Amazing fish - sterlet: what is the nutritional value and calorie content of the product? Sterlet fish: composition, benefits, sterlet in cooking Sterlet useful properties.

Sterlet harm and benefit


Sterlet from the sturgeon family remains the original Russian commercial fish, which was served to the tsars. Nutritionists recommend its consumption at least weekly. This valuable fish from the sturgeon family is rich in essential fatty acids, has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, prevents the formation of a malignant tumor, reduces the risk of heart attacks, normalizes blood circulation, and improves brain activity.

Sterlet loves clean water, and due to the pollution of its habitats, its numbers have sharply decreased today, and it has fallen into the category of inaccessible delicacies. Fortunately, today this type of fish has been put into industrial production, providing this sturgeon species to a wide range of people around the world from artificial reservoirs.

What does sterlet look like and where is it found?

Sterlet fish belongs to the sturgeon family and for a long time has had the status of “royal”, because it was regularly served on the tables of kings. Compared to its close relatives from this family, it is relatively small in size.

In appearance it is characterized by:

Maximum body length up to 1.5 meters;

Total weight about 12 kg;

Elongated thin nose;

Closed dorsal scutes;

Elongated fringed antennae;

Double lower lip;

Bone scutes covering the entire body in five rows (one in the middle of the back, two along the ventral edges, two more on the sides of the body);

The presence of bare skin covered with smaller shields in the spaces between the main “scales”;

General color grayish-brown tint;

Yellowish ventral part;

Life expectancy is from 22 to 25 years.

Sterlet is freshwater fish, living in the basins of large rivers. therefore, it can usually be found in rivers flowing into the Black, Caspian, and Azov Seas.

It can also be seen in Onega and Ladoga lakes, the Volga, Ob, Pyasina and Northern Dvina rivers. It is found in Siberia and Far East in such large rivers as the Yenisei.

In addition, it is widely bred in ponds and lakes located near the Pechera, Neman, Oka and Amur rivers. Their lifestyle is calmer compared to many other fish species. During the day they spend their time in the deepest and most hidden places, constantly at the bottom, and become active closer to dusk. Late in the evening and at night they go for food.

Sterlet overwinters in bottom holes and crevices and leads a very sedentary lifestyle. In the spring, after the ice melts, it leaves its winter quarters and begins to move upstream to its spawning grounds.

Sterlet eggs are slightly oblong and similar in appearance to beluga caviar. Compared to other sturgeons, sterlet reaches sexual maturity quite early. In males it occurs at the age of 4-5 years, in females - 7-8 years.

The main spawning period is May. But it can take place from mid-April to early June. For it, the fish chooses places in the upper reaches of rivers with a pebble and rocky bottom. Females are capable of laying an average of 15,000 to 44,000 eggs. The preferred water temperature for spawning is between 12-17 degrees. A necessary condition for choosing a spawning site is the speed of the water flow. It should be small. Therefore, females lay eggs at a depth of 6 to 20 meters.

The spawning itself lasts no more than two weeks. After the females lay eggs, they are fertilized by the males. Immediately after spawning, adult fish migrate to deeper parts of rivers, where they spend the winter.

Sterlet eggs are much smaller than those of other sturgeons, have a rectangular shape and are dark in color. They stick tightly to the pebble bottom. The first fry appear after 4-5 days. They also grow very quickly. In the first year, their length reaches about 9-13 centimeters, and after two years they can already be 18-22 centimeters in length.

The diet of male sterlet includes invertebrates and eggs of other fish, and the diet of females includes bottom worms.

Sterlet grown in ponds and artificial reservoirs requires special nutrition, since it is not able to digest plant proteins.

What are the benefits of sterlet?

Sterlet, as a freshwater bottom fish, has in its meat:

  • Protein fractions;
  • Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids;
  • Small amount of fat;
  • Water (an essential component of fish);
  • Essential niacin (or niacin);
  • Such minerals such as nickel, molybdenum, zinc, fluorine, chromium and chlorine.

This fish contains large amounts of calcium, which is essential for strong bones, improves mental performance, maintains strong nails and improves skin and hair condition.

The total calorie content of sterlet is about 88 kilocalories per 100 grams of meat.

Energy values ​​(due to the absence of carbohydrates) are divided into 80% protein and 20% fat.

