Mineral substances for the human body. The role of minerals in the human body


Minerals Like proteins, fats and carbohydrates, they are necessary for normal human life, as they have a number of important functions: the implementation of chemical and physiological processes, the construction of tissues.

Depending on the quantitative content in the body, minerals are divided into macro elements (calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, chlorine, potassium, sodium, chlorine and sulfur) and trace elements (chromium, zinc, manganese, iodine, fluorine, copper, etc.), whose content is negligible.

For clarity, we can give an example. An adult's body contains about 1 kg of calcium, 0.5 kg of phosphorus, 150 g of potassium, sodium and chlorine, 25 g of magnesium, 4 g of iron. Minerals are continuously consumed by the body, and the size of these wastes depends on the type of activity, working conditions, condition of the body, etc. If a person's food is diverse, then it contains in sufficient quantity all the necessary minerals. The value of many mineral substances and their quantity, which is necessary for a person, is not yet fully understood. The use of the body of minerals, their absorption through the intestinal wall depends largely on the products with which they are introduced. So, it is known that in coarse rye and wheat bread, as well as in some types of greens - spinach, lettuce, sorrel - a lot of calcium, but this calcium is contained in such chemical compounds that are poorly soluble in digestive juices and not sufficiently absorbed. The best sources of calcium are milk, lactic acid products, milk serum, cheese.



Functions in the body


Dried fruits, nuts, bananas, leeks, broccoli, potatoes, currants, fresh cucumbers, parsley, wild rose, turnips.

It is necessary for normal heart activity and development of the body. Stimulates the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles

Reduced muscle activity and transmission of nerve impulses, deteriorating heart function, water-salt balance

Wheat bran, soy flour, almonds, walnuts, peas, wheat, cabbage, cereals

It has antispasmodic and vasodilating effect, stimulates intestinal peristalsis

The work of the cardiovascular system, the activity of enzymes, the formation of bones and teeth worsens, the nerve conduction decreases

Meat geese, chickens, beans, corn, beef, pork, liver

It is necessary for the normal development of the skeleton and tissue repair. Promotes absorption and effects of vitamins of group B

The immune system is weakened, insulin production decreases, growth is delayed, the structure of nails and hair deteriorates

Pumpkin, cocoa, peas, buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, millet, meat, fish, liver.

It has an effect on blood formation processes, hemoglobin synthesis, and also on the endocrine glands. It has an insulin-like effect.

The process of hematopoiesis and bone formation slows down, the activity of enzymes decreases, the thyroid gland and ovaries work, the menopause is accelerated


Important for thyroid hormones that regulate cell metabolism

The thyroid gland is impaired, sexual development slows down, the nervous system is impaired

Liver and kidneys, apples, porcini, meat, apricots, parsley, potatoes, onions, pumpkins, beets, beans, lentils, peas, chicken eggs

Included in the hemoglobin, some enzymes. The main function is blood formation; it participates in the redox processes in the body. Especially needed for pregnant and elderly people.

Hemoglobin synthesis decreases, anemia develops, fatigue increases, appetite decreases


Protects cell membranes, has an immunostimulating effect, stimulates the pancreas, has an antitumor effect

Immunity decreases, the risk of oncological diseases increases, the aging process is accelerated

Milk, cottage cheese, cheese, soy, egg yolk

It has a significant impact on the metabolism and assimilation of nutrients by the body, strengthens the body's defenses, increases its resistance to infections

The condition of the musculoskeletal system, muscles worsens, allergies and caries develop, the mood and the structure of bones, hair and nails deteriorate.

Milk, cottage cheese, cheese, mushrooms, egg yolk, soy, rice, beef, kidneys.

Participates in all types of metabolism, is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, heart muscle, etc.

Impaired growth, bone structure, calcium metabolism, body energy

Beef, vegetables, liver, cranberry

Participates in the blood, ensures the normal functioning of the nervous system



Cereals (oats), liver, beans, peas

Participates in protein and energy metabolism, activates some enzymes. Affects the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, helps to obtain energy from food, promotes proper metabolism of sugar in the body

Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, diabetes, convulsions, allergies, osteoporosis

Fruit, berry and vegetable juices, beets, celery, turnips, carrots. Garlic, cucumbers, mushrooms, pork, lamb, beef, eggplant

It is of great importance for intracellular and intercellular metabolism, regulation of the acid-base state and osmotic pressure in cells, tissues and blood, contributes to the release of carbon dioxide from the body

Headaches, constant discomfort, irritability, tearfulness

Apples, unrefined cereals and root vegetables

  1. Plastic function in life processes and participation in the construction of tissues, especially bone tissue, where calcium and phosphorus are the main structural components.
  2. Participation in the metabolic processes of the human body: maintaining acid-base balance, water-salt balance.
  3. Assist in maintaining osmotic pressure in cells.
  4. Impact on the immune system, hematopoietic system, blood clotting.
  5. Participation in enzymatic processes and in the structure of enzymatic systems.

