Rehydron recipes at home. How to cook rehydron at home with your own hands Regidron or mineral water

Common symptoms of an acute course infectious diseases gastrointestinal tract include diarrhea and vomiting, which rarely occur one without the other. Thus, the body tries to get rid of poisons that have been ingested with food or are the result of a reaction to pathogenic viruses, bacteria.

Their prolonged manifestation is very dangerous for the health of not only a child, but also an adult.

Dehydration or dehydration occurs when the body loses clean water along with useful substances - potassium and sodium salts, which are necessary to maintain osmotic pressure and the proper function of nerve cells.

Electrolytes are involved in the regulation of the activity of muscle tissue, including the heart muscle.

Losses of sodium lead to arrhythmias, a decrease in pressure, potassium - they respond negatively to the state of the skeletal system, insulin intake suffers. Chlorine is necessary for the formation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, deactivation of toxins.

The isomer of glucose, dextrose, is characterized by the maintenance of energy metabolism within cells.

It is possible to harmonize the water-salt balance with the help of a remedy that will help return the patient to a normal state.

Regidron as an effective drug against dehydration

As part of the drug - sodium and potassium chloride, sodium citrate dihydrate, dextrose. Dissolving the powder in one liter of water allows electrolytes to replenish their deficiency in the body, correct the disturbed metabolic process.

Regidron is indicated for diarrhea for adult patients; it is not prohibited for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

The solution is used for oral administration during the day. It is stored in the refrigerator at a temperature not lower than two to eight degrees Celsius. Take the drug in the acute form of diarrhea for the first six to eight hours with a strong weight loss. Its amount should be twice the lost mass.

Regidron should be used no more than three to four days. Nutrition at this time should consist of food rich in fats and carbohydrates. If nausea or vomiting occurs during the administration of the drug, then it is administered using a probe.

When the solution is taken correctly, there are no side effects. An overdose will affect the patient's nervous system in the form of increased excitability or drowsiness, confusion.

For children, there are analogues of the drug with a lower concentration of sodium and a percentage of osmolarity. Analogues and cheaper than Regidron several times. It is quite possible to replace the drug with a similar agent

Regidron - analogues for children


The powder is intended for use by children with dehydration. Analog has White color or light red with a strawberry scent.

One sachet contains active substances - sodium chloride, potassium, sodium hydrocitrate, dextrose hydrate. The medicine is also supplemented with silicon dioxide, aspartame, dry beet root spray, malic acid.

The drug serves to replace electrolytes during a strong loss of fluid by the child's body. It is taken during diarrhea, overheating in the sun, increased sweating.


  • Prepare a solution before taking by pouring a bag of five grams into a glass of boiled, chilled water or tea;
  • The dose for a child under three years old is up to five sachets per day;
  • Middle-aged children - one sachet at a time after each bowel movement;
  • Therapy is continued until the diarrhea stops;
  • Unused portions of the drug can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day;
  • The use of undiluted powder is prohibited, as it will only increase diarrhea;
  • If infants cannot take the solution by mouth, then they should be given an intravenous infusion, followed by a transition to oral administration.


You can replace Regidron with Reosolan. The regenerating agent is released in the form of a powder, from which a solution is prepared and taken orally. The drug is indicated in case of violation of the water-electrolyte balance resulting from dehydration, diarrhea caused by cholera vibrio, heat damage, intense sweating.


  • One sachet weighing two grams is dissolved in a glass of water, eleven grams - in half a liter, more than twenty grams - in a liter of liquid;
  • With severe diarrhea, half a glass of the solution is taken every three to five hours until the diarrhea stops;
  • For children under three years old, ten milliliters every ten minutes for six hours.

The remedy is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to the drug, diabetes mellitus.


Compensates for potassium, sodium salts, reducing or preventing dehydration. The product is available in the form of tablets of two types. For each tablet of solan containing sodium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium bicarbonate or sodium citrate, there are four tablets of glucose, which is two grams of the substance. There is also such a form of medicine as powder sachets.


