Natural conditions and resources. Slovakia

Economic and geographical position of Slovakia

The Slovak Republic is located in the central part Foreign Europe and in the north it borders with Poland, the eastern border is with Ukraine, in the south with Hungary, the western border is with Austria and the Czech Republic.

The border with Ukraine is the external border of the European Union. Despite the fact that the border with Ukraine has 2 road, 2 railway and 1 pedestrian crossing points, Ukrainians cross the border illegally and mainly to smuggle goods and drugs. The Slovak side suffers great damage from this.

Compared to Ukraine, Slovakia's neighbors are among the more developed EU countries. Slovakia is a continental country in Eastern Europe that does not have access to the open sea, which, on the one hand, limits the possibilities for the development of foreign trade relations.

On the other hand, its peculiarity is its transit position between the CIS countries and Western European countries, and this has a beneficial effect on economic development.

Slovakia actively participates in international economic relations with its neighbors. The transit position of the Republic has great value to develop ties with Russia, especially since oil and gas flow through its territory to the countries of Central and Western Europe.

The proximity of developed European countries - Germany, Austria, Italy, France - provides an opportunity for an influx of investment.

Slovakia has its own natural resources, including coal, iron and manganese ores. The country exports part of these resources.

It must be said that the heavy industry of Slovakia is unproductive and uncompetitive; in this regard, the country is poorer than the Czech Republic.

Agriculture, due to the presence of vast plains there, develops mainly in the south of the country.

The transport infrastructure is developing at a fairly rapid pace, the network of railways and roads is extensive and most highways meet international standards.

Rail transport accounts for 58.4% of all cargo transportation, by road transport 40% of cargo is transported, and water and air transport account for 1.6%.

Water transport is carried out only along the Danube.

The country has three ports for servicing cargo ships - Bratislava, Komárno, Sturovo.

In the 90s, changes occurred in the geography of the country's foreign trade. For example, until the beginning of the 90s, 67% of all exports went to the countries of the socialist camp and 27% to European countries. Imports from socialist countries of that time amounted to 50%.

Changes occurred in 1993 - 53% of exports were already to Western European countries and only 35% to Eastern Europe. The exports included semi-finished products for manufacturing industries, as well as machinery and chemical products.

Imports were dominated by cars and different types fuel. Today, 56.9% of Slovakia’s exports go to EU member countries, with the main share going to:

  • Germany,
  • Italy,
  • France,
  • Austria.

The country exports machinery and equipment, road and construction equipment, ferrous metal products, pharmaceuticals, and forestry products.

Slovakia imports raw materials from the CIS countries, for example, raw cotton from the Central Asian Republics.

Ukraine sends iron ore and thermal coal; it has not been a member of the CIS since 2014.

The position of the country has changed over time. Until the 90s, Slovakia and the Czech Republic were one state, called Czechoslovakia. On the night of December 31, 1992 to January 1, 1993, the law dividing the country into the Czech Republic and Slovakia came into force. United Czechoslovakia ceased to exist.

Note 1

Thus, the economic and geographical position of the country is favorable, and it is trying to do everything possible to extract maximum benefit from this for its development.

Natural conditions of Slovakia

The relief of Slovakia is mainly mountainous. 80% of its territory is located at an altitude of 750 m above sea level.

The Tatra Mountains stretch along the north-eastern border with Poland, the peak of which is Gerlachovsky Štit rising to 2655 m.

In the south and southeast of the country there are lowlands, where the Republic's agriculture mainly develops.

The mountainous terrain has two features: on the one hand, it complicates the development of transport, and on the other hand, it creates good opportunities for the development of ski tourism.

The country has a temperate continental climate. Altitudinal zonation is expressed in the mountains.

In flat areas, average January temperatures are -1, -4 degrees, in mountainous areas -10 degrees.

July temperatures on the plains are +19, +21 degrees, and in the mountains +8, +12 degrees.