Special mineral function  in maintaining, ensuring the constancy of the internal environment.

According to the results of scientific research, acidosis (a shift in the internal environment of the body towards an increase in acidity) causes mainly the use of animals, and in older people, its manifestations are more pronounced. Consumption leads to changes in the alkaline side - to metabolic alkalosis.

Taking this factor into account, the mineral elements were divided into substances that have an alkaline and sour effect.

The main source of mineral elements is vegetable food, primarily vegetables and fruits. Products of plant origin contain minerals in the most active form, and the body easily assimilates them. Beans and grains in the splitting in synthesize products with a weakly acidic reaction.

Products of animal origin (meat, cheese, butter, fish and others, excluding high-grade fresh milk) produce simpler compounds that have an acidic reaction. Shifts to the alkaline side provide white flour products, white bread, refined sugar, polished rice, etc.

The most optimal source of quality minerals is, of course, from mineral springs or mountain streams. So, for example, long-livers of Tibet and the Caucasus use the entire full genetic potential, living 110-120 years.


The molecules of any mineral substance are atoms of chemical elements. In this regard, between minerals and chemical elements are often equated. In fact, these concepts have more differences.

Getting into a living organism, a chemical element, while maintaining atomic weight and physical characteristics, changes interaction with the environment, changes its functional activity. Turning from inanimate nature into a living organism, the chemical element turns into bioelement. Getting into a living organism, atoms in the form of ions begin to interact with other ions, molecules and chemical compounds, take part in a large number of biochemical reactions and, as a result, significantly affect the most important processes in the body, ensuring normal vital activity.

There are numerous classifications. bioelementsbut their two practical characteristics have the greatest practical value - the level in the body and the body's response to an excess or deficiency of elements.

According to the first characteristic   divided into three groups:

  1. Organogens: their amount in the body is measured in kilograms.
  2. Macronutrients: content is measured in grams.
  3. Trace elements: level is measured in fractions of grams.

The second characteristic allows you to select:

  1. Essential elements, vital, the lack of which causes deterioration of the body and the development of disease.
  2. Toxic elements, an increase in the number of which also provokes the appearance of diseases.

Each cell and tissue of the body is a small laboratory, where chemical reactions are constantly taking place, nutrients are produced that are necessary for life. The lack of just one chemical element disrupts the entire chain of chemical reactions, causing disruptions in the work of individual organs and their systems.

In order to ensure normal vital activity, proper organization is required - regular intake of mineral elements and their correct ratio.

Excess and lack of minerals

Chemical elements are not produced in the body, but come from the external environment: with, air, through mucous membranes and skin.

Food nature has enriched the abundance of minerals, but in the process of their modern processing, most of the nutrients are lost, most of all it concerns the mineral elements.

Lack of minerals  can cause serious illness. For example, zinc deficiency in the body of a man causes problems with potency, the development of alcoholism. Calcium deficiency can cause the development of hypertension, diagnosed in every fourth adult. Chromium consumption can prevent the occurrence of diabetes
because it enhances the body's ability to control blood sugar levels.

Population groups that are more exposed to metabolic disorders due to the content of chemical elements in the body:

  • children and teenagers;
  • women during pregnancy and lactation;
  • "Workaholics";
  • athletes;
  • people with chronic diseases of the digestive and endocrine systems;
  • people who uncontrollably "sit" on diets, or abuse drugs, alcohol.

Treatment aimed at eliminating imbalance or eliminating micronutrient deficiencies is called “oligotherapy”. Restoring the balance of macro - and microelements transforms even the appearance of a person.

It makes sense to note that each person has unique features: someone accumulates certain elements, someone else does not linger in the body. Science knows only the average rate of the content of mineral substances.

