Buckwheat with champignons in sour cream sauce. Buckwheat with mushrooms - the best recipes for every day

Dear readers, today I propose to prepare a casserole of buckwheat with mushrooms and sour cream. Simple, satisfying and very delicious dish.


  • 1.5 cups buckwheat
  • 300 g fresh champignons
  • 2 eggs
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. butter
  • 0.5 cups sour cream
  • 1 large onion
  • 1.5-2 tsp. flour
  • small bunch of dill
  • tomato for decoration
  • 1 tbsp. l. breadcrumbs
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • salt, black ground pepper
  • a pinch of dried herbs

Cooking method:

Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan, put it on the fire and bring to a boil. Pour 1 tsp into the water. salt without top. We sort out the buckwheat, rinse it and add it to boiling water. We continue to cook over high heat, periodically removing the foam.

When the water level in the pan drops to the level of the cereal, add 2-3 tbsp to the porridge. l. butter, close the lid tightly, reduce the heat to low and leave to simmer for 15-20 minutes, then turn off.

Whisk 2 eggs and, when the porridge has cooled and become warm, pour the eggs into the pan and stir.

While the porridge is cooking and cooling, prepare the sauce. Peel the onion, cut into small cubes and fry in vegetable oil until slightly golden brown.

Wipe the mushrooms with a damp cloth or wash them, then cut them into small pieces.

Place the mushrooms in the pan with the onions, add salt and pepper and continue to fry, stirring, until the mushrooms are slightly browned.

In a separate dry frying pan over low heat, fry 1.5-2 tsp. flour with a small slide until brownish. The flour must be stirred all the time, because... it cooks very quickly.

Pour in half a glass of water in small portions, stir and add half a glass of sour cream. If the mixture is very thick, add more water, the consistency should be like liquid sour cream. Salt and pepper to taste, you can add any seasonings you like, I added basil and suneli hops.

Pour the sauce into the pan with the mushrooms and add half of the finely chopped dill. Stir and taste for salt.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Take a small baking dish, mine is 18 by 25 cm, grease vegetable oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

Place the buckwheat in the mold and level the surface.

Now pour the mushroom sauce evenly.

Place the pan in the oven for 15-20 minutes, then remove. This is what happened.

Do you want to have good health, a slim figure, good skin and energy every day? Of course, you will answer, who doesn’t want to? Well, it’s clear that all this is possible thanks to a well-formulated balanced diet, proper nutrition, which everyone and everywhere is now talking about. You think this menu is not very diverse, because it only contains cereals, vegetables, fruits and boiled meat. But no, the correct diet can be very, very different, and we will prove to you today using the example of the healthy cereal. Buckwheat with mushrooms – that’s what we’ll talk about today, you’ll find out how many different dishes you can prepare based on these two products and something else.

Offers a selection of the best buckwheat and mushroom recipes for family and guests.

Buckwheat with champignons

We will need:

  • champignons – 0.5 kg;
  • buckwheat - a glass;
  • carrots and onions - one large or two medium ones of each vegetable;
  • salt - to taste;
  • butter - tablespoon;
  • herbs and spices - at your discretion;
  • sunflower oil or olive oil - 4 tablespoons.

Preparing the dish

Buckwheat with mushrooms, onions and carrots useful product, and with vegetable oil you can eat during Lent. Everything is prepared very simply. Place fresh or frozen champignons in a frying pan, after cutting them, fry them in vegetable oil and butter at the same time. The mushrooms should release a little juice and brown.
If you are preparing a lenten dish, then, of course, animal products such as butter should not be in the dish. It is better to take a frying pan with high sides, thick walls and a bottom. You can use a good cauldron.

Advice! Mushrooms complement seasonings such as oregano, suneli hops, dried dill, thyme, cumin and basil very well.

So, the mushrooms are ready, now you lay out a layer of carrots. Of course, first you wash the vegetables and chop them on a coarse grater. Mushrooms and carrots are stewed for about five minutes, the next layer will be onion half rings. It is best to cut vegetables coarsely, laying them in layers. The technique is similar to how traditional pilaf is prepared. Now it’s time for the cereal - you clean it of impurities, if there are any, rinse it, pour it into a cauldron, and level it with a spoon.

