Prostate adenoma. Non-traditional methods of treating prostatitis: acupuncture, raw food diet, Su-jok, Qigong, clay How Tibetan medicine treats prostate adenoma

Treatment with Tibetan bowls and mantras... I recommend...

I recently became ill and decided to try unconventional methods of treatment instead of medications, namely chanting mantras and listening to Tibetan bowls. I don’t know what helped more, the power of my faith or all the sound manipulations, but the result was obvious: I quickly jumped from bed rest to a state of activity.
When using these techniques, the vibrations remained in my body for a long time... I think you can feel them yourself. The beneficial effect of sounds on the body is unambiguous.

I’ll write a little more about each of the methods:

The sounds of singing bowls significantly enhance the harmonization effect. This is why singing bowls were so valued in Buddhism for meditation. And in the shamanic tradition, sound is considered one of the ways to enter other worlds. The vibrations of the bowl are like an act of creation. The male energy of the resonator wand awakens feminine energy bowls. Silence and sound, yin and yang, man and woman...
The singing bowls contain the main principle of the world - Unity.

The sound of singing bowls instills a sense of vast space and a sense of suspension. The listener seems to descend deep into the sound space, to where only pure sound exists, which has a beneficial effect on the human subconscious and is able to balance the energy state.

The simultaneous sounding of several bowls of different sizes creates a complex musical composition from a limitless flow of overtones, forming sound spirals. Each meeting is a separate, unique event. The transparent sound of singing bowls is wonderful energy-rich music for meditation and immersion in the depths of the most subtle energy and elements of this world.
The sound is received by the whole body, all the senses, the whole being. There is a simultaneous filling with sound and immersion in sound. A feeling of dissolving the boundaries of the body and its weightlessness is created.

This bowl with very strong vibration:

I listened to all three bowls simultaneously during treatment. It turned out very funny. The force of vibrations was heard throughout the whole body. Then I sang mantras and the vibrations in my body continued...
I took information about mantras from the Lotus website. How mantras differ from ordinary Christian prayers is the intensity of vibration that is reproduced by the mantra. Although the familiar word Amen to all of us is very similar in vibration level to the mantra Aum...

Treatment with mantras

Until now, scientists are quite skeptical about what they cannot touch with their hands or at least see on a monitor. Modern medicine considers human energy channels and acupuncture points on the body to be inventions of the ancients.

You can treat not only the consequences manifested at the bodily level, but it is quite possible to influence the disease at the level of the mind or at the energy level.

In Tibetan or Buddhist medicine, mystical therapy with mantras and rituals is given almost the dominant place.

If through speech it is possible to diagnose the patient’s energy, then through speech it is also possible to influence his state of energy and eliminate the imbalance of elements and doshas.

Mantroyana is a method of Buddhist practice based primarily on the recitation of mantras and visualizations. Of course, in addition to mantras, visualizations, rituals, etc. in the Vajrayana tradition there are many in various ways spiritual practice, but it is mantra, or vocal vibration, that is the root or main method in this system of Tibetan Buddhism.

It is mantras and visualizations that can be a very effective means of influencing the causes of disorders of the mind and body.

Tibetan medicine is not a speculation on people’s ignorance, and if its methods contain “secret” methods, for example, mantras, this does not mean that they are deliberately hidden by someone. They are secret not because no one knows about them, or they are behind seven seals, absolutely not, but because not everyone can feel the essence of these methods. personal experience. After all, only persistent and persistent spiritual practice allows miracles to manifest themselves in reality.

Human energy is a very specific “thing” that can not only be felt in a meditative vision, but can even be “touched” with your hands or actively influenced by reciting mantras, as well as through the properties of minerals, rituals, and mystical symbols.

Listening to the patient’s pulses, the doctor already at this stage begins treatment with mantras, although this is not always visible to the patient. Regardless of further treatment methods, the spiritual power of the doctor, strengthened by mantras and visualizations, will constantly adjust the patient’s energy.