When an imbalance of elements most often occurs the following diseases and disease states:

  • reduced immune system;
  • diseases of the nail, hair, skin;
  • allergic reactions;
  • obesity, diabetes;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • blood disorders;
  • osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, scoliosis;
  • gastritis, chronic colitis, dysbiosis;
  • infertility;
  • developmental and growth disorders in children.

The human body is much better adapted to excess than to deficiency.

The main reaction to mineral deficiencyis the redistribution of reserves in favor of more important organs, as well as lethargy, disease, and early aging. Basically, the reaction is gradual and slow.

On excess mineral body responds with the following manifestations: decreased appetite, more active metabolism, deposition of excess in the subcutaneous fatty tissue. In severe cases, the stomach may react with vomiting, intestines - diarrhea, blood-forming organs - allergic reactions, abundant urine formation and sweating, as well as reduced or elevated pressure, headache and accelerated pulse. That is, the reaction to the excess is fast and bright enough.

Therefore, you can navigate: if there are no obvious reactions after taking - - mineral complexes, then there is no excess.

The human body has more subtle methods and mechanisms for balancing the excess minerals. Thanks to them, people quickly adapt to any available food and drinking water. The mineral balance is regulated by one of the main properties of the osmotic membranes of the intestinal walls - reverse osmosis.

It should be borne in mind that after 25-30 years, the assimilation of the necessary elements from food decreases every year by approximately 1% -2% and by the age of 50 it amounts to 50% for the overwhelming majority of people.

The systematic and exacerbated lack of minerals, which is heated and aggravated, is a key mechanism of aging of the body and the main cause of death. The greater the deficit, the faster the process of human aging. Premature death is the result of degenerative processes (among them atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, cancer), their destructive action (heart attack, stroke, etc.) on the main systems of the body.

Every day, using a quarter of the periodic table of Mendeleev in the form of mineral complexes, it is reasonable to have at least basic concepts and ideas about the role and functions of its elements in the human body.

There are chemicals that are useful and indispensable to the human body - these are minerals. They are continuously consumed to maintain water-salt metabolism, the production of very important substances - amino acids (protein components), enzymes, hormones, nucleic acids, etc., so you need to constantly replenish their stock. A person is actually very “diverse” in its chemical composition: 60 elements from the famous DI Mendeleev table “fit” in it! And each element has its own strictly defined role in the body - calcium builds bone tissue, hemoglobin is synthesized with the help of iron, and chromium is synthesized ... However, everything is better in order.

Scientists quite conditionally divided the most important and necessary for a person mineral substances into macro- and microelements. The first contains several grams in the body, while the second contains thousands and thousands of times less, only the importance of these substances for a person does not diminish from this state of affairs.

We get macro and micro elements with food and water. How does each of them “work” in the body, with what food can it be obtained and for whom is it extremely necessary?

Gorgeous "seven"

includes calcium, sodium, potassium, chlorine, phosphorus, magnesium and sulfur. Some experts refer to this "family" and iron.


Strengthens teeth, bones, muscles, nails, is necessary for blood coagulation, improves immunity, normalizes vascular permeability. Phosphorus is required for its absorption.

Contained in milk, cottage cheese, cheese, cabbage, celery, parsley, whole wheat, beans, green onions, parsley, dried apricots, apples, pears.

Especially important for children and adolescents, pregnant women and nursing mothers, athletes.


Helps maintain the acid-base balance of the blood, is involved in the formation of hydrochloric acid of the stomach.

In fresh, natural food it is not enough, but we eat, as a rule, much more than the norm, because we add food with table salt and eat sausages, cheeses, smoked meats, canned food, etc.

Sodium is important for everyone and at any age. But hypertensive patients and people with kidney problems need to be limited.


Participates in the formation of hydrochloric acid of gastric juice, the formation of blood plasma, activates some enzymes.

There is in salt and in all products where it is added at production.

Those who, due to their state of health, need to follow a low-salt or salt-free diet (diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, heart, diabetes, etc.), should limit its consumption.


  Actively involved in the activity of the nervous system, in the processes of metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, in the accumulation and release of energy, with its help, substances are formed that are necessary for thinking and creativity. Calcium is necessary for its mastering.

Fish, meat, eggs, bread, milk, cottage cheese, beans, green peas, radishes, oats, barley, buckwheat, cheese, walnuts, dried apricots, and raisins are rich in phosphorus.

Especially important for people of creative professions and all who study.


It is necessary for vascular cells, capillaries, muscles (in particular, the muscles of the heart), brain, liver, kidneys, and hormonal glands. Helps maintain the balance of body fluids, remove excess water, fights atherosclerosis.

