Why buckwheat honey? Buckwheat honey: beneficial properties and contraindications

There are quite a few varieties of honey, but buckwheat remains the most popular. This beekeeping product has long been used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, so people are interested in its benefits and harms. But you should start studying the important aspects with chemical composition and all the ensuing nuances.

Composition of buckwheat honey

Today there are more than 400 types of honey. Each type is distinguished by its list of incoming elements. Buckwheat honey contains natural saccharides in the form of glucose, fructose, and sucrose.

The beekeeping product boasts an accumulation of amino acids, rare of which are not able to be produced human body offline.

Buckwheat honey is not deprived of protein compounds, water, ash, and organic acids. Of the latter, it makes sense to highlight lemon, linolenic, succinic, oxalic, apple, gluconic, milk, wine and others.

Special mention should be made of inorganic acids, such as hydrochloric and phosphoric. The product also contains many enzymes: glycogenase, inulase, catalase, invertase, peroxidase, amylase, phospholipase.

It is clear that many of these substances are not present in human hearing. But it is important to understand that they are all needed for the full functioning of vital organs and systems.

The beekeeping product boasts an accumulation of valuable vitamins. Thus, group B is responsible for the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system. Ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system during viral epidemics. Tocopherol is a natural antioxidant.

It is also worth saying that honey concentrates rare vitamins PP and H. It contains a lot of ash, 0.19% is allocated to this element. The main difference between buckwheat honey and other types is its rapid susceptibility to sugaring.

This is due to the accumulation of more than 40 minerals. Among them are phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, chlorine, copper, iodine, calcium, manganese, cobalt, potassium and others.

Benefits of buckwheat honey

  1. The composition is dominated by iron, buckwheat honey is the record holder for the accumulation of this mineral compound. Iron is necessary to prevent anemia in adults and children.
  2. Honey increases the number of red blood cells, opens and cleanses blood channels. When consuming honey, hemoglobin increases, dizziness disappears, and blood composition improves.
  3. Many people know the condition of vitamin deficiency, in which the general state of health worsens. In particular, it suffers nervous system. Honey accumulates a lot of B vitamins, which are needed to combat stress and chronic fatigue.
  4. Buckwheat honey replenishes nutritional deficiencies better than others. It increases the body's defenses in people who naturally suffer from low immunity. It will be easier for you to endure winter flu epidemics and transitions between seasons.
  5. Honey is used to treat measles, increased intracranial and blood pressure, frequent headaches and migraines. The product is useful for categories of people who suffer from decreased vision or have recently suffered retinal hemorrhage.
  6. Buckwheat honey-based lotions and compresses are used to treat dermatological problems such as eczema, psoriasis or boils. The product can be used to improve hair condition, combat dandruff and severe oiliness.
  7. If you have rheumatism and other joint-related diseases, use warming compresses with honey. In general, the product prevents many ailments. You need to eat 10 grams. per day to prevent inflammation and colds.
  8. IN folk medicine Eye drops, tinctures for kidney treatment, various compresses and masks are made based on honey. It is also useful to consume buckwheat honey for people who suffer from indigestion and liver and kidney diseases.

  1. The product is often used as the main component for body wraps, cellulite massage and other cosmetic procedures. Honey improves the condition of the skin and cleanses it through the pores, enhances the release of collagen, making the body elastic.
  2. The composition has found recognition in the hair care industry. If you mix honey with cinnamon, you can lighten your hair by 0.5-1 tone. Honey is used to treat seborrhea, dandruff, oiliness, slow growth and alopecia.
  3. The benefits for women are determined by the ability of honey to improve the functioning of the reproductive system. At the same time, the beekeeping product strengthens the immune system and prevents anemia.
  4. It is useful for girls to consume the beekeeping product during menstruation. Due to heavy discharge, most of the iron is washed out in the blood, the girl feels a loss of strength and apathy. Just 3 dessert spoons of honey a day will relieve you of illness and reduce the frequency of abdominal cramps.
  5. It is extremely useful for girls who are in a “ticklish” position to eat honey. Naturally, if there is no allergy to the product. The composition will enrich the body's cells with nutrients, increase blood circulation and eliminate swelling.

