Layered pie with pear and mozzarella cheese. Fragrant pie with cheese and pear

The combination of pears, cheese and nuts is pure love. First, you feel the aroma of a freshly baked pie and understand how somewhere deep inside you a trembling feeling begins to arise... Well, then you try a piece and realize that this is a serious feeling, maybe even for life. A quick-to-prepare pie with an amazing aroma, which can be made from both seasonal pears and winter Conference pears, it will be appreciated by all gourmets and lovers of non-standard flavor combinations.

Author of the publication

Lives in Moscow, a young food photographer, loves to cook and photograph food. Versatile, active and purposeful, she dreams of learning confectionery skills and becoming a professional photographer, and subsequently opening a home confectionery and photography school.

  • Recipe author: Anastasia Matveeva
  • After cooking you will receive 6
  • Cooking time: 45 min


  • 250 gr. puff pastry without yeast
  • 2 pcs. pear
  • 50 gr. walnuts
  • 50 gr. Dor Blue cheese
  • 50 ml. rum
  • 50 gr. brown sugar
  • 50 gr. butter
  • 1 piece egg yolk
  • 1/2 orange orange juice

Cooking method

    Take out the puff pastry half an hour before cooking. Peel the pears, cut out the core, cut into slices about 0.5 cm thick. Heat butter in a frying pan with a thick bottom, add pears, orange juice, Cointreau (or rum) and sugar, simmer for 10-15 minutes until the pears are soft and the liquid has evaporated.

    Roll out the dough quite thinly (about 0.5 cm), on a sheet of parchment, make a cut along the edge of the dough with a sharp knife at a distance of 1 cm, without cutting through the dough. Next, the dough can be transferred on parchment directly to the oven rack, or it can be placed in a mold of a suitable size.

    Chop the nuts into medium pieces with a knife, crumble the cheese into small cubes. Fill the middle of the dough with pears, walnut and cheese. Spread the cut “frame” with egg yolk.

    Bake pear pie in the oven at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes, until the dough is browned and the “frame” has risen.

    Bon appetit!

  • china_argentina April 5, 2010
  • 13609
  • 34

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My sister has a very cozy house: a soft sofa, a fat cat lazily lounging by the radiator, hot tea with bergamot and seductive pastry aromas that seep from the kitchen in a thin stream.

One evening, when I once again dropped in to visit, my sister treated me to her new culinary masterpiece. Honestly, it was love at first bite!

Here is the recipe for this pear and cheese miracle.

We will need:

Puff pastry (it’s easiest to use ready-made frozen dough)

Pears (preferably not too soft)

Blue cheese (Dor Blu works great)

A little cream (10% fat)

A few raspberries (for decoration)

First of all, take the dough out of the package and leave it to defrost at room temperature.

Now you need to cut the cheese into small pieces.

Place the chopped cheese in a bowl and add a little cream.

Now mix thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mass. If small lumps remain, it's okay.

Cut the pear into small slices about 0.5 cm thick

Now roll out the dough, but not too thin.

Carefully transfer the dough to a baking sheet, having first spread a sheet of special baking paper on it.

First place an even layer of pears on the dough.

Then evenly distribute the creamy cheese mixture on top. And carefully fold in the free edges of the dough, forming the sides of the pie.

Place the pie in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown.

Decorate the finished treat with several raspberries. The pie is good both hot and cold. (Although they usually don’t let it cool down - it’s too tasty)))

This pie is best suited for when friends come over, a bottle of good wine opens, and you want to surprise your dear guests with something special.

It is prepared as simply as possible, but the result is an exquisite appetizer that goes perfectly with white wine.

Receive guests more often, enjoy yourself delicious food, make your loved ones happy.

It’s so great when there are such houses where you are always welcome. Where you can come without an invitation, where you are always welcome. Where hospitable hosts will hospitably open the door and say: “Ohhh, how good it is that it’s you! Come in, come quickly - we’re just sitting down to the table!”

One of my favorite salads is a salad with pear, Dor Blue cheese and balsamic vinegar. The combination of pear and blue cheese is so organic that this salad never gets boring.