Potassium is found in onions, parsley, horseradish, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, radishes, bananas, black and red currants, raisins, dried apricots, figs, legumes, apples, potatoes, oatmeal, rye bread, oranges, tangerines, cranberries.

Potassium is necessary for everyone, but is especially important in old age, with hypertension, diabetes.


It supports the immune system, fights toxins and inflammations, improves the functioning of the nervous system, strengthens it, participates in blood coagulation and the synthesis of estrogens, relaxes the heart muscle, increases intestinal motor activity.

Garden greens, leaf lettuce, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, wheat bran, oats, beans, nuts, dried apricots, raisins, wheat germ, honey, apricots, bananas, wild berries are rich in magnesium.

Especially important for women at any age.


Included in insulin and other important hormones and enzymes, amino acids, helps build nerves, skin, bones.

Where to looking for? In meat, eggs, oats, buckwheat, milk, cheese, beans, cabbage.

Needed by all.

Small spool but precious


It is part of enzymes and hemoglobin, a blood pigment that transports oxygen to all body tissues and helps in the synthesis of skin collagen.

Contained in meat, liver and kidneys, ceps, garden herbs, beets, pomegranates, apples, pumpkins, quince, apricots, legumes, lentils, eggs, onions, dried fruits, nuts.

This trace element is especially important for children, girls and women, pregnant, lactating mothers.


Iodine is the most important component of the thyroid hormones triiodothyronine and thyroxine, increases cellular immunity.

Sea fish, seafood, seaweed, cod liver, beans, garlic, onions, lettuce, grapes, melon, iodized salt are rich in iodine.

Needed by all, but primarily children and adolescents, pregnant and lactating mother.


It is part of many proteins, a number of hormones and enzymes, participates in the activity of the immune system, helps vitamin E to fight aging, protects the body in adverse environmental conditions, inhibits the development of tumors, improves the quality of spermatozoa.

Selenium is found in fresh sour cream, lard, beef, chicken meat, sea kale, garlic, calamari, coconuts, pistachios, broccoli.

Especially important for men and the elderly.


It plays a role in the processes of iron absorption, the formation of hemoglobin, pigmentation, helps to absorb iron, increases the activity of insulin.

Copper can be found in the liver, kidneys, walnuts, fish, seafood, peas, beans, bran, garden herbs, cucumbers, mushrooms, grapes, chocolate.

Needed by all.


It is an integral part of more than 80 enzymes, is part of insulin, is necessary for the formation of red blood cells and other blood elements, helps build bones, accelerates wound healing, activates vitamin A, fights toxins, viruses along with vitamin C.

Good sources of zinc are wheat bran, wheat seedlings, beets, onions, beans, green peas, corn, lentils, red meat, liver, oatmeal, rice, apples, pears, plums, potatoes, cabbage, carrots.

Especially needed by men. Without it, the functions of the sex glands are reduced.


It is part of several enzyme systems, participates in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, influences insulin synthesis, helps to absorb vitamin B1, copper and iron, is necessary to maintain normal bone structure.

Where to looking for? In beef liver, kidneys, bread, buckwheat, millet, oats, legumes, beets, garden greens, raspberries, black currants, cranberries.

Needed by all.


Participates in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, as well as in the synthesis of insulin, contributes to the normal growth and development in childhood.

There is a lot of chrome in brewer's yeast, liver.

Especially needed for pregnant women and lactating mothers, patients with diabetes, the elderly.

The following four trace elements are important for health, but harmful in large quantities.


With the help of calcium and phosphorus strengthens the teeth, protects against caries.

There is in the water, marine fish. If it is not enough, you need to consume fluorinated salt.

Especially needed by children, since they are forming teeth.


Helps build bones, connective tissue, hair, nails.

Contained in bran, oats, rye, onions, turnips, seeds, celery.

Needed by all, but especially pregnant and lactating.


  Included in vitamin B12, builds red blood cells. Helps the work of the pancreas, metabolic processes. Improves hair condition. It inhibits the development of tumors.

Cobalt is rich in beef, seafood, eggs, buckwheat, fresh cucumbers, onions, beets, radishes, peas, lettuce, parsley, millet, cocoa, cranberries, black currants, grapes.

Needed by all.


Improves cellular immunity.

There are carrots, beets, lettuce, rye bread, brown rice, strawberries, cherries.