  • Take the remedy inside, diluting the tablets in one hundred milliliters of water;
  • The contents of the packages must be dissolved in one liter of liquid;
  • With severe diarrhea and vomiting, use 60-70 milliliters per kilogram of the patient's body weight for six to seven hours orally or through a tube;
  • For newborns and children under three years old - two to three teaspoons;
  • The drug can also be taken as a preventive measure to prevent a violation of the water-salt balance.


The drug is close in composition to Glucosolan, but glucose is not separately attached, but mixed with electrolytes. The drug is produced in powder, packaged in sachets of 2.39 grams, 11.95 grams, 23.9 grams. Accordingly, it is diluted in one hundred, five hundred, thousand milliliters of liquid.


  • Adults with diarrhea are given a quarter or half cup of the solution every five minutes for three to five hours;
  • Small children - one to two teaspoons every five to ten minutes from four to six hours;
  • The duration of admission depends on the cessation of diarrhea, the restoration of water-salt balance;
  • Dehydration associated with overheating is eliminated with a dose of a solution of one hundred and fifty milliliters during the first thirty minutes, and then every forty.

Contraindication to use is intolerance to the components of the drug.


The pharmacological preparation is used to restore metabolism in the body, improve blood microcirculation, normalize the function of the heart and kidneys.

Regidron is a drug in the form of a white powder, which is used to restore the water and alkaline balance in the body. The most common reason for using the drug is fluid loss.

Together with the liquid, the body loses a lot of electrolytes and minerals. And rehydron, in turn, is a drug that replenishes electrolytes in a depleted body.

Such a drug can be bought at a pharmacy, but homemade rehydron can also be prepared. The production time of the tool will not take much time.

How to cook rehydron at home, read below.

When to use Rehydron

Regidron is an oral rehydration agent that restores electrolytes. Electrolytes and trace elements are washed out of the body, usually due to dehydration.

This is observed in infectious intestinal diseases and poisoning, heat stroke, alcohol intoxication and with intense sweating.

However, like any drug, rehydron has its own contraindications.

The drug is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus, both the first and second types; renal failure and intestinal obstruction. The drug should be used with caution in patients with high level blood pressure and severe heart failure.

What is required to prepare rehydron at home?

The composition of the pharmacy powder includes: sodium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium, potassium, chlorine and acidity regulator. If you bought the powder in a pharmacy, then it will not be difficult to prepare it yourself, you just need to dilute the drug with water. In order to prepare rehydron at home, you need a recipe.

Preparation must begin with disinfection (clean container and cleanly washed hands). To prepare a solution intended for dehydration, ingredients are needed that will always be found: this is ordinary table salt, sugar, baking soda and plenty of warm boiled water.

Not observing the rules of hygiene, we can aggravate the situation by adding bacterial microflora.

cooking recipes

There are several recipes for making rehydron at home.

Recipe one: you need to take 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt and dilute with 200 milliliters of warm boiled water.

Recipe two: take 2 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of salt, ¼ teaspoon of soda and pour 500 milliliters of warm boiled water.

For third recipe need 2 liter jars. In one jar, add 1 tablespoon of salt, and in another - 1 tablespoon of soda, then pour a liter of boiled warm water. Drink the solution in turn, first from one can, then from the second, in equal amounts every 10 minutes.

The solution must be thoroughly mixed so that there is no precipitation. Water for the solution should not be hot or cold. Water should be at room temperature - about 20-22 degrees, so the medicinal solution will be absorbed and absorbed faster.

A solution of rehydron prepared at home should be drunk immediately. In this case, all the necessary trace elements will be absorbed faster. Before use, you must remove the liquid from the refrigerator so as not to use it cold.

A self-made solution can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

If during this time a precipitate has formed at the bottom, you should not use this solution. The advantage of pharmacy rehydron over homemade is that the medicine has a shelf life of about three years. Pharmaceutical powder does not have to be stored in the refrigerator.