Benefits of buckwheat honey for men

  1. The stronger half of humanity is recommended to eat dark varieties of honey. The composition is especially useful for the male body. This beekeeping product has a pleasant bitterness.
  2. Numerous studies and observations have shown that honey supports normal activities genitourinary system.
  3. Regular intake of raw materials allows you to avoid the development of problems with potency. The composition also has a beneficial effect on reproductive function.
  4. If you do not have any contraindications or an allergic reaction to the product, experts recommend including honey in your daily diet from a young age. To improve your health and prevent the development of illnesses, it is enough to eat 40 grams. raw materials per day.

Buckwheat honey for diabetes

  1. Buckwheat honey has contraindications. One of them is diabetes mellitus. The product contains sucrose, fructose and glucose. Such substances increase sugar levels in the body. Therefore, the product is dangerous for people who are on insulin.
  2. However, if you go deeper and study more information, you will find that some doctors allow the consumption of honey for such a disease. Buckwheat composition will benefit the body if you have early stage diabetes. It is enough to regularly take the raw material in minimal doses.
  3. If you study this fact, you can be convinced of its reliability. In addition to glucose, the product contains levulose. The substance, together with fructose, is accepted by the body of diabetics. As a result, simple carbohydrates do not cause a sharp jump in blood sugar.

  1. The beekeeping product has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver. The product is often included in health care products for hepatitis. To do this, take 1 kg. buckwheat honey and pine infusion from pine needles.
  2. The components must be mixed in a clay pot. Additionally, pour 2 liters into the mixture. purified water. Seal the container tightly and leave the product for about 10 days during the cold season. In summer, 3 days is enough.
  3. Drink 200 ml. prepared raw materials twice a day. This remedy helps to significantly improve your health if you have hepatosis, cirrhosis, or alcohol intoxication.

Harm of buckwheat honey

  1. Buckwheat honey is contraindicated for consumption by people who have an allergic reaction or individual intolerance to the product.
  2. Don't forget about the high calorie content of honey. Even in the absence of contraindications, overeating is fraught with rapid weight gain. Also, do not try to consume honey at high temperatures.
  3. The daily norm should not exceed 40 grams. Honey should not be given to children under 2 years of age. Also, do not dissolve the product in hot water. Honey breaks down and forms dangerous carcinogens. Substances contribute to the development of oncology.

Of course, buckwheat honey has a lot of useful qualities. These properties have a positive effect on the heart, nervous, immune system, bone tissue, hair and skin. It is worth understanding that all good things should be in moderation. Before reading the composition for the first time, make sure that you are not allergic to it.

Video: how to choose buckwheat honey

Buckwheat honey is a tasty and healthy natural product, the healing properties of which were already known to our distant ancestors. It's safe to say that buckwheat honey leads in the content of vitamins and microelements among other honeys.

Buckwheat honey, description

Buckwheat honey has a dark, rich color. It can be either an amber shade with a slight reddish note, or dark brown or almost black.

As the name suggests, buckwheat honey obtained from nectar collected by bees from buckwheat. begins at the end of June and continues almost until the end of July. This honey plant is planted en masse in Altai and the Oryol region. Thanks to the high productivity of buckwheat, up to 80 kilograms of honey can be obtained from one hectare.

Buckwheat honey has a dark, rich color (it can be an amber shade with a slight reddish note, or dark brown or almost black) and a bright aroma. This honey tastes slightly tart and causes a slight soreness or burning sensation in the throat. So it is almost impossible to confuse this product with any other. This honey crystallizes faster than some varieties (for example, acacia honey).

Beekeepers begin pumping buckwheat honey after the honey harvest is over (it usually lasts two to three weeks in July) and the bees “work” on the collected nectar (this will take another week). During this time, the honey will infuse, be enriched with enzymes, excess moisture will be removed from it, and complex sugars will be broken down into simple ones.
Experts consider the sealing of honeycomb cells by bees with wax caps to be a sign that honey is ready. As soon as all the cells are closed, you can start pumping honey. But sometimes, due to a lack of framework, apiary workers begin pumping out honey before it is fully ripe. In this case, the result is a low-quality product with a large amount of water and fructose, which will quickly turn sour and will not bring any benefit.