It is necessary for everyone, but especially for people during illness and during recovery.

"Sweet couples" and antagonists

From the above, it becomes clear that the more varied our diet, the more likely we will collect all the necessary "mineral basket". Or maybe, after all, be safe and add to your diet the so-called vitamin-mineral complex - another “miracle” of the modern pharmaceutical industry, designed, according to the idea of ​​its creators, to save us not only from the vitamin, but also the mineral “hunger”? How beautiful everything looks in words and on paper: to the family of vitamins (as a rule, these are A, C, E, group B, K, D etc.) the most necessary trace elements were added, the daily dose of which is very difficult to “eat” with food - iodine, selenium, manganese, chromium, copper, zinc and others. It would seem that the problem of good nutrition was solved simply and in an original way - he took a pill and order, charged with useful substances for the whole day.

However, many scientists do not share the enthusiasm about the creation of vitamin-mineral complexes and consider them to be “a hybrid of a washing machine and a coffee grinder,” which “washes” coffee beans, and the laundry “grinds”. Studies have shown that not all macro and microelements peacefully “get along” in a single pill or capsule, and sometimes they are friends “like a cat with a dog,” although there are examples and inverse.

The struggle at the biochemical level are, for example, iron and copper, magnesium and manganese. Calcium will reduce the absorption of iron, zinc will not fully absorb copper, iron and calcium, and if you have increased levels of vitamin C, then the body will be a lack of copper. But calcium and phosphorus - "sweet couple." But there are many more examples of “marriage for love, not calculation” - between vitamins and minerals. For example, selenium is an indispensable helper of vitamin E, and zinc is vitamin A, iron loves ascorbic very much, and B1 - manganese, although the latter is “not indifferent” to copper and iron.

However, the complexes have already been created, in which the "antagonists" were put on different pills. And friends, vitamins and macro friends are combined into "pairs." But such vitamin-mineral complexes should be taken carefully. Their uncontrolled reception "just in case" can lead to very serious consequences. Contrary to popular belief, vitamin-mineral complexes are not something completely harmless that can be taken in any quantities. This is a drug that needs proper administration and dosage. A surplus of both vitamins and trace elements in the human body is more harmful than their deficiency. You should not take the complexes all the time, because in this case the body stops assimilating vitamins and minerals from the diet, as well as surviving with micronutrient deficiencies, rebuilding and flexibly reacting to different amounts of nutrients.

Research scientists suggest that all the necessary nutrients are in foods, you just need to know how to eat. Vitamins and minerals contained in food are enhanced by other active substances that help them reach their full potential. Synthetic pomace are deprived of such support, because of which their action is qualitatively different from the action of natural vitamins and minerals. That is why freshly squeezed orange juice, grated carrot with butter, a glass of kefir and fish steak are much more useful than even the cutest tablet.

In a balanced diet, along with proteins, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins, mineral substances are of no less importance. Absorption of compounds of mineral substances occurs in the intestine, after which they are concentrated in the tissues and organs of the human body. Minerals  They are an integral part of all tissues, hormones, blood, enzymes, and are directly involved in all processes occurring in the body. The consumption of mineral substances for the processes of vital activity of an organism is a constant process, the size of which depends on a number of causes and conditions, such as working conditions, type of activity, health status, etc.

Minerals are not able to be synthesized independently by the body, they are an indispensable part of the diet. The lack of minerals in food causes the occurrence of nutritional diseases.

Macronutrients and trace elements

Depending on the presence of mineral substances in the body, as well as their importance in vital activity, they can be divided into macronutrients and microelements.

Macroelements are part of the product in large quantities, which are usually measured in several tens or hundreds of milligrams per 100 g of product or living tissue. Macroelements include:

  - participates in the formation of gastric juice, is necessary for the activation of a number of pancreatic enzymes, regulates the process of excretion of metabolic products by the kidneys, besides provides a third of the alkaline reserves of blood plasma.

  - is a mandatory participant in many metabolic processes. Potassium ions are necessary to maintain the automatism of myocardial contraction. Thanks to the potassium-sodium “pump”, the removal of sodium ions from cells and their replacement by potassium ions is ensured. The process takes place with the removal of excess fluid from the body.

  - is directly involved in the most complex processes, such as blood clotting. In addition, a prolonged lack of calcium in the body has a negative effect on the excitability of the heart muscle and the rhythms of its contractions.

