Why can't I get pregnant with my first child? Effective tips on how to get pregnant quickly

Problems with conception in men are also quite common. “My husband has problems conceiving” - what to do in this case? How to solve this problem? It must be borne in mind that women are not always “to blame” for the fact that conception does not occur for a long time. What to do if conception does not occur due to the man’s fault? What should you do to speed up pregnancy?

Why can't a man conceive a child?

If men have problems conceiving a child, the first thing to do is to urgently check the state of their reproductive health. A man's problems conceiving may indicate that he has certain sexual health problems. Some of them can be solved with the help of intensive vitamin intake, while others will have to be solved only by surgery.

If a man is over forty years old, you need to think about a visit to a special family planning clinic. The fact is that at this age the quality and quantity of sperm inexorably decreases. Moreover, this must be done as soon as possible, since in the future you may completely lose your ability to reproduce.

The second problem is problems with sexual intercourse. A man sometimes fails to conceive a child because he has problems engaging in sexual intercourse. When planning a pregnancy, it is worth increasing the frequency of sexual contacts. However, you should not overdo it, since a man needs time to, so to speak, accumulate the proper sperm reserve. That is why it is worth observing an interval of three days. That is the ideal gap time. It is interesting to note that in women ovulation is able to normalize, and in men the quality of sperm returns to normal.

The third point is related to the normalization of male nutrition.

Expert opinion If a husband has problems conceiving, then very often the long-awaited pregnancy does not occur due to the fact that the man’s body does not receive enough vitamins and minerals. Particular attention should be paid to the intake of food rich in protein. Carbohydrates, on the contrary, should be limited, especially for men with extra pounds.

Unable to conceive a child: what should a man do? (additional tips)

How to recognize the causes of problems with conception in men?

The question of why a man cannot conceive a child requires a well-founded answer and useful advice that can really help a man achieve the goal of conceiving a child as quickly as possible. What can be classified as such advice?

  1. Three months before the expected conception, a man should give up alcohol and cigarettes. In addition, you need to stop going to the bathhouse or sauna, as this increases the chance that the testicles will be subjected to excessive heat, which will interrupt the normal process of spermatogenesis;
  2. You should also stop turning on the heated seats of your car and stop wearing tight jeans;
  3. It is necessary to exclude the influence of those factors that can disrupt blood circulation in the pelvis;
  4. It is important to exclude stress from the daily rhythm of life. Of course, it seems hardly possible to do this completely, but it’s still worth a try. The influence of stress has a negative impact on a man’s ability to conceive a child. Moreover, this also applies to women;
  5. You need to stop masturbating so as not to waste sperm. In addition, it is important to remember that abstaining from sex for more than six days can negatively affect the quality of sperm.

All the above tips will definitely help men achieve such an important goal as successfully conceiving a child. It is only important to have the right attitude and implement these recommendations in a timely manner.

With the help of our experts - obstetrician-gynecologist Anna Pastukhova and psychotherapist Kira Natarova, we have compiled a list of the most common reasons that can interfere with healthy people. Knowledge is power!

Age over 35 years

There is an opinion that the older a woman is, the more difficult it is for her to conceive, bear and give birth to a child. Doctors say the optimal age for childbearing is from 25 to 35 years. This is due to the fact that in more early age women are often not yet psychologically ready for motherhood, and after 35, a gradual decline in reproductive function begins. However, there are more and more examples around that refute this statement. What determines the possibility of successfully conceiving and bearing a healthy child at “late reproductive age”?

Expert opinion

Anna Pastukhova, obstetrician-gynecologist at the Zdravitsa family medicine centers

As you know, every woman’s body contains a certain number of eggs genetically. At what age a woman will “use” them depends only on her. But it should be noted that all diseases suffered by a woman during her life, her bad habits, as well as some medications have a negative effect on the condition of the egg. With age, the supply of eggs decreases, and the remaining ones carry information, roughly speaking, about the woman’s lifestyle, about how much she took care of her health or, conversely, lived for her own pleasure. The first factor is responsible for the fact that women of late reproductive age are less likely to conceive. But the quality of eggs affects the increased risk of fetal malformations and chromosomal abnormalities. This does not mean that a woman will not be able to give birth to healthy offspring, just that the likelihood of this is slightly lower.

Overweight or underweight

Yes, unfortunately, normal weight is not only a matter of beauty. Excessive thinness, as well as from overweight, can become a real obstacle to pregnancy. It’s easy to test yourself: you just need to count body mass index (BMI) using the formula “weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.” For example, your weight is 61 kg and your height is 172 cm. Therefore, the body mass index (BMI) in this case is equal to:

BMI= 61: (1.72 × 1.72) = 21

If, as a result of calculations, you get a number in the range from 19 to 24, everything is in order, but smaller or large values talk about possible problems Oh.

Expert opinion

Anna Pastukhova

Normal weight is a very important condition for conception. Women who are underweight or overweight often suffer from hormonal imbalance, which can lead to menstrual irregularities and lack of ovulation. And without this, conception is impossible. Excess body weight can affect not only the process of conception, but also lead to a complicated course of pregnancy - increased blood pressure, the development of diabetes mellitus in pregnant women, which negatively affects the condition of the fetus.

Taking contraceptives

“I took birth control pills for so many years. And there are hormones!”- Many women, when starting to plan a pregnancy, begin to worry whether they have harmed their unborn baby by taking pills for a long time. And if the first attempts are unsuccessful, then they are often blamed - oral contraceptives. Most doctors are confident that birth control pills cannot harm women’s reproductive health; on the contrary, in some cases they are prescribed as a treatment that helps prepare the body for pregnancy. However, if you have been taking contraceptives for a long time and now want a baby, be sure to tell your doctor about your plans.

Expert opinion

Anna Pastukhova

How hormonal contraception affects conception in the long term has not yet been studied. Contraceptives suppress ovulation, respectively, stopping their use causes the so-called withdrawal effect, that is, ovulation occurs in subsequent (especially the first three) cycles, which increases the risk of conception. This technique is used for some types of infertility. And, conversely, long-term use of contraceptives can cause suppression of the hormonal system, the ovaries seem to “get used” to resting and it is difficult to start them into a working rhythm. Thus, in different situations gynecologists act differently: either they ask the woman to try to get pregnant immediately after withdrawal, or to rest for 2-3 months to allow the body to recover.


There are no trifles in such a matter as planning! Literally everything matters: where you work, how you relax, what you eat, how much you sleep. So switch to a diet rich in folic acid (fresh greens, spinach, cabbage, peas, whole grain bread, nuts) with balanced proteins, fats and carbohydrates, sleep to your heart's content, and walk more. If you work in hazardous industries, seriously consider changing jobs. And, of course, look at the beautiful, think about the good and smile more often!