Buckwheat honey, beneficial properties

Experts note that buckwheat honey contains a lot of carbohydrates and proteins, as well as boron, nickel, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, cobalt, copper, iodine, B vitamins (B1 and B2) and PP. The amount of essential amino acids it contains is also impressive: it is twice the norm contained in other types of honey. This composition makes buckwheat honey not only an excellent general strengthening agent that can be consumed daily to improve immunity and restore strength, but also allows you to use it:

  • as a natural antiseptic (it can be used to treat burns and purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, boils, cuts);
  • to cleanse the blood and blood vessels, as well as to increase hemoglobin levels;
  • to lower blood pressure, treat and prevent hypertension;
  • as an antidepressant and mild sedative;
  • for the treatment of a wide range of diseases: vitamin deficiency, rheumatism, anemia, neurological disorders, gastritis, stomach ulcers, tonsillitis, bronchitis, kidney and liver diseases;
  • for tissue regeneration;
  • to remove radionuclides from the body;
  • for diabetic nutrition.

The healing properties of buckwheat honey are complemented by its unique ability to perfectly cleanse the skin, which allows it to be used in cosmetology. But we must remember that honey is a strong allergen, so before consuming it you need to make sure that you do not suffer from individual intolerance to this product.

How to choose the right buckwheat honey

You will find more information on how to choose natural honey in

Honey has long been considered a healing product that helps prevent or cure many diseases. Buckwheat honey is considered one of the most common and healthy. It has a unique composition, is capable of killing bacteria, fighting colds and flu, increasing immunity and restoring the body's strength, strengthening blood vessels and normalizing blood pressure. But only natural buckwheat honey has such properties; we will discuss how to determine it in this article.

How to identify natural honey

Organoleptically. Buckwheat honey has a distinct color from dark red and cherry to dark brown, due to its high iron content. After crystallization, it turns into a mushy mass with grains or air bubbles. Honey has a strong, bright aroma and a specific tart taste that causes a slight sore throat.

Chemical pencil. A drop of honey should be rubbed on the palm of your hand and then drawn over with a pencil. If the trace turns blue and blurry, it means the honey has been diluted with water.

Natural honey should be viscous. Ripe and undiluted honey is smoothly rolled onto a spoon, but too liquid and unripe honey will drain from it.

High-quality honey cannot foam, otherwise this indicates fermentation, which simply does not happen in a natural product, because it is bactericidal.

The presence of starch can be determined using an iodine test. To do this, pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of honey, stir, allow to cool, and add a few drops of iodine. If the mixture turns blue, it means that the honey is adulterated with starch.

If you dip a thin stick into liquid buckwheat honey, it will follow it as one continuous thread. Fake honey, on the contrary, will begin to flow and drip down from the stick.

To determine the addition of water and sugar, you can conduct the following experiment: place a drop of honey on a piece of low-grade paper (toilet paper or a regular napkin) and observe. If honey begins to seep through the paper or spread over it, this indicates that it is unnatural. Natural buckwheat honey will retain its shape on paper as it does not contain water.

If the honey has already crystallized, you can take a small piece and set it on fire. In this case, the natural product will melt, and the fake one will hiss and crackle.

And remember, the best time to buy honey is in season. It starts with honey savior (August 14). Give preference to beekeepers that you know yourself or recommend from friends, so there will be less chance of running into a fake.

Bees produce buckwheat honey from the nectar of flowering buckwheat. IN middle lane In Russia it is the main honey plant for many regions. Under favorable weather conditions, up to 80 kg of honey can be obtained from one hectare. Experts call it a “cure” for many ailments. Main feature This variety has a high content of iron, potassium and B vitamins.

Buckwheat honey is well recognizable: it has a dark color with a characteristic reddish tint, rich aroma and taste. However, you shouldn’t focus on a certain color or taste: they change depending on many factors.

The hue and taste of buckwheat honey can depend on the time of collection and even on weather conditions.

Freshly harvested buckwheat honey


The consistency of honey is determined by its maturity. The freshly harvested sweet product has a liquid-like dense structure; when poured, the stream of honey stretches and is not interrupted. 30-40 days after collection, honey thickens and quickly crystallizes, acquiring a distinct granularity. Ripe buckwheat honey sticks tightly to the spoon and does not roll or fall. At low storage temperatures, a porous white cap forms on top.


Buckwheat honey is a dark variety, however, the color range is varied. The standard color is considered to be dark brown with a bright reddish tint. Fresh, just harvested product may be light brown with a yellowish or purple tint. As a rule, after thickening and crystallization, such honey becomes darker. A fresh dark brown product, on the contrary, after crystallization becomes lighter, acquiring a yellowish-brown tint.

Dark brown color Brown purple color

Taste and aroma

Buckwheat honey has a rich and bright taste at any stage of maturity. Experts note its rich and unusual bouquet.