Fish meat with a pleasant aroma white. Since it contains no carbohydrates, it is often recommended by nutritionists for nutrition in many therapeutic and weight loss diets, including those for diabetes.

Sterlet meat and caviar should be in the diet of people who suffer from diseases of the digestive system, frequent mood swings and nervous disorders.

Sterlet benefits for the body

Prevent the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system;

Overcome depressive nervous disorders;

Strengthen nervous system;

Improve mood (due to the production of serotonin);

Maintain visual acuity for a long time (improves ocular blood circulation);

Improve brain activity;

Reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks;

Normalizes blood circulation;

Maintain normal body weight;

Prevents the occurrence and development of any cancer diseases;

Reduces symptoms of psoriasis;

Strengthens the skeletal system;

Improves bone growth (a very important factor for children).

In general terms, sterlet, which contains a lot of fat, is still considered a dietary food.

How to cook sterlet

All chefs know the fact that sterlet will hide any mistakes of an inept cook. Therefore, it is practically impossible to spoil dishes that use fish.

But there are basic rules when cooking that are prohibited from breaking:

  1. The sterlet must be carefully gutted.
  2. Using a sharp knife, cut off the dorsal and lateral growths (the so-called beetles).
  3. The skin may not be removed, no matter how tough it may be (the skin can be easily removed from a cooked dish).
  4. It is mandatory to remove a white vein that runs along the entire spine of the fish (it is also called a vizig). For this purpose, cuts are made near the head and tail. Then the vein simply stretches out.
  5. It is important to wash sterlet thoroughly under running water.
  6. Due to the fact that sterlet belongs to the smallest varieties of the sturgeon group, the length of the carcass does not exceed half a meter and two kilograms of weight. Some may find these sizes unacceptable, but they are just right for the kitchen.

Is it possible to eat sterlet raw?

Eating raw sterlet is common for the local population where this fish is found. Somewhat salted and peppered raw fish meat is often called “Russian sushi fish”.

So, meat “poached” in salt and ground black or allspice, cut into pieces, often becomes a component of vegetable salads (fish becomes a substitute for animal meat and sausage).

Cooking steamed and boiled sterlet

If you want to boil sterlet for soup or fish soup, not only the fish itself is placed in water (1.5 liters), but also various herbs and roots are added (it is better to take fresh garlic and onions, as well as sweet peas). It is recommended to cook sterlet for approximately 15 minutes from the moment of boiling (this time is quite enough). If you are preparing exclusively fish soup (when you do not plan to stuff the fish), you should put only parsley and dill roots in the water (according to the classic recipe of the 19th century).

How to fry sterlet

Like any other fish, sterlet is rarely fried. To do this, small pieces of fillet are pre-breaded in breadcrumbs. Only then are they fried in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil. Still, they should be ready in the oven on a baking sheet (approximate time - 8 minutes).

When the pieces are large, you will have to:

  • First, steam them;
  • Dry on a paper towel;
  • Dip in egg batter and breadcrumbs;
  • Fry in vegetable oil.

Although the best option frying is considered “dry”, which occurs on a spit or grill (here it is necessary to cut the fish in half along the ridge line, pepper and salt it, and also sprinkle with white wine or lemon juice).

How to cook stewed sterlet

The readiness time for stewing pieces is determined depending on their size. But the minimum time is 20–30 minutes.

How to bake sterlet

This type heat treatment is the most acceptable. After all, salt is used here, ground pepper to taste and the greens with which the fish is surrounded, sprinkled with a little lemon juice. The main thing is no fat. And the taste of baked sterlet is excellent.

In any case, when choosing a dish with sterlet, it is prohibited to use strong aromatic seasonings such as curry, cinnamon, cloves or cilantro.

Sterlet harm and contraindications

There are no relative contraindications to eating sterlet. Therefore, the main contraindication for now remains individual intolerance to the meat of this fish.

In large quantities, especially during exacerbation, it is not recommended to consume this fish for people with diseases of the pancreas and adrenal glands. She's still a fatty fish.

Not fresh fish can become a source of botulism. Also, you should not use “Liquid Smoke” for smoking it. It is a strong carcinogen.

Salted sterlet should be used with caution by people suffering from high blood pressure.

Does sterlet suffer from opisthorchiasis?

Opisthorchiasis is a disease caused by flatworms. Many freshwater fish are susceptible to this disease in our territory. More often it affects smaller fish, such as carp, bream and others.