A mantra is, first of all, a vibration of sound, and, as is known, sound penetrates even through dense matter and over long distances, therefore, this is a very subtle or essential aspect of our dimension. Voice vibration, performed in the right way, very effectively affects the energy channels inside the body, the chakras, and the essence of human elements. In the tradition of Tibetan medicine, a huge number of healing mantras have been developed. For example, a doctor determines this or that provocation, it could be a provocation of natural forces, malevolent spirits, an imbalance of elements, and begins to apply a mantra appropriate to a specific case, while simultaneously visualizing sacred syllables or images of guardian deities. Sometimes the positive effect of such mantra therapy appears the first time, especially if it concerns fresh (not chronic) disorders or the provocation of harmful spirits. Chronic diseases are more difficult to respond to, but they can also be successfully treated with mantras in combination with moxa, procedures, Ku-Nye massage, medications, etc. An experienced doctor will always find the right treatment method, and there are no miracles here, everything can be analyzed quite clearly. A mantra is not something transcendental, it is a completely explicable and understandable phenomenon of our inner nature, although not always familiar to a European. In the East, mantra is a common thing, and you won’t surprise anyone there.

In conclusion, we can say that mantra therapy is a completely correct treatment method. Tibetan medicine has its roots in the ancient Tibetan shamanic tradition of Bon, so it is not surprising that the Mantrayana aspect is still highly developed in it. And as long as the line of continuity of Tibetan traditions is not cut short, the sound of the victorious mantra will live and heal.

Here you can download some mantras and just listen to them.

Of course, there are no “good” diseases at all, but prostate adenoma is one of the particularly unpleasant diseases. Men prefer not to spread the word if suddenly a fatal diagnosis is made. But this ailment is very common; it often affects men after 50 years of age.

What is prostate adenoma? These are swollen glands that are found around the prostate urethra.

As a rule, this disease overtakes people due to a sedentary lifestyle, excessive obesity, smoking and alcohol abuse, and atherosclerosis.

A symptom that should concern a man is increasing problems with urination. This, of course, complicates life not only during the day, but also at night; the need to give up everything and endlessly run to the toilet can lead a person to despair.

Indeed, prostate adenoma is a difficult to cure disease, but modern medicine can alleviate the condition of patients and prevent prostate adenoma (benign tumor) from turning into an oncological disease.

Drug treatment will be successful if the patient himself gives up the “sofa” lifestyle, says “no” to bad habits, and solves the problem proper nutrition, will understand the benefits of reasonable physical activity.

The disease must be fought with the help of traditional medicine, which has been helping men with proven recipes since ancient times. There are quite a lot of them - infusions, decoctions, baths, some food products, so each person can decide which recommendations will help him improve his health.

Folk remedies used to treat prostate adenoma are usually very simple, but their effectiveness is sometimes equal to new medical technologies. It happens that improvement begins after a short time.


Garlic- a plant that is present in many recipes not traditional medicine. In our case, you will need 200 grams of peeled and ground garlic. You will also have to buy 12 lemons, squeeze the juice out of them and mix it with garlic.

Next, this mixture should infuse for at least 24 days. After this, you begin to take a healing infusion: stir one teaspoon in ½ glass of water and take it before bed. And so on for three weeks. Then take a week break and continue the course of treatment.

Aspen. This tree has truly magical properties. Be sure to try to alleviate your condition with aspen infusion. Grind 200 grams of bark, mix with 0.5 liters of vodka and keep this mixture for two weeks in a dark place. After this, start a three-month course: 30 minutes before each meal, mix 20 drops of tincture with 20 ml of vodka and drink without eating or drinking anything.

mistletoe. An alcoholic tincture of this plant is also widely used in folk medicine. 50 grams of crushed mistletoe is mixed with 0.5 liters of vodka. The mixture is stored in a dark place, after a month the infusion is ready for use. The course of treatment is 30 days. Before each meal you need to take one teaspoon of infusion, wash it down with clean water. After the first course there is a month break, after which everything is repeated.

The roots are bought. Traditional healers use the plant at the very beginning of the disease to prevent the degeneration of prostate adenoma into an oncological form. To make an infusion, you will need a liter of 70% alcohol, into which 100 grams of roots are placed. After 20 days, they begin to take the product in the mornings and evenings, adding 10 drops to the rosehip infusion, green tea or into clean water. The treatment cycle is 14 days.

Vitex sacred (Abraham tree) and Echinocea. Healers have high hopes for the effect of the infusion of these plants. It is done like this: 100 grams of vitex seeds and the same amount of echinata herb are crushed and mixed with one liter of vodka. After two weeks the tincture is ready.

Reception regimen: four three-week courses with seven-day breaks. The product is taken one teaspoon twenty minutes before the start of a meal.