There are three components of the taste of buckwheat honey:

  • astringency - especially a freshly harvested product has this quality;
  • light bitterness with a taste of cognac;
  • burning sensation – after taking it, there is a slight sore throat and a pleasant aftertaste.

The aroma of buckwheat honey depends on the place and time of collection.

Judging by the reviews, light flavor notes may be felt in it:

  • prunes;
  • nutmeg;
  • caramel;
  • walnut;
  • cinnamon.

The fresh product has a rich aroma of dried grass and wildflowers.

Characteristics of buckwheat honey

This belongs to the highest category and is considered one of the richest in nutrients. In total, scientists note more than 40 macro- and microelements in it. Compared to other types, buckwheat contains several times more protein and amino acids.


Buckwheat honey has been well studied by microbiologists, so today its full composition is known for certain.

  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium.

Among the most important vitamins are:

  • thiamine (B1);
  • riboflavin (B2);
  • rare RR and N;
  • B3 (nicotinic acid);
  • B5 (pantothenic acid);
  • B6 (pyrodoxine).

Essential acids occupy a special place in the composition:

  • dairy;
  • amber;
  • wine

Calories and nutritional value

Of all the most popular types of honey, buckwheat is the most high-calorie. One hundred grams of the product contains about 339 kcal when ripe and about 302 kcal when freshly harvested.

The nutritional value is also very high:

  • proteins - 0.99 grams;
  • fats - 0 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 76.77 grams.

It is important to remember that one teaspoon of buckwheat honey has a calorie content of approximately 40 kcal, a tablespoon - 120 kcal.

Sugaring time

Crystallization of buckwheat honey occurs relatively quickly - 30-40 days after collection. Already on the 25th day, one can notice the formation of a dense, thick consistency with the gradual formation of large crystals. The period of complete saccharification depends on the time of collection. So, in the southern regions of Russia, honey is pumped in the second half of July, and by mid-October it is completely thick. In the central zone of the country, the collection ends at the end of August, so final crystallization occurs by the end of November.

Natural buckwheat honey, which has not been subject to artificial “dissolution” (heating) in winter, should be thick, candied with a dense top cap.

In the photo you can see what the stages of honey saccharification look like.

Honey is thick at the sugaring stage Formation of crystals Porous white cap

Properties of buckwheat honey

Due to the unique beneficial properties and rich composition of buckwheat, honey from its flowers is considered healing for the body. However, you should not use it instead of sugar or as an everyday treat. Doctors recommend treating honey as a medicine. The average daily norm for an adult is set at 50 grams.

Benefits and indications for use

Honey is recommended to be included in the diet as a dietary supplement during the cold season, in cold period years for the prevention of vitamin deficiency. This natural sweetness is a useful energy booster that helps improve sleep and restore strength. Separately, buckwheat has a number of individual indications.

Traditional medicine prescribes the product in the following cases:

  1. For the prevention of anemia. Due to its high iron content, buckwheat honey improves blood composition (increases hemoglobin).
  2. To maintain cardiovascular system. The product has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, tones blood vessels, and lowers blood pressure. It is a generally accepted remedy for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.
  3. As a powerful antimicrobial and antiviral agent. Can be used internally and externally.
  4. Upper respiratory tract diseases. Buckwheat honey is part of folk therapy for problems with the respiratory system, and is used for sore throats.
  5. Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Normalization of sleep, prevention of nervous disorders.

You can learn more about how buckwheat is extracted and what from it in the video (channel Alexey Vyacheslavovich Mikhalev. Beekeeping).

Harm and contraindications

Harm from buckwheat honey can be primarily due to overeating. In excess quantities, honey can irritate the stomach, increase acidity, and provoke metabolic disorders. Given these features, pediatricians do not recommend the product in baby food under 3 years of age.

Like any sweet, honey should not be used by diabetics. Also, due to its high carbohydrate content, it should be carefully included in the diet of overweight people. In addition, an unconditional contraindication is an allergic reaction to bee products. In some cases, experts note individual intolerance to honey.

Buckwheat honey increases blood flow, so during treatment, if there is an elevated body temperature (more than 37.5 degrees), it should not be used.

How to check buckwheat honey for naturalness and quality

Before buying a product on the market or from unfamiliar beekeepers, you should pay attention to some taste, aroma and external indicators.