Precipitation falls unevenly across the territory; more of it falls in the mountains - 1600-2100 mm per year, in flat areas from 470 to 700 mm.

The winter season is characterized by solid precipitation in the form of snow, which can remain on the plains for 30-40 days, and in the mountains up to 130 days.

The largest European river, the Danube, flows through the territory of Slovakia, as well as its tributaries Tisza and Vág, the longest river in the country.

Natural resources of Slovakia

Natural conditions and resources underlie the development of the country's economy.

The composition and distribution of minerals throughout the country is related to the peculiarities of its geological and tectonic structure.

In its depths there are minerals - hard and brown coal, lignite. Iron ores, manganese, polymetallic ores, antimony, and magnesite are associated with the mountains.

There are hydrocarbons, but in insufficient quantities. Oil reserves are estimated at 1.2 million tons. 0.05 million tons are produced, while oil consumption is more than 3.5 million tons. The main importers of oil are Russia and Norway.

As for gas, its proven reserves amount to 15 billion cubic meters. m, and about 0.17 billion cubic meters are produced. m. To meet the needs of its industry, gas has to be imported.

A Canadian company is working in Eastern Slovakia to study the territory for uranium ores, of which, according to preliminary data, there are 15 thousand tons.

Silver and gold mined in the country are involved in the production sector and are used to make jewelry; part of the gold is exported.

The great wealth of the country is its soils, mainly brown forest in the deciduous forest zone, and in the mountainous areas significant forest resources have been preserved, the provision of which is quite high compared to other European countries.

Forests account for 41% of the territory. The southern slopes of the mountains are covered with beech and oak, the northern slopes are covered with coniferous spruce and fir forests.

The country has healing mineral springs, which cover almost the entire territory, and large reserves of groundwater. Groundwater is found in the river sediments of the Danube and Zhitny Island; its reserves are estimated at 10 billion cubic meters. m.

Slovakia - geographical location on the world map

Slovakia or the Slovak Republic is a state located in Central Europe, its area is 48,845 km², with a population of more than 5.45 million people. National composition: Slovaks (85.7%), Hungarians (10.6%), Roma (1.5%), Czechs (1%), Ukrainians, Russians, Poles, Germans. On the territory of the country there is the geographical center of Europe - the peak of Kragule - near the city of Kremnica. Slovakia is a continental state with no access to the sea or the world's oceans. It has a land border with Ukraine in the east of the country, with Poland in the north, the Czech Republic in the northwest, Austria in the west and Hungary in the south. The longest border is with Hungary (679 km). The shortest is with Ukraine (98 km).

Capital of Slovakia - BRATISLAVA- the city is unique. He managed to locate on the border of three states at once - Slovakia, Austria and Hungary. The city is located in such a way that residents of some streets can go for a walk in the morning and find themselves in a border Austrian village! However, this is not all that can surprise the capital of Slovakia - the “pearl of the Danube”. It has its own special atmosphere of mixing quiet antiquity and modern vibrant life, and it is beautiful in its own way.

Largest cities: Bratislava(442 thousand), Kosice(235 thousand), Nitra(90 thousand), Presov(87 thousand).

Distance from Bratislava to the nearest European capitals: to Vienna - 60 km, to Budapest - 200 km, to Prague - 320; to Berlin - 670 km, to Warsaw - 678 km. The distance between Bratislava and Moscow is 1960 km.

The main waterways of Slovakia are the large rivers Danube, Váh, Morava and Hron.

Slovakia is located in a temperate zone with a continental climate and a pronounced alternation of four seasons. The average daily temperature in winter is -2 degrees Celsius, in summer 21 degrees Celsius. The coldest month is January, the warmest months are July and August. In mountainous areas, snow lasts up to 130 days a year.

The official language is Slovak. Where ethnic groups live, Hungarian and Czech languages. Older generation remembers Russian, and young people speak German and English fluently.

TIME ZONE: Time is 2 hours behind Moscow. Daylight saving time is in effect from March to September.

