose should not exceed 4 grams cilantro seeds or 35 grams of grass. An overdose provokes an allergic reaction, overexcitation, sleep disturbance.

Seeds (fruits)

Positive characteristics:

  • effective for a number of diseases of the teeth, oral cavity: chewing grains helps with stomatitis, caries, fights pathogenic bacteria;
  • the contained bitterness contributes to the production of enzymes, bile, gastric secretion;
  • reduces nervousness, resists stress, depression, normalizes sleep;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • removes toxic substances;
  • increases hemoglobin.

In addition to oral administration, external use is practiced. So ground cuts, purulent wounds are sprinkled with grains, this speeds up healing.

ground grains

A decoction of crushed fruits will help with conjunctivitis: a tablespoon is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for half an hour, filtered, washed eyes 4-5 times a day.

Grass (leaves, stems)

Favorable influence for human health:

  • relieves cough, stimulates sputum discharge;
  • increases appetite;
  • regulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract, prevents constipation, debugs metabolism;
  • prevents the development of cataracts, glaucoma, improves vision;
  • cleanses blood vessels, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques;
  • strengthens bone tissue;
  • stops bleeding gums;
  • resists seasonal beriberi.

leaves and stems

A daily small bunch of fresh herbs will make you forget about digestive problems.

Benefit and harm

There are nuances of the effect of the plant on the female and male organism.

For women

The herb will help with painful menstruation, relieve pain, relieve muscle spasms. The main thing is not to overdo it: the result of excessive use can be a violation of the menstrual cycle.

During menopause, cilantro dampens menopausal hot flashes, smooths out mood swings, and prevents depression from blooming.

At breastfeeding it is worth carefully introducing coriander into the diet, it can give the milk a bitter aftertaste, cause skin rashes in the baby.

Is it possible eat kolandra during pregnancy? Moderate amount will not cause negative consequences, on the contrary, it will relieve heartburn, normalize digestion, and will not allow excess water to linger.

For men

According to a combination of factors, with moderate use, cilantro has a positive effect on erection and potency. So the plant increases blood flow to the pelvic organs, prevents prostatitis, and has an anti-inflammatory effect if the disease has already been diagnosed. Androsterone in the composition is an analogue of testosterone, it reduces the risk of reducing the synthesis of an important male hormone directly responsible for high libido.

Plus, the herb reduces cravings for tobacco and alcohol, stimulates the withdrawal of smoking products.

Coriander as a spice

Chinese parsley is seasoned with food in many countries, Indian cuisine is simply unthinkable without it.

What does it look like

The stems of cilantro are smooth, straight, branched from above. Leaves are pinnatipartite, dissected into three parts, wavy. seeds spherical, in some varieties oblong, with even, sometimes sinuous ribs.

When properly dried, the greens remain distinctly green, and the color of the fruit varies from sandy to pale brown.

ground seasoning

What smells

Perception smell cilantro is purely individual. One smells like bedbugs, another cognac, the third freshly cut bitter grass. Seeds exude fragrance bark with hints of orange peel.


The shoots have a spicy, lemon-pepper taste, with a balanced combination of light spiciness and bitterness. The fruits have a sweetish tint, similar on anise, which is especially appropriate when baking bread.


On 100g cilantro accounts for only 23 kcal, for a similar amount of fruit - 25 kcal. Greens are 90% water. Therefore, the plant is often a component of dietary menus.

What is combined with

A win-win option for using cilantro: put it in the same place where you usually put dill. Also, fresh spice successfully "friends" with onions, garlic, watercress, savory, basil, dried grains complement cumin, cumin, turmeric.

What can replace

In salads, it is allowed to replace cilantro with parsley, thyme, purple basil. Instead of ground spices for the first, second courses, Provence herbs, anise, dill seeds, ground ginger, saffron are suitable, depends on prescription.

How to store

There are two ways to keep herbs fresh for up to two weeks:

  1. The bundle is not washed, inspected, removed from obvious contaminants, damaged areas, and the stems are cut. Clean water is poured into the jar, a grassy bouquet is placed, they are watched so that the liquid does not touch the leaves. Cover with a bag, which is fixed with a rubber band. Removed in the refrigerator. Water is changed at least once every 3 days.
  2. Unwashed, sorted cilantro is placed in a bag, a peeled onion is also placed there, tied, and sent to the refrigerator. The package is changed when condensation forms, the bulb - every 4 days.

Dried spices are stored away from direct light, stove and radiators, in a dry, ventilated place. The container is suitable glass, ceramic, tin with a sealed lid.

For the winter fresh chopped leaves are frozen or salted.

Indian extra bold coriander

How is coriander used in cooking?

The spice is widely used. It is found in the recipes of dishes of different levels: from simple snacks to desserts, cheese making, sausage production.

Where add

Most Successfully spice manifests itself in:

  • legume soups (lentils, chickpeas, beans);
  • cabbage stew;
  • sauces (tkemali, adjika, satsebeli, mole);
  • marinades for fish;
  • rye bakery products;
  • leafy salads;
  • goulash;
  • dishes from beets, carrots, pumpkins;
  • warming drinks (mulled wine, grog, punch, coffee, hot chocolate).

coriander falafels

Coriander is invariably an ingredient in famous spice mixtures: curry, garam masala, suneli hops.

What to cook

Start your acquaintance with simple recipes. Make a simple salad of cilantro and radishes dressed with lemon juice. Rub the ground spice over the pork before roasting. Mix chopped herbs with butter, put on top of hot baked potatoes. Add grains to your favorite canning recipes. As you get used to it, the functionality of the spicy supplement will grow.

Coriander coffee: mix 2 tablespoons condensed milk, ½ spice powder, a pinch of nutmeg, add to a boiled drink, garnish with heavy cream, sprinkle with cocoa.

Where else is coriander used?

The plant has taken a time-tested place in the field of beauty, nutrition, and healing.

In cosmetology

As a cosmetic product, the plant is useful for the face, hair, legs.

Applications of a mixture of equal parts of lemon juice and cilantro fight acne, pimples, smooth scars. Yoghurt mask with the addition of cilantro pulp relieves swelling, inflammation, irritation. Rubbing with a decoction whitens the skin. A drop of coriander ether added to a single portion of the cream enhances its effect.

Flaxseed oil, infused for a week on crushed fruits (1/5 cup per 150 milliliters), treats burns, cuts, insect bites.


Rinsing with decoction reduces oily hair, eliminates dandruff, resists early gray hair, strengthens hair follicles. Salt peeling with essential oil tightens the scalp.

Foot baths treat fungus, reduce sweating, and neutralize unpleasant odors.

For weight loss

Due to the ability to stabilize peristalsis, accelerate metabolic processes, cleanse the intestines, provide a mild laxative and diuretic, coriander is effective for weight loss. Add spice to food, adhering to the recommended doses (see section "Contraindications").

Should be remembered that the herb increases appetite. If you are prone to overeating, it is better to choose another "weight loss" product.

In folk medicine

Healers include fruits of kolandra in collections against hemorrhoids, jaundice, and inflammation of the gallbladder. Vodka tincture relieve excitability. The decoction is used to treat intestinal atony. Infusion relieves heartburn, accumulated gases, constipation. Freshly squeezed juice - from allergic rashes, hay fever.

Coriander sugar for gastritis, ulcers: Grind 20 grains with 30 grams of sugar. Take twice a day by dissolving two teaspoons of the powder in 200 milliliters of warm water.