Buckwheat honey is natural if it has:

  • pronounced aftertaste with subtle notes of caramel, prunes, nuts;
  • characteristic bitterness;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • causes a slight soreness and burning sensation in the throat;
  • thick viscous homogeneous consistency;
  • when pouring freshly collected honey, the stream does not break for a long time and is layered with a small tubercle;
  • after crystallization begins, the product is thick, dense, and does not fall off the spoon.
Correct layering of a stream of quality honey

Honey without foreign impurities and additives dissolves completely in hot water without visible sediment or flakes.

Honey storage rules

Like any “live” product, if stored improperly, buckwheat honey loses its beneficial properties. After collecting or purchasing, the sweets must be placed in a glass or high-quality plastic container with a tight-fitting lid.

Buckwheat is a herbaceous plant of the buckwheat family, the fruits of which are commonly known as “buckwheat grains” or “buckwheat”. Buckwheat honey is collected by bees at the flowering stage, and all useful microelements are stored in a liquid, viscous state. Regions where buckwheat honey is collected: Altai Territory, Ural, Tatarstan. This type Honey is considered particularly beneficial and can cure many ailments. You will learn about this in detail below.

How to distinguish buckwheat honey from other types of honey?

How to identify buckwheat honey if there is no knowledge in the field of beekeeping products? The main difference that can guide the average person is the dark shade of the viscous substance. Buckwheat honey has a cloudy brown color (less commonly an ocher shade with reddish specks). The spicy aroma and thick formation of honey, rapid crystallization (60-90 days) and a bitter taste are all signs that this is honey collected from buckwheat.
Many people note that when savoring such honey, a tart aftertaste is left in the throat, which is slightly bitter. This does not mean at all that honey is of poor quality or spoiled - these are simply its natural properties. Despite the fact that buckwheat honey crystallizes within 7-12 weeks, its consistency remains the same: without lumps, sugar separation and liquid release to the surface. Buckwheat honey is useful in any form - liquid or solidified.

We can talk endlessly about the benefits of buckwheat honey. Its composition is truly unique due to its high content of vitamins, micro- and macroelements. Honey is rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus and zinc. In addition, the viscous “elixir” contains minerals, protein and amino acids, vitamins B, C and E. Buckwheat honey is recommended for people suffering from anemia, as well as those who have “caught” ARVI or, since the product has antibacterial properties.

Chemical composition of the product

Ratio of BJU per 100 g. buckwheat delicacy is as follows: 0.8 gr. proteins, 0 gr. fat and 80 gr. carbohydrates, here's more details:

  • Grams

Buckwheat honey is an excellent substitute for white sugar. Despite the fact that the product is sufficient (310 kcal per 100 grams), it does not harm the figure. And all because it is physically impossible to eat a lot of it: a couple of teaspoons a day saturates and tones the body so much that thinking about cakes and buns dissipate in an instant.
Buckwheat honey is recommended to be consumed before exams and other important events. The glucose contained in the product activates the brain, energizes you throughout the day, and helps a person concentrate.

Calorie content of buckwheat honey

This product can also be used for cosmetic purposes. Buckwheat honey is indicated for skin diseases, but only if there is no allergy to bee products. If there are no skin diseases, use honey for preventive purposes: a face and hair mask based on buckwheat honey cleanses, tones and restores metabolic processes.
What else is buckwheat honey good for? Of course healing properties during an influenza epidemic. This is especially true in spring and autumn. Thanks to the beneficial properties of buckwheat honey and the high content of vitamins in it, you can speed up recovery in a matter of days.

Don't put honey in hot tea. The optimal temperature of the drink should be no more than 60 degrees. You can also put honey in pure form under the tongue and dissolve - it is in this area that the largest number of receptors are located, which means the absorption of enzymes occurs faster.

Buckwheat honey: contraindications and possible harm

Bee products are the number one allergen among all others. The harm from buckwheat honey can be the same as the benefit if you use it too often or when it is strictly contraindicated.
People with diabetes are at risk. Despite the fact that honey is the opposite of white sugar, it contains substances that diabetics should use with caution - fructose and glucose. Before you start eating buckwheat honey, you must have your doctor's permission. In this case, buckwheat honey has contraindications for medical reasons.
Who can he simply harm, but not fatally? People whose diet is far from balanced. This is because consuming honey according to the principle “when I want and as much as I want” brings little benefit. Anyone who mindlessly consumes honey (especially before bed) often complains of heartburn and minor rashes. A couple of teaspoons per day is enough to satisfy the body's daily need for vitamins.

Video about buckwheat honey