Many people believe that children choose their parents themselves. What if this is true? Then a good mood will definitely be your trump card.

Expert opinion

Anna Pastukhova

A balanced diet, physical activity, hygiene, the fight against chronic foci of infection (carious teeth, chronic tonsillitis and others), a proper work and rest schedule are the main components of a healthy lifestyle. Engage in moderate physical activity and ensure that your diet is rational and energy-rich. If possible, limit yourself from negative factors at work (computer, chemicals, heavy lifting).

Bad habits

Of course, we won’t recommend drinking or smoking to anyone. But, if you are planning to conceive, then these bad habits can really interfere with pregnancy. Moreover, nicotine and alcohol reduce reproductive function in both men and women, so spouses need to give them up together, hand in hand.

Expert opinion

Anna Pastukhova

Alcohol can interfere with conception and lead to fetal malformations. No doctor can answer exactly what amount of alcohol can negatively affect the egg. As for smoking, it is not the tobacco itself that has a damaging effect on the egg, but the products of nicotine metabolism. The egg, accumulating toxic substances, loses the ability to be fertilized. In men, alcohol and nicotine affect not the quantity, but the quality of sperm, that is, they contribute to a decrease in the number of motile sperm, reducing the chances of conception. If conception occurs, the pregnancy may end in miscarriage.

Severe stress

In an ideal world, women would probably spend the pregnancy planning phase in sun-drenched meadows, picking flowers and watching sunrises. But life is a striped thing, and not a single woman who dreams of a baby is immune from difficult situations. Unfortunately, serious stressful situations can not only seriously worsen your well-being and mood, but also interfere with conception - disruptions in the functioning of the reproductive system may occur against the background of stress. Or maybe nature planned this on purpose so that before pregnancy you have time to get back to normal and meet your unborn baby with joy?

Expert opinion

Anna Pastukhova

Long-term stress can prevent conception, since during this period the stress hormone prolactin is released into the blood, which in turn “blocks” the sex hormones (LH, luteinizing hormone and FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone), which leads to a lack of ovulation. Also, against the background of stress, it is possible that the level of the hormone estriol decreases and, as a result, the thickness of the endometrium decreases, as a result of which the fertilized egg will not be able to attach. In men, constant stress also contributes to changes in the ratio of the levels of the hormones LH and FSH, which negatively affects the quality of sperm and reduces the chances of successful conception.

Psychological infertility

What to do if the doctors unanimously say “healthy”, everything is fine with the husband too, no serious shocks in lately you haven’t had any, but pregnancy still doesn’t occur? Perhaps it's all about a psychological block. In this case, on a subconscious level, when you hear the word “pregnancy,” it’s as if a “danger” signal turns on in your head and the body itself blocks the possibility of conception. This “pregnancy ban” can be overcome with the help of a psychotherapist.

Expert opinion

Kira Natarova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, psychotherapist, teacher at the Department of Psychology at NSU

There is so-called “psychological infertility” - when, in the absence of pathology of the reproductive system in both partners, pregnancy does not occur. There can be several reasons for this kind of infertility: unsuccessful pregnancies in the past and the attitude formed against them that the next time everything will be the same, too strong, hysterical expectation of pregnancy, confidence in one’s own inability to conceive, not supported by any facts.

Psychological traumas suffered by a woman - rape, abuse, violence in childhood - can play a huge role. A concomitant factor may be a difficult financial situation - lack of funds or separate housing.

Of course, general well-being and emotional state affect the ability to conceive, but this manifests itself differently in different women - it depends on the psychological characteristics of the individual. For example, severe depression and stressful situations can lead to cycle failure or a complete cessation of menstruation. Fear of infertility, fear of not being a good mother can also be a cause of infertility.

It is extremely difficult to recognize a psychological block without the help of a specialist; you can become even more confused, delve deeper into painful experiences, confuse causes and consequences and, on the contrary, increase psychological infertility. The causes of psychological infertility are extremely diverse, complex and individual, so I definitely do not recommend doing such things on your own; only a highly qualified psychotherapist can help here.

Express test from our expert

Test yourself and answer the questions:

  1. Can you call me anxious, suspicious, prone to escalating situations?
  2. Have I previously had depression, severe stress reactions, or other psychological problems?
  3. Have there been any psychological traumas in my life?
  4. Are there financial problems in the family?
  5. Do we have difficulties in our relationship with our spouse?
  6. Do I have unmotivated fears - infertility, not being a good mother?

If you answered “yes” to at least one of these questions, then it is quite possible that your problem can be solved with the help of a psychotherapist. We wish you good luck!

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We present to your attention the top 9 time-tested tips for a quick pregnancy. They will finally help you understand how to get pregnant quickly. After reading this collection of tips, you will immediately understand what you were doing wrong and why you could not get pregnant, no matter what you did. In short, these tips include both medical solutions and traditional methods. Before you start listing them, you need to briefly talk about the reasons for unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant. This is very important for understanding the problem.

The most common reasons for lack of pregnancy

Conception may not occur for several reasons; let’s look at the most common ones.

The most common reasons:

  1. Inflammation in the body. Often the cause is sexually transmitted infections.
  2. Not proper nutrition. A disrupted and unbalanced diet can cause improper functioning of the corpus luteum (temporary gland in the ovary). In a man poor nutrition may affect production.
  3. Poor quality sperm. Low motility and insufficient sperm count. With such a problem, it is unlikely that you will be able to get pregnant quickly. These attempts can take a really long time, perhaps years.
  4. Smoking and alcohol have a very serious impact on the reproductive health of both men and women. They need to be abandoned.
  5. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
  6. Hormonal disorders. The most classic symptom of such a disorder is cycle disruption.

To know what to treat, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of both partners. There is no need to delay this. After all, the sooner the disease is detected, the faster and easier it can be cured.

How to quickly get pregnant by starting to live correctly

In general, all people, regardless of whether they want to get pregnant or not, need to normalize their lifestyle. After all, bad habits such as smoking and alcohol seriously undermine the immune system. Weak immune system can seriously affect the functioning of organs, including reproductive organs and organs that produce hormones.

Being overweight or underweight also affects the reproductive health of both partners. In a woman with abnormal weight, the production of hormones is disrupted, in particular. This hormone is one of the main female elements that regulates a huge number of processes in the body. It is also responsible for fertility and pregnancy. A woman should not weigh more than 89 kg.

Besides overweight is already a symptom of estradiol deficiency, since it is responsible for both metabolism and beauty female figure. Estradiol is a hormone of female beauty and health.

Non-exhaustive exercise is the key to health. A healthy woman should get pregnant without problems in one or two attempts.