Since 2007, Slovakia has become a member of the Schengen agreement, and since 2009 it has joined the European Union, which allows citizens of Slovakia and persons with residence permits and permanent residence in this country to move freely throughout the single European space.


Slovakia is a country that has existed for a long time as part of various states, be it Czechoslovakia or Austria-Hungary. Therefore, for a long time, the Slovak economy was only part of something larger. The independence of Slovakia was proclaimed on January 1, 1993, after the “Velvet Revolution”, as a result of which the Slovaks gained their own independent state.

Only in the late 90s, with the beginning of real market reforms, did Slovakia begin to increase its gross domestic product. In 2001, the growth of the Slovak economy was 3.5% per year, and 7 years later it increased to 8%. Today, thanks to such rapid growth, Slovakia is considered one of the most attractive investment regions in Central and Eastern Europe.

The basis of the Slovak economy today is heavy industry and mechanical engineering. In the structure of Slovakia’s exports, products from these industries account for over 50%. Thanks to the openness of the economy, many global industrial giants have come to Slovakia in the last fifteen years. Germans built their factories in the country Volkswagen, Korean Kia motors and the French concern Peugeot. The total number of cars produced annually in Slovakia is about half a million units. Car production per capita in Slovakia is one of the highest in the world. Other companies whose factories form the “backbone” of the Slovak economic miracle include the American Metallurgical Corporation US Steel, Asian tech giants Sony And Samsung, manufacturer of household appliances Whirlpool and a Norwegian aluminum holding.

The share of tourism in the Slovak economy is showing strong growth. The tourism infrastructure of Slovakia is considered to be not yet as well-functioning as in the neighboring countries of Poland or the Czech Republic. However, the fact that Slovakia is moving in the right direction is confirmed by tourism revenues, which have more than doubled over the past five years. Over one and a half million guests visit Slovakia every year.

MONETARY UNIT : from January 1, 2009The official currency of Slovakia is the euro.

Currency can be exchanged at exchange offices (zmenaren), hotels, banks, post offices and transport agencies. The rate at banks is usually less favorable than at exchange offices.

Banks are open daily, except Sundays, from 9:00 to 11:00 and from 14:00 to 16:00. On Saturday - until 12:00. Exchange offices on weekdays usually work from 7:00-8:00 to 17:00-19:00 with an hour lunch break (some around the clock). On weekends, their opening hours are usually from 8:00 to 12:00-15:00.

Credit cards are accepted in almost all banks, most large hotels, gas stations, large restaurants and stores.

Macedonia, Albania, as well as Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

The countries of this region have a lot in common in historical and socio-economic development. After World War II, they were united by belonging to the socialist economic system, which led to stable economic ties with each other and the USSR. Most of them were members of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) and the political bloc of the Warsaw Pact.

Currently, these countries are undergoing radical economic transformations, as a result of which their ties with Western Europe have expanded.

Until recently, the political situation in the countries remained extremely tense. As a result of hostilities, the former republics of Yugoslavia suffered greatly.

The countries of Eastern Europe are a single territorial area stretching from the Baltic to the Black Sea and. The main features of the economies of Eastern Europe are:

  • the coastal position of most states;
  • the possibility of access to the sea along the Danube waterway for countries that do not have direct access to the sea (Hungary, Slovakia);
  • neighborly position of countries in relation to each other;
  • transit position on the way between Western European countries and countries.

All these features create good preconditions for the development of integration processes.
The natural prerequisites for the economic development of the countries of Eastern Europe are also quite favorable, although there is a certain shortage of natural resources.

Differs in a variety of industries. The industries of international specialization were: glass production in the Czech Republic, leather goods in Bulgaria, perfumery and sports equipment in Poland.

The peculiarity of agriculture is that each country has its own specifics. In general, it predominates, with the exception of Estonia and Lithuania, where pig farming and dairy farming are developed. In Romania, Bulgaria, and Hungary, mountain pasture sheep breeding is developed.