Not long ago I tried to make pear pie with Dor Blue cheese on puff pastry and just fell in love with it! The pie is very simple to prepare; it turns out beautiful, with a delicate, aromatic filling and crispy, golden brown dough.

Let's prepare all the ingredients and prepare this wonderful pie.

Pre-defrost puff pastry without yeast. Spread the dough in one layer on a baking sheet, first covering it with baking paper.

Wash the pears, remove the core and cut the pear pulp into slices. If the skin of the pears is very rough, it is better to remove it.

Place the pear slices overlapping the dough in two rows, slightly retreating from the edges of the dough.

We pinch the edges of the dough, forming sides.

Crumble Dor Blue cheese with your hands. Distribute the cheese evenly over the surface of the pears. We also add brown sugar.

Separate the yolk from the white. We use the white for another dish, and shake the yolk a little with a fork and brush the dough with it using a silicone brush. Place the baking sheet with the pie in an oven preheated to 180 degrees C for 25-30 minutes.

Pie with pear and Dor Blue cheese is ready!

Cut the pie into portions and serve hot.

If we talk about “enjoying the taste,” then this expression suits this pie perfectly!


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Pie with pears and Brie cheese is a recipe from France and, probably, it would be more correct to call it tart, since tart is a typical French cuisine open pie. These pies are usually baked from shortcrust pastry with various fillings and different forms and volumes. Small tarts, literally one bite, are called In this recipe, I used frozen puff pastry, which is very convenient - it saves time and effort, products made from it are quickly baked and this is the dough that will help you out when you urgently need to prepare something for the family or when “guests are on the doorstep.” Crispy puff pastry, sweet pear and delicate melted Brie cheese are the perfect company for tea, coffee or a glass of wine. This pie can be offered as an appetizer for an aperitif; it will fit perfectly into a buffet table. Here I will also talk about how you can vary the filling and make this pie more complex in taste.

Other recipes with puff pastry:

You will need:

  • frozen puff pastry 1 package (450-500 g)
  • pears 2-3 pcs
  • Brie cheese 200 gr (or Camembert)
  • juice of half a lemon
  • 1 egg (for greasing the pie) or heavy cream
  • honey for serving
  • flour for dusting when rolling out dough

For this pie, you can use both yeast and yeast-free puff pastry, and it is also better to take ripe durum pears. For added piquancy, you can add a little Dorblu blue cheese or Gorgonzola

Onion marmalade, which is quite simple to prepare, will help diversify the filling for the tart and make it more satisfying and rich.

For the onion marmalade:

  • onion 300 g (preferably red)
  • red wine 50-70 g
  • honey 1.5 tbsp.
  • salt to taste

Cut the onion into quarter rings, fry in a frying pan in butter until transparent. Add wine, honey, balsamic vinegar and simmer over low heat, stirring until almost all the liquid has evaporated. Instead of wine, you can add red grape or pomegranate juice. Add salt at the end of cooking. This onion marmalade can be stored in the refrigerator and used in various dishes: pies, toast,

Step-by-step photo recipe:

Roll out the dough with a rolling pin into a rectangle so that it fits on the baking sheet. Usually there are two layers of dough in the package - roll out two at once, placing one on top of the other. The dough can be cut into two parts or into smaller squares if, for example, you want to bake small tarts.

Place the rolled out dough on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Cut the dough around the perimeter, leaving 1 cm from the edge, so that the pie forms a beautiful side when baking.

Prepare the egg for brushing the pie - whisk with a fork until smooth.

Slice the pear, removing the middle. If desired, you can first peel it. The size of the slices can be different, just like laying the pears on a baking sheet - you can cut the pear into large slices and place them on the dough in even rows-steps, or you can cut them into smaller pieces and randomly distribute them over the entire surface of the future pie. Pour lemon juice over the sliced ​​pear to prevent it from browning.

Brie cheese - (French Brie) - soft cheese made from cow's milk with a crust of noble white mold, which received its name from the name of the French province (located in central region Ile-de-France near Paris), where it was first made.

Remove the cheese from the packaging and cut into cubes or slices.