Low weight is also dangerous. In this case, menstrual irregularities may occur. It happens that ovulation does not occur or merges with the menstrual cycle. With this development of events, pregnancy will definitely not occur. A woman should not weigh less than 42 kg.

Therefore, you need to lead an active lifestyle. It is very important not to subject your body to exhausting and strength exercises, this applies to both men and women. The workout could be a brisk walk for at least 45 minutes or just an hour-long walk in the park in the fresh air.

Be sure to undergo a gynecological examination

The second piece of advice is a mandatory examination by a gynecologist. After the examination, the doctor can tell you what to do next, what tests to take and examinations to undergo. Therefore, visiting a gynecologist should be mandatory.

You need to be examined by a gynecologist. Perhaps you will learn about a problem that is preventing you from becoming a mother.

Tell your doctor about your problem. Modern medicine has tools and technologies that can help cure infertility or simply overcome it, for example, with the help of.

Proper nutrition is the key to health

Proper nutrition is absolutely necessary to get pregnant. To make this happen faster, do not neglect this advice. Remember, proper nutrition is not just a fashion statement, it is the key to good health for you and your future baby. Properly selected proper nutrition can normalize the functioning of organs and the entire body as a whole. The coordinated work of the whole body will have a beneficial effect on the reproductive function of both partners. This is a fact and should not be neglected.

Any doctor will tell you this - a proper diet will help you get pregnant faster.

Very fatty and salty foods should be excluded from the diet. Enrich your menu with fruits and vegetables. This is a good source of vitamins and microelements.

What foods are useful for speedy conception:

  • lean meat;
  • dairy products;
  • porridge;
  • fish.

You don't need to use a lot of salt to prepare these dishes. Salt retains water in the body.

Give up coffee. The thing is that caffeine has a strong effect on the central nervous system, due to a sharp surge of vigor. For this reason, androgens cannot be converted into hormones responsible for reproductive function in men and women.

Regularly tracking your basal temperature

The following advice can often be heard from experienced mothers. Daily monitoring of the so-called basal temperature is necessary. Tracking this indicator allows you to determine changes in the amount of hormones and best time for conception. Start checking your temperature only one thermometer from the very first day of the menstrual cycle.

This is what the basal temperature measurement chart looks like. The gray bar marks the beginning of ovulation; on this day there was a jump in temperature. This means that the “best day” to conceive has arrived.

Measurements should only be taken in the rectum. You need to check your temperature as soon as you wake up. You can't get out of bed. That is, you wake up, reach for the thermometer and measure your temperature. Such requirements were invented for a reason. Temperature during sleep internal organs normalizes at rest without external influence. Even a simple morning trip to the toilet can already change your basal temperature. Therefore, at the moment of measurement, you cannot even move or talk again.

Record your indicators every day and create a BT schedule. The chart also needs to note changes in mood (for example, on this day you were happy, but on this day you were calm or depressed).

The purpose of this control is to determine the onset of ovulation. It occurs when the temperature rises by 0.4-0.5 degrees. The basal temperature these days will be about 37.2-37.3. Before ovulation, BT is below 37.0 (first half of the cycle).

At the beginning of the cycle, estrogen predominates in a woman’s body. During ovulation, it decreases and progesterone increases. An increase in progesterone should be monitored by measuring basal temperature.

Follow these rules for measuring basal temperature and then you will be able to determine the best day of conception.

If pregnancy occurs, do not stop measuring

If conception is successful and pregnancy has occurred, there is no need to stop measuring the temperature. Tracking your basal temperature will help you control your period. Those women who have previously had a miscarriage should monitor their temperature especially carefully. early stages pregnancy.

Monitor your basal temperature after successful conception; if it drops by 1 degree, be sure to visit a doctor. This indicator may indicate fetal fading or other developmental disorders.

Maintaining a menstrual cycle calendar

You need to keep a calendar of your menstrual cycle. Various applications for mobile devices can help with this. In these programs, you need to mark the day the discharge begins and its end. The application will show the most favorable day for conception. You can also configure them lunar calendar and plan to conceive a boy or girl.

You can determine the most favorable day yourself. To do this, you need to know on what day the menstrual cycle began. The very first day of the menstrual cycle is the day the discharge begins. A normal cycle lasts from 28 days to a maximum of 40.

Now you need to calculate how many days the cycle lasts. You count how many days have passed from the start of your period to the start of the next one and divide this number by 2. For example, the cycle lasted 30 days. Now we divide 30 by 2, we get 15. This means that the peak of ovulation (the best day for conception) occurs on the 15th day after the start of the first discharge. This can significantly increase your chance of getting pregnant.

But not only the day in the middle of the menstrual cycle is suitable. Two days before and two days after are also suitable for conception. This time in medicine is called the fertile period. If intimacy occurs at this time, the probability of pregnancy is about 30% (statistically, this is the maximum chance of becoming pregnant if the partners do not have health problems).

Drug treatment and preparation

Correctly prescribed course of treatment medicines paired with procedures traditional medicine will help you get pregnant faster. To do this, the doctor must properly examine both partners and then choose the treatment that suits them. Here's what doctors can offer if a couple has problems conceiving.

Be sure to visit a doctor. After the examination, he will prescribe a treatment that suits you, which can really help you get pregnant quickly.

The most common infertility treatment is:

  1. A course of hormonal medications. Very often, the reason why you cannot get pregnant is hormonal imbalance.
  2. Surgery. Perhaps the solution to the problem will be surgery. Very often, due to adhesive processes (adhesions, fibroids and cysts), pregnancy does not occur. Therefore, it is very important to undergo a complete examination, especially of the pelvic organs.
  3. In vitro fertilization. If the previous two options did not help, then with the help of IVF you can become parents with almost any diagnosis.

How to get pregnant using the right sex positions

Another important tip from our list the best ways get pregnant it correct poses in sex. There are the most favorable and effective positions for conception. The recommendations of sexologists come down to a small set of positions in which the chances of getting pregnant increase significantly.

Here are the three best sex positions for conception:

  1. A very effective pose is lying on your side. The man is behind the woman, who must bend her knees. Don't forget to calculate your auspicious day by measuring your BT.
  2. Another equally effective pose is “doggy style.” In this position, sperm will easily enter the cervix. There are some statistics according to which, when conceived in this position, boys are more often born. Experts explain this by saying that with this position, the egg will be fertilized by the fastest of the sperm.
  3. Missionary, classic pose. The best and natural way to conceive. The seed will immediately enter the uterus, then into the fallopian tubes, where the sperm will meet the egg.

Video about pregnancy positions:

If the partners are healthy and the day for conception is chosen correctly, then pregnancy with the correct position is highly likely to occur. Please note that if the uterus has an unconventional shape, fertilization in these positions will have a lower chance of success. If a woman has a tilted uterus, she should have sex only in positions that do not hurt and are comfortable for her.