The branches of crop production are presented as follows:

  • rye, potatoes (Poland, Estonia, Latvia);
  • gardening, viticulture (Albania, Yugoslavia, Hungary);
  • corn, vegetables (

Answer from Helga[guru]
Slovakia is located in the center of Eastern Europe, lying on the territory of the Tatra and Carpathian mountain ranges. The Tatras occupy a significant part of the country's territory.
They include the Western and Eastern Tatras, the best known part of which are the High Tatras. An important feature of Slovakia, like other countries of Eastern Europe, is its transit position between the countries of Western Europe and the CIS. This geographical location has a positive impact on the development of the country's economy, since Slovakia is closely involved in the process of international economic relations with surrounding countries. The Slovak territory is of great transit importance for the development of Russia’s relations with the countries of Central and Western Europe. Oil is transited through it to the Czech Republic and natural gas to Western Europe (up to 90 billion cubic meters per year). Also, the close location of such highly developed centers as Germany, Italy, and Austria is important for the development of the economic complex of Slovakia and the influx of foreign investment. These countries are the main partners of foreign trade.
Slovakia is no different large sizes territories. The total area of ​​the country is 49,035 square meters. km. , which is significantly less than the area of ​​neighboring countries. Thus, the Czech Republic is 1.6 times larger than Slovakia, Austria - 1.7 times, Hungary - 1.9 times, Poland - 6.4 times, Ukraine - 12.3 times.
The total land borders of the Slovak Republic are 1,355 km. In the north, Slovakia borders with Poland (border length is 444 km), in the east - with Ukraine (90 km), in the south - with Hungary (515 km), in the west - with Austria (91 km) and the Czech Republic ( 215 km.) .
Another feature of the configuration of the territory of Slovakia is that the length of the country from west to east is 450 km. , which affects the contrast of climate, flora and fauna.
The Slovak Republic is landlocked, which is the main disadvantage of its geographical location, as it largely limits the possibilities for the development of foreign trade relations and tourism activities. However, part of the main European watershed of the Baltic and Black Seas passes through its territory.
It should also be noted the physical features of the territory of Slovakia. In the north and central regions of the country there are mountain ranges, which occupy almost 80% of the territory, in the south and west of Slovakia there are lowlands (Zagorska in the west, Podanubia in the southwest and East Slovakia in the southeast of the country). The physical features of the country and its topography determine the specialization of agriculture and its regional characteristics.
Administrative-territorial division is important for the management of the country and its development as a whole. The territory of the Slovak Republic is divided into 8 counties and 79 districts.
Thus, Slovakia is an Eastern European country, the geographical location of which historically has both positive and negative features. Their influence on the place of Slovakia in international economic relations is that Slovakia occupies a transit position between the countries of Western Europe and the CIS. Thus, we can conclude that this feature is positive for Slovakia, since it is closely involved in the process of international economic relations with surrounding countries. However, there is a negative feature based on the geographical location of Slovakia, due to the lack of access to the sea, which limits the country's capabilities. Also, the configuration of the territory and the topography of the country influence the features of the structural and regional development economic complex of Slovakia.

Geographical location

Slovakia located in the center of Eastern Europe, on the territory of the Tatra and Carpathian mountain systems. Most of the country's territory is mountainous. Almost 80% of Slovakia is located above 750 meters above sea level.

Highest point in the country is a mountain Gerlachowski-Stit, whose height is 2655 meters. The territory of Slovakia is dissected by fairly deep valleys of large river systems. The rivers mainly belong to the Danube basin. The border between Slovakia and the Czech Republic runs along the Morava River.

A third of the country is occupied by fertile South Slovakia And Eastern Slovak Lowland in the southeast And Danube lowland to the east Bratislava. The southern and eastern parts of the country are dominated by lowlands, in the north Slovakia occupies the largest part Carpathian Mountains.