Pour boiled, hot water in a volume twice as large as the cereal. But try to ensure that the layers do not disturb their structure, so that the mushrooms, onions and carrots do not float to the top of the cauldron. Now add salt and your favorite spices. Cover tightly with a lid and place on the fire for 35-40 minutes until all the liquid has evaporated. Do not stir the dish until it is completely cooked, but make sure that your buckwheat and mushrooms do not burn when there is very little water left. The finished dish is served on its own or in addition to vegetables and chicken breast.

Good to know! Buckwheat is a cereal we need for health; it contains many vitamins and minerals important for the human body. But the leader among them is iron, and those who suffer from anemia or loss of strength need to include cereals in their daily diet.

Buckwheat with mushrooms - preparing a dish in a pot in the oven

The oven allows you to cook a lot of different dishes. Their taste is completely different than on fire when we cook in the traditional way. But it tastes even better when food is cooked in clay pots, which our ancestors have used for centuries. Every housewife should have one of these, because the pots add a unique taste, retain heat for a long time, look very cozy in the kitchen, creating an unrivaled atmosphere at the table.

We will need:

  • buckwheat – 300 gr.;
  • mushrooms – 0.5 kg. These can be butter mushrooms, champignons, oyster mushrooms, honey mushrooms, frozen or fresh;
  • onions – 2 medium pieces;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tablespoons;
  • greens - dried or fresh dill and onions;
  • pepper, salt - to taste;
  • spices - optional.

Preparing the dish

Very simple and delicious recipe. Wash the mushrooms, cut them into cubes, slices, as is convenient and familiar to you. Fry them in oil in a frying pan until half cooked. Peel the onion, chop it into half rings, pour it into the mushrooms, simmer for 3-5 minutes.

Now you wash the buckwheat, removing all the black specks from it. Next, distribute the cereal according to the number of your pots so that it is about a third of the volume or a little less. Place mushrooms, fried with onions, on top. Fill all this with water so that it is twice the volume of buckwheat or almost reaches the edge. Add salt, black pepper and spices. Heat the oven to 190-200 degrees, place the pots in it for 40-50 minutes.

Advice! When you turn off the oven, let the dish sit for another 7-10 minutes, add fresh dill and green onions. Buckwheat with mushrooms and onions will sweat, become saturated with the aroma of greenery and will be very tender and airy.

With chicken breast

A very nutritious and tasty dish, perfect for men who love meat, while the breast is considered healthy and dietary. You can cook buckwheat in pots in the oven or use a common container, for example, glass pans for the stove. In both the first and second cases, the dish looks very aesthetically pleasing.

We will need:

  • buckwheat – 1.5 cups;
  • water – 3 glasses;
  • chicken fillet - two pieces;
  • greens - dried or fresh dill;
  • garlic – 3-4 cloves;
  • frying oil;
  • carrots – 1 medium;
  • onions – 2 medium pieces;
  • mushrooms – 400 grams (fresh, frozen or pickled).

Preparing the dish

Buckwheat with mushrooms, vegetables and meat can be prepared in different ways. That is, you can first boil the fillet along with a bay leaf, or you can fry it with vegetables. Try both options and choose the best one. By the way, you can use broth from cooking chicken instead of water to pour buckwheat.

Wash the mushrooms, cut into slices, fry for five minutes in a frying pan. Wash and peel the vegetables, dice the onion, chop the carrots on a coarse grater. Fry the vegetables in oil for three minutes along with the mushrooms. Wash the fillet and cut into strips. We put it in the pan with the vegetables, crush the garlic here, season everything with pepper, spices and salt at the end. Fry the meat until half cooked.

Advice! The fillet can be pre-marinated with onions, spices, sour cream and tomato paste. You can stew it with these products. To make the meat easier to cut, put it in the freezer for 30-40 minutes.

Place vegetables with mushrooms and meat in pots or pans, spread a layer of buckwheat on top, which we wash first. Fill the contents with water and place in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for 40 minutes. Add salt to taste to the dish and garnish with herbs at the end. Goes great with fresh salad from cucumbers and tomatoes.