It is very important not to have sex every day.

You need to take breaks to recover. Sperm reproduce within 2 days. Sex should be no more than 2 times a week. If there was a long break in intimacy, you need to repeat it after 2 days. A man should not go to the bathhouse at this time(overheating has a bad effect on sperm motility and quality) and exerting a lot of physical strain.

Traditional medicine comes to the rescue

Tools from the arsenal traditional medicine will not be superfluous if you are trying to get pregnant, but it’s not working out. note that any use of “grandmother’s” recipes must be agreed with a doctor. Inconsiderate use folk remedies may even cause harm.

  • sage decoction. You need to brew one teaspoon of dried flower in a mug, just pour boiling water over this amount. The course lasts 14 days. The immune system will be strengthened, which will have a beneficial effect on the ability to get pregnant;
  • watch the phase of the moon. The expectant mother must choose the phase in which she herself was born;
  • good mood. A positive attitude is not just a bunch of advice, it is very important. When stressed, the body produces the hormone cortisol, which suppresses other hormones, including sex hormones. Thus, the body itself determines whether it is possible to have a child now or not. After all, if the environment is bad, it can affect the child’s development. Perhaps the process of cortisol production was intended by nature for a reason.

In this short video, the girl talks about how she couldn’t get pregnant for a long time and started taking sage decoctions, it really helped her:

Superstitions and signs are our everything

The last tip in our top is following signs and superstitions. For some this may seem nonsense, but others will take them into service. Many people rightfully believe that in order to get pregnant faster, all means are good. It's hard to disagree with this.

Here is a list of the most famous signs and superstitions:

  1. Back in Ancient Rus' They believed that you shouldn’t cut your hair often. People believed that hair contained human strength.
  2. You cannot buy a crib, baby clothes or toys before the baby is born.
  3. It is forbidden to swear.
  4. It is forbidden to say to yourself that you are infertile. Many have heard that thoughts are material. If you talk like that to yourself, you will develop a bad attitude. This mood can actually affect fertility (ability to conceive).
  5. A child will be born ugly if you watch scary movies and listen to scary stories.
  6. A fluff on the belly of an expectant mother means that a boy will be born. But this is not certain.

According to our editors there is no need to take these myths and superstitions as truth. Humanity often comes up with something to which it would be convenient to attribute something that cannot be explained.

In this interesting video the girl explains in great detail how you can get pregnant faster if you haven’t been able to get pregnant for a long time. Be sure to check it out:

If you can add to this list of tips, we would greatly appreciate it. Write about it in the comments. Ask questions. Share this article on social networks with friends and don't forget to rate it with stars. Thanks for visiting. We wish everyone who wants to give birth to good and beautiful children as soon as possible.

Problems with conceiving a child in 60% of cases occur due to disturbances in the functioning of the female body. And there are many more reasons for female infertility than male ones. This may be lack of ovulation, endocrinological diseases, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, cervical mucus with antibodies to sperm and many other factors.

Preparing for pregnancy is an important stage on the path to motherhood. And the main factor in preparing for this exciting moment is proper nutrition. It is important for the expectant mother, as well as the father, to change her diet in favor of natural products. Today, grocery store shelves are littered with products whose ingredient lists are full of various flavors, emulsifiers, sweeteners, preservatives and other harmful compounds.

IMPORTANT: Some food additives Not only can they harm the body, but they can also cause infertility. Most of them have a negative effect on male sperm. But it is also advisable for women who dream of becoming pregnant to avoid eating such not very healthy foods.

When planning pregnancy, you need to include various vitamins in your diet. This should be done 3-4 months before the conception process. Vitamins are especially useful for women who are planning a pregnancy in winter or spring.

When preparing for pregnancy, partners need to get rid of various sexually transmitted infections. Some of them put an end to the process of conceiving a child. But, there are also those that have a detrimental effect on the development of the fetus and can pose a threat of miscarriage and developmental pathologies.

It is also very important to eliminate stress from your life when preparing for pregnancy. In such conditions, the body produces corticosteroid hormones. Not only can they cause various diseases, but they can also negatively affect pregnancy.

Why does pregnancy not occur for a long time?

  • The absence of a desired pregnancy can be associated with problems of both the female and male body. If, when the spouses want to conceive a child, the desired moment does not happen, then they need to undergo a comprehensive examination to identify the cause of this problem.
  • Factors that negatively affect pregnancy include gynecological and hormonal problems. Stress, hypertension, bad habits and other problems can also cause failure to conceive a child.
  • Specialists at the antenatal clinic may ask you to tell them about the transferable infectious diseases and operations. If a woman has already experienced the happiness of motherhood, then the doctor can ask about how the pregnancy proceeded. In order for a specialist to provide qualified assistance, you must try to truthfully answer all his questions.
  • If difficulties arise with pregnancy, then specialists at a family planning center or antenatal clinic can prescribe tests for progesterone levels, a post-coital test (checking vaginal mucus 6-10 hours after intercourse for the presence of antibodies that kill sperm), a blood test for coagulation and a thyroid examination

How to prepare for pregnancy mentally?

A woman should approach pregnancy consciously, without fear or anxiety. The emotional state plays an important role not only when carrying a child, but also when conceiving it. Before this exciting moment, you need to try to reduce the level of stress in your life as much as possible. The higher the stress level, the lower the likelihood of conceiving a child. Harmonization of the internal state has a positive effect not only on the ability to get pregnant, but on the health of the unborn child and his mother.

IMPORTANT: Not only the mother, but also the father of the unborn child must prepare morally to become a parent. He must surround his wife with care and love.

How can a woman physically prepare for pregnancy?

Even before pregnancy, you need to get your body in shape, improve muscle tone and balance your desired weight. It is very important to include foods rich in nutrients in your diet. Such products include vegetables, fruits, seafood, etc.

Before conceiving a child and during pregnancy, it is important to exclude alcohol and smoking from your diet. Some scientists believe that nicotine can negatively affect the fetus, even if expectant mother gave up smoking a few weeks before conception.

  • Physical preparation for pregnancy also includes solving vision problems. Women with nearsightedness and some fiber conditions may lose their vision completely during childbirth. Therefore, it is important to have your eyes checked by specialized specialists
  • A few months before pregnancy, it is advisable for a woman to take up fitness, swimming or dancing. If you don’t have time for this, then you can just walk in the park. Regular hiking in an oxygen-rich place will perfectly prepare a woman for pregnancy
  • In addition, it is advisable to allocate 15-20 minutes in the morning for daily exercises. Walking in place, squats, bending the body and others simple movements strengthen muscles and prepare the body for bearing a baby

What should you drink to get pregnant?