The deepest river state is Danube, which forms part of the southern border. Main rivers of Slovakia are: Vag, Gron, Bodrog, Poprad, Gornad, Ondava And Orava. The longest river on the territory of Slovakia is considered Vag, there are 12 dams of the Považi Cascade on it. Tallest waterfall- Kmetev, it is located in the High Tatras and its height is 80 meters. There are many clear alpine lakes in the mountains.

In the north the country borders with Poland, in the east - with Ukraine, in the south - with Hungary, in the west - with Austria and the Czech Republic. Slovakia is landlocked. Total area of ​​the territory countries is about 49 thousand sq. km.

Capital is a city Bratislava.

Slovakia has temperate continental climate with a clearly marked altitudinal zonation. Average January temperatures make up here from -1 C to -4 C on the plains And up to -10 C in mountainous areas.

Average temperatures in July make up from +19 C to +21 Con the plains And up to +8-12 Cin the mountains.

On the plains precipitation falls annually from 450 to 700 mm. (mainly in winter and off-season), in the mountains -up to 1600-2100 mm. per year. There is snow in mountainous areas for 4-5 months of the year. However, the weather is quite changeable, so thaws often occur. The most best time to visit countries can be called May, June and September.

For holidays at ski resorts it is best to choose a rest period from November to March.

Visas, entry rules, customs rules

Citizens of Russia and the CIS to enter the country visa required. Slovakia is part of the Schengen zone. You can apply for a visa at the consular section of the Slovak Embassy and at the Consulate General of Slovakia in the Russian Federation.

When entering the country by car must be presented documents for it, as well as an international auto insurance Green Card policy and an international driving license.

Import and export of currency not limited. Amounts exceeding 10 thousand euros, when entering from non-EU countries, necessary indicate in the declaration.

Duty free allowed import small quantities of tobacco products into the country, alcoholic drinks, as well as goods for personal use at the rate of 430 euros per person.

Without appropriate permission cannot be imported into the country drugs and drug-containing drugs, medications, firearms and ammunition, explosives, pornographic materials, plants, flowers, animals and birds. For the import of hunting weapons in advance need to get a license at the police station in your area of ​​residence.

To the territory of the European Union countries from May 1, 2009 cannot be imported products containing meat or milk. This ban even applies to chocolates.

Does not apply it is for baby food and special medications that are needed by people suffering from certain chronic diseases. But they should be carefully packed, and their weight shouldn't exceed 2 kilograms. Violators of this rule waiting confiscation prohibited products and payment of a fine.

At customs upon entry preferably provide a list of all valuable personal items and belongings, this will facilitate their removal from the country.

Plants, animals and plant productsnecessary present to quarantine officials. For pets need to obtain a certificate of vaccinations, as well as a medical certificate issued no earlier than 10 days before departure.

From the country prohibited from export objects and things that are of historical or artistic value. To export works of art and arts and crafts you need from the seller get a certificate, confirming the possibility of exporting these goods outside the country.

Population, political status

The country's population is about 5.4 million people. Most of it consists Slovaks (85% ), Hungarians(11% ), Romanians And gypsies, and also Czechs, Moravians, Silesians, Rusyns, Germans And Poles.

Politically Slovakia represents independent parliamentary democratic republic, which was created in 1993. It happened as a result of the collapse of Czechoslovakia. Head of State costs president, who is elected by secret ballot for a period of five years. Supreme legislative body country is National Council, who is elected for 4 years.

Administratively, the territory countries are divided on 8 areas with self-government and 79 districts.

State language is Slovak, it belongs to the group of West Slavic languages ​​and is close to Czech. Widespread Also Czech, Hungarian, German, English And, in their places of residence - languages ​​of ethnic groups.

Used in writing latin alphabet . In Southern Slovakia equal walking also wears Hungarian.

What to see

In Slovakia many attractions. One of them can be called numerous mineral springs and caves. There are about mineral springs 1 400 things. There are caves throughout the country about 4 thousand, there are more than a dozen of them in Bratislava. However, less than a quarter of them have been studied. Geyser unique to Europe located in Gerlyany in eastern Slovakia. It throws out a thirty-meter stream of cold mineral water at certain intervals.