Hemlock and celandine. When making this tincture, you need to be careful: both plants are poisonous in certain situations. However, when treating adenoma they give good effect. To prepare the tincture, take half a tablespoon of each herb and pour 100 grams of alcohol. After ten days, the product is filtered and taken in the morning, starting with one drop in a glass of water or milk. Every day you need to add one more drop, so that after a month you get 30 drops. Then there is a countdown, that is, on the 60th day you add just one drop.


is a remedy for illness that traditional healers have used since time immemorial. You only need a handful of husks; they are washed under cold water. In a saucepan (preferably enameled), bring 700 ml of water to a boil, and lower the husks into boiling water.

Boil for five minutes, let sit for about one hour, then strain. The result is a decoction that resembles the color of strongly brewed tea. Take half a glass of the drink before each meal. The infusion has a rather bitter taste, so you can dilute it with clean water. The effect occurs in about two weeks.

Fir bark. Boil two tablespoons of crushed bark for a few minutes, leave for about an hour - and you can start taking the decoction. Dosage – half a glass half an hour before meals.

Hazel. You need to take two or three branches of this plant with leaves, put them in water and boil for about 20 minutes. Then let the broth brew until the liquid acquires a red-brown color. It will work out good remedy for inhalation. The broth should be poured into a wide container and breathed in the vapors, covered with a towel on top. Each procedure will require fresh branches. The entire course takes a week.

This remedy is usually used in September, when the chestnuts are already ripe and brown. You need to choose the ripest fruits, peel them, and chop the peel. Pour boiling water over three tablespoons and leave overnight. In the morning, strain and place the liquid in a water bath so that you end up with no more than 200 grams of decoction. This remedy should be taken three times a day, 30 drops, always on an empty stomach. When the decoction ends, you need to take a break of two months, then the course can be repeated.

Ointments and suppositories

Fir. Fir ointment, which is easy to prepare yourself, has proven itself to be effective in the treatment of prostate adenoma. Take a spoonful of any cream, add 5 drops of fir oil, mix everything. Every evening, this ointment should be rubbed into the perineum, without touching the scrotum and anus.

Candles - also a popular folk remedy for getting rid of adenoma. The composition is as follows: to three tablespoons of rye flour add one teaspoon of honey and eggs. The dough is kneaded and thin candles are made from it. The suppositories need to be frozen and in this state inserted into the anus in the mornings and evenings. The course of treatment will take four weeks, then a week break is taken and a new course begins.

. This is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic agent; it can significantly alleviate the condition of a person suffering from prostate adenoma. In order to prepare candles, you need to evaporate propolis (40 g) in pure alcohol (0.2 l). Then mix 0.1 g of the resulting propolis extract with cocoa butter (2g). The result is a mixture from which a candle is formed. A candle is inserted into the rectum before going to bed. And so on for a month. Then a month-long break, and the course of treatment is repeated.

The best assistant is your wife

Prostate adenoma is a very delicate disease, it is not the best way affects a man’s sexual function and his mood. The wife is the closest person, she should treat with great understanding the problems that have invaded her husband’s life. Not only the man is interested in healing from illness, it is also important for his wife. Therefore, it is necessary for the woman to help her loved one get rid of painful symptoms with the help of recipes offered by traditional medicine.

Prostate adenoma (lat. adenoma prostatae), according to modern terminology, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a benign neoplasm that develops from the glandular epithelium or the stromal component of the prostate.

In this case, a small nodule (or nodules) forms in the prostate, which grows and gradually compresses the urethra. As a result of this compression, urination problems occur. BPH has a benign growth, that is, it does not metastasize. This fundamentally distinguishes BPH from prostate cancer; the main landmark for the onset of malignant degeneration of the prostate gland is the level of prostate-specific antigen.

According to statistics, half of men over 50 years of age consult a doctor about BPH. In rare cases, prostate adenoma develops in younger men. As a man ages, the risk of the disease increases significantly. It is believed that over time it develops in 85% of men. In 15-20% of elderly and senile men, instead of BPH, an enlargement of the gland to varying degrees or its atrophy is observed. BPH is the most common urological disease.

Causes of prostate adenoma

Etiology. The causes of the disease are not yet fully understood. It is believed that prostate adenoma is one of the manifestations of male menopause. The only risk factors include age and androgen levels in the blood. As a man ages, the physiological balance between androgens and estrogens is disrupted, which leads to disruption of control over the growth and function of prostate cells. There was no significant connection between the occurrence of BPH and sexual activity, sexual orientation, tobacco and alcohol consumption, previous inflammatory and sexually transmitted diseases of the genital organs.