How should the solution be taken?

Rehydration solution should be drunk in an amount 2 times greater than the loss of body weight due to dehydration. Or calculate the dose - 10 ml / kg of human body weight. For example, if a person has lost 300 grams during dehydration, 600 grams of the solution should be taken orally.

Therefore, it is advisable to weigh yourself before starting treatment in order to assess the stage of dehydration of the body.

If necessary, such treatment can be carried out for up to 5 days. With severe dehydration, you can increase the dose - 20 ml / kg. You need to take the solution in small sips after each episode of liquid stools or vomiting, you need to mix the solution well before use.

Therefore, if the body weight during the disease has decreased by more than 15% of the initial one, additional intravenous rehydration is needed.

Features of therapy in children

The composition of do-it-yourself rehydron for children does not differ from a solution for an adult. Sometimes for babies, a little more sugar can be added to the composition of the solution, or the amount of salt can be reduced.

The main instructions for the child, when using homemade rehydron, is to reduce the dose: 5 ml / kg will be enough. Giving rehydron prepared for infants should be 1-2 teaspoons at a time. If it is difficult to give from a spoon, you can give a solution with a syringe, if it is not available, you can solder the child with a pipette.

Dehydration in a newborn is a very dangerous condition, so it is always advisable to have rehydron in the first aid kit, or its analogues. Infants and young children can replace rehydron with specialized rehydration powders.

Analogues of Regidron for children : Hydrovit forte, Humana electrolyte with fennel, Regidron Bio, which includes lactobacilli.

What you need to know when treating rehydron

Usually there are no allergic manifestations to the drug. However, side effects may occur. It can be convulsions, decreased muscle tone, respiratory failure. If the patient has similar symptoms, it is necessary to stop rehydration therapy.

The doses indicated above should not be exceeded, as there is a risk of developing hypernatremia or hyperkalemia.

If a person has concomitant serious illnesses, then treatment is best done at a stationary level.

If, when using any solution intended for dehydration, drowsiness appears, slurred speech, heat body, cessation of urination, blood in the stool, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Such symptoms indicate the progression of the disease and are not enough effective treatment. In such cases, only medical assistance will help.

Powder "Regidron" is an indispensable component of a children's first aid kit at any time of the year. It is used for prolonged diarrhea, acute intestinal and rotavirus infections, and other conditions accompanied by fluid loss in the body. In order for the drug to work as efficiently as possible, it is important to know how many months to give it, how to dose and apply it correctly. This is described in detail in the instructions.

Regidron is an indispensable assistant for diarrhea or intestinal infection in a child

"Regidron": composition and features of the action

"Regidron" is a powdered mixture of trace elements, in which the body is in dire need of dehydration and acute intoxication. Such conditions are dangerous for the child's body, since the well-being of the baby with diarrhea, vomiting, high acetone worsens in minutes. The child becomes lethargic, dizzy and weak. It is extremely important for parents to prevent fluid loss and mineral imbalances that lead to inhibition of bodily functions.

As part of "Regidron" there are:

  1. Sodium chloride. An essential component for detoxification, compensates for the lack of sodium.
  2. Potassium chloride. It restores the acid-base balance, regulates the osmotic pressure in the blood plasma and restores the potassium rate.
  3. Dextrose. A monosaccharide that provides the necessary energy for metabolism and has an antitoxic effect.
  4. sodium citrate. Regulates osmotic reactions, reduces acidity.

During diarrhea and vomiting, important electrolytes leave the body with water. "Regidron" for children replenishes the balance of salts and corrects the acid-base balance. Dextrose in its composition maintains the necessary level of potassium and sodium citrates, which maintains the proper functioning of body cells. The drug neutralizes toxins and products of activity of pathogenic pathogens, accelerates recovery.

For preparation, Regidron is simply dissolved in the required amount of water.