Very often, the reason for the inability to get pregnant is associated with low levels of the hormone progesterone. If a woman is diagnosed with this reason, then the level of this hormone can be increased using a drug such as "Duphason". Unlike progesterone injections, this drug comes in tablet form. Its reception does not cause great difficulties.

Sometimes, if there is difficulty conceiving, specialists may prescribe drugs that stimulate ovulation. Such drugs include "Klostilbegit", "Puregon" And "Rotten". After taking them, ovulation occurs within 24-36 hours. Taking such medicinal ovulation stimulants can only be done under the supervision of a doctor.

What vitamins should you take to get pregnant?

A woman who wants to become a mother needs the following vitamins:

  • Folic acid is necessary for proper formation nervous system child and begins to act from the first days of pregnancy
  • Tocopherol helps the fertilized egg implant in the uterine cavity
  • B vitamins are responsible for protein synthesis and the growth of muscle and bone tissue. Lack of vitamins B1, B6, B12 can cause severe toxicosis
  • Vitamins A, C and D are important for proper tissue formation and immune system support. But their excess is more dangerous than their deficiency

IMPORTANT: When planning a pregnancy, you should not select the dosage of each vitamin separately. It is more convenient to take a special complex of vitamins for women. There are specially developed vitamin complexes that need to be consumed before conceiving a child.

In addition to vitamins, a woman should receive minerals such as zinc, selenium and magnesium from food. If you can’t consume them with food, you can buy dietary supplements or vitamin complexes at the pharmacy that contain these macroelements.

What medications does a man need to take to make a woman pregnant?

  • Folic acid is indicated not only for women before pregnancy, but also for men. The expectant father needs to take 400 mg of vitamin B9 until his wife becomes pregnant. Flaw folic acid increases the number of sperm with various defects (incorrect chromosome composition, lack of tail or head)
  • Another important drug that a man needs when planning a pregnancy is tocopherol. Vitamin E provides a man with normal testosterone levels and activates sperm synthesis
  • On good quality sperm are affected by vitamin B6. Pyridoxine is found in many meat products, bananas and nuts.
  • All these vitamins can be consumed individually or in combination. For example, as part of such products as: "Alphabet for men", "Viardot forte", "Duovit for men", "SpermActive"
  • But antibiotics, hormonal steroids and medications for asthma and allergies negatively affect sperm quality

What tests must be taken when planning a pregnancy?

Mandatory tests for women include:

  • General blood test. It is carried out so that the doctor can identify the presence of viruses and diseases before conception.
  • General urine test. It is carried out to identify problems of the genitourinary system. If pathologies are detected, treatment is prescribed
  • Determination of blood group and Rh factor. Blood is drawn from a vein to assess the risk of Rh conflict
  • Blood sugar test. Pregnancy with diabetes is possible, but it must proceed under special supervision
  • Blood for biochemistry. Conducted to provide general and functional status of internal organs
  • Bacteriological culture of vaginal microflora. Assessment of microflora to exclude pathogenic microorganisms
  • Tests for infections. An analysis is carried out to ensure the absence of HIV infections, syphilis, viral hepatitis B and C

When planning a pregnancy, expectant fathers need to do the following: general analysis blood tests to determine blood type and Rh factor, and to detect infection.

Additional tests when planning pregnancy include:

  • TORCH-complex. Blood test for the presence of antibodies to rubella, herpes, cytomegalovirus and toxoplasmosis. This test will show if a woman is immune to such diseases. If not, then to minimize the risk negative influence these diseases require a number of medicinal procedures
  • Polymerase chain reaction studies. Blood test for hidden infections: ureaplasmosis, gardnerellosis, chlamydia, HPV (papilloma virus), genital herpes

When are your chances of getting pregnant greatest?

The best chance of getting pregnant is between 14 and 16 days after the start of menstruation. It is at this time that the mature egg enters the fallopian tube and can meet the sperm. But conception can occur earlier. The thing is that sperm have a vitality of 2-6 days. And if the egg meets them earlier, then fertilization is quite possible.

But the lowest probability of conception occurs during the days of menstruation and immediately after its end. After days 16-18 of the cycle, the possibility of getting pregnant also decreases.

Why does pregnancy not occur after an abortion?

An abortion can have a negative impact on both the mental and physical well-being of a woman. After such a procedure, the hormonal balance in a woman’s body may be disrupted and other problems may arise that lead to the inability to conceive or bear a child. According to statistics, one out of 10 women who decide to have an abortion remains infertile after this procedure.

During mechanical cleaning, the uterine mucosa may be damaged. This can in turn lead to the fact that the fertilized egg will not be able to attach to the wall of the uterus. The risk of becoming pregnant after a medical abortion increases. This method is less traumatic, but can only be performed in the very early stages of pregnancy.

Abortion leads to problems that can put an end to pregnancy such as:

  • Hormonal cycle disruption
  • Metabolic disorders in the body
  • Development of breast disease
  • Inflammation of the internal genital organs
  • Tubal obstruction
  • Cervical erosion
  • Dysplasia

If a woman decides to become pregnant after an abortion, then she cannot be planned earlier than 6 months after this procedure. A woman’s body must have time to recover. Early pregnancy after an abortion is fraught with severe pathologies in the fetus and can affect the child’s health subsequently.

Sveta. I couldn't get pregnant for a long time. After the examination, my gynecologist forbade me from dieting and prescribed a complex of vitamins. I don't know if they or other factors helped. But, after 3 months I became pregnant.

Olesya. A friend was able to get pregnant only after she began to raise her pelvis after intercourse so that the seminal fluid did not leak out, but remained in the body. She simply lay on her back and raised her legs, leaning on the wall. I am sure that this is what helped her become a mother.

Video. How to get pregnant if you can't. Why. Causes of infertility. What to do?

The gift of giving life, which a woman is endowed with by nature, is truly amazing and invaluable beyond anything. But, alas, not every female representative can take full advantage of it. The natural desire to give birth to her child, to create her own continuation, sooner or later arises in every woman. The inability to do this darkens the life of a failed mother, because, in essence, a woman’s purpose is to give life.

Infertility is the inability of an adult, mature organism to conceive and bear a child. If a man or woman has been unsuccessfully trying to achieve pregnancy for more than a year, while living a regular sex life and not using any means of contraception, then this is a reason to consult a doctor. After all, at first glance, completely healthy partners can have a whole bunch of different ailments that interfere with conception.