Pathogenesis. Most often, prostate adenoma develops in the central part of the gland, involving its lateral lobes; its growth is associated with adenomatous proliferation of the paraurethral glands, which leads to a displacement of the gland’s own tissue outward and the formation of an adenoma capsule. The adenoma grows both towards the bladder and towards the rectum, with the internal opening of the bladder shifting upward and the posterior part of the urethra lengthening.

According to the type of growth, they are distinguished:

subvesical form (the tumor grows towards the rectum),

intravesical form (tumor grows towards the bladder),

retrotrigonal form in which the tumor is located under the triangle of the bladder.

Multifocal tumor growth is often observed.

Clinic. Clinical manifestations depend on the location of the tumor, its size and growth rate, and the degree of impairment of the contractile function of the bladder.

There are 3 stages of the disease:

Stage 1 - Compensated - manifested by a delay in the onset of urination - the stream of urine is sluggish, frequent urges and frequent urination, especially at night. The gland is enlarged, has a dense elastic consistency, its boundaries are clearly defined, the median groove is well palpated, palpation of the gland is painless. The bladder empties completely - there is no residual urine. The first stage lasts 1-3 years.

Stage 2 - Subcompensated - as compression of the urethra develops, the bladder is no longer able to function adequately and completely expel urine - residual urine appears, incomplete emptying of the bladder is felt, the walls of the bladder thicken significantly; patients urinate in small portions, and then urine begins to be released involuntarily due to bladder overflow (paradoxical ischuria); sometimes the urine is cloudy or mixed with blood, acute urinary retention is observed, and symptoms of chronic renal failure are added.

Stage 3 - Decompensated - due to the large amount of residual urine, the bladder is greatly distended, urine is released drop by drop, it is cloudy or mixed with blood.

Deterioration of urine outflow from the kidneys leads to impaired renal function (renal failure);

Common symptoms include weakness, weight loss, dry mouth, smell of urine in the exhaled air, poor appetite, anemia, and constipation.

Diagnosis is based on the characteristic complaints of a man (the International Prostatic Symptom Score - I-PSS is used to standardize them), a clinical examination of the patient and research methods such as:

Digital (palpation) rectal examination of the prostate gland.

The method gives an idea of ​​the size and consistency of the prostate gland, pain, and the presence of a groove between the lobes of the prostate (normally there should be one).

Laboratory research.

Includes a general urine test, biochemical analysis blood, determination of the level of PSA (prostate specific antigen) in the blood.

Instrumental research methods.

Ultrasound examination.

Allows you to give an idea of ​​the size of each lobe of the prostate gland, the condition of its parenchyma (the presence of nodules, stones), and the presence of residual urine.

A modification of prostate ultrasound is transrectal ultrasound (TRUS).


Objectively assesses the rate of urination.

X-ray research methods.

The methods of plain radiography (without contrast) and excretory urography (with the use of contrast) make it possible to determine the presence of complications of prostate adenoma: kidney and bladder stones, dilation of the renal collecting system and diverticula.

Treatment. There are a large number of treatment methods for prostate adenoma. They are diverse and highly effective. These methods can be divided into three groups: Drug treatment, Surgical methods of treatment, Non-operative methods.

At the first symptoms of prostate adenoma it is used drug treatment. Treatment is aimed at improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs, inhibiting the growth of prostate adenoma and eliminating infection urinary tract. The patient is recommended to have an active lifestyle and reduce fluid intake before bedtime. Drinking alcohol, smoking, hot and spicy foods is prohibited. Androgen replacement therapy is prescribed only if there are clear laboratory and clinical signs of age-related androgen deficiency. At the same time, treatment of complications is prescribed - pyelonephritis, prostatitis and cystitis. In case of acute urinary retention (develops due to the use of alcoholic drinks, hypothermia), the patient is urgently hospitalized for bladder catheterization.

Medication. Divided into two types:

Drugs of the first type reduce the tone of the smooth muscles of the bladder neck and prostate gland. Because of this, the pressure on the urethra weakens, and the flow of urine through the urethra is easier.

Type 1 - short- and long-acting alpha-blockers (terazosin, doxazosin and tamsulosin).

Drugs of the second type block the transition of testosterone to its active form - dihydrotestosterone, thereby reducing the volume of the prostate gland, which also relieves pressure on the channel.

Type 2 - 5-alpha reductase blockers (finasteride).

Surgical treatment.