Release form and storage features

The drug "Regidron" produces "Orion Corporation" (Finland). It is sold dosed in sachets of 18.9 g. Each of them contains a powder that must be diluted in a liter of water. The cost of one bag is about 20 rubles, a cardboard pack of 20 pieces is 400 rubles. The drug can be purchased individually or as a whole package. In the home first aid kit should be a few on-duty sachets of funds.

Shelf life of sachets is 36 months at room temperature. The use time of the diluted powder is 24 hours. It should be poured into a closed container and stored at a temperature of +0-6 degrees (on the balcony, in the refrigerator). When frozen, the product does not lose its medicinal properties.

Indications for use

"Regidron" should be given to the child at the first manifestations of intoxication. The more severe the condition of the crumbs, the more effective the timely intake of the solution and other therapeutic measures. Indications for admission - acute intestinal and rotavirus infections associated with rapid fluid loss (see also:). It is prescribed for an increase in ketone bodies, electrolyte deficiency as a result of thermal injury and severe physical exertion.

It is important for the child to drink the drug on time at regular intervals

Oral rehydration therapy for children is called "drinking". This is not always easy for the mother, because if the child feels unwell, it becomes lethargic and sleeps more.

You should strictly observe the regularity of taking each portion of the solution and wake the child to give the drug. For any symptoms of dehydration, you need to show the baby to the doctor and determine the cause of poor health.

It is equally important to consult a pediatrician if, while taking Regidron and other timely therapy, the following conditions persist for three days:

  • indomitable vomiting;
  • frequent diarrhea, bloody stools;
  • acute pain in the abdomen after the end of diarrhea;
  • convulsions, hallucinations;
  • rare urination, their absence;
  • weight loss over 10%;
  • lethargy, inhibition of reactions.

Contraindications and overdose

The drug is contraindicated in case of problems in the work of the kidneys, high levels of potassium in the blood, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus and intestinal obstruction.

If the dosage is observed, no side effects were found, however, allergic reactions are possible in the form of urticaria, redness skin, rashes on the face, buttocks and legs of the child.

With the introduction of "Rehydron" in excess, hypernatremia is likely. Excess sodium in the body is expressed in drowsiness, confusion, muscle weakness or increased tone. Respiratory arrest and coma are possible, so the dose recommended by the doctor and the frequency of taking the solution should not be exceeded.

The use of "Regidron" by patients with impaired renal function can cause metabolic alkalosis. It is manifested by convulsions, muscle tone, deterioration of lung function. Any overdose requires medical supervision. Specialists prescribe an electrolyte balance correction based on laboratory tests.

At what age should Regidron be taken?

The reaction of children to Regidron is individual, so it is important to consult a pediatrician before taking it. Previously, it was believed that the solution of this drug can be taken by newborns, infants, pregnant women. However, at present, pediatricians prescribe the drug and its analogues with caution to children of one year of age and infants.

The reason is the high content of sodium, an excess of which is dangerous for a fragile organism. However, the drug is still the favorite in terms of efficiency and speed of restoring electrolyte balance in dehydration. In critical situations, its use is justified from birth, from 10 months to a year. Additionally, with Regidron, the doctor prescribes other drugs aimed at eliminating the cause that caused diarrhea and vomiting.

For infants, the drug is used only after approval by the pediatrician

Instructions for use

The preparation of the Regidron solution will take a couple of minutes. The contents of the sachet should be diluted in a liter of cold boiled or special baby water. Additionally, no components should be administered so as not to disturb the balance of substances in the preparation.

Before starting therapy, it is advisable to weigh the child in order to assess how much fluid he lost during the illness. This will help determine the effectiveness of the solution.

During treatment, it is recommended to avoid fatty foods and foods rich in simple carbohydrates. Breast-feeding and the child's nutrition can not be interrupted if the condition is not associated with an acetone crisis, poisoning, intestinal and rotavirus infection, where a special diet is needed.