Buckwheat casserole with mushrooms in the oven

This version of the dish will delight both the family and guests; a baking sheet with cheese casserole looks very appetizing, and everyone will definitely ask you for more.

We will need:

  • buckwheat – 1.5 cups;
  • hot water - 2 times more cereal;
  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • onions – 3 medium pieces;
  • mushrooms – 400 grams;
  • cheese - you can take any hard cheese - 200 grams;
  • sour cream – 200 ml;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • butter – 2-3 tablespoons.

Preparing the dish

As you already understand, we will bake our buckwheat with mushrooms according to this recipe on a baking sheet. We cook porridge in the most traditional way. Wash the cereal, remove impurities, pour 1:2 hot water into a saucepan, add salt to taste, bring to a boil and simmer under the lid for about 15 minutes.

Advice! Experienced chefs know the secret of the most delicious and aromatic buckwheat porridge - before cooking, the cereal should be heated in a frying pan or baking tray for about ten minutes without adding oil, but the buckwheat should not burn.

We clean the onions, chop them, wash the mushrooms and cut them into slices. Next, fry everything in butter until golden brown and thin. At the end, just add salt and ground pepper. Buckwheat porridge Place on a baking sheet, which we first grease with butter on all sides. First we put the buckwheat in only half the volume, level everything around the perimeter, now we distribute the onions and mushrooms onto this substrate. And again we cover everything with a layer of porridge.

Now we make the filling to get our casserole. Beat the eggs with a whisk together with the sour cream; for this it should not be too thick. Pour the mixture onto the cereal with vegetables and mushrooms, sprinkle the entire surface with grated cheese. The baking sheet will only sit in the oven for 15-20 minutes, as all the ingredients are almost ready, then at the end, decorate everything with fresh herbs.

Advice! Some types of cheese can dry out too much in the oven, forming a hard crust, so you can sprinkle them on the dish five minutes before cooking. The same recipe can be prepared with chicken fillet, which is fried with onions and mushrooms.

Stuffed cabbage rolls with buckwheat and mushrooms

Many people know recipes for buckwheat in the oven or in a saucepan, but do you want to surprise even experienced housewives with your abilities? Certainly! Then you should prepare the cabbage rolls that we will offer you below for the next arrival of guests. But seriously, the dish is easy to prepare, but at the same time it is unusual, not everyone knows such a recipe, and your family and husband will be pleasantly surprised by your culinary delights.

We will need:

  • buckwheat - a glass;
  • cabbage - one medium fork, but its leaves should be large so that it is convenient to wrap the cabbage rolls;
  • carrots, onions and peppers - 2 pieces of each vegetable;
  • mushrooms – 400 grams;
  • ketchup or sauce – 500 ml;
  • salt and spices - to taste;
  • oil for frying.

Preparing the dish

We clean the cabbage from the top, damaged leaves, put it in boiling water for a minute, after which the leaves will be removed very well without tearing, breaking or deforming. Pour the buckwheat after it has been washed with water in a ratio of 1:2, salt it, and cook so that it is slightly hard.

Wash all the vegetables, peel them, remove the seeds from the pepper, then dice the onion and grate the carrots, pepper mode. We fry all this in oil in a frying pan, we also put our favorite mushrooms here, which also need to be washed well and cut into slices. Fry vegetables and mushrooms with salt and spices, and then combine them with porridge.

We separate the cabbage leaves from the fork, cut off the hard base, and beat them lightly to make it easier to wrap the cabbage rolls. We put our mixture in the middle and wrap everything in sheets. Place the cabbage rolls in a saucepan or deep frying pan, pour tomato sauce or ketchup, add a little water and simmer after boiling for 10-15 minutes. You can replace this stage with light frying. The dish is served with sour cream, fresh herbs and salad.

You can cook buckwheat with dried mushrooms, then you don’t fry them, but simmer them together with the porridge. You can also put pickled mushrooms in pots or casseroles. Honey mushrooms or assorted mushrooms are very tasty in any dish. Marinated foods also do not need to be pre-cooked or fried; simply layer them with vegetables. As a result, the taste will be slightly different, but very pleasant. Greens can also be fresh, dried, or frozen.