In severe cases, as a rule, they resort to surgical intervention, which consists of excision of the adenoma - adenomectomy. There are two types of operations:

1. Open (transvesical adenomectomy) - with access through the wall of the bladder. They are used in advanced cases, they are more traumatic, but provide complete recovery from the disease.

2. Minimally invasive operations (with a minimal amount of surgical intervention) - without an incision, through the urethra, using modern video endoscopic technology:

Transurethral resection of the prostate (TUR or TURis) of prostate adenoma.

Transurethral electrovaporization of the prostate gland

Transurethral incision of the prostate gland

Complications of operations.

By degree of prevalence: urinary incontinence, urethral stricture (fusion of the urethra), impotence, retrograde ejaculation (reflux of sperm into the bladder).

3.Embolization of prostate arteries is an endovascular operation, the essence of which is to block the prostate arteries with particles of a special medical polymer. It is performed under local anesthesia, accessed through the femoral artery. As a rule, it requires hospitalization for no more than one day. EAP is performed by endovascular surgeons, not urologists.

Non-operative treatment methods include:

Balloon dilatation of the prostate gland (expansion of the narrowed area by inflating a balloon inserted into the urethra);

Installation of prostatic stents in the area of ​​narrowing;

Method of thermotherapy or microwave coagulation of the prostate;

High intensity focused ultrasound;

Transurethral needle ablation;


Forecast. If treatment is not undertaken, then prolonged urinary retention contributes to the appearance of urolithiasis with the formation of stones in the bladder and the addition of infection, the most serious complication of which is pyelonephritis, aggravating renal failure.

With timely and adequate treatment, the prognosis of the disease is very favorable.

Prevention is aimed at timely treatment of prostatitis and regular monitoring by a doctor. A balanced diet (reducing fried, fatty, salty, spicy, smoked foods, increasing the proportion of plant and raw foods), quitting smoking and alcohol; control of body weight, cholesterol levels; healthy active lifestyle.

This is the first step towards benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Urologists joke: “everyone will have an adenoma, the question is – will we live to see it?!” Degenerative lesions of the prostate inexorably occur, but there are ways to significantly delay the onset of their clinical manifestations. Put them aside so far that we simply won’t have time to notice them, finding a heroic end on the battlefields of World War III...

The prostate is an important endocrine organ.

Treatment of adenoma using oriental medicine methods

Acupuncture for prostate adenoma

Prostate involvement is almost consistently associated with Chinese kidney cold syndrome. The doctor finds its reflection in the “chi” position of the pulse on the right. Classic deficiency of the “Yang” essence of the organ.

Massage and manual therapy for prostate adenoma

Hirudotherapy for prostate adenoma

The prostate gland would say for it Thanks a lot if I could...

Stone therapy for prostate adenoma

The use of hot and cold stones has the effect of “gymnastics” for blood vessels. Massage using stones is easier for the massage therapist and, accordingly, lasts longer. The use of hot stones in the projection of acupuncture zones helps to tonify the “Yang” energy. And the stone therapy procedure, carried out with stones through fabric, has a wonderful relaxing effect.

Traditional Tibetan herbal medicine for prostate adenoma

Pad.rag.mdog.ldan (Perak).

Composition: ha.lo." (ha.lo.dmar.po, Althea Rosea Cav), gur.gum (gur.kum, kha.che.gur.gum. Crocus sativus, Carthamus tinctorius, Gurgem, saffron - stigma), sug.smel (Elettaria cardamonium, cardamom - fruit), ( Embilica officinalis Gaerth., Phyllanthus emblica, Zhurur, embilica officinalis - fruit), zhu.mkhan (Symplococus lurida . Indian madder, red gorse, madder - underground part), shug.tsher.can (shug.tsher, shug.tsher.khanda, Juniperus formosana Hayata, Taiwanese juniper - fruits and needles), brag.zhun (brag.zhun.khanda , brag.zun, Togoptrus Xantipies, Shilajit, mineral pitch or exudates, mumiyo), mkhal.zho.dkar.po (mkhal.zho, Erythrina arborenscens, coral tree, flame tree), (skyer .shun,", Berberies aristata, Indian barberry), (Tribulus terrestris, Caltrop, spiny cornflower - fruits), dom.mkhris (Ursus thibetanus, Selenarctos thibetanus, Himala\an Black Bear bile, Himalayan black bear - bile), Nature:

Indications, dose, method: pain in the kidneys and bladder, girdle pain in the lower back, numbness of the thigh and gluteal (?) muscles, dragging of the legs, cold discharge (semen), difficulty urinating or frequent urination, as well as caused by a drop in fever "grams leakage of blood into the kidneys (from the urethra); and this medicine helps especially well with fever in the kidneys, bladder diseases, “hot discharge” and “cold discharge” diseases. Spermatorea, kidney and prostate diseases. 500 mg at noon and midnight, dissolve in very hot water.