The basic principles of taking Regidron:

  • the drug is soldered for 3-4 days;
  • the solution is offered from a spoon or syringe in small doses (5 ml each);
  • the frequency of drinking - every 10-15 minutes;
  • for the first 10 hours, the child should take twice as much solution as the fluid lost;
  • the child should be watered even at night, the baby should receive a portion of liquid every 15 minutes;
  • subject to severe vomiting, children can be offered a frozen solution of Regidron in the form of ice cubes (see also:);
  • infants should drink a teaspoon of the solution every 10 minutes for 4 hours.

It is important to prevent dehydration of the child, as this is fraught with serious consequences for his body.

If, after correction by "Rehydron", vomiting and diarrhea do not stop within 4-10 hours, other liquids (alkaline water, weak tea) are administered according to the following scheme:

Child weight (kg)Total fluid volume required (dl)The volume of "Rehydron" (dl)Water volume (dl)Volume of other liquids (dl)
5 8,2 3,5 2,1 2,7
6 10 4,2 2,4 3,3
7 10,5 4,4 2,6 3,5
8 11 4,6 2,8 3,6
9 11,5 4,8 2,9 3,9
10 12 5,0 3,0 4
12 13 5,4 3,2 4,4
14 14 5,8 3,5 4,8
16 15 6,2 3,7 5,1
18 16 6,6 4,0 5,5
20 17 7,0 4,2 5,8
25 18 7,5 4,5 6,0
30 19 8,0 4,8 6,3
40 21 9,0 5,4 6,6

Similar drugs

"Regidron" with intolerance to the components should be replaced with such drugs: "Polifepan", "Regidron Bio", "Hydrovit", "Hydrovit Forte", "Enterodez". In terms of composition and mode of action, Hydrovit is similar to Regidron, but it includes a number of flavorings and is stored in finished form for no more than 1 hour. Reactions to its components are possible.

If necessary, the drug can be replaced by analogues, for example, Regidron Bio

The use of Enterodez is indicated for poisoning. It copes well with intoxication against the background of viral and acute intestinal infections, enterocolitis, radiation exposure. As an absorbent, "Polifepan" of plant origin is also used. It removes toxins, allergens, heavy metal salts, excess bilirubin, urea and other metabolic products. "Rehydron Bio" contains more salts than the traditional "Rehydron", and also includes bifidobacteria that are beneficial for the intestines.

How to make an analogue of "Rehydron" at home?

Oral rehydration salt solutions are a mixture of water, sugar and salt. Therefore, they can be bred with your own hands. When the drug is unexpectedly over, you can make its analogue at home, and then buy the powder at the pharmacy. The classic composition of the "home" mixture is as follows: a liter of boiled water cooled to room temperature, 20-30 gr. sugar, 3 gr. table salt, 2 gr. soda. After three years, half of the water is replaced with a decoction of carrots and raisins (to replenish the balance of potassium).

Almost the same recipe is given by Dr. Komarovsky in his reference book "Emergency Care":

  • boiled water - liter;
  • baking soda - 1 tsp;
  • table salt - 1 tsp;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tsp

The first day after poisoning, you should only drink the baby "Rehydron" and give another liquid. When vomiting stops, the child can be offered to eat crackers, drink diluted Apple juice or dried fruit compote. Later it is worth preparing rice water, liquid porridge on the water, offer half a banana. It is not necessary to give spicy, fatty, smoked foods, dairy products for the first 5-7 days after the illness. If you feel better, the doctor's control is necessary after two days.

Poisoning is often accompanied by dehydration of the body, and it is very important to restore the water-salt balance as soon as possible, if there are no necessary funds in the first-aid kit, you can very quickly prepare Regidron at home.

In case of poisoning, it is important to prevent dehydration of the body with subsequent unpleasant phenomena. Rehydration solutions, both pharmaceutical and home cooking, allow you to prevent dehydration, but cannot eliminate the very cause of the disease.