    Fragrant buckwheat in pots is incredibly tasty! And preparing such a second course is very simple. Be sure to try it!

    Ingredients (for 1 pot):
    Buckwheat - 0.5 tbsp.
    Fresh mushrooms - 100 g
    Sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.
    Hard cheese - 50 g
    A piece of butter

    Step by step photos how to prepare recipe with photo:

    Chop the onion and fry until transparent.

  1. Well, now the matter remains small. We rinse the buckwheat and fill our pot with layers:
    • Place a small piece of butter at the very bottom to prevent it from burning.
    • part of mushrooms with onions
    • some porridge
    • a little grated cheese
    • 1 tbsp. sour cream

  2. Grate cheese on top and add 1 tbsp. sour cream.

  3. And now everything is ready!

  4. We wait until it cools down a little and we can eat.

  5. Bon appetit everyone!

    The first clay pots appeared in ancient times even before the invention of the oven. They had a pointed shape and were simply buried in the hot ash. With the advent of stone ovens, the shape changed and a flat, stable bottom appeared. They were always made from clay. They were used for cooking both in the homes of simple peasants and in the homes of the aristocracy.

    Today, this kitchen utensil is unfairly forgotten by many housewives. And it's a shame. After all, dishes prepared in such dishes cook evenly and retain a large amount of vitamins and nutrients. The most important advantage is environmental friendliness. Cooking in pots is a pleasure: no need to stir or turn over. I put it in the oven or microwave and forgot. You can cook separately for each family member, taking into account taste preferences everyone. In one - do not put onions, in the second - add some carrots, in the third - put more mushrooms. Moreover, you can do all this at the same time. This significantly saves time and effort. Any dish turns out more tasty, juicy and aromatic.

    Buckwheat porridge prepared in this way will be crumbly and will not burn. Buckwheat is a very valuable and nutritious product for our body. Due to its high protein content, it is a favorite porridge for vegetarians, and its low carbohydrate content allows people with diabetes to consume it. This cereal lowers blood cholesterol levels and speeds up metabolism. It contains a large amount of flavonoids, which help fight cancer cells. Buckwheat stimulates brain function, which is why it is recommended to be consumed regularly by schoolchildren and students, as well as people engaged in mental activity. Few people know that this cereal is an excellent antidepressant and helps cope with drowsiness and fatigue. Content folic acid makes this product indispensable for women during pregnancy. Regular consumption of this cereal helps strengthen nails and hair, and helps fight skin problems.

    Buckwheat with mushrooms and sour cream in a pot is a very tasty and aromatic dish. It will take very little time to prepare. To give a pleasant creamy taste, you can add processed cheese, it will completely melt and be absorbed into the porridge, giving it a rich taste. You can serve it directly in the pot, sprinkled with fresh parsley or dill.

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Jan 25 2014

Sometimes you think and think about what to eat in the evening after work, so that it’s satisfying and not too heavy for the night. And so that everyone at home would like it, I’m the only one in the family, everyone else is a meat eater. Give them something hearty.

What if it’s buckwheat with mushrooms, plus cheese, and sour cream, and we have homemade sour cream today (in the photo you see a thick milky mass, this is it - homemade sour cream after a night in the refrigerator, mmmmm - pure cream, no... butter ...)

So let's get started:


  • - cup
  • – 300g
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • – 50g (more is possible, it will be tastier)
  • Homemade sour cream - a couple of tablespoons (if you don’t have homemade, then what can you do, you can use store bought)
  • Greens (I have dill)
  • Garlic – 1 clove
  • Salt to taste


Boil the mushroom broth, remove the mushrooms, cut them and set aside for now. Now cook buckwheat in mushroom broth. Mmmm – this is already delicious! But that's not all. When the buckwheat is almost ready, add mushrooms, onions (you can fry them lightly), finely chopped garlic and let the buckwheat cook.

And now at the very end, grate the cheese and stir it in... let it melt... add sour cream in there and let it simmer for just a minute so that the flavors mix.

Place on a plate and sprinkle with herbs, sprinkle with more cheese and put sour cream next to it. You can’t imagine how tasty this, what should I call it... sloppy... tongue-in-cheek!

Bon appetit!