Most Interest represents for tourists Demanovskaya cave system, which is located in the valley of the same name on the northern side of the Low Tatras. Also worthy of attention Belyanskie caves near Tatranska Lomnica, Bistryanskie And Harmanec caves near Banska Bystrica, Gombaszecska caves, Jasowska, Domica, which included in the list World Heritage UNESCO, and also unique aragonite Ochtinskaya cave, located near Kosice.

In winter, numerous tourists come to the country's ski resorts.

Bratislava is the capital of the country and one of the most interesting cities for tourists in Eastern Europe. The city lies in the picturesque spurs of the Carpathians, near the border with Austria. Bratislava was founded in 907, A since 1541 it was the capital of Hungary.

This city is not very large. All of him the main attractions are concentrated in the center. It is very convenient that you can get around them on foot.

Tourists should see Old Town Hall dating back to the 13th century, Primate's Palace who is famous Hall of Mirrors And fountain of St. George.

St. Martin's Cathedral(XIV-XV centuries) is the place of coronation of many Hungarian monarchs. In the Redoubt Palace currently located Bratislava Concert Hall.

Also interesting: Grassalkovich Palace, Main square ("Glavni estate"), on which you can see Roland's fountain, Franciscan Church, which was built in 1297. Opposite her is located Mirbach Palace.

Worth a visit also Church of the Holy Trinity, former building of the Hungarian Parliament - Royal Chambers, Presidential Palace, building of the Slovak National Theater, Janka Kralj's garden, Segner mansion. Bratislava Royal Castle dates back to the 9th-19th centuries.

The most attractive streets for tourists are: Zamoska, Žižkova,Kapitulska, Clariska, Laurinska And Panska.

The most famous museums Bratislava are: Slovak National Gallery, Pharmaceutical Museum,Folk Music Museum, Municipal Museum, located in the Old Town Hall building, Hummel Music Museum in his house Museum of Decorative Arts, Wine Museum, Museum of Jewish Culture, Museum of Culture of the Carpathian Germans, Bratislava City Museum, Historical Museum etc.

In the vicinity of Bratislava you can visit the extensive Devin Castle complex, which is located 10 km. west of the capital and is a national monument of nature and culture. 7 km. northeast of Bratislava lies lake resort Zlati Pieski. In Rusovtsi can be seen ancient Herulata. East of the capital famous wine-growing Lesser Carpathian region.

50 km. east of Bratislava located old Slavic fortified settlement of Nitra, it's interesting his lock, Colonnade, palace, Franciscan Church And monastery.

City of Komarno located in southern Slovakia. He is the center of the country's Hungarian community. You can see in it ancient fortifications dating back to the XIV-XVIII centuries, picturesque bridge over the Danube, Church of St. Andrew. Other attractions of this city include Danube Museum, which has interesting historical and art collections, Serbian Orthodox Church , City Hall And Lehar and Jokai Museum.

50 km. northeast of the capital located famous Trnava. Here is Archbishopric of Trnava, university buildings, dating back to the XVII-XVIII centuries. The old part of the city is quite picturesque.

In Western Slovakia located Trencin city, which is worth on the site of the Roman camp of Laugarizio. It's worth seeing main square Mierové Náměstie,parish church, city ​​gate, Art gallery, located in the building of a convent. Also worthy of attention" Well of Love", the depth of which is 70 meters, famous Roman inscription about the victory of the 2nd Roman legion over the Germanic tribes, dated 179 AD. e. And Trencin Museum.

Trencian Castle is one of the most beautiful military castles in the country. He was built on the site of a Great Moravian hillfort from the 11th century. Graceful Matusa Csaka Tower has more at its base 100 sq. meters.

14 km. northeast of the city you can visit resort Trencianske Teplice. He is famous for his baths"hammam"in neo-Moorish style and hot healing sulfur springs.