What is Regidron for?

Regidron is a mixture of water and salts that allows you to compensate for the loss of vital minerals, salts and fluids. The drug has practically no contraindications and is a lifesaver for mothers of babies.

Most childhood diseases are of an infectious nature and are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms leading to pathological fluid loss. Dehydration is also dangerous for an adult, to say nothing of children who, when dehydrated, can develop symptoms within an hour after the onset of symptoms of poisoning.

Dr. Komarovsky argues that rehydration drugs should be in the first aid kit of every sane person.

In addition to the fact that this simple drug is indispensable for diseases accompanied by vomiting, fever and diarrhea, it is recommended to be used for intense physical exertion and overheating. This simple drug has no side effects and is distinguished not only by high efficiency, but also by the speed of action.

Description of the drug

Regidron should be taken with caution to people with the following pathologies:

  1. Diabetes mellitus, both type 1 and type 2;
  2. Acute renal failure;
  3. Intestinal obstruction.

Besides, hypertensive patients after using the drug should take care of removing excess salts from the body with the help of diuretics. Otherwise, an excess of salts can provoke an increase in pressure.

Overdose of Regidron

It should be remembered that taking even very large doses of both the pharmacy Regidron and the drug that we make ourselves will not lead to an overdose. Only the use of large doses of the drug for a long time can provoke hypernatremia.

Overdose symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • nervousness;
  • convulsions;
  • disturbance of consciousness;
  • children may go into coma.

In case of an overdose, it is necessary first of all to get rid of the excess mineral salts in the body with the help of diuretics. In this case, furasemide or its analogues are excellent.

What does the pharmaceutical preparation consist of:

  • potassium chloride;
  • sodium citrate;
  • sodium chloride;
  • water;
  • glucose.

The recipe for a solution of Regidron at home

There are several options for preparing a solution to restore the electrolyte balance yourself if there is no pharmacy preparation.

The easiest option you can do yourself even while on a picnic or on a hike. To make a solution for dehydration, it is enough to dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt and sugar in a glass of warm boiled water.

The next option is much better and faster absorbed by the body, its composition is quite similar to the pharmacy one, therefore, with severe dehydration, it is better, if possible, to prepare it instead of the pharmacy Regidron.

For cooking you need:

  • 0.5 l. purified or boiled warm water;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 1/4 teaspoon of soda;
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt.

Mix everything thoroughly until the crystals are completely dissolved.

The last recipe is almost identical to the previous one and is an excellent replacement for Regidron. It is necessary to dissolve separately 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt and sugar in a liter of water. Take every 10 min. on a sip of one and the other solution. You can also prepare a solution of soda and salt dissolved separately.


When and how to apply homemade solution

At the first signs of poisoning, especially in children, it is necessary to immediately start taking a rehydration solution in small doses. If there are already signs of dehydration, the dosage is increased.

Dehydration symptoms:

  1. dry mouth;
  2. Children cry without tears;
  3. Dry skin;
  4. Rare urination;
  5. There is no effect of antipyretics.

Important! If the temperature of the Regidron solution is the same as the body temperature, it will be absorbed much faster and better by the body.

Rehydration therapy for a child is usually taken orally, provided that the patient can swallow and absorb the drug. However, with incessant vomiting, you can try to make pieces of ice out of the solution yourself, this can facilitate the process.

If the drunk medicine does not have time to be absorbed by the body (the patient vomits immediately after taking the solution), Regidron must be administered intravenously. The latter option is carried out only by qualified doctors in a hospital setting.

Both pharmacy and homemade saline do not have the most pleasant taste. You should not expect that the patient will enthusiastically drink half a glass, and this is not required. It is enough if a person takes at least a sip of the solution every 10-15 minutes. Children can be given the drug in a teaspoon.

You can store the aqueous solution in a cool place for no more than a day. It is best if the drug is not used after 3 hours, prepare a new one. This is due to the fact that salts begin to precipitate and the drug loses its beneficial properties.