Many women dream of pregnancy

An attentive and thorough attitude to your health significantly increases the number of chances of achieving the desired pregnancy, because a woman, like a fragile vessel, requires careful treatment of herself. But sometimes a woman who has problems conceiving leaves the alarm bells sent by her body unattended. First of all, if a woman cannot get pregnant, she should think: is everything okay with her body? Are there any diseases that can prevent the long-awaited pregnancy from occurring? Timely resolution of health problems will help to avoid worries about the inability to get pregnant. The main thing is not to miss the moment, because, at first glance, a trivial health problem can develop into serious complications, which, in the future, will lead to infertility.

There are many reasons and ailments that become an obstacle to happy motherhood. Next, you will find out why pregnancy does not occur, the main sources of infertility, and what methods can be used to solve this unpleasant problem.

The main causes of problems with conceiving a child

In fact, a woman often leads an incorrect lifestyle, which prevents pregnancy. Trivial and easily removable factors are often the source of infertility. The most common, and also trivial problems are:

1. Age 40+.

It cannot be said that all women after forty are unable to bear a child. Sometimes good health makes it possible to give birth to a healthy and strong child. But, as statistics show, in most cases, the chances of getting pregnant after forty years are minimal. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, between the ages of 40 and 50, most healthy women go through menopause, which makes it impossible to conceive a child. Secondly, over the course of more than forty years, a woman inevitably acquires a complex of various diseases that affect many parts of the body. And the presence of chronic illnesses is fraught with difficult pregnancy, and even miscarriage. In general, exactly various diseases acquired over time, and the fading of the high-quality functioning of the female reproductive system, including the ovaries, which are responsible for the production of eggs, lead to the inability to get pregnant.

Also, according to geneticists, the development of the fetus in the womb of a mother who is over forty can be interrupted by the appearance of various pathologies. Therefore, if you are a little over forty, and pregnancy is an extreme dream, contact a highly qualified gynecologist, and a geneticist at the same time. The gynecologist will determine whether your body is ready to bear a child, and the geneticist will, if possible, prevent abnormal development of the fetus.

2. Preliminary abortions.

One way or another, after an artificial termination of pregnancy, the chance of conceiving a child is reduced to a minimum. After all, abortion negatively affects the functioning of the ovaries and the reproductive system in general. Hormonal levels change, in some cases menstruation becomes irregular, or menstruation generally comes down to only bleeding. We can say that an abortion is a serious blow to the body, after which restoration of the normal functioning of the system responsible for the reproduction of offspring may take months or even years. Often, menstruation does not occur at all after an artificial termination of pregnancy. If after an abortion you want to get pregnant again, but this was not possible, look for an experienced medical specialist who will prescribe the appropriate treatment for you.

Pre-abortions affect conception

3. Smoking.

Of course, everyone has heard about the dangers of nicotine contained in cigarettes. Even one cigarette smoked has a negative effect on the body. What can we say about heavy smokers? Premature organ wear and aging are all the results of smoking. But we will talk specifically about how nicotine affects the ability to reproduce healthy offspring. Firstly, this substance interferes with the normal maturation of eggs. That is, nicotine interferes with the normal functioning of the reproductive system. Secondly, due to constant smoking, the fetus may not attach to the wall of the uterus, since smoking significantly reduces the chances that the fetus will take root in the womb.

4. Stress or overexertion.

Probably every woman has encountered a situation where menstruation disappeared after prolonged stress, for example, during exams or nights spent without sleep. The reappearance of menstruation depends on how the body manages to cope with stressful situations. The woman's reproductive system reacts very sensitively to psychological stress. If a young lady is in a constant state of stress, anxiety, depression, then menstruation may disappear and not occur at all. As a result, attempts to get pregnant will be futile and unsuccessful.

If a woman is experiencing stress for some reason, be it a hard job or problems with her man, she should think about how she can remove stress from her life. After all, health is much more important than a well-paid job. And a difficult relationship with the future father of the child does not contribute to the onset of pregnancy. Therefore, if your periods have disappeared for no apparent reason, try to relax and not worry about anything. Put your work aside for a while. Do something you love, sign up for dancing or yoga (but under no circumstances do strenuous sports). Or, finally break off the relationship that is oppressing you. If you are unable to deal with the psychological problems that are troubling you on your own, consult a psychotherapist.

Stress can interfere with pregnancy

5. Overweight.

According to doctors, excess weight is indeed an obstacle to conceiving a child. More precisely, not the extra pounds themselves, but hormonal imbalance, thanks to which very often a woman acquires unwanted excess weight. Since hormonal imbalance is disturbed when overweight, the level of estradiol increases significantly, and this, in turn, prevents the ovaries from producing eggs normally. Therefore, if you are overweight and your menstrual cycle is disrupted, start losing weight immediately! Do light exercise, reduce the amount of food you eat (especially cakes, sausages, etc.) and drink more water. But sometimes excess weight appears due to chronic diseases that a woman suffers from. In this case, you should consult a general practitioner and also visit a gynecologist.

6. Unbalanced diet.

Paying tribute to the patterns of modernity, women often torture themselves with newfangled diets that lead to general exhaustion of the body. It is not surprising that women who try to lose weight through strict dietary restrictions are faced with such problems as delayed menstruation or their complete absence. Or, there are no problems with menstruation, but for some reason pregnancy does not occur. This occurs due to the fact that the fetus cannot form and attach to the uterine wall, since the woman’s body lacks vital microelements.

How to eat right while planning a pregnancy? First, get rid of the obsession with losing a few extra pounds. Eat fish seaweed, in apples (or rather, in apple grains) - this will help replenish the amount of iodine in your body. Also, be sure to include vitamin C in your diet, which strengthens the immune system, normalizes metabolism, and has a beneficial effect on biological tissues, bones, and teeth. You can give this vitamin to your body by eating vegetables and fruits (tomatoes, citrus fruits, cabbage, etc.). Carefully monitor what you eat and try to eat only high-quality food - this will significantly increase the chances of successfully conceiving a child.

When planning a child, you need to take care of nutrition

The causes of infertility presented in this article are quite common, and often you just need to consult with a gynecologist and geneticist, who will give valuable advice on conceiving a child and help avoid possible problems during pregnancy.

Diseases that prevent you from conceiving a child

It's no secret that various ailments affect the course of pregnancy and the possibility of conceiving a child in general. The cause of infertility is often diseases of the female genital area, which, one way or another, cause harm to the body. It must be remembered that the female reproductive system is extremely susceptible to negative effects external factors. Infections, pathogenic bacteria, dysfunctions of the reproductive system, serious gynecological diseases requiring surgical intervention - all this becomes an obstacle to pregnancy.

Our body, when affected by various ailments, necessarily “reports” the presence of a harmful disease by causing pain, itching, irritation, and other unpleasant symptoms. How exactly a particular disease manifests itself depends on the severity of the disease. It is a rare woman who steadily monitors her health, visiting the right doctors and starting treatment in a timely manner. The modern pace of life makes us leave the “alarm bells” that our body sends us unattended. And then, of course, there is the problem of conceiving a child. Remember that you need to examine the organs of the genitourinary system once every six months. This guarantees a quick conception of the child, a normal course of pregnancy, and childbirth without any problems.