  - is an obligatory participant of enzymatic processes that provide carbohydrate metabolism and protein biosynthesis. It has a calming, diuretic and vasodilating effect, maintains the tone of the blood vessel walls at the proper level, and is able to enhance the processes of inhibition in the cerebral cortex.

  - ensures the normal growth of dental and bone tissue, as well as further maintenance and preservation of their integrity throughout life.

Trace elements are present in foods in concentrations that can be expressed in units, hundredths and thousandths of milligrams. Today, 14 microelements are recognized as essential for human vital activity - nutrients:

  - is indispensable in the processes of intracellular metabolism and blood formation. More than 50% of the iron is contained in the hemoglobin of the erythrocytes, more than 20% is involved in the formation of the coloring matter of the muscles, and about 21% is deposited in the spleen and liver “in reserve”.

  - is a necessary element in the process of supplying cells with oxygen, the "maturation" of red blood cells and the formation of hemoglobin. The presence of copper in the body is necessary for the effectiveness of iron, otherwise the reserves of iron accumulated in the liver will not be able to participate in the formation of hemoglobin. Copper contributes to the body's better processing of carbohydrates and proteins, as well as increased insulin activity.

- has an active influence on protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism. In addition, manganese enhances the action of insulin and supports a certain level of cholesterol in the blood. With the direct participation of manganese, fat is more fully utilized in the body.

  - is part of a number of important enzymes that ensure the normal course of tissue respiration and redox processes. In addition, zinc is part of the muscle tissue and blood. A prolonged shortage of zinc in food leads to a decrease in the function of the sex glands and pituitary.

  - is the only known trace elements that takes an active role in the biosynthesis of hormones. Iodine is involved in the synthesis of thyroxine - a thyroid hormone that controls the level of heat production, the intensity of basal metabolism and the state of energy metabolism.

  - has a significant impact on bone formation and the formation of dentin and tooth enamel. Fluoride is also necessary for a person to prevent dental caries and osteoporosis.

  - is a necessary element for the normal functioning of the human immune system. In addition, it exhibits antioxidant properties, reducing the negative effects of free radicals.

In order for the body to work and develop in a normal rhythm, all the substances useful for it - minerals and vitamins, must be obtained with food. How the body uses minerals and how they are absorbed through the intestinal wall depends on the products with which the minerals enter the body.

It should be noted that the body's need for all minerals can be fully satisfied with a balanced diet, which includes products of both plant and animal origin.

The most important minerals in food.Minerals in the human body play an extremely important role: they control metabolic and immune processes, support chemical processes in cells, participate in the formation of many enzymes and hormones, provide blood formation to the blood, and are the building material of bone tissue.

Minerals are divided into micro (potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine) and macro (iron, zinc, copper, selenium, molybdenum, iodine, manganese) elements. Both are necessary for the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body, and, in macroelements, our body needs relatively large quantities than microelements expressed in micrograms per 1 kg of human body weight.

You can slightly increase the rate of salt, in case of heavy physical exertion and overheating, for example, in hot weather, or if you live in conditions of high humidity. For people involved in any sport, more sodium is required, since under intense loads it goes hard with sweat.

Where is the sodium:

Sodium is primarily salt: cooking, sea, stone, and also contains sodium, salted meat and fish products, brines and broths, pickled and pickled vegetables and fruits, etc. In addition, sodium is found in cheese, especially in a lot of cheese, rye bread, mineral water, less in meat, fish, seafood, sea kale, in a small amount of sodium is present in carrots, beets, garlic, prunes.

Food sea salt is considered the most beneficial for the body - it contains natural minerals, since it is obtained by evaporation of sea water, use it when cooking!

Keep in mind that if you are a big coffee lover, then frequent caffeine intake contributes to sodium loss.


Almost 80% of the microelement contained in the body is in bone tissue. Phosphorus metabolism is closely related to calcium metabolism. Phosphorus is involved in the formation of enzymes responsible for obtaining energy from food. Consumption of phosphorus prevents lipid metabolism and thereby normalizes cholesterol levels. The daily rate of phosphorus is 1-1.5 g

Where phosphorus is contained:

brewer's yeast (1753 mg), wheat bran (1276 mg), pumpkin seeds (1144 mg), wheat seedlings (1118 mg), sunflower seeds (837 mg), Brazil nuts (693 mg), sesame seed (592 mg), soybeans (554 mg), almonds (504 mg), cheese “Cheder” (478 mg), flounder (450 mg), milk and dairy products, cheeses, beef and beef liver, rabbit meat, fish, eggs, nuts, peas, beans , oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, rice, barley, Jerusalem artichoke, cabbage, beets, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, cherries, apricots, grapes, apples, watermelon, pear, currants, strawberries.