Although experienced fishermen claim that sterlet cannot be infected with them, there is still a risk. And clinical studies show this. Fish caught in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug poses a particularly high risk. You can become infected by eating raw, lightly salted and poorly cooked fish.

The risk of contracting opisthorchiasis is lower when consuming fish grown in an artificial reservoir.

The benefits and harms of sterlet

The relatively small fish of the sturgeon family is an important fishery target. It is valued due to its unique composition of microelements essential for human health.

The benefits and harms of sterlet lie in the presence of zinc in it, which is responsible for the functioning of immune system; nickel reducing arterial pressure and participating in the oxidative processes of the body; chromium, which is a natural remedy that can prevent the development of diabetes.

In addition, the great benefit of sterlet due to the fluoride it contains is the beneficial effect of fish on tooth enamel and the reduction of carious bacteria. Due to the presence of molybdenum in it, regular consumption of the delicacy strengthens bone tissue.

Another benefit of sterlet is its ability to regulate hematopoietic functions, remove toxins from the body, improve liver function, aid digestion, and prevent hair loss. Such properties of fish depend on the chlorine it contains.

An important benefit of sterlet, according to researchers, is its beneficial effect on the organs of vision, its ability to prevent heart attacks and the development of oncology. This value of fish arises from the presence of fatty acids in its composition. Experts say that regular consumption of sterlet helps reduce the manifestations of psoriasis and maintain bone tissue in optimal condition.

Unfortunately, sterlet is harmful for people with pancreatic dysfunction due to its high fatty acid content. In addition, overeating fish can cause problems with the adrenal glands.

In many ways, the harm of sterlet depends on proper storage of the product. Eating fish that is not fresh can lead to serious diseases such as worms and botulism. In addition, during the decomposition of meat, histamine is formed in it, which leads to food poisoning. The harm of the sterlet in this case will affect the condition of the body, the appearance of urticaria, vomiting and nausea.

The benefits and harms of sterlet are actively discussed by nutritionists. A few years ago, experts argued that the fatty acids included in its composition lead to weight gain and the formation of cholesterol deposits. Today, it became known that this is not so.

Despite the high fat content, fish has a low calorie content, so its consumption does not result in extra pounds, which gives the right to call the delicacy a dietary product. In addition, the experiments refuted the popular belief that fatty acids lead to the deposition of cholesterol, which means that eating fish does not lead to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Article tags: Benefits and harms of foods and drinks


Medical reference / Food / C

Sterlet is a valuable commercial fish of the Sturgeon family.

This freshwater fish is the most remarkable species of all Sturgeons. Now it is found in all rivers of the European part of Russia and Siberia.

The sterlet has a relatively small size (about 53 centimeters in length, weight approximately 2 kilograms), a long and narrow nose, and fringed antennae. The body is covered with scutes that close on the back and end with sharp spines. Most often, the color of the back is brown-gray, the abdomen is white-yellow, and the fins are gray. Coloring may vary slightly depending on habitat.

Properties of sterlet

Sterlet is rich in fatty acids. They have a positive effect on metabolism, prevent the appearance of malignant tumors, reduce the risk of myocardial infarction, support the cardiac and vascular system, and normalize brain function and blood circulation.

In addition to fatty acids, sterlet is rich in vitamin PP, fluorine, zinc, nickel and chromium.

Sterlet has absolutely no carbohydrates in its composition, so it can be recommended for diabetics. Fish consists of 17.5% complete protein, which is rich in essential amino acids. The human body is not able to produce them on its own; they come only from food. The amount of protein varies depending on the place of catch and the season of the year. Fat content also depends on these conditions, with more fat deposits on the abdomen than on the back. Sterlet is a fish with medium fat content.

Benefits of sterlet

Eating sterlet up to three times a week will help prevent heart attacks and improve vision and brain activity. Fluoride contained in fish promotes bone growth and strengthening, so it will be useful for children. Fatty acids reduce the symptoms of psoriasis.

Despite the significant content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, sterlet is a dietary product, since its calorie content is only 90 calories per hundred grams.

Sterlet meat is perfectly absorbed and digested by the human body. This is because it contains a small amount connective tissue. The fatty acids contained in fish are the opponents of unhealthy cholesterol. Another beneficial quality is that they slow down the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, as they reduce the amount of cholesterol in the body.

It is recommended to use sterlet during depression, as it increases the level of the natural antidepressant serotonin.