It is important to treat diseases of the genitourinary system in a timely manner

Undoubtedly, getting rid of various diseases of the genitourinary system is possible, but only on the condition that you promptly seek help from an experienced gynecologist. Only in this case will you be able to avoid complex and painful treatment. After all, advanced diseases often transform from a mild and curable form into more severe diseases that are difficult to treat. Therefore, never leave your women's health to chance, since the presence of gynecological ailments gives rise to infertility.

If you have regular menstruation, you live a constant sex life, but still cannot get pregnant, think about whether everything is okay with your genitourinary area? According to doctors, in most cases, it is gynecological diseases that have developed into a chronic form that prevent a woman from fulfilling her main life mission - to become a mother.

  1. Candidiasis vaginitis, as this disease is popularly called, thrush very common in women of childbearing age. For some reason, it is believed that this disease is not dangerous for women's health, and that with thrush you can easily get pregnant. This is not true, because if candidal vaginitis develops into a chronic form, then the hormonal background of the woman’s body will change not for the better, which can lead to the absence or disruption of the regularity of menstruation. It's worth saying that modern women are misinformed about the severity and extent of thrush. Therefore, in order for future mothers to understand what we're talking about When talking about pregnancy with thrush, you need to know about the main symptoms of candidal vaginitis and methods of treating this disease.

It is worth knowing that thrush is caused by a fungus of the genus Candida, which lives in the body of even a completely healthy woman. The fact is that this fungus is necessary to maintain normal vaginal microflora. But if there is something wrong with a woman’s immune system, that is, it is unable to perform its functions, the fungus begins to multiply too quickly, which leads to a disease called candidal vaginitis.

Thrush: symptoms

In fact, candidal vaginitis manifests itself in different ways. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. But, gynecologists note the following most common symptoms:

  • Curd-like vaginal discharge accompanied by an unpleasant, sour odor. Discharge in women is common. But with thrush, the discharge becomes more abundant, and its appearance causes noticeable discomfort.
  • Itching in the perineal area. It is typical for candidiasis that in the morning the itching gradually increases, and in the evening it reaches its highest point of exacerbation. It is almost impossible to relieve this symptom: neither constant bathing or showering, nor douching help.
  • Burning sensation when urinating. This occurs due to urine entering the inflamed areas of the vagina.
  • Redness of the external genitalia. As a rule, with thrush, a woman’s genitals may not only turn red, but also become slightly swollen.

All symptoms of thrush intensify after sexual intercourse. Remember that most often the symptoms of thrush intensify, usually a week before the start of menstruation.

Causes and treatment of thrush

Nowadays, candidal vaginitis is an extremely important disease. Most often it appears due to a violation of the main function of the immune system - protecting the body. Also, the vaginal microflora may be disrupted due to taking antibiotics. Therefore, if the general condition of the body is weakened, the immune system cannot control the proliferation of Candida fungi, which, as mentioned above, live in the woman’s body.

Common candidiasis may affect your ability to get pregnant

For modern medicine, treating thrush does not pose a particular problem. First, you need to take a smear from a gynecologist, after which he will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Most effective means against thrush are special antifungal drugs and vaginal suppositories.

Is it possible to get pregnant with thrush?

Theoretically, it is possible, but it is difficult, since candidal vaginitis, like all other inflammatory processes in the body, negatively affects the microflora of the vagina, as a result of which its acidity decreases, and it is quite difficult for sperm to survive in such an environment. Therefore, the chances that the embryo will attach to the wall of the uterus are minimized.

But, according to doctors, it is more dangerous if you still get pregnant with thrush. An infection that can easily penetrate the placenta can cause significant harm to the embryo and lead to fetal pathologies. There are also cases where thrush led to miscarriage. You should know that when a newborn baby passes through the birth canal, it is also possible to become infected with this disease. Most often, Candida fungus in newborns is localized in the area of ​​the eyeballs or on the mucous membranes of the mouth. Girls are characterized by localization of thrush in the genitourinary tract.

As we can see, thrush is not such a harmless disease, especially if you are planning a pregnancy. But with timely and adequate treatment, you can get rid of this unpleasant disease once and for all. If you observe at least one of the above symptoms of thrush, and at the same time, you are unable to conceive a child, immediately contact your gynecologist to begin appropriate treatment.

It is possible to get pregnant with thrush, but it is problematic

2. Ovarian cyst

This disease also greatly reduces the chances of achieving a desired pregnancy. Most often, this disease affects women of reproductive age. An ovarian cyst is a benign formation in the ovary that prevents them from functioning normally. For this reason, it is quite difficult to get pregnant with an ovarian cyst, since the ovaries sooner or later stop producing eggs that are necessary for fertilization.

Ovarian cyst: symptoms

Gynecologists divide the signs of an ovarian cyst into primary and secondary. The first stage of this disease may not manifest itself in any way, because the menstrual cycle is not disrupted. A benign ovarian cyst can only be detected during a routine medical examination. But with the secondary form of cyst development, menstruation becomes more abundant or disappears completely. Menstrual irregularities are also possible. A woman who has an ovarian cyst often feels pain in the lower abdomen, and for no apparent reason.

Causes and treatment of ovarian cysts

Most often, hypothermia of the body leads to a cyst. Light clothing, combined with a cold, frosty day, negatively affects the functioning of the kidneys, and this, in turn, causes congestion in the pelvis. As a result of such disorders, a cyst may form on the ovary due to insufficient blood supply to the female reproductive organs. Treatment of ovarian cysts is carried out depending on the degree of the disease. You can stop the growth and development of a benign cyst with the help of special medications prescribed by your doctor. An advanced malignant cyst must be removed surgically.

Another fairly common reason for the formation and development of ovarian cysts is an imbalance of the hormonal system. In this case, the woman will be prescribed medications to restore normal hormonal levels.

Is it possible to get pregnant with an ovarian cyst?

Conceiving a child is possible only with a benign cyst, since a malignant cyst makes ovulation impossible, as well as fertilization of the egg. Regular examination by a gynecologist will help you not to miss the moment of formation of a benign tumor. Thanks to this, you will avoid the problems that women face when they have a malignant tumor. If you are concerned about the symptoms of an ovarian cyst described above, consult a doctor immediately! Timely initiation of treatment makes it possible to quickly recover after surgery and subsequently successfully conceive a child.