Keep in mind that most of all phosphorus comes from animal products, and it is better absorbed from them than from plants, although there is also a lot of them in them.

You will receive a daily phosphorus rate if you eat:

Pumpkin Seeds - 6 tablespoons

Hard cheese - 150 g

Oatmeal - 350 g

You can see the recipe of cooking delicious and healthy dishes - beef.


Calcium is one of the most important minerals it is the building basis for bone tissue, and is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Thanks to calcium in the body, acid-base balance is maintained and normal metabolism is ensured. The average human need for calcium is 1.0 g - 1.2 g. With a lack of calcium in the human body, such a dangerous disease can develop as, or in other words, brittle bones. In which products  look for it   important mineral substance?

Where calcium is found:

poppy seeds (1667 mg), sesame seeds (1474 mg), hard cheese (1000 mg), wheat bran (950 mg), halvah (824 mg), young nettle (713 mg), black tea (495 mg), seeds sunflower (367 mg), cherry (309 mg), wild rose (257 mg), nutmeg and pistachios (250 mg), parsley (245 mg), cress (214 mg), dairy products, nuts, peas, beans, beans, soybeans, green peas, lentils, whole leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, seaweed, radishes, carrots, celery, asparagus, citrus fruits, apples, apricots, strawberries, blackberries, gooseberries, grapes, peaches, currants, salmon, sardis us

It is necessary to take into account that without vitamin D (contained in eggs, fatty fish varieties and synthesized by the sun), calcium is not absorbed, and the best for its absorption is the combination of calcium with vitamin D, phosphorus, magnesium and ascorbic acid. Normally, the ratio between calcium and phosphorus in the body should be 2: 1, if the phosphorus enters the body more, the calcium content begins to fall.

Those who like to drink a lot of coffee, soda, eat sweets, salty, fatty foods, consume alcohol and smoke tobacco need to remember that the loss of calcium in the body increases and, accordingly, the need for it increases.

You will get daily calcium intake if you eat:

Sesame Seed - 100 g

Durum cheese, 150 g

Kefir - 2 glasses

You can see the recipe of cooking tasty and healthy.


Iron performs an essential function in the body - it participates in the formation of hemoglobin in the blood. The ability of the body to resist infections and produce energy depends on the iron content in the blood. Daily intake of iron - 10-15 mg.

Where iron is contained:

dried porcini mushrooms (30 mg), shellfish (25 mg), wheat bran and molasses (20 mg), pork liver (20 mg), brewer's yeast (18 mg), seaweed (17 mg), cocoa powder (15 mg ), pumpkin seeds and sesame seed (14 mg), cocoa powder and lentils (12 mg), sesame (11 mg), buckwheat (8 mg), peas (7 mg), egg yolk (7 mg), blueberries ( 7 mg), offal: heart, liver, kidney, white fish, citrus fruits, apples, pomegranates, pears, strawberries and strawberries, blackberries, plums, apricots, quince, peaches, cherries, blueberries, raspberries, currants, plums, bananas, dried fruits , nuts, wild rose, dill, parsley, onion, celery, horseradish, garlic, young nettle, dandelion leaves and radish tops, carrots, turnips, pumpkin, beets, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, spinach, cabbage, pumpkins, beets, bread, wheat and rye, beans, rye bread.

Iron from meat and fish is absorbed more easily than from products of plant origin. In drawing up the menu, it is important to remember that the assimilation of iron contributes to food rich in vitamin C. Therefore, when preparing fish, do not forget to pour it generously with lemon juice. While eating meat, prepare a salad of fresh vegetables as a side dish.

You will receive a daily iron intake if you eat:

Pork liver - 50 g

Calf liver - 200 g

Sesame Seed - 80 g

Beef -200 g

If you find a lack of iron in the blood - anemia, then, as an option, you can prepare yourself lunch: with a vegetable salad and drink a glass.


Zinc is part of more than 100 enzymes,   which provide redox processes in the body. Zinc is necessary for the formation of insulin and the regulation of the activity of the sex glands. Zinc, as well as vitamin A, is important for. The daily need for zinc for a person is 10-15 mg.