Vacuum therapy for prostate adenoma

Methods of active vacuum therapy (cupping massage) can further enhance the drainage of soft tissues, cause local vasodilation, and have a positive effect on the condition of skin pores and sebum secretion.

Carrying out vacuum procedures in the projection of any part of the spine helps to reduce local fat deposits, which has a positive effect on the range of motion of the corresponding segment, which, in turn, improves metabolic processes and reduces local congestion.

Methods of passive vacuum therapy, in addition to all of the above, allow the painless formation of scattered subcutaneous hematomas, which effectively replaces the immunomodulating effect of the good old autohemotransfusion.

Su-Jok therapy for prostate adenoma

Su-Jok therapy, using the principle of “similarity”, allows you to influence a diseased organ, part of the body, meridian, point and even chakra! It's kind of subtype of reflexology, often allowing therapeutic effects to be carried out without interrupting the patient from solving his own daily tasks.

We strongly recommend that you try to use some of the principles of Su-Jok therapy on your own (of course, it is better after consulting a specialist). Currently, a huge amount of literature has been published on the Su-Jok system for “non-medics”, where recommendations for the treatment of a number of diseases are given in a simple and accessible form. pathological conditions. Recommended

Prostate adenoma (benign prostatic hyperplasia) is an enlargement of the prostate gland due to the proliferation of certain types of cells. The diagnosis is common among middle-aged men and is unpleasant.

It begins with minor problems with urination, but if left untreated it leads to serious pathologies.

Causes and symptoms of the disease

Modern medicine cannot give a clear answer to the question of what exactly is the main cause of prostate adenoma. Among the factors that have an unfavorable effect are age (the older, the higher the probability), genetic predisposition, frequent hypothermia, bad habits, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, irregular sex life, poor nutrition, infections.

The first signs of the disease are problems with urination. It may be intermittent and slightly painful; The urine itself may take on an unhealthy dark tint and have a strong, unpleasant odor. Problems with bowel movements may also occur. If such signs appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, because the symptoms will become more and more serious if left untreated. The growth of the tumor will lead to severe pain in the lower abdomen, problems with potency, stagnation of urine, kidney failure, urinary incontinence, acute inflammatory processes, urolithiasis, and degeneration into a malignant formation.

Prostate adenoma from the point of view of oriental medicine

Eastern doctors believe that, most often, the cause of the disease is a disturbance of the “Mucus” (endocrine and lymphatic systems). In the absence of treatment, it can also provoke disturbance of other regulatory systems (“Wind”, “Bile”).

The disturbance of “Mucus” often occurs from the accumulation of excess fluid in the body (promoted by a sedentary lifestyle, tight clothing, sedentary work), from hypothermia, and from poor nutrition.

True, in people of different constitutions, some symptoms of prostate adenoma may manifest themselves differently. Thus, people of “Wind” and “Mucous” may secrete mucus along with their urine, experience constipation, and may feel cold. In people of the “Bile” constitution, on the contrary, there may be an elevated temperature, a subjective feeling of heat, loose stools, and urine may be very hot.

Of course, it is quite possible to avoid or at least delay the onset of the disease. To do this, you need to eat right and lead a lifestyle that suits your constitution. It is necessary to pay attention to weaknesses your constitution, suppress unnecessary emotions. After all, even frequent stress can, according to Eastern experts, lead to a failure of regulatory systems and the occurrence of male diseases.

Treatment of prostate adenoma (prostatitis) using oriental methods

Eastern doctors use a complex of individually selected harmless procedures to treat prostatitis and prostate adenoma. True, in very advanced cases it is impossible to help with non-surgical methods, so you should contact specialists at the first signs of prostate adenoma.

When treating prostate adenoma, stone therapy (warming with hot stones), warm compresses, and

Many alternative methods of treating prostatitis are so effective that they are widely used in official medicine for complex therapy of the prostate gland. In this article, we will take a closer look at the well-known methods of alternative treatment and those that are little known to people:

Tibetan medicine against prostatitis

In addition to the traditional medical approach to prostate diseases, there are many alternative methods. Tibetan medicine is one of them.