A significant amount of iodine, which is present in fish, compensates for its deficiency in the body and normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Application of sterlet

Black sterlet caviar is successfully used in cosmetology. The substances contained in the eggs act on skin cells, stimulating them to produce collagen. As a result of using masks with this component, facial skin becomes fresher and younger. Hair becomes smooth and shiny. During the procedures, it is necessary to monitor the skin reaction; if you are individually intolerant to the components of the masks, an allergic reaction may occur.

The fish diet is quite popular among people losing weight. Since sterlet is low-fat and low calorie fish, it is ideal for diet, it is better to eat it boiled.

There are many culinary recipes for sterlet dishes; its meat has extraordinary taste. Fish is good stewed or baked. An element of the national Russian flavor is ukha, jelly, pies and pies made from sterlet. Dishes made from this fish cannot be spoiled; their taste will always be wonderful, the main thing is not to overdo it with salt and spices.

Harm to sterlet

This fish can cause harm only in case of individual intolerance to the substances included in its composition. There are no other contraindications.


Sterlet is an important commercial fish. It belongs to the elite sturgeon family and has excellent taste and nutritional characteristics.

Sterlet is a freshwater fish and is found in almost all Russian rivers. Previously, it was mined mainly in the basins of the Black and Caspian Seas, but now it has spread to northern reservoirs (Lake Ladoga and Onega) and eastern rivers (Yenisei, Northern Dvina).

A distinctive feature of this species is that the sterlet is a permanent inhabitant of water bodies, while other sturgeons do not live permanently in their place of birth (river or lake), but only pass through to spawn.

The indigenous inhabitants of the Volga region have their own secrets and methods of catching sterlet and preparing it in any season of the year. This is a bottom-dwelling fish, it feeds on insect larvae and destroys the eggs of other fish. In winter, sterlet chooses deep holes and dozes there until it gets warmer and the rivers flood. Spawning occurs precisely during the flood.

Many writers (from Pushkin to Melnikov-Pechersky) and historians wrote about this fish. This is not surprising, because the sterlet was considered the royal fish. Therefore, the chronicles and historical notes preserved information about how and where it came from to the royal table. For example, for Ivan the Terrible they caught it right within the city limits, in the Moscow River. And for Peter I, this species of sturgeon was bred in Peterhof.


Almost all food products contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The ratio, of course, is different everywhere, but, as a rule, all three types of biological substances are included in the composition of each food product. The exceptions are sugar (carbohydrates only) and oil (fats only).

In this sense, sterlet is a unique product. It contains absolutely no carbohydrates. Thanks to this, king fish can be recommended for food for people with diabetes.


Sterlet is a protein fish because it contains an average of 17.5% protein. Moreover, it is a complete protein, rich in essential amino acids, which cannot be produced in the human body and must be consumed with food.

Interestingly, the amount of protein in the meat of this fish is not constant. It depends on the season and place of catch. In the Volga, sterlet contains 18% protein in July, and 18.6% in October. But individuals living in northeastern rivers have much less protein in their meat: only 15% in mid-summer and only 10.5% in the autumn months.


Sterlet living in the Yenisei also has the same tendency, but the spread of indicators here is more noticeable. After spawning, only 4.4% of fat remains in the body of the Yenisei sterlet, but by autumn and winter it accumulates intensively. And by the end of September, Siberian sterlet can already be compared with the fattest types of fish: the fat content in their body is more than 30%.

The fat in the carcass is distributed unevenly: more of it in the belly, less in the back. Of the waste that comes from cutting sterlet, the most fat is contained in the head and liver.

Calorie content of sterlet depending on the place of catching

The calorie content of sterlet, published in many sources, is 88 kcal per 100 g. But these data, of course, refer to fish caught in the waters of the Volga. Naturally, with a fat content of more than 30% (fish caught in the Yenisei), its calorie content is much higher.

The calorie content of fish with a fat content of 15% is more than 230 kcal per 100 g. Based on this, it can be approximately calculated that the calorie content of 100 g of sterlet caught in the Yenisei in the autumn is more than 400 kcal.

Beneficial features

The royal fish sterlet is not only extremely tasty, but also healthy.