Where does zinc contain:

oysters (60 mg), wheat bran (16 mg), beef (10 mg), yeast (8 mg), sesame seed (7, 9 mg), pumpkin seeds (7.44 mg), chicken liver (6.6 mg ), nuts (6 mg), cocoa powder (6.3 mg), sunflower seeds (5.3 mg), beef liver (5 mg), cheese (5 mg), beef tongue (4.8 mg), soy and beans (4.2 mg), egg yolk (4 mg), beans and peas (3.2 mg), pork and lamb (3 mg), goose meat (2.4 mg), rabbit, dried mushrooms, fish and seafood , milk, corn, buckwheat, barley, oatmeal, honey, apples, citrus fruits, raspberries, currants, avocados, dried fruits, green vegetables, cabbage, beets, celery, che nok, onion, nettle, goutweed, asparagus, radish, radishes, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes.

Do not drink tea with food, as tannin in the tea prevents the absorption of zinc, especially it is important to take into account those who have found anemia.

In order to get the maximum amount of zinc from food, it is recommended to simmer and bake, much less zinc remains when cooking, of course, you should not fry food in the same way.

You will receive a daily rate of zinc if you eat:

Oysters (large) - 1 piece

Beef liver - 170 g

Turkey - 700 g

You can make a healthy, tasty diet meal.

The most useful products by the ratio of mineral substances in them

It is important not only the flow of macro-and micro-elements, but also the ratio in which there are various mineral substances among themselves in the body. presents a list of products that contain the most successful combination of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. Regular consumption of these foods ensures maximum health benefits, since the natural ratio of minerals in them is optimal for humans. Pay your attention to   the most useful products  mineral ratio in them:

  1. Cottage cheese (Ca - 150 mg, P - 216 mg, Mg - 8, K - 112 mg)
  2. Beans (Ca - 150 mg, P - 541 mg, Mg - 103, K - 1110 mg)
  3. Hazelnuts (Ca - 140 mg, P - 229 mg, Mg - 172, K - 717 mg)
  4. Peas (Ca - 115 mg, P - 329 mg, Mg - 128, K - 730 mg)
  5. Walnuts (Ca - 90 mg, P - 564 mg, Mg - 100, K - 660 mg)
  6. Salad (Ca - 77 mg, P - 34 mg, Mg - 40, K - 220 mg)
  7. Rye bread (Ca - 75 mg, P - 174 mg, Mg - 40, K - 227 mg)
  8. Celery (Ca - 63 mg, P - 27 mg, Mg - 33, K - 393 mg)
  9. Chicken egg (Ca - 50 mg, P - 215 mg, Mg - 12, K - 140 mg)
  10. Cabbage (Ca - 50 mg, P - 31 mg, Mg - 16, K - 185 mg)
  11. Carrots (Ca - 33 mg, P - 55 mg, Mg - 12, K - 200 mg)
  12. Leek (Ca - 31 mg, P - 58 mg, Mg - 14, K - 175 mg)
  13. Millet (Ca - 27 mg, P - 233 mg, Mg - 83, K - 211 mg)
  14. Rice (Ca - 24 mg, P - 97 mg, Mg - 26, K - 100 mg)
  15. Buckwheat (Ca - 21 mg, P - 298 mg, Mg - 78, K - 480 mg)
  16. Cucumbers (Ca - 16 mg, P - 42 mg, Mg - 13, K - 142 mg)
  17. Beets (Ca - 16 mg, P - 43 mg, Mg - 23, K - 290 mg)
  18. Potatoes (Ca - 10 mg, P - 58 mg, Mg - 23, K - 610 mg)
  19. Tomatoes (Ca - 10 mg, P - 26 mg, Mg - 8, K - 290 mg)
  20. Apples (Ca - 6 mg, P - 11 mg, Mg - 9, K - 275 mg)

In order to avoid the lack of any of minerals food  must be diverse. If you have bad habits, are forced, then you have a great need for mineral substances and this must be taken into account when making up your daily menu. In addition, under certain physiological conditions of the body - in children during growth and in pregnant women, the need for iron and calcium increases. Remember that prolonged heat treatment reduces the useful amount of minerals in the products, try not to digest the vegetables, do not cook them until fully cooked, leave them half-baked, let them "reach" in the pan. Try as much as possible to eat vegetables and fruits in raw form, as well as fast freezing products, then you will get all essential minerals.