This ancient system of healing people and preventing the occurrence of diseases is aimed at the healer’s deep awareness of the internal processes of the body and perception of it as a single, integral substance.

In the treatment of diseases, including such ailments as prostatitis, tibetan medicine uses only natural medicinal ingredients. That is, preparations can be composed only of minerals and plants. In addition, dietetics, bloodletting procedures, rubbing with oils, massage and others are used for the recovery of patients.

When diagnosed, be it acute or chronic Tibetan prostatitis, medicine guarantees complete functional restoration of the gland. But for this, the patient must comply with the following conditions for six months:

  • Once a month, visit a doctor for pulse diagnostics, which allows the specialist to monitor the condition of all organs and systems in the patient’s body, as well as adjust the treatment regimen if necessary.
  • Regularly, on an empty stomach, take medications (powders, decoctions, pills) according to the regimen prescribed by your doctor;
  • Follow a diet;
  • Perform, if necessary, procedures recommended by a specialist;

Sujok for prostatitis

Eastern medicine is the oldest direction in healing people, which successfully fights prostate diseases. For this purpose, the ancient teaching, based on the healing of all diseases at the level of the whole organism, provides for in-depth diagnostics, selection of individual therapy, finding the causes of pathological processes and much more. One of the therapeutic branches this direction- Su-jok technique.

The su-jok technique for prostatitis has proven itself to be effective both for the prevention and treatment of this disease. The principle of the technique is based on the impact of force on certain points located on the feet and hands. The point for influencing the prostate is between the middle and ring fingers in a fold of skin. With prostate disease, this point is painful.

How to properly treat prostatitis using the su-jok method? To carry out the procedure, you need to take a strong, thin, smooth object (0.5-1 mm) and, pressing hard enough, towards the hand, massage the entire skin fold until the most painful point is identified. It must be massaged for at least 10 minutes three times a day.

Su-jok activates all processes in the organ, improving blood flow, increasing hormonal levels, and renewing germ cells. Massage can also be performed during exacerbations.

Eastern qigong technique

Gymnastics, which came to us from time immemorial, is intended to improve the soul, body and treat many diseases. Qigong for prostatitis is increasingly recommended by urologists.

A unique technique, based on the principles of proper concentration and muscle relaxation, opens bodily channels, releasing motor energy, increasing blood flow and eliminating stagnant processes throughout the body, which is important for prostate diseases.

Qigong for prostatitis has no contraindications in the acute and chronic course of the disease and is recommended for the prevention of incomplete erection, inflammation of the prostate, and dysmenorrhea.

When practicing qigong gymnastics, you must follow the following rule: a set of exercises is selected by a specialist in oriental techniques, based on the doctor’s recommendations.

In addition to the therapeutic healing effect, this oriental technique has a number of advantages:

  • Has no age restrictions. Exercises that smoothly flow into each other can be performed even by elderly patients in poor physical shape who suffer from high blood pressure;
  • The pace of oriental gymnastics exercises balances emotions, stabilizing mood, which is often vital for men with prostate disease.
  • To practice qigong, you don’t need to go to the gym; a three-meter mat is enough.

Clay for prostatitis

Elena Malysheva: “Prostatitis has been defeated by European doctors. Their discovery in the field of men’s health is ideal. This is a breakthrough and it’s called...”

Clay therapy is used to get rid of inflammation of the prostate gland. Treatment of prostatitis with clay is used as an adjuvant in integrated approach. Possessing many beneficial microelements and the energy of the sun, clay helps remove inflammation and pain from the body, returning the patient to normal well-being.

For procedures, it is better to use fossils collected in quarries near cliffs, since healing properties deep rocks are much higher than those taken from the surface. Fatty, oily blue clay is suitable for the treatment of prostatitis. To carry out the procedures, you need to dilute the clay into a special consistency.

Soak it in melt water, an infusion of a medicinal mixture or evaporated urine (depending on what method you combine clay therapy with). Having reached the density of thick kefir, we put the consistency into a flat cake 3-4 cm thick and apply it to the prostate area, secure the compress with a bandage and insulate the groin area with woolen cloth. To achieve the greatest effect, urologists advise covering yourself with a warm blanket and sleeping for 2-3 hours during the procedure. You can’t go outside, you risk chilling your already sick tissues. Pain in the prostate gland indicates active cleansing processes, so the sensations must be endured.

Treatment of prostate adenoma with clay, according to experts, is a safe and effective alternative method.