  • Sterlet meat is rich in protein. Moreover, this protein is very easy to digest. It contains many essential amino acids. Our body cannot synthesize them; these substances must be consumed with food. By introducing sturgeon fish dishes into the diet, a person will not experience a lack of essential amino acids.
  • The content of connective tissue in sturgeon meat is low. Therefore, its digestion and absorption is easier than the absorption of livestock meat or other protein products.
  • Sterlet is high in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These substances are unique antagonists of bad cholesterol.

Sturgeon and sterlet among them are considered the most useful and delicious varieties fish These are delicious varieties - red. Moreover, their meat is not necessarily red.

If we talk about the benefits of gourmet fish, then, of course, it is worth highlighting one more aspect that is not obvious to everyone. Some religions place restrictions on eating animal foods. There are fasts in almost all Christian denominations; Buddhists often practice vegetarianism and generally exclude meat food products from your diet. However, fish and dishes made from it are usually allowed.

Including sterlet in the diet during Lent is an excellent way out of this situation. Moreover Lenten recipes The preparation of this fish has been developed for a very long time. Mentions of Lenten dishes made from sterlet are found both in Domostroy (a monument of secular literature of the 15th-16th centuries) and among writers of everyday life of the Russian people (for example, Melnikov-Pechersky).

Use of sterlet in medicine

Diseases of the cardiovascular system are the leading cause of death among people over 50 years of age. Most often, these diseases are a consequence of systemic atherosclerosis, which occurs due to impaired cholesterol metabolism.

Sterlet contains a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids. These are mainly omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated acids. These substances not only improve metabolic processes in the body, but are also unique antagonists of bad cholesterol.

When consuming polyunsaturated fatty acids with food, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques slows down. Thus, including sterlet in the diet is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, omega-3 increases the level of serotonin, a natural antidepressant, in the blood. Therefore, during periods of depression, the use of sterlet is indicated.

The meat of this fish contains a lot of iodine. Iodine deficiency leads to disruption of the thyroid gland, and this deficiency can be compensated for by eating sterlet.

Use of sterlet products in cosmetology

Sterlet is not used directly in cosmetology. True, doctors advise increasing the amount of fatty fish for people suffering from psoriasis.

Sturgeon caviar, that is, black caviar, is actively used in cosmetology. It has been established that the substances contained in the eggs have a beneficial effect on skin cells. Hair becomes shiny and healthy when using caviar cosmetics.

A study conducted in Israel found that caviar has the ability to stimulate skin cells to synthesize collagen. Nowadays, creams and masks based on black caviar are produced by several well-known companies. This cosmetics is quite expensive, but the effect of its use exceeds all expectations.

Sterlet caviar mask recipe

You can use the most at home simple recipe nourishing mask made from natural sterlet caviar. It must be mixed with your nourishing cream and applied to the skin. One mask will require approximately one teaspoon of caviar.

There are many recipes for masks, almost as many as there are cooking recipes. The most important thing is to start gradually and observe the skin reaction. After all, if individual intolerance is revealed, the skin will not become younger or fresher, but on the contrary: using caviar can cause irritation.

Sterlet for weight loss

Excess weight is a problem for many homebodies these days. The reason is physical inactivity and poor nutrition. Modern nutritionists have developed many nutritional systems, among which the fish diet is deservedly popular. It lies in the fact that many dishes include fish and products made from it.

Sterlet as a fish that is rich in protein and low in fat (Volga sterlet spring-caught is preferable) is recommended for use during a fish diet. The calorie content of low-fat sterlet is 88 kcal per 100 g. If you boil it, the calorie content will decrease. Therefore, during the diet it is recommended to eat this fish boiled.

The rules of the fish diet are briefly as follows:

  • in all dishes where meat is usually present, it is replaced with fish;
  • water consumption increases sharply;
  • It is recommended to eat in small portions, six times a day.

Since sterlet contains absolutely no carbohydrates, it is recommended for consumption as part of the Kremlin diet.

Good to know

Sterlet is incredibly tasty, which is why it was often served at the royal table. A distinctive feature of this fish is that it is extremely difficult to spoil a dish made from it.

There are a lot of recipes for cooking sterlet, but it is recommended to choose those that highlight the unique taste of sterlet. It can be served stewed with tomatoes and onions. Moreover, this noble fish is stewed in wine. In this case, it is better to choose a simpler side dish: vegetables or boiled potatoes.