How to replace Regidron

Regidron is not a prescription drug, so you can easily buy it at any pharmacy. In addition to the original drug Regidron, there are many more analogues with other names, but with the same composition and action.

The most common:

  • Humana Electrolyte;
  • Orasan;
  • Marathonic.

Humana Electrolyte

Important! Pharmaceutical preparations dissolve only in water. Do not mix the aqueous solution with additional components.

At home, Regidron for a child can be cooked on a fruit broth or a little honey can be added to improve the taste.

Pharmaceutical preparations are sachets filled with a white powdery substance. The contents of the sachets at home are diluted with water as indicated on the package and taken orally according to the instructions.

It is difficult to find people who would not know what a drug like Regidron is for. In the life of every person there were situations when dehydration occurred. For example, uncontrolled fluid loss occurs with vomiting and diarrhea, while not only water, but also trace elements necessary for life support, leave the body. That is why in such conditions it is recommended to drink a solution of the Regidron remedy. It should be in every home first aid kit.

Preparation, composition and use

It is not difficult to prepare the purchased drug "Regidron" at home. Simply dilute the sachet in a liter of boiled warm water, let the liquid cool and drink in small portions. The finished solution is stored at a temperature of 2 to 8 ° C for no more than a day. It contains in its composition NaCl, Na citrate, glucose, KCL, Na + , CL + , K + a - everything that is necessary for recovery in the body. The main indication for its use is, of course, diarrhea (including those cases when it is caused by cholera) and vomiting. But it is also recommended to use it for preventive purposes in cases of overheating, during thermal and physical exertion with increased sweating.

Before starting use, it is necessary to assess the degree of dehydration, for which it is desirable to weigh a person and understand how much fluid he has already lost. For the first 10 hours, it is desirable to drink such an amount of the drug "Regidron", which exceeds twice. side effects when used in the indicated doses, this remedy does not cause, but do not forget that it is contraindicated in an unconscious state, in cases of intestinal obstruction, diabetes mellitus, impaired renal function and hypersensitivity to some of its components.

How to replace the drug

But situations are not uncommon when this drug ends at the most necessary moment, and the nearest working pharmacy is far enough away. In this case, you can try to prepare a solution of "Rehydron" at home. Of course, you will not be able to completely recreate the composition of the pharmaceutical preparation, but you can do something similar. The prepared solution will restore the level of fluid in the body and saturate it with the necessary trace elements.

So, in order to prepare an analogue of the Regidron preparation at home, you will need 100 grams of raisins, which must be boiled in 1 liter of water for at least 30 minutes. In the resulting strained broth, add the following components in such quantities: ½ tsp. soda, 1 tsp salt, 4 tsp. granulated sugar.

Boil the mixture for 3 minutes, make sure that all components are dissolved. This will be the best replacement for Regidron. At home, preparing such a solution is easy.

But if you do not have raisins or time to prepare a decoction, then you can go the easier way. You can make a simple sugar-salt solution. Instead, take a liter, add the above amount of soda, salt and 8 tsp to it. Sahara. Such a replacement of the drug "Regidron" at home will not be much worse.

If a small child has diarrhea or vomiting, then one should not only try to restore the fluid, but also find out the causes of the problem. So, it can be, for example, a manifestation of poisoning or even a concussion. But, trying to understand what caused the problem, do not forget about restoring the water-salt balance. If the baby refuses to drink the drugs prescribed by the doctor, try replacing them, it is not necessary to try to give Regidron exclusively at home. Komarovsky, for example, says that you can replace it simply with a decoction of raisins or the drink that the baby agrees to. If you give ordinary water, then make sure that it is boiled. Of course, sweet carbonated drinks will have to be abandoned, but everything else is drinkable. Tea, compote, glucose, electrolytic solutions, alkaline water - all this helps the body fight dehydration and restore strength.