Acupuncture for prostatitis

This is a relatively new treatment method for traditional medicine. The procedures eliminate stagnant processes, activate the activity of the organs of the genitourinary system, normalize the functioning of the central nervous system and restore natural oxygen exchange between tissues and cells.

Acupuncture for prostatitis is prescribed by a urologist for the treatment of patients diagnosed with chronic prostatitis or residual pelvic pain. The procedure itself is practically painless. The patient feels a pleasant rush of warmth without feeling discomfort. This effect is created due to the fact that the doctor inserts needles into biologically active centers. Strengthening the work of these points increases the speed of blood circulation, neurological pain goes away, and the condition of the skin improves.

Depending on the diagnosis and form of the disease, the specialist may heat the needles or place medical cups on the tissue before inserting them. Placing cups before acupuncture causes a rush of blood due to lack of air access to the organ. Increased blood flow increases the strength of the therapeutic effect.

Acupuncture has a productive effect on chronic, congestive, sclerotic and asymptomatic prostatitis. For bacterial and infectious types of male illness, this method eliminates only the symptoms.

Bracelet for prostatitis

This is an innovative method of treating male ailments, proposed by Chinese urologists. The energy accessory contains a natural stone, tourmaline, which has healing properties. Tourmaline is considered an energy-intensive source that stores the energy of the sun, which restores human strength and renews the body.

Reduction of pain in the groin area and burning sensation when urinating disappears within 3 days after wearing the bracelet. Within 1-2 weeks, all symptoms of prostatitis disappear, and the urinary and sexual function of the pelvic organs is completely restored.

In addition to positive medical characteristics, the prostatitis bracelet has a bright and modern style. Designers have released themed collections with football and car pictures, as well as with the faces of famous actors and athletes. The appearance resembles ordinary accessories, so no one will guess about the “intimate purpose” of this decoration. You can purchase such a bracelet on websites; the Chinese method of curing male problems has not yet appeared on the shelves of domestic pharmacies.

Fasting for prostatitis

Treatment of prostatitis by fasting is a high-quality remedy for healing the body, reducing pain in the groin and alleviating the course of the disease. Fasting for prostatitis is used for complete recovery and cleansing. But a positive result without complications requires precise execution of all instructions.

Proper therapeutic refusal of food is best carried out under the supervision of a doctor, while in a specialized center. An individual fasting program is drawn up for each patient, lasting approximately 2-3 weeks.

The result of therapeutic fasting is that inflammation in the body is often caused by pollution, which weakens the immune system and reduces the productivity of all systems. Fasting is prescribed as part of a set of procedures: the patient attends physiotherapy, a massage room, takes herbal remedies and practices mud therapy. At the end of the course, the man’s general well-being improves, genitourinary functions are restored, and pain decreases.

Mud for prostatitis

Treatment of prostatitis with mud, according to urologists, is safe and effective. On initial stage ailments, mud procedures can painlessly completely cure a man. Chronic prostatitis can also be treated with mud, but in combination with medications.

Mud therapy for prostatitis is carried out in clinics and at home under the supervision of a physician. The procedure involves introducing dirt into the body through the anus. Mud compresses are also applied to the buttocks, lower back and thighs to the knees. After 20-30 minutes of the mud bath, the therapeutic agents are washed off and the patient rests. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks, the procedures must be repeated every other day.

Mud is also used in physiotherapeutic practices for hardware procedures. The most effective method is with galvanic mud applied to a tampon inserted rectally.

Mud tampons for prostatitis consist of mineral micro- and macroelements and biologically active substances. While in the body, they release useful elements into the blood, feeding the bloodstream with energy and an inorganic supply of necessary substances. The penetration of foreign cells into the body activates immune system, which sends signals to the brain, increasing blood flow to the prostate. Through this, blood stagnation is eliminated and foci of inflammation are destroyed.

Raw food diet - a diet in which there are no foods subjected to any heat treatment. Only fresh vegetables and fruits are eaten. Raw foods contain 3-4 times more vitamins and microelements than cooked or fried dish. Also, raw foodists avoid spicy seasonings, sugar and salt. The transition to a raw food diet is accompanied by cleansing of the body. Blood circulation is improved, intestinal function is improved, inflammation and swelling are reduced. The patient feels the fading of painful attacks, burning sensation when urinating, sexual function and general physical activity return. Many men who resorted to a raw food diet, after curing their illness, continued to eat fresh foods, forever forgetting about problems with the prostate.