Sterlet fish soup is an attribute of Russian cuisine and an element of national flavor. To prepare it you will need:

  • sterlet – half a kilogram,
  • small freshwater fish – 1 kg,
  • onion - one medium-sized head,
  • carrots - two medium size,
  • parsley and celery, root - one of each,
  • potatoes – 4-5 medium-sized pieces,
  • rice - 4 tablespoons.


Chop or grate celery, parsley, carrots, pour three liters of cold water. Small fish can be wrapped in gauze or canvas and set to cook. Carefully remove the foam from the boiling broth, add bay leaves and peppercorns.

When the fish detail produces fat, it can be removed from the broth. Cut the potatoes and place them in a saucepan, add rice, salt, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes over medium heat.

After this, cut the sterlet into portions and place it in the pan. You need to cook the sterlet for another 10-15 minutes, after which the fish soup is ready.

How to clean sterlet

It is best to use fresh, freshly dried fish. To do this, you can put it in the freezer for an hour.

Royal fish does not need to be cleaned like ordinary river fish. If you don’t clean it at all, nothing special will happen. The skin will come off the already cooked carcass.

The skin of the sterlet is as tough as sandpaper, but only the growths on the skin, which are called bugs, are cut off. They are located on the back and sides. The dorsal bugs must be cut off with a knife, and the side bugs can be cleaned off in the same way as the scales of river fish are usually cleaned.

Sturgeons also have a so-called viziga - a vein that stretches along the spine. If you don't get it, the meat can become poisonous.

To remove the vizig (it is not difficult to notice - it is white), you need to make an incision at the tail and at the head, then carefully pull it out. After this, the fish must be washed thoroughly.

There are people who love raw fish. I am one of them. The other day I became the owner of 2 small sterlets. I myself have never caught such a noble fish, even though I am a fisherman with great experience. Of course, it was immediately decided that I would use one of the sterlets for planing. Many people are disgusted and wary of raw fish. But in this regard, sterlet is very tasty and is considered very rich in vitamins. Once upon a time I myself didn’t understand how you could eat raw fish, but having tried it, now I can’t refuse. Of course, stroganina made from nobler fish such as nelma or muksun is even tastier. But sterlet is also not a simple fish; it belongs to the sturgeon family. I love it for the softness of the meat and the absence of bones and for its accessibility. There's one fillet here. The sterlet has no bones, but only one ridge in which the vizier is located. Viziga is a cord that gives flexibility to the sterlet's spine. To be honest, I cleaned the sterlet myself for the first time and learned about how to do it on the Internet.

Well, here is my fish. First you need to clean it. To do this, you need to rip open the abdomen and take out the insides. Scald the fish with boiling water and remove the skin on the back and sides. Cut out the gills and freeze. For stroganina, fish should be frozen only once and preferably immediately after catching. The word stroganina comes from the word “plane”. After all, frozen fish is planed, resulting in thin pieces. And this stroganina is served with pepper and salt. You can immediately sprinkle the fish with pepper and salt, or you can serve the spices separately and everyone can salt themselves as they wish. It is best to cut frozen fish along the back from the tail to the head into thin strips, and then roll them into a roll. But no matter how you cut the fish, its taste does not change. I preferred to cut it as usual, as it turned out.

I froze the cleaned fish.

Now I took out the frozen sterlet and let it thaw a little to make it easier to cut. Very frozen fish are not cut, but break into fragments.
I cut a piece from it.

Cut into thin slices and salt.

Sprinkled black pepper on top. And that’s it, the fish is ready.
For lovers of raw fish, this is simply delicious.

It’s not for nothing that sterlet enjoys the reputation of being the king’s fish. Not a single royal meal was complete without it, and as the main dish. And under Peter I they even began to breed her in Peterhof so that great sovereign I could eat this fish every day.

Like all the most valuable fish, sterlet belongs to the Sturgeon family. It is found in the Black, Baltic, Caspian and Azov seas, as well as in lakes, Onega and Ladoga, and in rivers, for example, in the Volga, Ob, Northern Dvina and Pyasina. Sterlet was artificially released into Onega, Amur, Neman, Pechora and Oka. This valuable commercial fish has long been the object of pond and lake farming.

Sterlet is very picky about its living conditions, and therefore it can be considered a kind of indicator of the level of water purity, because it will not live in dirty and oxygen-poor water.