Advice:If you are serving the pie with tea or coffee, cut the cheese into small cubes and place it on top of the pears - during baking, the cheese will melt, soaking the pears, and the mold crust will become crispy. If the menu of your buffet table requires the presence of a cheese plate, then it is better to cut the cheese into layers and place it under the pears - in this case, the cheese forms an inner soft soft layer when baking.

Spread the filling on top of the dough, leaving the edges intact. If using onion marmalade, add that first, followed by the pears and cheese. Brush the edges of the pie with beaten egg or cream. Bake in a preheated oven t 180°С 20-25 minutes until golden brown crust forms.

The pie is best eaten hot (can be reheated in microwave oven). Before serving, drizzle the pie with honey or serve the honey separately.

Bon appetit!

For the onion marmalade:

  • onion 300 g (preferably red)
  • red wine 50-70 g
  • honey 1.5 tbsp.
  • balsamic vinegar 1 tbsp. (or lemon juice)
  • butter 82.5% 50 -70 g (or odorless vegetable oil)
  • salt to taste

Cut the onion into quarter rings, fry in a frying pan in butter until transparent. Add wine, honey, balsamic vinegar and simmer over low heat, stirring until almost all the liquid has evaporated. Add salt at the end of cooking.

Remove the dough from the packaging and leave to defrost for 15-30 minutes at room temperature.
Roll out the dough with a rolling pin into a rectangle so that it fits on the baking sheet. Usually there are two layers of dough in the package - roll out two at once, placing one on top of the other.
Place the rolled out dough on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Cut the dough around the perimeter, leaving 1 cm from the edge, so that the pie forms a beautiful side when baking.
Cut the pear into slices, removing the middle, and sprinkle with lemon juice.
Cut the cheese into cubes or slices.
Spread the filling on top of the dough, leaving the edges intact. If using onion marmalade, add that first, followed by the pears and cheese. Brush the edges of the pie with beaten egg or cream.
Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 20-25 minutes until golden brown.
Before serving, drizzle with honey or serve honey separately.

Pear and cheese- a classic combination. The cheeses change, but the pear remains. Pear and Gorgonzola are already on the website in the form and. It's pear and goat cheese time! This recipe pirogue, which combines not only these products, created for each other, but also honey, rosemary and black ground pepper, I found it on Ali's blog. It was impossible to pass by such a delicious combination.

This pie is a snack pie and goes great with white wine. And given the price of goat cheese, it also becomes festive dish. But you can pleasantly surprise your guests with this pie.

It is very simple and easy to prepare; you just need to defrost the dough, put the ingredients on it and then just serve the pie. In our Russian stores puff pastry Sold either as two square sheets per pack, or as one long sheet. I had the last option.

For 1 large pie or two smaller ones:

  • 1 sheet rectangular sheet of puff pastry without yeast (or 2 square sheets, then you will have two pies)
  • 2-3 medium pears (you may need a little more)
  • 200 g goat cheese
  • 2 tbsp. lemon juice
  • approximately 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • fresh rosemary leaves (I only needed the top)
  • liquid honey
  • freshly ground black pepper

Thaw the dough and place it on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Fold the edges slightly around the entire perimeter, literally 1-1.5 cm, and gently press them with a fork towards the center (as in the photo).

Goat cheese crumble and spread evenly over the surface of the dough.

Cut the pears in half lengthwise, remove the core and cut into thin slices lengthwise. Sprinkle them with lemon juice to prevent them from darkening. Place pear slices overlapping the pie. It doesn't really matter how you place them. For example, like Ali, I have two rows of slices laid out in opposite directions.

Sprinkle pears sugar.

Send pie into the oven preheated to 220 degrees for 20 minutes until the dough is golden brown.

Remove the cake from the baking sheet and let it cool for 5 minutes. Then pour honey on top (I used 3 teaspoons). The amount of honey is entirely up to your taste; you can add just a little bit of it or, on the contrary, pour honey over the pie. Leaves rosemary separate from the sprig and chop finely. Sprinkle the pie with crushed rosemary and freshly ground black pepper.

Keep in mind that it's fresh rosemary It has a pronounced smell and you need just a little bit of it here, literally 5-6 of these small leaves, otherwise it will overwhelm all the other tastes and aromas.

Serve this pie It's better when warm, but it still tastes good when cold.

Bon appetit!