Lesser Fatra Mountains stretch across the entire northwestern part of the country for hundreds of kilometers. They form an extensive homonymous National Park. His main attraction it is generally accepted the picturesque Vratna valley. It is famous for its numerous ski resorts And a huge number of hiking trails.

West of the Mala Fatra spurs, 80 km. from Trencin, located Zilina city. It was founded in the 13th century and is the third largest city in the country.

It is interesting for its provincial appearance and peace. Very colorful central square of this city. Here you can also see such attractions as the picturesque church with covered gallery, Zilina Museum, located in a 16th-century castle. The city has many shops, cafes and restaurants.

Kosice located in Eastern Slovakia and is considered the main city of this region.

There are many historical sights here. St. Elizabeth's Cathedral considered one of the most beautiful Gothic temples in the world. He's interesting Ferenc Rakoczy's tomb. Worthy of attention city ​​theater building, built in 1899. In front of its entrance you can see musical fountain. Antique Town Hall building was built in 1780. " House of the Košice Program" is famous for the fact that in 1945 it proclaimed the Popular Front program.

Currently located here art gallery. Urbana Tower dates back to the 16th century, now works here Metal Jewelry Museum.

It is also worth noting St. Michael's Church,Plague Column, old prison"Miklusova Vazhnitsa", Slovak Technical Museum, Zoological Museum V Executioners' Bastion, State Theater, Hungarian Theater "Waist".Museum of Eastern Slovakia interesting for its cozy park and ancient wooden church.

Presov lies 36 km. north of Kosice. It attracts tourists Gothic Church of St. Nicholas, built in the 14th century, evangelical church And Wine Museum. Prešov Museum has quite interesting collections on archeology and natural history.

Bardejov located north of Presov. It deserves attention parish church of St. Aegidius, old town hall, which now houses a museum, Historical Museum And Museum of Icons.

Bardejovske Kupel lies 6 km. north of Bardejov. It represents one of the best water resorts in the country. Here since the end of the 18th century, locals mineral waters from 8 different sources treat diseases of the digestive tract and lungs. Sharishsk- the best in the country ethnographic open-air museum.

City of Poprad is a modern industrial center. It is not particularly attractive to tourists, but it is located Poprad-Tatry International Airport. In the vicinity of this city you can visit a large number of resorts and sports centers. Located nearby High Tatras massifs And Slovenian Paradise, which are distinguished by very picturesque nature.

Slovenian Paradise National Park lies southeast of Spisska Nova Ves. It was created in 1988 and allows visitors to get acquainted with the beauty of the Gornad river gorge.

Tatra National Park is the first national park, based in the former Czechoslovakia. Its area is 888 sq. km. It forms a single whole with a similar park in Poland. This park is considered one of the best active recreation centers in Europe. It contains network of walking routes, which stretches for 600 km. and connects all the Alpine valleys and many peaks. In its surroundings such famous resorts as Stari Smokovec,Strbske Pleso, Tatranska Lomnica. Dunajec River Gorge counts excellent center for water tourism.

Levoca lies 26 km. from Poprad. It was founded in the 13th century and attracts tourists with its medieval walls(XV century), churches of St. James, Marianska Gora etc., as well as ancient narrow streets.

Other attractions of this place include Spis District Museum, located in the old Town Hall building, Art gallery, Master Pavel Museum And picturesque central square.

Between Poprad and Presov you can visit complex of the fortified abbey in Spisska Kapitula. It dates back to the 13th century and attracts tourists with its medieval fortress gates, the magnificent St. Martin's Cathedral And picturesque houses, which are located along the only street.

Banska Bystrica located in Central Slovakia, in the southern spurs of the Low Tatras. She included in the list of the World cultural heritage UNESCO. This old mining town dates back to 1255. It contains interesting medieval buildings: fortress church, Church of the Holy Cross(XV century), Gornaya buildings And Forest Academies, Old Castle. Here you can see a large number of medieval houses in the German style. Not far from this city is located one of the largest winter sports centers countries - Donovaly.