In appearance, this fish is very recognizable, thanks to its peculiar thin nose and closed dorsal scutes. It is characterized by its large size, small mustache with fringe and a bipartite lower lip. The sterlet does not have ordinary scales, but its body is covered with bony scutes, which are located on it in five rows. Two rows run along the edges of the fish’s belly, two more stretch along the sides, and the most powerful is located along the ridge. Where there are no scutes, the body remains naked or is covered with fractional bony scutes.

The color range of this fish varies depending on its habitat, but in most cases gray and grayish-brown shades predominate. Some individuals can reach up to one and a half meters in length, with a maximum weight of 12 kg. However, the average parameters of a sterlet are 50-60 cm in height and 1-3 kg in weight.

Among its sturgeon counterparts, the sterlet ranks first in terms of fertility. Its elongated eggs are smaller than sturgeon eggs, but in value they are not inferior to rare beluga caviar.

It is believed that sterlet is our Russian national treasure. It is not for nothing that the image of this fish is present on the coats of arms of Saratov and Belozersk, and the Krasnodar city of Yeisk immortalized this fish both in the coat of arms and on the flag.

The royal fish, which was ordered to be bred in Peterhof so that Peter I would not depend on irregular supplies, forever became a symbol of the festive feast. Its undoubted advantages include the fact that you do not need to have special culinary skills to cook sterlet for either the king or the president. In general, this fish is extremely difficult to spoil, since its taste will always be excellent, the main thing is not to oversalt or pepper it. There are apparently no recipes with this fish, but it is best to choose those that contain ingredients that can highlight the uniqueness of the sterlet. For example, it can be served stewed in white wine with tomatoes and onions, or baked with berry sauce. And the side dish for such dishes should be as simple as possible: boiled potatoes with butter or fresh vegetables.

Pies, pies and sterlet jelly - dishes of traditional Russian cuisine - are very tasty described in many works of Russian classics. And sterlet fish soup, dearly loved by Russian merchants, was intended to be served only to the most dear guests, in order to show them honor and respect. This kind of fish soup is also prepared in modern restaurants; it is boiled in chicken broth and then diluted with champagne.

Steamed and smoked, sterlet is good for salads. The most successful combinations are with cucumbers (no matter salted or fresh), potatoes, carrots, eggs and green peas. Smoked sterlet comes with a sauce made with white wine and fish broth with a drop of lemon juice, dill and onion.

Composition and beneficial features

The value of this fish lies in its high content of zinc, fluorine, molybdenum and nickel. Vitamin PP and omega3 acids have a very good effect on brain activity and blood circulation, so sterlet helps maintain cardiovascular system is normal, and the likelihood of getting a heart attack is greatly reduced, in addition, this fish helps reduce the risk of low-quality tumors.

Sterlet belongs to the sturgeon family, and we can say that it is perhaps the most remarkable fish of all sturgeon species. Even despite its relatively small size.

The fish thrives in the freshwater rivers of Russia and Siberia.

Thanks to research by scientists, sterlet has been studied much better than other types of sturgeon.

Composition of sterlet

The energy value of sterlet is 88 kilocalories per 100 grams of edible portion.

The chemical composition is as follows:

  • fats;
  • proteins;
  • water.

Sterlet is rich in Niacin equivalent - vitamin PP.

The composition of macro and microelements in sterlet is as follows:

  • chlorine;
  • zinc;
  • fluorine;
  • chromium;
  • nickel;
  • molybdenum.

Benefits of sterlet

Red fish is not a red fish. This is the traditional name for delicious fish species, beautiful fish - sterlet, sturgeon, beluga, as well as salmon. These types of fish are considered not only beautiful, but also very valuable due to their inherent beneficial properties.

Sterlet, like other red fish, is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, which reduce cholesterol levels and improve intracellular metabolic processes.

A lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids leads to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. These fatty acids are considered essential because human body cannot synthesize them independently.

Eating sterlet prevents atherosclerosis and blockage of blood vessels, myocardial infarction, increases concentration and improves mental activity.

Omega-3s help maintain joint tone, protect body cells from aging, and give beauty to skin and hair.

Eating red fish weekly helps prevent eye diseases in old age.

Fish should be present in our diet at least a couple of times a week. This alone reduces the risk of arrhythmia or heart attack by three times.

Sturgeon fish, including sterlet, contain large quantities of fluoride, which promotes bone growth.

Fish supplies the body with high-quality protein, just like meat.