Ovarian cyst does not mean infertility

3. Cervical erosion

Just like other disorders of a woman’s sexual sphere, it significantly reduces the chances of pregnancy. According to statistics, more than 30% of the fair sex have encountered this diagnosis. Therefore, it is extremely important to have the most basic information about the symptoms, causes and treatment of cervical erosion in order to conceive and give birth to a healthy child.

Cervical erosion: symptoms

The main signs of this disease include menstrual irregularities, vaginal discharge of varying consistency (or bloody discharge), and pain in the lower abdomen. The danger of this disease lies in the fact that it can only be detected through examination by a gynecologist. Usually an examination in a gynecological chair is enough, but, if necessary, the doctor may prescribe a colposcopy. Therefore, no matter how unpleasant a visit to women's doctor, conduct a routine examination every six months. This will help avoid infertility and other health problems.

Causes and treatment of cervical erosion

First, let's look at the structure of the uterus. This organ of the female genital area is a kind of “bag” of muscle and epithelial tissue. To make it clearer, visually the uterus looks like a pear turned upside down. The uterus is connected to the vagina through a special channel called the cervix. The epithelial tissue that lines the outer layer of the uterus, as well as the cervix, is needed by these organs of the female reproductive system to protect against various viruses and pathogenic bacteria. When epithelial tissue is displaced, various infections can easily enter a woman’s body. The vaginal microflora environment is fertile for the development and reproduction of infectious viruses. Due to the onset of inflammatory processes, which were triggered by pathogenic infections, small cracks and defects appear on the cervix. Thus, erosion of the cervix begins in the woman’s body.

Treatment of cervical erosion depends on how long the disease has progressed in the woman’s body. You should know that there are two types of cervical erosion: true erosion and pseudo-erosion. True erosion is a small wound on the lining of the cervix, and usually does not require special treatment, since the wound heals itself. But pseudo-erosion is a more dangerous and difficult to treat ailment that will not tolerate delays in starting treatment, and can lead to the inability to give birth to a child. In any case, you should not self-medicate, as this can lead to disastrous results.

Cervical erosion can only be treated under the supervision of a gynecologist

A highly qualified gynecologist, combined with progressive treatment, will get rid of cervical erosion in the shortest possible time. Therefore, when the first symptoms of this disease, which can harm the female genital area, appear, consult a doctor. First, you will have to undergo all the necessary tests, after which the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Widespread methods of treating cervical erosion are radio wave surgery, cryotherapy, laser therapy, diathermocoagulation, and chemical coagulation.

Is it possible to get pregnant with cervical erosion?

The presence of this disease can prevent pregnancy. Erosion of the cervix leads to difficulty in the penetration of sperm into the uterus, as a result of which fertilization of the egg becomes impossible. Also, the presence of small erosions on the neck of the shirt makes sexual intercourse extremely painful. Therefore, a woman who feels discomfort due to cervical erosion avoids having sexual intercourse with her partner. This, in turn, also makes conception impossible.

Remember that with adequate and timely treatment of cervical erosion, painful complications can be avoided. Therefore, in order not to harm your health and the health of your unborn child, start treatment for this disease on time!

Regular visits to the gynecologist will help avoid problems with conception.

Our article presents only the three most common gynecological diseases among women of reproductive age that interfere with getting pregnant. In fact, diseases affecting a woman’s genitourinary system become an obstacle to pregnancy. Infectious and inflammatory processes in the ovaries, uterus, vagina and appendages negatively affect a woman’s hormonal levels, as a result of which fertilization of the egg may not occur. What can be concluded? Systematic examinations (once every six months) aimed at identifying diseases of the female genitourinary system, prevention and timely initiation of treatment are the key to women’s health and infertility for many years.

Why a woman can't get pregnant: male factor

Most often, when a married couple tries in vain to get pregnant, the woman is unfairly blamed, but not the man. Although, if there are problems conceiving a child, in approximately half of the cases, it is the representative of the stronger half of humanity who needs to undergo treatment for infertility. Nowadays, male infertility has become common, as aggressive environment, hard physical labor, and poor-quality food necessarily affect men's health. Bad habits and improper lifestyle also often play a decisive role in the development of traditional male diseases, such as impotence, male infertility and others. Therefore, if you are puzzling over why attempts to get pregnant are not crowned with success, think about it: perhaps the problem is not with you, but with your partner?

Problems can also occur in men

What treatment can a man be prescribed? There are two methods of treating male infertility: with the help of medications or, the second method is surgery.

Let's look at each method that can be used to cure male infertility:

  • Drug treatment prescribed in the following cases: if a man is sick with sexually transmitted infections. Then he needs to take a course of antibiotics. If the quality of sperm is impaired, then the situation will be saved by vitamins for the formation and improvement of the quality of sperm - these are vitamin A, C, D, and B. In the case when a man is overtaken by hormonal imbalances, it is necessary to restore the hormonal imbalance by taking hormonal medications.
  • TO surgical intervention in case of male infertility, it is necessary to resort to in cases where tests have shown that there are some obstacles in the way of the vas deferens. It is clear that medications are powerless for such a problem, therefore, the only way out is surgery.

Thus, we see that there are practically no obstacles to modern medicine. The main thing is not to delay treatment, but to consult a doctor as soon as you suspect infertility!

Incompatibility of partners at conception

According to statistics, more than 15% of married couples cannot have a child, either due to the fault of the woman or man, or the cause of this problem is incompatibility of partners at conception. Sometimes it happens that a particular woman's immune system is able to produce antibodies. These antibodies destroy sperm on their way to the uterus. Therefore, it is often impossible to conceive a child naturally in such couples. But nowadays medicine has achieved great results in the development of various manipulations with living organisms. You've probably already heard about alternative method conceiving a child - artificial insemination. Artificial insemination is a special procedure in which male seminal fluid is introduced into the uterine cavity.

Indications for artificial insemination

Artificial insemination is resorted to if a woman completely lacks ovaries (after undergoing any operations), or her ovaries do not function fully, that is, they do not produce a sufficient number of eggs to conceive a child. Also, this procedure can be an excellent solution for partners who are carriers of genes responsible for various diseases associated with mental disabilities. It is worth remembering that a man can also be infertile. Artificial insemination provides a chance to have children for couples in which the man suffers from infertility.

AI (artificial insemination)– biological material from both parents is injected using a special catheter into the woman’s uterus, after which the natural development of the embryo occurs in it. It is used for low sperm activity in men.

It should be remembered that you should go for the artificial insemination procedure only if there are really indications for it. To be more sure, consult a doctor who specializes in this area.

Pregnancy is an amazing process that requires the expenditure of strength and energy, because an unborn child requires care. But sometimes you have to be patient and struggle with infertility. Remember that everything is in your hands. By actively undergoing treatment and taking the necessary measures to achieve the desired pregnancy, sooner or later you will definitely hold a baby in your arms - your reflection!