Much further south lies Banska Stiavnica town. He is famous for his interesting Geological Museum, old houses And mining industry monuments. Between these two cities lies Zvolene a must visit place castle of Louis the Great.

The territory of this country was the first Slavs settled back in 5th century. IN 7th century Slovakia was part of the center Samo powers. After some time, on its territory settled Principality of Nitra. Proto-Slovak state was called Great Moravia. It reached its peak in 9th century with the arrival. At this time it was necessary to appear Kirill And Methodius and expansion led by Prince Svyatopolk I.

The economic development of the country took place in the Middle Ages - new cities began to be built, and trade was carried out with neighboring states.

IN XI-XIV centuries the country became part Kingdom of Hungary. Later she joined Austria-Hungary until its collapse, which occurred in 1918. Then it happened unification of Slovakia with the Czech Republic And Subcarpathian Russia. This is how the state was formed Czechoslovakia.

Then happened collapse of this state. According to the Munich Agreement1938, Slovakia became a separate republic which was controlled by Nazi Germany.

Czechoslovakia was rebuilt after World War II. WITH 1945 it came under the influence of the USSR and the countries of the Warsaw Pact.

The end of communist Czechoslovakia came to 1989 during peace Velvet Revolution. Was created two separate states - Slovakia And Czech Republic. After January 1, 1993 these two countries followed their own paths of development.

May 1, 2004 Slovakia has become member of the European Union, A December 21, 2007 the country entered Schengen zone. January 1, 2009 Slovakia entered eurozone.

Foreign trade

The country sells for exportcars,electrical equipment And cars, metals, chemical And minerals , plastics. Maincountry's export partners are: Germany, Czech Republic,France, Poland, Hungary,Austria, Italy And United Kingdom.

Slovakia imports cars And transport, semi-finished products,fuel, chemicals And finished goods.

Main import partners are the following countries: Germany, Czech Republic, Russia, Hungary, South Korea, Austria, Poland And China.


Almost all stores in the country are opendaily With 9.00 to 18.00 , day off is Sunday.Large supermarkets and shopping centerson Thursday usually work until 19.00-21.00 . Grocery stores usually open from 7.00-9.00 to 18.00-19.00 . They often May belunch break.On Saturday most stores are open from 8.00 to 12.00 . At night work large supermarkets and specialty convenience stores.

From Slovakia You can bring the following souvenirs and gifts: decorated easter eggs ,ceramic products, figurines made from grains, Borovichka- Slovak juniper vodka, wooden figurines,sheep wool products, dolls self made « Supolka" The country has a unified retail chain selling handicrafts -ULUV, its stores are located in almost all major cities.


Birth rate 10 newborns per 1000 people. Mortality rate - more than 9 deaths per 1000 people. Population growth is only 0,13% .

Average life expectancy local residents make up 77.32 years. Average life expectancy for men- 74 years old, women - 80,84 .

Infant mortality rate amounts to 66 deaths per 1000 children.

77 % population of Slovakia lives in cities, the largest of which are Bratislava, Kosice, Nitrat, Presov. Rest 23 % population are rural residents.

Average population density in Slovakia is 109 inhabitants per 1 sq. km.

Migration level is only 0.3 migrants per 1000 people.


Currently in Slovakia the most well developed industries are the following: electronics, automotive industry, chemical industry, mechanical engineering, information Technology.

Automotive sector in Slovakia is one of the fastest growing sectors. This is due to recent major investments from automotive giants such as Volkswagen, Peugeot And Kia Motors.

Flora and fauna

Near 40% territories of Slovakia cover forests. On the southern slopes of the mountains forests consist mainly of oak And beech. In the woods on the northern slopes of the mountains The predominant tree species are: fir And spruce. On the heights extend alpine meadows.

From animals most common in Slovakia deer,wolves, lynx, bears, squirrels, foxes And caresses.