Among other foods, fish contains almost the largest amount of selenium, which combats negative environmental impacts on the body, and iodine, which is necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland.

By eating fish as often as possible, we reduce the risk of disease.

Harm and contraindications

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Contained in large quantities in fish, they can be harmful in large quantities to people who have problems with the pancreas.

At all. An overdose of omega-3s can cause serious problems with the adrenal glands.

You need to buy fish of good quality and in such a form that there is no doubt about its proper storage. After all, technology defects threaten the dangers of diseases such as botulism, worms, and histamine poisoning.

Histamine is produced in large quantities during bacterial decomposition. Manifested by symptoms such as severe redness of the face, vomiting, nausea, and skin rashes.

In this case, special smoke treatment is a guarantee of safety, although the benefits will be somewhat reduced.

This does not apply to fish smoked using the “liquid smoke” method, a substitute for natural smoke. Fish prepared in this way is harmful to health: if consumed frequently, the mucous membrane of the stomach is corroded, causing various gastrointestinal diseases.

Fish smoked in “liquid smoke” smoking liquid has a too bright golden or orange color, smudges and uneven coloring.

Naturally smoked fish is much drier.

Treating fish with salt blocks the healing effect of omega-3 fatty polyunsaturated acids on the heart and blood vessels, because salt, on the contrary, increases blood pressure.

Sterlet in weight loss

It is known that fish is much lower in calories than meat. And at the same time, in some cases, it surpasses meat in the content of substances necessary for full health.

Any fish, even fatty ones, is an indispensable product for people who watch their figure and care about their health.

And the calorie content of sterlet is only 88 kilocalories per hundred grams of product.

Culinary delights in this case allow you to steam sterlet, in the ear, bake and stew.

Sterlet in cooking

Tsar's ear

This fish, in any form, retains the amazing taste of its white meat. Sterlet fish soup is a favorite dish of Russian merchants. The famous Tsar's fish soup is prepared by first boiling small fish, then larger fish, and then sterlet. Sometimes caviar is also added to this fish soup.

Sterlet fillet can be baked, stewed, steamed, fried, or cooked aspic.

Cutting the sterlet begins from the back, from where you need to cut off the bugs - large scales. Then the scales are cleaned off from the sides and abdomen. The abdomen is cut, the gills and entrails are removed, and the elm is removed. At the end, the fish is thoroughly washed and dried (you can wipe with a towel).

Wine and champagne go harmoniously with the taste of sterlet. Wine can be added to the dish when stewing, and a glass of champagne will not hurt your ear.

When boiling and baking, the fish retains the greatest amount of nutrients.

Fish solyanka


  • 800 grams of sterlet;
  • 250 grams of onions;
  • 2 pickled cucumbers;
  • 60 grams of capers;
  • 150 grams of olives;
  • 150 grams of tomato paste;
  • 60 grams of butter;
  • lemon;
  • 2.5 liters of fish broth.

We fillet the fish with skin without cartilage and cut into pieces. Place chopped and sauteed onions, pickles, capers with brine into the boiling broth, tomato paste, spices and pieces of fish. Cook until done. Olives, a slice of lemon and finely chopped herbs are placed on a plate.

The calorie content of hodgepodge is about one hundred kilocalories.

Jellied sterlet


  • one sterlet fish;
  • 2 kg of small river fish;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 onions;
  • 5 pieces of carrots;
  • a handful of raisins; 1 tablespoon sugar;
  • 5 bay leaves;
  • greens and parsley root;
  • black peppercorns;
  • gelatin;
  • salt.

After gutting the sterlet and removing the gills, wash it and place it in a wide saucepan. We clean and gut small fish, wash them and put them there. Add carrots, onions, peppers and parsley root. Fill with cold water and bring to a boil, removing the scale. After boiling, cook over low heat without covering the pan with a lid.

You need to cook the fish for two hours, adding half a glass of cold water a couple of times during cooking and skimming off any foam that forms. Half an hour before cooking, pour a handful of raisins into the pan.

When the pan has cooled, take out the sterlet, cut it into portions and place it on a deep dish.

Strain the broth and dissolve gelatin and salt in it.

As soon as the broth begins to harden, pour it into the dish with the sterlet and refrigerate for 45 minutes.

After this time, beautifully lay out the carrots on the frozen surface of the aspic, boiled eggs, parsley. Place the aspic in the cold until it completely hardens.

Lilia Yurkanis
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